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血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor,VEGF)最初被认为是调节血管内皮细胞通透性及血管增生的生物活性物质。后来发现,VEGF在脑内的神经细胞也有表达,并参与神经细胞的发育、轴突的生长和神经元细胞膜上离子通道功能的调节。VEGF对损伤脑具有抗凋亡等神经保护作用。此外,VEGF还具有促进损伤脑内神经元新生的作用和增强活化胶质细胞转分化为新生神经元的能力。现有的文献提示,VEGF在正常脑内能调节神经可塑性,在损伤的脑内能促进神经血管单元的重构和脑修复。本文重点阐述成年脑内VEGF对神经细胞的生物学效应及其对损伤脑的修复作用。深入研究VEGF的神经调节作用及其机制,有助于理解脑功能调节机制,研发脑保护和脑修复的新技术。  相似文献   

目的:探究生物可降解材料聚己内酯/β-磷酸三钙(PCL/β-TCP)通过调控巨噬细胞极化对骨组织内血管生成的作用,为其临床应用提供依据。方法:采用3D打印技术制备试样并加以表征。体内实验采用模型为SD大鼠股骨远端植入模型。双侧植入PCL/β-TCP支架后采取免疫荧光染色观察支架内部成血管标记物CD31的表达差异,并采用血管灌注方法进行血管造影,评价支架内部血管体积。采用免疫荧光染色检测炎症标记物iNOS,抑炎标记物Arg-1的表达情况。体外实验采用细胞共培养的方式检测PCL/β-TCP对巨噬细胞极化的调控作用以及免疫介导的血管形成改变。实验分为两组,空白组(Control)及PCL/β-TCP(PT5)组。将巨噬细胞系Raw264.7接种于材料表面并对其极化水平及分泌改变进行检测。通过免疫荧光染色检测M1巨噬细胞标记物iNOS、M2巨噬细胞标记物Arg-1的表达情况。通过RT-qPCR检测CCR-7,CD206,血管内皮生长因子(VEGF),血小板源性生长因子(PDGF-BB),肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α),白细胞介素-10(IL-10)的转录情况。酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测VEGF、PDGF-BB、IL-10、TNF-α的分泌情况。应用Transwell迁移实验检测PCL/β-TCP刺激下巨噬细胞分泌作用对人脐静脉内皮细胞(HUVECs)迁移能力的影响,应用免疫荧光染色检测PCL/β-TCP刺激下巨噬细胞分泌作用对HUVECs表面血管形成指标CD31表达情况的影响。结果:在体内实验中,支架周围组织CD31表达升高(P0.001),血管灌注结果提示支架内部血管体积显著增加(P0.001),同时炎症标记物iNOS表达下调(P0.001),抗炎标记物Arg-1升高(P0.001)。在体外实验中,与Control相比,PT5组巨噬细胞中炎症标记物iNOS合成无明显差异,抑炎标记物Arg-1合成增加;炎症标记物CCR-7及TNF-α转录水平下调(P0.01,P0.01),抗炎标记物CD206及IL-10转录上调(P0.001,P0.001);VEGF转录水平下调(P0.01),PDGF-BB转录上调(P0.01);VEGF分泌水平下降(P0.001),PDGF-BB分泌增加(P0.01),IL-10分泌水平提高(P0.001),TNF-α分泌水平下降(P0.05)。在巨噬细胞分泌作用下,HUVECs的迁移能力提高(P0.001),CD31表达上调(P0.001)。结论:骨修复材料PCL/β-TCP可通过调控巨噬细胞向M2方向极化进而促进血管形成,可作为骨修复材料的候选材料之一。  相似文献   

缺血后血管新生是缺血组织血流再灌和损伤修复的关键环节。血管新生是一个涉及内皮细胞增殖、迁移和成管的复杂过程,需要多种生长因子和信号通路的参与,其中最重要的信号分子之一就是VEGF。最近,北京大学学者的研究提示,Grb-2相关接合子1(Gab1)在缺血和VEGF诱导的血管新生过程中起重要作用。这为完善血管新生的细胞内信号通路提供了新的证据。研究者发现,内皮细胞特异性敲除Gab1(EGKO)小鼠表现出肢体缺血后血管新生严重受损。分离EGKO小鼠内皮细胞体外培养同样发现,较对照组小鼠而言,基因敲除小鼠内皮细胞对VEGF诱导成管的敏感性降低,Matrigel plug assay和aorticrings assay得到一致结果。以上结果说明EGKO小鼠血管新生能力受损。研究者进一步探究其分子机制,发现在Gab1缺失  相似文献   

骨损伤是常见的骨外科疾病。许多复杂的骨缺损,如创伤性大块骨缺损等常导致骨折延迟愈合及骨不连,是临床治疗中的难题。组织工程方法的运用为骨不连等的治疗提供了新的契机。成纤维细胞生长因子(fibroblast growth factor, FGF)信号在骨骼发育过程中发挥重要作用。基于其家族成员在骨折愈合过程中的时空表达及相关基因工程小鼠的表型,FGF信号相关分子被认为是骨再生修复的重要调节分子。该文将对FGF信号在骨损伤修复中的作用及应用方面的研究进展做综述,以期为其临床应用提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

目的 检测 2 4例不同病理改变的IgA肾病患者肾组织中血管内皮细胞生长因子 (Vascularendothelialgrowthfactor,VEGF)及其受体VEGF R2 (flk 1)和Ⅳ型胶原的表达 ,并将其表达水平与临床病理改变进行相关分析。方法 应用免疫组织化学SP法。结果 VEGF主要表达于肾小球脏层上皮细胞 ,flk 1主要表达于肾小球和间质血管内皮细胞。肾小球内VEGF和flk 1表达呈正相关 (P <0 0 5 ) ,两者在中度病变组肾小球内表达最多 ,重度病变组表达最少 (P <0 0 5 )。随病理改变程度加重 ,患者 2 4h尿蛋白定量、血压、血肌酐水平均明显增高 (P <0 0 5 )。肾小球内VEGF表达在轻、中度病变组与尿蛋白水平呈正相关 (P <0 0 5 ) ;在重度病变组则无相关性 ,与患者血压、血肌酐水平也无明显相关性 (P >0 0 5 )。肾小球内Ⅳ型胶原随病变加重表达增多 ,在重度病变组表达最多 (P <0 0 1) ;在轻、中度病变组肾小球内VEGF表达与Ⅳ型胶原的表达呈正相关 (P <0 0 5 )。各组肾小球内VEGF表达与肾小球微血管密度呈正相关 (P <0 0 1) ,重度病变组肾小球微血管密度减少 (P <0 0 5 )。结论 这些结果说明VEGF在IgA肾病的病理进展过程中发挥重要作用 ,可能涉及内皮细胞通透性增强、细胞外基质合成增多、血管生成障碍等多种机制  相似文献   

目的探讨胃癌组织中PTEN、vascular endothelial growthfactor(VEGF)基因表达及其与肿瘤侵袭转移的关系。方法用RT-PCR和免疫组化方法检测胃癌、淋巴结转移组织中PTEN、VEGF mRNA和蛋白表达;用CD34检测肿瘤细胞微血管数。结果PTEN和VEGF mRNA表达阳性率在正常胃黏膜为76.5%与0.0%、胃癌组织为30.9%与69.1%、淋巴结转移组织23.6%与74.5%;PTEN和VEGF蛋白阳性率在正常胃黏膜为76.5%与0.0%、胃癌组织27.9%与82.4%、淋巴结转移组织16.3%与91.0%;胃癌组织中新生血管呈浸润生长,以淋巴结转移组织中明显。胃癌组织PTEN mRNA和蛋白低于正常胃黏膜(P〈0.01),VEGF高于正常胃黏膜(P〈0.01),PTEN与VEGF表达负相关(P〈0.05),VEGF表达与新生血管形成正相关(P〈0.05)。结论PTEN基因失活和VEGF的过表达与新生血管形成相关,可能是通过调节包括VEGF在内的血管生成因子而在血管形成中起作用。  相似文献   

目的:检测日间和夜间Lewis肺癌小鼠血清中内血管内皮生长因子(VEGF)水平和肺癌组织中VEGF蛋白表达的差别,探讨肿瘤血管生成的昼夜节律。方法:选择C57BL小鼠30只,制备Lewis肺癌小鼠模型后随机分为日间组(D组)和夜间组(N组),在光照-黑暗条件下饲养建立统一同步化日夜节律。随着成瘤过程,应用ElISA方法测定两组小鼠模型第0、3、5、7天血清中VEGF浓度水平;成瘤后第9天处死小鼠,应用Westeon-blot法检测瘤体中VEGF蛋白的表达,并分别进行相关分析。结果:随着成瘤过程,D组小鼠血清中VEGF浓度均显著高于N组(P<0.05);D组小鼠瘤体组织中VEGF蛋白表达灰度值(8.87±1.20)均明显高于N组(6.43±1.35),有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:Lewis小鼠休息期(白天)血清中VEGF浓度及瘤体中VEGF蛋白表达水平均明显高于活动期(夜间),存在着明显的日夜差异,说明肺癌组织的血管生成可能具有一定日夜节律。  相似文献   

VEGF与肿瘤血管生成及其在抗肿瘤药物开发中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何艳  曹以诚 《生命科学》2008,20(2):222-224
肿瘤血管生成在肿瘤的形成和转移过程中起到很重要的作用,众多的血管生成因子和抑制因子在肿瘤血管生成中起到调控作用,而血管生成因子(VEGF)是其中很重要的一类,通过研究其在肿瘤血管形成过程的调节机制,找到了一条有效的预防和治疗肿瘤的新途径。本文就肿瘤血管生成、VEGF家族的特性、VEGF在抗肿瘤药物开发中的应用做一综述。  相似文献   

骨折愈合和修复是一个复杂的过程,包括膜内成骨和软骨内成骨两种方式。绝大多数骨折患者经治疗后可以愈合,但由于术后感染、患者自身成骨能力差等原因,仍有5%~10%的骨不连患者无法愈合进而导致截肢等风险。目前骨不连的治疗包括自体骨移植、使用重组生长因子BMP等策略,但尚无获得批准的治疗药物,因此还需对骨折愈合过程中的生物学机制进行深入研究,寻找其他低风险、高治愈效率的替代疗法。该综述简要介绍了骨损伤后骨折修复和再生的生物学过程,总结了目前临床上用于促进骨折愈合的方法,并对促进骨折愈合的重要分子机制及作用靶点等进行了归纳和总结。  相似文献   

血管内皮生长因子在乳腺癌淋巴道转移中作用的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
血管内皮生长因子(VSGF)是一种重要的血管生成刺激因子,是特异作用于血管内皮细胞、上调血管生成的重要因子,能刺激血管内皮细胞增殖、迁移和诱导血管生成,其家族中VEGF-C、VEGF-D和VEGFR-3在乳腺癌淋巴道转移中起重要作用,可以作为乳腺癌患者的独立预后判断因素.以VEGF为靶点的抗血管化治疗成为治疗乳腺癌的新方法,通过对VEGF信号通路的抑制是目前抗癌治疗研究热点之一.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGFs) are a family of secreted polypeptides with a highly conserved receptor-binding cystine-knot structure similar to that of the platelet-derived growth factors. VEGF-A, the founding member of the family, is highly conserved between animals as evolutionarily distant as fish and mammals. In vertebrates, VEGFs act through a family of cognate receptor kinases in endothelial cells to stimulate blood-vessel formation. VEGF-A has important roles in mammalian vascular development and in diseases involving abnormal growth of blood vessels; other VEGFs are also involved in the development of lymphatic vessels and disease-related angiogenesis. Invertebrate homologs of VEGFs and VEGF receptors have been identified in fly, nematode and jellyfish, where they function in developmental cell migration and neurogenesis. The existence of VEGF-like molecules and their receptors in simple invertebrates without a vascular system indicates that this family of growth factors emerged at a very early stage in the evolution of multicellular organisms to mediate primordial developmental functions.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGFs) are a family of secreted polypeptides with a highly conserved receptor-binding cystine-knot structure similar to that of the platelet-derived growth factors. VEGF-A, the founding member of the family, is highly conserved between animals as evolutionarily distant as fish and mammals. In vertebrates, VEGFs act through a family of cognate receptor kinases in endothelial cells to stimulate blood-vessel formation. VEGF-A has important roles in mammalian vascular development and in diseases involving abnormal growth of blood vessels; other VEGFs are also involved in the development of lymphatic vessels and disease-related angiogenesis. Invertebrate homologs of VEGFs and VEGF receptors have been identified in fly, nematode and jellyfish, where they function in developmental cell migration and neurogenesis. The existence of VEGF-like molecules and their receptors in simple invertebrates without a vascular system indicates that this family of growth factors emerged at a very early stage in the evolution of multicellular organisms to mediate primordial developmental functions.  相似文献   

Novel VEGF family members: VEGF-B, VEGF-C and VEGF-D   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGFs) constitute a group of structurally and functionally related growth factors that modulate many important physiological functions of endothelial cells. Currently, five different mammalian VEGFs have been identified and they all show unique temporal and spatial expression patterns, receptor specificity and function. The VEGFs may play pivotal roles in formation of the vascular systems during embryonic development, in regulation of capillary growth in normal and pathological conditions in adults, and in the maintenance of the normal vasculature. In the future, the VEGFs and their receptors may become important therapeutic tools in treatment of conditions characterized by aberrant or defective formation of blood vessels and lymphatic vessels.  相似文献   

Mesenchymal stem cells are good candidates for the clinical application of bone repair because of their osteogenic differentiation potential, but in vivo osteoinduction potential should be verified for culture expanded cells before clinical application. This study analyzed in vivo bone formation by MSCs quantitatively after implantation of MSCs planted porous biphasic ceramic cubes into athymic mice. MSCs were divided into osteogenic differentiation-induced and normal groups and also tested in vitro to evaluate the degree of differentiation into osteoblasts. The osteogenic induced group showed higher alkaline phosphatase and calcium level in vitro and corresponding higher level of bone formation in vivo compared to control group. Whereas there was no bone formation observed in fibroblast-implanted negative control group. In critical sized bone defect models, commonly used for evaluation of bone regeneration ability, it is difficult to distinguish between osteoinduction and osteoconduction, and quantitative analysis is not simple. However, this method for evaluating osteoinduction is both accurate and simple. In conclusion, the analysis of in vivo bone formation using porous ceramic cubes is a powerful and simple method for evaluating the osteoinduction ability of target cells and, furthermore, can be applied for evaluation of scaffolds for their osteoinductive properties.  相似文献   

Host blood circulating stem cells are an important cell source that participates in the repair of damaged tissues. The clinical challenge is how to improve the recruitment of circulating stem cells into the local wound area and enhance tissue regeneration. Stromal-derived factor-1 (SDF-1) has been shown to be a potent chemoattractant of blood circulating stem cells into the local wound microenvironment. In order to investigate effects of SDF-1 on bone development and the repair of a large bone defect beyond host self-repair capacity, the BMP-induced subcutaneous ectopic bone formation and calvarial critical-sized defect murine models were used in this preclinical study. A dose escalation of SDF-1 were loaded into collagen scaffolds containing BMP, VEGF, or PDGF, and implanted into subcutaneous sites at mouse dorsa or calvarial critical-sized bone defects for 2 and 4 weeks. The harvested biopsies were examined by microCT and histology. The results demonstrated that while SDF-1 had no effect in the ectopic bone model in promoting de novo osteogenesis, however, in the orthotopic bone model of the critical-sized defects, SDF-1 enhanced calvarial critical-sized bone defect healing similar to VEGF, and PDGF. These results suggest that SDF-1 plays a role in the repair of large critical-sized defect where more cells are needed while not impacting de novo bone formation, which may be associated with the functions of SDF-1 on circulating stem cell recruitment and angiogenesis.  相似文献   

Cartilage defects that penetrate the subchondral bone can undergo spontaneous repair through the formation of a fibrous or cartilaginous tissue mediated primarily by mesenchymal stem cells from the bone marrow. This tissue is biomechanically inferior to normal articular cartilage, and is often observed to degrade over time. Whether or not biomechanical factors control the type and quality of the repair tissue, and its subsequent degradation, have yet to be elucidated. In this paper, we hypothesise a relationship between the mechanical environment of mesenchymal stem cells and their subsequent dispersal, proliferation, differentiation and death. The mechano-regulation stimulus is hypothesised to be a function of strain and fluid flow; these quantities are calculated using biphasic poroelastic finite element analysis. A finite element model of an osteochondral defect in the knee was created, and used to simulate the spontaneous repair process. The model predicts bone formation through both endochondral and direct intramembranous ossification in the base of the defect, cartilage formation in the centre of the defect and fibrous tissue formation superficially. Greater amounts of fibrous tissue formation are predicted as the size of the defect is increased. Large strains are predicted within the fibrous tissue at the articular surface, resulting in significant cell apoptosis. This result leads to the conclusion that repair tissue degradation is initiated in the fibrous tissue that forms at the articular surface. The success of the mechano-regulation model in predicting many of the cellular events that occur during osteochondral defect healing suggest that in the future it could be used as a tool for optimising scaffolds for tissue engineering.  相似文献   

以胶原膜(含87.5 mg I型胶原蛋白)为载体, 复合3.5 mg rhBMP-2(人基因重组骨形成蛋白-2), 制备胶原蛋白/BMP复合材料。复合材料首先在兔背阔肌中埋置, 预构新生骨组织, 并采用ALP染色、Von Kossa染色和HE染色等观察复合材料的成骨过程和组织形态。然后将形成的新骨组织游离移植修复自体下颌骨体部洞穿性缺损; 并设以胶原为载体的rhBMP-2复合骨修复材料直接修复为对照组, 骨缺损不修复组为空白组。采用X线、抗压强度、硬组织切片、四环素荧光染色、骨形态计量检查, 观察复合材料修复骨缺损的质量和效果。结果表明, 胶原蛋白/BMP复合材料在兔背阔肌中4~6周成骨, 胶原材料于3~5周降解; 成骨过程为是以软骨成骨为主的方式, 新骨形态为编织骨, 可见明显的微血管分布; 游离移植修复自体下颌骨缺损, 6周缺损区为骨性愈合, 与对照组在抗压强度(P = 0.041)、新骨量(P = 0.034)均有显著性差异。胶原蛋白/BMP复合材料在骨骼肌中形成的新生骨组织可作为供骨修复一定范围的骨缺损。  相似文献   

胶原蛋白/BMP复合材料的制备和成骨性能研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以胶原膜(含87.5 mg I型胶原蛋白)为载体, 复合3.5 mg rhBMP-2(人基因重组骨形成蛋白-2), 制备胶原蛋白/BMP复合材料。复合材料首先在兔背阔肌中埋置, 预构新生骨组织, 并采用ALP染色、Von Kossa染色和HE染色等观察复合材料的成骨过程和组织形态。然后将形成的新骨组织游离移植修复自体下颌骨体部洞穿性缺损; 并设以胶原为载体的rhBMP-2复合骨修复材料直接修复为对照组, 骨缺损不修复组为空白组。采用X线、抗压强度、硬组织切片、四环素荧光染色、骨形态计量检查, 观察复合材料修复骨缺损的质量和效果。结果表明, 胶原蛋白/BMP复合材料在兔背阔肌中4~6周成骨, 胶原材料于3~5周降解; 成骨过程为是以软骨成骨为主的方式, 新骨形态为编织骨, 可见明显的微血管分布; 游离移植修复自体下颌骨缺损, 6周缺损区为骨性愈合, 与对照组在抗压强度(P = 0.041)、新骨量(P = 0.034)均有显著性差异。胶原蛋白/BMP复合材料在骨骼肌中形成的新生骨组织可作为供骨修复一定范围的骨缺损。  相似文献   

目的:探讨采用3D适形打印技术制备的羟基磷灰石/聚乳酸网状复合体在兔颅骨缺损中的修复作用及安全性。方法:以24只新西兰兔为研究对象,以羟基磷灰石/聚乳酸为材料,采用3D适形打印技术制备网状复合体,于兔颅骨顶部制成两个颅骨全层缺损,分别为孔A(左)和孔B(右),孔A(阳性对照组)以自体颅骨为修复材料,孔B(实验组)以复合体为修复材料,观察缺损修复区域的形态学、影像学(X线及CT扫描)及组织学检查结果。结果:植入后24周时,形态学显示:阳性对照组可见致密的骨组织修复,与缺损边缘界限不清,实验组中支架孔隙内纤维组织由新生骨质取代,且新生骨成熟度较提高,材料表面有部分吸收。CT扫描观察显示:冠状面上,阳性对照组缺损修复区域与周围正常骨组织融合为一体,实验组修复材料与缺损边缘融合紧密,与周围正常骨组织结合良好,部分边缘结合不连贯。组织学观察显示:实验组材料部分降解,材料间隔可见新生骨小梁。研究中无实验动物死亡,皮肤切口处缝合良好,无皮下积液,无移植物脱出、红肿感染等情况出现。结论:以3D适形打印技术制备的羟基磷灰石/聚乳酸复合体对兔颅骨缺损有较好的修复作用,能促进缺损区域新骨的形成和生长,且安全性较高。  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), initially detected in bovine pituitary follicular cells, is widely localized in hypertrophic zones of chondrocytes in various tissues where focus is on bone growth. Similarly, VEGF found in chondrocytes of articular cartilage of osteo-arthritic/rheumato-arthritic joints reflected need for bone repair. Members of VEGF family of human origin are seven homo-dimeric, heparin-binding glyco-proteins, encoded by different genes located on different chromosomes. They encode seven isoforms: VEGF-A, -B, -C, -D, -E, -F, and PLGF, each catalyzing distinct functions. They are compared with VEGFs derived from bovine origin in biochemical composition and functions. Each isoform and subtype has specific receptors for binding, necessary for expression of specific functions in bone growth or repair. VEGF control is by diffusion of isoforms, hypoxic conditions, and bone (mandibular) positioning. Thus, transformation of cartilage into bone involves proliferation of mesenchymal cells, hypertrophy in chondrocytes, capillary invasion, and calcification by extra cellular matrix (ECM). Inherent limitations of in vitro/in vivo models and chronology of appearance of different isoforms have eluded precise mechanism of VEGF action and regulation. Nonetheless, central role of VEGF in bone growth is quite obvious.  相似文献   

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