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濒危植物长柄双花木自然种群年龄结构及其生态对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对濒危植物长柄双花木自然种群的年龄结构、图解生命表以及生殖价分析等途径,研究了其种群结构动态及生态对策,结果表明:长柄双花木种群为衰退型种群,虽然种群中也存在一定数量的幼龄个体,但个体死亡率较高。长柄双花木种群表现出r~K对策的混合生态适应策略。该种群数量在下降过程中还存在波动,仍具有一定的实现生殖和恢复的可能,但依靠有性生殖途径实现恢复的能力有限。  相似文献   

对珍稀濒危植物长柄双花木(Disanthus cercidifolius var. longipes H. T. Chang)不同生长发育阶段的叶厚度(LT)、叶面积(LA)、叶含水量(LWC)、比叶面积(SLA)、叶片全氮含量(LNC)和叶片全磷含量(LPC)等叶功能性状及性状症候群的变化进行了研究。结果显示,不同发育阶段长柄双花木的叶功能性状存在显著差异,其中LT、LA随植株发育呈递增趋势,而LWC、SLA、LNC和LPC则呈递减趋势。主成分分析显示,随着长柄双花木的不断发育,性状症候群朝着LT、LA增大而LWC、SLA、LNC和LPC减小的方向变化。表明该物种的经济策略随着发育进程由快收益向慢收益转变。  相似文献   

采用样方法以及用基径结构代替年龄结构的方法,对位于南岭大东山不同海拔的3个长柄双花木(Disanthus cercidifolius var.longipes Chang)样带(包括小洞、大洞和鸡子场样带,海拔分别为1 010、1 170和1 260 m)进行了调查,并编制了种群静态生命表和生存曲线,对其群落物种组成、种群年龄结构和生殖力现状进行了分析。结果显示:3个样带群落乔木层优势种数量及种类组成差异明显,共包含26个种类,但共有种仅3种,除长柄双花木外还有多花杜鹃(Rhododendron cavaleriei Lévl.)和两广杨桐(Adinandra glischroloma Hand.-Mazz.)2种;小洞样带长柄双花木种群的重要值(46.116%)明显高于另2个样带。根据基径可将长柄双花木种群分为68个龄级,3个样带的种群年龄结构基本一致,但小洞样带个体数量更多且基径31.0 mm以下的幼体所占比例最高;总体上长柄双花木种群中5 a以下的幼苗数量偏少,其他龄级的个体数量呈现随株龄增大波动但整体下降的趋势。种群的个体死亡率在5~10 a和10~15 a龄级较高(分别为20.30%和20.50%),并随年龄增长总体呈逐渐下降的趋势;且不同龄级个体生命期望值为4.49~0.50,总体偏低。种群生存曲线为Ⅰ型,种群净增殖率、内禀增长率、周限增长率和世代平均周期分别为0.504、-0.018、0.982和38.351 a,显示该种群在当前状态下自我更新不良,属缓慢的负增长型种群。根据研究结果,对该区域长柄双花木种群提出了相应的保护对策和建议。  相似文献   

Weigela coraeensis var. coraeensis is a deciduous shrub species distributed in Japan on the mainland, Honshu, whereas its variety W. coraeensis var. fragrans is endemic to the Izu Islands located south of Honshu. We isolated eight polymorphic microsatellite loci from the species and characterized these loci for 20 individuals from a population in Honshu. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 7 to 15 and the observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.60 to 0.90 and from 0.65 to 0.90, respectively. These eight polymorphic microsatellites will be useful for examining intraspecific genetic differentiation in W. coraeensis.  相似文献   

Disanthus cercidifolius Maxim.var.longipes H.T.Chang,a plant species that only occurs in a few counties in Hunan,Jiangxi and Zhejiang Provinces and with a relatively small number of individuals,is ranked as a second Class endangered species for conservation in China.We have studied the effect of pollen and resources available to female reproduction,and the reproductive mechanism of "excess flowers with low fruit set" in Disanthus cercidifolius Maxim.var.longipes H.T.Chang was discussed.Results are as follows:Pollen from different sources has significant effects on fruit set and seed set of Disanthus cercidifolius Maxim.var.longipes H.T.Chang.The pollen source rather than pollen numbers significantly affected reproduction of this species.In wild populations,producing one fruit needs about 54.8 flowers,and one satiation seed needs about 6.60 flowers or 83.19 ovules.After fertilizing,which was propitious to flower development,the abortion rate of flower buds was decreasing,but the flowering rate was increasing.The fruit set and seed set was also significantly increasing,while abortion rate of fruit was significantly decreasing.With the increasing percentages of cutting leaves,the fruit set decreased,but the abortion rate of fruit shows no significant differentiation among treatments.After cutting branches that were puny,broken and insectinfested branches,the flower number seemed to be decreasing,but the fruit set and seed set all increased significantly.After removing some flowers,the fruit set was calculated with respect to the number of flowers remaining after the treatment increased with increasing of percentages of flower removal,whereas fruit set calculated with respect to the initial number of flowers remained constant,and the mean weights of per fi'uit and per seed all decreased significantly.Sufficient spatial or temporal heterogeneities in nutrient levels might allow limitation of seed set by resources and pollen in a natural population,while supplying resources may indirectly affect pollination by increasing attraction of the flowers to pollinators.There were very low fruit and seed sets in natural populations ofDisanthus cercidifolius Maxim.var.longipes H.T.Chang.Different factors may have interacted to effect a low fruit set.A joint adoption of the "selection abortion hypothesis","ovary reserve hypothesis" and "male function hypothesis" seems to be the most likely explanation for the reproductive strategy of"excess flowers with few fruit sets" in Disanthus cercidifolius Maxim.var.longipes H.T.Chang.  相似文献   

通过广泛的野外考察,对长柄双花木(Disanthus cercidifolius var. longipes)10个自然居群和2个迁地保护居群进行了深入细致的调查记录,充分掌握了长柄双花木的地理分布和资源状况.调查结果表明,长柄双花木分布极为局限,资源贫乏,居群间彼此孤立.详尽阐述了各居群的生境状况、居群及群落特征,初步分析了该物种的濒危原因,认为长柄双花木特殊的生活史特性及种子仅靠蒴果开裂时的弹力传播,加上居群彼此孤立、缺乏相互交流,从而制约了该物种的自我繁衍及居群的扩张,这可能是其濒危的根本原因.另外,病虫害、自然灾害和人为干扰等外部因素也不容忽视.只有采取就地保护、迁地保护和回归引种三种措施相结合,才能对长柄双花木进行有效保护和科学管理.  相似文献   

? Premise of the study: Microsatellite markers were developed in Diplopanax stachyanthus to investigate the population genetics of this endangered tree. ? Methods and Results: Using the Fast Isolation by AFLP of Sequences Containing repeats (FIASCO) protocol, 15 microsatellite markers were developed in D. stachyanthus and evaluated for their variability in 25 samples from a natural population. For the 11 polymorphic loci, the number of alleles ranged from two to eight, while the observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.5200 to 0.7600 and 0.4200 to 0.7813, respectively. Their cross-taxa transferability was also examined in Acanthopanax gracilistylus, Tetrapanax papyrifer, Cornus controversa, and Dendrobenthamia japonica var. chinensis, and four to 15 loci proved amplifiable in these species. ? Conclusions: These microsatellite markers could be employed to investigate the population genetics of D. stachyanthus, and may potentially be applicable to other related species.  相似文献   

Aquilegia buergeriana var. oxysepala is a vulnerable herb, for which 20 microsatellite markers were developed. The applicability of these markers was confirmed by genotyping of 66 individuals collected from four natural populations in Japan. Of the 20 loci, 15 showed polymorphism. For the 15 polymorphic markers, the number of alleles per locus ranged from 2 to 12, and the expected and observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.13 to 0.77 and 0.02 to 0.65, respectively. The markers described here are sufficiently polymorphic and informative to investigate the genetic diversity and population genetic structure of A. buergeriana var. oxysepala.  相似文献   

结合已公布的大熊猫Ailuropoda melanoleuca基因组和本实验室所测6只大熊猫的转录组数据,筛选多态性微卫星位点并分析其组成及特征。结果显示:共获得326个多态性微卫星位点,其中二碱基多态性微卫星最多,共228个,占69.93%;三、四、五、六碱基所占比例分别为9.51%、14.11%、5.21%、1.22%。根据分析结果中缺失率与标准差2项指标以及位点序列长度,选取20个多态性二碱基微卫星位点,用于25只大熊猫个体血液DNA进行PCR验证并做后续分析。结果表明:不同位点的等位基因数为2~8,平均等位基因数为3.70,观测杂合度、期望杂合度分别为0~1.000、0.280~0.784,平均值分别为0.472和0.532。在Bonferroni校正后,证实4个位点显著偏离哈迪-温伯格平衡,所有位点未观察到显著连锁不平衡(P>0.01)。20个位点多态信息含量(PIC)在0.246~0.734,其中具有高度多态性的位点9个(PIC>0.50),11个位点呈中度多态性(0.25相似文献   

We describe the isolation and development of 17 polymorphic dinucleotide microsatellite loci for the Chinese longsnout catfish (Leiocassis longirostris). All loci were polymorphic in the 30 individuals tested. The number of alleles per variable locus ranged from 6 to 18, with a mean of 11.71. Observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.467 to 1.000 and from 0.540 to 0.929, respectively. Eight loci were found to have deviated from HWE in the sampled population after Bonferroni correction. Linkage disequilibrium tests revealed significant linkage between two loci (LLW5 and LL27). These microsatellite loci will be useful for revealing population structure, genetic diversity, and phylogeography of the Chinese longsnout catfish.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized 11 microsatellite loci for the Chinese yew, Taxus chinensis var. mairei, an endangered tree species in China, by constructing a (CA)(12)-enriched library. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 5 to 10. The observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.2500 to 0.8333 and the expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.5196 to 0.8680. No significant linkage disequilibrium was detected at these loci. However, four loci significantly deviated from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The null alleles were found to be present at locus Tach9 and locus Tach11 by the Micro-checker test (P < 0.001). These polymorphic loci could be employed in research of gene flow and spatial genetic patterns of T. chinensis var. mairei.  相似文献   

We describe the isolation and characterization of 11 polymorphic microsatellite loci from the recently discovered fruit fly pest, Bactrocera invadens. The polymorphism of these loci was tested in individual flies from two natural populations (Sri Lanka and Democratic Republic of Congo). Allele number per locus ranged from three to 15 and eight loci displayed a polymorphic information content greater than 0.5. These microsatellite loci provide useful markers for studies of population dynamics and invasion history of this pest species.  相似文献   

We developed eight polymorphic microsatellite loci in Indian neem (Azadirachta indica var. indica) and cross-amplified in closely related species Thai neem (A. indica var. siamensis). The number of alleles per locus in Indian neem and Thai neem ranged from 3 to 9 and 3 to 9, respectively. Average observed and expected heterozygosities in Indian neem and Thai neem were 0.63 and 0.70 and 0.61 and 0.65, respectively. Two loci exhibited significantly fewer heterozygotes than expected under Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. These microsatellites may provide a useful tool for population genetics to establish conservation and management strategy.  相似文献   

Zou F  Yue B  Xu L  Zhang Y 《Zoological science》2005,22(5):593-598
This study reported the isolation and characterization of eight polymorphic microsatellite loci in endangered forest musk deer Moschus berezovskii. An improved enrichment protocol was used to isolate microsatellites, and polymorphism was explored with samples from wild musk deer population collected in Miyalo of Sichuan Province in China. Approximately 70% of clones from the genomic library constructed in current study contained dinucleotide (AC) repeats. Eight microsatellite loci amplified were highly polymorphic within forest musk deer population. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 6 to 14, and the observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.41 approximately 1.0 and from 0.8 approximately 0.9, respectively. The average polymorphic information content (PIC) value for these markers was 0.82. This demonstrated that the eight microsatellite loci developed here are highly polymorphic, and can be used as genetic markers for further investigation of musk deer. Also, the results showed that the musk deer distributed in Miyalo had a relatively higher level of genetic variation.  相似文献   

Microsatellites were isolated and characterized for the Japanese oak species, Quercus mongolica var. crispula, distributed in temperate deciduous forests of Japan. Eleven of the 48 primer pairs designed successfully amplified unambiguous and polymorphic single loci among 67 Q. mongolica var. crispula individuals within a plot in southwestern Japan. The observed and expected heterozygosities of the 11 microsatellite markers ranged from 0.522 to 0.896 and from 0.536 to 0.882, respectively. These polymorphic microsatellite markers are useful for estimating pollen‐mediated gene flow in Q. mongolica var. crispula.  相似文献   

In preparation for a study on population structure of the whale shark (Rhincodon typus), nine species-specific polymorphic microsatellite DNA markers were developed. An initial screening of 50 individuals from Holbox Island, Mexico found all nine loci to be polymorphic, with two to 17 alleles observed per locus. Observed and expected heterozygosity per locus ranged from 0.200 to 0.826 and from 0.213 to 0.857, respectively. Neither statistically significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg expectations nor statistically significant linkage disequilibrium between loci were observed. These microsatellite loci appear suitable for examining population structure, kinship assessment and other applications.  相似文献   

Twenty microsatellite markers were first developed from the Japanese sea cucumber Stichopus japonicus using an enrichment protocol. Of the 20 microsatellite loci, 19 loci were polymorphic in the population examined. At these polymorphic loci, the number of alleles per locus varied from 2 to 15, and the observed heterozygosities ranged from 0.03 to 0.97, which is considerably higher than those previously found for allozymes. The high variability of the microsatellite markers identified in this study will make them excellent tools for genetic analyses of S. japonicus.  相似文献   

Eight polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated and characterized for the Arctic cisco, Coregonus autumnalis. Loci were evaluated in 21 samples from the Colville River subsistence fishery. The number of alleles per locus ranged from two to 18. Observed heterozygosity of loci varied from 0.10 to 1.00, and expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.09 to 0.92. All eight microsatellite markers were in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The loci presented here will be useful in describing population structure and exploring populations of origin for Arctic cisco.  相似文献   

Fifteen primer pairs were designed for 14 polymorphic microsatellite loci, which were isolated and characterized from genomic libraries of Rhynchosporium secalis. Conditions for multiplexing and simultaneous genotyping of up to eight loci in a single run are described. The number of alleles per polymorphic locus ranged from two to 13 in populations from Switzerland and Australia. Genotypic diversity ranged from 61.5 to 66.7. Gene diversity ranged from 0.08 to 0.89 for individual polymorphic loci, with averages of 0.54 and 0.62 for the populations from Switzerland and Australia, respectively. Variable levels of polymorphism make these ideal markers for population genetic analyses.  相似文献   

Ten polymorphic di‐ and trinucleotide microsatellite loci were developed in the fen raft spider Dolomedes plantarius from a partial phagemid genomic library enriched for microsatellite inserts. The expected heterozygosity at these loci ranges from 0.62 to 0.9, with the observed allele numbers varying from four to 15 in the 22 individuals tested. Average paternity exclusion probabilities ranged between 0.290 and 0.686. In combination, the 10 polymorphic loci elicit an exclusion probability of 0.999. The high level of polymorphism of these microsatellite loci makes them ideal genetic markers for paternity and population genetics analysis in this endangered species.  相似文献   

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