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几丁质酶(Chitinase,EC参与植物的生长发育及防卫反应。本研究借助电子克隆技术,以甘蔗(Saccharum spp.)抗黑穗病基因型崖城05-179针刺接种黑穗病菌(Sporisorium scitamineum)48 h的蔗芽c DNA为实验材料,克隆获得一个甘蔗几丁质酶c DNA序列(Gen Bank登录号:KP165001),命名为Sc ChiⅣ1。生物信息学分析结果显示,该核苷酸序列全长为1 037 bp,包含1个长为825 bp的完整开放读码框,编码274个氨基酸,理论等电点为8.29。该基因推导的编码蛋白属于糖苷水解酶19家族成员,含信号肽和几丁质结合区,胞外定位的概率为0.820,推测Sc ChiⅣ1是一种胞外分泌蛋白,同时兼具溶菌酶活性。聚类结果显示,Sc ChiⅣ1归属于ClassⅣ几丁质酶基因。荧光定量PCR分析显示,甘蔗接种黑穗病菌后的96 h内,抗、感基因型中Sc ChiⅣ1表达量均高于对照,且在亲和互作中Sc ChiⅣ1转录本上升应答快(6 h),并在接种黑穗病菌后96 h持续更长,其在甘蔗不同黑穗病抗/感基因型材料(崖城05-179/柳城03-182)与黑穗病菌互作中的表达模式存在差异,但总体结果表明Sc ChiⅣ1受黑穗病菌胁迫诱导表达。本研究为后续甘蔗几丁质酶功能鉴定及甘蔗抗黑穗病基因工程研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

云南蔗区甘蔗线条花叶病毒分离物NIa基因形成新簇   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贺振  李文凤  李世访 《微生物学报》2016,56(11):1802-1810
【目的】利用NIa基因,阐明甘蔗线条花叶病毒(Sugarcane streak mosaic virus,SCSMV)的种系发生关系,为预测SCSMV流行变异趋势及科学防控提供理论依据。【方法】从云南蔗区和国家甘蔗种质资源圃采集感病样品,RT-PCR扩增获得SCSMV NIa基因序列后,使用Splits Tree、RDP、Phy ML、Dna SP等软件分析SCSMV中国分离物的系统发生、选择压力及基因流动等特征。【结果】共获得23条SCSMV NIa基因序列。这些序列间未发生重组,云南蔗区的部分序列形成1个新簇,且云南蔗区与国家甘蔗种质资源圃之间的基因交流不显著。此外,选择压力分析表明,NIa基因受很强的负选择压力作用。【结论】与P1、HC-Pro和CP等基因类似,SCSMV在NIa基因上也包含5个簇;SCSMV云南分离物具有较高的遗传多样性和清晰的地理相关性。  相似文献   

甘蔗金属硫蛋白基因(ScMT2-1-4)的克隆及表达分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从甘蔗热带种Badila(Saccharum officinarum L.)中克隆获得1个2型金属硫蛋白基因的c DNA序列,命名为Sc MT2-1-4(Gen Bank登录号:KJ504375)。生物信息学分析显示,Sc MT2-1-4基因c DNA长459 bp,开放读码框为243 bp,编码80个氨基酸,富含14个半胱氨酸残基。推导的Sc MT2-1-4蛋白为亲水性蛋白,分子量为7.82 k D,等电点为5.59,该蛋白的二级结构由无规则卷曲和延伸链构成。实时荧光定量PCR检测结果显示,Sc MT2-1-4基因是重金属胁迫的快速响应基因,其对Cu2+、Zn2+和Cd2+胁迫的应答模式提示了:甘蔗不同组织中Sc MT2-1-4对Cu2+胁迫应答的分功不同;Sc MT2-1-4对甘蔗抵御Zn2+胁迫起积极的作用;但该基因不直接参与甘蔗对Cd2+的螯合和解毒的过程。研究结果有助于进一步深入探究MT2基因在甘蔗应答重金属胁迫过程中的作用,为阐明甘蔗富集和耐受重金属的分子机制研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

寒害是我国植胶区的主要自然灾害之一,不仅影响橡胶产量还威胁到橡胶树的生存。拟南芥中,ICE1是低温胁迫信号通路中的重要转录激活因子,但橡胶树冷胁迫信号途径中包括Hb ICE1在内的大部分关键基因尚未被克隆与鉴定,与Hb ICE1蛋白发生互作的蛋白也不清楚,成为严重阻碍橡胶树抗寒分子机理研究的瓶颈。为了筛选和鉴定与巴西橡胶树Hb ICE1蛋白发生互作的蛋白,阐明橡胶树抵御寒害胁迫的分子机理,本文首先通过PCR扩增出Hb ICE1基因的编码序列(约1400 bp),然后将目标序列插入p GBKT-7载体,构建酵母双杂交诱饵载体;将该载体转入酵母Y2H菌株感受态细胞中,并在缺陷型培养基上检测其自激活活性,发现Hb ICE1基因的自转录激活在含有30 mmol/L和更高浓度3-AT(3-氨基-1,2,4-三氮唑)的培养基上能得到有效抑制;进一步通过与橡胶树c DNA文库进行酵母双杂交,筛选出一些可能与Hb ICE1发生互作的蛋白,包括DNA结合蛋白、核糖体蛋白和功能未知蛋白。本研究结果为橡胶树抗寒机理研究提供了重要理论依据。  相似文献   

甘蔗线条花叶病毒研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
甘蔗线条花叶病毒(Sugarcane streak mosaic virus,SCSMV)是引起甘蔗花叶病的主要病原之一,在世界各大蔗区普遍发生,严重威胁甘蔗产业的发展。综述了SCSMV的生物学特性、发生与危害、鉴定与检测、基因组结构与功能、防治策略等方面的研究进展,以期为深入研究SCSMV及其所致病害提供参考。  相似文献   

以高粱β-1,3-葡聚糖酶基因(β-1,3-glucanase gene)cDNA序列为探针,搜索甘蔗EST数据库,而后通过电子克隆技术,拼接获得甘蔗β-1,3-葡聚糖酶基因ScBG。采用生物信息学方法,对该基因编码蛋白从氨基酸组成、理化性质、跨膜结构域、卷曲螺旋、亚细胞定位、信号肽、功能域及高级结构等方面进行了预测和分析。结果表明:ScBG基因全长1270bp,包含一个长达1011bp的完整开放读码框(open reading frame,ORF),编码336个氨基酸,分子量为34.8KD,理论等电点为4.98。该蛋白质很可能是胞外定位的诱导物释放型酸性葡聚糖酶,是一种稳定的分泌蛋白,且可信度达最高等级1。该蛋白属于糖苷水解酶第17家族,含有N端信号肽,在第7~29位氨基酸处含有跨膜信号区,在第31~321位氨基酸处含有糖苷水解酶17家族结构域,含2个主要的功能结构域。10个物种ScBG蛋白氨基酸序列的同源性分析表明,甘蔗ScBG基因编码蛋白与高粱β-1,3-葡聚糖酶基因的编码蛋白的同源性最高,达79.82%。以上研究结果为ScBG基因下一步的分子克隆、功能鉴定和应用提供基础。  相似文献   

甘蔗生物量育种的ADGE遗传分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对甘蔗11个亲本品种及不完全双列杂交(NCdesignⅡ)遗传设计的30个组合的F1代实生苗生物量进行加性-显型-随机环境效应模型(ADGE)分析。结果表明:甘蔗的生物量性状遗传主要是由基因的加性、显性及加性×环境互作效应共同决定的,但基因的加性效应作用较大;甘蔗杂交亲本对其后代表型的遗传作用主要为母本的遗传效应影响;甘蔗生物量性状都具有较高的广义遗传率(h2B)和狭义遗传率(h2N),且h2B>h2N,说明了对甘蔗生物量性状在选育种早期阶段的选择效果好;通过对亲本的加性基因随机效应分析的综合,较优良的甘蔗亲本有粤糖72/426、粤糖79/177、粤糖85/177、ROC24和ROC25;根据杂交组合显性随机效应分析,认为粤糖72/426×ROC16、粤糖79/177×ROC24、粤糖79/177×ROC23及粤糖80/101×ROC22是较优良的高生物量甘蔗杂交组合,可以应用于甘蔗的高生物量育种。  相似文献   

生长素结合蛋白(auxin binding protein,ABP)在生长素信号转导、植物生长发育调控等方面发挥重要作用。该研究利用RT-PCR方法从甘蔗品种Badila中克隆得到了1个ABP基因,序列分析显示该基因的开放读码框(ORF)长度为615bp,编码204个氨基酸。多序列比对和系统进化树分析表明它与高粱(Sorghum bicolor)和玉米(Zea mays)的ABP4蛋白的亲缘关系最近,因此将该基因命名为ScABP4。将其构建到原核表达载体pGEX-6P-1中,成功表达出一个分子量约为22.5kD的蛋白。亚细胞定位结果显示ScABP4主要定位于细胞质网状结构和细胞膜;生物信息学分析显示ScABP4是一个带有信号肽的分泌蛋白,说明ScABP4蛋白可能储存在内质网中并在质膜上执行其生物学功能。荧光定量PCR分析结果表明,ScABP4基因在甘蔗的芽、根、茎、叶中均有表达,其中在芽中相对表达量最高。生长素和黑暗处理下ScABP4基因的表达上调,说明ScABP4基因可能参与甘蔗对生长素的响应及与光信号通路的互作。此外,ABA、JA、SA、CuCl2胁迫能够诱导ScABP4基因的表达,CdCl_2胁迫可抑制ScABP4的表达。由此推测,ScABP4基因可能参与甘蔗对病害、干旱、渗透、重金属等胁迫的应答过程。该研究结果为探讨甘蔗生长素结合蛋白基因的功能提供了实验证据。  相似文献   

CBL-CIPK是高等植物中广泛存在的一类解析Ca~(2+)信号的蛋白。该研究在前期工作基础上,对甘蓝型油菜(Brassica napus L.)的BnaCIPK15基因进行了亚细胞定位、双分子荧光互补(BiFC)、酵母双杂交和qRT-PCR检测等一系列分析,以探究BnaCIPK15蛋白在ABA激素响应中的作用。结果显示:(1)亚细胞定位发现,BnaCIPK15蛋白定位于细胞质和细胞核中; BiFC分析发现,BnaCIPK15蛋白与BnaCBL1/3/4/9蛋白之间的互作较强,与BnaCBL10仅有微弱互作。(2)qRT-PCR检测发现,BnaCIPK15基因受ABA和冷胁迫的诱导极显著上调表达,而对百草枯(Paraquat)、活性氧(H_2O_2)和热胁迫的诱导较弱,表明BnaCIPK15基因很可能参与ABA和冷胁迫的调控过程。(3)酵母滴定实验结果显示,BnaCIPK15蛋白与脱落酸(ABA)信号通路中的BnaHAB1蛋白(属于蛋白磷酸酶PP2C家族)存在明显的互作,而与BnaABFs/AREB3/ABI5转录因子无明显互作;BiFC验证显示,BnaCIPK15与BnaHAB1蛋白之间存在互作信号,而BnaCIPK15与BnaHAB2组合没有观察到信号,证明BnaCIPK15与BnaHAB1磷酸酶具有特异互作特征,推测BnaCIPK15可能参与调控ABA信号转导。研究认为,甘蓝型油菜中可能存在基于BnaCIPK15-BnaHAB1的互作模块,并参与ABA的信号转导和网络调控。  相似文献   

以甘蔗(Saccharum officinarum)优良品种桂糖42号(GT42)为研究材料, 分别于未伸长期(9-10叶龄以前) (Ls1)、伸长初期(12-13叶龄) (Ls2)和伸长盛期(15-16叶龄) (Ls3)取甘蔗第2片真叶(自顶部起)对应的节间组织, 测定其赤霉素(GA)、生长素(IAA)、油菜素甾醇(BR)、细胞分裂素(CTK)、乙烯(ETH)和脱落酸(ABA)的含量, 并通过实时荧光定量PCR (qRT-PCR)分析赤霉素合成途径关键基因GA20氧化酶基因(GA20-Oxidase1)、赤霉素受体基因(GID1)和DELLA蛋白编码基因(GAI)的差异表达。结果表明, 在甘蔗伸长期间, GA和IAA含量呈现上升趋势, CTK和ABA含量呈下降趋势, ETH含量先上升后下降, BR含量则变化不明显; GA20-Oxidase1GID1的表达呈上升趋势, 而GAI的表达则呈下降趋势, 这与相关植物激素的变化基本一致。综上, 甘蔗节间伸长过程主要与GA和IAA相关, 其次为CTK和ABA, 而ETH受到IAA的调控影响节间伸长; 植物激素间通过相互作用调控GA20-Oxidase1GID1GAI的表达, 影响GA含量和GA的信号转导过程, 进而影响甘蔗节间的伸长。该研究揭示了甘蔗节间伸长过程中赤霉素生物合成途径和信号转导关键基因的差异表达及植物激素含量的动态变化规律。  相似文献   

Sugarcane mosaic disease is widespread in many countries and has been identified to be caused by Sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV), Sorghum mosaic virus (SrMV) and Sugarcane streak mosaic virus (SCSMV). Viral surveys of SCMV, SrMV and SCSMV were performed from 104 leaf samples of Saccharum spp. hybrid growing in China and two leaf samples in Myanmar. Sorghum mosaic virus was a major causal agent for sugarcane mosaic disease in China whereby 72.1% (75/104) of samples had SrMV infection alone, 6.7% (7/104) were mixed with SCMV and 17.3% (18/104) were mixed with SCSMV. Sugarcane streak mosaic virus infection alone occurred in 3.8% (4/104) of samples, but no single infections were observed for SCMV. Two viruses (SrMV and SCSMV) were detected in sugarcane mosaic samples in Myanmar. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that all of the SrMV isolates were clustered into three major lineages encompassing six phylogroups/genotypes based on the CP sequences (825 nucleotides) of 113 Chinese and 2 Burmese isolates from this study and 73 isolates reported worldwide. Six clearly distinct SrMV phylogroups (G1–G6) were formed and shared 74.3–94.1% nucleotide identity and 84.7–98.1% amino acid identity of CP sequences. SrMV‐G5 was identified to be new distinct phylogroup that was restricted to the Fujian and Guangxi provinces. The unique SrMV‐G6 phylogroup only occurred in Yunnan province. Insertion/deletion mutations, negative selection and frequent gene flow are factors driving the genetic evolution and population structure of SrMV in China.  相似文献   

Procedures were developed for the in vitro elimination of Sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV), Sorghum mosaic virus (SrMV), Sugarcane streak mosaic virus (SCSMV), Sugarcane yellow leaf virus (SCYLV) and Fiji disease virus (FDV) from infected sugarcane. In vitro shoot regeneration, elongation and virus elimination through meristem tissue culture originating from both apical and axillary shoots were compared. The average rates of regeneration and elongation from apical meristem tissues were 91 and 66%, respectively, with the virus-free rate among elongated shoots ranging from 61–92%. Mature axillary buds were cultivated in vitro to produce axillary shoots, from which meristem tissues were excised and cultured. These meristem tissues regenerated (77–100%) and elongated (55–88%) in culture medium at approximately the same rate as the apical meristems. The average virus elimination rate was 90% among elongated shoots derived from mature axillary buds. All five viruses can be eliminated by meristem tissue culture from both apical and axillary shoots using a standardized procedure. The overall average efficiency of virus-free plant production was 45 and 58% from apical and axillary shoots, respectively. There were no significant differences for shoot induction or virus elimination when the meristems were harvested from either the apical or the axillary shoots. This is the first report of SrMV or SCSMV elimination from sugarcane, as well as elimination of any mixed virus infections. This new method of harvesting meristems from axillary buds greatly expands the amount of material available for therapeutic treatments and thereby increases the probability of eliminating viruses from infected sugarcane.  相似文献   

A sensitive duplex-immunocapture-RT-PCR (D-IC-RT-PCR) technique was developed for detection and discrimination of taxonomically distinct Sugarcane streak mosaic virus (SCSMV) and Sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) that naturally infect sugarcane. D-IC-RT-PCR was performed using polyclonal antisera for capture of virions. Oligo 5'-d(T)18(AGC)-3' as a common reverse primer for both viruses and virus specific forward primers, 5'-AAGTGGTTAAACGCCTGTGG-3' and 5'-ATGTC(GA)AAGAA(GA)ATGCGCTTGC-3' were used for amplifying approximately 1400 and approximately 900 bp fragments of SCSMV and SCMV genomes, respectively from their 3' termini. To assess the applicability of the developed technique, 67 mosaic affected sugarcane samples were initially screened by direct antigen coating-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DAC-ELISA) followed by D-IC-RT-PCR. In DAC-ELISA, approximately 69% of tested samples were shown to be positive for presence of SCSMV, approximately 28% for SCMV and approximately 10% for both viruses. In D-IC-RT-PCR both viruses were detected up to the dilution of 10(-4). In D-IC-RT-PCR, approximately 76% of tested samples were found to be positive for SCSMV, approximately 37% for SCMV and approximately 16% for both viruses. The sequence analyses of D-IC-RT-PCR amplicons of 3 isolates of each virus revealed that the designed primers were virus-specific. The developed technique had potential application for sensitive parallel detection of two viruses in sugarcane.  相似文献   

Sugarcane mosaic virus in plantlets regenerated from diseased leaf tissue   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Plantlets produced from sugarcane leaf tissue were examined to determine the effect of propagation on the frequency of occurrence of sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV).Explants from immature leaf tissues of the sugarcane variety CP 72-356 (Saccharum interspecific hybrid), healthy or SCMV-infected, were cultured on Murashige-Skoog medium to which a combination of cytokinin and auxin had been added. Plantlets developed on healthy and infected leaf tissue within 6 weeks. The juice from plantlets was assayed for SCMV on Rio sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench, var. Rio) seedlings and on sugarcane varieties CP 31-294 and CO 31-588 for SCMV-strain identification. Results indicated that SCMV strain H was transmitted from the donor tissue to the regenerated plantlets. Observation on plantlets reared in the greenhouse showed that 23% had symptoms of SCMV. In a second replicated experiment, the leaf tissue from plants of POJ 234 free of mosaic or infected with SCMV strain A, B, D, H, or I was cultured. Each of the five strains was transmitted from donor to plantlet as indicated by assays on sorghum and sugarcane varieties. From 11 to 88% of the plantlets had mosaic symptoms, depending on the strain infecting the donor plant. In this experiment, SCMV-strain M was transmitted from an unidentified donor variety to 23% of the regenerated plantlets.Portions of this paper have been presented to the American Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, at the meeting in Clearwater, Florida in June, 1984.  相似文献   

A bacterial leaf streak disease characterized by reddish, narrow (1–2 mm wide) streaks of variable size, and occasionally with bleached centers, was found in sugarcane (Saccharum, interspecific hybrid) fields in northern Iran. The incitant bacterium was identified as Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae (P. s. syringae). The disease is similar in aetiology to the sugarcane ‘red streak’ disease reported recently from Japan. Cultivardependent variations in symptoms were noted., Difference in pathogenicity as well as in electrophoretic profile of cell proteins between strains of P.s. syringae causing red streak in sugarcane and those causing canker on stone fruit trees, were observed.  相似文献   

滇蔗茅杂交F_1双抗SCSMV和SrMV鉴定与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以我国蔗区甘蔗花叶病的2种主要病原甘蔗条纹花叶病毒分离物(SCSMV-JP1,Gen Bank登录号JF488064)和高粱花叶病毒分离物(Sr MV-HH,Gen Bank登录号DQ530434)为接种毒源,采用人工切茎接种和RT-PCR检测相结合的方法,于2015-2016年2次对由热带种路打士与滇蔗茅云滇95-19杂交获得的41份滇蔗茅杂交F_1及亲本进行了双抗SCSMV和Sr MV鉴定与评价。结果表明,41份滇蔗茅杂交F_1及亲本中,对SCSMV表现1级高抗到3级中抗的有23份,占53.49%,4级感病到5级高感的有20份,占46.51%;对Sr MV表现1级高抗到3级中抗的有31份,占72.09%,4级感病到5级高感的有12份,占27.91%。综合分析结果显示,10份滇蔗茅杂交F_1对SCSMV和Sr MV均表现1~2级抗病,占23.26%,其中云09-604、云09-607、云09-619、云09-633、云09-656、云滇95-19等6份滇蔗茅杂交F_1对2种病毒均表现为1级高抗,占13.95%。研究结果明确了41份滇蔗茅杂交F_1及亲本对甘蔗花叶病2种主要致病病原的抗性,筛选出10份双抗SCSMV和Sr MV的滇蔗茅杂交F_1,为深入开展抗甘蔗花叶病育种提供了优良抗源种质和参考依据。  相似文献   

Sugarcane streak mosaic virus (SCSMV), a member of the genus Poacevirus is an important viral pathogen affecting sugarcane production in India. The P1 gene of ten Indian isolates was sequenced and compared with previously reported SCSMV isolates. Comparative sequence analysis revealed a high level of diversity in the P1 gene (83–98% nucleotide sequence identity; 87–100% amino acid sequence identity), and the Indian SCSMV isolates were found to be the most variable (up to 9% diversity at the amino acid level). Phylogenetic tree analysis showed clustering of 17 SCSMV isolates into two groups: group I included isolates from India (except SCSMV-TPT) and Pakistan, and group II consisted of isolates from Japan, Indonesia, Thailand and SCSMV-TPT. The results obtained from phylogenetic study were further supported by the different in silico analysis viz. SNPs (single nucleotide polymorphism), INDELs (insertion and deletion) and evolutionary distance analysis. A significant proportion of recombination sites were observed at the N terminal region of P1 gene. Analysis of selection pressure indicated that the P1 gene of the Indian SCSMV isolates is under strong negative or purifying selection. It is likely that recombination identified in Indian SCSMV isolates, along with strong purifying selection, enhances the speed of elimination of deleterious mutations in the P1 gene. The evolutionary processes (recombination and selection pressure) together contributed to the observed genetic diversity and population structure of Indian SCSMV isolates.  相似文献   

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