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蛋白激酶Cα相互作用蛋白的结构与功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蛋白激酶Cα相互作用蛋白(protein interacting with Cα kinase,PICK1)是蛋白激酶Cox(protein kinase Cα,PKCα)的靶蛋白之一,也是在PKCα和突触后膜受体蛋白间起重要作用的衔接蛋白。PICK1分别由PDZ结构域、BAR结构域以及卷曲螺旋区和酸性氨基酸区组成。PICK1中的PDZ结构域和受体蛋白、转运蛋白、衔接蛋白的相互作用报道较多,BAR结构域则与支架蛋白、质膜等相互作用。PICK1在突触可塑性、神经递质传递、外周神经感觉、细胞生长和黏连等方面发挥重要作用。本文对PICK1的结构和功能进行综述。  相似文献   

蛋白激酶Cα相互作用蛋白1(protein interacting with Cα kinase 1, PICK1)是衔接膜上受体和蛋白激酶Cα的重要蛋白.利用荧光光谱结合定点突变技术 、蛋白与脂质覆盖法等方法,分析了PICK1蛋白N末端区域几个酸性氨基酸残基对PDZ 结构域与膜脂结合的影响,以及钙离子结合N末端酸性区域对PDZ脂结合能力的调节. 结果显示, 带有上游酸性区域的PDZ结构域(NPDZ)的脂质结合能力仅相当PDZ结构 域的15%,相比单独的PDZ结构域与脂质的解离常数Kd(PDZ)为1.58×103 μg·L-1, NPDZ与脂质解离常数Kd(NPDZ)为3.3×104μg·L-1,其中在N末端酸性残基中D8与 D12两个天冬氨酸是影响脂质结合能力减弱的关键残基,若将二者分别突变为丙氨酸 后,NPDZ与脂质的解离常数分别为:Kd (D8/A)=4.42×103μg·L-1;Kd (D12/A) =1.73×103μg·L-1接近于PDZ结构域与脂质结合能力;钙离子会增强NPDZ脂结合能力,当钙离子浓度达到30 μmol/L时,NPDZ的脂结合能力提高2.3倍,但只相当于PDZ的50% 的结合能力.  相似文献   

蛋白激酶Ca相互作用蛋白的结构与功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蛋白激酶Cα相互作用蛋白(proteininteractingwithCαkinase,PICK1)是蛋白激酶Cα(proteinkinaseCα,PKCα)的靶蛋白之一,也是在PKCα和突触后膜受体蛋白间起重要作用的衔接蛋白。PICK1分别由PDZ结构域、BAR结构域以及卷曲螺旋区和酸性氨基酸区组成。PICK1中的PDZ结构域和受体蛋白、转运蛋白、衔接蛋白的相互作用报道较多,BAR结构域则与支架蛋白、质膜等相互作用。PICK1在突触可塑性、神经递质传递、外周神经感觉、细胞生长和黏连等方面发挥重要作用。本文对PICK1的结构和功能进行综述。  相似文献   

PICK1的结构与功能研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PICK1蛋白是一个从线虫到人都高度保守膜周蛋白,在多种组织中表达,尤以脑和睾丸的表达最高.在细胞内,PICK1定位于核周区和诸如神经突触的特化细胞结构中.PICK1蛋白含一个PDZ结构域和一个BAR结构域,PDZ结构域能和许多膜蛋白结合.而BAR结构域能与脂质分子(主要为磷酸肌醇)相结合,通过这种机制PICK1可调节相关蛋白的亚细胞定位和膜表达.由于各蛋白与PICK1相互作用的PDZ结合基序不同,可利用与特定蛋白结合基序相同的PDZ结合多肤竞争性地结合PDZ结构域,特异性地阻断该蛋白的作用,从而特异性地增强或减弱PICK1在某组织中的作用,为PICK1的临床应用提供了药理基础.  相似文献   

蛋白质是生命功能的执行者.生命体中某些关键蛋白的功能异常往往是导致疾病发生的根本原因.这些疾病相关蛋白极有可能成为药物靶点,为新药研发和疾病治疗提供重要线索. PICK1蛋白(protein interacting with Cα kinase 1)结合能力广泛、功能多样以及在多种重要疾病(如:癌症、精神分裂症、疼痛、帕金森综合症等)的发生发展过程中发挥潜在的作用,使其成为一个可能的药靶蛋白. PICK1与绝大多数配体蛋白的相互作用是通过其PDZ结构域与配体C末端区域的结合介导的,使PICK1的PDZ结构域成为一个潜在的药物靶点.因此,可以利用生物小分子物质特异性地结合PICK1的PDZ结构域,干扰或阻断PICK1与配体蛋白的天然相互作用,最终达到治疗相关疾病的目的.  相似文献   

史秋雯  刘刚  卢光琇 《现代生物医学进展》2008,8(10):1963-1966,1920
PICKI蛋白是一个从线虫到人都高度保守膜周蛋白,在多种组织中表达,尤以脑和睾丸的表达最高。在细胞内,PICKI定位于核周区和诸如神经突触的特化细胞结构中。PICKI蛋白含一个PDZ结构域和一个BAR结构域,PDZ结构域能和许多膜蛋白结合,而BAR结构域能与脂质分子(主要为磷酸肌醇)相结合,通过这种机制PICKI可调节相关蛋白的亚细胞定位和膜表达。由于各蛋白与PICKI相互作用的PDZ结合基序不同,可利用与特定蛋白结合基序相同的PDZ结合多肽竞争性地结合PDZ结构域,特异性地阻断该蛋白的作用,从而特异性地增强或减弱PICKI在某组织中的作用,为PICKI的临床应用提供了药理基础。  相似文献   

PDZ结构域作为介导蛋白质之间相互作用的重要结构域之一,参与到细胞内运输、离子通道、以及各种信号传导通路等多种生物学过程.PDZ结构域是由80~100个氨基酸组成的小的球状结构域,对某些多PDZ结构域蛋白来说,需要一前一后形成串联体才能正确折叠.另外,PDZ结构域相互之间也可以形成同源或异源二聚体.这些PDZ结构域的突出特点是能特异性地识别配体靶蛋白C末端短的氨基酸序列,但有些也能识别靶蛋白的内部β发夹结构.而一些支架蛋白的PDZ结构域与细胞膜上脂类的相互作用则增加了其与膜的亲和性.本文简要概括了PDZ结构域的结构特点及其对配体的各种特异性识别的机制,从而为研究各种PDZ蛋白的功能提供了结构基础.  相似文献   

建立一种研究PDZ结构域配体结合特点的简单方法 .利用酵母双杂交技术从随机多肽文库中寻找所有可能与ZO 1中PDZ3结构域结合的C末端序列 ,从现有蛋白质数据库中检索所有具有该C末端蛋白 .利用液体培养物 β 半乳糖苷酶检测实验 ,比较文库中筛选的C末端序列和已知的PDZ3结构域结合配体———JAM的C末端 (SFLV)与PDZ3结构域结合的强弱 .共筛选到 3个阳性克隆 ,其C末端序列分别为 LGWV、 LVWV和 DEWV .前 2者属于第二类PDZ结构域 ,后者属于第三类 .蛋白质数据库检索结果表明 ,有多个蛋白质具有 LGWV、 LVWV末端 ,没有检索到任何具有 DEWV末端的蛋白质 .结合强度实验结果表明 ,它们与PDZ3结构域结合强度依次为 DEWV > LGWV > LVWV > SFLV ,说明筛选的 3个C末端除了反映ZO 1中PDZ3结构域可能的潜在结合配体外 ,也有可能成为JAM蛋白阻断性试剂甚至药物的重要组成部分之一 .利用随机多肽文库 ,可以尽可能寻找所有可能与PDZ结构域结合的C末端序列 ,大大提高了基因文库筛选的效率  相似文献   

冯巍  张明杰 《生命科学》2011,(11):1095-1100
PDZ结构域是调控蛋白质/蛋白质相互作用的一类重要结构域,能特异结合蛋白质C末端一段有规律的氨基酸序列。含有PDZ结构域的支架蛋白能够组装成超大的蛋白质复合体来调控细胞内的信号转导通路。最新研究表明,PDZ结构域还能与PIP脂质直接相互作用,从而参与调控PIP脂质信号通路。将综合最新研究进展,阐明PDZ结构域与PIP脂质的作用方式,以及对相关PIP脂质信号转导的调控过程。  相似文献   

选择ZO-1的PDZ1结构域作为研究对象,以酵母双杂交为筛选系统,筛选随机多肽文库和与其它PDZ结构域的配体进行相互作用,阐明ZO-1 PDZ1的配体结合特性.ZO-1 PDZ1识别配体C末端保守的氨基酸序列通式可以表示为:[S/T][F/Y/W][V/I/L/C]-COOH、[S/T][K/R]V-COOH、V[F/Y/W][L/C]-COOH、EYV-COOH.研究发现ZO-1 PDZ1的配体同时具有3种传统PDZ结构域配体的特点,不同的是其结合配体-1位对芳香族氨基酸具有强烈的偏好性.并且某些PDZ结构域配体的-1位和-3位对结构域与配体相互作用的特异性和亲和力有重要的作用.随后通过生物信息学的方法在Swiss-Prot数据库找到与此识别规律相符合的天然人类蛋白质.根据蛋白质的功能和细胞定位等性质选择10个配体用酵母双杂交验证相互作用.证实的相互作用配体有4个.本研究希望用这样的研究策略建立一种有效的研究蛋白质相互作用的方法,通过在全蛋白质组规模上对含有结合配体保守氨基酸序列的蛋白质的查询,理论上可以找到现有数据库中所有可能与目的结构域结合的潜在配体蛋白,特别是那些筛选cDNA文库不容易获得的低丰度配体.  相似文献   

Xu J  Xia J 《Neuro-Signals》2006,15(4):190-201
PICK1 is a peripheral membrane protein conserved from Caenorhabditis elegans to the human. It is expressed in many tissues with high levels in brain and testis. Inside cells, PICK1 is localized at the perinuclear region as well as specialized structures such as synapses of neurons. PICK1 contains a PDZ domain and a BAR domain. The PDZ domain of PICK1 binds to a large number of membrane proteins, especially proteins with C-terminal type II PDZ-binding motifs. The BAR domain of PICK1 binds to lipid molecules, mainly phosphoinositides. While the PDZ domain and the linker region of PICK1 enhance BAR domain's lipid binding, the C-terminal region of PICK1 inhibits its lipid binding. PICK1 regulates the subcellular localization and surface expression of its PDZ-binding partners. Lipid binding of PICK1's BAR domain is important for this regulation. With its PDZ domain interacting with membrane proteins and its BAR domain binding to lipids, the unique structure of PICK1 enables it to couple membrane proteins to protein-trafficking machinery.  相似文献   

Shi Y  Zhang L  Yuan J  Xiao H  Yang X  Niu L 《Journal of neurochemistry》2008,106(3):1027-1034
PICK1 ( p rotein i nteracting with C k inase 1) containing a PDZ domain, a BAR domain, and two short acidic regions is as an adaptor protein that plays an important role in α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid receptor trafficking, cell morphology and migration, as well as in some diseases such as cancer, schizophrenia and pain. To better understand the physiological function of PICK1, we expressed the recombinant PICK1 and its truncated mutants in E.coli, and measured their zinc binding properties by fluorescence and competition assay. It is shown that PICK1 has one Zn2+-binding site. The Zn2+-binding properties of PICK1 are not appreciably affected after the removal of BARC domain (involving BAR domain and C-terminal acidic region). Deleting the N-terminal acidic region of NPDZ domain (involving PDZ domain and N-terminal acidic region) in PICK1 impairs its Zn2+-binding capacity.The mutation of the CPC (Cys-Pro-Cys) motif in the PDZ domain of PICK1 abolishes the ability of Zn2+-binding. In addition, Zn2+ can enhance the lipid-binding ability of PDZ domain as observed in both protein-lipid overlay assay and fluorescence analysis. The results presented in this report suggested that Zn2+ plays a regulatory role in the trafficking of PICK1 from the cytoplasm to cell membrane.  相似文献   

PICK1 (protein interacting with C kinase 1) contains an N-terminal protein binding PDZ domain and a C-terminal lipid binding BAR domain. PICK1 plays a key role in several physiological processes, including synaptic plasticity. However, little is known about the cellular mechanisms governing the activity of PICK1 itself. Here we show that PICK1 is a substrate in vitro both for PKCα (protein kinase Cα), as previously shown, and for CaMKIIα (Ca(2+)-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IIα). By mutation of predicted phosphorylation sites, we identify Ser77 in the PDZ domain as a major phosphorylation site for PKCα. Mutation of Ser77 reduced the level of PKCα-mediated phosphorylation ~50%, whereas no reduction was observed upon mutation of seven other predicted sites. Addition of lipid vesicles increased the level of phosphorylation of Ser77 10-fold, indicating that lipid binding is critical for optimal phosphorylation. Binding of PKCα to the PICK1 PDZ domain was not required for phosphorylation, but a PDZ domain peptide ligand reduced the overall level of phosphorylation ~30%. The phosphomimic S77D reduced the extent of cytosolic clustering of eYFP-PICK1 in COS7 cells and thereby conceivably its lipid binding and/or polymerization capacity. We propose that PICK1 is phosphorylated at Ser77 by PKCα preferentially when bound to membrane vesicles and that this phosphorylation in turn modulates its cellular distribution.  相似文献   

The PSD-95/Discs-large/ZO-1 homology (PDZ) domain protein, protein interacting with C kinase 1 (PICK1) contains a C-terminal Bin/amphiphysin/Rvs (BAR) domain mediating recognition of curved membranes; however, the molecular mechanisms controlling the activity of this domain are poorly understood. In agreement with negative regulation of the BAR domain by the N-terminal PDZ domain, PICK1 distributed evenly in the cytoplasm, whereas truncation of the PDZ domain caused BAR domain-dependent redistribution to clusters colocalizing with markers of recycling endosomal compartments. A similar clustering was observed both upon truncation of a short putative α-helical segment in the linker between the PDZ and the BAR domains and upon coexpression of PICK1 with a transmembrane PDZ ligand, including the alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid (AMPA) receptor GluR2 subunit, the GluR2 C-terminus transferred to the single transmembrane protein Tac or the dopamine transporter C-terminus transferred to Tac. In contrast, transfer of the GluR2 C-terminus to cyan fluorescent protein, a cytosolic protein, did not elicit BAR domain-dependent clustering. Instead, localizing PICK1 to the membrane by introducing an N-terminal myristoylation site produced BAR domain-dependent, but ligand-independent, PICK1 clustering. The data support that in the absence of PDZ ligand, the PICK1 BAR domain is inhibited through a PDZ domain-dependent and linker-dependent mechanism. Moreover, they suggest that unmasking of the BAR domain's membrane-binding capacity is not a consequence of ligand binding to the PDZ domain per se but results from, and coincides with, recruitment of PICK1 to a membrane compartment.  相似文献   

A key regulator of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid (AMPA) receptor traffic, PICK1 is known to interact with over 40 other proteins, including receptors, transporters and ionic channels, and to be active mostly as a homodimer. The current lack of a complete PICK1 structure determined at atomic resolution hinders the elucidation of its functional mechanisms. Here, we identify interactions between the component PDZ and BAR domains of PICK1 by calculating possible binding sites for the PDZ domain of PICK1 (PICK1-PDZ) to the homology-modeled, crescent-shaped dimer of the PICK1-BAR domain using multiplexed replica-exchange molecular dynamics (MREMD) and canonical molecular dynamics simulations with the coarse-grained UNRES force field. The MREMD results show that the preferred binding site for the single PDZ domain is the concave cavity of the BAR dimer. A second possible binding site is near the N-terminus of the BAR domain that is linked directly to the PDZ domain. Subsequent short canonical molecular dynamics simulations used to determine how the PICK1-PDZ domain moves to the preferred binding site on the BAR domain of PICK1 revealed that initial hydrophobic interactions drive the progress of the simulated binding. Thus, the concave face of the BAR dimer accommodates the PDZ domain first by weak hydrophobic interactions and then the PDZ domain slides to the center of the concave face, where more favorable hydrophobic interactions take over.  相似文献   

PICK1 is a modular scaffold implicated in synaptic receptor trafficking. It features a PDZ domain, a BAR domain, and an acidic C-terminal tail (ACT). Analysis by small- angle x-ray scattering suggests a structural model that places the receptor-binding site of the PDZ domain and membrane-binding surfaces of the BAR and PDZ domains adjacent to each other on the concave side of the banana-shaped PICK1 dimer. In the model, the ACT of one subunit of the dimer interacts with the PDZ and BAR domains of the other subunit, possibly accounting for autoinhibition. Consistently, full-length PICK1 shows diffuse cytoplasmic localization, but it clusters on vesicle-like structures that colocalize with the trans-Golgi network marker TGN38 upon deletion of either the ACT or PDZ domain. This localization is driven by the BAR domain. Live-cell imaging further reveals that PICK1-associated vesicles undergo fast, nondirectional motility in an F-actin–dependent manner, but deleting the ACT dramatically reduces vesicle speed. Thus the ACT links PICK1-associated vesicles to a motility factor, likely myosin, but, contrary to previous reports, PICK1 neither binds nor inhibits Arp2/3 complex.  相似文献   

Pan L  Wu H  Shen C  Shi Y  Jin W  Xia J  Zhang M 《The EMBO journal》2007,26(21):4576-4587
Protein interacting with c kinase 1 (PICK1) regulates the trafficking of receptors and ion-channels such as AMPA receptors. Traditionally, the PICK1 PDZ domain is regarded as an adaptor capable of binding to receptors trafficked by PICK1, and the lipid-binding BAR domain functions to tether PICK1 directly to membranes. Here, we show that the PICK1 PDZ domain can directly interact with lipid membranes. The PDZ domain and lipid membrane interaction is mediated by both a polybasic amino-acid cluster and a conserved 'Cys-Pro-Cys' motif located away from the peptide ligand-binding groove. Disruption of the PDZ and lipid membrane interaction totally abolished synaptic targeting of PICK1. Although mutation of the CPC motif did not affect the interaction between PICK1 and AMPA receptors, the mutant PICK1 was unable to cluster the GluR2 subunit of the receptor. In neurons, PICK1 containing the same mutation displayed dramatically compromised capacity in the trafficking of AMPA receptors. Taken together, our findings not only uncovered the novel lipid membrane-binding property of the PICK1 PDZ domain, but also provided direct evidence supporting the functional relevance of the PDZ-lipid interaction.  相似文献   

Cerebellar long-term depression (LTD) is a major form of synaptic plasticity that is thought to be critical for certain types of motor learning. Phosphorylation of the AMPA receptor subunit GluR2 on serine-880 as well as interaction of GluR2 with PICK1 have been suggested to contribute to the endocytic removal of postsynaptic AMPA receptors during LTD. Here, we show that targeted mutation of PICK1, the GluR2 C-terminal PDZ ligand, or the GluR2 PKC phosphorylation site eliminates cerebellar LTD in mice. LTD can be rescued in cerebellar cultures from mice lacking PICK1 by transfection of wild-type PICK1 but not by a PDZ mutant or a BAR domain mutant deficient in lipid binding, indicating the importance of these domains in PICK1 function. These results demonstrate that PICK1-GluR2 PDZ-based interactions and GluR2 phosphorylation are required for LTD expression in the cerebellum.  相似文献   

The scaffolding protein PICK1 (protein interacting with C kinase 1) contains an N-terminal PSD-95/Discs large/ZO-1 (PDZ) domain and a central lipid-binding Bin/amphiphysin/Rvs (BAR) domain. PICK1 is thought to regulate trafficking of its PDZ binding partners but different and even opposing functions have been suggested. Here, we apply ELISA-based assays and confocal microscopy in HEK293 cells with inducible PICK1 expression to assess in an isolated system the ability of PICK1 to regulate trafficking of natural and engineered PDZ binding partners. The dopamine transporter (DAT), which primarily sorts to degradation upon internalization, did not form perinuclear clusters with PICK1, and PICK1 did not affect DAT internalization/recycling. However, transfer of the PICK1-binding DAT C terminus to the β(2)-adrenergic receptor, which sorts to recycling upon internalization, led to formation of PICK1 co-clusters in Rab11-positive compartments. Furthermore, PICK1 inhibited Rab11-mediated recycling of the receptor in a BAR and PDZ domain-dependent manner. In contrast, transfer of the DAT C terminus to the δ-opioid receptor, which sorts to degradation, did not result in PICK1 co-clusters or any change in internalization/recycling. Further support for a role of PICK1 determined by its PDZ cargo was obtained for the PICK1 interaction partner prolactin-releasing peptide receptor (GPR10). GPR10 co-localized with Rab11 and clustered with PICK1 upon constitutive internalization but co-localized with the late endosomal marker Rab7 and did not cluster with PICK1 upon agonist-induced internalization. Our data suggest a selective role of PICK1 in clustering and reducing the recycling rates of PDZ domain binding partners sorted to the Rab11-dependent recycling pathway.  相似文献   

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