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上海外来植物及其入侵等级划分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汇总分析了上海外来植物75科232属357种(和种下类群)基础资料,并对其入侵危害进行等级划分;其中入侵植物64种,一般或偶见外来植物293种;报道了9种上海新纪录逸生植物。上海外来植物总体呈现种类繁多、国产种类较多、分布密度大、严重危害种类较多且分布广、入侵途径集中等特征。同时对上海外来入侵植物的管理与防治提出具体措施。  相似文献   

为了解华南地区外来植物现状,通过野外调查和查阅文献等,确定华南地区有外来入侵和归化植物45科141属223种,以菊科(Asteraceae,38种)、豆科(Fabaceae,36种)、禾本科(Poaceae,19种)植物为主,其中草本植物和原产美洲的植物占优势,分别有204种(占总数的91.5%)和163种(占73.1%)。广东外来入侵植物有159种,归化植物23种;广西有入侵植物135种,归化植物16种;海南有入侵植物111种,归化种15种;香港有入侵植物105种,归化植物9种;澳门有入侵植物89种,归化种4种;华南5省区共有的外来入侵和归化植物为57种(55种为入侵植物,2种为归化植物)。广东是外来植物种类最多的地区,与其他4省区共有的外来入侵和归化植物种类也最多,说明广东同时是外来植物输入和输出大省。由于气候和生态生境的相似性,各省区都面临着其他植物从周边地区入侵的风险,因此在治理入侵植物时,应建立联合防控机制对外来入侵植物的联合监测和防控,以提升外来入侵植物的治理成效和降低其对人类健康和生态安全的威胁。  相似文献   

1985-2013年间,报道江苏省外来入侵植物的相关文献仅9篇,不足全国同期同类文献3665篇的025%,与该省社会、经济、文化等各方面的发展极不相称。通过实地考察,结合文献调研和标本查阅,对江苏省47科128属209种外来入侵植物的组成、原产地、生活型等方面进行了统计、分析与讨论。根据外来入侵植物对该省生态系统的危害程度将其分为5个等级:恶性入侵类22种,严重入侵类41种,局部入侵类32种,一般入侵类51种,有待观察类63种。结合上述分析与等级划分,讨论了江苏省外来入侵植物的特点,并在此基础上提出了具体建议。  相似文献   

中国外来入侵植物的等级划分与地理分布格局分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
基于文献报道、野外调查、标本记录和必要的分类学考证, 整理出我国外来入侵植物72科285属515种。根据外来入侵种的生物学与生态学特性、自然地理分布、入侵范围以及所产生的危害, 将其划分为5类: 即恶性入侵类(34种)、严重入侵类(69种)、局部入侵类(85种)、一般入侵类(80种)和有待观察类(247种)。通过地理分布格局分析, 中国外来入侵植物主要分布在我国西南及东部沿海地区, 并进一步扩散到内陆各省。中国外来入侵等级划分和地理分布格局可以作为外来入侵植物风险防范和管理的依据。本工作提供我国外来入侵植物的本底资料的同时, 还对主要外来入侵植物的管理提出了具体建议。  相似文献   

归化是外来植物越过一系列障碍成为入侵植物的基本前提,对归化植物的种类组成及分布规律进行研究,有助于预防和管控植物入侵.该文基于文献报道和标本记录,对中国西部地区共12省(区)126个地级市的归化植物进行统计(包含所有维管束植物),并分析了这些植物的组成和时空分布特征.结果表明:(1)西部地区共有归化植物826种,分属1...  相似文献   

通过野外调查和查阅文献,对江西三清山外来植物的种类组成、原产地、生活型、入侵途径等进行分析。结果表明,三清山外来植物有140种,隶属于47科103属,科属种数分别占三清山维管束植物总数的24.23%、11.73%和6.94%。其中外来入侵植物有31科56属82种,分别占外来植物总数的65.96%、53.85%、58.57%。以菊科、豆科、苋科、葫芦科、茄科、十字花科、藜科和旋花科为优势科;外来植物以美洲来源最多;生活型以陆生草本为主;引入途径以有意引入最突出;入侵危害程度以Ⅱ级为主。  相似文献   

付改兰  冯玉龙 《生态学杂志》2007,26(10):1590-1594
用流式细胞仪测定了8科10属13种外来入侵植物、6种本地植物和1种外来非入侵植物的核DNAC-值。结果表明:作为整体,外来入侵植物的平均核DNAC-值显著低于本地种和外来非入侵种,但对同属不同类型植物进行比较,未发现一致的规律;在4个既包含外来入侵种又包含本地种的属中,泽兰属(Eupatorium)和鬼针草属(Bidens)外来入侵种的核DNAC-值显著低于同属本地种,莲子草属(Alternanthera)的2种外来入侵植物中仅有1个种的核DNAC-值显著低于同属本地种,而草胡椒属(Peperomia)外来入侵种的核DNAC-值显著高于同属本地种;表明核DNAC-值与外来植物入侵性无必然联系。  相似文献   

物种编目是区系研究、生物多样性监测和珍稀濒危生物保护的基础。宁夏维管植物编目对该区植物多样性保护和资源植物开发利用具有重要意义。本文在《宁夏植物志(第二版)》的基础上, 结合多年野外实地调查数据和相关文献资料, 按照APG Ⅳ分类系统修订了宁夏野生维管植物名录。结果显示: 宁夏有野生维管植物127科597属1,754种, 排名前10的优势科分别是菊科、禾本科、豆科、蔷薇科、毛茛科、苋科、唇形科、莎草科、石竹科和伞形科, 这10科共有物种939种, 占宁夏野生维管植物总数的53.53%; 科的组成以物种数小于20种的科为主, 属主要以小于5种的属为主; 2007年至今累计发现新记录植物230种; 宁夏有珍稀濒危植物25科44属65种; 外来归化、逸生及入侵植物9科22属28种。就国土面积和地理位置而言, 宁夏野生维管植物较为丰富。本研究结果可为《宁夏植物志(第三版)》修订和生物多样性监测与保护提供基础数据。  相似文献   

福建外来入侵植物初步研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
经野外调查和整理分析文献资料,初步认定福建省外来入侵植物并已归化的种类约73种,分属于29科,其中菊科种类最多,有16种。从来源看,来自美洲的有59种,占80.82%。入侵植物中包括6种2003年国家环保总局公布的首批外来入侵物种。文中还对这些外来入侵植物的危害、入侵途径及其防治对策进行讨论。  相似文献   

张淑梅  李微  李丁男 《生物多样性》2022,30(6):22038-192
为给辽宁植物多样性保护提供本底数据, 更准确地评价植物濒危及保护等级, 以及更好地给农学、林学、生态学、系统学等研究提供可靠的基础性数据, 本文首次将几代人在辽宁境内发现的高等植物进行汇总、编目, 包括苔藓植物和维管束植物。苔藓植物根据正式发表的文献和中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所东北生物标本馆(IFP)馆藏采自辽宁省全域的苔藓植物标本编制。维管束植物主要根据5个方面的信息整理: 作者多年野外调查的一手资料、文献、同行交流、公众提供信息、标本等。编目内容包括辽宁省高等植物总名录、辽宁省栽培植物名录、辽宁省外来植物名录、辽宁省仅有栽培植物的科属目录、辽宁省仅有外来植物的科属目录; 编目中涉及的物种均有科属地位、中文名、拉丁名、生境、产地(县级), 总名录中附有每个物种的信息凭证, 包括标本信息、文献信息或照片依据。本编目共计收录植物254科1,176属3,241种73亚种447变种119变型。其中, 苔藓植物为辽宁地区首次披露名录信息, 计83科205属491种4亚种7变种(含藓类52科156属373种1亚种5变种, 苔类29科46属114种3亚种2变种, 角苔类2科3属4种)。维管束植物虽非首次披露名录信息, 但与以往发布的维管束植物名录相比, 本次收录的种类数最多, 计171科971属2,750种69亚种440变种119变型(含石松类植物2科3属13种, 蕨类植物17科39属83种2亚种7变种, 裸子植物5科19属47种1亚种13变种2变型, 被子植物147科910属2,607种66亚种420变种117变型)。经统计, 辽宁省所有苔藓植物均为本土野生植物。维管束植物中, 野生植物计149科741属2,077种62亚种378变种93变型(含石松类植物2科3属13种, 蕨类植物17科39属83种2亚种7变种, 裸子植物4科8属12种6变种1变型, 被子植物145科133属1,969种60亚种365变种92变型), 栽培植物计104科390属673种7亚种62变种26变型(含裸子植物5科17属35种1亚种7变种1变型, 被子植物99科373属638种6亚种55变种25变型); 本土植物计158科796属2,235种65亚种421变种116变型(含石松类植物2科3属13种, 蕨类植物17科39属83种2亚种7变种, 裸子植物5科14属29种12变种2变型, 被子植物134科740属2,110种63亚种402变种114变型), 外来植物计88科316属515种4亚种19变种3变型(含裸子植物3科10属18种1亚种1变种, 被子植物85科306属497种3亚种18变种3变型)。本编目仅是辽宁省高等植物的阶段性汇总, 尚需要根据野外工作的拓展和研究工作的深入不断完善。  相似文献   

The present study describes the fetal regions ethmoidalis and orbitotemporalis of the cranium of Galea musteloides and Kerodon rupestris and compares them with Galea spixii and Cavia porcellus . The fetal crania of these representatives of the Caviinae were serially sectioned and 3D plate reconstructions were built. For a broader scope, serially sectioned heads of the caviomorph taxa Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris and Dasyprocta leporina were also examined. The ethmoidal and orbitotemporal regions of the cranium provides characters that are pertinent to the discussion of systematics of the Caviinae. Nine cranial characters were identified as being significant and discussed phylogenetically. Taking the monophyly of the Cavioidea as given, two characters are autapomorphic for the genus Galea: the reduction of the crista semicircularis and the lacrimale forming the 'arco antorbitario' (Kraglievich 1930). Cavia is the sister group of Galea; synapomorphic characters are the extent of the processus palatinus medialis of the praemaxillare and the presence lamina pterygoidea of the alisphenoid. There were no apomorphic characters of the structural complexes examined that could support the Caviinae. The reduced and nonperforated alisphenoid is an autapomorphic feature of the Caviidae. The division of the nasoturbinale is evidence for a sistergroup relationship of the Hydrochaeridae and the Caviidae. Autapomorphic characters for the Cavioidea include the ventrolateral opening of the organon vomeronasale and the lateral prolongation of the lacrimale.  相似文献   

The creation of the Veterinary Schools in the 18th century would reveal a plethora of scientists, some of whom would be the precursors of Pasteur, some rivals, others followers collaborators or friends of the Master. Among the precursors let us name Chabbert, Huzard, Girard, Delafond, Renault, Toussaint, Galtier ; among the rivals: Chauveau, Arloing, Cornevin and Thomas; among the followers, collaborators or friends of Pasteur: Bouley, at first a resolute spontaneist, then the most fervent in defense of Pasteur (President of the Academy of Medicine and of the Academy of Sciences) and Nocard, Director of the School in Alfort, an important collaborator of Pasteur. Later, there was Leclainche, who created the International Office of Epizootics, and who was President of the Academy of Sciences; Guérin, who with Calmette developed the BCG vaccination; Ramon, the father of anatoxins (vaccines against diphtheria, and tetanus, combined vaccines, adjuvants to immunity). Thus, the creation of the Veterinary Schools contributed not only to the evolution of the notion of contagion, to the amelioration of animal health and the economics of agricultural production, but also to serious advances in human care, and to the protection of public health.  相似文献   

The documentation of some figures of hoofed in Siega Verde on panels of palaeolithic style and its stylistic references in the whole south of Europe, constitutes the starting point of the reflection on the presence of style v in the outdoors sites of the peninsular occident. In the Douro's region exists a richer documentation than the habitual in Europe: the outdoors panels of Côa and Siega Verde, the engravings on palaeolithic figures of La Griega, the paintings with direct chronologies of Ojo Guareña, the decorated plaquettes of the level 4 of Fariseu and the pebbles and plaquettes of Estebanvela. Painting in the caverns, outdoors and cave engravings and mobile art, with good references of absolute chronology between 11,500 BP and 9000 BP that confirm the continuity of the Palaeolithic art. If we compare the data of the peninsular occident with those of the north, those of Levant and those that begin to be known in Andalusia, the coincidence of dates is astonishing. In the same way if we compare these ones with the dates of the South of France and Italy. The external art of the western facade of the Iberian Peninsula possesses not only a unite palaeolithic contrasted sequence but rather it also puts in evidence the reality of the recurrent and continued locations in the whole sector during 30,000 years.Above the 11,000 BP, the transformations of the hunter groups begin to be evident in the whole south of Europe and the graphics demonstrate these changes, with a progressive transformation of contents and style that leads to a bigger schematization. The interesting cohabitation among naturalism and schematism that demonstrate the direct dates of C14, apparent a progressive transformation that discards radical ruptures between the social and graphic world of the palaeolithic hunters and their heirs.  相似文献   

Recently, results of a 3-year study showed the importance of abiotic factors such as water temperature, stream discharge and the hyporheic zone on the behaviour, performance and loss of the residual dosages (amount of the injected dosage left at each station) of two commercial liquid formulations of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis ( Bti ), Teknar HP-D and Vectobac 1200L. Experiments were performed in the same stream and under environmental conditions that allowed comparisons of results between formulations. To improve our understanding of the influence of abiotic factors on the behaviour and the performance of these formulations, a 2-year experiment using the same products was conducted in another river characterized by a much different profile, higher discharges and colder temperatures. A field procedure based on a system of gutters located on the bank of the river already used in the previous 3-year experiment was utilized. Black fly larval mortalities were recorded along the river at different distances (stations) to evaluate the behaviour and the performance of the products while water samples taken at the stations were tested in the laboratory against mosquito neonate larvae to evaluate the residual dosages of Bti at each station. Results showed that higher residual dosages of the Vectobac 1200L were recovered compared to Teknar HP-D along the river. Although higher dosages were recovered, higher mortality was observed only for the Vectobac 1200 L in high discharge conditions. As seen before, the hyporheic zone (interstitial water between the streambed and groundwater) produced a major loss of the dosages in the first meters of the river. But because of the river profile, the hyporheic zone had a lesser effect on the loss of the dosages further in the river resulting in very long carries for both Teknar HP-D and Vectobac 1200L.  相似文献   

The late beginning of the research on the neolithisation in the Algarve (southern Portugal) has been providing, as a paradox, excellent conditions for the establishment of interdisciplinary research and the test of working hypotheses. The systematic projects put forward by the University of Algarve permit us today to conclude on a preliminary basis for the formation of a Neolithic enclave at ca. 5500 cal BC, centred in the coastal territories of the region. This enclave is fully Neolithic in economic terms and it is the westernmost extension of the Mediterranean Cardial. However, some specific features of these first Neolithic groups’ artefactual items (such as pottery morphology and style and some technological aspects of chipped stone production) indicate the existence of phenomena of partial reformulation of their material cultures. According to the presently available data, this complex process seems to have occurred in similar traits also in Andalucia and coastal Morocco, that is, at the moment of the passage to the Atlantic. This individualization within the Neolithic of Cardial tradition is the equivalent to the same general cultural phenomena that have been responsible for the formation, for example, of the so-called “Franco-Iberian Cardial” or “Tirrenic Cardial” at the time of settling of the Neolithic groups in these regions.  相似文献   

The meadows of the floodplains of the Saône and the Meuse contain similar ecosystems subject to regular winter and spring flooding. The floristic and faunistic biodiversity decreases with the intensification of agricultural practices. The plant communities show the same zonation along a topographic gradient and have similar floristic progression. Thus, the climatic, biogeographic, human and soil factors have determined the floristic particularities of each valley. The floristic affinities of the two floodplains permitted the comparison of the phenological development of fourteen plant species. Many gaps in the development of species have been observed. These could be explained by the climatic differences betwen the two valleys (sub-Mediterranean influences in the Saône and sub-Atlantic in the Meuse), the existence of different types of soils in each valley (sand part more important in the Saône) and the occurrence of specific ecotypes in each valley.  相似文献   

The studies and the researches carried out in the last years on the Palaeolithic site of Isernia La Pineta have brought to consider in new way the activities realized by the human group that lived the basin of Isernia during the Middle Pleistocene offering an important key of interpretation of the behavioural strategies of the prehistoric man. The analysis of the exploitation of the raw material has confirmed the presence on the site of two different lithotypes: flint and limestone; the lithological dichotomy is related to the functional dichotomy of the raw material that seems to have conditioned the activities of the human group in different areas of the site. The necessity to deepen the study on the limestone has derived from the evidence brought to light in the last excavation campaigns of a remarkable concentration of the flaked limestone pebbles and the flake scars in some areas of the explored archeosurfaces, particularly on the 3a and on the overlooking layers. The present study has the purpose to explain the characteristics of the limestone finds both in reference to the raw material and to its state of preservation both to the technotypological evidences and its spatial distribution with the purpose to better understand the modalities of the exploitation of the raw material. The information collected until today have permitted to obtain a precise knowledge of the environmental context and the territorial resources exploited by the human group showing an opportunistic capability to find the most advantageous behavioural solution for the necessities of subsistence.  相似文献   

A percolation model of the diffuse redistribution of morphogenetic information in early regulative development is analyzed. It is demonstrated that the statistical average values of cell connectedness remaining below the percolation threshold of the spatial redistribution of developmental determinants do not provide for the formation of cell structures of the necessary size. The average number of cell interactions should exceed the percolation threshold, and, therefore, the carriers of morphogenetic information in early development can move over distances comparable with the size of the entire embryo. The assumption concerning the percolation mechanism of cell death is used as a basis for estimating the statistical average value of cell connectedness at which the predicted number of cells theoretically isolated from the flow of signal molecules corresponds to the observed frequencies of dying embryonic cells. The estimated average number of cell interactions significantly exceeds the threshold of information resource percolation in the embryonic space and agrees with estimations of other authors, based on direct observations. The probable role of the diffusion front, or percolation cluster shell, in the regionalization of embryonic structures differing in their prospective values is discussed. It is shown that the duration of the communicative period, along with the statistical average number of channels providing for the intercellular transfer of signal molecules by diffusion, is a parameter controlling the processes of determination of embryonic structures.  相似文献   

Summary Indirect immunofluorescence, using monoclonal antibodies to actin and tubulin, applied to sections of root tips ofLepidium, Lycopersicon, Phleum, andZea, revealed features of the cytoskeleton that were unique to the statocytes of their root caps. Although the cortical microtubules (CMTs) lay in dense arrays against the periphery of the statocytes, these same cells showed depleted complements of endoplasmic microtubules (EMTs) and of actin microfilament (AMF) bundles, both of which are characteristic of the cytoskeleton of other post-mitotic cells in the proximal portion of the root apex. The scarcity of the usual cytoskeletal components within the statocytes is considered responsible for the exclusion of the larger organelles (e.g., nucleus, plastids, ER elements) from the interior of the cell and for the absence of cytoplasmic streaming. Furthermore, the depletion of dense EMT networks and AMF bundles in statocyte cytoplasm is suggested as being closely related to the elevated cytoplasmic calcium content of these cells which, in turn, may also favour the formation of the large sedimentable amyloplasts by not permitting plastid divisions. These latter organelles are proposed to act as statoliths due to their dynamic interactions with very fine and highly unstable AMFs which enmesh the statoliths and merge into peripheral AMFs-CMTs-ER-plasma membrane complexes. Rather indirect evidence for these interactions was provided by showing enhanced rates of statolith sedimentation after chemically-induced disintegration of CMTs. All these unique properties of the root cap statocytes are supposed to effectively enhance the gravity-perceptive function of these highly specialized cells.Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Benno Parthier on the occasion of his retirement  相似文献   

NEGBI, M., 1984. The structure and function of the scutellum of the Gramineae. Four kinds of scutella, of which only the first is universally known, can be distinguished in the Gramineae. (1) The scutellum sew stricto , the kind most commonly described in textbooks. In this scutellum the only growth activity during germination is the development of every epithelial cell into a separate elongated papilla. These papillae are involved in secretion of hydrolases, gibberellins and other hormonal factors which in their turn activate the aleurone layer; and in absorption of the mobilized endosperm reserves. (2) The kind characteristic of Auma is found in several genera. In this the scutellar tip elongates during germination, reaches the distal end of the endosperm sac and develops papillae over its whole surface. (3) The kind found in Cizuniu in which the scutellar tip elongates and extends to the far end of the caryopsis during embryo development, but not during germination. In this scutellum only the abaxial surface faces the bulk of the storage endosperm and probably only this surface becomes papillate. Several bamboo genera have the kind of scutellum characterized by Melocannu . This scutellum has evolved as a storage organ and in mature caryopses the endosperm is reduced. This kind is associated with vivipary and with the presence of storage tissue in the pericarp.
The vascularization and the structure of the scutellar epithelium, as studied mainly in a limited number of species belonging to the first kind, are related to the functions of the scutellum. The scutellum has a prime role in controlling the mobilization of endosperm reserves.  相似文献   

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