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The sand goby Pomatoschistus minutus is a major component of marine shelf and estuarine food webs and an important study organism in behavioural research. Yet, despite the sand goby’s significance, its past and present patterns of migration and gene flow are poorly understood. Here we use the mtDNA control region and parts of the flanking tRNA genes of 63 fish from six localities in the Adriatic (Eastern Mediterranean), Western Mediterranean, Atlantic, and North Sea to investigate the phylogeography of this gobiid. Phylogenetic analyses and population genetics statistics reveal the existence of an Evolutionarily Significant Unit, sensu Moritz (1994), in the Adriatic and another in the Western Mediterranean, Atlantic, and North Sea. A possible biogeographical scenario for the separation of the ancestral population is that sand gobies in the Adriatic and Western Mediterranean split between 10,000 and 5000 years ago when due to the rise in sea temperature they migrated northwards and were bisected by the Italian peninsula. A testable prediction of this scenario is that sand gobies from the Western Mediterranean, Adriatic, and Aegean form three reciprocally monophyletic groups which are the descendants of a three-way diversification event.  相似文献   

Aim The Pleistocene glaciations were the most significant historical event during the evolutionary life span of most extant species. However, little is known about the consequences of these climate changes for the distribution and demography of marine animals of the north‐eastern Atlantic. The present study focuses on the phylogeographic and demographic patterns of the sand goby, Pomatoschistus minutus (Teleostei: Gobiidae), a small marine demersal fish. Location North‐eastern Atlantic, Mediterranean, Irish, North and Baltic seas. Methods Analysis was carried out by sequencing the mtDNA cytochrome b gene of sand gobies from 12 localities throughout the species’ range, and using this information in combination with published data of allozyme markers and mtDNA control region sequences. Several phylogenetic methods and a network analysis were used to explore the phylogeographic pattern. The historical demography of P. minutus was studied through a mismatch analysis and a Bayesian skyline plot. Results Reciprocal monophyly was found between a Mediterranean Sea (MS) clade and an Atlantic Ocean (AO) clade, both with a Middle Pleistocene origin. The AO Clade contains two evolutionary significant units (ESUs): the Iberian Peninsula (IB) Group and the North Atlantic (NA) Group. These two groups diverged during Middle Pleistocene glacial cycles. For the NA Group there is evidence for geographic sorting of the ancestral haplotypes with recent radiations in the Baltic Sea, Irish Sea, North Sea and Bay of Biscay. The demographic histories of the Mediterranean Clade and the two Atlantic ESUs were influenced mainly by expansions dated as occurring during the Middle Pleistocene glaciations and post‐Eem, respectively. Main conclusions The pre‐LGM (Last Glacial Maximum) subdivision signals were not erased for P. minutus during the LGM. Middle Pleistocene glaciations yielded isolated and differently evolving sets of populations. In contrast to the case for most other taxa, only the northern Atlantic group contributed to the post‐glacial recolonization. The historical demography of Mediterranean sand gobies was influenced mainly by Middle Pleistocene glaciations, in contrast to that of the Atlantic populations, which was shaped by Late Pleistocene expansions.  相似文献   

The Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABFT), Thunnus thynnus (Linnaeus, 1758), is an important commercial species managed as two different stocks, western and eastern Atlantic, with their spawning grounds in the Gulf of Mexico and in the Mediterranean Sea, respectively. The eastern Atlantic stock has been overexploited in the last decades, leading to the application of specific management measures introduced by the International Commission for the Atlantic Tuna (ICCAT). A clear understanding of the genetic structure of ABFT Mediterranean population should be pursued in order to support management decisions. To date the genetic studies on the Mediterranean ABFT, carried out with different molecular markers and sampling procedures, have produced unclear results. Here, we analysed ABFT samples from central and western Mediterranean Sea with mitochondrial sequences and 11 microsatellite loci to investigate, among the others, the area of the Strait of Messina, where environmental conditions seem to support a resident population of ABFT. Furthermore, genetic analyses of mitochondrial sequences were carried out including nucleotide sequences of Adriatic ABFT wild larvae retrieved from GenBank. Among the investigated areas a genetic differentiation was detected between the Strait of Messina and the Tyrrhenian Sea with microsatellite loci according to the exact G test, but not to the Bayesian analyses carried out with STRUCTURE. The analyses with mitochondrial sequences do not reveal any differentiation among sampled areas, however, a highly significant genetic divergence was observed between the Adriatic mitochondrial sequences retrieved from GenBank and the central‐western Mediterranean sequences obtained in the present work. Our results provide some evidence of population structure of Mediterranean ABFT adding pieces to a still unclear picture.  相似文献   

The mechanisms that determine population structure in highly mobile marine species are poorly understood, but useful towards understanding the evolution of diversity, and essential for effective conservation and management. In this study, we compare putative sperm whale populations located in the Gulf of Mexico, western North Atlantic, Mediterranean Sea and North Sea using mtDNA control region sequence data and 16 polymorphic microsatellite loci. The Gulf of Mexico, western North Atlantic and North Sea populations each possessed similar low levels of haplotype and nucleotide diversity at the mtDNA locus, while the Mediterranean Sea population showed no detectable mtDNA diversity. Mitochondrial DNA results showed significant differentiation between all populations, while microsatellites showed significant differentiation only for comparisons with the Mediterranean Sea, and at a much lower level than seen for mtDNA. Samples from either side of the North Atlantic in coastal waters showed no differentiation for mtDNA, while North Atlantic samples from just outside the Gulf of Mexico (the western North Atlantic sample) were highly differentiated from samples within the Gulf at this locus. Our analyses indicate a previously unknown fidelity of females to coastal basins either side of the North Atlantic, and suggest the movement of males among these populations for breeding.  相似文献   

We analyzed the movements of Atlantic tuna (Thunnus thynnus L.) in the Mediterranean Sea using data from 2 archival tags and 37 pop-up satellite archival tags (PAT). Bluefin tuna ranging in size from 12 to 248 kg were tagged on board recreational boats in the western Mediterranean and the Adriatic Sea between May and September during two different periods (2000 to 2001 and 2008 to 2012). Although tuna migrations between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean have been well reported, our results indicate that part of the bluefin tuna population remains in the Mediterranean basin for much of the year, revealing a more complex population structure. In this study we demonstrate links between the western Mediterranean, the Adriatic and the Gulf of Sidra (Libya) using over 4336 recorded days of location and behavior data from tagged bluefin tuna with a maximum track length of 394 days. We described the oceanographic preferences and horizontal behaviors during the spawning season for 4 adult bluefin tuna. We also analyzed the time series data that reveals the vertical behavior of one pop-up satellite tag recovered, which was attached to a 43.9 kg tuna. This fish displayed a unique diving pattern within 16 days of the spawning season, suggesting a use of the thermocline as a thermoregulatory mechanism compatible with spawning. The results obtained hereby confirm that the Mediterranean is clearly an important habitat for this species, not only as spawning ground, but also as an overwintering foraging ground.  相似文献   

Previous studies on the common ragworm Hediste diversicolor (Polychaeta: Nereididae) revealed a marked genetic fragmentation across its distribution and the occurrence of sibling taxa in the Baltic Sea. These results suggested that the phylogeographic patterns of H. diversicolor could reflect interactions between cryptic differentiation and multiple colonization events. This study aims to describe the large-scale genetic structuring of H. diversicolor and to trace the phylogeographic origins of the genetic types described in the Baltic Sea. Samples of H. diversicolor (2 <  n  < 28) were collected at 16 locations across the NE Atlantic coasts of Europe and Morocco and in the Mediterranean, Black and Caspian Seas and sequenced at two mitochondrial gene fragments (COI and cyt b , 345 and 290 bp, respectively). Bayesian analyses revealed deep phylogeographic splits yielding three main clades corresponding to populations (i) from the NE Atlantic coasts (from Germany to Morocco) and from part of the Western Mediterranean, (ii) from the Mediterranean Sea, and (iii) from the Black and Caspian Seas. These clades are further divided in well-supported subclades including populations from different regions of NE Atlantic and Mediterranean (i.e. Portugal/Morocco, Western Mediterranean, Adriatic Sea). The Baltic Sea comprises three sympatric lineages sharing a common evolutionary history with populations from NE Atlantic, Western Mediterranean and Black/Caspian Seas, respectively. Hence, the current patterns of genetic structuring of H. diversicolor appear as the result of allopatric isolation, multiple colonization events and possible adaptation to local environmental conditions.  相似文献   

Samples were collected from 407 fin whales, Balaenoptera physalus , at four North Atlantic and one Mediterranean Sea summer feeding area as well as the Sea of Cortez in the Pacific Ocean. For each sample, the sex, the sequence of the first 288 nucleotides of the mitochondrial (mt) control region and the genotype at six microsatellite loci were determined. A significant degree of divergence was detected at all nuclear and mt loci between North Atlantic/Mediterranean Sea and the Sea of Cortez. However, the divergence time estimated from the mt sequences was substantially lower than the time elapsed since the rise of the Panama Isthmus, suggesting occasional gene flow between the North Pacific and North Atlantic ocean after the separation of the two oceans. Within the North Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea, significant levels of heterogeneity were observed in the mtDNA between the Mediterranean Sea, the eastern (Spain) and the western (the Gulf of Maine and the Gulf of St Lawrence) North Atlantic. Samples collected off West Greenland and Iceland could not be unequivocally assigned to either of the two areas. The homogeneity tests performed using the nuclear data revealed significant levels of divergence only between the Mediterranean Sea and the Gulf of St Lawrence or West Greenland. In conclusion, our results suggest the existence of several recently diverged populations in the North Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea, possibly with some limited gene flow between adjacent populations, a population structure which is consistent with earlier population models proposed by Kellogg, Ingebrigtsen, and Sergeant.  相似文献   

Archival bottom‐mounted audio recorders were deployed in nine different areas of the western Mediterranean Sea, Strait of Gibraltar, and adjacent North Atlantic waters during 2006–2009 to study fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) seasonal presence and population structure. Analysis of 29,822 recording hours revealed typical long, patterned sequences of 20 Hz notes (here called “song”), back‐beats, 135–140 Hz notes, and downsweeps. Acoustic parameters (internote interval, note duration, frequency range, center and peak frequencies) were statistically compared among songs and song notes recorded in all areas. Fin whale singers producing songs attributable to the northeastern North Atlantic subpopulation were detected crossing the Strait of Gibraltar and wintering in the southwestern Mediterranean Sea (Alboran basin), while songs attributed to the Mediterranean were detected in the northwest Mediterranean basin. These results suggest that the northeastern North Atlantic fin whale distribution extends into the southwest Mediterranean basin, and spatial and temporal overlap may exist between this subpopulation and the Mediterranean subpopulation. This new interpretation of the fin whale population structure in the western Mediterranean Sea has important ecological and conservation implications. The conventionally accepted distribution ranges of northeastern North Atlantic and Mediterranean fin whale subpopulations should be reconsidered in light of the results from this study.  相似文献   

Debes PV  Zachos FE  Hanel R 《Molecular ecology》2008,17(17):3873-3888
We examined the genetic structure of the European sprat ( Sprattus sprattus ) by means of a 530-bp sequence of the mitochondrial control region from 210 fish originating from seven sampling localities of its distributional range. Phylogeographical analysis of 128 haplotypes showed a phylogenetic separation into two major clades with the Strait of Sicily acting as a barrier to gene flow between them. While no population differentiation was observed based on analysis of molecular variance and net nucleotide differences between samples of the Baltic Sea, the North Sea and the Bay of Biscay nor between the Black Sea and the Bosporus, a strong population differentiation between these samples and two samples from the Mediterranean Sea was found. Further, the biggest genetic distance was observed within the Mediterranean Sea between the populations of the Gulf of Lyon and the Adriatic Sea, indicating genetic isolation of these regions. Low genetic diversities and star-like haplotype networks of both Mediterranean Sea populations point towards recent demographic expansion scenarios after low population size, which is further supported by negative F S values and unimodal mismatch distributions with a low mean. Along the northeast Atlantic coast, a northwards range expansion of a large and stable population can be assumed. The history of a diverse but differentiated Black Sea population remains unknown due to uncertainties in the palaeo-oceanography of this sea. Our genetic data did not confirm the presently used classification into subspecies but are only preliminary in the absence of nuclear genetic analyses.  相似文献   

The aim of our study is to examine the phylogenetic relationship, divergence times and demographic history of the five close-related Mediterranean and North-eastern Atlantic species/forms of Atherina using the full Bayesian framework for species tree estimation recently implemented in ?BEAST. The inference is made possible by multilocus data using three mitochondrial genes (12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, control region) and one nuclear gene (rhodopsin) from multiple individuals per species available in GenBank. Bayesian phylogenetic analysis of the complete gene dataset produced a tree with strong support for the monophyly of each species, as well as high support for higher level nodes. An old origin of the Atherina group was suggested (19.2 MY), with deep split events within the Atherinidae predating the Messinian Salinity Crisis. Regional genetic substructuring was observed among populations of A. boyeri, with AMOVA and MultiDimensional Scaling suggesting the existence of five groupings (Atlantic/West Mediterranean, Adriatic, Greece, Black Sea and Tunis). The level of subdivision found might be consequence of the hydrographic isolation within the Mediterranean Sea. Bayesian inference of past demographic histories showed a clear signature of demographic expansion for the European coast populations of A. presbyter, possibly linked to post-glacial colonizations, but not for the Azores/Canary Islands, which is expected in isolated populations because of the impossibility of finding new habitats. Within the Mediterranean, signatures of recent demographic expansion were only found for the Adriatic population of A. boyeri, which could be associated with the relatively recent emergence of the Adriatic Sea.  相似文献   

Populations of the flounder, Platichthys flesus , were screened for electrophoretically detectable protein variation at up to 37 loci. Atlantic and North Sea populations (subspecies flesus ) were genetically very similar to one another ( I >0.99) but different from Adriatic (subspecies italicus ) and Black Sea (subspecies luscus ) populations. The values for genetic identity between subspecies were around 0.9. Diagnostic loci enabled specimens of flesus, italicus and luscus to be differentiated from one another. Samples of flesus showed two to three times the heterozygosity levels of italicus or luscus , consistent with the greater population size of flesus . Morphological comparisons enabled populations to be categorized to subspecies. Platichthys flesus italicus and luscus are valid subspecies: the terms are not synonyms. The genetic distance data provide an estimate of divergence time of the three subspecies at about 2 My ago, an estimate that seems reasonable in the light of present knowledge concerning the recent geological histories of the Mediterranean and Black Sea basins.  相似文献   

Phylogeographical patterns of the sand goby Pomatoschistus minutus (Gobiidae, Teleostei) were studied by means of sequence and single-stranded conformational polymorphism analysis of a 283-bp fragment of the cytochrome b locus of the mtDNA. A total of 228 individuals sampled at 13 sites throughout the species's distributional range revealed a moderate level of diversity and a low but significant level of overall genetic differentiation at all but one site. The goby sample from the Adriatic Sea differed in sequence by approximately 10% from the Atlantic P. minutus and is thought to belong to a cryptic species of the genus Pomatoschistus . Limited genetic differentiation with a weak pattern of isolation-by-distance was recorded throughout the distributional range of the typical P. minutus . Phylogeographical analysis suggested a contiguous range expansion in the Atlantic and Baltic basins during the Eemian and evidence for a glacial refugium in the southern North Sea during the Weichselian. In P. minutus from the western Mediterranean Sea a high number of endemic haplotypes as well as the most common Atlantic haplotype were recorded in appreciable frequencies. This might be explained by secondary contact between different mitochondrial lineages, which evolved in allopatry.   © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2004, 83 , 561–576.  相似文献   

Numerous planktonic species have disjunct distribution patterns in the world's oceans. However, it is unclear whether these are truly unconnected by gene flow, or whether they are composed of morphologically cryptic species. The marine planktonic chaetognath Sagitta setosa Müller has a discontinuous geographic distribution over the continental shelf in the northeastern Atlantic, Mediterranean Sea, and Black Sea. Morphological variation between these populations has been described, but overlaps and is therefore unsuitable to determine the degree of isolation between populations. To test whether disjunct populations are also genetically disjunct, we sequenced a 504-bp fragment of mitochondrial DNA comprising the cytochrome oxidase II region of 86 individuals. Sequences were highly variable; each represented a different haplotype. Within S. setosa, sequence divergence ranged from 0.2 to 8.1% and strong phylogeographic structure was found, with four main groups corresponding to the northeastern Atlantic, Mediterranean Sea (including Ligurian Sea, Tyrrhenian Sea and Gulf of Gabes), Adriatic Sea, and Black Sea. Two of these (Atlantic and Black Sea) were resolved as monophyletic clades, thus gene flow between disjunct populations of S. setosa has been extremely limited and lineage sorting has taken place. The deepest divergence was between Atlantic and Mediterranean/Black Sea populations followed by a split between Mediterranean and Black Sea populations. The Mediterranean/Black Sea clade comprised three groups, with the Adriatic Sea as the most likely sister clade of the Black Sea. These data are consistent with a colonization of the Black Sea from the Mediterranean. Furthermore, a possible cryptic species was found in the Black Sea with 23.1% sequence divergence from S. setosa. Two possibilities for the evolutionary origin of this species are proposed, namely, that it represents a relict species from the ancient Paratethys, or that it represents another chaetognath species that colonized the Black Sea more recently. Even though the exact timing of disjunction of S. setosa populations remains unclear, on the basis of the geological and paleoclimatic history of the European basins and our estimates of net nucleotide divergence, we suggest that disjunct populations arose through vicariance resulting from the cyclical changes in temperature and sea levels during the Pleistocene. We conclude that these populations have remained disjunct, not because of limited dispersal ability, but because of the inability to maintain viable populations in suboptimal, geographically intermediate areas.  相似文献   

The red coral Corallium rubrum (Cnidaria, Octocorallia) is an exploited, long-lived sessile species from the Mediterranean Sea and the adjacent coastline in the Atlantic Ocean. Surveys of genetic variation using microsatellites have shown that populations of C. rubrum are characterized by strong differentiation at the local scale but a study of the phylogeography of this species was still lacking. Here, we used seven polymorphic microsatellite loci, together with sequence data from an intron of the elongation factor 1 (EF1) gene, to investigate the genetic structure of C. rubrum across its geographical range in the western Mediterranean Sea and in the Adriatic Sea. The EF1 sequences were also used to analyse the consequences of demographic fluctuations linked with past environmental change. Clustering analysis with microsatellite loci highlighted three to seven genetic groups with the distinction of North African and Adriatic populations; this distinction appeared significant with AMOVA and differentiation tests. Microsatellite and EF1 data extended the isolation by distance pattern previously observed for this species at the western Mediterranean scale. EF1 sequences confirmed the genetic differentiation observed between most samples with microsatellites. A statistical parsimony network of EF1 haplotypes provided no evidence of high sequence divergence among regions, suggesting no long-term isolation. Selective neutrality tests on microsatellites and EF1 were not significant but should be interpreted with caution in the case of EF1 because of the low sample sizes for this locus. Our results suggest that recent Quaternary environmental fluctuations had a limited impact on the genetic structure of C. rubrum.  相似文献   

We investigated the geographical distribution of genetic variation in 67 individuals of Triglochin maritima from 38 localities across Europe using AFLP markers. Analysis of genetic variation resulted in the recognition of two major genetic groups. Apart from few geographical outliers, these are distributed (1) along the Atlantic coasts of Portugal, Spain and France and (2) in the North Sea area, the Baltic Sea area, at central European inland localities, the northern Adriatic Sea coast and the Mediterranean coast of southwest France. Considering possible range shifts of T. maritima in reaction to Quaternary climatic changes as deduced from the present-day northern temperature limit of the species, Quaternary changes of coastline in the North Sea area and the very recent origin of the Baltic Sea, we conclude that the coastal populations of T. maritima in the North Sea and Baltic Sea areas originated from inland populations.  相似文献   

Microsatellites were used to investigate population genetic structure of Atlantic bonito Sarda sarda from the Black Sea, Marmara Sea, Aegean Sea, north-eastern Mediterranean Sea and Adriatic Sea. Overall average observed heterozygosity was high (0.93). Average observed heterozygosity per locus ranged from 0.79 to 0.98. Pairwise FST estimates for all loci between populations ranged from 0 to 0.07626, and significant FST values (P < 0.001) were detected between populations; the Blacks Sea and Marmara Sea samples were not significantly different from each other, but significant different from the other samples, and Aegean Sea and north-eastern Mediterranean Sea samples were also not significantly different from each other, but significantly different from all other samples. The Adriatic Sea sample was significant different from all other samples. The Mantel test revealed a significant (P < 0.001, r = 0.68) isolation-by-distance for these 11 populations. Neighbour-joining analysis clustered the Black Sea and Marmara Sea samples together while collections from Aegean Sea and north-eastern Mediterranean Sea were clustered close to each other and far from the others. On the other hand, the Adriatic Sea collection presented very distinctive relationship from the others.  相似文献   

The euryhaline European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax L., inhabiting the coasts of the eastern Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea, has had many opportunities for differentiation throughout its large natural range. However, evidence for this has been incompletely documented geographically and with an insufficient number of markers. Therefore, its full range was sampled at 22 sites and individuals were genotyped with a suite of mapped markers, including 14 microsatellite loci (N = 536) and 46 neutral or gene‐linked single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs; N = 644). We confirm that the Atlantic and Mediterranean basins harbour two distinct lineages. Within the Atlantic Ocean no pattern was obvious based on the microsatellite and SNP genotypes, except for a subtle difference between South‐eastern and North‐eastern Atlantic sea bass attributed to limited introgression of alleles of Mediterranean origin. SNP genotypes of the Mediterranean lineage differentiated into three groups, probably under the influence of geographical isolation. The Western Mediterranean group showed genetic homogeneity without evidence for outlier loci. The Adriatic group appeared as a distinct unit. The Eastern Mediterranean group showed a longitudinal gradient of genotypes and most interestingly an outlier locus linked to the somatolactin gene. Overall, the spatial pattern fits those observed with other taxa of between‐basin segregation and within‐basin connectivity, which concurs well with the swimming capabilities of European sea bass. Evidence from a few outlier loci in this and other studies encourages further exploration of its regional connectivity and adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

The Gyrodactylus spp. fauna on species of gobies, Pomatoschistus, Gobiusculus, and Knipowitschia (Gobiidae: Teleostei), from the western Mediterranean and Adriatic seas is strikingly similar to that found in the Baltic Sea and eastern Atlantic Ocean, both in morphology and in internal transcribed spacer (ITS) rRNA. The fauna consisted of Gyrodactylus branchialis, G. ostendicus, G. gondae, G. rugiensis, G. rugiensoides, and G. arcuatus. No new species have been found. A morphometric comparison between G. branchialis from the Mediterranean and Adriatic seas and its type locality in Ostend (Belgium) showed significant differences in ventral bar and marginal hook features. The morphometric variation was lower in G. rugiensis, whereas no significant differences were found in G. ostendicus. Gyrodactylus branchialis and G. ostendicus collected on P. microps were slightly different in the ITS rDNA (-0.6%) compared with specimens on the closely related P. marmoratus, probably reflecting ongoing speciation. A hybrid zone was identified in the Vaccarès lagoon complex (France) where both host species are sympatric. There was no clear geographic or host-related pattern in the variation found in the ITS2 rDNA in G. arcuatus sampled from P. microps, G. flavescens, Pungitius pungitius, K. panizzae, and its original host Gasterosteus aculeatus (2 polymorphic sites). Of all studied species, only G. arcuatus, G. rugiensis, and G. rugiensoides showed minor intraspecific variation in the ITS rDNA. Hence, the physical separation by a shoreline of more than 10,000 km is hardly reflected in the parasite ITS rDNA.  相似文献   

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