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覆膜对土壤-莴苣体系氮素分布和植物吸收的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
覆膜种植作为全球广泛采用的农作物栽培方式,能改变土壤的水热生态效应,并影响元素的赋存状态。本文采用野外栽培实验,研究了覆膜对土壤—莴苣体系中氮素分布和植物吸收的规律。相比于不覆膜方式,覆膜对土壤含水率、pH值及脲酶活性的影响不明显,但减少了6.0%的土壤有机质、10.4%的硝态氮和1.3%的全氮含量,增加了6.5%的土壤铵态氮。单因素方差分析表明,土壤有机质及全氮含量的组间差异达到了显著性水平。覆膜方式下,氮素生理群落微生物中反硝化细菌占生理群落总数的77.8%—96.2%,氨化细菌、亚硝化细菌及硝化细菌各占1.8%—16.5%、0.6%—5.1%和0.4%—2.8%。与不覆膜相比,覆膜使氨化细菌平均值减少了28.2%,亚硝化、硝化及反硝化细菌平均值分别增加了119.8%、26.7%和48.7%。莴苣植株中的全氮含量变化规律为叶片>茎部>根部。覆膜使根部全氮含量降低了2.8% ,茎部与叶部则分别增加了10.5%和6.8%。覆膜使莴苣根部全氮的富集系数平均值降低了1.5%,迁移系数TF1(莴苣茎部和根部全氮的比值)和TF2(莴苣叶部和根部全氮的比值)平均值分别提高了12.5%和9.5%,影响较小。相关性分析表明,有机质与土壤全氮呈显著正相关(P < 0.05),而脲酶、铵态氮及无机氮三者与亚硝化细菌均呈显著负相关(P < 0.05)。  相似文献   

三江源地区高寒草原土壤微生物活性和微生物量   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
为了揭示青藏高原高寒草地土壤微生物活性和微生物量碳、氮情况,同时探讨气候变化对土壤微生物的影响,以青藏高原腹地三江源自然保护区高寒草原土壤为研究对象,选择土壤质地、植被类型基本一致,海拔高度不同(3400—4200m)的4个样地,分析测定了土壤微生物(细菌、真菌、放线菌和部分生理功能微生物群)数量、土壤微生物量(碳、氮)、土壤酶(纤维素酶、蛋白酶、脲酶用、蔗糖酶)活性。结果表明:研究区域均含有较丰富的土壤有机碳和养分,微生物数量多少为细菌>放线菌>真菌,主要功能微生物菌群数量为氨化细菌>好气性固氮菌>硝化细菌>亚硝化细菌,样地间的微生物生物量碳、氮含量差异显著。相关性分析表明,除与亚硝酸细菌具有弱正相关性外,海拔高度与其它因子均具有负相关性,其中与细菌和氨化细菌具有极显著负相关性,与好气性固氮菌和硝酸细菌具有显著负相关性。因此,温度的升高可能明显的影响了三江源地区高寒草原的土壤微生物活性。  相似文献   

以黄土丘陵区子午岭林区裸露地为对照,选择撂荒地、白羊草草地、油松、山杨和辽东栎林地五种典型植被群落下0—10cm和10—20 cm土层的土壤为研究对象,对土壤无机氮、有机氮、微生物量氮含量和脲酶、蛋白酶以及硝酸还原酶的活性进行了研究。结果表明,土壤中各种氮素基本表现为乔木林,尤其是辽东栎和油松下含量最高,而有机氮则在白羊草地富集明显。铵态氮为子午岭林区速效氮的主要形式。土壤铵态氮与微生物氮极显著正相关;有机氮和亚硝态氮、矿化氮、微生物氮均显著正相关。脲酶和硝酸还原酶活性在辽东栎群落下最高,蛋白酶在白羊草地下较高,且脲酶活性在土壤上层高于下层,而蛋白酶和硝酸还原酶并没有表现出明显规律。脲酶活性和铵态氮、有机氮含量显著正相关,与微生物量氮极显著正相关;硝酸还原酶活性与铵态氮含量显著正相关;蛋白酶活性和土壤各种氮素含量无相关性。  相似文献   

采用大田盆栽方法研究了硝态氮肥、铵态氮肥、酰胺态氮肥3种氮肥形态对冬小麦品种豫麦50生育中后期(拔节期、开花期、花后14 d、花后28 d)根际土壤氮转化相关微生物活性、酶活性和根际土壤NH+4离子、NO-3离子含量的影响。结果表明:随着生育期的推进,除脲酶外,氨化细菌、硝化细菌、亚硝化细菌、反硝化细菌和蛋白酶活性变化的均为"倒V"型变化特征,以花后14 d活性最强;而脲酶活性在拔节期最强,并且其活性远大于其它微生物及酶。氮肥形态对根际土壤氮素生理群及无机氮的影响不同。酰胺态氮肥促进了根际氨化细菌、反硝化细菌、脲酶、蛋白酶的活性,而硝化细菌、亚硝化细菌在硝态氮肥条件下活性较强。除拔节期外,土壤中NH+4离子在铵态氮肥处理下含量较高,NO-3离子在酰氨态氮肥处理下含量较高。因此,酰胺态氮能够促进小麦根际土壤有机氮的分解,硝态氮肥可以促进土壤中氨的转化,以利于小麦根系的吸收与利用。氮肥形态主要是通过影响土壤中氮素生理类群及酶的活性,从而影响土壤中无机氮的含量。  相似文献   

海拔对辽东栎林地土壤微生物群落的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
以北京东灵山辽东栎林地土壤为对象,运用氯仿熏蒸-浸提法及磷脂脂肪酸分析(PLFA)法,研究林木生长季节土壤微生物群落随海拔梯度的变化特征.结果表明:随着海拔升高,辽东栎林土壤微生物生物量碳、氮,以及微生物各类群含量均有差异但不显著;土壤细菌/真菌升高,而革兰氏阳性菌(G+)/革兰氏阴性菌(G-)降低.土壤微生物生物量碳、氮以及细菌、真菌、G+细菌、G-细菌的含量与土壤含水量、有机碳、全氮呈显著正相关,土壤真菌含量与土壤碳氮比值呈正相关.土壤微生物群落组成结构(细菌/真菌和G+细菌/G-细菌)的变化主要受土壤温度和土壤含水量的显著影响,说明土壤微生物群落结构对环境条件的变化敏感.随着全球变暖的加剧,暖温带辽东栎林地土壤真菌和G+细菌的比例有升高的趋势.  相似文献   

以猪粪与秸秆(鲜质量10.5∶1)为基础,在自制的强制通风静态堆肥反应箱中进行堆肥化试验,研究添加8%葡萄籽对猪粪秸秆高温堆肥中微生物群落演替和碳氮转化的影响.在堆肥化的30 d里,分7次采集不同时期的堆肥样品,测定堆肥中微生物区系、微生物生理群的数量及堆肥碳氮含量.结果表明:添加葡萄籽使堆肥中细菌数量略高、放线菌数量显著增加、真菌数量明显降低,细菌/放线菌下降;氨化细菌和反硝化细菌数量降低;而硝化细菌、固氮菌和纤维素分解菌数量增多;铵态氮和有机碳含量下降,而硝态氮含量明显提高.堆肥中硝态氮含量与放线菌数量呈极显著正相关关系.添加葡萄籽使堆体升温快且高温期稳定,堆肥含水率波动较小,从而使堆肥高温期放线菌和亚硝化细菌的波动较小,数量较高,有利于堆肥中硝态氮含量的增加.  相似文献   

以猪粪与秸秆(鲜质量10.5∶1)为基础,在自制的强制通风静态堆肥反应箱中进行堆肥化试验,研究添加8%葡萄籽对猪粪秸秆高温堆肥中微生物群落演替和碳氮转化的影响.在堆肥化的30 d里,分7次采集不同时期的堆肥样品,测定堆肥中微生物区系、微生物生理群的数量及堆肥碳氮含量.结果表明:添加葡萄籽使堆肥中细菌数量略高、放线菌数量显著增加、真菌数量明显降低,细菌/放线菌下降;氨化细菌和反硝化细菌数量降低;而硝化细菌、固氮菌和纤维素分解菌数量增多;铵态氮和有机碳含量下降,而硝态氮含量明显提高.堆肥中硝态氮含量与放线菌数量呈极显著正相关关系.添加葡萄籽使堆体升温快且高温期稳定,堆肥含水率波动较小,从而使堆肥高温期放线菌和亚硝化细菌的波动较小,数量较高,有利于堆肥中硝态氮含量的增加.  相似文献   

森林演替过程中优势树种凋落叶对土壤微生物组成的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了进一步认识森林群落演替机理,研究了黄土高原马栏林区处于不同演替阶段的森林土壤微生物组成,以及优势树种凋落叶对土壤微生物组成的影响.采用凋落叶浸提液处理不同类型的土壤,利用土壤浸提液固体培养基测定微生物数量,以系统聚类和主成分分析等方法进行数据分析.结果表明:微生物总数量及土壤细菌数量按白桦(Betulaplatyphylla)林→油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)林→辽东栎(Quercus liaotungensis)林递增;在先锋森林群落向顶极群落演替过程中,微生物组成的综合性指标Shannon-Wiener指数呈下降趋势;土壤微生物3大类群中,数量较少者对Shannon-Wiener指数的大小变化起着较大作用;依据可培养微生物组成,8种土样可划分为3个类群,辽东栎及油松凋落叶对土壤微生物组成的影响不同,辽东栎凋落叶对土壤微生物学性质的作用更强;马栏林区森林土壤微生物组成与植被类型及演替阶段关系密切;演替高级阶段森林优势树种凋落叶可能通过其对土壤微生物组成的改造优势,逐渐改变土壤的微生物学性质,进而促进植被演替.  相似文献   

覆膜对春小麦农田微生物数量和土壤养分的影响   总被引:41,自引:4,他引:37  
宋秋华  李凤民  王俊  刘洪升  李世清 《生态学报》2002,22(12):2125-2132
研究了黄绵土区不同覆膜时期对旱作麦田土壤微生物数量及其与土壤碳、氮、磷含量的关系。丰水的 1 999年 ,土壤微生物数量增长早 ,延续时间长 ,覆膜 60 d微生物数量最高 (3 3 .93 8× 1 0 6 /g dry soil) ,其次为全程覆膜 (3 2 .2 5 9× 1 0 6 ) ;干旱的 2 0 0 0年微生物平均数量只有 1 999年的 3 6.5 % ,在后期有一定降水后微生物数量才出现高峰 ,以全程覆膜数量最高(1 4.83 6× 1 0 6 ) ,覆膜 60 d次之 (1 1 .5 2 9× 1 0 6 )。 1 999年各类群微生物数量同土壤有机碳之间均呈显著或极显著负相关。2 0 0 0年相关系数几乎全面下降 ,氨化细菌、硝化细菌和反硝化细菌 ,甚至微生物总量同土壤有机碳之间都已不再显著相关。 1 999年土壤全氮同氨化细菌、硝化细菌、亚硝化细菌、解磷细菌及微生物总量均呈显著或极显著负相关 ,2 0 0 0年只与氨化细菌、亚硝化细菌、微生物总数显著负相关。土壤速效磷含量在 1 999年与解磷细菌显著负相关 ,而在 2 0 0 0年相关已不再显著。两年试验结束后 ,全程覆膜处理有机质下降 2 1 .2 % ,覆膜 60 d处理下降 1 7.2 % ,覆膜 3 0 d和不覆膜处理下降相对较小 (4 .3 %和 6.7% )。由于施用化肥 ,土壤全氮有明显升高。速效磷在 1 999生长季和随后的休闲期都有升高 ,在干旱的 2 0 0 0  相似文献   

以陕西延安黄土丘陵区5种不同植被类型(人工刺槐林、天然侧柏林、天然辽东栎林、灌丛和裸地)为研究对象,分析了土壤微生物生物量碳、氮含量、细菌和真菌的丰度变化规律及其与土壤基本化学性质的关系。结果表明:(1)4种植被类型的土壤质量较之裸地都有不同程度的改善,总体趋势:天然林地人工林地裸地;(2)土壤微生物生物量碳、氮的总体趋势:天然林地最高,人工林次之,裸地最低,且与土壤有机碳(SOC)、全氮(TN)和速效磷(AP)极显著正相关(P0.01);(3)裸地土壤的细菌丰度最低,人工刺槐林真菌含量显著低于天然辽东栎林。细菌丰度与土壤营养状况呈显著正相关(P0.05),而真菌与土壤营养无明显相关性,只与土壤pH负相关。说明在该研究区域,植被类型与土壤质量对微生物资源都具有不同程度的作用。  相似文献   

以广西桂林会仙喀斯特湿地典型芦苇植物群落为研究对象,于春、夏、秋、冬四个季节分别采集0~10cm,10~20 cm和20~30 cm不同层次的土壤样品,分析根际微生物与非根际微生物的数量特征及季节动态变化特点,探讨微生物数量对水热季节变化的响应规律。结果表明:不同季节的根际微生物与非根际微生物组成,均以细菌占绝对优势;微生物数量分布大小顺序为细菌放线菌真菌,细菌最高比例为96.62%,放线菌最高比例为35.38%,真菌的比例较低,最高仅为0.30%。细菌,真菌和放线菌的垂直变化明显,均随着土层的增加而呈现递减的趋势。不同土壤层次根际微生物与非根际微生物的季节变化一致,细菌数量表现为夏季秋季春季冬季,真菌数量表现为秋季夏季春季冬季,放线菌数量表现为秋季春季夏季冬季;细菌、放线菌、真菌的最大值分别为2.70×10~7、1.92×10~6、3.35×10~4cfu·g~-1,土壤微生物数量与土壤有机碳、全氮、全磷、全钾、速效氮、速效磷、速效钾等呈显著正相关。芦苇植物群落根际土壤微生物呈现出一定的根际效应,并与微生物数量、土壤深度、月平均降雨量和月平均气温变化等有关,而在冬季的根际效应则表现不显著。土壤养分含量是调节会仙喀斯特湿地土壤微生物数量变化的一个主要因素。  相似文献   

Jiao Y  Zhao Q  Jin W  Hao X  You S 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(2):990-995
In this study, specialized bacteria were domesticated and cultivated with polluted stream water. The bioaugmentation of specialized bacteria would significantly enhance the removal efficiency of TN and NH4+-N from 25.9% to 50.3%, and from 34.5% to 60.1%, respectively. Concomitant increases in the number of microbial communities and the proportion of nitrifying bacteria were also identified by the most probable number (MPN) method. PCR-DGGE profiles revealed that the bacterial community could be successfully enriched and the ammonia-oxidizing bacteria communities were shown predominant by the species of Nitrosomonas. The biological contact oxidation ditch (BCOD) system augmented with specialized bacteria can be a viable alternative for treating polluted stream water to achieve improved nitrogen removal.  相似文献   

【目的】固氮菌和氨化细菌是氮循环产生生物有效氮的关键起始环节,直接影响了外来入侵植物的生长速度和扩散进程。然而,关于典型入侵植物薇甘菊根际可培养固氮菌和氨化细菌的研究尚未见报道,这在很大程度上制约了我们对薇甘菊根际高效的氮素转化机制的深刻理解。【方法】采用传统平板涂布培养法对野外采集的薇甘菊根际土壤中的可培养固氮菌和氨化细菌进行了分离鉴定,并进行了接种验证实验。【结果】结果表明,入侵植物薇甘菊根际土壤中的固氮菌和氨化细菌的菌群密度显著高于两个本地伴生植物(火炭母和鸡屎藤),其固氮效率及有机氮矿化效率也优于2个本地种;系统发育分析表明:薇甘菊根际的固氮菌菌株归类于5个属,分别为伯克霍尔德氏菌属(Burkholderia)、肠杆菌属(Enterobacter)、植物杆菌属(Phytobacter)、新肠杆菌属(Kosakonia)和根瘤菌属(Rhizobium);氨化细菌归类于7个属,分别为沙雷氏菌属(Serratia)、不动杆菌属(Acinetobacter)、假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas)、博德特氏菌属(Bordetella)、寡养单胞菌属(Stenotrophomonas)、苍...  相似文献   

Autotrophic growth of nitrifying community in an agricultural soil   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The two-step nitrification process is an integral part of the global nitrogen cycle, and it is accomplished by distinctly different nitrifiers. By combining DNA-based stable isotope probing (SIP) and high-throughput pyrosequencing, we present the molecular evidence for autotrophic growth of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB), ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB) in agricultural soil upon ammonium fertilization. Time-course incubation of SIP microcosms indicated that the amoA genes of AOB was increasingly labeled by 13CO2 after incubation for 3, 7 and 28 days during active nitrification, whereas labeling of the AOA amoA gene was detected to a much lesser extent only after a 28-day incubation. Phylogenetic analysis of the 13C-labeled amoA and 16S rRNA genes revealed that the Nitrosospira cluster 3-like sequences dominate the active AOB community and that active AOA is affiliated with the moderately thermophilic Nitrososphaera gargensis from a hot spring. The higher relative frequency of Nitrospira-like NOB in the 13C-labeled DNA suggests that it may be more actively involved in nitrite oxidation than Nitrobacter-like NOB. Furthermore, the acetylene inhibition technique showed that 13CO2 assimilation by AOB, AOA and NOB occurs only when ammonia oxidation is not blocked, which provides strong hints for the chemolithoautotrophy of nitrifying community in complex soil environments. These results show that the microbial community of AOB and NOB dominates the nitrification process in the agricultural soil tested.  相似文献   

Summary The sensitivity of the mineralization of nitrogen by a range of soils contaminated with heavy metals (up to 340 μg Cd g−1, 7500 μg Pb g−1 and 34000 μg Zn g−1) to the addition of heavy metals in solution were studied using pot incubations (ammonification) and a soil perfusion technique (nitrification). The ammonification of peptone showed little correlation between treatments with Cd, Zn (1000 and 5000 μg g−1) and Pb (10000 and 20000 μg g−1) and origin of the soil. Nitrification was considerably more sensitive to heavy metals than ammonification. All the soils had active, often large, populations of ammonifying and nitrifying organisms which showed substantial similarities between the soils. The rate of nitrifying activity (NO3−N production) was logrithmic in most cases. The presence of tolerant populations of nitrifying organisms in the contaminated soils was demonstrated. Tolerance was also eventually acquired after a longer lag phase, by the non-contaminated soil populations although the rate of activity was often reduced. Metals added in solution were adsorbed by the soil within 4 hours. Differences in toxicity between metal salts (chlorides, sulphates and acetate) were attributed to the amount left in solution. However, in many instances, acetate was found to stimulate all the stages in the mineralisation of nitrogen.  相似文献   

Ciliated protists are important predators of bacteria in many aquatic habitats, including sediments. Since, many biochemical transformations within the nitrogen cycle are performed by bacteria, ciliates could have an indirect impact on the nitrogen cycle through selective grazing on nitrogen-transforming bacteria. As a case study, we examined ciliate grazing on nitrifying bacteria of the genera Nitrosomonas and Nitrospira. All experiments were designed as in vitro-experiments with cultures of different bacteria and ciliate species. The nitrifying bacteria used in our experiments were Nitrosomonas europaea [Winogradsky 1892] and Nitrospira moscoviensis [Ehrich 2001]. The ciliates comprised of four species that are known as efficient bacterivores and common members of the protist community in aquatic systems: Paramecium aurelia [Müller 1773], Euplotes octocarinatus [Carter 1972], Tetrahymena pyriformis [Ehrenberg 1830] and Cyclidium glaucoma [Müller 1786]. Our experimental approach, using a combination of DAPI and FISH staining, was successful in allowing the observation of ingestion of specific bacteria and their detection within ciliate food vacuoles. However, the ciliates in this study showed no significant selective grazing. No food preferences for a any bacterial taxon or any size class or morphotype were detected. Correlation with time between ciliate abundance and bacterial abundance or biovolume, using log transformed growth rates of ciliates and bacteria, showed no significant results. On the bacterial side, neither an active defence mechanism of the nitrifying bacteria against ciliate grazing, such as changes in morphology, nor competition for resources were observed. These results suggest that in our in vitro-experiments grazing by ciliates has no influence on abundance and growth of nitrifying bacteria and nitrification.  相似文献   

Ammonium/ammonia is the sole energy substrate of ammonia oxidizers, and is also an essential nitrogen source for other microorganisms. Ammonia oxidizers therefore must compete with other soil microorganisms such as methane-oxidizing bacteria (MOB) in terrestrial ecosystems when ammonium concentrations are limiting. Here we report on the interactions between nitrifying communities dominated by ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) and Nitrospira-like nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB), and communities of MOB in controlled microcosm experiments with two levels of ammonium and methane availability. We observed strong stimulatory effects of elevated ammonium concentration on the processes of nitrification and methane oxidation as well as on the abundances of autotrophically growing nitrifiers. However, the key players in nitrification and methane oxidation, identified by stable-isotope labeling using 13CO2 and 13CH4, were the same under both ammonium levels, namely type 1.1a AOA, sublineage I and II Nitrospira-like NOB and Methylomicrobium-/Methylosarcina-like MOB, respectively. Ammonia-oxidizing bacteria were nearly absent, and ammonia oxidation could almost exclusively be attributed to AOA. Interestingly, although AOA functional gene abundance increased 10-fold during incubation, there was very limited evidence of autotrophic growth, suggesting a partly mixotrophic lifestyle. Furthermore, autotrophic growth of AOA and NOB was inhibited by active MOB at both ammonium levels. Our results suggest the existence of a previously overlooked competition for nitrogen between nitrifiers and methane oxidizers in soil, thus linking two of the most important biogeochemical cycles in nature.  相似文献   

Sun  Yuxin  Wu  Jianping  Shao  Yuanhu  Zhou  Lixia  Mai  Bixian  Lin  Yongbiao  Fu  Shenglei 《Ecological Research》2011,26(3):669-677
Prescribed burning is a common site preparation practice for forest plantation in southern China. However, the effects of prescribed burning on soil microbial communities are poorly understood. This study examined changes in microbial community structure, measured by phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs), after a single prescribed burning in two paired vegetation sites in southern China. The results showed that the total amount of PLFA (totPLFA) was similar under two vegetation types in the wet season but differed among vegetation type in the dry season, and was affected significantly by burning treatment only in the wet season. Bacterial PLFA (bactPLFA) and fungal PLFA (fungPLFA) in burned plots all decreased compared to the unburned plots in both seasons (P = 0.059). Fungi appeared more sensitive to prescribed burning than bacteria. Both G+ bacterial PLFA and G bacterial PLFA were decreased by the burning treatment in both dry and wet seasons. Principal component analysis of PLFAs showed that the burning treatment induced a shift in soil microbial community structure. The variation in soil microbial community structure was correlated significantly to soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, available phosphorus and exchangeable potassium. Our results suggest that prescribed burning results in short-term changes in soil microbial communities but the long-term effects of prescribed burning on soil microbial community remain unknown and merit further investigation.  相似文献   

赵帅  周娜  赵振勇  张科  吴国华  田长彦 《微生物学报》2016,56(10):1583-1594
【目的】揭示同一盐渍环境中不同种盐生植物根部内生细菌群落多样性特征和分布规律,结合根际土壤理化因子探讨其对内生细菌群落结构的影响。【方法】通过罗氏454高通量测序获得内生细菌16S r RNA片段,然后进行生物信息分析。【结果】研究的16种盐生植物其内生细菌群落主要由Proteobacteria、Tenericutes、Actinobacteria和Firmicutes 4个门的细菌组成。从植物"种"的水平来看,不同种盐生植物内生细菌群落存在差异;从植物"属"的水平来看,同一属的盐生植物内生细菌相似;从植物"科"的水平来看,藜科盐生植物内生细菌以Actinobacteria和Proteobacteria门为主;蒺藜科盐生植物内生细菌以Proteobacteria门为主;柽柳科盐生植物内生细菌以Tenericutes门为主;白花丹科盐生植物内生细菌以Proteobacteria、Fimicutes和Actinobacteria门为主。根际土壤中Cl~–含量对盐生植物内生细菌群落变化具有显著影响;而Cl~–、Mg~(2+)和总氮组成的集合与内生细菌群落结构相关性最高。【结论】盐生植物内生细菌多样性丰富。在同一盐渍生境中,盐生植物内生细菌群落分布呈现宿主的种属特异性,根际土壤中Cl~–是影响其内生细菌群落变化的主要驱动因素之一。  相似文献   

为探究薹草属(Carex L.)植物在不同植被类型中的分布状况,该研究对甘肃中东部地区9种薹草属(Carex L.)植物分布区的群落特征进行调查,并对土壤养分状况进行比较分析,以揭示野生薹草群落物种多样性和分布特征与土壤环境因子间的关系。结果表明:(1) 9种薹草群落物种多样性差异性较大,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数(H)、Simpson优势度指数(Dsi)均以青绿薹草群落最高,亚柄薹草最低;Patrick丰富度指数(R)以异穗薹草群落最高,细叶薹草群落最低;Pielou均匀度指数(Jsw)以凹脉薹草群落最高,亚柄薹草最低。(2) 9种野生薹草属植物适宜生长的土壤pH呈中性或弱碱性,且有机质、氮素、钾素含量较丰富,磷含量偏低;土壤有机质、pH、全氮、全磷、全钾、碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾含量的平均值分别为41.07 g·kg-1、8.35、1.16 g·kg-1、0.65 g·kg-1、5.60 g·kg-1、47.94 mg·kg-1、5.82 mg·kg-1和100.60 mg·kg-1。(3) 9种薹草属植物群落物种多样性与全氮、全磷、全钾、碱解氮、有机质、降雨量和海拔呈正相关关系,而与土壤pH、速效磷、速效钾呈负相关关系,且降雨量、土壤pH、速效磷和有机质对9种野生薹草属植物群落物种多样性影响较大。  相似文献   

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