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T-type calcium channels are involved in a variety of physiological and pathophysiological processes, and thus could be therapeutic targets. However, there is no T-type channel selective blocker for use in clinical practice, demanding a need for the development of novel drugs where a higher-throughput screening system is required. Here we present pharmacological studies on Ca(v)3.1 T-type channels using automated patch-clamp. The IC(50) values obtained from automated patch-clamp and conventional one showed a good correlation (correlation coefficient of 0.82), suggesting that the automated patch-clamp is an efficient and reliable method for ranking the drug potencies for T-type channels.  相似文献   

To study delayed cerebral vasospasm (DCVS) induced by subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), 60 healthy Sprague Dawley (SD) rats were randomly divided into 5 groups (12 rats in each group), namely sham operation group, blood injection model group, nimodipine group, flunarizine hydrochloride group, and normal group. Then, the physiological parameters were detected, and after the rats were killed under anesthesia, the degree of nerve injury, vasospasm as well as the therapeutic effect of drugs were evaluated by Western Blot (WB). Neurological impairment (NI), endothelial contraction and spasm were obvious in rats following blood injection. The expression of Cav3.1 on T-type calcium channels was significantly higher in the blood injection model group than in the sham operation group along with the normal group. Moreover, Cav3.1 mRNA was expressed in all groups. The Cav3.1 expression in blood injection model group and two drug groups were significantly higher than that in sham operation group and lower than that in blood injection model group. Vasospasm was improved in two drug groups, which indicated that calcium channel antagonists nimodipine and flunarizine hydrochloride had a certain therapeutic effect on DCVS in rats. The decrease in body weight and food intake of the two groups of rats treated with drugs decreased, and the delayed vasospasm was improved, but the expression of Cav3.1 was not changed significantly, indicating nimodipine and flunarizine hydrochloride had a therapeutic effect on delayed vasospasm in rats, but Cav3.1 expression on calcium channels was not affected.  相似文献   

We identified and characterized a series of pyrazole amides as potent, selective Cav3.1-blockers. This series culminated with the identification of pyrazole amides 5a and 12d, with excellent potencies and/or selectivities toward the Cav3.2- and Cav3.3-channels. This compound displays poor DMPK properties, making its use difficult for in vivo applications. Nevertheless, this compound as well as analogous ones are well-suited for in vitro studies.  相似文献   

An important path of extracellular calcium influx in vascular smooth muscle (VSM) cells is through voltage-activated Ca2+ channels of the plasma membrane. Both high (HVA)- and low (LVA)-voltage-activated Ca2+ currents are present in VSM cells, yet little is known about the relevance of the LVA T-type channels. In this report, we provide molecular evidence for T-type Ca2+ channels in rat arterial VSM and characterize endogenous LVA Ca2+ currents in the aortic smooth muscle-derived cell line A7r5. AVP is a vasoconstrictor hormone that, at physiological concentrations, stimulates Ca2+ oscillations (spiking) in monolayer cultures of A7r5 cells. The present study investigated the role of T-type Ca2+ channels in this response with a combination of pharmacological and molecular approaches. We demonstrate that AVP-stimulated Ca2+ spiking can be abolished by mibefradil at low concentrations (<1 microM) that should not inhibit L-type currents. Infection of A7r5 cells with an adenovirus containing the Cav3.2 T-type channel resulted in robust LVA Ca2+ currents but did not alter the AVP-stimulated Ca2+ spiking response. Together these data suggest that T-type Ca2+ channels are necessary for the onset of AVP-stimulated calcium oscillations; however, LVA Ca2+ entry through these channels is not limiting for repetitive Ca2+ spiking observed in A7r5 cells.  相似文献   



This study investigates whether protein kinase G (PKG), protein kinase A (PKA) and protein kinase C (PKC) are involved in the regulatory mechanisms of store-operated channel (SOC) in pulmonary arteries.  相似文献   

Store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) is an important mechanism for Ca2+ influx in smooth muscle cells; however the activation and regulation of this influx pathway are incompletely understood. In the present study we have examined the effect of several protein kinases in regulating SOCE in pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (PASMCs) of the rat. Inhibition of protein kinase C with chelerythrine (3 μM) potentiated SOCE by 47 ± 2%, while the tyrosine kinase inhibitors genistein (100 μM) and tyrphostin 23 (100 μM) caused a significant reduction in SOCE of 55 ± 9% and 43 ± 7%, respectively. It has been proposed that Ca2+-insensitive phospholipase A2 (iPLA2) is involved in the activation of SOCE in many different cell types. The iPLA2 inhibitor, bromoenol lactone had no effect on SOCE, suggesting that this mechanism was not involved in the activation of the pathway. The calmodulin antagonists, calmidazolium (CMZ) (10 μM) and W-7 (10 μM) appeared to potentiate SOCE in PASMCs. Further investigation established that CMZ was actually activating a Ca2+ influx pathway that was independent of the filling state of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The CMZ-activated Ca2+ influx was blocked by Gd3+ (10 μM), but unaffected by 2-APB (75 μM), indicating a pharmacological profile distinct from the classical SOCE pathway.  相似文献   

Molecular cloning studies have revealed that heterogeneity of T-type Ca2+ currents in native tissues arises from the three isoforms of Ca(v)3 channels: Ca(v)3.1, Ca(v)3.2, and Ca(v)3.3. From pharmacological analysis of the recombinant T-type channels, low concentrations (<50 microM) of nickel were found to selectively block the Ca(v)3.2 over the other isoforms. To date, however, the structural element(s) responsible for the nickel block on the Ca(v)3.2 T-type Ca2+ channel remain unknown. Thus, we constructed chimeric channels between the nickel-sensitive Ca(v)3.2 and the nickel-insensitive Ca(v)3.1 to localize the region interacting with nickel. Systematic assaying of serial chimeras suggests that the region preceding domain I S4 of Ca(v)3.2 contributes to nickel block. Point mutations of potential nickel-interacting sites revealed that H191Q in the S3-S4 loop of domain I significantly attenuated the nickel block of Ca(v)3.2, mimicking the nickel-insensitive blocking potency of Ca(v)3.1. These findings indicate that His-191 in the S3-S4 loop is a critical residue conferring nickel block to Ca(v)3.2 and reveal a novel role for the S3-S4 loop to control ion permeation through T-type Ca2+ channels.  相似文献   

We have investigated the permeability of the Cav3.1 channel for Ca2+ and different monovalent cations and the block of the currents by Mg2+ ions. In the absence of extracellular divalent cations, the Cav3.1 channel was more permeable for Na+ than for Cs+ and impermeable for NMDG+. Monovalent currents were inhibited by Mg2+ of near physiological concentration by three orders of magnitude more effectively than the Ca2+ current. Inhibition of outward, but not inward current by Mg2+ was voltage-dependent. Furthermore, magnesium slowed down channel deactivation presumably by interacting with an open channel state.  相似文献   

Acute hypoxia causes pulmonary vasoconstriction in part by inhibiting voltage-gated K+ (Kv) channel activity in pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (PASMC). The hypoxia-mediated decrease in Kv currents [IK(V)] is selective to PASMC; hypoxia has little effect on IK(V) in mesenteric artery smooth muscle cells (MASMC). Functional Kv channels are homo- and/or heterotetramers of pore-forming -subunits and regulatory -subunits. KCNA5 is a Kv channel -subunit that forms functional Kv channels in PASMC and regulates resting membrane potential. We have shown that acute hypoxia selectively inhibits IK(V) through KCNA5 channels in PASMC. Overexpression of the human KCNA5 gene increased IK(V) and caused membrane hyperpolarization in HEK-293, COS-7, and rat MASMC and PASMC. Acute hypoxia did not affect IK(V) in KCNA5-transfected HEK-293 and COS-7 cells. However, overexpression of KCNA5 in PASMC conferred its sensitivity to hypoxia. Reduction of PO2 from 145 to 35 mmHg reduced IK(V) by 40% in rat PASMC transfected with human KCNA5 but had no effect on IK(V) in KCNA5-transfected rat MASMC (or HEK and COS cells). These results indicate that KCNA5 is an important Kv channel that regulates resting membrane potential and that acute hypoxia selectively reduces KCNA5 channel activity in PASMC relative to MASMC and other cell types. Because Kv channels (including KCNA5) are ubiquitously expressed in PASMC and MASMC, the observation from this study indicates that a hypoxia-sensitive mechanism essential for inhibiting KCNA5 channel activity is exclusively present in PASMC. The divergent effect of hypoxia on IK(V) in PASMC and MASMC also may be due to different expression levels of KCNA5 channels. membrane potential; potassium channels; vascular smooth muscle  相似文献   

The human umbilical cord is a biological sample that can be easily obtained just after birth. A methodology was developed to perform cultures of human umbilical artery smooth muscle cells (HUASMC) expressing contractile proteins and functional ionic channels. To avoid fibroblast and endothelial cell contamination, we mechanically separated the tunica media, which only contains HUASMC and matrix proteins. To isolate the cells, collagenase V and elastase were used as hydrolyzing enzymes. The isolated cells were plated in collagen-coated dishes to obtain cultures of HUASMC. The cells obtained after different passages (1 to 6) exhibit the characteristic vascular smooth cell morphology and express smooth muscle alpha-2 actin, myosin heavy chain SM1, and alpha subunits of L- and T-type calcium channels (Cav 1.2, Cav 1.2, and Cav 3.2). Electrophysiology recordings for L- and T-type calcium channels were made, indicating that these channels are functional in the cultured cells. In conclusion, the procedure developed allows obtaining cultures of HUASMC expressing contractile proteins and also functional ionic channels. These cells could be used to study cellular and molecular aspects about the regulation of the vascular function.  相似文献   

Oxygen causes perinatal pulmonary dilatation. Although fetal pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (PA SMC) normally respond to an acute increase in oxygen (O2) tension with a decrease in cytosolic calcium ([Ca2+]i), an acute increase in O2 tension has no net effect on [Ca(2+)](i) in PA SMC derived from lambs with chronic intrauterine pulmonary hypertension (PHTN). The present experimental series tests the hypothesis that an acute increase in O2 tension decreases capacitative calcium entry (CCE) in normal, but not hypertensive, fetal PA SMC. PA SMC were isolated from late-gestation fetal lambs after either ligation of the ductus arteriosus (PHTN) or sham (control) operation at 127 days gestation. PA SMC were isolated from the distal PA (>or=4th generation) and maintained under hypoxic conditions ( approximately 25 Torr) in primary culture. After fura 2 loading, apparent [Ca2+]i in PA SMC was determined as the ratio of 340- to 380-nm fluorescence intensity. Under both hypoxic and normoxic conditions, cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) increased [Ca2+]i more in PHTN than in control PA SMC. CCE was determined in PA SMC under hypoxic and normoxic conditions, after superfusion with zero extracellular Ca2+ and intracellular store depletion with CPA, followed by superfusion with Ca2+-containing solution, in the presence of the voltage-operated calcium channel blockade. CCE was increased in PHTN compared with control PA SMC under conditions of both acute and sustained normoxia. Transient receptor potential channel gene expression was greater in control compared with PHTN PA SMC. PHTN may compromise perinatal pulmonary vasodilation, in part, by modulating PA SMC CCE.  相似文献   

Mice are useful animal models to study pathogenic mechanisms involved in pulmonary vascular disease. Altered expression and function of voltage-gated K+ (KV) channels in pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (PASMCs) have been implicated in the development of pulmonary arterial hypertension. KV currents (IK(V)) in mouse PASMCs have not been comprehensively characterized. The main focus of this study was to determine the biophysical and pharmacological properties of IK(V) in freshly dissociated mouse PASMCs with the patch-clamp technique. Three distinct whole cell IK(V) were identified based on the kinetics of activation and inactivation: rapidly activating and noninactivating currents (in 58% of the cells tested), rapidly activating and slowly inactivating currents (23%), and slowly activating and noninactivating currents (17%). Of the cells that demonstrated the rapidly activating noninactivating current, 69% showed IK(V) inhibition with 4-aminopyridine (4-AP), while 31% were unaffected. Whole cell IK(V) were very sensitive to tetraethylammonium (TEA), as 1 mM TEA decreased the current amplitude by 32% while it took 10 mM 4-AP to decrease IK(V) by a similar amount (37%). Contribution of Ca2+-activated K+ (KCa) channels to whole cell IK(V) was minimal, as neither pharmacological inhibition with charybdotoxin or iberiotoxin nor perfusion with Ca2+-free solution had an effect on the whole cell IK(V). Steady-state activation and inactivation curves revealed a window K+ current between –40 and –10 mV with a peak at –31.5 mV. Single-channel recordings revealed large-, intermediate-, and small-amplitude currents, with an averaged slope conductance of 119.4 ± 2.7, 79.8 ± 2.8, 46.0 ± 2.2, and 23.6 ± 0.6 pS, respectively. These studies provide detailed electrophysiological and pharmacological profiles of the native KV currents in mouse PASMCs. KV channels  相似文献   

大鼠肺动脉平滑肌细胞钙激活氯通道电流的电生理检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究大鼠肺动脉平滑肌细胞钙激活氯通道电流的电生理特性。方法:膜片钳全细胞和膜内向外记录模式检测大鼠肺动脉平滑肌细胞上钙激活氯通道全细胞电流和单通道电流。结果:大鼠肺动脉平滑肌细胞记录到稳定的钙激活氯通道电流(ICl(Ca));ICl(Ca)表现出典型的外向整流特性和电压时间依赖性激活。结论:大鼠肺动脉平滑肌细胞膜上存在电压、时间依赖性氯通道电流,钙激活氯通道通过促进肺动脉平滑肌细胞去极化而成为调节肺动脉特性的关键调节因子。  相似文献   

We tested the possible role of endogenous protein kinase C (PKC) in the regulation of native volume-sensitive organic osmolyte and anion channels (VSOACs) in acutely dispersed canine pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (PASMC). Hypotonic cell swelling activated native volume-regulated Cl(-) currents (I(Cl.vol)) which could be reversed by exposure to phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate (0.1 microM) or by hypertonic cell shrinkage. Under isotonic conditions, calphostin C (0.1 microM) or Ro-31-8425 (0.1 microM), inhibitors of both conventional and novel PKC isozymes, significantly activated I(Cl.vol) and prevented further modulation by subsequent hypotonic cell swelling. Bisindolylmaleimide (0.1 microM), a selective conventional PKC inhibitor, was without effect. Dialyzing acutely dispersed and cultured PASMC with epsilon V1-2 (10 microM), a translocation inhibitory peptide derived from the V1 region of epsilon PKC, activated I(Cl.vol) under isotonic conditions and prevented further modulation by cell volume changes. Dialyzing PASMC with beta C2-2 (10 microM), a translocation inhibitory peptide derived from the C2 region of beta PKC, had no detectable effect. Immunohistochemistry in cultured canine PASMC verified that hypotonic cell swelling is accompanied by translocation of epsilon PKC from the vicinity of the membrane to cytoplasmic and perinuclear locations. These data suggest that membrane-bound epsilon PKC controls the activation state of native VSOACs in canine PASMC under isotonic and anisotonic conditions.  相似文献   

Activity of voltage-gated K(+) (K(V)) channels in pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (PASMC) plays an important role in control of apoptosis and proliferation in addition to regulating membrane potential and pulmonary vascular tone. Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) inhibit proliferation and induce apoptosis in normal human PASMC, whereas dysfunctional BMP signaling and downregulated K(V) channels are involved in pulmonary vascular medial hypertrophy associated with pulmonary hypertension. This study evaluated the effect of BMP-2 on K(V) channel function and expression in normal human PASMC. BMP-2 (100 nM for 18-24 h) significantly (>2-fold) upregulated mRNA expression of KCNA5, KCNA7, KCNA10, KCNC3, KCNC4, KCNF1, KCNG3, KCNS1, and KCNS3 but downregulated (at least 2-fold) KCNAB1, KCNA2, KCNG2, and KCNV2. The most dramatic change was the >10-fold downregulation of KCNG2 and KCNV2, two electrically silent gamma-subunits that form heterotetramers with functional K(V) channel alpha-subunits (e.g., KCNB1-2). Furthermore, the amplitude and current density of whole cell K(V) currents were significantly increased in PASMC treated with BMP-2. It has been demonstrated that K(+) currents generated by KCNB1 and KCNG1 (or KCNG2) or KCNB1 and KCNV2 heterotetramers are smaller than those generated by KCNB1 homotetramers, indicating that KCNG2 and KCNV2 (2 subunits that were markedly downregulated by BMP-2) are inhibitors of functional K(V) channels. These results suggest that BMP-2 divergently regulates mRNA expression of various K(V) channel alpha-, beta-, and gamma-subunits and significantly increases whole cell K(V) currents in human PASMC. Finally, we present evidence that attenuation of c-Myc expression by BMP-2 may be involved in BMP-2-mediated increase in K(V) channel activity and regulation of K(V) channel expression. The increased K(V) channel activity may be involved in the proapoptotic and/or antiproliferative effects of BMP-2 on PASMC.  相似文献   

Cav3.1 T-type Ca2+ channels play pivotal roles in neuronal low-threshold spikes, visceral pain, and pacemaker activity. Phosphorylation has been reported to potently regulate the activity and gating properties of Cav3.1 channels. However, systematic identification of phosphorylation sites (phosphosites) in Cav3.1 channel has been poorly investigated. In this work, we analyzed rat Cav3.1 protein expressed in HEK-293 cells by mass spectrometry, identified 30 phosphosites located at the cytoplasmic regions, and illustrated them as a Cav3.1 phosphorylation map which includes the reported mouse Cav3.1 phosphosites. Site-directed mutagenesis of the phosphosites to Ala residues and functional analysis of the phospho-silent Cav3.1 mutants expressed in Xenopus oocytes showed that the phospho-silent mutation of the N-terminal Ser18 reduced its current amplitude with accelerated current kinetics and negatively shifted channel availability. Remarkably, the phospho-silent mutations of the C-terminal Ser residues (Ser1924, Ser2001, Ser2163, Ser2166, or Ser2189) greatly reduced their current amplitude without altering the voltage-dependent gating properties. In contrast, the phosphomimetic Asp mutations of Cav3.1 on the N- and C-terminal Ser residues reversed the effects of the phospho-silent mutations. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that the multiple phosphosites of Cav3.1 at the N- and C-terminal regions play crucial roles in the regulation of the channel activity and voltage-dependent gating properties.  相似文献   

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