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粘虫(Mythimna separata Walker)迁飞行为研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王玉正  张孝羲 《生态学报》2001,21(5):772-779
粘虫成虫期取食、飞翔、求偶或性反应交配和产卵一系列行为是各具相对独立性和顺序性的阶段.飞翔在取食、飞翔、求偶或性反应交配、产卵等期内都有发生,并有不同的飞翔特征,在迁飞中以飞翔期的飞翔最为重要.雌雄蛾的飞翔期在羽化后3~10日龄,因求偶、性反应前期变化而有变异.粘虫雌蛾求偶前期2~11d,平均为5.93d,雄蛾性反应前期3~11d,平均为7.14d.求偶、性反应与迁飞潜力有密切关系.随求偶、性反应前期加长,求偶、性反应前飞翔量呈"S"形曲线增长;求偶或性反应迟的个体有飞翔期,且有1~2个飞翔峰(日).根据有无飞翔期和求偶、性反应与飞翔量曲线确定雌蛾求偶前期大于5d,雄蛾性反应前期大于4d的个体为迁飞型个体.自然种群中雌蛾迁飞型个体占52.47%,雄蛾占97.14%;不同地理种群江苏、吉林、山东和广东1~4代粘虫,雌蛾迁飞个体依次占47.64%、49.29%、47.22%和68.22%,求偶前期平均依次为5.75、5.64、5.58和6.77d.影响求偶前期的生态因素主要是温度逐渐上升和食料不断老化,两者可能是引起粘虫迁飞的主要因素.讨论了粘虫成虫期行为、繁殖与迁飞潜力及迁飞过程的关系.  相似文献   

稻水象甲(Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel)的卵子发生-飞行共轭   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1994~1996年对双季稻区稻水象甲发生消长和迁飞动态的系统研究表明,稻水象甲的飞行肌和卵巢发育随生活史的季节性变化出现兴衰交替,从而迁入迁出稻田和越冬场所,表现出典型的卵子发生-飞行共轭:春季越冬代成虫从越冬场所迁入早稻田后飞行肌消解而卵巢发育,繁殖形成一代致害种群。夏季一代成虫生殖滞育,飞行肌和脂肪体发达,绝大部分个体迁出早稻田行夏蛰并越冬;少量落入秧田者和早稻收割时散落田内而晚稻插秧时尚未迁离的个体卵巢恢复发育,飞行肌消解而构成二代虫源。秋季二代成虫羽化后生殖滞育,迁飞上山越冬;10月中旬后羽化的个体卵巢和飞行肌均不再发育而滞留田内外越冬。取食高质量食料时,一代夏蛰成虫飞行肌再生,新羽一代成虫则首先发育飞行肌,而后解除生殖滞育。  相似文献   

粘虫(Mythimna separata)迁飞行为研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王玉正  张孝羲 《生态学报》2001,21(5):772-779
粘虫成虫期取食、飞翔、求偶或性反应交配和产卵一系列行为是各具相对独立性和顺序性的阶段。飞翔在取食、飞翔、求偶或性反应交配、产卵等期内都有发生,并有不同的飞翔特征,在迁飞中以飞翔期的飞翔最为重要,雌雄蛾的飞翔期在羽化后3-10日龄,因求偶、性反应前期变化而有变异,粘虫雌蛾求偶前期2-11d,平均为5.93d,雄蛾性反应前期3-11d,平均为7.14d。求偶、性反应与迁飞潜力有密切关系。随求偶、性反应前期加长,求偶、性反应前飞翔量呈“S”型曲线增长;求偶或性反应迟的个体有飞翔期,且有1-2个飞翔峰(日)。根据有无飞翔期和求偶、性反应与飞翔量曲线确定雌蛾求偶前期大于5d,雄蛾性反应前期大于4d的个体为迁飞型个体。自然种群中雌蛾迁飞型个体占52.47%,雄蛾占97.14%;不同地理种群江苏、吉林、山东和广东1-4代粘虫,雌蛾迁飞个体依次占47.64%、49.29%、47.22%和68.22%,求偶前期平均依次为5.75,5.64,5.58和6.77d。影响求偶前期的生态因素主要是温度逐渐上升和食料不断老化,两者可能是引起粘虫迁飞的主要因素,讨论了粘虫成虫期行为、繁殖与迁飞潜力及迁飞过程的关系。  相似文献   

吴孔明  郭予元  吴燕 《生态学报》2002,22(7):1075-1078
1996-2000年期间先后在河北省廊坊市、北京市西郊和辽宁省辽阳市系统研究了不同代别棉铃虫成虫的卵巢发育特点及与季节性迁飞行为的关系,研究结果表明环渤海湾南部的河北省廊坊市和北部的辽宁省辽阳市第1代棉铃虫成虫种群主要由外地迁人,第2-3代种群多数年份主要来源于当地,但部分年份亦有外地种群大量迁入,北京市西郊空中诱捕的棉铃虫1-3代成虫多为产卵前期个体,具迁飞昆虫的生殖生理特征,表明棉铃虫成虫迁飞活动存在于各个代别。  相似文献   

白背飞虱飞行能力的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
张建新 《昆虫知识》1992,29(2):65-69
本文采用微机测试系统研究了白背飞虱成虫的飞行能力及其与日龄的关系。成虫飞行能力个体间变异很大,可以分为多种类型。通过比较雌成虫卵巢发育和吊飞飞行能力,为白背飞虱迁飞型给出了可靠指标。长翅型成虫持续飞行10分钟以上定为迁飞型,短于10分钟者定为非迁飞型。在拥挤迁出条件下,长翅型成虫在羽化后3~5天飞行能力最强。最长的一头雌成虫飞行持续1715分钟,达36529.5米。雌成虫的飞行能力随卵巢发育而下降,呈卵子发生一飞行共轭现象。  相似文献   

杨帆  翟保平 《生态学报》2016,36(7):1881-1889
利用计算机控制的飞行磨系统测定了温度对稻纵卷叶螟飞行以及再迁飞能力的影响。结果表明,在未交配条件下,20—29℃范围内成虫均能进行正常的飞行活动,且雌、雄个体的飞行能力没有显著差异。26℃条件下成虫的飞行时间最长、飞行速度最快、飞行距离最远,种群的再迁飞比例最高,再迁飞次数最多(平均2.42次,最多5次);其它3个温度下大多数个体仅能完成一次连续飞行,无法进行再次飞行。虽然20、23℃和29℃下成虫的平均再迁飞次数(分别为0.53、0.81和0.75次)、再迁飞比例没有显著差异,但对飞行行为产生不同的影响。低温显著降低了成虫的飞行速度;而高温下成虫飞行后的死亡率大大增加,表现为29℃下个体的存活率明显低于其它温度。  相似文献   

粘虫飞行对生殖及寿命的影响   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
该文报道了粘虫Mythimna separata(Walker)成虫飞行后产卵、交配及寿命的研究结果。1日龄成虫飞行6 h、12 h、18 h、24 h后的产卵前期均显著短于对照的,其中飞行6 h、12 h的比对照的短2天以上,产卵量均比对照的高。对1~5日龄成虫分别飞行23.5 h后的研究结果表明,1日龄飞行的产卵前期和上述结果相一致。2~4日龄飞行的与对照的没有显著差异,但产卵量则随飞行日龄的延迟而逐渐减少。5日龄飞行的产卵前期显著延长,产卵量已不到对照的一半。所有经过飞行的成虫产卵高峰日比对照的早1天。不同日龄成虫飞行时间、距离与成虫产卵量的关系为:1~3日龄飞行时间、距离长的个体产卵量也高;但4~5日龄的成虫飞行时间与距离越长,其产卵量越少,表现出明显的卵子发生飞行拮抗症(oogenesis-flight syndrome)。除了5日龄飞行的成虫交配率有所下降以外,所有经过飞行的成虫产卵历期、交配率及寿命与对照的没有显著差异。最后,根据这些结果,对粘虫迁飞的起飞时期,迁飞在粘虫生殖、种群动态及成灾规律中的作用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

粘虫雌蛾求偶周期和性信息素含量变化规律   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
汪新文  刘孟英 《昆虫学报》1997,40(4):428-431
粘虫岭thimnaseParata是发生在中国和日本的一种季节性迁飞害虫,由于其远距离迁飞习性,往往造成暴发性的危害。由于粘虫性成熟在迁飞过程中完成,人们研究较多的是有关粘虫迁飞习性与性成熟的关系[”。Johnson提出了卵子发生与飞行综合症(oogenesis-flightsyndrome)假说,认为许多昆虫的迁飞发生在生殖前期,即成虫羽化后到产卵前这段时期‘”。在有关粘虫雌蛾求偶一交配一繁殖一产卵一系列生殖行为研究中,Han等采用了求偶前期(Pre-callingPeriod,PCP)指标,即成虫羽化到释放性信息素这段时间”’。因为当时没有确定粘虫性信…  相似文献   

沙蟋翅多型性的调控机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沙蟋Gryllus firmus Zera&Denno成虫的后翅有长翅和短翅2种类型,是翅多型性机理研究的极佳模式昆虫。长翅成虫从第5日龄开始迁飞,而短翅成虫的主要特点是繁殖。除了翅的表型差异外,长翅成虫的飞行肌发达,呈褐色;卵巢幼小,直到飞行停止后(大约在10d以后)才开始发育。而短翅成虫的飞行肌退化并呈乳白色;卵巢在第4日龄就发育成熟,表现为卵巢硕大。对翅多型性机理的深入研究,将有利于了解沙蟋迁飞和扩散的内在机理,为准确地预测预报该虫的发生提供重要的理论和实际依据。文章概述沙蟋翅多型性与外界环境的相互关系,以及体内生化代谢和内分泌激素等的变化对该虫迁飞和生殖的影响和作用,进而探讨翅多型的遗传机制和进化意义等问题。  相似文献   

张蕾  罗礼智  江幸福  胡毅 《昆虫学报》2006,49(6):895-902
为了明确羽化后0~24 h (1日龄)饥饿处理对迁飞型粘虫Mythimna separata (Walker)生殖系统和飞行系统发育的影响,对1日龄饥饿处理后粘虫的卵巢发育级别、产卵前期、飞行肌和飞行能力进行了系统研究。结果表明, 1日龄饥饿对粘虫成虫卵巢发育级别、产卵前期、中胸背纵肌干重、飞行能力等均有显著的影响。饥饿后成虫卵巢发育级别显著高于对照,产卵前期显著短于对照。成虫中胸背纵肌干重从饥饿后96 h开始下降,至120 h时饥饿粘虫(5.1 mg)显著低于对照(5.86 mg)。成虫飞行能力从饥饿后96 h开始显著低于对照,此时饥饿处理粘虫蛾的飞行距离平均为22.03 km,飞行时间平均为4.07 h,显著低于同时期的对照粘虫的飞行距离(42.3 km)和飞行时间(7.99 h),尽管在饥饿后72 h内差异不显著。实验结果显示,1日龄饥饿可以显著抑制粘虫飞行系统的发育,加速飞行向生殖的转变。  相似文献   

Abstract. Flight capacity of the oriental armyworn Mythimna separata (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) was estimated by a new tethered flight technique. Samples of a migrant population showed a substantial proportion of 'long fliers'. Heritability of flight capacity was found to be significant ( h 2= 0.27). Female moths from a line selected for long pre-reproductive period (PRP) showed greater flight capacity than those from a short PRP line. This difference was not apparent among males. Onset of calling behaviour inhibited the expression of flight capacity in females showing a clear 'oogenesis-flight syndrome'. These results are discussed in relation to seasonal migration in eastern China and the mechanisms involved in the migratory strategy of this species.  相似文献   

营养和幼期密度对棉铃虫飞翔能力的影响   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
采自棉花、玉米、花生、绿豆和芝麻5种作物上的棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera(Hubner),其飞翔能力依次为:棉花和玉米>花生>绿豆和芝麻。对室内利用人工饲料、棉铃、棉蕾和棉叶饲养的棉铃虫吊飞表明,取食人工饲料和棉铃的个体的飞翔能力数倍于取食棉叶者。成虫体重越大,飞翔能力越强。获得补充营养个体的飞翔距离是无补充营养者的2倍左右。本试验还研究了食物质量对棉铃虫卵巢发育的影响,结果显示成虫期的补充营养明显影响幼期营养较差个体的卵巢发育进程。对不同幼虫密度下发育个体的吊飞则表明成虫的飞翔能力和幼期密度关系不大。鉴于较差的营养条件和较高的幼期密度并不导致成虫飞翔能力的增加,本文认为,棉铃虫的远距离运动是成虫对羽化阶段不良环境的行为反应。  相似文献   

The Israeli population of the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner), undergoes a short-day, low-temperature pupal diapause and is also suspected of being a seasonal migrant in the eastern Mediterranean region. H. armigera were reared in the laboratory under several constant temperature and photoperiodic combinations which simulate average conditions encountered in the spring, summer, early-autumn and late-autumn in Israel. Juvenile hormone (JH) biosynthesis, the onset of calling behavior, sex pheromone production and ovarian development were examined in virgin female moths subsequent to eclosion. Allatal maturation, defined as acquisition of competence to synthesize JH, was significantly delayed in moths reared under simulated spring conditions. This was probably the cause for the observed delay in ovarian development and the onset of calling behavior, and to the reduction in sex pheromone biosynthesis. The delay in female sexual maturation, commonly associated with migratory flight, is consistent with presumptive pre-reproductive migration in H. armigera.  相似文献   

Bollworm, Helicoverpa zea (Boddie), and tobacco budworm, Heliothis virescens (F.), male adult (moth) activities were monitored between 1982 and 1995 by using sex pheromone traps in the Texas High Plains. Moths were monitored weekly from early March to mid-November near Lubbock and Halfway, two prominent cotton production areas in the Texas High Plains region. Based on trap captures, the bollworm-budworm complex consisted of approximately 98% bollworms and approximately 2% tobacco budworms. Seasonal activity patterns varied between location for bollworm but not for tobacco budworm. The 14-yr average (+/- SE) bollworm moth abundance (moths per trap per week) at Lubbock was significantly higher (226.5 +/- 10.4) compared with that at Halfway (153.7 +/- 8.1). Correlation analyses showed a significant positive relationship between moth abundance and average weekly temperatures, whereas a significant negative relationship was observed between moth abundance and average weekly wind velocity for both species. Analyses also showed a positive correlation between moth abundance and cumulative degree-days (> 0.0 degrees C) from 1 January. A strong positive relationship was observed between moth abundance and weekly average precipitation for both species. Average weekly abundances were positively correlated between adjacent months during most of the active cotton fruiting season (June-September). However, the relationship between populations that contributed to the overwintering generation and the following spring populations varied between species and study sites. Nevertheless, data from this study indicated that late-season moth catches could be indicative of the dynamics of the early-season moth catches the following year in the High Plains. The mean population abundance curve based on 14-yr averages showed two bollworm population peaks at Lubbock, but only one peak at Halfway. Separate degree-day-based models were developed to describe long-term seasonal abundance patterns of bollworm moths for the Lubbock and Halfway sites.  相似文献   

Abstract Population genetic variations of Helicoverpa armigera (Hiibner) over different major cotton growing regions were analyzed by DNA polymorphism amplified with four simple repetitive sequence primers. The results showed that the laboratory population had relatively lower genetic variation than natural populations. The genetic variation between natural populations was not significant and genetic variation existed in the same location from different years, indicating frequent migration among natural cotton bollworm populations. Cluster analysis indicated that individuals from Chaoyang of Liaoning Province (CY), Gaotang of Shandong Province (GT) and Dafeng of Jiangsu Province(DF) were more mixed each other, which suggested that CY population might have higher gene flow with GT and DF populations, especially with GT population. It supports the theory that the cotton bollworm in Northeast China came from Shandong and Hebei Provinces. This result also demonstrated that the molecular makers in this study are sensitive to detect population genetic structure changes.  相似文献   

To determine the cotton bollworm migrating population rate in Hungary, we examined the weights and the front wing morphological feautures of trapped moths. We used sex pheromone traps to monitor field populations during the maize vegetation cycle period in 2008. We examined moths trapped at various times, and measured their body mass (m) and morphological features, namely the front wing quotient (fWQ = quotient of length of front wing/width of front wing), modified wing loading (WL = weight of moth/surface of front wing), and the relative thorax size (RTS = width of thorax/width of head). The data were analysed by Student t-test, anterior wing abrasion and darkness were analysed by a Adobe Photoshop 7.0 software. The Hungarian appearance of three cottom bollworm generations in 2008 was also observed. Based on the examined morphological features we found regularity in body mass, front wing quotient and modified wing loading changes during the flight period. The specimens trapped in the first and third part of the flight period had lower body mass, larger wing surface, longer wings and more favourable modified wing loading than the specimens trapped in the middle of the flight period. The abrasion and colour of the anterior wings of cotton bollworms were concordant to morphometric investigations. The abrasion in darker spots E1 and E3 clearly showed a more intensive usage of the wings in case of specimens trapped at the beginning and at the end of the flight period.  相似文献   

吴孔明  郭予元 《昆虫学报》1997,40(-1):79-83
利用电子显微镜观测表明,棉铃虫Helicoverpa rmigera (Hubner)飞翔肌的肌原纤维由400~800根肌球蛋白丝组成,每根肌球蛋白由6根肌动蛋白丝环绕排列成六角形,肌节长度2.0~3.5μm,线粒体占飞翔肌的体积达42.38%~48.57%,微气管组织较为发达。初羽化棉铃虫肌原纤维和线粒体的发育基本完成,横管系统的发育相对较慢,羽化3日后趋于成熟,至5日龄占飞翔肌的体积达3.31%~3.54%。表明棉铃虫具有适宜飞行的飞翔肌结构。采自渤海海面距海岸线80km的迁飞蛾子飞翔肌基本结构和实验种群无明显的区别,但迁飞过程中的能量代谢导致线粒体内脊疏松而出现大量空洞。  相似文献   

三化螟、二化螟及大螟成虫的飞翔能力   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文利用飞行磨(Flight mill)装置对三化螟Tryporysa in certulas(Walkr) 二化螟 Chilo suppressalis(Walker);及大螟Sesamia infirence(Walker)成虫的飞行能力进行了测试,结 果表明:三化螟与二化螟成虫的飞翔能力基本一致,其有效飞行日龄均为4天,成虫羽化后无明显的生殖前期(<1天),卵巢发育为II级时(1日龄)飞行能力最强。最远累计飞行距离可达32公里以上。雌雄虫具有不同的持续飞翔能力。大螟是这三种螟虫中飞翔能力最强的一种,具有极强的持续飞行能力,雌、雄虫可分别达32与50公里以上,大螟的有效飞行日龄一般为6天,且具有2-3天的生殖前期,卵巢发育为II级时飞翔能力最强,随日龄的增加,飞翔能力逐步下降,大螟成虫具有远距离扩散飞翔能力及一定的迁飞生理行为基础。  相似文献   

We examined the patterns of male pink bollworm (PBW), Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders), moth catches in gossyplure-baited traps over a 15-year period from 1989 to 2003 in the Imperial Valley, California, USA. Monitoring was conducted during periods when different pink bollworm areawide control strategies were being used. Numbers of male pink bollworm moths caught in gossyplure-baited traps progressively decreased each year from 1990 to 1994 during short-season cotton production. High numbers of male moths caught in traps from 1995 to 1997 may have been related to moth migrations from the large cotton acreages grown in the Mexicali Valley bordering the Imperial Valley. Transgenic Bollgard (Bt) cotton was planted in 3% of the cotton area in 1996 and thereafter in 80%- 94% of the cotton area from 1997 to 2003. Pink bollworm moth trap catches were significantly lower from 1998 to 2003 than catches in 1995 to 1997, except for 1999. The trapping results suggested that Bt cotton had significant input on reduction of pink bollworm populations, confirming results of other investigators and providing additional documentation on the benefits of the Bt cotton culture.  相似文献   

棉铃虫飞翔的能源物质及消耗   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
研究结果表明棉铃虫Helicoverpa armigera(Hubner)初羽化个体的能源储备主要为甘油酯,1日龄成虫甘油酯和糖原的含量分别为每头3.6365mg和0.3658mg,通过成虫期的取食,二者的含量分别于羽化后4d和5d达到高峰(6.5707mg和2.3500mg)。对吊飞个体的测定表明甘油酯和糖原是棉铃虫飞翔的能源物质,蛋白质含量和飞行活动无明显的相关关系。4日龄成虫在飞行磨上吊飞66h,飞翔时间37.9943h,累积飞行216.8650km。累积消耗能量218.72J,其中甘油酯占85.87%,糖原占14.13%。  相似文献   

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