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中国云南部分人间鼠疫流行区蚤类区系调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
归纳了中国云南13个人间鼠疫流行区的调查资料,对调查疫区的蚤类区系进行了研究。总计捕获12077只小兽,隶此齿目、食虫目及攀目3个目中的9科、29属、47种。从小兽体表共采芪9369只蚤,经分类鉴定,隶属5科、18属、33种。33种蚤及47种小兽突主均按其分类阶元详细列于文末。结果山区蚤及小兽宿主的种数明显多于坝区。坝区农耕地的优势种相对简单,优势种地位突出,黄胸鼠及印鼠客蚤分别是最重要的宿主及蚤  相似文献   

目的调查云南省黄胸鼠Rattus flavipectus和褐家鼠R.norvegicus体表寄生蚤的感染情况,为云南省鼠疫防控提供科学依据。方法 2012年7月—2013年11月,在云南省34个县市随机选取采样点,笼捕法采集黄胸鼠和褐家鼠,收集并鉴定体表寄生蚤,统计宿主和蚤类物种组成、染蚤率、蚤指数,并根据蚤种组成进行分层聚类。结果采集鼠类842只,其中黄胸鼠714只、褐家鼠128只;共检获体表寄生蚤3227匹,涵盖10个已知蚤种,其中,印鼠客蚤Xenopsylla cheopis和缓慢细蚤Leptopsylla segnis为优势物种。黄胸鼠和褐家鼠的染蚤率分别为48.88%和53.91%,2种鼠的总体蚤指数为3.83匹/只,其中有16个县市的印鼠客蚤指数>1。聚类分析将所有样点聚成3大支系:A支系印鼠客蚤占优势,主要分布于云南省南部地区;B支系优势种不明显或具有其他蚤种,分布于云南省中部地区;C支系缓慢细蚤占优势,分布于云南省北部地区。结论印鼠客蚤和缓慢细蚤是云南省主要蚤种,在接近半数地区印鼠客蚤指数>1,防疫形势非常严峻。云南省黄胸鼠和褐家鼠体表蚤区系组成具有一定的地带性,其中南部地区为印鼠客蚤优势分布区,可视为媒介监测和防控的重点区域。  相似文献   

中国云南人间鼠疫流行区的主要鼠疫传播媒介是印鼠客蚤。其主要宿主为黄胸鼠。应用Iwao方法及其随机偏离度检验 ,对印鼠客蚤在黄胸鼠的不同个体间的空间分布格局进行了研究。根据Iwao方法建立的印鼠客蚤直线回归模型为 :M =α βM =4 0 0 6 4 2 0 153M ,其中的α和 β均明显高于空间分布判定的界线值 0和 1,经随机偏离度检验 ,F =4 5892 ,P <0 0 5。结合α ,β值及随机偏离度检验结果 ,印鼠客蚤在其主要宿主黄胸鼠体表的空间分布型被判定为聚集型分布。印鼠客蚤这种聚集型分布意味着该蚤的个体分布不均匀 ,而是在宿主动物体表形成大小不等的聚集蚤群。印鼠客蚤在黄胸鼠不同个体间的这种不均匀分布提示 :即使接触同一种染疫鼠类动物 ,因鼠体蚤分布极不均匀 ,其传播机会是不均等的。  相似文献   

应用生态学中的生态位宽度及生态位重叠研究方法,对中国云南人间鼠疫流行区11种蚤的宿主特异性及宿主选择进行了研究。宿主特异性用Levins生态位宽度进行测定。宿主选择用夹角余弦生态位重叠进行测定。结果表明:长形病蚤普洱亚种及印鼠客蚤的生态位宽度最窄、宿主特异性最高,近端远棒蚤二刺亚种及斯氏新蚤滇川亚种的生态位最宽、宿主特异性最低。印鼠客蚤(云南人间鼠疫流行区的主要鼠疫媒介)的优势宿主是黄胸鼠。印鼠客蚤较高的宿主特异性意味着该蚤可能主要在其优势宿主的不同个体间保存或传播鼠疫病原体。短突栉眼蚤及端凹栉眼蚤在宿主选择上较接近,而其它蚤种在宿主选择上差异较大。  相似文献   

本文将某一种小兽 (小型哺乳动物 )宿主体表的全部蚤作为一个特定的蚤类群落 ,在此基础上运用模糊聚类分析方法对云南人间鼠疫流行区 10种小兽体表的蚤类群落之间的相似性进行了比较。研究结果表明 ,在动物分类上比较接近的、隶属同一属 (鼠属 )的黄胸鼠、大足鼠和斯氏家鼠体表 3种蚤类群落之间的相似性较大 ,在模糊聚类的谱系图上明显聚为一类。动物分类上距离较远、隶属不同属的微尾、臭、灰麝、中华姬鼠、滇绒鼠、社鼠和锡金小鼠体表的 7种蚤类群落之间的相似性较小。结果提示 ,宿主因素可能是影响体表寄生蚤群落之间相似性大小的一个主要因子 ,当宿主在动物分类上彼此接近时 ,其体表寄生蚤群落的相似程度就比较高 ,当宿主在动物分类上距离较大时 ,其体表蚤类群落的相似程度就比较低。本文中不同属小兽体表寄生蚤类形成了不同的群落类型。  相似文献   

张洪英  何晋侯 《昆虫知识》1993,30(5):285-285
<正> 缓慢细蚤Leptopsylla segnis Schonherr是云南省黄胸鼠鼠疫自然疫源地分布较广的蚤种,其自然感染鼠疫菌仅次于印鼠客蚤。在研究其传播媒介地位的同时,本文系统地观察了其生活史,结果如下。  相似文献   

印鼠客蚤的生态习性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 印鼠客蚤Xenopsylla cheopis Rothschild是公认的世界家鼠鼠疫的首要传播媒介,是预防鼠疫的重要监测对象。因此,对其繁殖孳生,季节消长等有关生态习性问题已有较多研究。我们在防疫工作中也作了一些调查工作,现就几个方面综述供参考。 一、宿主 印鼠客蚤的重要宿主是家栖的鼠属(Rattus)鼠种,在云南主要是黄胸鼠和褐家鼠。除此以外,家栖的小家鼠、臭鼩亦有寄生,但并不常见。至于野栖的大足鼠、斯氏家鼠、齐氏姬鼠、大绒鼠、赤腹松鼠、树鼩、黄鼬等,虽有检获记录,但甚为罕见,可认为是家、野鼠类相互交窜,偶然接触所致。 二、吸血习性 如上所说,印鼠客蚤的重要宿主是家栖鼠类,成蚤特别嗜吸家栖鼠类的血当无疑问。至于对已发现寄生的众多野栖动物的刺吸和适应能力,  相似文献   

了解鼠疫自然疫源地的宿主、媒介群落结构及其种群动态,为提出针对性的鼠疫防控策略与机制提供依据。云南省剑川县属于齐氏姬鼠和大绒鼠鼠疫自然疫源地的核心区,该区域小型兽类种类丰富,存在2种类型鼠疫菌,为进一步研究疫源地的演变提供了重要的现场模型。本文对剑川县1976-2019年鼠疫监测资料进行整理和分析,发现该疫源地室内共捕获小型兽类4目7科16属25种,绝对优势鼠种为褐家鼠,其他优势鼠种为黄胸鼠和小家鼠;室外捕获小型兽类5目8科21属31种,其中优势鼠种为齐氏姬鼠和大绒鼠。室内鼠密度在2005年以前基本在3.75%左右波动,2006年开始显著下降维持在0.49%左右波动;室外鼠密度常年在9.13%左右这一较高水平波动。该疫源地鼠体主要优势蚤种为方叶栉眼蚤、特新蚤和棕形额蚤,其中方叶栉眼蚤处于绝对优势地位。共检出细菌学阳性样本72份,检出F1抗体阳性样本95份。该疫源地存在时间长,宿主动物及媒介种类多差异大,但总体结构稳定。由于存在着鼠疫菌长期保存的自然和地理条件,有待于进一步的研究探讨其种群动态、疫情发生与自然条件等的关系模型。  相似文献   

印鼠客蚤侵袭与离开宿主习性的观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马立名 《昆虫知识》1998,35(1):37-38
印鼠客蚤的跳跃高度,攻击宿主距离,侵袭宿主蚤数,吸血率和离开宿主时间均远超过二齿新蚤。印鼠客蚤滞留于活宿主时间明显长于死宿主。  相似文献   

张迎春  漆一鸣 《昆虫学报》2008,51(5):504-508
【目的】通过研究苯醚威对印鼠客蚤 Xenopsylla cheopis (Rothschild,1903)的早 3 龄幼虫和未吸血新羽化成虫的组织学变化,探讨其灭蚤机理,为鼠疫媒介蚤种的防治提供基础资料。【方法】以微量点滴法将苯醚威施药于印鼠客蚤早3龄幼虫和未吸血新羽化成虫,采用组织学、显微摄影及统计学方法观察组织变化。【结果】经苯醚威作用后,印鼠客蚤的早 3 龄幼虫的表皮增厚、卵巢芽生殖细胞萎缩、睾丸芽精原细胞间质减少;未吸血新羽化成虫的睾丸塞消失快、唾液腺细胞破坏严重、中肠上皮细胞萎缩。【结论】(1)苯醚威通过干扰印鼠客蚤幼虫的变态,引起幼虫表皮、生殖芽异常改变,不能发育为成虫而死亡;(2)苯醚威可加速印鼠客蚤新羽化雄性成虫的睾丸塞吸收;(3)苯醚威可破坏印鼠客蚤新羽化成虫的唾液腺细胞,并引起中肠上皮细胞萎缩。  相似文献   

Abstract Fleas on the body surface of a certain species of small mammal form a special flea community. On the basis of a series of calculations, a comparison of flea communities on ten species of small mammals in the foci of human plague in Yunnan Province, China, was carried out through a fuzzy clustering analysis. The three flea communities on Rattus flavipectus, Rattus nitidus and Rattus rattus sladeni, which belong to the same genus (genus Rattus) showed a higher similarity than others and they clustered into a group in the phenogram of the clustering analysis. Other flea communities on Anourosorez squamipes Suncus murinus Crocidura attenuata Apodemus draca Eothenomys eleusis, Niviventer confucianus and Mus pahari showed lower similarities between each other. The result suggests that the small mammal hosts may be the most important factor which strongly influence the similarity of ectoparasitic flea communities. When the hosts have a close affinity in the taxonomy, the flea communities on their body surface tend to be similar. The hosts in different genera in this case study tend to have different types of ectoparasitic flea communities.  相似文献   

The fleas of wild and commensal small mammals, domestic animals (dogs, cats) and free-living flea forms in houses have been collected in plague nidi of Tay Nguyen plate, Dak-Lak province, Vietnam. Pulex irritans, Ctenocephalides felis felis, Ct. felis orientis were found in the houses on dogs, cats and on the ground floor. Commensal rats in populated areas were infested by Xenopsylla cheopis and rarely by Lentistivalius klossi. The agricultural zone was inhabited by both home and wild animals such as commensal, savannah and forest-dwelling small mammals. The flea fauna of this zone is presented by X. cheopis and L. klossi. In the tropical forest surrounding villages four of the flea species were found: X. vexabilis, a specific parasite of the forest-dwelling rat Berylmys berdmorei, L. klossi found on six species of forest small mammals, Acropsylla girshami from Berylmys bowersii and Pariodontis subjugis from Hystrix brachyura. The agricultural zone is the most possible place of commensal and forest-dwelling small mammals contact, where the latter can get plague microbe.  相似文献   

Abstract The host-specificity and the host-selection of 11 species of fleas collected from 47 species of small mammals in foci of human plague in Yunnan, China, were studied by using methods in the evaluation of ecological niche breadth and overlap. Levins' niche breadth was used for the host-specificity. while clip angle niche overlap and a fuzzy clustering analysis were used for host-selection. Of the 11 species of fleas, the host-specificity of Nosopsyllus elongatus puerensis and Xenopsylla cheopis are the highest (narrow niche breadth), and those of Aviostivalis klossi bispiniformis and Neopsylla stevensi sichuanyunnana the lowest (wide niche breadth). Of 11 species of fleas, the dominant host of X. cheopis (a very high effective vector of plague in the foci of human plague in Yunnan Province. China) is Rattw flavipectus (the main animal host and infectious source of plague in the foci). A high host-specificity of X. cheopis implies that X. cheopis mainly maintains or transmits the pathogen of plague among the individuals of its dominant species of host, R. flavipectus. The result of niche overlap analysis reveals that Ctenophthalrnus In-evipre jiciens and Ctenophthaltnus parcus have a similar host-selection while other species of fleas are quite different in their host selection.  相似文献   

The common house shrew Suncus murinus has been shown to play an important role in maintenance and perpetuation of plague infection by earlier plague workers. With the control of human plague there is no knowledge about foci of plague in small mammals associated with man. Present study was carried out to fill in this Lacuna. Studies carried out in the present paper reveal that S. murinus does not harbour any plague infection in Bombay. This species is widely distributed in Bombay and is found to be associated with man throughout the year. The principal species of fleas harboured by this mammal is Xenopsylla cheopis. The insectivore mainly feeds on tine animals and insects and breeds throughout the year.  相似文献   

Results of analysis of the Caucasian fauna of fleas and their association with mammal and avian hosts are reported. The Caucasian fauna of potential flea hosts comprises about 130 species of mammals and about 470 species of birds. Most of the flea species in the Caucasian fauna (88 out of 155) parasitize rodents, 51 species of which are permanent hosts of different flea species; 13 flea species occur on 11 species of insectivores; 13 flea species, on 13 species of chiropterans; 14 flea species, on 20 species of carnivores. Only 2 flea species parasitize artiodactyles. 54 species of birds are permanent hosts of 23 species of fleas from 4 genera in the Caucasus. Ten types of ranges of flea species are distinguished; host associations of the Caucasian flea species from these groups are discussed. The greatest numbers of hosts from the families Cricetidae, Muridae, and Sciuridae are associated with fleas with Euro-Asian (extra-Siberian), European, Turanian, and Iranian ranges. Soricidae are known as hosts of flea species with European and Euro-Turanian ranges. Four major groups of flea taxa are represented in the Caucasian fauna. The distribution of the first group is determined by the influence of the palaeofauna of the ancient European continent in the early Cenozoic; that of the second group, by the influence of the fauna of the ancient Asian continent during the Paleogene and part of the Neogene; the third, by the influence of the fauna of southern Europe starting with the Miocene. The fourth group comprises the species which immigrated from northern Europe and Asia in the Late Neogene (2–3 mln years ago).  相似文献   

喜马拉雅山南坡小型兽类体外寄生蚤类群落的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
郭天宇  许荣满 《生态学报》1998,18(6):660-664
1992-05-08、1993-06-07和1994-06-07分别在喜马拉雅山南坡,西藏亚东县、错那县和隆子县捕获小型兽类,采集蚤类标本,共获蚤1805只,经鉴定它们隶属于4科22属46种。以该地区小型兽类作为研究对象,计算其染蚤指数和蚤类群落相似性指数,并对宿主动物体外寄生蚤群落进行主成分分析。结果表明:宿主动物的生境对其体外寄生蚤群落相似性起决定作用,而宿主动物的分类地位亦有一定的影响。  相似文献   

The ability of vector-borne diseases to persist and spread is closely linked to the ecological characteristics of the vector species they use. Yet there have been no investigations of how species used as vectors by pathogens such as the plague bacterium differ from closely related species that are not used as vectors. The plague bacterium uses mammals as reservoir hosts and fleas as vectors. The ability of different fleas to serve as vectors is assumed to depend on how likely they are to experience gut blockage following bacterial multiplication; the blockage causes fleas to regurgitate blood into a wound and thus inject bacteria into new hosts. Beyond these physiological differences, it is unclear whether there exist fundamental ecological differences between fleas that are effective vectors and those that are not. Here, using a comparative analysis, we identify clear associations between the ability of flea species to transmit plague and their ecological characteristics. First, there is a positive relationship between the abundance of flea species on their hosts and their potential as vectors. Second, although the number of host species exploited by a flea is not associated with its potential as a vector, there is a negative relationship between the ability of fleas to transmit plague and the taxonomic diversity of their host spectrum. This suggests a correlation between some ecological characteristics of fleas and their ability to develop the plague blockage. The plague pathogen thus uses mainly abundant fleas specialized on a narrow taxonomic range of mammals, features that should maximize the persistence of the disease in the face of high flea mortality, and its transmission to suitable hosts only. This previously unrecognized pattern of vector use is of importance for the persistence and transmission of the disease.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available to authorised users in the online version of this article at .  相似文献   

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