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蔷薇科是历山自然保护区种子植物的第一大科。该区有蔷薇科植物4亚科,23属,85种(含变种7)。在历山蔷薇科植物的区系组成中,优势属明显,尤以中等属突出,中等属占其蔷薇科植物总属数的43.48%,所含种数占该区蔷薇科植物总种数(包括变种)的75.29%。该区的蔷薇科植物从属、种层次上都表现出典型的温带性质,且以北温带性质为主;在属级、种级水平上,温带分布分别占该区蔷薇科植物总属数和总种数的95.45%、51.76%。该区蔷薇科植物属、种的特有现象不平衡,没有中国特有属,有中国特有种40种。  相似文献   

九顶山蔷薇科植物资源及保护对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国是蔷薇科植物的原生中心之一,分布有55属,1000多种。蔷薇科植物是经济和生态价值极大的植物种类,其中有果树植物、观赏花卉植物和药用植物,深受广大人民群众的喜爱。德阳市九顶山区位于岷山山系中段,自然条件优越,气候温和,雨量充沛,海拔由700 m直接爬升到4989 m,植物垂直带谱十分明显,分布有多种蔷薇科植物。1998~2003年,作者与有关专家学者三次对九顶山区蔷薇科植物资源种类及分布环境进行了调查,调查结果显示,该区分布有蔷薇科植物37属237种。其中,草本植物10属46种,占该区蔷薇科植物的19.4%,木本植物27属191种,占该区蔷薇科植物的80.6%。就加强蔷薇科植物资源保护提出了相应的建议,为市政府制定蔷薇科植物资源保护和开发利用措施提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

蔷薇科(Rosaceae)是在中国广泛分布并具有重要经济价值的植物类群, 但蔷薇科资源植物的物种多样性格局及其保护状况尚缺乏较系统的评估。该文旨在: 1)整理中国蔷薇科资源植物名录, 显示其物种多样性格局及热点地区, 并探究这一格局的形成机制。2)评估中国蔷薇科资源植物的保护状况, 为其保护规划提供基础数据。通过广泛收集整理《中国植物志》、省级植物志等资料中关于蔷薇科的记录, 建立了中国蔷薇科物种名录(共914种), 确定了物种的主要经济用途(包括食用植物、园林绿化植物、药用植物和水果种质资源), 并建立了每种植物的高精度分布图。在此基础上, 估算了蔷薇科全部物种及主要资源植物类别的物种多样性格局, 并利用广义线性模型和冗余分析探讨了蔷薇科物种多样性格局与环境的关系。最后将物种分布与中国国家级和省级自然保护区进行叠加分析, 评估了蔷薇科植物的保护现状。结果显示: 1)四川盆地北部、东部和西部山区以及横断山区是中国蔷薇科植物的热点地区。2)蔷薇科植物多样性主要受水分因子影响。3)横断山区、云南东南部和西藏东南部等地是保护薄弱物种集中的区域, 而悬钩子属(Rubus)等类群的保护不足。  相似文献   

蔷薇科是云南种子植物区系中的第5大科,有41属456种,其属种分别占我国蔷薇科的74.5%和52.2%.云南蔷薇科植物的区系物征:1)云南蔷薇科属种十分丰富,分别占国产属的3/4和种的一半以上;而且该科植物中原始的、中间过渡的和进化的类群在云南均有分布.2)区系地理成份相当复杂,以包括北温带和东亚等分布类型为主的温带成分占优势.3)蔷薇科在云南的地理分布为5个区.该科植物在滇西、滇西北区种类最为丰富,占总种数的65.7%,其次是中部高原区、滇东南区及滇南和滇西南区较少,滇东北区最少.云南是蔷薇科植物的一个现代分布中心和分化中心之一.  相似文献   

蔷薇科植物体细胞胚胎发生及影响因素研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结了近30年来蔷薇科植物体细胞胚胎发生及影响因素的研究进展。蔷薇科植物体胚发生多数是直接发生途径和间接发生途径同时存在,但以间接发生途径为主。合子胚作为外植体明显好于营养器官作为外植体。诱导体胚发生的植物生长素类调节剂以NAA、2,4-D为主,细胞分裂素类调节剂以6-BA为主,少数植物种类的体胚诱导需要添加KT。冷处理对蔷薇科植物的体胚分化有效。光照对蔷薇科植物的体胚发生没有显著的影响,有时光照会抑制体胚发生。今后应逐步开展对蔷薇科植物体细胞胚胎发生的生理、生化及分子机理的研究,这在蔷薇科植物的新品种培育、遗传改良、优良单株的离体扩殖等具有重要意义。  相似文献   

中国蔷薇科植物多样性格局及其资源植物保护现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
蔷薇科(Rosaceae)是在中国广泛分布并具有重要经济价值的植物类群,但蔷薇科资源植物的物种多样性格局及其保护状况尚缺乏较系统的评估。该文旨在:1)整理中国蔷薇科资源植物名录,显示其物种多样性格局及热点地区,并探究这一格局的形成机制。2)评估中国蔷薇科资源植物的保护状况,为其保护规划提供基础数据。通过广泛收集整理《中国植物志》、省级植物志等资料中关于蔷薇科的记录,建立了中国蔷薇科物种名录(共914种),确定了物种的主要经济用途(包括食用植物、园林绿化植物、药用植物和水果种质资源),并建立了每种植物的高精度分布图。在此基础上,估算了蔷薇科全部物种及主要资源植物类别的物种多样性格局,并利用广义线性模型和冗余分析探讨了蔷薇科物种多样性格局与环境的关系。最后将物种分布与中国国家级和省级自然保护区进行叠加分析,评估了蔷薇科植物的保护现状。结果显示:1)四川盆地北部、东部和西部山区以及横断山区是中国蔷薇科植物的热点地区。2)蔷薇科植物多样性主要受水分因子影响。3)横断山区、云南东南部和西藏东南部等地是保护薄弱物种集中的区域,而悬钩子属(Rubus)等类群的保护不足。  相似文献   

在对王二包自然保护区蔷薇科植物详细调查的基础上,对其亚科、属、种组成,分布区类型及其区系特征等进行了统计和分析。结果表明:(1)区内蔷薇科属种组成较为丰富,包含有蔷薇科植物4亚科、20属、83种;(2)本区蔷薇科植物地理成分较为复杂、区系成分古老与进化并存;(3)优势属明显;(4)植物区系具明显的温带性质。  相似文献   

蔷薇科植物果实花青苷积累研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔷薇科植物是植物界重要组成成员,除了观赏类植物月季、玫瑰等,还包含苹果、梨和桃等食用类果树。蔷薇科果实因为富含花青苷而具有丰富多彩的颜色,深受消费者喜爱。近年来,果树学家们围绕果实花青苷积累进行了较为深入的研究,主要探究环境因素或激素信号参与花青苷积累的分子机制。综述了蔷薇科果实着色的分子调控机制,对如何提高果实花青苷积累进行了思考总结,旨为提高蔷薇科果实的商品性和内在品质作出理论支持。  相似文献   

云南甘蔷薇科植物的区系特征和地理分布   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
蔷薇科是云南种子植物区系中的第5大科,有41属456种,其属种分别占我国蔷薇科的74.5%和52.2%。云南蔷薇科植物的区系物征:1)云南蔷薇科属种十分丰富,分别占国产属的3/4和种的一半以上;而且该科植物中原始的、中间过渡的和进化的类群在云南均有分布。2)区系地理成份相当复杂,以包括北温带和东亚等分布类型为主的温带成分占优势。3)蔷薇科在云南的地理分布为5个区。该科植物在滇西、滇西北区种类最为丰富,占总种数的65.7%,其次是中部高原区、滇东南区及滇南和滇西南区较少,滇东北区最少。云南是蔷薇科植物的一个现代分布中心和分化中心之一。  相似文献   

左存武  高博  赵丹  朵虎  陈佰鸿 《西北植物学报》2021,41(10):1793-1800
类受体激酶(receptor like kinase,RLK)参与调控植物几乎所有的生命活动,是植物生长发育和环境适应的“中央处理器”。该文对近年来国内外有关蔷薇科果树RLK基因鉴定、进化特征及其在各器官生长发育、非生物和生物逆境中的作用及调控机制等方面的研究进展进行了综述。蔷薇科果树基因组中存在数目庞大的RLKs,不同树种间的RLK数目和各亚家族成员数目都存在较大差异,而且蔷薇科果树RLK存在极为普遍的部分重复和串联重复现象,是导致家族成员迅速变化的重要原因。有研究发现,一些RLKs调控蔷薇科果树器官发育和对环境的适应性。在器官发育方面,LRR RLK亚家族成员调控根系发育,CrRLK1L、LysM RLK和LRR RLK亚家族部分成员参与调控果实发育,CrRLK1L亚家族成员参与调控花粉管发育,LRR RLK、LysM RLK、L LEC RLK和B Lectin RLK亚家族部分成员调控蔷薇科果树对生物逆境的适应。今后RLK功能研究可侧重于蔷薇科果树特色性状,通过提高目标基因的筛选和验证的效率,加速主效RLKs的筛选进程,并通过筛选主效RLKs诱导方式和加速分子育种进程等途径,将研究成果应用于实际生产。  相似文献   

扩增了西施舌日照、连云港、北海、漳州4个野生群体、四角蛤蜊和中国蛤蜊各1个群体共73个样本的NAD5基因片段,测序获得了480bp核苷酸序列,分析核苷酸的多态性,旨在评估福建漳州西施舌与日照、连云港、北海西施舌之间的分化水平。结果:从73个序列中共检测到44种单倍型(Hap),其中西施舌4个群体有29种Haps,四角蛤蜊和中国蛤蜊分别有10种和5种Haps,漳州群体与北海、日照、连云港群体单倍型有明显差异;将西施舌分为北海、日照、连云港组(GP1)和漳州组(GP2)2个组,分析核苷酸差异,GP1与GP2间的T、A、G含量差异极显著(P0.01)。GP1与GP2间的遗传距离与组内(GP1、GP2)遗传距离之比为25.1—41.8,四角蛤蜊与中国蛤蜊之间的遗传距离与种内个体间遗传距离之比为24.4—36.7,GP1、GP2间的差异达到了四角蛤蜊和中国蛤蜊种间差异水平,而日照、北海群体间的遗传距离只有0.009,北海与日照群体地理位置虽远,但遗传差异则很小;AMOVA分析显示漳州西施舌发生了极显著遗传分化(FST=0.966—0.978,P0.01)。  相似文献   

Scirtothrips perseae Nakahara was discovered attacking avocados in California, USA, in 1996. Host plant surveys in California indicated that S. perseae has a highly restricted host range with larvae being found only on avocados, while adults were collected from 11 different plant species. As part of a management program for this pest, a “classical” biological control program was initiated and foreign exploration was conducted to delineate the home range of S. perseae, to survey for associated natural enemies and inventory other species of phytophagous thrips on avocados grown in Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Trinidad, and Brazil. Foreign exploration efforts indicate that S. perseae occurs on avocados grown at high altitudes (>1500 m) from Uruapan in Mexico south to areas around Guatemala City in Guatemala. In Costa Rica, S. perseae is replaced by an undescribed congener as the dominant phytophagous thrips on avocados grown at high altitudes (>1300 m). No species of Scirtothrips were found on avocados in the Dominican Republic, Trinidad, or Brazil. In total, 2136 phytophagous thrips were collected and identified, representing over 47 identified species from at least 19 genera. The significance of these species records is discussed. Of collected material 4% were potential thrips biological control agents. Natural enemies were dominated by six genera of predatory thrips (Aeolothrips, Aleurodothrips, Franklinothrips, Leptothrips, Scolothrips, and Karnyothrips). One genus each of parasitoid (Ceranisus) and predatory mite (Balaustium) were found. Based on the results of our sampling techniques, prospects for the importation of thrips natural enemies for use in a “classical” biological control program in California against S. perseae are not promising.  相似文献   

We assessed the potential of annual buckwheat, Fagopyrum esculentum Moench, to lead to improved parasitism of lepidopteran cabbage pests over four years. Pest, parasitism, and hyperparasitism rates were monitored in replicated cabbage plots (12 × 20 m) with or without 3 m wide buckwheat borders from 2000 to 2003. Floral borders did not significantly increase egg, larval, or pupal densities of cabbage looper, Trichoplusia ni (Hübner), imported cabbageworm, Pieris rapae (L.), or diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.). Buckwheat increased parasitism rates by Voria ruralis (Fallen) on T. ni larvae and Cotesia rubecula (Marshall) on P. rapaelarvae over four years. Parasitism by Diadegma insulare (Cresson) on P. xylostella larvae was higher in buckwheat than control plots in the first year, and parasitism by Euplectrus plathypenae (Howard) on T. ni larvae was lower in buckwheat than control plots in the second year. The hyperparasitoid Conura side (Walker) attacked D. insulare all four years, but buckwheat did not affect hyperparasitism rates. The effect of spatial scale on pest densities and parasitism in 2001 was evaluated by comparing plots separated at least 67 m (nearby) versus 800 m apart (isolated). T. ni pupae and P. rapae eggs and pupae were more abundant in plots in closer proximity, whereas P. xylostella densities did not vary by the spatial separation of plots. Tachinids and Pteromalus puparum (L.) attacked more P. rapae in nearby plots. E. plathypenae responded to the treatment × scale interaction, parasitizing more in control than buckwheat when plots were isolated but not when plots were nearby.  相似文献   

Parsimony analyses of the internal transcribed spacer regions of nuclear ribosomal DNA (ITS 1 & ITS 2) for 38 taxa sampled from the Phebalium group (Rutaceae: Boronieae) and two outgroups confirm that, with the exception of Phebalium sensu stricto and Rhadinothamnus, six of the currently recognised genera within the group are monophyletic. The data indicate that Phebaliums. str. is paraphyletic with respect to Microcybe, and Rhadinothamnus is paraphyletic with respect to Chorilaena. Rhadinothamnus and Chorilaena together are the sister group to Nematolepis. Drummondita, included as an outgroup taxon, clustered within the ingroup as sister to Muiriantha and related to Asterolasia.The phylogeny suggests that the evolution of major clades within a number of these genera (e.g. Phebalium) relates to vicariance events between eastern and south-western Australia. Leionema is an eastern genus, with the most basal taxon being the morphologically distinct Leionema ellipticum from northern Queensland. Leionema also includes one species from New Zealand, but this species (as with some others) proved difficult to sequence and its phylogenetic position remains unknown. Taxonomic changes at the generic level are recommended.The authors wish to thank Paul G.Wilson, PERTH, for advice and discussion, and Paul Forster, BRI, for collecting and providing material of Leionema ellipticum. The project was supported by a Melbourne University Postgraduate Award (to BM), the Australian Biological Resources Study (ABRS), Australian Systematic Botany Society and Wolf Den (Australia) Investments.  相似文献   

The cardinalfishes (Apogonidae) are a diverse clade of small, mostly reef-dwelling fishes, for which a variety of morphological data have not yielded a consistent phylogeny. We use DNA sequence to hypothesize phylogenetic relationships within Apogonidae and among apogonids and other acanthomorph families, to examine patterns of evolution including the distribution of a visceral bioluminescence system. In conformance with previous studies, Apogonidae is placed in a clade with Pempheridae, Kurtidae, Leiognathidae, and Gobioidei. The apogonid genus Pseudamia is recovered outside the remainder of the family, not as sister to the superficially similar genus Gymnapogon. Species sampled from the Caribbean and Western Atlantic (Phaeoptyx, Astrapogon, and some Apogon species) form a clade, as do the larger-bodied Glossamia and Cheilodipterus. Incidence of visceral bioluminescence is found scattered throughout the phylogeny, independently for each group in which it is present. Examination of the fine structure of the visceral bioluminescence system through histology shows that light organs exhibit a range of morphologies, with some composed of complex masses of tubules (Siphamia, Pempheris, Parapriacanthus) and others lacking tubules but containing chambers formed by folds of the visceral epithelium (Acropoma, Archamia, Jaydia, and Rhabdamia). Light organs in Siphamia, Acropoma, Pempheris and Parapriacanthus are distinct from but connected to the gut; those in Archamia, Jaydia, and Rhabdamia are simply portions of the intestinal tract, and are little differentiated from the surrounding tissues. The presence or absence of symbiotic luminescent bacteria does not correlate with light organ structure; the tubular light organs of Siphamia and chambered tubes of Acropoma house bacteria, those in Pempheridae and the other Apogonidae do not.  相似文献   

郭林 《菌物学报》1992,11(Z1):155-163
摘要:本文报道我国黑粉菌五种新纪录。1)刺蓼轴黑粉菌(Sphacelotheca polygoni-senticosi(P. Hennings) Miyabe & Takahashi)寄生于假长尾叶蓼(Polygonum longisetum De Bruyn)和长尾叶蓼(Polygonum posumbu Hamilt.)。此种与水蓼轴黑粉菌(Sphacelotheca hydropiperis(Schum.) de Bary)的区别是黑粉孢子表面纹饰瘤状,常连接为脊状或不完全网状。2)七筋菇条黑粉菌(Urocystis clintoniae (Komarov) Vánky)寄生于七筋菇(Clintonia udensis Trautv. &Mey.)和扭柄花(Streptopus obtusatus Fassett)。3)宫部条黑粉菌(Urocystis miyabeana Togashi& Onuma)寄生于轮叶黄精(Polygonatum verticillatum (L.) All.)。4)喜马拉雅黑粉菌(Ustilagohimalensis (Kakishima & Ono) Vánky & Oberwinkler)寄生于细穗支柱蓼(Polygonum suffultumMaxim. var. pergracile (Hemsl.) G. Sam.)。5)伊朗黑粉菌(Ustilago iranica H. Sydow)寄生于远东友友草(Achnatherum extremiorientale (Hara) Keng)。  相似文献   

Heterokonts are evolutionarily important as the most nutritionally diverse eukaryote supergroup and the most species-rich branch of the eukaryotic kingdom Chromista. Ancestrally photosynthetic/phagotrophic algae (mixotrophs), they include several ecologically important purely heterotrophic lineages, all grossly understudied phylogenetically and of uncertain relationships. We sequenced 18S rRNA genes from 14 phagotrophic non-photosynthetic heterokonts and a probable Ochromonas, performed phylogenetic analysis of 210–430 Heterokonta, and revised higher classification of Heterokonta and its three phyla: the predominantly photosynthetic Ochrophyta; the non-photosynthetic Pseudofungi; and Bigyra (now comprising subphyla Opalozoa, Bicoecia, Sagenista). The deepest heterokont divergence is apparently between Bigyra, as revised here, and Ochrophyta/Pseudofungi. We found a third universal heterokont signature sequence, and deduce three independent losses of ciliary hairs, several of 1-2 cilia, 10 of photosynthesis, but perhaps only two plastid losses. In Ochrophyta, heterotrophic Oikomonas is sister to the photosynthetic Chrysamoeba, whilst the abundant freshwater predator Spumella is biphyletic; neither clade is specifically related to Paraphysomonas, indicating four losses of photosynthesis by chrysomonads. Sister to Chrysomonadea (Chrysophyceae) is Picophagea cl. nov. (Picophagus, Chlamydomyxa). The diatom-parasite Pirsonia belongs in Pseudofungi. Heliozoan-like actinophryids (e.g. Actinosphaerium) are Opalozoa, not related to pedinellids within Hypogyristea cl. nov. of Ochrophyta as once thought. The zooflagellate class Bicoecea (perhaps the ancestral phenotype of Bigyra) is unexpectedly diverse and a major focus of our study. We describe four new biciliate bicoecean genera and five new species: Nerada mexicana, Labromonas fenchelii (=Pseudobodo tremulans sensu Fenchel), Boroka karpovii (=P. tremulans sensu Karpov), Anoeca atlantica and Cafeteria mylnikovii; several cultures were previously misidentified as Pseudobodo tremulans. Nerada and the uniciliate Paramonas are related to Siluania and Adriamonas; this clade (Pseudodendromonadales emend.) is probably sister to Bicosoeca. Genetically diverse Caecitellus is probably related to Anoeca, Symbiomonas and Cafeteria (collectively Anoecales emend.). Boroka is sister to Pseudodendromonadales/Bicoecales/Anoecales. Placidiales are probably divergent bicoeceans (the GenBank Placidia sequence is a basidiomycete/heterokont chimaera). Two GenBank ‘opalinid’ sequences are fungal; Pseudopirsonia is cercozoan; two previous GenBank ‘Caecitellus’ sequences are Adriamonas. Electronic Supplementary Material Electronic Supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users. [Reviewing Editior: Patnck J. Keeling]  相似文献   

Bactrocera latifrons (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae) is the most recent of four tephritid fruit fly species accidentally introduced into Hawaii. Although parasitoids have been released against other tephritid fruit fly species and have shown partial success in Hawaii, no parasitoids were released until 2004 to suppress populations of B. latifrons. The present study was conducted to document the parasitoid complex that has naturally established against B. latifrons in Hawaii and to assess whether there is a need for improving the biological control of this species. Based on ripe turkeyberry (Solanum torvum Sw) fruit collections over three consecutive years B. latifrons was the dominant tephritid fruit fly infestating turkeyberry at all four sites surveyed, across three major islands in Hawaii. The overall percentage parasitism of B. latifrons ranged from a low of 0.8% (Hana, Maui) to a high of 8.8% (Kahaluu, Oahu). Five primary parasitoid species were recovered from individually held B. latifrons puparia: Fopius arisanus (Sonan), Psyttalia incisi (Silvestri), Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead), D. tryoni (Cameron), and Tetrastichus giffardianus Silvestri. F. arisanus was the predominant parasitoid at three of the four sites. Low levels of parasitism suggest that there is a need to improve biological control of B. latifrons, to minimize chances of this species causing economic impacts on crop production in Hawaii. We discuss the possibility of improving biological control of B. latifrons through augmentative releases of F. arisanus or introduction and release of specific and efficient new parasitoid species.  相似文献   

Ten species of rust fungi (Crossopsora 2, Maravalia 1, Pileolaria 1, Puccinia 1, Ravenelia 1, Sphaerophragmium 1, Uredo 2, and Uromyces 1) are newly recorded together with six new host plants in Thailand.Contribution no. 194, Laboratory of Plant Parasitic Mycology, Graduate School of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba, Japan  相似文献   

Infestation of sugar cane nodes by the mealybug Saccharicoccus sacchari (Cockerell) was studied in two commercial fields over a 7-month period in 1987. Natural enemies associated with S. sacchari were fungi Aspergillus parasiticus Speare, Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschnikoff) Sorokin, and Penicillium spp.; the dipteran Cacoxenus perspicax Knab; and the hymenopteran parasitoid Anagyrus saccharicola Timberlake. A. parasiticus was the predominent natural enemy of S. sacchari whereas all other natural enemies showed a low level of activity. The highest prevalence of A. parasiticus was in March when it occurred on 84% of S. sacchari-infested nodes. The prevalence of A. parasiticus declined rapidly during April and May and was absent in the winter months during which nodal infestation of S. sacchari increased. In laboratory bioassays all fungal isolates originating from S. sacchari were more virulent at 28°C than at 24°C. Laboratory studies supported the hypothesis based on field observations that temperature highly influenced the efficacy of A. parasiticus against S. sacchari.  相似文献   

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