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昆虫抗冻耐寒能力因其理论意义和实践价值成为当前生物学和生态学的重要研究内容。尤其昆虫抗冻耐寒能力的测定与分析是昆虫低温生物学的热点问题。本文从昆虫生态,及生理生化层面阐述了昆虫抗冻策略和耐寒机制类型。进一步介绍了昆虫抗冻耐寒能力的测定与分析方法:一方面,以昆虫种群为对象,分析低温对种群存活的胁迫作用,如低温实验中种群的存活率,致死中温度或致死中时间,冷伤害上限温度,冷害低温总和,以及低温冷伤害的死亡速率等。另一方面,以昆虫个体为对象,测定个体为适应低温环境而采取响应机制,如昆虫个体过冷却点、含水量、能量物质、抗冻小分子物质和抗冻蛋白含量等。在未来,从微观上看随着低温生物学拓展到基因组、转录组、蛋白质组及代谢组层次的研究,从宏观上看随着越冬代昆虫种群数量动态及其迁飞转移行为规律与栖息地微环境气候和区域性景观格局特征等的关系研究,有利于更全面地和深入地了解昆虫类群的抗冻策略或耐寒机制,从而为更系统地建立昆虫抗冻耐寒能力的测定与分析方法体系提供可靠指标。  相似文献   

戴素明  成新跃  肖启明  谢丙炎 《生态学报》2006,26(11):3885-3890
对于分布在温带和寒带的线虫,它们只有战胜冬季寒冷的挑战,才能有利于种群的存在与发展。因此,耐寒性是线虫生物学研究中不可忽视的内容。综述了关于线虫在低温胁迫下的耐寒性测定方法、耐寒对策及耐寒机制等方面的研究进展。线虫的耐寒性和昆虫一样,可通过过冷却点和低温存活率两种指标进行评价,但在具体的实验方法上,线虫耐寒性研究有其不同之处。线虫的耐寒对策和耐寒机制具有多样化。耐寒对策主要有耐冻和避冻,二者能共同渗透于线虫的耐寒过程中。耐寒机制包括特殊发育阶段的形成、低温驯化作用、低分子量抗冻物质的聚集、以及高分子量抗冻蛋白和热休克蛋白的产生,等等。此外,还强调应从多个角度研究线虫的耐寒性,如寒冷敏感型线虫的研究、寄生线虫的耐寒对策研究以及交叉胁迫的研究。  相似文献   

抗冻蛋白研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
陈晓军 《生命的化学》2000,20(4):170-173
南北两极的鱼类生活在低于 0℃ (约- 1 .9℃ )的海水中 ,适应于这种环境 ,其体液内有抗冻物质———抗冻蛋白 (AFP)或抗冻糖蛋白 (AFGP) ,以防止体液内冰核的形成与生长。在越冬昆虫体内 ,有活性更高的抗冻蛋白。近年来在耐寒植物中也陆续发现了抗冻蛋白。本文将介绍各类抗冻蛋白的结构和生化性质、功能特性、抗冻作用机制、有关抗冻蛋白基因工程研究及抗冻蛋白的应用研究。1 .抗冻蛋白分子结构及生化特性1 .1 AFGP  AFGP肽链是由Ala Ala Thr三肽单位重复组成 ,苏氨酸残基上接双糖基团 [3 O ( β D 半乳糖 ) …  相似文献   

植物抗冻蛋白研究进展   总被引:45,自引:1,他引:44  
抗冻蛋白(AFPs)最初是从极区海鱼中发现的一种适应低温的特异蛋白质, 它能阻止体液内冰核的形成与生长,维持体液的非冰冻状态.对近年来植物AFPs的发现过程,AFP的生化特性,抗冻作用机制,抗冻蛋白基因工程及其应用前景等作了系统的综述.  相似文献   

刘晶  王云彪  吴东辉 《应用生态学报》2012,23(12):3526-3532
低温和干燥是极地及寒温带地区动物的主要环境胁迫因子.为适应恶劣的环境,此区域的动物必须运用有效的方式来适应其栖息环境.土壤跳虫是典型的以避免体液结冰为主要策略来适应低温环境的动物类群,其抗低温的生态策略和模式与昆虫存在相似之处,表现在其利用冷驯化及与干旱协同作用,降低冰晶形成的伤害.在抗低温过程中,其体内甘油等小分子物质含量迅速增加,海藻糖、葡萄糖等分子迅速降低,低温保护蛋白--抗冻蛋白(AFP)产生,并存在脂质的相互转化,提高包膜的流动性,以保护细胞免受低温的伤害;同时也存在与其他昆虫不同的特异性策略与模式,主要包括在雪被保护下的垂直迁移行为,以及将冰核剂随蜕皮而排除体外等.这些土壤跳虫特异的抗冻模式与机制表明其低温生物学研究具有一定的科学意义.本文综述了土壤跳虫抵抗低温环境的模式、类型及机制,总结了近几年其生理生态机制研究进展,讨论了土壤跳虫抗低温研究存在的问题,并就全球变化背景下土壤跳虫低温生态研究前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

大多数冰冻耐受性昆虫具有蛋白质/脂蛋白质或非溶性的晶体,它们相对地在较高温度下具有激活体内冰核的作用。最近已确证,许多昆虫肠道中正常的细菌和真菌是冰核激活菌丛。而对于非冰冻耐受性的昆虫,其存活是不允许体内冰的形成。它们在过冬过程中,关键是要调节体液的过冷却点,避免结冰。为了增加抗冻能力,非冰冻耐受性的过冬昆虫通过去除内源性冰核、积累低分子量的多元醇和糖类以及血淋巴中抗冻蛋白或抗冻肽的合成来降低体液的过冷却点。本文详尽综述了过冬昆虫抗冻机理的研究进展。  相似文献   

昆虫冷驯化机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
孔璐  郭建英  周忠实  万方浩 《昆虫知识》2012,49(6):1664-1669
昆虫耐寒性强弱决定其种群的发生、扩散和分布,因此低温胁迫下昆虫的抗寒对策成为近期研究的热点领域。冷驯化作为一种非常有效的耐寒策略,可显著增强昆虫的耐寒性。本文论述了冷驯化的2种基本形式:快速冷驯化和长时冷驯化,明确了二者在提升昆虫耐寒性中的作用;并从宏观到微观的角度概述了冷驯化的作用机制,如组织和细胞水平的特异性,低分子量抗冻保护剂的产生,热休克蛋白的表达及功能,以及阻止细胞程序性死亡的潜在机理等;讨论了不同研究方法所引起的结果差异性,并强调了冷驯化作用机制的整体效益和综合效益。最后通过分析2种冷驯化形式的联系与区别,以期较为全面地阐明昆虫冷驯化的潜在机制。  相似文献   

昆虫是变温动物,温度对其生长发育、基本行为及进化途径都会产生很大的影响,种群的繁衍面临如何安全度过漫长而寒冷的冬季的挑战。通过长时间的进化,昆虫获得一系列完整的耐寒策略。绝大多数的昆虫都是耐寒昆虫,在陆地寒冷温度刺激下,昆虫受抗寒基因的调控,体内产生大量抗寒物质,如海藻糖、甘油、山梨醇、抗冻蛋白、热激蛋白等,提高昆虫的耐寒能力,使其得以在低温寒冷的条件下成功越冬。同样,经过冷驯化后的昆虫能显著提高昆虫的耐寒力。近年来,关于昆虫耐寒性、抗寒类蛋白的研究不断开展,研究内容涉及昆虫的耐寒性、抗寒基因HSPs和AFPs的调控、冷驯化诱导抗寒等方面。本文综述了昆虫耐寒性、主要耐寒策略及冷驯化诱发昆虫耐寒性增强等研究内容。有助于全面认识昆虫耐寒性及其作用机制,为天敌昆虫低温储存和提高生物防治等应用打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

沙冬青高活性抗冻蛋白的发现   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
关于植物的抗冻作用机制已有许多论述[1—3],然而低温植物中是否存在高活性的抗冻蛋白?抗冻作用的主要作用机制是什么?为研究这些问题,我们以沙冬青(Ammopiptan-thusmongolicus)为材料,分离和部分纯化了植物抗冻蛋白。经测定,其分子量包括45.7kD和81.2kD等,在50mg/ml的浓度下,其熔点约为-15℃,所以它的抗冻活性比已经发现的鱼类[4—6]或黑麦抗冻蛋白(在60mg/ml的浓度时冰点为-1.1℃)[2]活性高得多。在100—200倍的相差显微镜下可观察到其冰晶呈多…  相似文献   

昆虫抗冻蛋白的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
抗冻蛋白是具有热滞活性,能结合并抑制冰晶生长和抑制冰的重结晶的一类蛋白质。近几年来,昆虫抗冻蛋白的研究取得了较快的发展,本文通过分析昆虫抗冻蛋白的结构特点、抗冻活性、作用机制,并讨论了抗冻蛋白在食品工业、医学、基因工程方面的应用。结果表明,昆虫抗冻蛋白虽然结构呈多样性,但有很多关键的残基具有保守性,对维持抗冻蛋白结构和功能的完整性发挥着重要的作用;抗冻蛋白是由多基因家簇编码的。其作用机制主要是吸附一抑制机制,抗冻蛋白依靠氢键吸附到冰晶格,抑制冰晶生长;昆虫抗冻蛋白的应用具有很广阔的前景。  相似文献   

Insect cold hardiness is often mediated by low molecular weight cryoprotectants, such as sugars, polyols, and amino acids (AA). While many free-living northern insects must cope with extended periods of freezing ambient temperatures (Ta), the ectoparasitic deer ked Lipoptena cervi imago can encounter subfreezing Ta only during a short autumnal period between hatching and host location. Subsequently, it benefits from the body temperature of the cervid host for survival in winter. This study investigated the cold tolerance of the species by determining its lower lethal temperature (100% mortality, LLT100) during faster and slower cold acclimation, by determining the supercooling point (SCP) and by measuring the concentrations of potential low molecular weight cryoprotectants. The LLT100 of the deer ked was approximately -16 ° C, which would enable it to survive freezing nighttime Ta not only in its current area of distribution but also further north. The SCP was -7.8 ° C, clearly higher than the LLT100 , indicating that the deer ked displays freezing tolerance. The concentrations of free AA, especially nonessential AA, were higher in the cold-acclimated deer keds similar to several other insects. The concentrations of proline increased together with γ-aminobutyrate, arginine, asparagine, cystine, glutamate, glutamine, hydroxylysine, sarcosine, serine, and taurine. AA could be hypothesized to act as cryoprotectants by, e.g., protecting enzymes and lipid membranes from damage caused by cold.  相似文献   

Cold-hardy insects overwinter by one of two main strategies: freeze tolerance and freeze avoidance by supercooling. As a general model, many freeze-tolerant species overwinter in extreme climates, freeze above -10 degrees C via induction by ice-nucleating agents, and once frozen, can survive at temperatures of up to 40 degrees C or more below the initial freezing temperature or supercooling point (SCP). It has been assumed that the SCP of freeze-tolerant insects is unaffected by the freezing process and that the freeze-tolerant state is therefore retained in winter though successive freeze-thaw cycles of the body tissues and fluids. Studies on the freeze-tolerant larva of the hoverfly Syrphus ribesii reveal this assumption to be untrue. When a sample with a mean 'first freeze' SCP of -7.6 degrees C (range of -5 degrees C to -9.5 degrees C) were cooled, either to -10 degrees C or to their individual SCP, on five occasions, the mean SCP was significantly depressed, with some larvae subsequently freezing as low as -28 degrees C. Only larvae that froze at the same consistently high temperature above -10 degrees C were alive after being frozen five times. The wider occurrence of this phenomenon would require a fundamental reassessment of the dynamics and distinctions of the freeze-tolerant and freeze-avoiding strategies of insect overwintering.  相似文献   

The terrestrial isopod, Porcellio scaber, was susceptible to subzero temperature: both freezing and chilling were injurious. The level of cold hardiness against chilling and freezing showed different patterns in their seasonal variation. The lower lethal temperature causing 50% mortality, an indicator of the tolerance to chilling, ranged from-1.37°C in August to-4.58°C in December. The whole body supercooling point, the absolute limit of freeze avoidance, was kept at about-7°C throughout the year. The winter decrease in lower lethal temperature was concomitant with an accumulation of low molecular weight carbohydrates which are possible protective reagents against chilling injury, whereas the less seasonally variable supercooling point seemed to be associated with the year-round presence of gut content. Food derivatives may act as efficient ice nucleators. The different trend in seasonal changes between lower lethal temperature and supercooling point may be related to the microclimate of the hibernacula in subnivean environments, where the winter temperature became lower than the lower lethal temperature in the summer active phase, but remained higher than the summer supercooling point.Abbreviations LLT50 lower lethal temperature inducing 50% mortality - SCP supercooling point - T a ambient air temperature - T s soil surface temperature  相似文献   

The cold hardiness of two closely related weevil species, Exapion ulicis and E. lemovicinum was studied in relation to their life cycles. These two seed-eating weevils reproduce on Ulex plant species with different fruiting phenologies. E. ulicis lays eggs in spring and overwinters as an adult while E. lemovicinum lays eggs in autumn and overwinters as a larva. Adult weevils were collected in natural populations of Brittany (Western France) and characterized with morphological and molecular tools before experiments. We showed that both weevil species exhibited low supercooling points (SCPs) with mean seasonal values below −17 °C. Fresh mass, moisture content and sex were not correlated to supercooling ability. Weevils died upon freezing and the lower lethal temperatures (LLT) were within the range of SCP, indicating that both species are freezing intolerant. Comparison between species for SCP, LLT and survival to exposure at −8 °C in winter showed a higher cold resistance for E. ulicis than for E. lemovicinum. In addition, the seasonal evolution of cold hardiness differed depending on the species. These features suggest that response to cold of weevils is linked to their life cycles, and thus to the life history of their host plants.  相似文献   

Climatic variability and the evolution of insect freeze tolerance   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Insects may survive subzero temperatures by two general strategies: Freeze-tolerant insects withstand the formation of internal ice, while freeze-avoiding insects die upon freezing. While it is widely recognized that these represent alternative strategies to survive low temperatures, and mechanistic understanding of the physical and molecular process of cold tolerance are becoming well elucidated, the reasons why one strategy or the other is adopted remain unclear. Freeze avoidance is clearly basal within the arthropod lineages, and it seems that freeze tolerance has evolved convergently at least six times among the insects (in the Blattaria, Orthoptera, Coleoptera, Hymenoptera, Diptera and Lepidoptera). Of the pterygote insect species whose cold-tolerance strategy has been reported in the literature, 29% (69 of 241 species studied) of those in the Northern Hemisphere, whereas 85 % (11 of 13 species) in the Southern Hemisphere exhibit freeze tolerance. A randomization test indicates that this predominance of freeze tolerance in the Southern Hemisphere is too great to be due to chance, and there is no evidence of a recent publication bias in favour of new reports of freeze-tolerant species. We conclude from this that the specific nature of cold insect habitats in the Southern Hemisphere, which are characterized by oceanic influence and climate variability must lead to strong selection in favour of freeze tolerance in this hemisphere. We envisage two main scenarios where it would prove advantageous for insects to be freeze tolerant. In the first, characteristic of cold continental habitats of the Northern Hemisphere, freeze tolerance allows insects to survive very low temperatures for long periods of time, and to avoid desiccation. These responses tend to be strongly seasonal, and insects in these habitats are only freeze tolerant for the overwintering period. By contrast, in mild and unpredictable environments, characteristic of habitats influenced by the Southern Ocean, freeze tolerance allows insects which habitually have ice nucleators in their guts to survive summer cold snaps, and to take advantage of mild winter periods without the need for extensive seasonal cold hardening. Thus, we conclude that the climates of the two hemispheres have led to the parallel evolution of freeze tolerance for very different reasons, and that this hemispheric difference is symptomatic of many wide-scale disparities in Northern and Southern ecological processes.  相似文献   

We investigated the control of diapause termination and seasonal changes of cold hardiness and polyol content in Aulacophora nigripennis. Adults were ready to start post-diapause development upon transfer to high temperature by late February irrespective of photoperiod. Photoperiod probably functions to maintain diapause before winter because adults resume reproductive development at a long photoperiod in autumn. Adults showed a decreased supercooling point (SCP), increased chill tolerance and high myo-inositol content during winter. Chill tolerance at 0 degrees C appears to be a more suitable indicator of their cold hardiness than SCP because they die at 0 degrees C without freezing and they normally have no chance of being exposed to low subzero temperatures close to their SCP. The temporal pattern for changes in chill tolerance was synchronized with that for fluctuations in myo-inositol content, indicating a possible causal relationship between the two phenomena.  相似文献   

Cold hardiness is a key life history trait in temperate and polar ectothermic species, as it affects survival during overwintering, but its evolution is poorly understood. While many studies of cold hardiness in insects have shown differences between species, populations or developmental stages, data on the relative contribution of individual genotypes to cold hardiness are scarce and mainly limited to drosophilid fly species. We used a sib‐analysis (paternal half‐sib/full‐sib breeding design) to estimate the relative contributions of parental generation to the supercooling point (SCP) of the offspring of a heteropteran non‐model insect species, Microvelia reticulata (Heteroptera: Gerromorpha: Veliidae). We found that parent identity affected significantly SCP values of their offspring. Magnitudes of estimated sire and dam variance components were similar but the distributions of individual contributions to SCP differed between sires and dams, which points to sex‐specific genetic or parental effects on SCP in this species. The animal model failed to find a realistic estimate of heritability (h2) of SCP, suggesting that the underlying genetics of SCP in M. reticulata can not be characterized by purely additive effects.  相似文献   

Larvae of the Siberian timberman beetle Acanthocinus aedilis display a number of unique features, which may have important implications for the field of cold hardiness in general. Their supercooling points are scattered over a wide temperature range, and some individuals have supercooling points in the low range of other longhorn beetles. However, they differ from other longhorn beetles in being tolerant to freezing, and in the frozen state they tolerate cooling to below −37°C. In this respect they also differ from the European timberman beetles, which have moderate supercooling capacity and die if they freeze. The combination of freezing tolerance and low supercooling points is unusual and shows that freezing at a high subzero temperature is not an absolute requirement for freezing tolerance. Like other longhorn beetles, but in contrast to other freeze-tolerant insects, the larvae of the Siberian timberman have a low cuticular water permeability and can thus stay supercooled for long periods without a great water loss. This suggests that a major function of the extracellular ice nucleators of some freeze-tolerant insects may be to prevent intolerable water loss in insects with high cuticular water permeability, rather than to create a protective extracellular freezing as has generally been assumed. The freezing tolerance of the Siberian timberman larvae is likely to be an adaptation to the extreme winter cold of Siberia.  相似文献   

1. Microarthropods (Acari and Collembola) are dominant components of the terrestrial fauna in the Antarctic. Their cold tolerance, which forms the mainspring of their adaptational strategy, is reviewed against a background of their structure and function, and by comparison with other arthropods. 2. Two species, the isotomid collembolan Cryptopygus antarcticus Willem and the oribatid mite Alaskozetes antarcticus (Michael), are examined in detail, and afford a comparative approach to the mechanisms underlying cold tolerance in insect and arachnid types. 3. All microarthropods appear to be freezing-susceptible (unable to tolerate tissue ice), and they utilize varying levels of supercooling to avoid freezing. Gut contents are considered to be the prime nucleation site in most arthropods when supercooled, particularly for Antarctic species. Moulting also increases individual supercooling ability especially in Collembola, and the activity of ice-nucleating bacteria in cold-hardy arthropods may be important. 4. Sources of ice nucleators are many and varied, originating externally (motes) or internally (ice-nucleating agents). They act either extracellularly (mainly in the haemolymph) to promote freezing in ice-tolerant life stages, or intracellularly in freezing-susceptible forms. Thermal hysteresis proteins, acting colligatively, occur in many arthropods including Collembola; they depress both the freezing point of body fluids and the whole-body supercooling point of freezing- susceptible and freezing-tolerant species. 5. Bimodal supercooling point distributions are a feature of microarthropods and water droplets. Samples of field populations of Antarctic mites and springtails show significant seasonal changes in these distributions, which in some respects are analogous to purely physical systems of water droplets. Supercooling points are confirmed as accurate measures of cold-hardiness and survival for Antarctic species, but not necessarily for other arthropods. The effects of constant sub-zero temperatures approaching the limit of the supercooling ability of arthropods require study. 6. Desiccation and dehydration influence microarthropod physiology in several ways; in Alaskozetes it triggers glycerol synthesis. Glycerol may aid binding of water in severely dehydrated insects, but the relationship of such ‘bound’ water to cold-hardiness is unclear. 7. Sugar alcohols (polyols) and sugars are accumulated as potential cryoprotectants in many arthropods at low temperatures, and antifreeze systems may be single or multi-component in structure. Cryoprotectant synthesis and regulation have been studied principally in insects, and fresh weight concentrations of 0–3-5 M of polyols have been found. Trehalose accumulation may also influence cold-hardiness. 8. Microarthropods fall within the spectrum of cold tolerance observed for arthropods and other invertebrates. No special adaptations are found in Antarctic species, and similar strategies and mechanisms are present in both insects and arachnids. The colonization and maintenance of microarthropod populations of polar land habitats seem not to have required the evolution of any novel features with respect to cold tolerance.  相似文献   

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