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As global temperatures increase, the potential for longer growing seasons to enhance the terrestrial carbon sink has been proposed as a mechanism to reduce the rate of further warming. At the Niwot Ridge AmeriFlux site, a subalpine forest in the Colorado Rocky Mountains, we used a 9‐year record (1999–2007) of continuous eddy flux observations to show that longer growing season length (GSL) actually resulted in less annual CO2 uptake. Years with a longer GSL were correlated with a shallower snow pack, as measured using snow water equivalent (SWE). Furthermore, years with a lower SWE correlated with an earlier start of spring. For three years, 2005, 2006, and 2007, we used observations of stable hydrogen isotopes (δD) of snow vs. rain, and extracted xylem water from the three dominant tree species, lodgepole pine, Engelmann spruce, and subalpine fir, to show that the trees relied heavily on snow melt water even late into the growing season. By mid‐August, 57% to 68% of xylem water reflected the isotopic signature of snow melt. By coupling the isotopic water measurements with an ecosystem model, SIPNET, we found that annual forest carbon uptake was highly dependent on snow water, which decreases in abundance during years with longer growing seasons. Once again, for the 3 years 2005, 2006, and 2007, annual gross primary productivity, which was derived as an optimized parameter from the SIPNET model was estimated to be 67% 77%, and 71% dependent on snow melt water, respectively. Past studies have shown that the mean winter snow pack in mountain ecosystems of the Western US has been declining for decades and is correlated with positive winter temperature anomalies. Since climate change models predict continuation of winter warming and reduced snow in mountains of the Western US, the strength of the forest carbon sink is likely to decline further.  相似文献   

Approximately 90,000 shoots of eelgrass (Zostera marina) were planted over 3 years (2003–2005) at Piney Point (PP) in the lower Potomac River estuary in the Chesapeake Bay (mid‐Atlantic coast of North America) following 3 years of habitat evaluation using a Preliminary Transplant Suitability Index (PTSI) and test plantings. Initial survival was high for the 2003 and 2004 plantings; however, most of the eelgrass died during the summer following the fall planting. Habitat quality and restoration success were monitored for the 2005 plantings and compared to a nearby restoration site (St. George Island [SGI]). Eelgrass planted at PP in the fall of 2005 declined through the summer of 2006 with some recovery in the spring of 2007, but was gone by the end of the summer of 2007. The summer decline from late July to mid‐August of 2006 coincided with water temperatures greater than 30°C, hypoxic oxygen (0–3 mg/L) concentrations, and low percent light at leaf level (PLL < 15%). Epiphyte loads were much heavier at PP than at SGI, despite similar water quality. We suggest that this was the result of higher wave exposure at PP. All of these factors are likely to have contributed to the mortality of the 2005 plantings. Submerged aquatic vegetation habitat quality based on the PTSI, median PLL during the growing season, and test plantings did not explain the decline of the plantings. Restoration site selection criteria should be expanded to include the effects of wave exposure on self‐shading and epiphyte loads, and the potential for both short‐term exposures to stressful conditions and long‐term changes in habitat quality.  相似文献   

Thrips tabaci Lindeman (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) is a major pest of leek, Allium porrum L. (Alliaceae), in Piedmont, northwest Italy, and to control its infestation the leek crop is sprayed intensively with insecticides during the summer period. In order to find the most efficient and environment‐friendly method of thrips control, research was conducted on six commercial farms during 2005–2006 to assess thrips population composition and infestation levels, and in an experimental field during 2005–2007. Biological and chemical control were compared during 2005–2006, whereas integrated pest management was adopted during 2007. During the growing season, thrips and natural enemy populations were monitored at 14‐day intervals by beating plants; new leaves of plants were also visually inspected for thrips‐feeding symptoms. Furthermore, in the experimental field at harvest‐time, the level of thrips injury to plants was assigned to one of five classes, depending on the percentage of leaf area damaged. Over 99% of phytophagous adult thrips found were male and female T. tabaci. Infestations were very variable in the crops surveyed, partly due to broad‐spectrum chemical treatments against the leek pests, which often failed to control thrips. In general, populations peaked in September, when they reached the maximum mean values ranging between 1.7 and 33.1 thrips per plant. At harvest, none of the surveyed farms experienced quality losses due to thrips injuries. In the experimental field during 2005–2006, the mean number of thrips per plant was greater in the chemical than in the biological control treatment, even though damage indices showed no significant differences between the two treatments. Predatory thrips of the genus Aeolothrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) and predatory bugs of the genus Orius (Heteroptera: Anthocoridae), mostly Orius majusculus Reuter, were particularly abundant during 2007, supporting the importance of management with selective insecticides to encourage natural colonization by predators.  相似文献   

Endophytic populations were isolated from 2400 segments of Oryza sativa collected from Bhadra River Project Area, Southern India during December 2005 (Winter) and April 2006 (Summer). Overall colonization rates from surface sterilized tissues were 40.3% in roots and 25.83% in leaves during winter season, 20.15% in roots and 8.66% in leaves during summer season. Nineteen different fungal taxa, a Streptomyces sp. and bacterial species were isolated. Streptomyces sp., Chaetomium globosum, Penicillium chrysogenum, Fusarium oxysporum and Cladosporium cladosporioides were dominant endophytes in this study. Frequency of colonization between the sites, seasons and rice varieties were found to differ significantly. Dual culture studies revealed that C. globosum, P. chrysogenum and Streptomyces sp. are suitable candidates for extraction of biologically active compounds. Rice harbors many endophytic organisms and some of them have antagonistic properties against fungal pathogens.  相似文献   

Procellariiform seabirds have extreme life histories; they are very long‐lived, first breed when relatively old, lay single egg clutches, both incubation and chick‐rearing are prolonged and chicks exhibit slow growth. The early part of the breeding season is crucial, when pair bonds are re‐established and partners coordinate their breeding duties, but is a difficult period to study in burrow‐nesting species. Miniature geolocators (Global Location Sensors or GLS loggers) now offer a way to collect data on burrow attendance, as well as determine at‐sea movements. We studied the early breeding season in thin‐billed prions Pachyptila belcheri breeding at New Island, Falkland Islands. Males and females arrived back at the colony at similar times, with peak arrival in the last days of September. However, males spent more time on land during the pre‐laying period, presumably defending and maintaining the burrow and maximising mating opportunities. Males departed later than females, and carried out a significantly shorter pre‐laying exodus. Males took on the first long incubation shift, whereas females returned to sea soon after egg laying. During the pre‐laying exodus and incubation, males and females travelled at similar speeds (> 250 km d?1) and were widely distributed over large areas of the Patagonian Shelf. Inter‐annual differences in oceanographic conditions were stronger during the incubation than during the pre‐laying exodus and were matched by stronger differences in distribution. The study thus suggests that extended trips and flexible distribution enable thin‐billed prions to meet the high energy demands of egg production and incubation despite low productivity in waters around the colony during the early summer.  相似文献   

The foraging activity of Constrictotermes cyphergaster was investigated in the Caatinga of Northeast Brazil. Eight colonies were monitored for seven days, during both dry and wet seasons. Foraging activity occurred in exposed columns at night, generally between 22:00 and 05:00 h. During the wet season, foraging activity was significantly higher, with one bout every 1.6 ± 0.2 days, than the dry season, when foraging bouts were performed every 1.9 ± 0.3 days. Foraging activity throughout the study colonies presented high temporal synchronization. In both seasons, foraging was negatively correlated with air temperature and positively correlated with humidity. The foraging trails were often re-utilized and ranged from 1 to 18.5 meters in length. No difference between seasons in the area potentially utilized by the study colonies was observed. Approximately 51000 individuals participated in the foraging bout during the dry season, whereas some 87000 individuals participated in the foraging bout during the wet season. This corresponds to 43 and 74% of the estimated total nest population for the dry and wet seasons respectively. The average ratio soldiers:workers during foraging was 1:1.2 in the dry season and 1:2 in the wet season. The higher frequency and number of individuals foraging during the wet season in the present study are likely to be a strategy from C. cyphergaster to store energy reserves to be utilized during the dry season. Received 28 November 2005; revised 29 May 2006 and 16 August 2006; accepted 1 September 2006.  相似文献   

After re-emergence of malaria in 1993, a continued increase in Plasmodium vivax cases was observed from 1993 to 2006 in northern Gyeonggi and Gangwon Provinces adjacent to the demilitarized zone separating North from South Korea. Annual parasite incidence per 1000 people ranged from 0.33 in 2004 to 0.89 in 2006. While malaria case rates declined (22.6%) in 2004, they increased 75.1% in 2005 and 51.7% in 2006 from the previous years. An initial incorrect diagnosis of 46.8% of malaria cases as common cold resulted in a mean delay of 1.3 days for the detection malarial parasites. Of the total cases, 10.2% from December to May were due to latent intrinsic incubation infections acquired the previous malaria season and the rest of the cases from June to November were either latent or short incubation infections. Overall, the peak anopheline population occurred from July to September, resulting in a similar peak in malaria cases. While malaria cases increased during 2005–2006, anopheline populations, based on trap indices, were not significantly different during 4 years of surveillance. To decrease the malaria patient infective period to mosquitoes, public health centers in Paju and Cheorwon in 2006 prescribed chloroquine + primaquine at days 0–3 after initial malaria diagnosis followed by an additional 11 days of primaquine (early primaquine treatment), rather than chloroquine on days 0–3 and primaquine on days 4–17 (delayed primaquine treatment). A reduction in the malaria parasite incidence during 2007 was recorded for the two locations offering the early primaquine treatment relative to other locations using the delayed primaquine treatment.  相似文献   

Continuous half‐hourly net CO2 exchange measurements were made using nine automatic chambers in a treed fen in northern Alberta, Canada from June–October in 2005 and from May–October in 2006. The 2006 growing season was warmer and drier than in 2005. The average chamber respiration rates normalized to 10 °C were much higher in 2006 than in 2005, while calculations of the temperature sensitivity (Q10) values were similar in the two years. Daytime average respiration values were lower than the corresponding, temperature‐corrected respiration rates calculated from night‐time chamber measurements. From June to September, the season‐integrated estimates of chamber photosynthesis and respiration were 384 and 590 g C m?2, respectively in 2006, an increase of 100 and 203 g C m?2 over the corresponding values in 2005. The season‐integrated photosynthesis and respiration rates obtained using the eddy covariance technique, which included trees and a tall shrub not present in the chambers, were 720 and 513 g C m?2, respectively, in 2006, an increase of 50 and 125 g C m?2 over the corresponding values in 2005. While both photosynthesis and respiration rates were higher in the warmer and drier conditions of 2006, the increase in respiration was more than twice the increase in photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Ages, growth and hatch dates of ingressing Brevoortia tyrannus larvae were determined in a 3 year sampling survey at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay, U.S.A. To determine if otolith‐aged cohorts had variable relative survival, hatch dates of summer‐caught young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) juveniles collected throughout the Chesapeake Bay were compared with hatch dates of ingressing larvae. Modal total length of ingressing larvae was similar among years: 28 mm in 2005–2006 and 2007–2008, and 30 mm in 2006–2007. Ages of ingressing larvae ranged from 9 to 96 days post hatch (dph); mean ages were similar among years, but significantly older in 2006–2007 (50 dph) than in 2005–2006 (44 dph) and 2007–2008 (46 dph). Larval growth rates differed among years. Earliest growth, when larvae were offshore (0–20 dph), was faster in 2006–2007 (0·62 mm day?1), than in 2005–2006 and 2007–2008 (0·55 mm day?1 in these years). Subsequently, from 30 to 80 dph, growth was slowest in 2006–2007. Hatch dates of ingressing larvae occurred from September to March and 90% (2007–2008) to 98% (2006–2007) had hatched prior to 31 December. In contrast, most surviving YOY juvenile B. tyrannus had hatched in January to February, suggesting selective mortality of early‐hatched individuals, apparently during the overwinter, larval to juvenile transition period.  相似文献   

Pallas' cats (Otocolobus manul) have a pronounced reproductive seasonality controlled by photoperiod. Previous studies of reproduction in captive Pallas' cats exposed to natural light showed a breeding season of December–April. This study evaluated the impact of artificial lighting timed to simulate natural photoperiods on male reproductive seasonality of four Pallas' cats housed indoors. Semen evaluation, blood collection, and body weight measurements were conducted every 1–2 months from November 2000–June 2001. Fecal samples were collected from each male twice weekly to assess testosterone and corticoid concentrations. Mean values for reproductive traits (sperm attributes, testicular volume) were highest from February–April, the defined breeding season. Fecal testosterone concentrations were highest from mid‐January to mid‐March. Male Pallas' cats managed indoors under simulated photoperiods experienced a delayed onset of the breeding season by 1–2 months and a decreased length of the breeding season. Over the course of the study, fecal corticoid concentrations did not seem to differ among seasons. Although mating attempts during this study were unsuccessful, subsequent pairings of male and female Pallas' cats in the same research colony during the 2002 and 2003 breeding seasons produced viable offspring. These results suggest that male Pallas' cats, housed indoors under simulated photoperiods, exhibit distinct reproductive cyclic patterns, characterized by a delayed and truncated breeding season. Adrenocortical activity varied among individuals, but did not adversely affect reproductive parameters. Housing Pallas' cats indoors under simulated photoperiods may represent a viable strategy for maintaining breeding success while limiting disease exposure. Zoo Biol 0:1–13, 2007. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This study investigated the changes in cardiorespiratory response and running performance of 9 male "Talent Identification" (TID) and 6 male Senior Elite (SE) Spanish National Squad triathletes during a specific cycle-run (C-R) test. The TID and SE triathletes (initial age 15.2 ± 0.7 vs. 23.8 ± 5.6 years, p = 0.03; V(O2)max 77.0 ± 5.6 vs. 77.8 ± 3.6 ml · kg(-1) · min(-1), nonsignificant) underwent 3 tests through the competitive period and the preparatory period, respectively, of 2 consecutive seasons: test 1 was an incremental cycle test to determine the ventilatory threshold (Th(vent)); test 2 (C-R) was 30-minute constant load cycling at the Th(vent) power output followed by a 3-km time-trial run; and test 3 (isolated control run [R]) was an isolated 3-km time-trial control run, in randomized counterbalanced order. In both seasons, the time required to complete the C-R 3-km run was greater than for R in TID (11:09 ± 00:24 vs. 10:45 ± 00:16 min:ss, p < 0.01 and 10:24 ± 00:22 vs. 10:04 ± 00:14, p = 0.006, for season 2005-2006 and 2006-2007, respectively) and SE (10:15 ± 00:19 vs. 09:45 ± 00:30, p < 0.001 and 09:51 ± 00:26 vs. 09:46 ± 00:06, p = 0.02 for season 2005-2006 and 2006-2007, respectively). Compared with the first season, the completion of the time-trial run was faster in the second season (6.6%, p < 0.01 and 6.4%, p < 0.01, for C-R and R tests, respectively) only in TID. Changes in post cycling run performance were accompanied by changes in pacing strategy, but there were only slight or nonsignificant changes in the cardiorespiratory response. Thus, the negative effect of cycling on performance may persist, independently of the period, over 2 consecutive seasons in TID and SE triathletes; however, improvements over time suggests that monitoring running pacing strategy after cycling may be a useful tool to control performance and training adaptations in TID.  相似文献   

1. Climate warming may cause disruption of trophic linkages in aquatic ecosystems and lead to changes in abundance and genetic structure of zooplankton populations. We monitored the community of the Daphnia galeata‐hyalina hybrid complex in the Saidenbach Reservoir (Saxony, Germany) using allozyme electrophoresis for three consecutive years (2005–07), including one (2007) following an unusually warm winter that prevented the formation of ice cover for the first time in the history of the reservoir. 2. Genetic composition during the 2007 season differed substantially from the two preceding years that experienced the usual 3‐month ice period. Three abundance peaks in June, July and October 2007 were dominated by hybrids of Daphnia galeata x hyalina, whereas in the 2005 and 2006 seasons two peaks in June and September were dominated by Daphnia hyalina genotypes. 3. The genetic composition of the pool of diapausing eggs produced in autumn and the rate of change of genotype abundance during the following spring indicate recruitment of the D. hyalina subpopulation from ex‐ephippial animals during the spring population increase. 4. The differing potential to contribute to the overwintering animal pool or to the inoculum from diapausing eggs was confirmed by results from laboratory life‐table experiments. Daphnia galeata clones survived longer and produced parthenogenetic offspring under winter conditions, whereas D. hyalina clones showed a shorter lifespan and produced resting eggs. 5. Our results indicate a profound role of recruitment strategy in the observed shift in genetic composition. Increasing winter temperatures predicted in the context of climate change may thus favour overwintering animals, leading to an increase in the contribution of these genotypes to the population. Such microevolutionary processes may dampen possible seasonal mismatches between daphnid populations and their food or predator populations.  相似文献   

Mosquito and West Nile virus (WNV) surveillance was conducted on a national wildlife refuge in northeast Montana in 2005 and 2006, during which outbreaks of WNV in a colony of American white pelicans (Pelecanus erythrorhynchos Gmelin) (Pelecaniformes: Pelecanidae) resulted in juvenile mortality rates of ~ 31%. Both years, floodwater species Ochlerotatus dorsalis (Meigen) (Diptera: Culicidae), Aedes vexans (Meigen) (Diptera: Culicidae) and Ochlerotatus flavescens (Muller) (Diptera: Culicidae) comprised 78% of the total collection and heightened host‐seeking activity was observed from mid‐June to mid‐July. Culex tarsalis Coquillett (Diptera: Culicidae) was most active from mid‐July to mid‐August and comprised 18% of the collection in 2005 and 20% in 2006. However, fewer than 10% of the Cx. tarsalis females collected in 2006 were obtained adjacent to the pelicans' nesting grounds. Minimum infection rates per 1000 Cx. tarsalis tested for WNV were 1.36 in 2005 and 1.41 in 2006. All pools in which WNV was detected in 2006 were composed of females collected 10 km from the nesting grounds. Substantial juvenile pelican mortality in 2006 despite reductions in the population of the primary vector and in mosquito infection rates near the colony suggests that the methods used to detect the introduction of WNV were too coarse and that amplification of the virus within the colony may reflect causes other than mosquito infection.  相似文献   

密云水库不同季节细菌群落多样性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为加强对密云水库水体状况的全面了解,对2006年11月到2007年11月不同季节水体中的微生物进行了研究.用流式细胞仪技术和LB固体培养基培养测定了水体中的细菌数目;利用PCR-DGGE技术对水体细菌的多样性和相似性进行分析.结果表明,细菌数目随季节变化有所不同,但利用流式细胞仪测定的每毫升水体细菌的数目基本上均为104数量级,而培养得到的细菌菌落数为102~103 CFU/ml,基本符合国家饮用水源的卫生标准.细菌的多样性指数也表现出随季节变化的规律,冬季(2006-11和2007-11)Shannon-Weaver多样性指数较低,为3.0左右;春季(2007-04)开始增大,至夏季(2007-07)时可高达3.3068;秋季(2007-09)又减小到3.1246.另外,密云水库细菌的优势类群有β-Proteobacteria、Actinobacteria、Cytophaga/Flexibacter/Bacteroides (CFB) 类群和Cyanobacteria. 这些资料有望为以后进一步从微生物角度评价水质提供参考.  相似文献   

Ambrosia pollen represents a significant allergenic risk for pollen-sensitive people also in Slovakia. The aim of this study was to compare the results of the monitoring of Ambrosia pollen concentrations and pollen seasons in Bratislava during years 2002–2007. Measurements were performed by the volumetric method using Burkard volumetric spore trap at the height of 10 m above ground level. During six monitored years, a total of 11,334 Ambrosia pollen grains per cubic meter of air were recorded. The highest total ragweed pollen amount was detected in 2002 (2,577 pollen grains of the total annual pollen concentration) and the lowest ragweed pollen concentration (1,213 pollen grains) was determined in 2007. However, mentioned year was represented as the year with the longest pollen season among the all monitored years in Bratislava (41 days). The pollen season peak day of 2002, 2004, 2005 and 2006 was recorded at the beginning of September; in 2003 and 2007 the peak was at the second half of August. The highest daily amount of Ambrosia pollen grains (more than 100 grains per cubic meter of air) was in 2002 (12 days). The results can be utilized to help to prevent symptoms of allergic reactions to Ambrosia pollen and improve quality of life during seasonal allergic diseases in ragweed pollen-sensitive people.  相似文献   

Following the introductions carried out in late 1960s, Eastern cottontail Sylvilagus floridanus Allen, 1890 rapidly colonized the Po Plain (northern Italy), following the Po River and its tributaries. We monitored a cottontail population using the line-transect method from autumn 2005 to spring 2009 in a 8.2-km2 study area located along the Po River, and we investigated species habitat requirements by assessing the presence/absence of faecal pellets in 200 randomly distributed plots from September 2006 to August 2007 and by Resource Selection Probability Function through logistic regression analyses and multi-model inference. The cottontail population varied dramatically over time in size, with a great drop at the end of the breeding period. Cottontails selected foraging habitats at the macro- and micro-scales, with some differences among seasons. Two macro-habitat variables differed significantly between used and unused plots through seasons: arboriculture stands were always greater in presence plots, whereas winter cereals were always greater in absence ones. On the macro-level, woody and herbaceous habitats, such as fallow fields, characterized presence plots. At the micro-habitat level, presence plots were associated with permanent dense cover except during summer. Several logistic regression models were built through seasons and ranked using the Akaike’s Information Criterion. Arboriculture stands enhanced cottontail presence mostly during the growing season contrary to crop fields. Hedgerows were used according to availability during feeding activity. Cottontail habitat selection varied according to seasonal changes in resource availability and suitability of the different habitat types.  相似文献   



To evaluate if, among children aged 3 to 15 years, influenza vaccination for multiple seasons affects the proportion sero-protected.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Participants were 131 healthy children aged 3–15 years. Participants were vaccinated with trivalent inactivated seasonal influenza vaccine (TIV) over the 2005–06, 2006–07 and 2007–8 seasons. Number of seasons vaccinated were categorized as one (2007–08); two (2007–08 and 2006–07 or 2007–08 and 2005–06) or three (2005–06, 2006–07, and 2007–08). Pre- and post-vaccination sera were collected four weeks apart. Antibody titres were determined by hemagglutination inhibition (HAI) assay using antigens to A/Solomon Islands/03/06 (H1N1), A/Wisconsin/67/05 (H3N2) and B/Malaysia/2506/04. The proportions sero-protected were compared by number of seasons vaccinated using cut-points for seroprotection of 1∶40 vs. 1∶320. The proportions of children sero-protected against H1N1 and H3N2 was high (>85%) regardless of number of seasons vaccinated and regardless of cut-point for seroprotection. For B Malaysia there was no change in proportions sero-protected by number of seasons vaccinated; however the proportions protected were lower than for H1N1 and H3N2, and there was a lower proportion sero-protected when the higher, compared to lower, cut-point was used for sero-protection.


The proportion of children sero-protected is not affected by number of seasons vaccinated.  相似文献   

Eastern Pacific gray whales were monitored off Ensenada, Mexico, during the southbound migration. The objectives were to determine southbound migration timing and width of the migration corridor during three seasons (2003–2006). Migration timing was determined by fitting a generalized additive model to the shore counts for each season and estimating the 10, 50, and 90 percentiles of the fitted curves. To estimate abundance from shore‐based counts, a probability density function for the shore based distances was estimated by a product of a gamma distribution fit to the boat survey distance data for 2006/2007 and a half‐normal detection function using combined data of the three seasons. The parameters of the gamma distribution were corrected to account for less boat survey effort carried out 20–40 km than 0–20 km from shore. The onset of the migration off Ensenada was in late December/early January and ended around 13 February. The median date was 23–26 January for the first and third season and a week early for the second season. Boat surveys indicated a wide (20 km) migration corridor but most gray whales traveled within 9.9 km from shore. The estimated total number of whales during watch hours was 2,298 (95% CI = 1,536–4,447).  相似文献   

The seasonal patterns of oviposition by the North American grape berry moth, Paralobesia viteana (Clemens) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) were monitored in juice grape (Vitis labrusca) vineyards in southwest Michigan. Egg deposition was recorded throughout the growing season at two vineyards in 2006, and at four vineyards from 2007 to 2009. In each vineyard, a random sample of 100 grape clusters was visually inspected twice‐weekly and the number of newly laid eggs was counted. We found that oviposition was continuous but variable throughout the season. Egg deposition started in early June coinciding with early grape bloom, continued at low level until mid‐ to late July, intensified in August close to veraison, and ended in September often before harvest. There were no consistent periods without oviposition that would indicate distinct generations. To determine the contribution of moth immigration into the vineyard to the pattern of oviposition, six grape plants located at the edge of a vineyard next to woods were covered with field cages and stocked with infested fruit. Oviposition and berry infestation were followed weekly on covered and exposed plants. Although higher numbers of eggs and infested berries were found on fruit of exposed vines than enclosed vines, egg deposition and berry infestation followed the same pattern in both treatments. This result indicates that the seasonal pattern of egg deposition is not dependent on immigration of grape berry moth of wild grape origin. The pattern of oviposition by grape berry moth described here contributes to the difficulty of controlling this pest using conventional insecticides with short residual activity.  相似文献   

Color and color patterns in animals are important characteristics that bring protection, by dampening the ability of predators that depend on their sight to detect their preys. In lizards, the dorsal coloration plays a key role in communication of intraspecific signals such as social cues. In this study, we evaluated the seasonal changes in the dorsal coloration of the wide foraging lizard A. costata costata, in Tonatico, State of Mexico, Mexico. The seasonal evaluation included: the rainy season from mid June to mid September (can also include the end of May to early October); and the dry season for the rest of the year. The dorsal coloration of A. costata costata and their microhabitats were evaluated by contrasting the color pattern with an identification guide and the control colors of Pantone, during 11 samplings carried out from February-October 2007. Individual lizard analysis recorded snout-vent length, sex and stage (juveniles and adults). Besides, all animals were marked by toe-clipping, allowing to distinguish dorsal coloration between seasons, sex and stage. A total of 95 lizards were analyzed (53 and 42 for the dry and rainy seasons respectively). We found that the dorsal coloration in A. costata costata varies seasonally and with microhabitats: during the dry season individuals show a brown coloration whereas during the rainy season becomes greener, as the background dominant vegetation color. The results of the present study suggest that: 1) the variation in dorsal coloration in A. costata costata plays an important role in the survival (by cryptic camouflage) of this widely foraging species; 2) the changes in the dorsal coloration of A. costata costata are individually expressed traits, since the coloration of the same lizard is either brown or green depending on the season; and 3) the cryptic functions of the dorsal coloration in widely foraging species have been largely underestimated. We discuss the possible influence of the changes in coloration in an habitat that changes drastically between both dry and rainy seasons.  相似文献   

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