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光周期和高脂食物对布氏田鼠能量代谢和产热的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了研究光周期和高脂食物对小型哺乳动物能量代谢和产热的影响,将成年雌性布氏田鼠(Lasiopodomys brandtii)分别驯化于长光照低脂、高脂食物和短光照低脂、高脂食物,7周后测定动物的体重、能量摄入、产热、血清瘦素浓度以及褐色脂肪组织解偶联蛋白1(BAT-UCP1)含量等参数.结果发现:1)短光照抑制体重增长、降低体脂重量和血清瘦素水平,增加非颤抖性产热(NST)和UCP1含量;2)高脂食物使摄入能减少和消化率提高,但未显著影响体重、基础代谢率、NST、UCP1含量和血清瘦素;3)血清瘦素与摄入能不相关,但与体脂含量正相关.结果暗示:短光照下瘦素作用敏感性增加和产热能力增强,可能介导了抵抗高脂食物诱导的肥胖.在野外条件下草食性的布氏田鼠能通过能量代谢和产热的适应性调节避免体重的过度增长,有利于降低捕食风险,增强生存能力.同时布氏田鼠是研究食物诱导肥胖机理的一个好模型  相似文献   

李兴升  王德华  杨明 《动物学报》2004,50(3):334-340
为研究低温胁迫条件下长爪沙鼠的适应对策及瘦素对体重和能量平衡的调节作用 ,我们将 7只成年雌性长爪沙鼠在 5℃条件下驯化 2 1d ,另选 7只作为对照 ,对体重、血清瘦素含量、体脂含量、摄入能、基础代谢率、非颤抖性产热等进行了测定。结果发现 :1 ) 5℃条件下长爪沙鼠的体重没有明显变化 ;2 ) 5℃条件下长爪沙鼠的血清瘦素浓度和体脂含量均明显低于对照组 ,且瘦素浓度与体脂含量呈显著正相关 ;3) 5℃条件下长爪沙鼠的摄入能、基础代谢率和非颤抖性产热等显著高于对照。这些结果表明 :长爪沙鼠在低温条件下产热能力和自身维持能量消耗都增加 ,能量摄入因此而增加 ;瘦素参与了能量平衡和体重的调节 ,但没有直接参与产热调节  相似文献   

为阐明动物应对食物短缺的能量学对策,将成年大绒鼠按自由取食量的90%、80%和70%限食4周。测定了不同限食程度下大绒鼠的存活率、体重、体脂含量、血清瘦素浓度、基础代谢率和非颤抖性产热。结果发现,90%限食驯化4周后,动物没有死亡,80%限食驯化4周后,存活率为90%,而70%限食驯化4周后,存活率仅为60%。限食使大绒鼠体重、体脂含量、血清瘦素浓度、基础代谢率和非颤抖性产热降低。血清瘦素浓度与体重、基础代谢率和非颤抖性产热呈显著正相关。结果表明,在限食条件下,大绒鼠主要通过降低体重、基础代谢率和产热的能量支出以及动用体内脂肪以应对食物资源短缺的环境条件,符合"代谢率转换"假说。瘦素作为饥饿信号可能参与了限食条件下大绒鼠能量代谢和体重的适应性调节。  相似文献   

为探讨光周期和高脂食物对栖息于横断山地区高山姬鼠Apodemus chevrieri消化道形态的影响,将成年雌性高山姬鼠分别驯化于长光照低脂、高脂食物和短光照低脂、高脂食物条件下,7周后测定动物的体重、总消化道、胃、小肠、大肠、盲肠的长度及其含内容物重、去内容物重、干重。结果表明:短光低脂组总消化道长显著大于其他组,短光组的小肠长度显著大于长光组。总消化道含内容物重、去内容物重,胃去内容物重、干重以及大肠和盲肠的各项指标均是低脂食物组显著大于高脂食物组。而小肠干重则是高脂食物组显著大于低脂食物组。以上结果表明,高山姬鼠在光周期和食物质量不同的条件下,可能通过调节消化道形态来维持正常的能量代谢和生理机能。高山姬鼠的消化道在不同光周期和食物质量条件下表现出的变化模式,可能与其光照和食物资源季节性波动的野外生存环境有关,从一方面反映了该物种在不同环境下的生存机制和适应对策。  相似文献   

自愿转轮运动对雄性长爪沙鼠体重和能量代谢的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
胡振东  王德华 《兽类学报》2007,27(2):123-129
运动是影响动物能量平衡和体重变化的重要因素之一。为研究自愿转轮运动对体重和能量代谢的影响,我们监测了8 周自愿转轮运动过程中,雄性长爪沙鼠的体重、能量摄入、消化率、静止代谢率(RMR) 和非颤抖性产热(NST)的变化,以及8 周后的体脂含量、血清甲状腺激素(T3、T4 )和瘦素(leptin)水平的变化等。结果发现,8 周自愿转轮运动增加了长爪沙鼠的体重和能量摄入以及血清瘦素水平(血清瘦素浓度比对照组高27% ),但对消化率、RMR 和褐色脂肪组织的线粒体蛋白浓度等没有明显影响。尽管体脂含量和血清T3 和T4 没有显著差异,但运动组体脂含量比对照组高33%,血清T3 和T4 水平分别比对照组低10% 和38%。血清瘦素浓度与体脂重量呈正相关。因此,自动转轮运动并没有降低动物的体重和体脂含量,但瘦素和甲状腺素在雄性长爪沙鼠能量代谢和能量平衡中的作用尚需进一步确定。  相似文献   

为探讨横断山区大绒鼠适应食物匮乏的适应对策,将成年雄性大绒鼠随机分为自由取食组和饲喂正常摄食量的80% 限食组。测定了自由取食组和限食组雄性大绒鼠的体重、静止代谢率、非颤抖性产热以及体脂含量、血清瘦素含量、肝脏鲜重、褐色脂肪组织重量和消化道形态。结果显示:限食使雄性大绒鼠的体重、体脂含量、静止代谢率、非颤抖性产热、褐色脂肪组织重量和大肠、小肠长度显著降低,使盲肠内容物重量显著增加。血清瘦素含量与体重、体脂含量呈极显著正相关。在限食条件下,大绒鼠主要通过降低体重、基础代谢和产热的能量支出以及动用体内脂肪以应对食物资源短缺的环境条件,瘦素可能参与了能量代谢和体重的适应性调节。  相似文献   

能量代谢的适应性调节是小型哺乳动物应对环境季节性变化的主要策略之一。为探讨不同温度下动物在代谢产热能量支出与脂肪累积之间的权衡策略,以成年雄性黑线仓鼠为研究对象开展了3 个实验:实验1 将动物驯化于高脂和低脂食物;实验2 将动物暴露于低温(5℃)和暖温(30℃);实验3 将饲喂高脂食物的动物暴露于低温。以食物平衡法测定摄食量、摄入能和消化率,以开放式氧气分析仪测定代谢产热,以索氏抽提法测定脂肪含量。结果发现,取食高脂食物的黑线仓鼠摄食量显著减少,但脂肪累积显著增加;暖温下摄食量显著减少,但体脂含量显著增加,低温下摄食量显著升高,但体脂含量显著减少;饲喂高脂食物的黑线仓鼠在低温下摄入能显著增加,非颤抖性产热增强,但体脂含量显著降低。结果表明高脂食物对黑线仓鼠体脂累积的影响与环境温度有关,低温诱导脂肪动员,暖温促进脂肪贮存;低温下黑线仓鼠增加能量摄入不能完全补偿用于产热的能量支出,导致脂肪动员增加;暖温下代谢产热降低是脂肪累积的主要因素;与能量摄入相比代谢产热的能量支出在体脂累积的适应性变化中发挥更重要的作用。  相似文献   

大绒鼠冷驯化和脱冷驯化能量代谢特征的变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过测定冷驯化(5℃)到脱冷驯化(30℃)条件下,大绒鼠(Eothenomys miletus)的体重、摄入能、静止代谢率(RMR)、非颤抖性产热(NST)和血清瘦素含量等参数,探讨了血清瘦素浓度与能量收支的关系。结果表明,冷驯化可致大绒鼠体重下降,RMR、NST、摄入能升高,血清瘦素浓度降低;脱冷驯化后大绒鼠体重增加,RMR、NST、摄入能降低,血清瘦素浓度增加。血清瘦素含量与体重呈正相关,与RMR、NST、摄入能呈负相关。表明大绒鼠的体重、摄入能和产热能力具有较强的可塑性,且瘦素可能参与了大绒鼠适应冷驯化及恢复过程中的能量平衡和体重的调节。  相似文献   

赵志军  曹静  陈可新 《兽类学报》2014,34(2):149-157
为阐明小型哺乳动物体重和能量代谢的季节性变化以及生理调节机制,将黑线仓鼠驯化于自然环境下12个月,测定其体重、能量收支、身体组织器官和血清瘦素水平的季节性变化。黑线仓鼠能量摄入和支出的季节性变化显著,冬季摄入能、基础代谢率(BMR)、非颤抖性产热(NST)显著高于夏季。体重季节性变化不显著,但身体组织器官重量呈现显著的季节性变化,冬季肝脏、心脏、肾脏以及消化道重量显著高于夏季。体脂含量夏季最高,冬季最低,冬季显著低于夏、秋和春季(P <0.01)。血清瘦素水平的季节性变化显著,夏季瘦素水平比秋、冬季分别高88.2% 和52.4% (P <0.05)。结果表明,黑线仓鼠体重维持季节性稳定,与“调定点假说”的预测不同;但脂肪含量和血清瘦素季节性变化显著,符合该假说。夏季血清瘦素升高具有抑制能量摄入的作用,冬季血清瘦素可能是促进代谢产热的重要因子,瘦素对能量代谢和体重的调节作用与气候的季节性变化有关。    相似文献   

为阐明高山姬鼠(Apodemus chevrieri)下丘脑神经肽表达量在季节性变化条件下对其体重调节的作用,测定了不同季节高山姬鼠的体重、体脂含量、食物摄入量以及血清瘦素浓度和神经肽Y(NPY)、刺鼠相关蛋白(Ag RP)、阿片促黑色素原(POMC)和可卡因-安他非明转录调节肽(CART)表达量。采用食物平衡法测定高山姬鼠的食物摄入量,体脂含量用索氏抽提法进行测定,采用实时荧光PCR仪测定下丘脑神经肽表达量。采用单因素方差分析或协方差分析进行检验,相关性采用Pearson相关分析。高山姬鼠的体重和体脂均出现了季节性变化,冬季较低,夏季较高。食物摄入量季节性差异显著,冬季较高,夏季最低。血清瘦素含量也出现了季节性变化,与体脂变化趋势类似,瘦素含量与脂肪含量呈正相关关系。下丘脑神经肽NPY、Ag RP、POMC和CART表达量季节性差异显著。食物摄入量与NPY和Ag RP负相关,与POMC和CART正相关。以上结果表明,高山姬鼠在季节性变化过程中冬季降低体重、体脂,增加摄入量来维持生存。瘦素通过作用于下丘脑神经肽基因来调节高山姬鼠的体重平衡。  相似文献   

Environmental factors play an important role in the seasonal adaptation of body mass and thermogenesis in small, wild mammals. The purpose of the present study was to test the hypothesis that ambient temperature was a cue to trigger the adjustments in body mass, energy intake, and serum leptin level in Apodemus chevrieri during 42 days of cold exposure. Our data demonstrated that cold acclimation induced a decrease in body mass and a significant increase in energy intake in A. chevrieri. Serum leptin levels were positively correlated with body mass and fat mass. These data suggest that A. chevrieri reduced the body mass and increased energy intake and thermogenic capacity under cold acclimation. Further, serum leptin appears to be involved in the energy intake regulation and thermoregulation.  相似文献   

Eothenomys miletus is an important species inhabiting Hengduan mountains region. In order to study adaptive strategy and the role of serum leptin level in response to a 49 d cold exposure, body mass, energy intake, basal metabolic rate (BMR), nonshivering thermogenesis (NST) in E. miletus were measured. During cold exposure (5±1 oC), body mass decreased; serum leptin levels decreased significantly and were positively correlated with body mass and fat mass; energy intake, BMR and NST were higher at 5 °C than that of controls. These results suggest that E. miletus enhanced thermogenic capacity and increased maintenance cost during cold acclimation, resulting in increased energy intake. Serum leptin participated in the regulation of energy balance and body mass in E. miletus.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to examine whether photoperiod alone was effective to induce seasonal changes in physiology in voles (Eothenomys.) from the Hengduan Mountain region. Eothenomys miletus were randomly assigned into either long photoperiod (LD; 16L: 8D) or short photoperiod (SD; 8L: 16D) for 4 weeks at constant temperature (25 °C). At the end of acclimation, SD voles showed lower body mass and body fat coupled with higher energy intake than LD voles. SD greatly enhanced the thermogenic capacity of E. miletus, as indicated by an elevated nonshivering thermogenesis (NST), mitochondrial protein in brown adipose tissue (BAT); basal metabolic rate (BMR) was also raised. Although no variations in serum leptin levels were found between SD and LD voles, serum leptin levels were positively correlated with body mass and body fat mass, and negatively correlated with energy intake and UCP1 content in BAT, respectively. To summarize, SD alone is effective in inducing higher thermogenic capacities and energy intake coupled with lower body mass and body fat mass in root voles. Leptin is potentially involved in the photoperiod induced body mass regulation and thermogenesis in E. miletus. Our study shows that SD alone is effective.  相似文献   

To investigate the role of photoperiod on the regulation of energy budgets and thermogenesis in Mongolian gerbils, body mass (BM), body fat mass (BFM), basal metabolic rate (BMR), nonshivering thermogenesis (NST), gross energy intake (GEI), mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase (COX) activity and uncoupling protein1 (UCP1) content of brown adipose tissue (BAT), and serum tri-iodothyronine (T3), thyroxine (T4) and leptin levels were measured.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to examine whether photoperiod alone was effective to induce seasonal regulations in physiology in root voles (Microtus oeconomus) from the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau noted for its extreme cold environment. Root voles were randomly assigned into either long photoperiod (LD; 16L:8D) or short photoperiod (SD; 8L:16D) for 4 weeks at constant temperature (20 degrees C). At the end of acclimation, SD voles showed lower body mass and body fat coupled with higher energy intake than LD voles. SD greatly enhanced thermogenic capacities in root voles, as indicated by elevated basal metabolic rate (BMR), nonshivering thermogenesis (NST), mitochondrial protein content and uncoupling protein-1 (UCP1) content in brown adipose tissue (BAT). Although no variations in serum leptin levels were found between SD and LD voles, serum leptin levels were positively correlated with body mass and body fat mass, and negatively correlated with energy intake and UCP1 content in BAT, respectively. To summarize, SD alone is effective in inducing higher thermogenic capacities and energy intake coupled with lower body mass and body fat mass in root voles. Leptin is potentially involved in the photoperiod induced body mass regulation and thermogenesis in root voles.  相似文献   

Leptin has been found to be a direct participant in the regulation of both energy intake and energy expenditure in small mammals showing seasonal declines in body mass (M(b)) and fat mass, but its roles in an animal exhibiting seasonally increased thermogenesis and unchanged M(b) remain unclear. Serum leptin levels, energy budget, and thermogenesis were measured in striped hamsters exposed to consecutive decreases in ambient temperatures ranging from 23° to -23°C. Cold-exposed hamsters had significant increases in gross energy intake (GEI), the rate of basal metabolism, nonshivering thermogenesis, and activity of cytochrome c oxidase (COX) in brown adipose tissue (BAT), compared with control hamsters, indicating a cold-induced elevation of thermogenesis. Body mass and fat content were decreased in cold-exposed animals, and serum leptin levels were increased in hamsters exposed to temperatures of -8°C and below in inverse proportion to body fat content. Serum leptin levels were positively correlated with GEI and BAT COX activity in cold-exposed hamsters, but no such relationships were observed in control animals. These findings suggest that cold-exposed hamsters increase food consumption to meet the energy requirements for increased BAT thermogenesis. The increases in serum leptin levels are likely involved in increased thermogenesis in hamsters under cold stress. Cold-exposed hamsters may become leptin resistant, which is associated with impaired regulation of food intake. This new natural model of leptin resistance may also provide insight into the dynamic long-term control of energy homeostasis for animals that do not exhibit seasonal decline in M(b).  相似文献   

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