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黑翅土白蚁是一种重要的培菌白蚁,采食工蚁取食菌圃物质,采集树皮等植物材料作为菌圃的培养基。本文研究了菌圃、林间采集材料(杂交鹅掌楸树干外表皮)对采食工蚁的引诱活性,并与常用的白蚁饵料基质密粘褶菌松木粉培养物进行了比较。利用Y形嗅觉仪分别测定上、中、下层主巢菌圃、副巢菌圃、杂交鹅掌楸树干外表皮、密粘褶菌松木粉培养物对采食工蚁的引诱活性;比较了主巢下层菌圃与杂交鹅掌楸树干外表皮、主巢下层菌圃与密粘褶菌松木粉培养物、副巢菌圃与杂交鹅掌楸树干外表皮、副巢菌圃与密粘褶菌松木粉培养物、杂交鹅掌楸树干外表皮与密粘褶菌松木粉培养物的引诱活性。结果显示,(1)空白对照条件下,不同测定材料趋性反应率大小顺序:密粘褶菌松木粉培养物副巢菌圃主巢下层菌圃主巢中层菌圃主巢上层菌圃杂交鹅掌楸树干外表皮。不同材料的趋性反应率显著性检验:密粘褶菌松木粉培养物与副巢菌圃、副巢菌圃与主巢下层菌圃、主巢下层菌圃与主巢中层菌圃、主巢中层菌圃与主巢上层菌圃、主巢上层菌圃与杂交鹅掌楸树干外表皮之间差异不显著,其余各组差异显著或极显著。(2)不同测定材料趋势反应率两两比较测定:密粘褶菌松木粉培养物高于杂交鹅掌楸树干外表皮(P0.01);副巢菌圃高于杂交鹅掌楸树干外表皮(P0.01);主巢下层菌圃高于杂交鹅掌楸树干外表皮(P0.05);副巢菌圃与密粘褶菌松木粉培养物、主巢下层菌圃与密粘褶菌松木粉培养物差异不显著。(3)黑翅土白蚁共生菌圃对采食工蚁具有明显的引诱活性,引诱活性强度与菌圃的类型、部位有关。(4)主巢下层菌圃、副巢菌圃有较高的引诱活性,引诱活性强度与密粘褶菌松木粉培养物相近。相比之下,主巢中层菌圃、主巢上层菌圃以及杂交鹅掌楸树干外表皮引诱活性较低。菌圃物质对采食工蚁的引诱活性比林间采集材料的引诱活性更高。共生菌圃中引诱活性组分的理化性质、组成特点、来源等尚需进一步研究。  相似文献   

本文分析了在活性限浓度进行生物活性测定时,黑翅土白蚁Odontotermes formosanu Shiraki对踪迹信息素的行为反应特点以及使用不同踪迹线载体对踪迹信息素活性的影响。并设计标准生物活性测试方法,测定了采用柱层析方法分离的黑翅土白蚁踪迹信息素各分离馏分的活性,发现黑翅土白蚁踪迹信息素用22%乙酸乙酯/正己烷洗脱液等度洗脱分离后的各馏分中包含两个强活性区段,推测黑翅土白蚁踪迹信息素至少包含2个有轻微极性差异的组分。  相似文献   

【目的】测定黑翅土白蚁肠道放线菌发酵产物的抗菌活性,并对其抗菌活性成分进行分析,以发现新颖的抗菌先导化合物。【方法】采用涂布平板法对黑翅土白蚁肠道放线菌进行分离;通过牛津杯法测试菌株发酵液提取物对4种致病菌(金黄色葡萄球菌Staphylococcus aureus、大肠杆菌Escherichia coli、枯草芽孢杆菌Bacillus subtilis和白色念珠菌Candida albicans)的抗菌活性,筛选出活性菌株BYC-18;通过形态学特征和16S rRNA序列分析确定BYC-18的分类学地位;采用滤纸片法测定BYC-18发酵液在不同极性溶剂萃取物的抗菌活性;运用多种色谱方法从乙酸乙酯粗提物中分离纯化抗菌活性化合物,利用质谱和核磁共振谱鉴定其化学结构;采用滤纸片法和最低抑制浓度法测定分离的化合物的抗菌活性。【结果】BYC-18被鉴定为链霉菌属Streptomyces sp.菌株,该菌发酵液对4种致病菌均有抗菌活性且其乙酸乙酯萃取物对金黄色葡萄球菌的抑制作用明显,抑菌圈直径达11.1 mm。从乙酸乙酯萃取物中分离得到1个单体化合物BYC-18-1,经鉴定为β-玉红霉素(β-ru...  相似文献   

合成黑翅土白蚁踪迹信息素类似物的生物活性   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
合成了黑翅土白蚁踪迹信息素类似物(Z,Z)-3,6-十二碳二烯醇-1(DDE-OH),该类似物对黑翅土白蚁工蚁具有和信息素提取物类似的行为反应。活性反应阈值为10-3~10 ng/cm,大于10 ng/cm时产生较强的驱避作用。最佳活性浓度DDE-OH与信息素提取物的活性反应之间没有显著差别。  相似文献   

为了寻找对黑胸散白蚁具有高诱食性的物质及处理方法对其取食偏好性的影响,本研究共选取了9种材料,通过测定其嗅觉反应,筛选出选择系数0.1的玉米杆、杨木和雪松;然后,对这3种材料分别进行了蒸煮、自然腐朽和人工接菌处理,测定其嗅觉反应并进行选择性取食量验证。结果表明,蒸煮处理可提高玉米杆和杨木对黑胸散白蚁的引诱力,但对雪松无此作用,并且蒸煮处理对选择性取食量无显著影响;腐朽处理可提高玉米杆、杨木和雪松的引诱力,但仅对玉米杆和杨木的选择性取食量存在显著影响;人工接种3种木腐菌,均可提高玉米杆对黑胸散白蚁的引诱力,且能够显著提高散白蚁对密粘褶菌玉米杆粉培养物和杨木粉培养物的选择性取食量。结果表明,玉米杆和杨木对黑胸散白蚁具有较好的引诱性,且经过腐朽处理或人工接种密粘褶菌后,可明显改善其诱食效果。因此,在研制针对黑胸散白蚁的毒饵技术时,可采用这两种诱食材料作为基饵。  相似文献   

【目的】利用多种药用植物水提液绿色合成纳米银粒子,测定分析其对台湾乳白蚁Coptotermes formosanus的毒杀活性和作用机理,探索绿色合成的(silver nanoparticles, AgNPs)在白蚁防治方面的潜力,拓宽AgNPs在农业领域的应用前景。【方法】分别利用药用植物大黄Rheum palmatum根茎、白毛夏枯草Ajuga nipponensis全株、苦参Sophora flavescens根和鱼腥草Houttuy niacordata全株的水提取液绿色合成纳米银粒子,采用紫外 可见分光光度计(UV-vis)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)、X射线能谱分析(EDS)和纳米粒度分析仪验证AgNPs的生成并表征其粒子大小、形状和聚集程度等;在实验室条件下测定AgNPs对台湾乳白蚁工蚁的毒杀效果。通过测定800 mg/L AgNPs处理7 d的台湾乳白蚁工蚁体内可溶性蛋白质含量、乙酰胆碱酯酶(AchE)活性和滤纸酶活性(filter paper activity, FPA)水平,来探析AgNPs对白蚁的毒杀作用机理。【结果】4种药用植物水提取液合成的AgNPs颗粒均呈球形,粒径在69~180 nm之间;7 d内AgNPs对台湾乳白蚁工蚁的LC50值分别为150, 340, 342和309 mg/L;800 mg/L AgNPs处理7 d后台湾乳白蚁工蚁的可溶性蛋白质含量以及AchE活性和FPA与对照相比均显著降低。【结论】4种植物提取物合成的AgNPs对台湾乳白蚁工蚁均有较好的毒杀效果,它们可通过降低白蚁体内的可溶性蛋白质含量、AchE活性和FPA来影响其存活,说明绿色合成的AgNPs在防治台湾乳白蚁方面具有较大的潜力。  相似文献   

引诱白蚁的食用菌腐朽物的筛选   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者在实验室内用6种白蚁:栖北网(尉虫)Reticulitermes speratus(Kolbe)、黄胸网(尉虫)R.flaviceps(Osh-ima)、圆唇网(尉虫)R.labralis Hsia et Fan、尖唇网(尉虫)R.aculabialis Tsai et Huang、普见乳(尉虫)Coptoter-mes communis Hsia et He和囟土(尉虫)Odontotermes fontanellus Kemner对5种真菌的腐朽木屑进行了单纯选择和复合选择的生测试验。这5种真菌,一种是木腐菌,即密粘褶菌Gloeophyllum trabeum(Pers.ex Fr.)Murr.,另外4种均为腐木性粮用真菌:银耳Tremella fueiformis、黑木耳Auricularia auricula、猴头菌Hericium erinaceus和香菇Lentinus edodes。生测结果表明上述4种木腐性食用真菌中除猴头菌对白蚁引诱力极微外,其余3种和密粘褶菌对供试的多种白蚊均具有引诱力。其中以银耳腐木屑的引诱力最强而持久,黑木耳次之,密粘褶菌、香菇又次之。有关银耳和黑木耳腐朽木屑中对白蚁具引诱力的活性物质的化学成份和结构尚需进一步研究。  相似文献   

【目的】测定黄皮Clausena lansium种子提取物对斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura幼虫的拒食活性,对有效成分进行分离、鉴定,并进一步测定其拒食活性、生长发育抑制活性及细胞毒性,为筛选斜纹夜蛾生态防治植物源杀虫剂提供依据。【方法】采用叶蝶法测定黄皮种子甲醇提取物及其石油醚、乙酸乙酯、正丁醇和水4种溶剂萃取物对斜纹夜蛾3龄幼虫的非选择性拒食活性和生长发育抑制活性;用硅胶柱层析进行石油醚萃取物和乙酸乙酯萃取物拒食活性成分分离;用核磁共振谱(NMR)进行拒食有效成分结构鉴定;用MTT法测定拒食活性成分对SL细胞毒性。【结果】黄皮种子甲醇提取物对斜纹夜蛾3龄幼虫具有较强的拒食活性,活性成分主要分布于石油醚相和乙酸乙酯相中;石油醚相和乙酸乙酯相经硅胶柱层析分离得10个馏分,以黄色晶体馏分2的拒食活性最强;经分离纯化及核磁共振氢谱和碳谱鉴定,黄皮新肉桂酰胺B(lansiumamide B)为主要的拒食活性成分,对斜纹夜蛾3龄幼虫48 h拒食中浓度为214.95μg/m L,同时具有较强的细胞毒性,对SL细胞48 h抑制中浓度为10.09μg/m L。【结论】黄皮种子提取物对斜纹夜蛾幼虫具有较强的拒食活性及细胞毒性,黄皮新肉桂酰胺B是主要活性成分之一,作为植物源杀虫剂开发具有较好的发展前景。  相似文献   

周婧  黄丽云  李钢  徐静 《微生物学通报》2017,44(8):1958-1966
【目的】红树林内生真菌生长于特殊的生境,有些菌株能分泌出结构新颖和具有生物活性的物质。从红树林植物红茄苳(Rhizophora mucronata)中分离获得一株内生真菌HQD24,对其进行生物学鉴定和抗氧化活性评价。【方法】综合运用形态结构及ITS r DNA序列分析,HQD24被鉴定为曲霉属(Aspergillus)的烟曲霉(Aspergillus fumigatus)。采用抗氧化多活性模型,2-2′二苯基-1-三硝基苯肼(DPPH)自由基测定法、2′-联氨-双-3-乙基苯并噻唑啉-6-磺酸(ABTS)自由基测定法、超氧自由基测定法、还原Fe~(3+)能力、螯合Fe~(2+)能力对HQD24麦麸发酵提取物的石油醚萃取物、二氯甲烷萃取物、乙酸乙酯萃取物和正丁醇萃取物进行抗氧化活性评价。【结果】经抗氧化活性实验发现不同有机溶剂萃取成分都具有清除DPPH自由基、ABTS自由基、超氧自由基和还原Fe~(3+)、螯合Fe~(2+)的能力,尤其是清除ABTS自由基和超氧自由基,抗氧化活性的能力都随着浓度的增高而增强。当不同有机溶剂萃取粗提物浓度为1.5 g/L时,二氯甲烷萃取物清除ABTS自由基率为71.92%,正丁醇萃取物清除超氧自由基率为62.36%,综合评价,HQD24的发酵产物中具有抗氧化活性的物质主要分布于二氯甲烷萃取粗提物和正丁醇萃取粗提物,其次分布于乙酸乙酯萃取粗提物,石油醚萃取粗提物中抗氧化活性物质含量最少。【结论】研究结果预示红树林内生烟曲霉菌是产生抗氧化活性物质的重要资源,HQD24菌株可以作为进一步实验研究的对象。  相似文献   

【目的】从白蚁巢中分离出具有抗菌活性的放线菌,并在其代谢产物中寻找具有抗菌活性的先导化合物。【方法】通过形态学观察和16S rRNA序列分析初步确定目标菌株BYC 01的分类地位。利用生长速率法和琼脂扩散法测定其代谢产物的抗菌活性。并通过大量发酵提取浸膏,运用多种色谱方法对发酵产物进行分离、纯化,利用质谱和核磁共振谱分析鉴定出化合物的结构。【结果】通过形态学观察和16S rRNA序列分析,菌株BYC 01被鉴定为紫红链霉菌(Streptomyces violaceoruber)。BYC 01发酵液不同极性溶剂萃取物的抗菌活性结果表明其有效抑菌物质主要存在于中等极性的乙酸乙酯部位。在供试浓度为100μg/mL时,BYC 01发酵液乙酸乙酯萃取物对苹果树腐烂病菌具有强烈的抑制作用,抑制率大于90%;对水稻纹枯病菌和杨树溃疡病菌具有较好抑制活性,抑制率均大于60%;在供试浓度为30μg/滤纸片时,与阳性对照相比,乙酸乙酯提取物对白色念珠菌、金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌、枯草芽孢杆菌和水稻白叶枯病菌有中等的抑制作用,其抑菌圈直径范围为11.3 mm-16.5 mm。经质谱和核磁共振谱分析,从BYC 01发酵产物中分离到的单体化合物被鉴定为fogacin;在供试浓度为30μg/滤纸片时,化合物fogacin对白色念珠菌生长的抑制作用与阳性对照两性霉素相当,其抑菌圈大小分别为19.3 mm和20.1 mm。【结论】菌株BYC 01具有开发为微生物杀菌剂的潜力。  相似文献   

A leukocytosis-promoting substance was purified from a crude bovine parotid gland extract. The purified substance was proved to be a single component by polyacrylamide gel disc electrophoresis. It stimulates an increase of peripheral leukocyte numbers in rabbits. The molecular weight of the physiologically active component was estimated to be 4.5 · 104, and the component was found by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis to be dissociated into two subcomponents.  相似文献   

The electric organ of Electrophorus electricus contains substances which inhibit (Na+ + K+)-ATPase activity, the specific binding of [3H]ouabain to purified (Na+ + K+)-ATPase and 86Rb+ uptake by chick cardiac cells in culture. The active organic material was extracted from microsomal membranes. Its purification was carried out by chromatography on Sep-Pak C-18 and thin-layer chromatography. Reverse-phase liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry identified the active material as a mixture of unsaturated fatty acids. Linoleic (18:2), arachidonic (20:4), linolenic (18:3) and docosahexaenoic acids (22:6) contributed to about 60% of the total activity of the active material. The other active substances could be arachidonic analogs, since they have both a lipophilic and carboxylic character. Pure unsaturated fatty acids have been shown to be active in the different biological assays used to analyze the endogenous ‘ouabain-like’ activity. Linolenic, arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acids were the most active, whereas saturated fatty acids and glyceryl esters or methyl esters of unsaturated fatty acids were inactive. It is possible that in pathological situations in which the level of unsaturated fatty acids increases, these molecules may then act as physiological inhibitors of the sodium pump.  相似文献   

The occurrence of tachykinins in sensory neurons of the guinea-pig was studied by means of radioimmunoassay combined with ion-exchange and high-performance liquid chromatography as well as by immunohistochemistry. Antisera raised against kassinin (antiserum K12), neurokinin A (NKA) (antiserum NKA2) and substance P (SP) (antisera SP25 and SP2) were used. Antiserum K12 detected NKA, neuropeptide K (NPK) and a component eluting in the position of eledoisin (ELE) in extracts of the lung and ureter. Neurokinin B (NKB) was, however, not found. Neutral water extraction favored recovery of NKA and of the ELE-like component, while NPK was found only in acid extracts. The SP antisera detected two immunoreactive components of which the major form coeluted with synthetic SP. Capsaicin pretreatment depleted all these various forms of immunoreactivity in several peripheral organs including the ureter and lung. The immunoreactivity detected by antisera K12 or SP25 in radioimmunoassay had a similar regional distribution pattern in peripheral tissues. Immunohistochemical examination revealed that antiserum NKA2 stained the same spinal ganglion cells as the SP2 antiserum. The distribution of capsaicin-sensitive nerve fibers stained by these two antisera was also identical in peripheral organs such as the ureter, inferior mesenteric ganglion, heart and lung. It is concluded that multiple tachykinins, including SP, NKA, NPK and an ELE-like peptide, are present in capsaicin-sensitive sensory nerves in the guinea-pig. This finding can most likely be related to the origin of SP, NKA and NPK from the same precursor molecule, subsequent posttranslational tissue processing and axonal transport to terminal regions.  相似文献   

Subsurface geotechnical data from a cemented tailings sand site in eastern India indicated that the cementation was at least partially biogenic. Three strains of aerobic soil-residing bacteria from this site exhibited capabilities of producing extracellular polymeric substance, calcite and struvite when grown in minimal mineral salt media. These strains grew easily under a variety of physical, chemical and nutritional conditions. Drained triaxial testing of loose sand samples indicated that they became stronger upon hosting these strains. No details on EPS and calcite production of these isolates and the effects of these products on soil behavior were found in the literature.  相似文献   

Hydrogen sulphide (H(2)S), a novel gasotransmitter, has been recognized to play an important role in inflammation. Cystathionine-gamma-lyase (CSE) is a major H(2)S synthesizing enzyme in the cardiovascular system and DL-propargylglycine (PAG) is an irreversible inhibitor of CSE. Substance P (SP), a product of preprotachykinin-A (PPT-A) gene, is a well-known pro-inflammatory mediator which acts principally through the neurokinin-1 receptor (NK-1R). We have shown an association between H(2)S and SP in pulmonary inflammation as well as a pro-inflammatory role of H(2)S and SP in acute pancreatitis. The present study was aimed to investigate the interplay between pro-inflammatory effects of H(2)S and SP in a murine model of caerulein-induced acute pancreatitis. Acute pancreatitis was induced in mice by 10 hourly intraperitoneal injections of caerulein (50 (g/kg). PAG (100 mg/kg, i.p.) was administered either 1 hr before (prophylactic) or 1 hr after (therapeutic) the first caerulein injection. PAG, given prophylactically as well as therapeutically, significantly reduced plasma H(2)S levels and pancreatic H(2)S synthesizing activities as well as SP concentrations in plasma, pancreas and lung compared with caerulein-induced acute pancreatitis. Furthermore, prophylactic as well as therapeutic administration of PAG significantly reduced PPT-A mRNA expression and NK-1R mRNA expression in both pancreas and lung when compared with caerulein-induced acute pancreatitis. These results suggest that the pro-inflammatory effects of H(2)S may be mediated by SP-NK-1R pathway in acute pancreatitis.  相似文献   

Summary Tissues of the young chick and chick embryo were prepared in a relatively unaltered condition by the freeze-fracture technique. The ultrastructure of the microvasculature and surrounding interstitial region is compared with that seen in conventional thin-sectioned material. In the undifferentiated vessels of the 3-day chick embryo, no distinct basement lamina can be distinguished in either type of preparation. In the 3-week chick, a continuous basement lamina is present beneath the endothelium only in chemically fixed and sectioned tissue; it cannot be distinguished from the remaining interstitial substance in freeze-fracture preparations. Blood-tissue exchange may depend on permeability characteristics of the entire interstitial region rather than on the basement lamina alone.Work supported by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission.We acknowledge the services of George T. Chubb and Paul W. Ellwanger in maintaining the electron microscope center.  相似文献   

以1年生苹果组培苗为试验材料,用改良的Hoagland营养液加20%聚乙二醇6000进行半根渗透胁迫(HRS)处理,与全根渗透胁迫(WRS)和只加营养液的对照(CK)进行比较,研究了根系不均匀供水条件下植株的叶片水势、脯氨酸、游离氨基酸、町溶性糖、淀粉等几种有机溶质,以及Na^-、K^-、Mg^2+、Ca^2+、Cl^-、SO4^2-、NO3^-等无机离子的含量变化特点。结果表明,HRS与CK之问叶片的日出前水势不存在显著差异,但显著高于WRS。叶片的日出前水势与叶片中脯氨酸和可溶性糖含量之间呈负相关关系,与淀粉含量之问呈正相关关系,与Na^-、K^-、Mg^2+、Ca^2+、Cl^-、SO4^2-、NO3^-之间没有相关关系。表明干旱胁迫后苹果幼苗叶片中脯氨酸等有机溶质参与渗透调节作用,无机离子的作用较小。HRS叶片中有机溶质没有大量积累,表明HRS植株整体的水分供应状况良好。  相似文献   

Using an antiserum directed at the COOH-terminus of tachykinins, we have examined postmortem tissue from two cases of metastatic ileal carcinoid for the presence of tachykinin-like immunoreactivity. The vast majority of the immunoreactive tachykinin-like material eluted from a Sephadex G-50 column as two peaks at positions corresponding to molecular weights of 1300 and 850. The 1300 dalton peak was resolved by reverse-phase-HPLC into two components which by Edman sequencing, amino acid analysis, and fast atom bombardment (FAB)-mass spectrometry criteria, were identified as substance P and substance K. The 850 dalton peak was also resolved on RP-HPLC into two peaks which were resistant to Edman degradation but from amino acid analysis and FAB-mass spectrometry criteria were identified as pyro-Glu-substance P 5-11 and oxidized pyro-Glu-substance P 5-11. In control experiments substance P 5-11 was converted to pyro-Glu-substance P 5-11 during the extraction procedure. Both tumors also contained a minor immunoreactive peak which eluted from a Sephadex G-50 sizing column at a position corresponding to a molecular weight of 4000 which probably represents neuropeptide K. These results suggest that beta-preprotachykinin is preferentially expressed in carcinoid tumors and that substance K may also play a role in the carcinoid syndrome.  相似文献   

肝再生刺激因子对小鼠实验性急性肝损伤的保护作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本工作采用雄性初断乳 SD 大鼠肝按 LaBrecque 法提取肝再生刺激因子(HSS),用四氯化碳和半乳糖胺分别损伤小鼠肝来研究 HSS 的保肝作用。结果如后:(1)HSS 可使 CCl_4致肝损伤小鼠的血清 GPT 和 GOT 升高幅度降低,并呈量效关系。(2)肝组织切片表明 HSS 可使 CCl_4损伤肝组织的程度减轻。(3)肝组织化学法表明 HSS 可使 CCl_4损害肝细胞线粒体琥珀酸脱氢酶的活性恢复。(4)胰岛素-胰高糖素可降低半乳糖胺所致的小鼠死亡率,减弱对肝组织的损害和刺激肝细胞增殖,这项实验可作为 HSS 具有保肝作用的证据。  相似文献   

To elucidate the chemical structure of slow-reacting substance of anaphylaxis from rat (SRS-Arat), SRS-Arat were purified by the method of Orange with modification using DEAE-Sephadex A-25 chromatography. Ultraviolet absorption spectrum of purified SRS-Arat indicated the presence of conjugated triene. Arylsulfatase B degradation products and HCl degradation products were subjected to analysis by a gas chromatography and mass spectrometry and a thin layer chromatography. Products obtained by arylsulfatase B catalysis contained 5,6-dihydroxy-7,9,11,14-eicosatetraenoic acid. HCl degradation products showed the presence of glycine, glutamic acid and cysteic acid. Furthermore, the analysis of anhydrous hydrazine degradation products of SRS-Arat and of HCl hydrolyzed products of dinitrophenylated SRS-Arat revealed the presence of glycine at C-terminal and glutamic acid at N-terminal. The study of the substrate specificity of arylsulfatase B against various materials including SRS-Arat suggested the presence of sulfone in SRS-Arat. The molecular ion peak of SRS-Arat sodium salt was observed at m/e 680 in field desorption mass spectrum of SRS-Arat.On the basis of these data, we identified the structure of SRS-Arat as [γ-glutamyl-4(5-hydroxy-7,9,11,14-eicosatetraenoic acid-6-yl)-4,4-dioxocysteinyl] glycine.  相似文献   

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