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江孜沙棘[Hippophea gyantsensis(Rousi)Lian]是青藏高原特有的一种广生态幅的小乔木,在拉萨河谷地区的海拔3500~4200m范围内均有分布。前人工作多集中在江孜沙棘果实的开发利用方面,对其基础生态学研究较少。本研究旨在探讨江孜沙棘沿海拔梯度的群落组成和表型变异的规律。为此,在拉萨河谷上段沿海拔梯度由东向西设置了4个样带:3850m、3950m、4050m和4200m,每个样带设置2至3个10m×10m的样方进行研究。首先,详细记录了每个样方内林下维管植物的物种组成、样方内的沙棘盖度、海拔、样方与河岸的实际距离,并用DCA[detrended correspondence analysis(去势对应分析)]排序方法对群落及其组成物种进行排序分析。随机抽取了每个样方内的20个江孜沙棘植株个体,测定其胸径、基径、株高和叶片长度,用回归分析法分析这些变量和海拔之间的关系。研究结果表明,江孜沙棘在拉萨河谷内的主要生境分为4种类型,即:河边砾石滩地、河阶草滩、河边草甸和河边林缘,样方排序结果主要受海拔的影响;同时,江孜沙棘植株的基径、胸径和高度都随着海拔的升高而显著减小,而叶片长度与海拔之间无显著相关。本文研究结果表明,对江孜沙棘而言,海拔所代表的综合环境因子对其分布和表型有显著的影响,而局部光照可能也是影响其表型特征的重要生态因子。  相似文献   

雅鲁藏布江河岸植物物种丰富度分布格局及其环境解释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沿环境梯度物种多样性的分布格局及其环境影响因子的研究是生态学研究的重点内容之一。雅鲁藏布江是我国海拔最高的大河, 目前还没有针对其流域的河岸植物群落物种丰富度分布格局的系统研究。作者沿海拔梯度从雅鲁藏布江上游源头区至下游共设置了15个海拔样带, 在每个海拔样带随机取6个5 m×5 m样方, 共对90个样方的河岸植物群落物种组成和植被类型进行了调查, 共记录到238种维管束植物。DCA排序结果表明物种组成变化主要受海拔和经度控制。CCA排序区分出5种大的植被类型, 即高寒草甸或高寒草原、高山草原、两种亚高山灌丛草原和林缘灌丛植被。各植被类型的分布和变化主要受海拔和经度影响。雅鲁藏布江河岸植物物种丰富度沿海拔和经度梯度呈浅“U”形分布格局, 物种丰富度与年均降水量和植被盖度成显著正相关。  相似文献   

三江并流地区干旱河谷植物物种多样性海拔梯度格局比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在滇西北三江并流地区典型干旱河谷段, 在怒江、澜沧江和金沙江的东、西坡共设置了6条海拔梯度样带, 通过标准样地的植物群落调查, 分析各条样带植物的物种丰富度、物种更替率的海拔梯度格局, 并比较了地理和植被变量对分布格局的解释。干旱河谷植被带位于海拔3,000 m以下, 以灌丛和灌草丛为主, 其在各河谷的分布上限自西向东依次升高。植物物种丰富度的分布主要与海拔、流域、经纬度和植被带有关, 沿纬度和海拔梯度升高而显著增加的格局主要表现在草本层和灌木层, 灌木物种丰富度还呈现自西向东显著增加的趋势。怒江的灌木和草本种物种丰富度显著高于金沙江和澜沧江, 三条江的乔木种丰富度差异则不显著。森林带的样方草本物种丰富度显著低于灌草丛带样方, 并且还拥有后者没有的乔木种。不同样带的植物物种更替速率呈现了不一致的海拔梯度格局, 但均在样带海拔下部的灌草丛群落与海拔上部森林群落之间的交错带出现峰值。森林-灌草丛植被交错带在怒江样带处于海拔1,900-2,100 m处, 在澜沧江河谷位于海拔2,300-2,400 m, 在金沙江河谷位于海拔2,700-2,900 m。所有海拔样带的森林段或灌草丛段相对于同一样带不同植被段之间的物种更替程度为最小, 不仅小于同一流域不同样带相同植被段之间物种更替率的均值, 更小于所有样带相同植被段之间的更替率均值。在三条河流6条海拔样带的12个植被带段之间的物种更替变化中, 空间隔离因素可以解释34.2%, 而植被类型差异仅能解释不到0.5%。本研究结果显示了环境差异对不同植被类型物种丰富度的首要影响, 和各河流之间的空间隔离对植物群落构建和物种构成的主要作用。  相似文献   

拉萨河谷草地群落的数量分类与排序   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用TWINSPAN数量分类和DCA、CCA排序的方法,对拉萨河谷草地23个样点进行统计分析。结果显示:(1)TWINSPAN数量分类将拉萨河谷草地群落划分成8种类型,拉萨河谷的草地群落分布呈现明显的垂直地带性分布格局。(2)TWINSPAN分类所划分的各群落在DCA排序图上都有各自的分布范围和界限,说明DCA排序能较好的反应各群落与其环境资源之间的关系,同时,TWINSPAN的分类结果也在排序图上得到较好的印证。(3)样点DCA排序的第一轴基本反映了海拔高度的变化梯度,第二轴基本反映了坡向的变化。(4)样点CCA排序表明,影响群落分布的主要环境因子是海拔,其次是坡向。CCA排序进一步阐明了拉萨河谷草地群落分布决定于海拔和坡向等环境因子,并间接验证了TWINSPAN的分类结果。(5)物种CCA排序和TWINSPAN分类结果表明:植物群落中物种的分布格局与植物群落类型的分布格局存在一定的相似性,物种的分布格局在很大程度上影响着群落的分布格局。  相似文献   

拉萨河谷植物群落分类与排序及物种丰富度与环境的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以拉萨河谷区域的植物群落为研究对象,设置30个样地、90个植物样方,运用双向指示种分析法(TWINSPAN)进行群落的分类分析,运用除趋势对应分析法(DCA)进行群落的排序分析,运用广义可加模型(GAM)进行转换后的物种丰富度(TSR)与海拔、覆盖度、纬度、经度的关系分析。TWINSPAN分类将拉萨河谷的植物群落分为8组,即落叶阔叶林、落叶阔叶灌丛、根茎苔草草甸和丛生嵩草草甸、常绿针叶灌丛草甸和落叶阔叶灌丛草甸、落叶阔叶灌丛草原、丛生禾草荒漠、落叶阔叶灌丛荒漠、小半灌木荒漠,很好地反映了群落的间断性;DCA排序的样方排序结果与TWINSPAN数量分类结果基本一致,很好地反映了群落的连续性及其生境的异质性,DCA排序结果表明,湿度是拉萨河谷植物分布的主导因素;GAM拟合模型显示,TSR沿海拔梯度的分布格局为低-高-低-高-低的双峰格局。  相似文献   

在广东南岭国家级自然保护区海拔300-1900m的范围内,海拔每升高100m设置一条水平样带,共计调查了17条样带,样地面积20400m2。运用相关分析、回归分析和方差分析研究森林群落β多样性随海拔梯度的变化。结果表明:无论是相邻样带还是基准样带,Cody指数以及物种周转速率βC与海拔均呈显著的线性负相关(P<0.05);森林群落各层的共有种数随物种周转速率βC的增加而减少(P<0.05);单因素方差分析及多重比较揭示,Cody指数能较好地反映各层之间物种沿海拔梯度的变化差异。与相异性系数(community dissimilarity)、Bray-Curtis指数和Morisita-Horn指数、以及物种周转速率Sβ和物种周转速率t相比,Cody指数和物种周转速率βC能较好地反映南岭国家级自然保护区森林群落β多样性的海拔梯度格局。  相似文献   

拉萨河流域亏组山植物物种丰富度和群落特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究草地植物群落、物种丰富度及其分布格局与影响因子之间的关系,该文以拉萨河流域林周县卡孜乡亏组山为研究地点,对山体垂直样带(3900~5100 m)植物群落特征、植物物种丰富度与各影响因子之间的关系进行了研究。研究区域共设置了13个样带(每隔100 m设一个样带),每样带设置0.5 m×0.5 m的5个样方进行植被调查,运用主成分分析(PCA)和双向指示种分析法(TWINSPAN)对植物群落进行排序和分类,运用冗余分析法(RDA)对群落及其分布格局与影响因子之间的关系进行分析,对植物物种丰富度与各因子之间的关系进行了回归分析。结果表明:该山体植物可分为3个群落类型,含7个群丛;影响区域植物群落物种组成和分布格局的主要环境因子为海拔,其次是坡度;物种丰富度与海拔、分种盖度呈单峰关系,与总盖度、坡度、地上生物量呈正相关。该研究结果为区域植物物种多样性和山地植物资源的保护和可持续利用提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

常绿阔叶林是福建梅花山国家级自然保护区地带性植被。采用样带与典型群落调查法对区内的常绿阔叶林14400m2样地展开调查,并对植物多样性海拔梯度格局进行分析,结果表明:(1) 群落植物物种丰富度、Gleason丰富度指数、Simpson指数、Shannon Wiener指数和Pielou均匀度指数的均值分别为64.42、10.75、5.75、3.50、0.58,且这5种指数在各样带间差异极为显著,并随海拔的升高均呈单峰曲线变化,峰值出现在海拔700m~900m。(2) 群落各层次的植物物种丰富度、Shannon Wiener指数均呈现灌木层(包括幼树和层间植物)〉乔木层〉草本层的特征。乔木、灌木层物种丰富度与乔木层Shannon Wiener指数在海拔梯度上的样带间差异极显著,变化趋势与群落相似;灌木层与草本层Shannon Wiener指数以及草本层物种丰富度随海拔梯度变化不明显。因此,梅花山自然保护区常绿阔叶林植物物种多样性的海拔梯度格局呈现单峰分布,并支持中间高度膨胀模式(mid domain model)。  相似文献   

青藏高原草地群落组成和结构的海拔梯度格局 青藏高原高寒草地是维持区域生态安全的天然屏障,也在一定程度上造就了该区域较高的生物多样性。然而,我们对青藏高原高寒草地植物群落组成和结构的海拔分布格局及其自身维持机制仍知之甚少。本研究在青藏高原东北部沿公路形成的海拔梯度设置了39个实验样地(海拔跨度为2800–5100m),每个样地设5个调查样方进行群落调查,包括物种组成、高度、盖度,评估青藏高原高寒草地植物群落的α和β多样性的海拔梯度格局及其影响因素。研究结果发现草地群落高度随着海拔的增加而显著降低,而群落盖度变化却不显著。随着海拔的增加,植物物种丰富度(α多样性)显著增加,而群落变异性(β多样性)显著降低。约束聚类分析表明,随海拔增加草地群落结构逐渐发生变化,基于此,在这种变化过程中,我们监测到3个渐变的海拔间断点,分别在海拔3640、4252和4333 m处。结构方程模型(SEM)表明,降水增加和温度降低对α多样性有显著的正向作用,但植物群落α多样性的变化显著改变群落变异性。以上结果表明,青藏高原的群落组成和结构沿海拔梯度发生了从量变到质变的过程。  相似文献   

小秦岭森林群落数量分类、排序及多样性垂直格局   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用分层取样的方法,沿小秦岭林区海拔梯度设立56块20 m×20 m样地,用多元回归树(MRT)方法对小秦岭森林群落进行分类,采用除趋势对应分析(DCA)进行排序,用广义可加模型(GAM)研究不同生活型物种多样性沿海拔梯度分布格局。结果表明:(1)56个样地进行MRT分类,经交叉验证并依据植物群落分类和命名原则,本区植物群落可分为5类;(2)样方DCA排序明确地揭示各群落类型生境分布范围,较好地反映小秦岭自然保护区森林群落与环境因子的关系;(3)不同生活型物种多样性指数随海拔梯度变化发生一定的波动,且呈现不同的多样性格局:丰富度指数中,乔木层呈显著的单峰分布格局,灌木层在中海拔段呈明显下降趋势,草本层随着海拔的升高总体呈下降趋势;Shannon-Wiener多样性指数中,不同生活型物种随海拔变化趋势与物种丰富度变化趋势大体相同;不同生活型物种的均匀度指数随海拔变化趋势较平缓。  相似文献   

The cell has been represented as a charged liquid drop. Contrary to the DLVO-theory, the effect of the surface potential upon the value of the interfacial tension of the cell membrane has also been taken into consideration. The cell membrane has visco-elastic properties and its constituents may move against each other. Cell movement is caused by the appearance of a small number of the electrically charged constituents of the cell membrane on the leading edge of the cell. This produces a local decrease in the surface tension and the cell membrane expansion. At the moment of contact between two cells proton transfers occur between the strongly negatively charged microvilli of one cell and the body of the other, analogous to a condenser breakdown. This, through the effect on the surface tension, causes contact inhibition of movement. The distribution of the proton dissociable groups modifies the interaction between the cells (differentiation) and between the cell and the substratum (adhesion). Adsorption of the charged compounds at the surface of the cell membrane, decreasing the surface potential and increasing the surface tension, causes the phenomena of chemotaxis, phagocytosis and pinocytosis. Cell division, considered in the terms of the surface energy, requires an adequate supply of considerable quantities of energy inversely proportional to the surface potential value. In case of a reduction of the distance between the cells, their surface potential and the energetic barrier of the cell division processes increases, and causes contact inhibition of cell division. Due to their high charge, division of neoplastic cells is inhibited much later than division of normal cells, or is completely ininhibited due to geometric conditions. Fusion of the cell membrane in the intra-cellular and intercellular processes is a reverse process in relation to the cell division.  相似文献   

The effect of age and gender on major, minor, and trace element contents in the intact rib bone of 80 relatively healthy 15–55-year-old women and men was investigated. Contents or upper limit of contents of 16 chemical elements in the rib bone were determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). Mean values (M?±?SΕΜ) for the mass fraction of Ba, Ca, Cu, Fe, K, Li, Mg, Na, P, S, Sr, and Zn (milligram per kilogram of dry bone) were as follows: 2.54?±?0.16, 171,400?±?4,050, 1.35?±?0.22, 140?±?11, 1,874?±?71, 0.049?±?0.011, 2,139?±?38, 5,378?±?88, 75,140?±?1,660, 1,881?±?51, 291?±?20, and 92.8?±?1.5, respectively. The upper limits of contents of Al, B, Mn, and V were <7.20, <0.65, <0.36, and <0.03, respectively. Statistically significant tendency for the Ca, Mg, and P content to decrease with age was found in the human rib bone, regardless of gender. The mass fraction of Fe in the male rib bone increases with age. It was shown that higher Ca, Mg, Na, P, and Sr mass fractions as well as lower Fe content were typical of female ribs as compared to those in male ribs.  相似文献   

Summary Concentration of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S in summer groundnut crop was higher than in kharif while Zn, Fe, Mn and Cu contents were higher in summer crop. Kernel's N, P and Zn; Leaflet's Ca and Mn; Stem's K and Fe; Root's S and Cu and Petiole's Mg contents were highest. Shell's N, P, K, Mg, S, Zn and Cu; Kernel's Ca, Fe and Mn contents were the least. N, P, K, S, Zn and Cu concentrations decreased linearly as the crop grew. Ca, Mg, Fe and Mn concentrations did not display any distinct pattern. Ca concentration was positively correlated with pod yield in both the seasons.  相似文献   

2-Dimethylaminomethylene-1-benzosuberone 1 was coupled with diazotized aniline derivatives to afford a series of the hitherto unreported 2-arylazo-1-benzosuberones 3ai. The tautomeric structure and the effect of substituents on the tautomeric form (s) of the products 3ai were discussed. Similar coupling of the enaminone 1 with diazonium salts of heterocyclic amines gave the respective fused azolotriazino-benzosuberones. Some of the newly synthesized compounds showed potent antimicrobial, anti-HCV, antioxidant, antitumor (as topoisomerase I inhibitors), and antimicrobial activities.  相似文献   

DNA methylation analyses usually require a preceding bisulfite conversion of the DNA. The choice of an appropriate kit for a specific application should be based on the specific performance requirements with regard to the respective sample material. In this study, the performance of nine kits was evaluated: EpiTect Fast FFPE Bisulfite Kit, EpiTect Bisulfite Kit, EpiTect Fast DNA Bisulfite Kit (Qiagen), EZ DNA Methylation-Gold Kit, EZ DNA Methylation-Direct Kit, EZ DNA Methylation-Lightning Kit (Zymo Research), innuCONVERT Bisulfite All-In-One Kit, innuCONVERT Bisulfite Basic Kit, innuCONVERT Bisulfite Body Fluids Kit (Analytik Jena). The kit performance was compared with regard to DNA yield, DNA degradation, DNA purity, conversion efficiency, stability and handling using qPCR, UV, clone sequencing, HPLC, and agarose gel electrophoresis. All kits yielded highly pure DNA suitable for PCR analyses without PCR inhibition. Significantly higher yields were obtained when using the EZ DNA Methylation-Gold Kit and the innuCONVERT Bisulfite kits. Conversion efficiency ranged from 98.7% (EpiTect Bisulfite Kit) to 99.9% (EZ DNA Methylation-Direct Kit). The inappropriate conversion of methylated cytosines to thymines varied between 0.9% (innuCONVERT Bisulfite kits) and 2.7% (EZ DNA Methylation-Direct Kit). Time-to-result ranged from 131 min (innuCONVERT kits) to 402 min (EpiTect Bisulfite Kit). Hands-on-time was between 66 min (EZ DNA Methylation-Lightning Kit) and 104 min (EpiTect Fast FFPE and Fast DNA Bisulfite kits). Highest yields from formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue sections without prior extraction were obtained using the innuCONVERT Bisulfite All-In-One Kit while the EZ DNA Methylation-Direct Kit yielded DNA with only low PCR-amplifiability. The innuCONVERT Bisulfite All-In-One Kit exhibited the highest versatility regarding different input sample materials (extracted DNA, tissue, FFPE tissue, cell lines, urine sediment, and cellular fractions of bronchial aspirates, pleural effusions, ascites). The innuCONVERT Bisulfite Body Fluids Kit allowed for the analysis of 3 ml plasma, serum, ascites, pleural effusions and urine.  相似文献   

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