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对嵩草属( Kobresia) 植物进行了初步的胚胎学研究。该属植物具假四合花粉(pseudomonad) ; 药室内壁在二核花粉时期开始螺旋状加厚, 花药表皮在花粉成熟时形成乳突; 成熟花粉具三细胞。胚珠为倒生型, 具厚珠心和双层珠被, 珠孔由内珠被构成, 珠柄的近基部向珠孔增生形成珠孔塞。胚囊的发育为蓼型, 四分体线形排列, 合点端大孢子发育成八核胚囊。受精后, 胚乳核先于受精卵进行分裂, 胚乳的发育为核型。胚的发育为柳叶菜型灯芯草变型。通过比较, 嵩草属植物大小孢子的发育、胚珠的结构、胚囊的发育、胚乳的发育和胚的发育与莎草科中其它类群一致。所以, 根据胚胎学资料, 嵩草属及其近缘属应保留在莎草科中,不该另立为嵩草科。  相似文献   

嵩草属植物硅酸体系统的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
邓德山 《广西植物》2002,22(5):394-T003
对国产狭义嵩草属 (K obresia,Cyperaceae) 3个组 2 7种植物进行了硅酸体系统分析研究 ,同时结合近缘的苔草属 (Carex) 2个组的植物硅酸体特征 ,深入探讨了植物硅酸体系统分析研究在莎草科苔草族 (Cariceae)中的系统分类学意义。认为 :(1 )嵩草属及其临近类群在属间、种间及种下水平的系统分类学比较研究都可以借助植物硅酸体系统研究的证据。 (2 )穗状嵩草组 (sect. Elyna)的硅酸体系统特征具有较高的一致性 ,除矮嵩草 (K.humilis)及其近缘种同其他穗状嵩草组的种类有所不同 ,它很可能有一个不同于穗状嵩草组其他类群的嵩草组(sect. K obresia)的亲缘。 (3 )从植物硅酸体系统特征的研究来看 ,拟苔草组 (sect. H emicarex)的一些种接近于穗状嵩草组 ,如高山嵩草 (K . pygmeae) ;而另一些种接近于嵩草组 ,如禾叶嵩草 (K . graminifolia) ;也有一些种类的硅酸体系统特征更接近苔草属 ,说明这个组很可能是多源的 ,即本组的单一花穗和果囊形态特征由不同类群的复合花序种类趋同演化而出。(4 )嵩草组的硅酸体系统特征具有较高的一致性 ,说明嵩草属原始类群在硅酸体系统特征方面与外部形态特征演化的某些相关性。  相似文献   

嵩草属地理分布的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
嵩草属Kobresia Willd.隶属于莎草科,全世界有64种5变种,中国有49种4变种,属下分为4个组。该属主要分布于北半球温带至寒带,亚洲种类最多,主要集中分布于喜马拉雅山地区和横断山地区。上述两地共有总数的90%以上的种类。因此,喜马拉雅-横断山地区为嵩草属的分布中心。与嵩草属最近缘的属Schoenoxiphium只分布在马达加斯加和非洲东南部山地。两个属可能有共同的祖先,发生于冈瓦纳古陆。随着印度板块与非洲大陆分离并向北方漂移,嵩草属的祖先被带到欧亚大陆,在两个板块相遇处——喜马拉雅-横断山地区产生了现在的嵩草属。其后,喜马拉雅山脉进一步抬升,气候与环境发生巨变,嵩草属也进一步分化形成现在的规模。印度板块在早第三纪与欧亚大陆相连接,嵩草属可能就是此时起源于喜马拉雅山地区,并开始分化,且沿北半球的山系向北扩散到欧洲和西伯利亚,又从欧洲到格陵兰再到加拿大东部,从西伯利亚通过白令海峡到阿拉斯加并沿落基山脉南下达到美国的科罗拉多,形成了嵩草属现今的分布格局。  相似文献   

对嵩草属27种(亚种)植物秆的解剖学研究证明,嵩草属植物秆的解剖学性状具有系统学意义.在该属中,秆的横切面外形为三角形、圆三角形、圆形或扁圆形.在横切面上分为2个区域;外部区域包括绿色组织、外韧维管束和气腔,内部区域为薄壁组织或其碎裂形成空腔.秆表皮的横切面观和表面观均与叶的下表皮相似.以上特征与莎草科其它类群植物秆的解剖特征一致,不支持将嵩草属和其近缘属另立为嵩草科.同时,秆的解剖学特征可以做为某些在外部形态上难于区分的种之间的分类依据.  相似文献   

中国莎草科植物新资料   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张树仁 《植物研究》2004,24(1):16-17
报道了产于西藏南部的1 个中国莎草科分布新记录种--阔鳞嵩草(Kobresia woodiiNoltie), 和产于西藏东南部的1 个《中国植物志》未收录的种--假钩状嵩草(K.pseuduncinoidesNoltie)。  相似文献   

高寒小嵩草草甸牦牛优化放牧强度的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高寒小嵩草草甸牦牛放牧强度试验表明:(1)不同放牧强度下各植物类群的地上生物量和总的地上生物量之间差异极显著,莎草科植物地上生物量的百分比组成之间差异极显著,禾本科和杂类草地上生物量的百分比组成之间差异显著,而且禾本科和莎草科(除对照外)植物的地上生物量及其百分比组成随放牧强度的增加而减小,杂类草的变化与之相反;(2)优良牧草比例和草地质量指数与放牧强度之间均呈负相关,而优良牧草比例的年度变化和牦牛个体增重的年度变化之间呈正相关;(3)群落的相似性系数随放牧强度的增加而减小.通过建立植被变化度量指标,认为优良牧草比例的年度变化是评价高寒小嵩草草甸放牧价值的直接度量指标,而相似性系数的变化和草地质量指数的变化与牦牛生产力没有明显的联系,不能反映草场植被放牧价值的变化,只能指示植物群落整体的相对变化程度;牦牛的放牧强度约为1.86头/hm2是小嵩草高寒草甸暖季草场可持续生产而不退化的最大放牧强度.  相似文献   

The predominantly austral genus Schoenus L. is the largest genus in tribe Schoeneae and one of the ten most species-rich Cyperaceae genera, with over 150 accepted species found mostly in Australia, New Zealand, southeast Asia, and southern Africa. Here, we use data based on two nuclear and three plastid DNA regions to present one of the most comprehensive phylogenetic reconstructions of a genus in Cyperaceae to date, covering over 70% of described species of Schoenus. After recent taxonomic realignments in the last 4 years have both added and removed species from the genus, we show that Schoenus is now monophyletic. In addition, our results indicate that Schoenus originated in Western Australia in the Paleocene and eventually dispersed to surrounding continents, but rarely back. The diversification rate of the genus appears to have slightly decreased over time, and there has not been an increase associated with the establishment of the Cape clade endemic to the sclerophyllous fynbos vegetation type, such as has been reported in other plant lineages endemic to the Cape region. These results will serve as a template to understanding the complex patterns of genome size evolution and to untangle drivers of diversification in this genus.  相似文献   

This paper deals with morphological and ecological characteristics of eight species of genus Kobresia. The adaptive ways and means of plants to the severe cold climate of plateau are discussed. The genus Kobresia exhibits the characteristics of cold-resistant, xeromorphism, and mesophism. The cold-resistant is common to all species and the xeromorphic character is a reflection of physiological drought. In view of the environment in which the genus Kobresia grows, this genus would fall into the cold-resistant and mesophilous category.  相似文献   

Cyperaceae (sedges) are the third largest monocot family and are of considerable economic and ecological importance. Sedges represent an ideal model family to study evolutionary biology due to their species richness, global distribution, large discrepancies in lineage diversity, broad range of ecological preferences, and adaptations including multiple origins of C4 photosynthesis and holocentric chromosomes. Goetghebeur′s seminal work on Cyperaceae published in 1998 provided the most recent complete classification at tribal and generic level, based on a morphological study of Cyperaceae inflorescence, spikelet, flower, and embryo characters, plus anatomical and other information. Since then, several family-level molecular phylogenetic studies using Sanger sequence data have been published. Here, more than 20 years after the last comprehensive classification of the family, we present the first family-wide phylogenomic study of Cyperaceae based on targeted sequencing using the Angiosperms353 probe kit sampling 311 accessions. In addition, 62 accessions available from GenBank were mined for overlapping reads and included in the phylogenomic analyses. Informed by this backbone phylogeny, a new classification for the family at the tribal, subtribal, and generic levels is proposed. The majority of previously recognized suprageneric groups are supported, and for the first time, we establish support for tribe Cryptangieae as a clade including the genus Koyamaea. We provide a taxonomic treatment including identification keys and diagnoses for the 2 subfamilies, 24 tribes, and 10 subtribes, and basic information on the 95 genera. The classification includes five new subtribes in tribe Schoeneae: Anthelepidinae, Caustiinae, Gymnoschoeninae, Lepidospermatinae, and Oreobolinae.  相似文献   

A leaf survey of 59 tropical (43 African, and 16 South American) Cyperaceae showed that in addition to the expected flavonoid constituents, i.e. glycoflavones and tricin derivatives, a representative number of them (33%) contained luteolin 5-methyl ether. An equal sample of temperate Cyperaceae failed to show any species with this substance. Thus it appears that this rare 5-methylated flavone is restricted to tropical members of the family. In four species of the South American genus, Lagenocarpus, 6-hydroxyluteolin 7-glucoside was identified. This is the first report of this 6-hydroxyflavone in the Cyperaceae and in the monocotyledons. A new glycoside of iso-orientin, the 3'-glucuronide, was identified in Rhynchospora eximia. The new data have been collected in a revised summary of the leaf flavonoid pattern of the Cyperaceae and compared with those of the Gramineae and Juncaceae. The discovery of luteolin 5-methyl ether in the Cyperaceae brings it closer in chemical terms to the Juncaceae, from which family this compound was first isolated  相似文献   

Described as new areCarex hemineuros of the affinity ofC. jaluensis, Carex himalaica of the affinity ofC. circinata, Kobresia williamsii of the section Kobresia,Scirpus subbisetosus as an ally ofS. lineolatus, and a new subspeciesCaex dispalata subsp.laxiflorens. The author has come across these new entities while preparing a taxonomic treatment of the Cyperaceae for the Flora of Nepal Project of the Anglo-Japanese Cooperative Scientific Program.  相似文献   

Mühlmann O  Peintner U 《Mycorrhiza》2008,18(6-7):355-362
The bog sedge Kobresia myosuroides is among the first ectomycorrhizal (EM) plants forming dense pads on receding glacier forefronts of the Austrian Alps. This is the only Cyperaceae species known to form EM. To date, little is known about fungal species involved in these EM associations. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to detect EM fungal communities of K. myosuroides (1) by describing mycorrhizal morphotypes (MT) and (2) by identifying the mycobionts by rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequencing. Furthermore, seasonal dynamics of Kobresia mycobionts were investigated. Sampling was performed in all four seasons (also under snow cover) during the years 2005 and 2006 at the Rotmoos glacier forefront, a well-characterized alpine primary successional habitat in the Austrian alps (2,300 m above sea level). The degree of EM infection of K. myosuroides roots was high (95%). Ten MTs were described and sequences of 18 fungal taxa were obtained. This was the highest mycobiont diversity ever reported for this plant. Cenococcum geophilum was the most abundant mycobiont (37-46%) and shared dominancy with Sebacina incrustans (16-44%) and Tomentella spp. (7-37%). Tomentella (including Thelephora) was the most species-rich mycobiont genus with five taxa, followed by Cortinarius, Inocybe, and Sebacina with two taxa each and one Hebeloma species. Other ascomycete mycobionts beside C. geophilum were Helvella sp., Lecythophora sp., and one Pezizales species. Due to high interannual differences in the EM fungal community, no significant seasonal changes could be detected. The importance of fungal mycobionts in alpine habitats is discussed.  相似文献   

In New Caledonia, a hot spot of biodiversity, plants from the Cyperaceae family are mostly endemic and considered pioneers of the nickel-rich natural serpentine ecosystem. The aim of the study was to highlight the mycorrhizal status of these Cyperaceae and to bring new insights into the role of this symbiosis in plant tolerance to ultramafic soils. Nine Cyperaceae species were studied and presented evidence of root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizas (AMs), with frequencies ranging from 8% to 57%. The highest level of AM colonization was observed in plants from the endemic dominant genus Costularia. Molecular evidence demonstrated the presence of Glomus sp. inside the roots. In a controlled greenhouse assay, AM inoculation of Costularia comosa grown under ultramafic conditions significantly enhanced plant growth, with an increase in biomass by up to 2.4-fold for shoots and 1.2-fold for roots, and also reduced nickel content in roots by 2.5-fold, as compared with the controls. All these data support our hypotheses (i) that a relationship exists between the mycorrhizal status of Cyperaceae and their habitat, and (ii) that AM have a positive role in plant tolerance to ultramafic soils (mineral nutrition and metal tolerance), suggesting the use of these pioneer plants with AM management as potential tools for nickel mine site rehabilitation in New Caledonia.  相似文献   

The taxonomy of the genus Kobresia is difficult and based on morphological characters. Achene micromorphology of the genus was studied with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and its taxonomic significance evaluated. A total of 39 species and subspecies of Kobresia were included. The shape of epidermal cells of achenes is usually polygonal or rectangular. The anticlinal walls of the epidermal cells are mostly straight, rarely sinuous. Generally, a silica platform is formed on the inner periclinal wall of achene epidermal cell, and 1–3 silica bodies protrude from the middle of the platform. Sometimes, satellite silica bodies exist around the central bodies. The silica platform may be solid or perforated by pits. The micromorphological characters of the achene epidermis vary between different taxa. However, some closely related taxa show similarities. Therefore, the micromorphology of the achene epidermis of Kobresia is valuable in understanding the taxonomy at infraspecific, specific and supraspecific levels in the genus.  相似文献   

基于小嵩草(Kobresia parva)草甸连续2 a的牦牛放牧试验,研究了暖季和冷季放牧草场地上地下生物量及其分配规律、不同植物类群的绝对生长率生长率,探讨了放牧制度和放牧强度对不同植物类群补偿效应的影响。结果表明,随着放牧强度的增加地上总生物量呈减小趋势,放牧强度对暖季草场地上总生物量的影响极显著(P?0.01),对冷季草场地上总生物量的影响不显著(P?0.05);两季放牧草场各土壤层地下生物量随放牧强度的增加呈明显下降趋势,放牧强度对暖季放牧各土壤层地下生物量的影响显著(P?0.05),对冷季放牧各土壤层地下生物量的影响不显著(P?0.05);冷季放牧草场牧草生长季地下生物量与地上生物量的比值随放牧强度的增大而减小,暖季放牧草场对照区地下生物量与地上生物量的比值低于轻度放牧和中度放牧、高于重度放牧;暖季放牧草场各放牧处理不同植物类群均存在超补偿生长,但莎草科和禾本科植物的超补偿生长在8月份,阔叶植物的超补偿生长发生在6月和7月份,禾本科植物的超补偿生长效应强于莎草科植物和阔叶植物,轻度和中度放牧的补偿效应更明显;冷季放牧下不同植物类群也存在超补偿生长,但补偿效应不明现。因此,暖季适度(轻、中度)放牧利用更有利于产生超补偿生长,而重度利用对植被的稳定产生潜在的不利影响。  相似文献   

若尔盖辖曼-阿西高原沼泽自然保护区沼泽植物特征   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
若尔盖沼泽是世界上著名的高寒沼泽。我们对此地的纳勒乔沼泽、纳洛乔沼泽和哈丘湖附近的沼泽植物进行了考察。这里的沼泽植物共61种,隶属44属,21科。以莎草科、禾本科、菊科、毛莨科为主。沼泽植物的地理成分表明此地的植被偏向温带性质。苔草属是主要的沼泽植物。木里苔草、毛果苔草、乌拉苔草、藏蒿草、双柱头藨草为优势种。沼泽植物的生活型分为湿生植物、挺水植物、浮叶植物、沉水植物。沼泽植物群落包括9种类型。最后,作者建议将木里苔草、狸藻群落,木里苔草、条叶垂头菊群落,毛果苔草、睡莱群落,毛果苔草、狸藻群落列为重点保护的自然群落。  相似文献   

During a period of about 10 years the systematic anatomy of the vegetative organs of more than 280 species belonging to 90 genera of the taxonomically complex family Cyperaceae have been examined, some of them for the first time. Abstracts of about 250 published articles relating to the anatomy of the Cyperaceae have also been prepared. The combined results of this investigation and literature survey are to appear as Vol. 5 of a reference book entitled Anatomy of the Monocotyledons. In the present article particulars are given of the anatomical characters which have proved to be among the most important as an aid in classifying the tribes and genera within the family. Special attention has been devoted to silica-bodies in surface-view preparations of the leaf epidermis. In transverse sections of the lamina, the relationship between genera and species in which there are dorsiventral, isobilateral, pseudodorsiventral, and cylindrical leaves, respectively, appears to be of special interest. Selected conclusions concerning the affinities between tribes and between certain genera and the tribes to which they belong within the Cyperaceae are presented. The relationship of the Cyperaceae to other families is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

中国红原泥炭沼泽植物区系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
沼泽植物是形成泥炭物质来源的重要资源植物。我国省西北部高原的红原县是我国沼泽最发达的地区之一,沼泽植物约有155种,隶属于39科,87属,包括世界分布属20属,泛热带分布属51属,旧世界温带分带属7属,温带亚洲分布属2属,地中海,西亚至中亚分布属1属和东亚分布属5属,在泥炭沼泽植物中,莎草科是种数最多的科,其次是菊科、毛茛科、玄参数、禾本科和龙胆科,它们的种数约占全部泥炭沼泽植物种数的53.54%  相似文献   

报道了海南莎草科一新记录属——针蔺属(Trichophorum Persoon)及该属一新记录种——玉山针蔺[T.subcapitatum(Thwaites et Hooker)D.A.Simpson].  相似文献   

Resveratrol oligomers, nepalensinol A, B and C, were isolated from the stem of Kobresia nepalensis (Cyperaceae). The structures were established on the basis of chemical properties and spectroscopic evidence including 2D NMR spectroscopic analysis. Nepalensinol A, B and C showed a potent inhibitory effect on topoisomerase II - stronger than etoposide (VP-16), a topoisomerase II inhibitor used as an anti-cancer drug. Nepalensinol B, in particular, exhibited the most potent activity with an IC50 of 0.02 μg/ml.  相似文献   

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