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组蛋白共价修饰作为表观遗传修饰的重要部分,主要包括乙酰化和甲酰化、甲基化、磷酸化、泛素化和SUMO化等,它们形成一个复杂的网络共同调控基因的表达,其中组蛋白甲基化修饰成为研究的热点,甲基化主要发生在赖氨酸残基上。近年来,随着有关植物组蛋白赖氨酸甲基化修饰研究的不断深入,发现其通过改变自身赖氨酸残基的甲基化状态和甲基化程度,形成转录激活或者转录抑制标记,调控基因的表达,在植物开花和逆境胁迫的响应过程中起着至关重要的作用。H3组蛋白的赖氨酸甲基化修饰能够调控FLC基因和有关抗性基因的表达,具体表现为:H3K4的三甲基化促进FLC的表达,H3K27的三甲基化则抑制FLC的表达;H3K4me3作为转录激活标记,可激活PtdIns5P基因的表达,启动响应干旱的脂质合成信号通路,响应干旱胁迫;相反,H3K27me3作为一种转录抑制标记,低水平的H3K27me3诱导COR15A和ATGOLS3基因表达,它们分别编码叶绿体低温保护蛋白Cor15am和肌醇半乳糖合成酶GOLS,以抵抗寒冷胁迫。文章主要综述了植物组蛋白赖氨酸甲基化修饰参与DNA甲基化、开花过程以及应答逆境胁迫的分子机制。  相似文献   

表观遗传学主要包括DNA甲基化、组蛋白修饰和非编码RNA,组蛋白甲基化作为组蛋白修饰中的一种重要修饰,在植物体的发育和环境适应中发挥着重要作用。组蛋白甲基化主要发生在赖氨酸残基上,同时根据不同的赖氨酸位点和每个赖氨酸位点甲基化程度的不同,形成了不同的赖氨酸甲基化修饰。根据对基因的不同功能,通常将组蛋白赖氨酸甲基化修饰分为2大类:(1)能够促进基因表达的,如H3K4me3和H3K36me3;(2)能够抑制基因表达的,如H3K9me2和H3K27me3。不同的组蛋白赖氨酸甲基化去甲基化过程需要相应的阅读(reader)、书写(writer)和擦除(eraser)3种蛋白。同时,组蛋白赖氨酸甲基化的遗传性质目前还不是很清楚。综述了植物中组蛋白赖氨酸甲基化建立与去除过程,以及对组蛋白赖氨酸甲基化可遗传性的探讨。  相似文献   

王天一  王应祥  尤辰江 《遗传》2021,(4):323-339
植物同源结构域(plant homeodomain,PHD)是锌指结构域家族的一类转录调控因子,其最主要的功能是可以识别各种组蛋白修饰密码,包括组蛋白甲基化和乙酰化等;此外PHD结构域还可以与DNA结合。含有PHD结构域的蛋白,或者本身具有组蛋白修饰酶活性,或者可以与各类组蛋白修饰酶相互作用,还有部分与DNA甲基化相关,具有E3泛素连接酶活性,或者还可以作为染色质重塑因子,以各种不同的作用方式,在植物的生长发育过程中发挥了重要的作用。本文主要综述了结合各种类型组蛋白(包括H3K4me3/0、H3K9me3、H3R2和H3K14ac)以及DNA的PHD结构域的结构特点及其结合特异性、PHD结构域在植物中的进化保守性以及植物中已经发现的含有PHD结构域蛋白的功能及作用机制,为进一步了解该类蛋白在植物生长发育过程中如何发挥作用提供了参考。  相似文献   

组蛋白甲基化和乙酰化修饰对基因表达和细胞生长至关重要,为揭示组蛋白H3第4、36位赖氨酸(K)修饰对酵母生长和诱导基因表达的重要性及两位点功能差异,文章构建了两位点单独或共同突变为亮氨酸(L)的组蛋白突变株S4、S36和D436,对其在正常、半乳糖为单一碳源、高温、高盐等条件下的生长及GAL1、SSA3和PHO5表达进行比较。结果显示:D436对高温最敏感,各突变株对咖啡因显著敏感;3个突变株在高温、高盐、6-AU、咖啡因存在时的生长及GAL1、SSA3和PHO5的激活均明显慢于野生型;S4在高温、高盐条件下生长及GAL1激活慢于S36。H3-K4和H3-K36的翻译后修饰对细胞生长和适应不利环境非常重要,在对高温等逆境快速适应上,K4比K36更重要,组蛋白突变株的表型缺陷是因该条件下细胞生存所必需的诱导基因表达延迟所致,同一位点突变对不同基因表达有不同影响。3个突变株的缺陷表型严格上应是相应位点突变导致组蛋白修饰模式改变所造成的综合影响。  相似文献   

组蛋白甲基化是一种重要的表观遗传学修饰,在基因表达调节方面发挥着重要的作用.组蛋白H3赖氨酸27三甲基化(H3K27me3)是一种抑制性组蛋白标记,可被去甲基化酶UTX和JMJD3催化而移去甲基.UTX和JMJD3通过激活HOX基因而参与细胞分化和多能细胞抑制过程.在多种肿瘤中检测到UTX和JMJD3突变或表达下降,同时多种基因启动子区H3K27me3含量增多.UTX和JMJD3均被看作肿瘤抑制基因,其中UTX调节了RB依赖的细胞命运控制,而JMJD3通过激活INK4b-ARF-INK4a位点而参与了癌基因诱导的衰老.组蛋白H3K27去甲基化酶与肿瘤发生的研究使我们对癌症发展过程有了更好的理解,同时也为癌症诊断和治疗提供了新靶点.  相似文献   

组蛋白H3K36位点可以发生甲基化修饰,其修饰状态受到H3K36甲基转移酶和去甲基化酶的动态调控。H3K36的甲基化修饰可引起多种生物学效应,如参与基因的转录激活或抑制、剂量补偿以及基因的选择性剪接等。H3K36甲基化修饰状态的异常与很多疾病相关,因此全面了解H3K36甲基化对于该类疾病的诊断和治疗具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的:探讨叶酸(Folic acid,FA)缺乏在培养的人胚肾细胞(HEK-293)中对细胞组蛋白修饰水平的影响。方法:人胚肾细胞分两组培养,一组正常培养,一组无叶酸培养。细胞提取组蛋白后通过高效液相色谱一线性离子阱/静电场轨道阱高分辨质谱(HPLC-LTQ/Orbitrap Ms)检测组蛋白的修饰以比较叶酸缺乏对人胚肾细胞组蛋白修饰的影响。结果:用高分辨质谱方法成功检测到人胚肾细胞的五个组蛋白变体H1,H3,H4,H2a和H2b上的33个组蛋白修饰位点,其中23个修饰位点为uniprot数据库上已经报道的组蛋白修饰位点,而其余10个为未报道修饰位点。通过质谱比较正常和叶酸缺乏组人胚肾细胞修饰谱发现H3K79me1和H3K79me2在叶酸缺乏培养组中检出率较低。进一步用蛋白免疫印迹的方法也证明了在叶酸缺乏的人胚肾细胞中H3K79me1水平低于正常培养组。结论:细胞中叶酸缺乏影响组蛋白甲基化包括H3K79me2和H3K79me1修饰水平,提示细胞外营养因素叶酸水平可影响组蛋白修饰水平从而参与疾病如神经管畸形(Neural tube defect,NTD)的发生。  相似文献   

目的:探讨叶酸(Folic acid,FA)缺乏在培养的人胚肾细胞(HEK-293)中对细胞组蛋白修饰水平的影响。方法:人胚肾细胞分两组培养,一组正常培养,一组无叶酸培养。细胞提取组蛋白后通过高效液相色谱一线性离子阱/静电场轨道阱高分辨质谱(HPLC-LTQ/Orbitrap Ms)检测组蛋白的修饰以比较叶酸缺乏对人胚肾细胞组蛋白修饰的影响。结果:用高分辨质谱方法成功检测到人胚肾细胞的五个组蛋白变体H1,H3,H4,H2a和H2b上的33个组蛋白修饰位点,其中23个修饰位点为uniprot数据库上已经报道的组蛋白修饰位点,而其余10个为未报道修饰位点。通过质谱比较正常和叶酸缺乏组人胚肾细胞修饰谱发现H3K79me1和H3K79me2在叶酸缺乏培养组中检出率较低。进一步用蛋白免疫印迹的方法也证明了在叶酸缺乏的人胚肾细胞中H3K79me1水平低于正常培养组。结论:细胞中叶酸缺乏影响组蛋白甲基化包括H3K79me2和H3K79me1修饰水平,提示细胞外营养因素叶酸水平可影响组蛋白修饰水平从而参与疾病如神经管畸形(Neural tube defect,NTD)的发生。  相似文献   

组蛋白H3第79位赖氨酸甲基化(H3K79me)修饰有单甲基、双甲基及三甲基3种形式,是常染色质的标志.然而,对于组蛋白H3K79三种甲基化各自在基因转录、DNA损伤修复中所起的作用尚不十分清楚.本研究以8-氯腺苷(8-Cl-Ado)为DNA双链断裂(DNA double-stranded breaks,DSB)诱导剂,采用Western 印迹,在人肺癌细胞H1299检测出了DNA修复分子NBS1、细胞周期检验点相关分子p21,并发现H3K79me1、H3K79me2和H3K79me3三种甲基化修饰的组蛋白明显增加;染色质免疫共沉淀结合实时定量PCR实验显示,只H3K79me2与DNA损伤检验点分子p21、DNA修复分子NBS1的启动子区域相结合,说明H3K79双甲基化修饰与这些基因的转录激活有关.结果提示,在8-氯腺苷引起 DSB时,是H3K79me2、而不是H3K79me1和H3K79me3参与NBS1和p21基因转录激活时的染色质重塑.8-氯腺苷诱导H3K79双甲基化增强、促进H3K79me2所在染色质区域的NBS1和p21基因转录激活可能是8-Cl-Ado抑制肿瘤细胞生长作用机制之一.  相似文献   

DNA methylation and histone acetylation are major epigenetic modifications in gene silencing. In our previous research, we found that the methylated oligonucleotide (SurKex) complementary to a region of promoter of survivin could induce DNA methylation in a site-specific manner leading to survivin silencing. Here, we further studied the role of histone acetylation in survivin silencing and the relationship between histone acetylation and DNA methylation.First we observed the levels of histone H4 and H4K16 acetylation that were decreased after SurKex treatment by using the chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assay. Next, we investigated the roles of histone acetylation and DNA methylation in survivin silencing after blockade of histone deacetylation with Trichostatin A (TSA). We assessed survivin mRNA expression by RT-PCR, measured survivin promoter methylation by bisulfite sequencing and examined the level of histone acetylation by the ChIP assay. The results showed that histone deacetylation blocked by TSA reversed the effects of SurKex on inhibiting the expression of survivin mRNA, inducing a site-specific methylation on survivin promoter and decreasing the level of histone acetylation. Finally, we examined the role of histone acetylation in the expression of DNA methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1) mRNA. The results showed that histone deacetylation blocked by TSA reversed the increasing effect of histone deacetylation on the expression of survivin mRNA. This study suggests that histone deacetylation guides SurKex-induced DNA methylation in survivin silencing possibly through increasing the expression of DNMT1 mRNA.  相似文献   

核小体是真核生物染色质的基本单位,通过对组蛋白核心的N-端的乙酰化、甲基化、磷酸化、遍在蛋白化的修饰作用而影响细胞的功能。组蛋白乙酰化酶(histone acetylase HAT)及组蛋白去乙酰化酶(Histone Deacetylases HDAC)之间的动态平衡控制着染色质的结构和基因表达。当组蛋白去乙酰化水平增加,乙酰化水平相对降低,即会导致正常的细胞周期与代谢行为的改变而诱发肿瘤,及神经退行性变。组蛋白去乙酰化酶抑制剂(Histone Deacetylases-inhibitor HDACi)目前是国内外研究的热点。其中,曲古霉素A(Trichostatin A TSA),是最早发现的天然组蛋白去乙酰化酶抑制剂;伏立诺他(Suberoylanilide Hydroxamic Acid SAHA)已经美国FDA批准用于治疗皮肤T细胞淋巴瘤。本文就HDACi分类及其功能出发综述HDACi的作用机制及研究进展。  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of agents that induce reelin mRNA expression in vitro on the methylation status of the human reelin promoter in neural progenitor cells (NT2). NT2 cells were treated with the histone deacetylase inhibitors, trichostatin A (TSA) and valproic acid (VPA), and the methylation inhibitor aza-2'-deoxycytidine (AZA) for various times. All three drugs reduced the methylation profile of the reelin promoter relative to untreated cells. The acetylation status of histones H3 and H4 increased following treatment with VPA and TSA at times as short as 15 min following treatment; a result consistent with the reported mode of action of these drugs. Chromatin immunoprecipitation experiments showed that these changes were accompanied by changes occurring at the level of the reelin promoter as well. Interestingly, AZA decreased reelin promoter methylation without concomittantly increasing histone acetylation. In fact, after prolonged treatments with AZA, the acetylation status of histones H3 and H4 decreased relative to untreated cells. We also observed a trend towards reduced methylated H3 after 18 h treatment with TSA and VPA. Our data indicate that while TSA and VPA act to increase histone acetylation and reduce promoter methylation, AZA acts only to decrease the amount of reelin promoter methylation.  相似文献   

Pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate (PDTC) has been considered as a potential anticancer drug due to its powerful apoptogenic effect towards cancer cells, where Cu(2+) plays a distinct yet undefined role. Here we report that Cu(2+) is critically needed for PDTC to inhibit histone acetylation in both human leukemia HL-60 cells and human hepatoma Hep3B cells. The inhibition of histone acetylation mainly resulted from the increase of intracellular Cu(2+), but was not due to the inhibition of NF-kappaB activity by PDTC-Cu(2+) since the combinations of Cu(2+) with SN50, MG132 (two known NF-kappaB inhibitors), or bathocuproine disulfonate (BCS, a specific Cu(2+) chelator that does not cross the plasma membrane), did not lead to obvious inhibition of histone acetylation. Histone acetyltransferase (HAT) and histone deacetylase (HDAC) are the enzymes controlling the state of histone acetylation in vivo. Cells exposed to PDTC-Cu(2+) showed a comparable decrease in histone acetylation levels in HL-60 cells in the absence or presence of the HDAC inhibitors, trichostatin A (TSA) or sodium butyrate (NaBu); the inhibition rates were about 45, 44 and 43%, respectively. PDTC-Cu(2+) had no effect on the activity of HDAC in vitro, but significantly inhibited the HAT activity both in HL-60 cells and in a cell-free in vitro system. PDTC-Cu(2+) also induced HL-60 cell apoptosis, and treating cells with TSA, NaBu or BCS significantly attenuated the apoptosis induced by PDTC-Cu(2+). Collectively, these results showed that inhibition of histone acetylation represents a distinct mechanism for the cytotoxicity of PDTC in the presence of Cu(2+), where HAT is its possible molecular target.  相似文献   

Modulation of histone acetylation is currently being explored as a therapeutic strategy in treatment of cancer. Specifically, inhibition of histone deacetylase by trichostatin A (TSA) has been shown to prevent tumorigenesis and metastasis. In the present paper we demonstrate that increased histone acetylation by TSA-treated 3T3 cells decreases mRNA as well as zymographic activity of gelatinase A, a matrix metalloproteinase, which is itself, implicated in tumorigenesis and metastasis. Furthermore, TSA inhibits cytochalasin D-induced activation of gelatinase A, but TSA does not affect other members of the gelatinase A activation complex, MT1-MMP and TIMP-2. Thus, TSA is a selective and potent inhibitor of expression and activation of gelatinase A. This finding not only strengthens the rationale for continuing to investigate the therapeutic utility of TSA in cancer, but also, provides evidence that TSA inhibition of gelatinase A expression and activation can be used as a biological marker to monitor and determine end-points of clinical trials involving TSA.  相似文献   

Wu X  Li Y  Li GP  Yang D  Yue Y  Wang L  Li K  Xin P  Bou S  Yu H 《Animal biotechnology》2008,19(4):211-224
Reprogramming impairment of DNA methylation may be partly responsible for the low efficiency in somatic cell nuclear transfer. In this study, bovine fibroblast cells were transfected with enhancer green fluorescence protein (eGFP), and then treated with a histone-deacetylase inhibitor, trichostatin A (TSA). The results showed that the effect of TSA on transfected cells was dose dependent. When the TSA concentration was over 5 ng/ml, cell proliferation was significantly inhibited. The majority of the cells died when TSA reached 100 ng/ml (P < 0.01). The number of cells in the S phase was significantly decreased in the 5- to 50-ng/ml TSA-treated groups, while the majority of the cells were at the G0/G1 phases. The number of eGFP-expressed cells were approximately twofold higher in 25-ng/ml (30.5%) and 50-ng/ml (29.5%) TSA groups than the control (15.0%). Reduced DNA methylation and improved histone acetylation were observed when the cells were treated with 10 to 50 ng/ml of TSA. Transfer of the TSA-treated cells to enucleated recipient oocytes resulted in similar cleavage rates among the experimental groups and the control. Cells treated with 50 ng/ml of TSA resulted in significantly lower blastocyst development (9.9%) than the other experimental and the control groups (around 20%). Analysis of the putative blastocysts showed that 86.7% of the embryos derived from TSA-treated cells were eGFP positive, which was higher than that from untreated cells (68.8%). In conclusion, treatment of transfected cells with TSA decreased the genome DNA methylation level, increased histone acetylation, and eGFP gene expression was activated. Donor cells with reduced DNA methylation did not improve subsequent cloned embryo development; however, transgene expression was improved in cloned embryos.  相似文献   

目的:探讨大鼠C6胶质瘤细胞中gdnf基因高转录与其启动子Ⅰ区组蛋白乙酰化的关系。方法:应用Real-time PCR和ChIP-PCR技术分别检测了大鼠正常星形胶质细胞和C6胶质瘤细胞中gdnf基因mRNA的表达水平以及其启动子Ⅰ区组蛋白H3K9的乙酰化程度;利用Real-time PCR技术,检测了不同浓度的组蛋白乙酰基转移酶抑制剂姜黄素(Curcumin)或去乙酰化酶抑制剂曲古抑菌素A(TSA)处理对C6胶质瘤细胞中gdnf基因mRNA表达的影响。结果:较之正常星形胶质细胞,C6胶质瘤细胞中gdnf基因mRNA的表达量极显著增高(P0.01),并且其启动子Ⅰ区H3K9的乙酰化水平也显著升高(P0.05)。C6胶质瘤细胞经Curcumin处理24 h后,gdnf基因mRNA的表达量随药物浓度的升高而降低,且100μmol/L作用浓度时其表达量下降了74.17%(P0.001);相反,TSA处理后gdnf基因mRNA的表达量呈上升趋势,且200nmol/L组其表达量约上升145.35%(P0.05)。结论:在大鼠C6胶质瘤细胞中gdnf基因启动子Ⅰ区H3K9发生了高乙酰化修饰,这种修饰可能是其高转录的原因。  相似文献   

Reprogramming impairment of DNA methylation may be partly responsible for the low efficiency in somatic cell nuclear transfer. In this study, bovine fibroblast cells were transfected with enhancer green fluorescence protein (eGFP), and then treated with a histone-deacetylase inhibitor, trichostatin A (TSA). The results showed that the effect of TSA on transfected cells was dose dependent. When the TSA concentration was over 5 ng/ml, cell proliferation was significantly inhibited. The majority of the cells died when TSA reached 100 ng/ml (P < 0.01). The number of cells in the S phase was significantly decreased in the 5- to 50-ng/ml TSA-treated groups, while the majority of the cells were at the G0/G1 phases. The number of eGFP-expressed cells were approximately twofold higher in 25-ng/ml (30.5%) and 50-ng/ml (29.5%) TSA groups than the control (15.0%). Reduced DNA methylation and improved histone acetylation were observed when the cells were treated with 10 to 50 ng/ml of TSA. Transfer of the TSA-treated cells to enucleated recipient oocytes resulted in similar cleavage rates among the experimental groups and the control. Cells treated with 50 ng/ml of TSA resulted in significantly lower blastocyst development (9.9%) than the other experimental and the control groups (around 20%). Analysis of the putative blastocysts showed that 86.7% of the embryos derived from TSA-treated cells were eGFP positive, which was higher than that from untreated cells (68.8%). In conclusion, treatment of transfected cells with TSA decreased the genome DNA methylation level, increased histone acetylation, and eGFP gene expression was activated. Donor cells with reduced DNA methylation did not improve subsequent cloned embryo development; however, transgene expression was improved in cloned embryos.  相似文献   

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