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目的:探讨螺旋CT扫描及三维重建技术在股骨颈骨折分型及治疗中的应用价值。方法:选择2010年5月~2013年5月期间我院收治的股骨颈骨折患者237例为研究对象,根据患者扫描检查方式的不同将其分为对照组(112例)和观察组(125例),对照组患者行髋关节X线正位扫描,观察组行髋关节正位64排螺旋CT扫描,两组均根据扫描结果进行分型并制定相应的治疗方案,比较两组患者骨折内固定手术后2年的股骨头坏死率及骨折不愈合率。结果:两组行骨折内固定手术比例比较,差异无统计学意义(P0.05);术后2年,对照组股骨头坏死5例(22.73%),骨不连6例(27.27%);观察组股骨头坏死1例(3.70%),骨不连1例(3.70%),观察组患者股骨头坏死率及骨折不愈合率均显著低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:螺旋CT扫描及三维重建成像能够全面、准确显示股骨颈骨折的损伤情况,有助于骨折的正确分型和治疗方法的选择,改善预后。  相似文献   

目的:观察脐带间充质干细胞治疗粉碎性骨折的疗效和安全性。方法:将脐带间充质干细胞通静脉输注和局部多点注射到常规治疗效果欠佳自愿接受干细胞移植的1例粉碎性骨折患者,4次为一个疗程,每周间隔1次,每次治疗细胞总数(3~7)×107。术后1、3、6月定期观察患者临床症状及影像学的变化并进行动态观察。结果:脐带间充质干细胞治疗后一月,患者在不帮助的情况下可独立缓慢行走,复查X线提示骨折部位有新生骨形成;干细胞治疗后三月,复查X线提示骨折愈合较前好转;半年后,患者右下肢受力明显好转,可以独立自由行走,复查X线提示右下肢骨折部位有连续性骨痂形成,骨折部位愈合良好。结论:脐带间充质干细胞移植治疗粉碎性骨折是一种安全、有效的手段,可促进粉碎性骨折的愈合,改善其生活质量。  相似文献   

目的:评价富血小板血浆联合同种异体骨治疗非感染性骨不连的临床疗效。方法:回顾性分析我院创伤骨科2010年2月-2015年1月的非感染性骨不连患者,比较同种异体骨加富血小板血浆混合物与自体髂骨植骨治疗非感染性骨不连的疗效。结果:两组共随访非感染性骨不连患者69例,全部进行了术中断端植骨,其中富血小板血浆联合同种异体骨植骨组(PRP组)21例,其中愈合19例,未愈合2例,临床愈合率90.5%。自体髂骨植骨组(自体骨组)48例,愈合44例,4例未愈合,临床愈合率91.6%。PRP组平均手术持续时间为(108.73±13.91),自体骨组为(120.54±13.87)min,两组间有统计学意义(P0.05)。术后3月,PRP组患者X线骨痂评价标准平均评分值为(2.54±0.43)分,自体骨组为(2.62±0.45)分,两组间差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:富血小板血浆混合同种异体骨植骨治疗骨不连较传统自体髂骨植骨可缩短手术时间,避免供骨区并发症,修复效果良好,为骨不连的治疗提供了一个新的方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨锁定加压钢板(Locked compression plate,LCP)结合自体髂骨联合重组合异种骨(recombinant bone xenograft,RBX)植骨治疗非感染萎缩型肱骨干骨不连的疗效及相关体会。方法:于2009年2月-2015年9月期间,应用LCP结合自体髂骨联合RBX植骨治疗了15例非感染萎缩型肱骨干骨不连。结果:本组获随访9-29个月,骨不连均获得愈合。肩关节功能优良率86.7%,肘关节功能优良率100%。结论:依据本组研究及相关文献报道,LCP结合自体髂骨植骨联合RBX植骨可提高骨不连愈合率。  相似文献   

目的:探索自体骨髓间充质干细胞(Mesenchymal stem cells,MSCs)复合双相磷酸钙陶瓷(Biphasic calcium phosphate ceramics,BCP)在腰椎骨折患者脊柱融合中的应用。方法:收集我院住院腰椎骨折患者50例,随机分为两组:MSCs复合BCP组和自体髂骨组。MSCs复合BCP组中,体外分离培养患者自体MSCs,复合BCP材料后共聚焦显微镜观察细胞和材料复合生长状况;然后回植于胸腰椎体骨折处,采用后路腰椎椎体间融合术(PLIF),钛合金椎弓根钉棒系统作脊柱内固定。自体髂骨组中,用患者自体髂骨代替BCP骨移植物。术前、术后1、3、6、12个月行X线和CT检查,同时采用Lenke字母分级评价脊柱融合情况,LBOS评分评价临床疗效,Cobb角评价患者伤椎复位效果。结果:两组患者术后6个月Lenke字母分级法表明两组患者均为A、B级,无C、D级;LBOS评分表明MSCs复合BCP组的优良率为68%(17/25),自体髂骨组优良率为76%(19/25);Cobb角结果表明两组伤椎复位效果良好。所有数据两组差异无明显统计学意义(P0.05)。结论:MSCs复合BCP材料是一种优良的促进脊柱融合方法,可替代自体髂骨移植。  相似文献   

目的:探讨应力叩击仪促进胫骨骨折外固定架术后骨折愈合的临床价值。方法:选取132例胫骨骨折患者为研究对象,随机抽样法分成研究组和对照组两组,各66例。对照组采用术后常规干预方案,研究组予以术后应力叩击仪叩击治疗方案。比对两组患者的骨不愈合率、骨延迟愈合率、骨折愈合时间、完全负重时间、骨折6个月时Lane-Sandhu X线评分及Johner-wruh评估情况。结果:1研究组骨不愈合率及骨延迟愈合率分别为4.5%和7.6%,均显著低于对照组的19.7%和22.7%(P0.05);2研究组骨折愈合时间及完全负重时间分别为(82.6±9.2)d和(101.5±10.5)d,均显著短于对照组的(105.9±10.3)d和(122.4±10.3)d,(P0.05);对照组骨折6个月时Lane-Sandhu X线评分为(2.2±0.5)分,显著低于研究组的(3.0±0.5)分,(P0.05);3研究组骨折6个月时Johner-wruh优良率为90.1%,显著高于对照组的75.8%(P0.05)。结论:应力叩击仪应用于胫骨骨折患者外固定架手术后的康复治疗中,可有效缩短骨折愈合时间、提高骨折愈合率,对加快骨痂生长速度、促进病情转归有利。  相似文献   

为了确定绵羊羊膜上皮细胞在体内向骨组织的分化能力,实验在分离培养绵羊羊膜上皮细胞并对其进行干细胞特性的鉴定的基础上,制作新西兰大白兔桡骨13mm骨缺损模型,随机分组对其进行注射绵羊羊膜上皮细胞实验。高剂量组:移植细胞5×107个;低剂量组:移植细胞5×106个;对照组:生理盐水。细胞移植后2、4、8周拍摄X光片观察骨缺损部位的缺损修复情况;相应时段取骨缺损部位新生骨进行组织学观察:分析骨小梁生成数量和骨的改建时期。实验结果显示,高剂量实验组在移入细胞第8周,骨缺损完全修复,且同期高剂量组新骨生成的数量和质量明显高于低剂量组,低剂量组优于对照组。由此可见,绵羊羊膜上皮细胞不仅可以在不同种动物间进行移植,而且对骨缺损有良好的修复能力。  相似文献   

目的:探讨微波高温灭活及自体髂骨、异体骨粒复合骨水泥修复骨巨细胞瘤病灶刮除后骨缺损的临床应用效果。方法:应用原位分离插入式微波天线高温灭活技术,自体髂骨、异体骨粒复合骨水泥修复21例长骨骨巨细胞瘤术后骨缺损,从手术技术、肿瘤复发情况、肢体关节功能等方面全面综合评价此方法临床应用效果。结果:21例患者均获得骨性愈合,无骨折及内固定断裂发生,2例复发,复发率9.8%;肢体关节功能优18例(85.7%)、良3例(14.3%)、中差0例。结论:微波高温能彻底杀灭肿瘤组织降低复发率,自体髂骨保证与近关节软骨下骨愈合,异体骨粒复合骨水泥能良好充填残余瘤腔、且具有良好的生物力学性能,以防发生关节软骨面塌陷。  相似文献   

目的:评价扩髓更换髓内钉治疗髓内钉固定后股骨干肥大性骨不连的临床疗效及手术适应症。方法:自1998年4月至2009年6月采用扩髓更换髓内钉治疗11例髓内钉固定后股骨干肥大性骨不连,其中男9例,女2例,年龄23-61岁。平均36.2岁,骨折部位在股骨上1/3者2例;中1/3者6例;下1/3者3例,原始骨折Winquist-Hansen分型:I型2例,II型3例,III型4例,IV型2例。结果:11例患者均获随访,时间:11~56个月,平均27.4个月,2例患肢短缩1 cm。另4例未获得骨性愈合,3例再次采用附加钢板合并自体髂骨植骨,1例远端锁钉动力化,再次干预后获得骨性愈合,愈合时间6~16个月,平均8.3个月。结论:扩髓更换髓内钉是治疗髓内钉固定后股骨肥大性骨不连的传统方法,基于力学稳定和临床观察,更适用于股骨中段骨不连。  相似文献   

目的:探讨DEXA对骨髓炎骨缺损治疗中骨痂密度的评价及意义。方法:严格按照纳入排除标准,选取21例骨髓炎清创后伴大段皮质骨缺损一期植骨的病人。术后4,6,8,10个月后对骨折端骨痂行双能X线骨密度仪检测,并进行X摄片以及Enneking评分,从而明确植骨区愈合骨痂的密度变化趋势,骨愈合情况以及症状改善情况。结果:(1)X线摄片结果显示:4个月后:骨缺损区依然清晰可见,内有少量稀疏骨痂通过,少量外骨痂形成。6个月后:植骨区内骨痂含量明显增多,且外骨痂膨大。8个月:缺损区模糊,有较致密骨痂生成,且外骨痂逐渐减少。10个月:植骨区骨痂更加致密,且部份髓腔再通。(2)Enneking评分:患者术后第10个月功能恢复情况评估正常功能20例,20分以下的患者1例。(3)BMD测定:骨折端的骨密度及骨密度比率随时间延长而增加,植骨10个月后患侧的骨密度已可基本上达到正常对照侧的骨密度水平。结论:双能X线骨密度测量从一定程度上反映出骨痂的力学强度特性。在感染性骨缺损治疗中可以作为检测植骨区的恢复情况的参考。  相似文献   



Treatment of femoral neck fractures in young adults may require total hip arthroplasty or hip hemiarthroplasty using a bipolar cup. The latter can, however, result in migration of the femoral head and poor long-term results.

Case presentation

We report a case of femoral head migration after hemiarthroplasty performed for femoral neck fracture that had occurred 22 years earlier, when the patient (a Japanese man) was 20 years old. He experienced peri-prosthetic fracture of the femur, subsequent migration of the prosthesis, and a massive bone defect of the pelvic side acetabular roof. After bone union of the femoral shaft fracture, the patient was referred to our hospital for reconstruction of the acetabular roof. Intra-operatively, we placed two alloimplants of bone from around the transplanted femoral head into the weight-bearing region of the acetabular roof using an impaction bone graft method. We then implanted an acetabular roof reinforcement plate and a cemented polyethylene cup in the position of the original acetabular cup. Eighteen months post-operatively, X-rays showed union of the transplanted bone.


Treatment of femoral neck fractures in young adults is usually accomplished by osteosynthesis, but it may be complicated by femoral head avascular necrosis or by infection or osteomyelitis. In such cases, once an infection has subsided, either hip hemiarthroplasty using a bipolar cup or total hip arthroplasty may be required. However, if the acetabular side articular cartilage is damaged, a bipolar cup should not be used. Total hip arthroplasty should be performed to prevent migration of the implant.  相似文献   

A prospective study of fractures of the femoral neck was conducted over 12 months in order to ascertain the relevance of generalised osteoporosis as determined by metacarpal morphometry. A series of some 200 women sustaining a fracture of the femoral neck after minor trauma had bone mass measurements similar to those of a control population of normal women, and 16% were not osteoporotic. A history of previous fractures was documented in one third of the women, but this was unrelated to the presence or severity of osteoporosis, although over half of the fractures had occurred within the previous four years. Trochanteric fractures were seen more commonly in severely osteoporotic women (p less than 0.005), whereas cervical fractures predominated in those who were not osteoporotic. These findings support the hypothesis that postural instability is the major determinant for femoral neck fracture and that generalised osteoporosis, rather than being a prerequisite for fracture, merely determines the type of fracture sustained.  相似文献   

Age-related bone remodeling may cause fragility of the femoral neck, thereby increasing fracture risk in elderly populations. We investigated the effects of age-remodeling and stress-reduction on the femoral neck region using the Finite Strip Method (FSM). We verified the possibility that the femoral neck is likely to undergo fracture through two mechanisms: yielding and local buckling. We hypothesized that the femoral necks of young subjects are more prone to fracture by yielding, whereas those of elderly subjects are more susceptible to fracture initiated by local buckling. The slices from the CT-scans of 15 subjects corresponding to the lowest area moment of inertia were segregated into cortex and trabeculae. Geometric and material properties for each strip were obtained from the CT-scans. The FSM, proposed here as an approximation to the better-known Finite Element Method (FEM), was implemented on a model comprising both cortex and trabeculae. Finite strip (FS) analyses were performed on models that incorporated the effects of age-related bone remodeling, as well as a reduction in physiological stress on the bone (as a result of weight loss). Comparisons were made with similar FS analyses performed on only the cortical shell, in order to ascertain the contributions of the trabeculae to femoral neck strength. We observed that the femoral necks of simulated young subjects manifested a marked predisposition to undergo yielding, whereas the femoral neck models of simulated elderly subjects were more prone to buckling before yielding. The trabecular degradation and cortical thinning involved in aging render the femoral neck more susceptible to failure by buckling.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to evaluate the relationship between the time from femoral neck fracture and the content of transforming growth factor-beta1 (TGF-beta1), interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) and collagenase activity in bone samples of the femoral neck. The material consisted of 42 cancellous bone samples from the femoral neck collected from patients after the femoral neck fracture during hip replacement procedure. The content of TGF-beta1, IL-1beta in bone samples was measured with the use of enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) and collagenase activity was measured with spectrofluorimetry. The mean content of TGF-beta1/total protein was 2.29 pg/microg (range from 0.9 to 4.0). The mean content of IL-1beta was 4.93 fg/microg (range from 1.4 to 12.5). The mean activity of collagenase was 49.08 nU/microg (range from 5.6 to 113.7). The content of TGF-beta1 and IL-1beta decreased after the injury. In case of TGF-beta1 the difference was statistically significant (p<0.05). The activity of collagenase was statistically significantly increasing in relation to time from the fracture (p<0.05). We found no correlation between the content of TGF- beta1, IL-1beta and the activity of collagenase and the age and the sex of the patients. Also, no significant discrepancies were found between the examined cytokines in relation to the bone loss of the femoral neck according to Singh's scale. These results confirm mutual changes of activity between examined cytokines in the area of fractured bone.  相似文献   

Dual X-ray and Laser (DXL) adds a measure of the external thickness of the heel, measured by laser, to a conventional measurement of bone mineral density (BMD) of the calcaneus, using Dual energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA). The addition of heel thickness aims at a better separation of fatty tissue from bone than the standard method of DXA, which may mistake fatty tissue for bone and vice versa. The primary aim of this study was to evaluate whether DXL of the calcaneus can be used to assess the 10-year risk of fractures. Secondary aims were to compare the predictive ability of DXL with the two most established methods, Dual energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) of the hip and spine and the WHO fracture risk assessment tool, FRAX. In 1999 a cohort of 388 elderly Swedish women (mean age 73.2 years) was examined with all three methods. Prospective fracture data was collected in 2010 from health care registers. One SD decrease in BMD of the heel resulted in an age-adjusted Hazard Ratio (HR) of 1.47 for a hip fracture (95% CI 1.09–1.98). Harrell’s C is the Cox regression counterpart of the Area Under Curve (AUC) of the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) as a measure of predictive accuracy. Harrell’s C for BMD of the calcaneus was 0.65 for prediction of hip fractures. These results were not significantly different from those for BMD of the femoral neck or for FRAX. The HR for a hip fracture, for one SD decrease in BMD at the femoral neck, was 1.72 (95% CI 1.21–2.44. Harrell’s C was 0.67 for BMD at the femoral neck and 0.59 for FRAX. We conclude that DXL of the calcaneus could be a useful tool for fracture risk assessments.  相似文献   

The immunologic consequences of transplantation of vascularized bone allografts have not been previously characterized. In this study, knee allografts, both vascularized and nonvascularized, were transplanted from Lewis rats to Brown Norway rats across a strong histocompatibility barrier. A total of 66 transplants and 8 control animals were evaluated. The vascularized knee grafts consisted of 1 cm of proximal tibia and distal femur with a minimal muscular cuff isolated on the femoral vessels, and these were transplanted to a heterotopic, subcutaneous position on the abdominal wall of the recipient rat. Nonvascularized allografts (identical but without anastomoses) were transplanted for comparison. The cell-mediated response was measured by lymphocytotoxicity assay, and the humoral response was measured by cytotoxic antibody assay, both employing 51Cr-labeled target cells. The timing and intensity of the immune response differed according to the type of graft. The vascularized bone allografts generated significant cell-mediated and humoral responses as early as 5 days posttransplant. A significant humoral response in nonvascularized bone allografts was not apparent until day 14, while cell-mediated response in these grafts was variable. These findings were correlated with the histologic appearance of the grafted tissue. Cyclosporine, which was administered to one group of vascularized bone allografts, resulted in the suppression of both types of immune responses. The histologic appearance of this group resembled that of isografts transplanted as controls. The clinical application of vascularized bone allografts may offer significant advantages over nonvascularized allografts in the reconstruction of massive bone defects. Complications such as nonunion, fracture, and collapse of articular segments seen in nonvascularized allograft transplantation may be avoided by preservation of the blood supply to the graft. Characterization of the immune response to vascularized bone allografts may subsequently allow the manipulation of the host and/or graft tissue and promote graft incorporation.  相似文献   

目的:探究骨密度与老年髋部骨折股骨近端三维有限元模型密度的关系。方法:选取8 例老年髋部骨折,其中4 例股骨颈骨 折,4 例股骨转子间骨折;左侧肢体3 例,右侧肢体5 例。分别测定腰椎骨密度和双侧髋关节CT 资料,运用Mimics软件和abaqus 软件对健侧股骨近端进行重建和计算出该模型的密度。结果:股骨转子间骨折组腰椎骨密度为(-4.05± 0.24) g/cm2,三维有限元模 型密度为[(1.15± 0.02)× 106],均低于股骨颈骨折组的(-3.15± 0.54) g/cm2,[(1.34± 0.06)× 106],两组比较差异均有统计学意义(均 P<0.05)。腰椎的骨密度与三维有限元模型密度成线性正相关(r=0.881,P=0.004)。结论:骨密度与老年髋部骨折股骨近端三维有限 元模型密度成线性正相关的关系,可为进一步用有限元分析法探讨老年髋部骨折部位与骨密度的关系提供理论依据。  相似文献   

In women with osteoporosis, each 1% improvement in spine BMD (by DXA) is expected to reduce vertebral fracture risk by about 4%. However, randomized trials of antiresorptive agents show that 1 to 6% improvements in spine BMD reduce vertebral fracture risk by 35 to 50%. Less 20% of the decreased spine fracture risk produced by alendronate or raloxifene be explained by improvement in spine BMD. The discrepancy is even greater during the first year or two of treatment when 1 to 4% improvements in BMD are associated with 65-68% decreases in spine fracture risk. Bisphosphonates continue to increase BMD but the reduction in fracture risk wanes to 20 to 45%. DXA underestimates the change in bone density of spinal trabecular bone and this might explain part of the discrepancy between expected and observed reductions in spine fracture risk. Even more accurate measurement of BMD would not explain the rapid onset and later waning of effect despite gradually increasing BMD. The biomechanical effects inhibiting bone resorption could explain the early onset but not the waning effectiveness. The waning effectiveness of antiresorptives raises concerns that prolonged inhibition of remodeling may weaken bone by allowing microdamage to accumulate. The effect of drugs on nonspine fracture risk is more complex and cannot be predicted from changes in DXA BMD. For example, Beck showed that long-term users of estrogen increase section modulus vs. nonusers with a net increase in section modulus and predicted femoral neck strength despite losing about 0.4% per year in femoral neck BMD. PTH reduces spine fracture risk and this effect is more completely explained by improvement in spine BMD. This suggests that sustaining the increased BMD produced by PTH may maintain long-term reductions in fracture risk.  相似文献   

Pelvic and femoral neck bone surface strains were recorded in five full-body human cadaver vehicle-pedestrian impacts. Impacts were performed at 40 km/h using automotive front ends constructed to represent those used in previously reported finite element simulations. While experimental kinematics and bone strains closely matched model predictions, observed pelvic fractures did not consistently agree with the model, and could not be solely explained by vehicle geometry. In an attempt to reconcile injury outcome with factors apart from vehicle design, a proxy measure of subject skeletal health was assessed by high-resolution quantitative computed tomography (HRqCT) of the femoral neck. The incidence of hip/pelvis fracture was found to be consistent with low volumetric bone mineral density and low trabecular bone density. This finding lends quantitative support to the notion that healthy trabecular architecture is crucial in withstanding non-physiological impact loads. Furthermore, it is recommended that injury criteria used to assess vehicle safety with regard to pedestrians consider the increased susceptibility of elderly victims to pelvic fracture.  相似文献   

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