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We prove a general result about the asymptotic behaviour of the survival probability of a slightly supercritical multitype Bienaymé-Galton-Watson branching process. This is the complete analogue of a result which Ewens (1968) obtained for a Poisson branching process.Research supported by NSERC  相似文献   

Although mutations drive the evolutionary process, the rates at which the mutations occur are themselves subject to evolutionary forces. Our purpose here is to understand the role of selection and random genetic drift in the evolution of mutation rates, and we address this question in asexual populations at mutation‐selection equilibrium neglecting selective sweeps. Using a multitype branching process, we calculate the fixation probability of a rare nonmutator in a large asexual population of mutators and find that a nonmutator is more likely to fix when the deleterious mutation rate of the mutator population is high. Compensatory mutations in the mutator population are found to decrease the fixation probability of a nonmutator when the selection coefficient is large. But, surprisingly, the fixation probability changes nonmonotonically with increasing compensatory mutation rate when the selection is mild. Using these results for the fixation probability and a drift‐barrier argument, we find a novel relationship between the mutation rates and the population size. We also discuss the time to fix the nonmutator in an adapted population of asexual mutators, and compare our results with experiments.  相似文献   

A species' range can be limited when there is no genetic variation for a trait that allows for adaptation to more extreme environments. We study how range expansion occurs by the establishment of a new mutation that affects a quantitative trait in a spatially continuous population. The optimal phenotype for the trait varies linearly in space. The survival probabilities of new mutations affecting the trait are found by simulation. Shallow environmental gradients favour mutations that arise nearer to the range margin and that have smaller phenotypic effects than do steep gradients. Mutations that become established in shallow environmental gradients typically result in proportionally larger range expansions than those that establish in steep gradients. Mutations that become established in populations with high maximum growth rates tend to originate nearer to the range edge and to cause relatively smaller range expansion than mutations that establish in populations with low maximum growth rates. Under plausible parameter values, mutations that allow for range expansion tend to have large phenotypic effects (more than one phenotypic standard deviation) and cause substantial range expansions (15% or more). Sexual reproduction allows for larger range expansions and adaptation to more extreme environments than asexual reproduction.  相似文献   

Suppose that a beneficial mutation is undergoing a selective sweep when another beneficial mutation arises at a linked locus. We study the fixation probability of the double mutant, i.e., one (produced by recombination) that carries both mutations. Previous analysis works well for the case where the earlier beneficial mutation confers a greater selective advantage than the later mutation, but not so well in the opposite case. We present an approach to approximating the fixation probability in the case where the later mutation confers a greater selective advantage.  相似文献   

A factor that may limit the ability of many populations to adapt to changing conditions is the rate at which beneficial mutations can become established. We study the probability that mutations become established in changing environments by extending the classic theory for branching processes. When environments change in time, under quite general conditions, the establishment probability is approximately twice the ‘effective selection coefficient’, whose value is an average that gives most weight to a mutant''s fitness in the generations immediately after it appears. When fitness varies along a gradient in a continuous habitat, increased dispersal generally decreases the chance a mutation establishes because mutations move out of areas where they are most adapted. When there is a patch of favourable habitat that moves in time, there is a maximum speed of movement above which mutations cannot become established, regardless of when and where they first appear. This critical speed limit, which is proportional to the mutation''s maximum selective advantage, represents an absolute constraint on the potential of locally adapted mutations to contribute to evolutionary rescue.  相似文献   

We consider whether the fixation probability of an allele in a two-allele diploid system is always a monotonic function of the selective advantage of the allele. We show that while this conjecture is correct for intermediate dominance, it is not correct in general for either overdominant or underdominant alleles, and that for some parameter ranges the fixation probability can initially decrease and then increase as a function of the amount of selection. We have partial results that characterize the ranges of parameters for which this happens.   相似文献   

This paper extends the results of [1] to the multitype case. For a multitype branching process that is slightly supercritical, approximations for the survival probability in terms of the maximal eigenvalue of the mean matrix and a generalized variance 2 are developed. Our results improve upon those of Hoppe [5] and Eshel [3] that seek to validate a conjecture of Ewens [4].Research supported in part by NSF grant DMS 9007182  相似文献   

Determining the probability of fixation of beneficial mutations is critically important for building predictive models of adaptive evolution. Despite considerable theoretical work, models of fixation probability have stood untested for nearly a century. However, recent advances in experimental and theoretical techniques permit the development of models with testable predictions. We developed a new model for the probability of surviving genetic drift, a major component of fixation probability, for novel beneficial mutations in the fungus Aspergillus nidulans, based on the life-history characteristics of its colony growth on a solid surface. We tested the model by measuring the probability of surviving drift in 11 adapted strains introduced into wild-type populations of different densities. We found that the probability of surviving drift increased with mutant invasion fitness, and decreased with wild-type density, as expected. The model accurately predicted the survival probability for the majority of mutants, yielding one of the first direct tests of the extinction probability of beneficial mutations.  相似文献   

Determining how population subdivision increases the fixation time of an advantageous allele is an important problem in evolutionary genetics as this influences many processes. Here, I lay out a framework for calculating the fixation time of a positively selected allele in a subdivided population, as a function of the number of demes present, the migration rate between them and the manner in which they are connected. Using this framework, it becomes clear that a beneficial allele's fixation time is significantly reduced through migration continuously introducing copies of the allele into a newly colonized subpopulation, increasing its frequency within these demes. The effect that migration has on allele frequency needs to be explicitly taken into account to produce a realistic estimate of fixation time. This behaviour is most prominent when demes are arranged on a two-dimensional torus, in comparison with populations where demes are arranged in a circle. This is because each subpopulation is connected to several neighbours over a torus, so that there are multiple paths that an allele can take in order to fix. As a consequence, some demes experience a greater influx and efflux of migrants than others. Analytical results are found to be very accurate when compared to stochastic simulations, and are generally robust if there are a large number of demes, or if the allele is weakly selected for.  相似文献   

The dielectrophoretic behaviour of yeast cells dividing by budding or by transversal fission was analyzed. The results obtained show that the dielectrophoretic yield is a linear function of alternating voltage, cell concentration and the square root of the time of collection in all the species assayed. Dependence of the rate of collection on the frequency of the voltage applied (between 0.2 and 5 MHz) was also found. This behaviour is similar in the three microorganisms studied. The scale factor correlating the frequency spectrum for Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomycopsis lipolytica is proportional to cell size. However, these results can not be extended to Schizosaccharomyces pombe. A relationship between the dielectrophoretic yield and the age of the culture and the consumption of glucose has been established for the three yeast strains. Dielectrophoresis also permits the differentiation between viable and non-viable cells.  相似文献   

Population bottlenecks affect the dynamics of evolution, increasing the probability that beneficial mutations will be lost. Recent protocols for the experimental study of evolution involve repeated bottlenecks-when fresh media are inoculated during serial transfer or when chemostat tubes are changed. Unlike population reductions caused by stochastic environmental factors, these bottlenecks occur at known, regular intervals and with a fixed dilution ratio. We derive the ultimate probability of extinction for a beneficial mutation in a periodically bottlenecked population, using both discrete and continuous approaches. We show that both approaches yield the same approximation for extinction probability. From this, we derive an approximate expression for an effective population size.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of local extinctions in a subdivided population on the probability of fixation of an initially rare allele, for different migration rates. The selective regimes considered were strict underdominance, meiotic drive, and underdominance associated with meiotic drive. We show that local extinctions can increase the probability of fixation of initially rare alleles in underdominant loci for relatively high migration rates, even when both homozygotes have the same fitness. This increase is due to drift during founder events. On the contrary, local extinctions decrease the probability of fixation of alleles favoured by meiotic drive. For a locus where both meiotic drive and underdominance act, the effect of local extinctions depends on the relative strength of the two selective regimes and the initial frequency of the rare allele. For parameter values such that the rare allele is initially selected against, local extinctions decrease the probability of fixation for low migration rates while they cause an increase for moderate migration rates. When the parameter values are such that the rare allele should always be favoured by selection, local extinctions always decrease the probability of fixation. In this latter case, we show the existence of an optimal migration rate which maximizes the probability of fixation.  相似文献   

The estimated survival probability of a slightly supercritical Galton-Watson process is generalized to a multitype branching process. The result is used to estimate the probability of initial success of a mutant gene whose effect on the individual carrier depends on the carrier's sex, class, etc. The probability of initial success is also estimated in a case where the effect of the mutation is manifested in terms of the distribution of types within one's progeny, e.g. in a case of a change in the sex ratio.  相似文献   

Peischl S  Kirkpatrick M 《Genetics》2012,191(3):895-906
Understanding adaptation in changing environments is an important topic in evolutionary genetics, especially in the light of climatic and environmental change. In this work, we study one of the most fundamental aspects of the genetics of adaptation in changing environments: the establishment of new beneficial mutations. We use the framework of time-dependent branching processes to derive simple approximations for the establishment probability of new mutations assuming that temporal changes in the offspring distribution are small. This approach allows us to generalize Haldane's classic result for the fixation probability in a constant environment to arbitrary patterns of temporal change in selection coefficients. Under weak selection, the only aspect of temporal variation that enters the probability of establishment is a weighted average of selection coefficients. These weights quantify how much earlier generations contribute to determining the establishment probability compared to later generations. We apply our results to several biologically interesting cases such as selection coefficients that change in consistent, periodic, and random ways and to changing population sizes. Comparison with exact results shows that the approximation is very accurate.  相似文献   

The effect of population structure on the probability of fixation of a newly introduced mutant under weak selection is studied using a coalescent approach. Wright's island model in a framework of a finite number of demes is assumed and two selection regimes are considered: a beneficial allele model and a linear game among offspring. A first-order approximation of the fixation probability for a single mutant with respect to the intensity of selection is deduced. The approximation requires the calculation of expected coalescence times, under neutrality, for lineages starting from two or three sampled individuals. The results are obtained in a general setting without assumptions on the number of demes, the deme size or the migration rate, which allows for simultaneous coalescence or migration events in the genealogy of the sampled individuals. Comparisons are made with limit cases as the deme size or the number of demes goes to infinity or the migration rate goes to zero for which a diffusion approximation approach is possible. Conditions for selection to favor a mutant strategy replacing a resident strategy in the context of a linear game in a finite island population are addressed.  相似文献   

We propose a discrete time branching process to model the appearance of drug resistance under treatment. Under our assumptions at every discrete time a pathogen may die with probability 1−p or divide in two with probability p. Each newborn pathogen is drug resistant with probability μ. We start with N drug sensitive pathogens and with no drug resistant pathogens. We declare the treatment successful if all pathogens are eradicated before drug resistance appears. The model predicts that success is possible only if p<1/2. Even in this case the probability of success decreases exponentially with the parameter m=μN. In particular, even with a very potent drug (i.e. p very small) drug resistance is likely if m is large.  相似文献   

The Cannings exchangeable model for a finite population in discrete time is extended to incorporate selection. The probability of fixation of a mutant type is studied under the assumption of weak selection. An exact formula for the derivative of this probability with respect to the intensity of selection is deduced, and developed in the case of a single mutant. This formula is expressed in terms of mean coalescence times under neutrality assuming that the coefficient of selection for the mutant type has a derivative with respect to the intensity of selection that takes a polynomial form with respect to the frequency of the mutant type. An approximation is obtained in the case where this derivative is a continuous function of the mutant frequency and the population size is large. This approximation is consistent with a diffusion approximation under moment conditions on the number of descendants of a single individual in one time step. Applications to evolutionary game theory in finite populations are presented.   相似文献   

Structural rearrangements of chromosomes have played a decisive role in the karyotypic evolution of species. It is also known that inversions, translocations, fusions, fissions, heterochromatin variations and other chromosomal changes occur as transient events in natural populations. Herein we report the occurrence of a rare event of centric fission of a metacentric chromosome in a laboratory population ofDrosophila, called Cytorace 1. This centric fission has been fixed in a sub-population of Cytorace 1, resulting in a new chromosomal lineage called Fissioncytorace-1.  相似文献   

We link two-allele population models by Haldane and Fisher with Kimura's diffusion approximations of the Wright-Fisher model, by considering continuous-state branching (CB) processes which are either independent (model I) or conditioned to have constant sum (model II). Recent works by the author allow us to further include logistic density-dependence (model III), which is ubiquitous in ecology. In all models, each allele (mutant or resident) is then characterized by a triple demographic trait: intrinsic growth rate r, reproduction variance sigma and competition sensitivity c. Generally, the fixation probability u of the mutant depends on its initial proportion p, the total initial population size z, and the six demographic traits. Under weak selection, we can linearize u in all models thanks to the same master formula u = p + p(1 - p)[g(r)s(r) + g(sigma)s(sigma) + g(c)s(c)] + o(s(r),s(sigma),s(c), where s(r) = r' - r, s(sigma) = sigma-sigma' and s(c) = c - c' are selection coefficients, and g(r), g(sigma), g(c) are invasibility coefficients (' refers to the mutant traits), which are positive and do not depend on p. In particular, increased reproduction variance is always deleterious. We prove that in all three models g(sigma) = 1/sigma and g(r) = z/sigma for small initial population sizes z. In model II, g(r) = z/sigma for all z, and we display invasion isoclines of the 'mean vs variance' type. A slight departure from the isocline is shown to be more beneficial to alleles with low sigma than with high r. In model III, g(c) increases with z like ln(z)/c, and g(r)(z) converges to a finite limit L > K/sigma, where K = r/c is the carrying capacity. For r > 0 the growth invasibility is above z/sigma when z < K, and below z/sigma when z > K, showing that classical models I and II underestimate the fixation probabilities in growing populations, and overestimate them in declining populations.  相似文献   

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