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燕红  钟方  高新亮  刘蕊 《生态学杂志》2012,31(4):1000-1008
将采集于黑龙江省大庆市盐碱地的土壤样品经适当稀释后,涂布于高盐碱的培养基中,分离纯化获得41株菌。经过不断分别或同时提高培养基的盐、碱浓度进行耐盐碱菌株的筛选,获得1株耐盐碱菌株7,其在pH值13且盐(NaCl)浓度达到200g.L-1的培养基中仍可生长,该菌株既属于极端嗜盐微生物又属于极端嗜碱微生物。分别于不同碳源、氮源、碳氮比、初始pH值和培养温度条件下,对菌株7的生物学特性和盐、碱去除能力进行研究。结果表明,该菌株生长和去除盐碱的最佳碳源为牛肉膏;最佳氮源为蛋白胨;碳氮比为4:1时,最有利于菌株的生长和对盐、碱的去除;菌株生长的最适初始pH值为9.5,最适温度为20℃,而盐、碱去除的最佳温度则为30~35℃。  相似文献   

为了比较分析盐碱土壤与非盐碱土壤微生物资源抗盐碱性差异,本研究利用含有不同浓度Na2CO3、NaHCO3和pH的培养基对盐碱土壤和非盐碱土壤细菌进行培养计数.结果显示:非盐碱土壤出菌数量随Na2CO3、pH和NaHCO3浓度升高而下降,盐碱土壤细菌出菌数量随着Na2CO3、pH和NaHCO3浓度升高先是升高然后下降,最高值分别出现在200 mmol/L NaHCO3、50 mmol/L Na2CO3和pH 9.0的分离平板上.此外,高Na2CO3、pH和NaHCO3浓度的平板中盐碱土壤出菌数量远高于非盐碱土壤;以上结果可见,耐盐碱细菌资源主要集中分布在盐碱土壤中,在非盐碱土壤中虽有分布,但是仅占有很少一部分.  相似文献   

盐碱协同胁迫对向日葵抗氧化酶系统的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据中国东北盐碱土壤特点,将4种盐NaCl、NaHCO3、Na2SO4和Na2CO3按不同比例混合,模拟出25种盐度和pH值各不相同的复杂盐碱条件(盐浓度为50~250 mmol/L,pH值为712~1046),并对向日葵苗进行盐碱混合胁迫处理,研究了向日葵超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)和过氧化物酶(POD)酶等抗氧化酶系统和丙二醛(MDA)的盐碱协同胁迫效应.结果表明, 向日葵抗氧化物酶活性强弱同时与盐度和碱度密切相关,3种抗氧化物酶活性对于盐浓度的反应相似,均为其含量随着盐浓度的升高开始逐渐升高然后下降,而对于pH的影响,不同酶反应结果不同.即随着pH值升高,SOD酶活性和CAT酶活性降低,而POD酶活性反应则是随着pH值升高活性也升高.双向方差分析(ANOVA)结果表明:盐碱效应对于3种酶活力的影响是显著的.其中,盐效应对POD和SOD活性的影响比pH值的影响大,而pH值对CAT活性的影响效应比盐效应大.除SOD外,盐碱效应的交互作用显著 (P<0001).抗氧化酶系统和MDA含量两者间相关性和逐步回归分析表明,3种酶对MDA的影响效应随其强度不同呈现显著不同.其中SOD是1个主导因子,CAT 处于次位, 而POD的影响不大,甚至可以忽略.  相似文献   

大黄鱼细菌性病原哈维氏弧菌培养特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
弧菌是危害水产养殖动物的最为严重的病原之一.从患病大黄鱼肝脏分离致病的细菌哈维氏弧菌GYC1108-1为材料,对哈维氏弧菌GYC1108-1株的最佳生长条件及培养基优化进行了测定.综合考察不同的培养温度、培养时间、培养基盐度、培养基的pH值对细菌生长的影响,并采用正交实验法,对培养基配方进行优化.结果表明:不同的培养温度、培养时间、培养基盐度、培养基pH值等均会影响细菌的产量.GYC1108-1适宜生长的盐度为1%-5%、pH为5~9.5、温度为15~35℃、在培养基中添加硫酸铜、硫酸氨会明显促进生长;最佳培养条件及培养基成份为:NaCl 2%,pH8.0,温度30℃,蛋白胨1.0%、牛肉膏0.75%、CuSO4 0.3mg/L、(NH4)2SO4 0.1g/L.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地荒漠盐碱生境土壤放线菌的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用常规方法研究了新疆塔里木盆地荒漠盐碱生境土壤放线菌区系、放线菌的耐盐、碱性及对植物病原真菌的拮抗性。结果表明:土壤放线菌区系较单一,仅分离到链霉菌属和拟诺卡氏菌属,其中以链霉菌属为主(98.57%),链霉菌可分10个类群,以白孢类群为优势类群。土壤含盐量愈高,链霉菌组成愈简单。放线菌的最适生长盐浓度多集中在6%~8%,最适生长pH集中在7~8。24株供试放线菌中,有4株中度嗜盐放线菌对供试靶标菌有拮抗性,占供试菌的16.67%。  相似文献   

施加改良剂对重度盐碱地盐碱动态及杨树生长的影响   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
如何控制盐碱地继续朝向重度盐碱地发展并恢复森林等植被生态系统是国家科技攻关重点方向,也是内陆碳酸钠型盐碱地改良研究的一个重点,以聚马来酸酐(HPMA)和聚丙烯酸(PAA)两种高分子聚合物配合木焦油、木醋液等为降、阻盐碱剂,对重度盐碱地进行改良,以杨树生长情况以及不同层盐碱动态为指标判断其对重度盐碱地的改良效果.结果表明,(1)HPMA与PAA的比较,土壤改良剂聚马来酸酐(HPMA)在阻盐剂(木醋液+木焦油+少量PAA与碱土形成的阻隔盐碱向表层运输的阻盐碱层)阻隔下,使盐碱地pH与盐分明显下降(与对照相比pH下降0.93、盐分下降0.78%),杨树生长速率较高(株高生长速度是对照生长速度的2.41倍、基茎长速度是对照生长速度的2.36倍),改良效果显著.土壤改良剂聚丙烯酸(PAA)与碱土混合在阻盐剂阻隔下, pH与盐分变化较小(与对照相比pH下降0.23、盐分下降0.63%),杨树生长速率缓慢(株高生长速度是对照生长速度的1.43倍、基茎长速度是对照生长速度的1.07倍),较聚马来酸酐处理稍差.(2)加覆膜剂与不加覆膜剂对比发现,加覆膜剂后土壤表层pH值降至8.87,而其他土层pH值无明显变化,覆膜剂对盐碱的作用主要体现在土壤深层与浅层之间的盐碱动态,对深层盐分没有明显抑制作用.(3)通过对不同改良方法根际土与远根土对比发现,经HPMA和PAA处理后根际土壤盐分和pH值均较比远根土降低,说明种植杨树能够强化改良剂的效果.  相似文献   

混合盐碱胁迫对芹菜种子萌发的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
NaCl、Na2SO4、NaHCO3和Na2CO3按不同比例混合,模拟盐度和pH变化规律与天然盐碱地相似的15种盐碱条件,探讨混合盐碱胁迫对芹菜(Apium graveolens)种子萌发的影响.结果表明:芹菜种子的发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数和活力指数均随盐浓度的升高,pH的增大呈下降趋势.芹菜种子的萌发主要受盐浓度的影响,不同盐浓度间的影响差异大;当盐浓度为200 mmol/L时,基本不萌发.  相似文献   

应用逐步回归法,分析了5~9月松嫩盐碱草地植物群落的生物量、丰富度、多样性和均匀度与同月土壤因子间的关系。松嫩盐碱草地植物群落特征受若干土壤因子的共同影响,不同月份影响因子的变化较复杂。5~7月土壤盐分和养分共同影响着松嫩盐碱草地植物群落生物量,但是土壤盐分因子与群落生物量的相关性更明显(5月的Ca2+质量分数,6月和7月的Mg2+质量分数)。土壤盐分因子在整个生长季内对松嫩盐碱草地植物群落生物量的直接作用都大于土壤养分因子的。6月时影响松嫩盐碱草地植物群落丰富度、Simpson指数和Shannon指数的土壤养分因子增加,其中土壤全氮质量分数的直接作用是所有土壤因子中最大的。8月植物群落生物量、Simpson指数和Shannon指数仅受土壤盐分因子影响,其中生物量与土壤pH值以及Simpson指数与土壤碱化度都是极显著负相关,Shannon指数与土壤含盐量显著负相关。6~9月的松嫩盐碱草地植物群落均匀度也同时受土壤养分和盐分因子的作用,其中6月和9月时土壤盐分因子对群落均匀度的直接作用更突出。生长末期(9月)松嫩盐碱草地植物群落生物量与土壤因子间的关系以及生长初期(5月)植物群落均匀度与土壤因子间的关系都不明显。  相似文献   

新疆艾丁湖及邻近地区嗜盐菌和耐盐菌的数量分布   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
以盐(NaCI)为限制性生物因子,对艾丁湖地区原核生物的分布状态进行调查,从距艾丁湖中心1.5km处出发,定距离,分季节取土样及水样(共取样20个)。对样品菌群数量统计表明,在湖水中,春秋两嗜盐菌的数量高于耐盐菌。冬季湖水温度大大降低,盐结晶沉淀,湖水中的盐浓度降低,使得湖水中的耐盐菌的数量高于嗜盐菌的数量。土壤中的有要物比湖水中的丰富,温度也较稳定,因而耐盐菌的数量高于嗜盐菌的数量。距湖岩越远,土壤中对盐依赖性强的细菌越少,反之对盐依赖性弱的菌越多。由样品中分离得到细菌173株,放线菌12株,以不同浓度NaCI为唯一生长限制因子对所分离到的细菌进行生理生化实验,获得嗜盐菌61株,其中除3株可视为新种外(新种的鉴定将另外报告),其它均为嗜盐菌的已知产生菌种,现仅报道艾丁湖及邻近地区以盐为限制因子的原核微生物分布。  相似文献   

为了更好地了解石油污染盐碱土壤翅碱蓬根围的细菌多样性,采用16S rRNA基因克隆文库方法对其进行分析,在此基础上采用富集培养方法从该生境中分离筛选耐盐石油烃降解菌.16S rRNA基因克隆文库分析结果表明,海杆菌属(Marinobacter)、食烷菌属(Alcanivorax)和假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)是该生境中的优势菌.他们可能在石油污染盐碱土壤翅碱蓬植物修复过程中起重要作用.进一步采用富集培养方法,从该生境中分离得到8株耐盐石油烃降解菌,可以耐受6%-10%浓度的NaCl,石油烃降解率在32.3%-57.0%之间.经16S rRNA基因序列分析,8株菌隶属于戈登氏菌属(Gordonia)、无色杆菌属(Achromobacter)、迪茨菌属(Dietzia)、芽胞杆菌属(Bacillus)和假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas).他们可能参与石油污染盐碱土壤翅碱蓬植物修复过程中的石油烃降解.  相似文献   

Cementation of salt-containing soils can be achieved by salt-tolerant or halophilic calcite precipitation bacteria. Therefore, the isolation of calcite-producing bacteria in the presence of salt is the first step in the microbial cementation of saline soils. Urease producing bacteria can cause calcite nano-crystals to precipitate by producing urease in the presence of urea and calcium. The purpose of this study was to isolate urease producing halophilic bacteria in order to make calcite precipitate in saline soil. The calcite and the properties of the strains were further analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray detector. In this study, a total of 110 halophilic strains were isolated, from which 58 isolates proved to have the ability of urease production. Four strains were identified to produce nano-calcite using urease activity in the precipitation medium. The XRD studies showed that the size of these particles was in the range of 40–60 nm. Strain H3 revealed that calcite is mostly produced in the precipitation medium containing 5% salt in comparison with other strains. This strain also produced calcite precipitates in the precipitation medium containing 15% salt. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that these isolates are about 99–100% similar to Staphylococcus saprophyticus.  相似文献   

【目的】通过对吉尔吉斯共和国比什凯克地区一处盐碱土壤样品可培养细菌的分离筛选,初步了解该地区土壤微生物生理多样性和系统发育多样性。【方法】利用加盐(NaCl 5%)的R2A、TSB、1/4×NA和Gause No.1培养基筛选耐盐碱菌株。对部分分离菌株的革兰氏染色、耐盐性、生长温度范围、pH耐受、产酶性能进行了比较,进而采用核糖体DNA扩增片段限制性酶切分析(ARDRA)研究了比什凯克地区耐盐碱细菌的群落结构和多样性。【结果】从比什凯克地区盐碱土样中分离得到120株耐盐碱细菌,通过限制性内切酶Hae III对纯化菌株的16S rRNA基因进行酶切分型,根据ARDRA的酶切图谱,将其划分为19个操作分类单元。16S rRNA基因序列测定和系统发育分析结果显示,分离菌株分布于厚壁菌门、放线菌门、变形菌门下的17个种属,且部分菌株的16S rRNA基因序列同源性低于97%,可能是潜在的新种。【结论】比什凯克地区盐碱土样中的耐盐碱细菌不仅具有丰富的多样性,还蕴藏着具有地域特点的新菌种资源。  相似文献   

Two hundred forty-three isolates of alfalfa nodule bacteria (Sinorhizobium meliloti) were obtained from legume nodules and soils sampled in the northern Aral region, experiencing secondary salinization. Isolates obtained from nodules (N isolates) were significantly more salt-tolerant than those from soils (S isolates) when grown in a liquid medium with 3.5% NaCl. It was found that wild species of alfalfa, melilot, and trigonella preferably formed symbioses with salt-tolerant nodule bacteria in both salinized and nonsalinized soils. Only two alfalfa species, Medicago falcata and M. trautvetteri, formed efficient symbioses in soils contrasting in salinity. The formation of efficient symbiosis with alfalfa in the presence of 0.6% NaCl was studied in 36 isolates (N and S) differing in salt tolerance and symbiotic efficiency. Fifteen isolates formed efficient symbioses in the presence of salt. The increase in the dry weight of the plants was 25-68% higher than in the control group. The efficiency of symbiotic interaction under salinization conditions depended on the efficiency of the isolates under standard conditions but did not correlate with the source of nodule bacteria (soil or nodule) or their salt tolerance. The results indicate that nodule bacterium strains forming efficient symbioses under salinization conditions can be found.  相似文献   

Two hundred forty-three isolates of alfalfa root-nodule bacteria (Sinorhizobium meliloti) were obtained from nodules and soils sampled in the northern Aral region, experiencing secondary salinization. Isolates obtained from nodules (N isolates) were significantly more salt-tolerant than those from soils (T isolates) when grown in a liquid medium with 3.5% NaCl. It was found that wild species of alfalfa, melilot, and trigonella preferably formed symbioses with salt-tolerant root-nodule bacteria in both salinized and nonsalinized soils. Only two alfalfa species, Medicago falcata and M. trautvetteri, formed efficient symbioses in soils contrasting in salinity. The formation of efficient symbiosis with alfalfa in the presence of 0.6% NaCl was studied in 36 isolates (N and T) differing in salt tolerance and symbiotic efficiency. Fifteen isolates formed efficient symbioses in the presence of salt. The increase in the dry weight of the plants was 25–68% higher than in the control group. The efficiency of symbiotic interaction under salinization conditions depended on the symbiotic efficiency of the isolates under standard conditions but did not correlate with the source of root-nodule bacteria (soil or nodule) or their salt tolerance. The results indicate that the strains of root-nodule bacteria forming efficient symbioses under salinization conditions can be found.  相似文献   

Rogosa broth, without its salt supplement and dissolved in deionized water, was adapted for the selective isolation and enumeration of enterococci. This medium supported good growth of enterococci, but it suppressed growth of other lactic acid bacteria. The sensitivity and specificity of the medium were tested after addition of various increasing concentrations of NaN(3) against known strains of enterococci and other bacteria. Many strains of Streptococcus faecium showed low azide tolerance; optimal growth was obtained at a concentration of 0.01% NaN(3), which totally or partially inhibited unrelated species of lactic acid bacteria. The selectivity of the medium was further increased by pH adjustment to 9.6. Carbonate and Tween 80 were added to overcome partial inhibition of enterococcal growth by the new combination of selective conditions. The final medium was evaluated in agar form in isolations from human and animal feces, polluted water, meat, and dairy products. Counts were obtained after 16 to 17 h of incubation at 37 C. The isolates satisfactorily conformed to the group characteristics of enterococci.  相似文献   

Re‐establishing native vegetation in stressed soils is of considerable importance in many parts of the world, leading to significant interest in using plant–soil symbiont interactions to increase the cost‐effectiveness of large‐scale restoration. However, effective use of soil microbes in revegetation requires knowledge of how microbe communities vary along environmental stress gradients, as well as how such variation relates to symbiont effectiveness. In Australia, shrubby legumes dominate many ecosystems where dryland salinity is a major issue, and improving plant establishment in saline soils is a priority of regional management agencies. In this study, strains of rhizobial bacteria were isolated from a range of Acacia spp. growing in saline and non‐saline soils. Replicates of each strain were grown under several salinity levels in liquid culture and characterized for growth and salt tolerance. Genetic characterization of rhizobia showed considerable variation among strains, with salt tolerance and growth generally higher in rhizobial populations derived from more saline soils. These strains showed markedly different genetic profiles and generic affiliations to those from more temperate soils, suggesting community differentiation in relation to salt stress. The identification of novel genomic species from saline soils suggests that the diversity of rhizobia associated with Australian Acacia spp. is significantly greater than previously described. Overall, the ability of some symbiotically effective strains to tolerate high salinity is promising with regard to improving host plant re‐establishment in these soils.  相似文献   

We previously reported on the detection and isolation of an indigenous population of Halobacillus from salt-damaged medieval wall paintings and building materials of Herberstein castle in St. Johann bei Herberstein in Styria, Austria. Several moderately halophilic, Gram-positive, endospore-forming Halobacillus-like bacteria could be again isolated by conventional enrichment from salt efflorescences collected in the medieval St. Virgil's chapel in Vienna. Comparative 16S rDNA sequence analyses showed that the St. Virgil isolates are most closely related (>98.5% sequence similarity) to Halobacillus trueperi, Halobacillus litoralis, and to our previous halobacilli strains obtained from the castle Herberstein. Based on 16S rDNA sequence analysis, the strains could be clustered in three different groups. Group I: St. Virgil strains S3, S4, S21, and S22 (99.8–100% sequence similarity); group II: Herberstein strains K3-1, I7, and the St. Virgil strain S20 (99.3–99.7% sequence similarity); and group III: Herberstein strains I3, I3A, and I3R (100% sequence similarity). Molecular typing by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD-PCR), and internal transcribed spacer-homoduplex–heteroduplex polymorphism (ITS-HHP) fingerprinting showed that all isolates are typeable by each of the methods. RAPD was the most discriminatory method. With respect to their physiological characteristics—i.e., growth in the presence of 5–20% (w/v) NaCl, no growth in the absence of NaCl, optimum growth at 37 °C in media containing 5–10% (w/v) NaCl, and optimum pH around 7.5–8.0—the St. Virgil isolates resembled our previously isolated strains. However, the St. Virgil strains showed some differences in their biochemical properties. St. Virgil isolates hydrolysed Tween 80, two isolates reduced nitrate, and no isolate liquefied gelatine. The recurrent isolation of halobacilli from salt efflorescences on historic buildings and monuments at two different geographical locations may indicate that this group of bacteria is common in salt-affected ruins.  相似文献   

We previously reported on the detection and isolation of an indigenous population of Halobacillus from salt-damaged medieval wall paintings and building materials of Herberstein castle in St. Johann bei Herberstein in Styria, Austria. Several moderately halophilic, Gram-positive, endospore-forming Halobacillus-like bacteria could be again isolated by conventional enrichment from salt efflorescences collected in the medieval St. Virgil's chapel in Vienna. Comparative 16S rDNA sequence analyses showed that the St. Virgil isolates are most closely related (>98.5% sequence similarity) to Halobacillus trueperi, Halobacillus litoralis, and to our previous halobacilli strains obtained from the castle Herberstein. Based on 16S rDNA sequence analysis, the strains could be clustered in three different groups. Group I: St. Virgil strains S3, S4, S21, and S22 (99.8–100% sequence similarity); group II: Herberstein strains K3-1, I7, and the St. Virgil strain S20 (99.3–99.7% sequence similarity); and group III: Herberstein strains I3, I3A, and I3R (100% sequence similarity). Molecular typing by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD-PCR), and internal transcribed spacer-homoduplex–heteroduplex polymorphism (ITS-HHP) fingerprinting showed that all isolates are typeable by each of the methods. RAPD was the most discriminatory method. With respect to their physiological characteristics—i.e., growth in the presence of 5–20% (w/v) NaCl, no growth in the absence of NaCl, optimum growth at 37 °C in media containing 5–10% (w/v) NaCl, and optimum pH around 7.5–8.0—the St. Virgil isolates resembled our previously isolated strains. However, the St. Virgil strains showed some differences in their biochemical properties. St. Virgil isolates hydrolysed Tween 80, two isolates reduced nitrate, and no isolate liquefied gelatine. The recurrent isolation of halobacilli from salt efflorescences on historic buildings and monuments at two different geographical locations may indicate that this group of bacteria is common in salt-affected ruins.  相似文献   

The antagonistic potential of salinity tolerant (ST) Trichoderma (Th) isolates against Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. ciceri (foc) was tested, along with their capability to induce relative salt stress tolerance in chickpea with the aim to exploit their use as biological agents in reducing deleterious effects of salinity and controlling Fusarium wilt of chickpea under saline soil conditions. Under laboratory conditions, salt stress was created by supplementing nutrient medium with different concentrations of NaCl viz. 0, 70, 150 and 240?mM NaCl and a pot experiment was conducted using natural saline soil (EC – 6.6 dS?m?1). Out of 45 Th isolates studied, only five isolates viz. Th-13, Th-14, Th-19, Th-33 and Th-50 were selected to be ST as these were able to grow and sporulate in growth medium containing up to 240?mM NaCl. In saline medium, ST isolates greatly surpassed salinity sensitive (SS) isolate with respect to growth rate, mycelial dry weight, sporulation and biological proficiency against foc. Out of five ST isolates that retained their tolerance to different salt stress levels, Th-14 and Th-19 showed maximum antagonism against foc. Under greenhouse conditions, chickpea plants obtained from seeds bioprimed with Th-14 and Th-19 performed well both at germination and seedling stage in comparison to control in saline soil. As compared to untreated plants, characterisation of Th treated plants confirmed that they had reinforced contents of proline along with relatively higher levels of total phenols, membrane stability index and superoxide dismutase activity while lower accumulation of hydrogen peroxide and malondealdehyde contents. ST isolates, Th-14 and Th-19 significantly reduced foc-induced wilt disease incidence in chickpea plants. The population density of both the Th isolates in rhizosphere far exceeded that of foc under both saline and non-saline soils. However, Th-14 was found more efficient in increasing relative salt stress tolerance in chickpea and reducing the foc growth in rhizosphere under present materials and conditions. These findings provide a novel paradigm for developing alternative, environmentally safe strategy to alleviate salt stress and manage fungal diseases such as foc that aggravates under saline soils.  相似文献   

王改萍  祝长青  王茹 《微生物学通报》2021,48(11):4134-4144
[背景] 多种甲基杆菌属细菌对寄主植物有促生作用,其分布区域较广。筛选具有耐盐与促生特性的甲基杆菌属菌株可为微生物菌肥的开发提供依据。[目的] 从新疆乌尔禾地区盐渍土壤中筛选耐盐促生菌,对其培养基成分进行优化及促生能力进行研究,为微生物菌肥的开发提供依据。[方法] 采用阿须贝无氮培养基筛选耐盐菌株,对菌株进行基因序列分析及生理生化测定,采用平板试验法初步研究该菌对拟南芥的生长影响。[结果] 筛选出中度耐盐菌株W-1,经鉴定为甲基杆菌属(Methylobacteriumsp.)。菌株生长最佳无机盐为NaCl,最适浓度为1%–3%,最高耐受浓度达7%。最佳氮源为酸水解酪蛋白,产生长素最高达33.53 mg/L。溶磷能力达28.71 mg/L。菌株W-1接种拟南芥幼苗后叶绿素a和叶绿素b含量均高于对照组,同时对其根系发育有显著的促进作用。[结论] 菌株W-1促生性能显著,可为生物肥料制备提供菌种资源。  相似文献   

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