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Cascading costs:An economic nitrogen cycle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The chemical nitrogen cycle is becoming better characterized in terms of fluxes and reservoirs on a variety of scales. Galloway has demonstrated that reactive nitrogen can cascade through multiple ecosystems causing environmental damage at each stage before being denitrified to N2. We propose to construct a parallel economic nitrogen cascade (ENC) in which economic impacts of nitrogen fluxes can be estimated by the costs associated with each stage of the chemical cascade. Using economic data for the benefits of damage avoided and costs of mitigation in the Chesapeake Bay basin, we have constructed an economic nitrogen cascade for the region. Since a single tonne of nitrogen can cascade through the system, the costs also cascade. Therefore evaluating the benefits of mitigating a tonne of reactive nitrogen released needs to consider the damage avoided in all of the ecosystems through which that tonne would cascade. The analysis reveals that it is most cost effective to remove a tonne of nitrogen coming from combustion since it has the greatest impact on human health and creates cascading damage through the atmospheric, terrestrial, aquatic and coastal ecosystems. We will discuss the implications of this analysis for determining the most cost effective policy option for achieving environmental quality goals.  相似文献   

The chemical nitrogen cycle is becoming better characterized in terms of fluxes and reservoirs on a variety of scales. Galloway has demonstrated that reactive nitrogen can cascade through multiple ecosystems causing environmental damage at each stage before being denitrified to N2. We propose to construct a parallel economic nitrogen cascade (ENC) in which economic impacts of nitrogen fluxes can be estimated by the costs associated with each stage of the chemical cascade. Using economic data for the benefits of damage avoided and costs of mitigation in the Chesapeake Bay basin, we have constructed an economic nitrogen cascade for the region. Since a single tonne of nitrogen can cascade through the system, the costs also cascade. Therefore evaluating the benefits of mitigating a tonne of reactive nitrogen released needs to consider the damage avoided in all of the ecosystems through which that tonne would cascade. The analysis reveals that it is most cost effective to remove a tonne of nitrogen coming from combustion since it has the greatest impact on human health and creates cascading damage through the atmospheric, terrestrial, aquatic and coastal ecosystems. We will discuss the implications of this analysis for determining the most cost effective policy option for achieving environmental quality goals.  相似文献   

The chemical nitrogen cycle is becoming better characterized in terms of fluxes and reservoirs on a variety of scales. Galloway has demonstrated that reactive nitrogen can cascade through multiple ecosystems causing environmental damage at each stage before being denitrified to N2. We propose to construct a parallel economic nitrogen cascade (ENC) in which economic impacts of nitrogen fluxes can be estimated by the costs associated with each stage of the chemical cascade. Using economic data for the benefits of damage avoided and costs of mitigation in the Chesapeake Bay basin, we have constructed an economic nitrogen cascade for the region. Since a single ton of nitrogen can cascade through the system, the costs also cas  相似文献   

The nitrogen cycle of pre-industrial ecosystems has long been remarkably closed, in spite of the high mobility of this element in the atmosphere and hydrosphere. Inter-regional and international commercial exchanges of agricultural goods, which considerably increased after the generalization of the use of synthetic nitrogen fertilizers, introduced an additional type of nitrogen mobility, which nowadays rivals the atmospheric and hydrological fluxes in intensity, and causes their enhancement at the local, regional and global scales. Eighty-five per cent of the net anthropogenic input of reactive nitrogen occurs on only 43 per cent of the land area. Modern agriculture based on the use of synthetic fertilizers and the decoupling of crop and animal production is responsible for the largest part of anthropogenic losses of reactive nitrogen to the environment. In terms of levers for better managing the nitrogen cascade, beyond technical improvement of agricultural practices tending to increase nitrogen use efficiency, or environmental engineering management measures to increase nitrogen sinks in the landscape, the need to better localize crop production and livestock breeding, on the one hand, and agriculture and food demand on the other hand, is put forward as a condition to being able to supply food to human populations while preserving environmental resources.  相似文献   

稻田生态系统氮素吸收功能及其经济价值   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
肖玉  谢高地  鲁春霞 《生态学杂志》2005,24(9):1068-1073
稻田生态系统中水稻植株吸收土壤中氮素并转化为秸秆中的氮素以及籽粒中的蛋白质和氨基酸的过程是稻田氮素转化的主要过程。在2003年上海市郊五四农场田间试验数据的基础上,研究了稻田生态系统氮素吸收功能及其形成过程,然后运用替代价格法估算了稻田氮素吸收经济价值,同时还对不同地区、施氮水平和作物的氮素吸收物理量和价值量进行了对比。结果表明,稻田植株地上部分氮素累积吸收量在拔节期至抽穗期之间增长最快,抽穗期至成熟期增加减缓,而在收获前有所下降。稻田植株氮素吸收经济价值随生育期不断提高,到成熟期显著增加。施加氮肥对水稻氮素吸收物理量及其价值量都具有促进作用。就不同作物而言,水稻氮素吸收转化量及其经济价值高于小麦和油菜。几乎所有作物籽粒氮素吸收量及其经济价值都高于秸秆。  相似文献   

Levels of economic insect damage and their effects on crop production are the most often-discussed issue in insect management today. The economic injury level (EIL) concept is the base for decision-making in most integrated pest management (IPM) programs. IPM programs are fundamentally different from control approaches that handle insect problems by focusing on tolerating insect effects. EIL is essential for IPM programs as it indicates which levels of insect populations can be tolerated and which cannot. By increasing our ability to tolerate insects, it is possible to eliminate or reduce the need for management tactics. Scientists can maintain environmental quality through better decisions on the use of those tactics. EILs help maintain environmental quality by reducing unnecessary use of management tactics, especially insecticides. However, including environmental considerations explicitly in the decision-making process could greatly improve the ability of IPM to sustain environmental quality. The EIL components include economic damage, economic thresholds, and the EIL itself. Increased availability of calculated EILs and their related economic thresholds would reduce unnecessary use of management tactics. An environmental EIL evaluates a management tactic based not only on its direct costs and benefits to the user but also on its effects on the environment. There are many factors that can reduce crop yield. One important cause is insects. Insects that cause loss to the fruits are frequently more destructive than those that damage leaves, stems and roots. For example, cotton is infested by Spodoptera littoralis (Boisd.), Pectinophora gossypiella (Saund.), Helicoverpa armigera (Hün.) and Earias insulana (Boisd.) cause the greatest yield losses. The amount of yield loss is dependent upon a number of factors, i.e., plant variety, soil fertility, insect population and skill in handling crop production, etc. Comparatively tolerant varieties, even at the cost of slightly less yield potential, will be more suitable under such conditions.  相似文献   

Kate Davies 《EcoHealth》2006,3(2):86-94
This study estimates the economic costs associated with childhood diseases and disabilities attributable to environmental contaminants in Washington State, USA, including asthma, cancer, lead exposure, birth defects, and neurobehavioral disorders. The estimates are based on “cost of illness” models that include direct healthcare costs and indirect costs. The estimates are also based on an “environmentally attributable fraction” model which quantifies the proportions of each disease or disability that can reasonably be attributed to environmental contaminants. The study concludes that the annual cost of selected childhood diseases and disabilities attributable to environmental contaminants in Washington State is $1875 million in 2004 $, comprising $310.6 million in direct healthcare costs and $1565 million in indirect costs, and with a range of $1600–$2200 million a year. These estimates are consistent with other studies. Like the previous studies, a significant proportion of the estimated costs can be attributed to lead exposure. This estimate is equivalent to about 0.7% of the total Washington Gross State Product, and the estimated direct healthcare costs are equivalent to at least 0.2% of the total Washington State health expenditures. These costs could be lessened or prevented if exposures to environmental contaminants were reduced or eliminated. This study argues for the need for an ecosystem approach to human health in which the condition of the environment, in terms of exposures to environmental contaminants, must be addressed taking a systemic perspective.  相似文献   

Nitrogen Cycles: Past, Present, and Future   总被引:154,自引:18,他引:136  
This paper contrasts the natural and anthropogenic controls on the conversion of unreactive N2 to more reactive forms of nitrogen (Nr). A variety of data sets are used to construct global N budgets for 1860 and the early 1990s and to make projections for the global N budget in 2050. Regional N budgets for Asia, North America, and other major regions for the early 1990s, as well as the marine N budget, are presented to Highlight the dominant fluxes of nitrogen in each region. Important findings are that human activities increasingly dominate the N budget at the global and at most regional scales, the terrestrial and open ocean N budgets are essentially disconnected, and the fixed forms of N are accumulating in most environmental reservoirs. The largest uncertainties in our understanding of the N budget at most scales are the rates of natural biological nitrogen fixation, the amount of Nr storage in most environmental reservoirs, and the production rates of N2 by denitrification.  相似文献   

The demand for more food is increasing fertilizer and land use, and the demand for more energy is increasing fossil fuel combustion, leading to enhanced losses of reactive nitrogen (Nr) to the environment. Many thresholds for human and ecosystem health have been exceeded owing to Nr pollution, including those for drinking water (nitrates), air quality (smog, particulate matter, ground-level ozone), freshwater eutrophication, biodiversity loss, stratospheric ozone depletion, climate change and coastal ecosystems (dead zones). Each of these environmental effects can be magnified by the ‘nitrogen cascade’: a single atom of Nr can trigger a cascade of negative environmental impacts in sequence. Here, we provide an overview of the impact of Nr on the environment and human health, including an assessment of the magnitude of different environmental problems, and the relative importance of Nr as a contributor to each problem. In some cases, Nr loss to the environment is the key driver of effects (e.g. terrestrial and coastal eutrophication, nitrous oxide emissions), whereas in some other situations nitrogen represents a key contributor exacerbating a wider problem (e.g. freshwater pollution, biodiversity loss). In this way, the central role of nitrogen can remain hidden, even though it actually underpins many trans-boundary pollution problems.  相似文献   

湿地氮素传输过程研究进展   总被引:32,自引:3,他引:29  
综述了湿地氮素传输过程的研究进展。湿地氮素传输过程包括物理过程、化学过程和生物过程 ,与土壤、植物的发生、发育紧密联系在一起 ,并形成了空气 -水 -土 -生命系统中物质循环和能量流动的复杂网络。湿地硝态氮的淋失直接威胁着湿地地下水水质安全 ,N2 O源汇转变受土壤和水体等环境因子的制约 ,氨挥发则与水体 p H值密切相关排放。湿地氮素的化学转化过程是矿质养分供给和 N2 O产生的主要机制 ,受环境因子和人类活动干扰的影响 ;动力学模型可用于描述氮素的化学转化过程。湿地植物的吸收和累积以及微生物的分解过程是湿地氮素循环的重要环节。最后分析了当前国内外研究中存在的不足 ,并对未来研究的重点领域进行了展望  相似文献   

The complete nitrogen cycle of an N-saturated spruce forest ecosystem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Long-term nitrogen deposition into forest ecosystems has turned many forests in Central Europe and North America from N-limited to N-saturated systems, with consequences for climate as well as air and groundwater quality. However, complete quantification of processes that convert the N deposited and contributed to ecosystem N cycling is scarce. In this study, we provide the first complete quantification of external and internal N fluxes in an old-growth spruce forest, the Höglwald, Bavaria, Germany, exposed to high chronic N deposition. In this forest, N cycling is dominated by high rates of mineralisation of soil organic matter, nitrification and immobilisation of ammonium and nitrate into microbial biomass. The amount of ammonium available is sufficient to cover the entire N demand of the spruce trees. The data demonstrate the existence of a highly dynamic internal N cycle within the soil, driven by growth and death of the microbial biomass, which turns over approximately seven times each year. Although input and output fluxes are of high environmental significance, they are low compared to the internal fluxes mediated by microbial activity.  相似文献   

Empirical evidence is beginning to show that predators can be important drivers of elemental cycling within ecosystems by propagating indirect effects that determine the distribution of elements among trophic levels as well as determine the chemical content of organic matter that becomes decomposed by microbes. These indirect effects can be propagated by predator consumptive effects on prey, nonconsumptive (risk) effects, or a combination of both. Currently, there is insufficient theory to predict how such predator effects should propagate throughout ecosystems. We present here a theoretical framework for exploring predator effects on ecosystem elemental cycling to encourage further empirical quantification. We use a classic ecosystem trophic compartment model as a basis for our analyses but infuse principles from ecological stoichiometry into the analyses of elemental cycling. Using a combined analytical‐numerical approach, we compare how predators affect cycling through consumptive effects in which they control the flux of nutrients up trophic chains; through risk effects in which they change the homeostatic elemental balance of herbivore prey which accordingly changes the element ratio herbivores select from plants; and through a combination of both effects. Our analysis reveals that predators can have quantitatively important effects on elemental cycling, relative to a model formalism that excludes predator effects. Furthermore, the feedbacks due to predator nonconsumptive effects often have the quantitatively strongest impact on whole ecosystem elemental stocks, production and efficiency rates, and recycling fluxes by changing the stoichiometric balance of all trophic levels. Our modeling framework predictably shows how bottom‐up control by microbes and top‐down control by predators on ecosystems become interdependent when top predator effects permeate ecosystems.  相似文献   

More is less: agricultural impacts on the N cycle in Argentina   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Human impact on nitrogen cycling, in particular the introduction of reactive nitrogen in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, can be examined at multiple scales, from the global impact on atmospheric chemistry to the impact of human activities on soil organic matter and fertility at the scale of square meters. Nevertheless, anthropogenic loading of nitrogen cycling in natural and managed ecosystems can be seen most directly at the regional scale, where concentrated human activity results in disruption of the nitrogen balance, with consequences for biogeochemical cycling and their interactions. Differences in land-use and agricultural practices between North and South America, and the importance of economic drivers that determine the fate of new reactive nitrogen demonstrate a contrasting picture of human impact on N cycling when the consequences are considered at the global vs. the regional scale. In particular, in the Pampa region of Argentina, the central agricultural zone of the country, the expansion of soybean cultivation in the last 20 years and the use of synthetic fertilizers have resulted in an influx of reactive nitrogen into these systems, with unexpected consequences for the nitrogen balance. A mass balance of nitrogen for soybean demonstrates that increased nitrogen inputs from biological fixation do not compensate for losses due to seed export, such that most areas under soybean cultivation are currently experiencing a substantive net loss of nitrogen. In addition, other crops that are currently being fertilized still show a net loss of nitrogen also due to the effect of primary exports from these agroecosystems. These simple models demonstrate that socioeconomic factors in large part drive the contrasting effects of anthropogenic impact on nitrogen cycling at global vs. regional scales. The future impact on nitrogen cycling in the Americas requires an integration of both ecological factors and socioeconomic drivers that will ultimately determine human disruption of the nitrogen cycle.  相似文献   

施用纳米碳对烤烟氮素吸收和利用的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为明确纳米碳在提高烤烟氮素吸收利用方面的效果,在盆栽条件下,研究了纳米碳不同用量对烤烟根系生长发育、干物质积累和氮素吸收利用的影响。结果表明,在常规肥料中添加纳米碳能够促进烤烟根系生长发育,明显提高烟株根系活力和单株根系生物量,增加植株干物质积累量。施用纳米碳增加了烤烟植株成熟期各器官氮素含量和积累量,而未明显影响氮素在植株不同器官的分配。施用纳米碳不仅增加了植株对肥料氮的吸收量,还增加了对土壤氮的吸收量,这与其促进烤烟根系生长发育、提高根系吸收能力有密切关系。纳米碳无论做基肥还是做追肥,均显著提高了氮肥利用率,提高幅度分别达到14.44%和9.62%,有效降低了氮素土壤残留和损失。  相似文献   

Nearly all freshwaters and coastal zones of the US are degraded from inputs of excess reactive nitrogen (Nr), sources of which are runoff, atmospheric N deposition, and imported food and feed. Some major adverse effects include harmful algal blooms, hypoxia of fresh and coastal waters, ocean acidification, long-term harm to human health, and increased emissions of greenhouse gases. Nitrogen fluxes to coastal areas and emissions of nitrous oxide from waters have increased in response to N inputs. Denitrification and sedimentation of organic N to sediments are important processes that divert N from downstream transport. Aquatic ecosystems are particularly important denitrification hotspots. Carbon storage in sediments is enhanced by Nr, but whether carbon is permanently buried is unknown. The effect of climate change on N transport and processing in fresh and coastal waters will be felt most strongly through changes to the hydrologic cycle, whereas N loading is mostly climate-independent. Alterations in precipitation amount and dynamics will alter runoff, thereby influencing both rates of Nr inputs to aquatic ecosystems and groundwater and the water residence times that affect Nr removal within aquatic systems. Both infrastructure and climate change alter the landscape connectivity and hydrologic residence time that are essential to denitrification. While Nr inputs to and removal rates from aquatic systems are influenced by climate and management, reduction of N inputs from their source will be the most effective means to prevent or to minimize environmental and economic impacts of excess Nr to the nation’s water resources.  相似文献   

Natural nitrogen filter fails in polluted raised bogs   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Raised bogs are among the ecosystems most susceptible to atmospheric nitrogen pollution. Based on global data ranging from pristine to heavily polluted areas, a conceptual model is presented to explain the logistic response of these terrestrial carbon reservoirs to increased airborne nitrogen fluxes.  相似文献   

The determination and the assessment of Best Available Techniques (BAT) is one of the key issues in the realisation of the IPPC-Directive. While research has already focused on environmental benefits and technical practicability of techniques within LCA, little work has been carried out assessing economic feasibility. A methodology for the economic assessment of BAT in the framework of the IPPC-Directive on a plant level has to comprise all costs that accrue by measures to prevent, to reduce, to utilise or to remove emissions into water, air and soil caused by industrial production processes. The applied cost concept provides a systematic accounting and allocation of decision relevant costs and possibly revenues, that are pertinent to the economic assessment of BAT. The application of the methodology to a case study from the steel industry shows the practical use of the approach.  相似文献   

Approaches to valuation in LCA impact assessment   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
One of the major problems with the future development of lifecycle assessment is the difficulty in converting lifecycle inventory results into environmental impacts, owing to problems associated with the interpretation and weighting of the data. The four main valuation approaches: distance-to-target, environmental control costs, environmental damage costs and scoring approaches are assessed and the individual methodologies evaluated. In conclusion it is considered that in a country which has clear, up-to-date, politically acceptable emission standards, a distance-to-target valuation system maybe acceptable. However, these circumstances are likely to be rare, and the choice of standards arbitrary and not scientifically based. Therefore a better choice is probably environmental damage costs, provided suitable economic damage figures are available.  相似文献   

张印  周羽辰  孙华 《生态学报》2012,32(23):7327-7335
农田氮素流失引起的非点源污染已成为国内外农田生态环境资源可持续利用及农业可持续发展的瓶颈,对其进行有效控制愈显迫切.对非点源污染的控制不能简单地照搬点源污染的方法,须针对非点源污染本身具有的强烈外部性及复杂、广泛、不易监测等特征,探究与非点源污染特征规律相对应的对策.生态补偿作为应对全球生态危机和环境污染的一种公共政策工具,对于内化外部效应具有良好的效果.以农户减少一定程度的氮肥施用量获得政府补偿为切入点,论证了农户减少氮肥用量到最佳生态经济施氮量是获得补偿的依据;以宜兴市为实证对象,运用意愿调查评估法和成本-收益法相结合的方式测算了农户参与农田氮素非点源污染控制的生态补偿标准.研究表明:(1)宜兴市主要粮食生产的最佳生态经济施氮量为375.6 kg/hm2,农户参与农田氮素非点源污染控制的补偿额度理论值为620.0-7098.0元/hm2;(2)68.3%的受访农户愿意接受补偿而减少氮肥用量,受偿意愿与种田经验、受教育程度等因素正相关;(3)愿意接受补偿的农民中50.7%选择氮肥量减少到最佳生态经济施氮量,农田氮素非点源污染控制的补偿标准为620.0元/hm2.  相似文献   

戴铁军  赵鑫蕊 《生态学报》2017,37(15):5210-5220
废弃物回收利用在一定程度上对缓解资源和环境危机起到积极的作用,已经成为可持续发展的重要举措,但生产过程中消耗的资源、能源,排放的污染物同样也会对自然环境产生负面影响。为解决此问题,以废纸回收利用体系为例,基于物质流分析方法构建了生态成本核算模型,为废弃物回收利用体系优化提供基础。在对生态成本相关研究归纳总结的基础上,定义了生态成本的概念,界定了生态成本的研究内容,并分析基于物质流核算生态成本的可行性。生态成本是对生态负荷的价值化,主要分为资源耗减成本、污染产生和环境保护成本以及生态环境损害成本3部分。污染产生和环境保护成本可以通过将总成本按比例分配给正、负产品的方式求得,资源耗减成本和环境损害成本借助LIME方法核算,总生态成本是回收利用体系内部各项生态成本的总和。生态成本核算是评价生态负荷的重要手段,在废纸回收利用体系物质流动图的基础上,分析各生产流程生态成本的构成情况。提出的生态成本核算模型不仅适用于废纸回收利用体系,其他废弃物也同样适用。通过生态成本的核算,寻找到对生态环境影响较大的工序、流程,为废弃物回收利用体系经济与环境的双赢提供理论与实践指导。  相似文献   

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