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从理论上分析了公立医院补偿模式的特点,以及政府卫生投入和医疗服务收费之间的关系;梳理了公立医院补偿机制存在的问题;提出了改革补偿机制的建议,即在政府按照医改要求足额投入,调整医疗服务价格的基础上,改革政府投入机制、医疗服务收入分配机制和医保支付方式,并建立有效的监管和奖惩体系。  相似文献   

对我国公立医院实施药品零差率后的补偿机制进行阐述和分析。通过现场调研和查阅文献的形式,对各地不同试点公立医院补偿机制现状进行分析总结。补偿机制在实际推行中出现障碍,出现财政投入落实不到位、医疗服务价格调整缓慢、医保支付方式不合理等问题。抓住补偿机制的三个关键要素,才能有效弥补医院的资金缺口,即保证政府资金的有效性,找出医疗服务价格的均衡点以及探索合理的医保支付方式。  相似文献   

自县级公立医院改革试点以来,在各领域都有所探索并形成初步的改革思路。但是,在改革中仍有不少关键问题未得到解决,诸如:改革的多元顶层设计思路、补偿机制的持续性与稳定性、地方政府财政压力加重、医院管理体制机制改革未能协同进行、调动和保障医务人员积极性的机制亟待完善、医疗服务定价无法体现医疗服务价值、人才队伍建设滞后、医保基金的使用等。建议下一步县级公立医院改革应在多元化、多层次的顶层设计指导下,坚持公益性与医院经营效益相结合,建立县级公立医院的现代医院管理制度。改革要从创新人力资本管理机制、完善破除“以药补医”后的补偿机制和配套措施、推进法人治理和政事分开、加强医保基金对居民医疗需求的引导、加快医院信息化建设等方向上寻求突破。  相似文献   

实行医药分开、破除以药补医无疑是公立医院改革的关键领域,不仅有着复杂的历史背景,而且涉及多个利益相关者。在此项改革推进过程中,政府有关部门出台相关政策,探索出了改革支付方式、降低或取消药品加成、实行收支两条线管理、设立独立于医院外的药品管理中心等4种医药分开的实现形式。后以药补医时代,政府责任主要在:通过约束公立医院的逐利性缓解“看病贵”;促使医疗技术服务价格回归价值以改善“看病难”;通过合理财政投入、有力政策保障,主导公立医院落实公益性。  相似文献   

公立医院改革促进了医疗卫生事业发展紧跟国民经济发展的进程,是实现健康中国战略的重要举措。为更好更快保质保量推进公立医院发展,需要不断转变医院管理模式、调整医疗服务价格、完善医院医保机制、优化医疗服务流程以及规范医院档案管理,才能实现公立医院经济效益和社会效益双赢局面。  相似文献   

目的 研究县级公立医院补偿机制改革中的政府责任。方法 对全国东、中、西部共16省份的县级公立医院在本轮综合改革中的补偿机制进行结构分析、内容分析,从政府责任视角出发,对新医改补偿机制中政府投入责任、宏观调控责任和监管责任3个方面进行综合评价。结果 青海、重庆等西部省份的补偿方案中财政补助比例多为50%~100%,而广东、江苏等东部经济发达省份的补偿方案多通过采用提高医疗服务价格来弥补70%~80%亏空。结论 县级公立医院平稳健康可持续发展需要建立科学、合理的补偿机制。在经济欠发达省份,政府更应强化投入责任,加大对其财政补贴力度;在发达省份,政府可通过医疗服务价格调整政策对医疗卫生系统进行宏观调控。  相似文献   




通过对不同国家、不同地区、不同级别公立医院补偿机制现状进行比较分析,探讨进一步完善公立医院补偿机制的政策和措施,为政府部门制定补偿政策提供依据。医院发展离不开资金,因此对医院资金必须集中管理、统一调配、有效监督,加强资金收支的监督管理。健全医疗服务成本及价格监测体系,加强对医疗服务价格及成本构成要素的监测,为制定合理的医疗服务指导价格、建立灵活的价格调整机制提供依据。在医疗这一重要的社会消费领域,需要给公众真实客观的信息,加强宣传和沟通也极为重要。总之,完善公立医院补偿机制,是建立规范高效公立医院运行机制的重要保证,也是充分体现公立医院公益性的必然要求。当前我们应该积极探索,加快完善公立医院补偿机制。  相似文献   

从政策角度分析医疗服务价格的演变过程、形成机制,研究新医改以来公立医院医疗服务价格调整的进展和问题,以34家国家级试点为例,探讨调整医疗服务价格的解决策略和路径,提出推进策略。文章认为,对于医疗服务价格调整,要深刻认识价格改革在公立医院改革中的地位和作用,坚持基本原则,处理好几个方面关系,并把握好几个技术难点。  相似文献   

我国政府举办的公立医院属于非营利性质,文章在分析我国非营利性公立医院现状的同时,比较了国内外弱势群体医疗服务政策的差异,对比认为政府应该承担起对弱势群体医疗服务的责任,并提出建立以弱势群体为主要服务对象的非营利性公立医院。以非营利性公立医院为载体来解决弱势群体“看病难、看病贵”的问题具备一定的理论依据,在具体实践中需要从多个方面加强非营利性公立医院的改革与完善。  相似文献   

葫芦科植物包括多种瓜类蔬菜,对其进行离体培养研究具有重要的理论和实践意义。综述了国内在葫芦科植物器官培养、体细胞胚胎发生、花药培养、原生质体培养和体细胞杂交及离体遗传转化等方面取得的研究进展,并对葫芦科植物离体培养、遗传转化与育种的前景作了展望。  相似文献   

我国葫芦科植物离体培养研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
葫芦科植物包括多种瓜类蔬菜,对其进行离体培养研究具有重要的理论和实践意义.综述了国内在葫芦科植物器官培养、体细胞胚胎发生、花药培养、原生质体培养和体细胞杂交及离体遗传转化等方面取得的研究进展,并对葫芦科植物离体培养、遗传转化与育种的前景作了展望.  相似文献   

目的系统评价国内双歧杆菌制剂临床预防小儿继发性腹泻的效果。方法按照系统评价的要求检索CBMd isc、VIP、CNK I以及万方数据库等,获得18篇符合纳入标准的文献,共计患儿4050例,对其进行M eta分析,并评价M eta分析结果的稳定性和发表偏倚。结果异质性检验χ^2=34.60,P=0.007〈0.05,采用随机效应模型进行M eta分析,合并RR=0.41,95%C I为0.35~0.49,总体效应检验,Z=10.39,P〈0.00001,差异具有非常显著性,固定效应模型RR值和95%C I与随机效应模型完全一致,剔除小样本报道后的合并RR=0.42,95%C I为0.35~0.50,与剔除前的结果基本一致,且本研究的发表偏倚得到了很好地控制。结论从现有的临床证据来看,双歧杆菌制剂能降低小儿继发性腹泻的发生率,对预防小儿继发性腹泻起到了满意的效果。  相似文献   

目的:以心率(HR)、心指数(CI)、体循环阻力(SVR)作为效应指标,明确右美托咪啶(Dex)用于SICU 镇静时年龄和血流动 力学效应的关系。方法:选择2014 年3 月~7 月间在我院SICU 接受普胸或者普外科手术后需要短期镇静患者38 例,各年龄段分 布相对均匀。在病人术后Ramsay评分≤ 3 分时给予右旋美托咪啶6.0 ug/kg/h,连续静脉输注10 min 后停药,应用脉搏指示连续 心输出量监测技术(PICCO)记录用药前及用药后3 min、5 min、8 min、10 min、15 min、20 min、30 min、45 min、60 min、90 min、120 min 的11 个时间点的HR、CI 和SVR。结果:HR、CI 和SVR 的EMAX 随着年龄的增加而增大,可以通过数学模型表示:E= (P<0.05)。结论:右美托咪啶用于SICU 镇静时,患者HR、CI和SVR的EMAX 呈 年龄依赖性变化。  相似文献   

我国蝴蝶产业发展中亟待解决的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简略介绍了我国目前蝴蝶产业的背景情况和发展现状,着重阐述了该产业发展中亟待解决的目标与思路、政策与法律、科研与技术、人才与培养等一系列问题,并针地性提出了相应解决意见。  相似文献   

We have established xeroderma pigmentosum group A (XPA) gene-knockout mice with nucleotide excision repair (NER) deficiency, which rapidly developed skin tumors when exposed to a low dose of chronic UV like XP-A patients, confirming that the NER process plays an important role in preventing UVB-induced skin cancer. To examine the in vivo mutation in the UVB-irradiated epidermis, we established XPA (−/−), (+/−) and (+/+) mice carrying the Escherichia coli rpsL transgene with which the mutation frequencies and spectra in the UVB-irradiated epidermal tissue can be examined conveniently. The XPA (−/−) mice showed a higher frequency of UVB-induced mutation in the rpsL transgene with a low dose (150 J/m2) of UVB-irradiation than the XPA (+/−) and (+/+) mice, while, at a high dose (900 J/m2) they showed almost the same frequency of mutation as the XPA (+/−) and (+/+) mice, probably because of cell death in the epidermis of the XPA (−/−) mice. However, CC→TT tandem transition, a hallmark of UV-induced mutation, was detected at higher frequency in the XPA (−/−) mice than the XPA (+/−) and (+/+) mice at both doses of UVB. This rpsL/XPA mouse system will be useful for further analyzing the role of NER in the mutagenesis and carcinogenesis induced by various carcinogens.  相似文献   

Role of Hrs in maturation of autophagosomes in mammalian cells   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Autophagy is an evolutionarily conserved system responsible for the degradation of cellular components and contributes to the increasing of amino acid pool, organelle turnover, and elimination of intracellular bacteria. The molecular process of autophagy is still unclear. Here we demonstrate that Hrs, a master regulator in endosomal protein sorting, plays critical roles for the autophagic degradation of non-specific proteins and Streptococcus pyogenes. We found that Hrs containing FYVE domain is localized to autophagosomes. Hrs depletion resulted in a significant decrease in the number of mature autophagosomes (autophagolysosomes) detected by the co-localization of autophagosome marker LC3 and lysosome marker LAMP-1. In contrast, formation of the primary autophagosome, detected by LC3 immunoblotting and lysosomal degradation of non-specific proteins, were not significantly altered by Hrs depletion. Based on these results, we propose a novel function of Hrs, as a crucial player in the maturation of autophagosomes.  相似文献   

Background & objectivesAn assessment of transition of cancer in India during the past 30 years, according to changes in demographic and epidemiologic risk factors was undertaken.Materials & methodsCancer registry data (http://www.ncdirindia.org), (population coverage <10%), was compared with transition in life-expectancy and prevalence on smoking, alcohol and obesity. We fitted linear regression to the natural logarithm of the estimated incidence rates of various cancer registries in India.ResultsBurden of cancer in India increased from 0.6 million in 1991 to 1.4 million in 2015. Among males, common cancers are lung (12.0%), mouth (11.4%), prostate (7.0%), and tongue (7.0%) and among females, they are breast (21.0%), cervix-uteri (12.1%), ovary (6.9%), and lung (4.9%) in 2012. Increased life-expectancy and population growth as well as increased use of alcohol and increased prevalence of overweight/obesity reflected an increase in all cancers in both genders except a reduction in infection-related cancers such as cervix-uteri and tobacco-related cancers such as pharynx (excludes nasopharynx) and oesophagus.Interpretation & conclusionTransition in demographics and epidemiologic risk factors, reflected an increase in all cancers in both genders except a reduction in a few cancers. The increasing incidence of cancer and its associated factors demands a planned approach to reduce its burden. The burden assessment needs to be strengthened by increasing the population coverage of cancer registries. Continued effort for tobacco prevention and public health efforts for reducing obesity and alcohol consumption are needed to reduce the cancer burden.  相似文献   

There is a long history of using both in silico and in vitro methods to predict adverse effects in humans and environmental species where toxicity data are lacking. Currently, there is a great deal of interest in applying these methods to the development of so-called ‘adverse outcome pathway’ (AOP) constructs. The AOP approach provides a framework for organizing information at the chemical and biological level, allowing evidence from both in silico and in vitro studies to be rationally combined to fill gaps in knowledge concerning toxicological events. Fundamental to this new paradigm is a greater understanding of the mechanisms of toxicity and, in particular, where these mechanisms may be conserved across taxa, such as between model animals and related wild species. This presents an opportunity to make predictions across diverse species, where empirical data are unlikely to become available as is the case for most species of wildlife.  相似文献   

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