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国际著名学术出版集团——爱思唯尔(ELSEVIERBV.)经过对国内学术期刊的全面评估,首批选定与《生态学报》合作出版英文版期刊(电子版),期刊名为《Acta Ecologica Sinica),定为月刊,与《生态学报》中文版同步刊出,每月底出刊。广大学者可登陆ELSEVIER的期刊全文数据库www.sciencedirect.com阅读、引用全文。英文版文章来源于中文版,即每期在《生态学报》中文版期刊中推选具有代表性的优秀论文,经由作者译出,并由ELSEVIER出版集团全文英文润色刊出、国际发行。此举为《生态学报》全方位国际化奠定了基础,欢迎生态学广大学者踊跃投更多更好的文章,为生态学的交流与发展做出贡献。  相似文献   

南红梅 《西北植物学报》2007,27(10):2146-2146
对期刊采用文献计量指标进行定量评价,即对期刊的论文来源指标和引用指标逐项进行实际数据统计,以客观、全面地反映期刊的学术水平和学科地位.在用期刊来源指标分析[1]的基础上,本文就我国植物学类期刊2005年的论文引用指标数据(表1)进行分析,以明确《西北植物学报》在植物学科的学术影响力水平.注:数据来源于中国科学技术信息研究所2006年版《中国期刊引证报告》(扩展版),科学技术文献出版社,2006.10.;*.表示由科学出版社出版;[1].《西北植物学报》,2007,27(3).从表1期刊论文引用指标中各项数据可以看出:(1)从期刊的影响因子及其排序看,200…  相似文献   

国际著名学术出版集团———爱思唯尔(ELSEVIER BV.)经过对国内学术期刊的全面评估,首批选定与《生态学报》合作出版英文版期刊(电子版),期刊名为《Acta Ecologica Sinica》,定为月刊,与《生态学报》中文版同步刊出,每月底出刊。广大学者可登陆ELSEVIER的期刊全文数据库www.sciencedirect.com阅读、引用全文。英文版文章来源于中文版,即每期在《生态学报》中文版期刊中推选具有代表性的优秀论文,经由作者译出,并由ELSEVIER出版集团全文英文润色刊出、国际发行。此举为《生态学报》全方位国际化奠定了基础,欢迎生态学广大学者踊…  相似文献   

欢迎投搞,请登陆《生态学报》网站www.ecologica.cn《生态学报》是由中国科学技术协会主管,中国生态学学会主办,中国科学院生态环境研究中心承办的生态学科综合性学术期刊,刊载生态学领域的原始创新性、综合性、理论性的学术论文。坚持“百花齐放,百家争鸣”,依靠和团结广大生态学工作者,探索自然奥秘,开展广泛而深入的生态学基础理论研究,促进我国生态学研究的发展,为我国培养和造就大批的生态学科研人才和知识创新服务,为国民经济的建设和发展服务。《生态学报》主要报道生态学及各分支学科的重要基础理论和应用研究成果的学术研究论文。…  相似文献   

《生态学报》是由中国科协主管 ,中国生态学会主办 ,中国科学院生态环境研究中心承办的高级学术性期刊 ,其办刊方针是刊载生态学领域的原始创新性、综合性、前瞻性和导向性的学术论文为特色。坚持“百花齐放 ,百家争鸣”,依靠和团结广大生态学工作者 ,探索自然奥秘 ,开展广泛而深入的生态学基础理论研究 ,促进我国生态学研究的发展 ,为我国培养和造就大批的生态学科研人才 ,为知识创新服务、为国民经济的建设和发展服务。《生态学报》主要报道生态学及各分支学科的重要基础理论和应用研究成果。特别欢迎具有前瞻性和导向性的高水平综述文章 …  相似文献   

《生态学报》是由中国科协主管 ,中国生态学会主办 ,中国科学院生态环境研究中心承办的高级学术性期刊 ,其办刊方针是刊载生态学领域的原始创新性、综合性、前瞻性和导向性的学术论文为特色。坚持“百花齐放 ,百家争鸣”,依靠和团结广大生态学工作者 ,探索自然奥秘 ,开展广泛而深入的生态学基础理论研究 ,促进我国生态学研究的发展 ,为我国培养和造就大批的生态学科研人才 ,为知识创新服务、为国民经济的建设和发展服务。《生态学报》主要报道生态学及各分支学科的重要基础理论和应用研究成果。特别欢迎具有前瞻性和导向性的高水平综述文章 …  相似文献   

傅伯杰 《生态学报》2015,35(24):1-2
<正>2015年12月5日是著名生态学家、《生态学报》创刊主编马世骏院士诞辰100周年纪念日,在此《生态学报》和广大生态学工作者一道缅怀马世骏先生对中国生态学学科和思想体系建设的重大贡献,弘扬和学习他的学术思想。《生态学报》于1981年创刊,是中国第一本高水平综合性生态学学术刊物,她是我国生态学科技工作者学术交流的平台和世界了解中国生态学研究的窗口,促进了生态学理论和应用的发展。正如马世骏主编在《生态学报》的发刊词中写道:  相似文献   

对期刊采用文献计量指标进行定量评价,即对期刊的论文来源指标和引用指标逐项进行实际数据统计,以客观、全面地反映期刊的学术水平和学科地位.在用期刊来源指标分析[1]的基础上,本文就我国植物学类期刊2005年的论文引用指标数据(表1)进行分析,以明确《西北植物学报》在植物学科  相似文献   

正《植物生态学报》于1955年创办,中国科学院植物研究所和中国植物学会主办,中国科学院主管。月刊,大16开本,全铜版纸印刷,每期定价70元。国内外公开发行。《植物生态学报》被国内外几十种重要检索系统和数据库收录。影响因子近三年来一直位居中国生物类期刊的前三位。《植物生态学报》立足国内,面向国际,力图反映植物生态学学科热点和生长点,充分发挥《植物生态学报》在国内生态学领域的科学性、权威性和导向性,并保持其国际影  相似文献   

《植物生态学报》于1955年创刊,中国科学院植物研究所和中国植物学会主办,中国科学院主管。月刊,大16开本,全铜版纸印刷,每期定价70元。国内外公开发行。《植物生态学报》被国内外几十种重要检索系统和数据库收录。影响因子近三年来一直位居中国生物类期刊的前三位。《植物生态学报》立足国内,面向国际,力图反映植物生态学学科热点和生长点,充分发挥《植物生态学报》在国内生态学领域的科学性、权威性和导向性,并保持其国际影响力。  相似文献   

There are now many methods available to assess the relative citation performance of peer-reviewed journals. Regardless of their individual faults and advantages, citation-based metrics are used by researchers to maximize the citation potential of their articles, and by employers to rank academic track records. The absolute value of any particular index is arguably meaningless unless compared to other journals, and different metrics result in divergent rankings. To provide a simple yet more objective way to rank journals within and among disciplines, we developed a κ-resampled composite journal rank incorporating five popular citation indices: Impact Factor, Immediacy Index, Source-Normalized Impact Per Paper, SCImago Journal Rank and Google 5-year h-index; this approach provides an index of relative rank uncertainty. We applied the approach to six sample sets of scientific journals from Ecology (n = 100 journals), Medicine (n = 100), Multidisciplinary (n = 50); Ecology + Multidisciplinary (n = 25), Obstetrics & Gynaecology (n = 25) and Marine Biology & Fisheries (n = 25). We then cross-compared the κ-resampled ranking for the Ecology + Multidisciplinary journal set to the results of a survey of 188 publishing ecologists who were asked to rank the same journals, and found a 0.68–0.84 Spearman’s ρ correlation between the two rankings datasets. Our composite index approach therefore approximates relative journal reputation, at least for that discipline. Agglomerative and divisive clustering and multi-dimensional scaling techniques applied to the Ecology + Multidisciplinary journal set identified specific clusters of similarly ranked journals, with only Nature & Science separating out from the others. When comparing a selection of journals within or among disciplines, we recommend collecting multiple citation-based metrics for a sample of relevant and realistic journals to calculate the composite rankings and their relative uncertainty windows.  相似文献   

蒋巧媛  李莉  李先琨 《广西植物》2021,41(10):1585-1594
在庆祝《广西植物》创刊40周年之际,回顾了《广西植物》的发展历程,可分为4个阶段:初创内部刊物,萌芽起步; 国内外公开发行,期刊影响力提升; 抓住机遇,实现期刊跨越式发展; 打造期刊品牌特色,以特色栏目带动期刊整体发展。以创刊以来发表的学术论文为研究对象,基于中国知网和CNKI中国引文数据库的数据,使用引证分析法,从发文信息量、报道对象、稿源及作者队伍特点、论文资助项目、被国内期刊引用情况、发表文章下载量等方面分析了期刊的学术影响力。总结了期刊在以下方面所取得的成绩:发现人才和培养人才,为人才的成长提供优良平台; 期刊评价的各项指标提升,期刊影响力扩大; 围绕国家战略和重大社会需求,策划研究热点,打造学科特色栏目; 扩大作者群和读者群,加强编委会建设等。展望未来,面临巨大挑战。对此,笔者提出以下设想:第一,围绕创新型国家和科技强国建设任务,提升期刊的学术引领能力和品牌影响力; 第二,聚焦国家重大战略需求,围绕重大主题打造重点专栏、组织专题和专刊,服务经济社会发展主战场。第三,顺应媒体融合发展趋势,适应移动化、智能化的发展方向,探索全媒体出版等新型出版模式,加快期刊融合发展。第四,适度增加国际编委比例,提供论文英文长摘要,加强双语学术网站建设,提升开放办刊水平和国际传播能力,努力打造国内一流并具有国际影响力的学术期刊。  相似文献   

论文引用率影响因素——中外生态学期刊比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
肖红  袁飞  邬建国 《应用生态学报》2009,20(5):1253-1262
本文选择8种有代表性中外生态学期刊,对其一定发表周期内的论文引用率进行分析,探讨生态学论文引用率的影响因素及中外生态学期刊的差异.结果表明:4种英文期刊的年均被引次数均远大于4种中文期刊;英文期刊1位作者的论文数量百分比相对较高;所有期刊的合著论文比例均较高,体现了合作性在现代生态学研究中的重要性;论文作者数量与引用率之间有一定的正相关关系,但不显著;英文期刊论文的长度显著高于中文论文;随着论文长度的增加,年均被引次数增多.对中外期刊论文的引用率变化动态进行分析表明,英文期刊中总被引次数高的论文其增长速率也较快,表明其持续影响力强于中文生态学论文.我们希望这些结果会对生态学者以及相关期刊工作者有所裨益.  相似文献   

The development of open access journal publishing from 1993 to 2009   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  



Influential medical journals shape medical science and practice and their prestige is usually appraised by citation impact metrics, such as the journal impact factor. However, how permanent are medical journals and how stable is their impact over time?

Methods and Results

We evaluated what happened to general medical journals that were publishing papers half a century ago, in 1959. Data were retrieved from ISI Web of Science for citations and PubMed (Journals function) for journal history. Of 27 eligible journals publishing in 1959, 4 have stopped circulation (including two of the most prestigious journals in 1959) and another 7 changed name between 1959 and 2009. Only 6 of these 27 journals have been published continuously with their initial name since they started circulation. The citation impact of papers published in 1959 gives a very different picture from the current journal impact factor; the correlation between the two is non-significant and very close to zero. Only 13 of the 5,223 papers published in 1959 received at least 5 citations in 2009.


Journals are more permanent entities than single papers, but they are also subject to major change and their relative prominence can change markedly over time.  相似文献   

Bibliometric indicators increasingly affect careers, funding, and reputation of individuals, their institutions and journals themselves. In contrast to author self-citations, little is known about kinetics of journal self-citations. Here we hypothesized that they may show a generalizable pattern within particular research fields or across multiple fields. We thus analyzed self-cites to 60 journals from three research fields (multidisciplinary sciences, parasitology, and information science). We also hypothesized that the kinetics of journal self-citations and citations received from other journals of the same publisher may differ from foreign citations. We analyzed the journals published the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Nature Publishing Group, and Editura Academiei Române. We found that although the kinetics of journal self-cites is generally faster compared to foreign cites, it shows some field-specific characteristics. Particularly in information science journals, the initial increase in a share of journal self-citations during post-publication year 0 was completely absent. Self-promoting journal self-citations of top-tier journals have rather indirect but negligible direct effects on bibliometric indicators, affecting just the immediacy index and marginally increasing the impact factor itself as long as the affected journals are well established in their fields. In contrast, other forms of journal self-citations and citation stacking may severely affect the impact factor, or other citation-based indices. We identified here a network consisting of three Romanian physics journals Proceedings of the Romanian Academy, Series A, Romanian Journal of Physics, and Romanian Reports in Physics, which displayed low to moderate ratio of journal self-citations, but which multiplied recently their impact factors, and were mutually responsible for 55.9%, 64.7% and 63.3% of citations within the impact factor calculation window to the three journals, respectively. They did not receive nearly any network self-cites prior impact factor calculation window, and their network self-cites decreased sharply after the impact factor calculation window. Journal self-citations and citation stacking requires increased attention and elimination from citation indices.  相似文献   

Citations published in online supplementary material (OSM) are invisible to search engines used to calculate citation counts, potentially negatively impacting popular performance indices and journal rankings that rely on citation counts for quantification. To quantify the number of citations that are “lost” in OSM, we conducted a systematic survey of supplementary citation practices in four high‐ranking, society‐run journals from two geographical locations (Europe and North America). In 2012, 6% of all citations were only included in the OSM and were therefore not included in citation counts. We found a significant increase in the number of references invisible to citation counting services over the last two decades. A solution to this problem is urgently required and could include journal indexing of citations in OSM or the inclusion of all references in the main text.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES--To analyse trends in the number of authors per article over the past 10 years. DESIGN--Analysis of articles from random volumes of eight biomedical journals. SUBJECTS--Cell, Nature, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS), Journal of Clinical Investigation (JCI), Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (BBRC), Journal of Clinical Oncology (JCO), New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), Lancet. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Median and modal numbers of authors. RESULTS--All journals except Cell and Nature showed a trend towards increasing authorship numbers over the study period. The trend was most noticeable in journals such as JCO which feature clinical research. General medical journals (Lancet, NEJM) with a median of six to seven authors per article published far fewer seven author than six author studies, which suggests that author number may be influenced by the Vancouver convention which precludes citation of more than six authors. CONCLUSIONS--The phenomenon of expanding authorship in biomedical journal articles is not explained by the hypothesis that newer research technologies have necessitated more extensive collaboration. Rather, the data suggest that conferral of authorship may sometimes have a volitional component which contributes to rising author numbers. It is proposed that replacement of the Vancouver convention with a "first author, last author" citation system may help stem this rise in author numbers.  相似文献   



The past 3 decades have witnessed a boost in science development in China; in parallel, more and more Chinese scientific journals are indexed by the Journal Citation Reports issued by Thomson Reuters (SCI). Evaluation of the performance of these Chinese SCI journals is necessary and helpful to improve their quality. This study aimed to evaluate these journals by calculating various journal self-citation rates, which are important parameters influencing a journal impact factor.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We defined three journal self-citation rates, and studied these rates for 99 Chinese scientific journals, almost exhausting all Chinese SCI journals currently available. Likewise, we selected 99 non-Chinese international (abbreviated as ‘world’) journals, with each being in the same JCR subject category and having similar impact factors as their Chinese counterparts. Generally, Chinese journals tended to be higher in all the three self-citation rates than world journal counterparts. Particularly, a few Chinese scientific journals had much higher self-citation rates.


Our results show that generally Chinese scientific journals have higher self-citation rates than those of world journals. Consequently, Chinese scientific journals tend to have lower visibility and are more isolated in the relevant fields. Considering the fact that sciences are rapidly developing in China and so are Chinese scientific journals, we expect that the differences of journal self-citation rates between Chinese and world scientific journals will gradually disappear in the future. Some suggestions to solve the problems are presented.  相似文献   

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