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正红喉歌鸲(Luscinia calliope)在我国境内的东北和西部地区繁殖,目前繁殖资料报道仅限于《中国鸟类志·下卷·雀形目》(赵正阶2001)中的记述,该记述是基于长白山地区繁殖种群的观察,其他地区繁殖种群的繁殖资料尚未有公开报道。2011年和2012年两个年度我们在甘肃莲花山国家级自然保护区的沙河滩保护站各发现红喉歌鸲1巢,两个年度发现的巢几乎位于同一地点(34°55′56″N,103°44′16″E,海拔2 815 m)。  相似文献   

柳鹏飞 《动物学杂志》2021,56(2):213-213
正2011年5月6日,在甘肃省平凉市崆峒区柳湖公园(35°32′46″N,106°40′10″E,海拔1 294 m)内发现乌鸫(Turdusmerula)繁殖巢一个,巢营于一高大柳树上,巢距地面高4.2m,巢中4只雏鸟即将出飞。2016年5月15日,在宁夏回族自治区隆德县十八里铺村(35°61′02″N,106°06′91″E,海拔1 987 m)发现并记录到乌鸫雄性个体1只,生活环境为村庄。2018年5月25日,在该县黄家峡村(35°63′48″N,106°19′86″E,海拔223 0 m),  相似文献   

正2017年6—7月,在云南省双柏县法脿镇境内(101°52'18″E,24°34'28″N,1 350 m)发现噪鹃Eudynamys scolopacea在红嘴蓝鹊Urocissa erythrorhyncha巢内寄生繁殖的现象。6月12日,在法脿镇境内某河谷峭壁的清香木Pistacia weinmannifolia上发现一窝营巢的红嘴蓝鹊,鸟巢筑于离地5 m左  相似文献   

了解杜鹃(Cuculus spp.)对不同宿主鸟类的巢寄生,是研究杜鹃与其宿主之间协同进化的重要基础资料。大杜鹃(Cuculus canorus)和家燕(Hirundo rustica)分布遍及全国,且为同域分布,但两者之间的寄生现象尚未有过系统调查。2012年和2014年4~8月,对繁殖于吉林市昌邑区桦皮厂镇(34°58′44.18″N,126°13′26.83″E,海拔184 m)和海南岛的家燕种群进行调查,结果表明,吉林市昌邑区桦皮厂镇家燕种群的寄生率为2.4%(1/42),而在海南岛所调查的1 719个家燕巢未发现杜鹃寄生现象。同时在网络上搜集家燕巢寄生的报道案例,共记录到13巢家燕被大杜鹃寄生繁殖,均发生在北方的家燕种群。  相似文献   

河北张家口康巴诺尔湖国家湿地公园遗鸥繁殖群新发现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2014年4月14日在张家口市康保县康巴诺尔湖国家湿地公园(东经114°35′06″~114°36′32″,北纬41°49′05″~41°50′33″)发现遗鸥(Larus relictus)3 000余只。同年7月在湖边发现新繁殖的遗鸥幼鸟觅食。2015年4月底发现遗鸥在湖心岛筑巢产卵,同年6月采用国产大疆精灵3四轴航拍飞行器航拍法及样方法统计湖心岛遗鸥种群数量,共记录遗鸥成鸟2 100余只,806巢,出壳雏鸟2 080只。此次发现属于我国遗鸥繁殖地的新发现。  相似文献   

郝光  崔萍  杨陈  崔鹏  王杰 《动物学杂志》2016,51(5):923-924
正金雕(Aquila chrysaetos)是寿命较长的大型猛禽,广布于古北区、新北区以及北非、西亚和印度的部分地区(Orta et al.2016)。巢通常营造于偏远、安静的地方,置于高大乔木顶部的枝杈上或悬崖峭壁的凹陷处。金雕为我国Ⅰ级重点保护野生动物,在中国脊椎动物红色名录中被列为极危物种(蒋志刚等2016),繁殖记述较少(徐中辉等1988,侯功周等1993,邱富才等1998,隋金玲等2008,赵序茅等2013)。2015年4月13日和2016年4月21日在四川省万源市太平镇项家坪(32°7′18″N,108°7′28″E,海拔1 360 m),  相似文献   

正墨脱弯脚虎(Cyrtopodion medogensis)隶属壁虎科(Gekkonidae)弯脚虎属,为中国特有种(赵尔宓等1999)。目前已知该种分布于西藏林芝地区墨脱县、林芝县、工布江达县、米林县及朗县东部。墨脱弯脚虎夜间活动,白天藏匿于石下,属夜行性动物。截至目前,有关墨脱弯脚虎的生物学资料极少,有关繁殖生物学方面的数据缺失(赵尔宓等1987,1999,李丕鹏等2010)。2015年5月30日在西藏林芝地区林芝县八一镇(29°36′14.72″N,94°24′35.17″E,海拔2 970 m)采得墨脱弯脚虎数尾,解剖其中2只雌性个体,腹内分别有卵1枚和2枚。2015年8月29日,在米林县卧龙镇(29°8′17.2″N,  相似文献   

山噪鹛 (Garrulaxdavidi)是我国北方及华中地区的特有种。 2 0 0 4年 6月在四川九寨沟县红岩林场考察期间 ,发现山噪鹛巢 2个。 2巢所在林型为采伐后的次生冷杉、云杉针叶林 ,树高一般在 3m左右。海拔 3 5 0 0m ,GPS点为E1 0 3°43′5 1″ ,N 3 3°0 3′0 0″。巢 1于 6月 1 0日发现 ,正处于孵卵阶段。该巢位于幼云杉的中部 ,距地面高 1 .0m ,呈碗状。巢的外层由忍冬(Lonicerasp .)和五加 (Acanthopanaxsp.)的细枝构成 ,并缠绕着蓝靛果忍冬 (Loniceraedulis)的树皮 ,内层为少许绣线菊 (Spiraeasp.)细枝。巢的大小为 :内径 8 8cm× 7 7cm…  相似文献   

2007年3~7月,我们在陕西省洋县华阳镇对野化放飞朱鹮(Nipponia nippon)个体进行监测的过程中,发现3对朱鹮在同一棵树上集群营巢(communal breeding),并繁殖成功。这是自1981年野生朱鹮种群重新发现以来,首次记录到朱鹮集群营巢的现象。3对朱鹮营巢的地点位于洋县华阳镇中学附近,经纬度为107°54′204E,33°59′670N,海拔1113m。营巢树种为油松,树高25m,胸径82cm,据当地村民说已有近百年树龄。3巢的详细信息见表1。表1朱鹮集群繁殖信息巢编号亲鸟环号雄鸟♂雌鸟♀巢高(m)产卵数(枚)出壳数(只)出飞数(只)1红色09红色10162222红色06无环14222…  相似文献   

报道了青藏高原通泉草科(Mazaceae)肉果草属(Lancea)粗毛肉果草(Lancea hirsuta Bonati)新分布。该种分布于西藏八宿县(30°12′3.8″N,97°16′48″E)、西藏林周县(30°4′58.8″N,91°16′48″E)、西藏当雄县(30°32′24″N,91°20′24″E)和青海杂多县(33°4′48″N,95°9′36″E),该次发现将中国该种自然分布区扩大到西藏、青海等地,海拔分布也增加至4 300m。凭证标本现存于中国科学院青藏高原生物标本馆(HNWP)。  相似文献   

绿鹭的繁殖习性观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2001年4-9月在合肥市对绿鹭(Butorides striatus)的繁殖习性进行了观察。绿鹭营巢生境主要选择在建筑物附近的高大阔叶树上,常一树一巢,未见与其他鹭类混群营巢。每巢产3-5枚卵,孵卵期21d,育雏期41d,42日龄后幼鸟离巢飞走,出飞存活率62.5%。育雏期雏鸟主要食物为小型鱼类。在4所大学校园及1处公园统计到有效巢56个,推算绿鹭224只。绿鹭在合肥繁殖属首次记录。  相似文献   

Abstract: Exposure to environmental features early in life potentially can influence the kinds of places animals select to live later in life. We examined whether there is evidence that Cooper's hawks (Accipiter cooperii) hatched in an urban environment choose sites with features similar to their natal areas when they nest for the first time. The features we examined were the nest tree species and the level of development surrounding the nest tree. We banded nestling and fledgling Cooper's hawks in Tucson, Arizona, USA, from 1994 to 2004. We then monitored nests in Tucson to identify hawks that had been hatched in the city and eventually secured a breeding site. Percent cover of buildings around first breeding nests was not related to percent cover of buildings around natal nests for either sex. There was some evidence that being hatched in a particular tree species influenced choice of tree species at first breeding sites for males, but the influence was weak. In contrast, tree species in which first-time breeders built their nests, and the sites where the trees were located relative to development, were proportional to what was available in the Tucson metropolitan area. Our data suggest that natal experience played a limited role in nest-site selection by Cooper's hawks in Tucson for the features we examined. If learning occurred, it could have been for the general structure of natal sites. Thus, any small grove of large trees planted in Tucson could be used as a nest site by Cooper's hawks regardless of the level of development surrounding the nest.  相似文献   

Range occupancy of the cooperatively breeding Southern Ground‐Hornbill Bucorvus leadbeateri in South Africa has decreased by 65% in the last three generations and the effective management of the remaining populations is hampered by a lack of fundamental understanding of the factors determining reproductive performance. We examined the influence of social and environmental factors on the species' reproductive success in South Africa using data gathered from 23 groups over eight breeding seasons. Some groups had access to artificial nest‐sites, others did not. High rainfall (> 500 mm) over the breeding season led to a decrease in reproductive success, with groups being most successful in years when rain in the vicinity of the nest ranged from 300 to 500 mm. Groups breeding in natural nests were successful only when the proportion of open woodland surrounding the nest‐site was high. Those that bred in artificial nests, where overall breeding success was more than twice as high as those in natural nests, were less dependent on the availability of open woodland. Large groups (more than three birds) bred more successfully than groups comprising only two to three individuals. Group size, helper effects and rainfall cannot be managed to increase the productivity of Ground‐Hornbills but the fact that the availability of artificial nest‐sites and the amount of open woodland around the nest‐site both contribute positively to breeding performance identifies practical and simple management options for increasing the reproductive output of Southern Ground‐Hornbill populations.  相似文献   

Capsule: Microclimatic conditions in the nests of the Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni, particularly the percentage of time of extremely low humidity, affect breeding success.

Aim: To study the effect of within-nest temperature and humidity on nest productivity, and the correlation between nest productivity and the order of dates on which nests were occupied by the parents. To compare microclimatic conditions in the nest, breeding success and order of occupation between nests under tile roofs and in artificial nest boxes.

Methods: Three different Lesser Kestrel colonies were monitored in Israel – one rural, one urban and one in an open country habitat. Data loggers were placed in 39 nests for the entire breeding period to measure temperature and humidity. The number of fledglings was recorded for each nest, as well as the date of occupation.

Results: Full microclimatic data from 35 nests suggest that percentage of time of extremely low humidity is the major predictor of nest productivity – low humidity is negatively correlated with nest productivity. Sites of more successful nests were occupied earlier. Considering only successful nests, the urban colony had the lowest breeding success of the three colonies. There was no significant difference in mean productivity between nests in roofs and nest boxes, but nests in roofs were occupied earlier.

Conclusion: Nest microclimate, particularly low humidity, affects nesting success in addition to colony location.  相似文献   

To explore the nest survival rate of Reeves's pheasant (Syrmaticus reevesii) and the nest-site factors that affect it,we conducted artificial nest experiments with reference to natural nests at Dongzhai National Nature Reserve (DNNR),Henan Province and Pingjingguan,Hubei Province from April to June 2014 simulating the situation in its early and later breeding season.We also determined distance characteristics of the nest sites by ArcGIS 10.0.Nest survival models were constructed in Program MARK for data analysis.Results indicated that in the early breeding season,the apparent survival rate (ASR) in DNNR (52.4%) was significantly greater than that in Pingjingguan (13.5%),and the ASR in the later breeding season in DNNR (26.7%) was not indistinctively correlated with Pingjingguan (3.2%).The daily survival rate (DSR) in the later breeding season was 93.8% in DNNR and 92.0% in Pingjingguan,respectively.The DSRs were both negatively correlated with nest distance to forest edges and settlements.The DSR in Pingjingguan was positively correlated with nest distance to paths and negatively correlated with nest distance to water sources.However,the DSR in DNNR was negatively correlated with nest distance to paths but positively correlated with nest distance to water sources.  相似文献   

Extending a previous study of the thermal significance of the nest of the Sociable Weaver carried out during the winter, we measured temperature and humidity in the matrix and chambers of a large nest of this species in the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park, South Africa, during the austral summer of December 1973. Air temperatures outside the nest ranged from 16 to 33.5°C but temperatures in occupied chambers varied over a range of only 7 or 8°C and remained well within the zone of thermal neutrality for a passerine bird of this size. Compared to outside air temperatures, those within the nest matrix were lower during the day and higher at night. Thus, the nest ameliorates the effects of external temperatures and allows maintenance inside the chambers of a range of temperature favourable to the birds. In winter we found up to five roosting adults per chamber, with some chambers left empty. In the same nest in summer we found no more than two adults per chamber but virtually all chambers were occupied. The principal mechanism for maintaining chambers within the zone of minimal energetic cost is changes in the number of birds in the nest chambers at night. Humidity inside the occupied and unoccupied chambers was somewhat higher in the former but always less than that of outside air in both cases. Air movement through the desiccated nest materials causes uptake by these materials of most of the water vapour introduced by the birds, and this moisture is dissipated to the outside during the day so that the nest remains dry. The highly social and colonial habits of the birds and their year-round occupancy and maintenance of the nest favour a system of opportunistic breeding that may be initiated by rainfall at any season. Larger nests provide the most favourable environment for energy conservation and successful reproduction. Even the largest nests, however, do not prevent predation during the warm season by snakes such as the Cape Cobra, which may consume all the eggs and young in all the chambers of a large nest. The effects of such heavy predation may be offset by the birds' capability for breeding during times too cold for reptile activity. It seems likely that in smaller nests such as those on telephone poles, lack of predation would favour summer breeding while thermal problems would limit breeding success in winter. In larger nests, breeding success may be lower in summer because of predation and higher in winter when reptile predation is lacking and thermal problems are minimized by the nest structure. The large nest not only makes possible the success of the Sociable Weaver in desert areas, but the nest could only exist in such areas and the species' range is thereby restricted. Higher humidity and heavier rainfall would cause fermentation within the nest mass, loss of its thermoregulatory advantages, and ultimately its decomposition and destruction. Therefore, the unique nesting system of the Sociable Weaver appears to be initially self-reinforcing and ultimately self-limiting.  相似文献   

The use of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology is common in animal‐monitoring applications in the wild and in zoological and agricultural settings. RFID is used to track animals and to collect information about movements and other behaviors, as well as to automate or improve husbandry. Disney's Animal Kingdom® uses passive RFID technology to monitor nest usage by a breeding colony of northern carmine bee‐eaters. We implemented RFID technologies in various equipment configurations, initially deploying low‐frequency (LF) 125 kHz RFID and later changing to high‐frequency (HF) 13.56 MHz RFID technology, to monitor breeding behavior in the flock. We installed antennas connected to RFID readers at the entrances of nest tunnels to detect RFID transponders attached to leg bands as birds entered and exited tunnels. Both LF‐RFID and HF‐RFID systems allowed the characterization of nest visitation, including the timing of nest activity, breeding pair formation, identification of egg‐laying females, participation by nonresidents, and detection of nest disruptions. However, we collected a substantially larger volume of data using the increased bandwidth and polling speed inherent with HF‐RFID, which permitted tag capture of multiple birds simultaneously and resulted in fewer missed nest visits in comparison to LF‐RFID. Herein, we describe the evolution of the RFID setups used to monitor nest usage for more than 7 years, the types of data that can be gained using RFID at nests, and how we used these data to gain insights into carmine bee‐eater breeding behavior and improve husbandry.  相似文献   

对鸟类巢期的研究不仅可以丰富鸟类繁殖生物学资料,也可为理解和研究鸟类的生态适应与进化提供重要线索和依据。2013—2014年3月份至7月份,在若尔盖湿地保护区及周边对55对繁殖黑颈鹤的营巢时长进行了研究,调查结果显示:黑颈鹤的营巢时长在0.5—40 d之间,平均巢期为(6.7±9.3)d;在其营造的4种巢型中,巢期长短依次为:泥堆巢草堆巢草墩巢岛地巢,且差异性极显著(P0.001),巢期与巢型显著相关(r=0.728);在其营巢的3种巢址生境中,巢期长短依次为:湖泊生境沼泽生境河流生境,且差异性极显著(P0.001),巢期与巢址生境显著相关(r=0.315);从不同营巢月份看,巢期长短依次为:4月份巢5月份巢6月份巢,且差异性极显著(P0.01),巢期与筑巢月份显著相关(r=0.664);巢期与巢体积大小具有显著相关性(r=0.856),即营巢时间越长巢体积越大。黑颈鹤的营巢时间长短主要受营巢生境、月份和做巢类型的影响。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Barrow's Goldeneyes (Bucephala islandica) are secondary cavity nesters found in western North America and, to a lesser extent, in eastern North America. The eastern North American population is concentrated in the province of Québec and totals about 2000 pairs. Characteristics of nest cavities used by Barrow's Goldeneyes have been described in western North America, but no nest cavities have been found in eastern North America. From 2004 to 2008, we searched for nest cavities in the species’ core breeding area in the boreal forests north of the St. Lawrence River. We captured 12 adult females on their breeding grounds and fitted them with transmitters, but none apparently nested so we conducted ground searches in areas near lakes where paired birds were observed. We found 11 cavities, with 10 in dead, decaying trees and one in the dead part of a dying tree. Nine cavities were in white birch (Betula papyrifera) trees. Mean cavity height was 3.5 ± 1.6 (SD) m (range = 1.2–6.6 m) and mean diameter at breast height (DBH) of cavity trees was 37.8 ± 4.7 cm (range = 32.2–47.5 cm). In contrast to the population in western North America, Barrow's Goldeneyes in eastern North America appear to rely on the availability of natural cavities formed in large, decaying trees for nesting. Current forestry regulations in Québec do not promote the retention of either large trees or older forests, reducing the availability of potential nest cavities for Barrow's Goldeneyes and likely threatening their long‐term conservation. Therefore, we recommend that guidelines be developed to promote silvicultural practices aimed at preserving the long‐term availability of large (DBH ≥ 30 cm) decaying trees across the breeding range of Barrow's Goldeneyes.  相似文献   

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