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测量和比较采自昆明东北郊的24对抱对多疣狭口蛙(Kaloula verrucosa)标本,同时野外观察其繁殖行为。配对雌雄蛙的体长、体重和头宽3个形态特征的Pearson相关系数大于0.5;择体长和体重作回归分析,结果表明,雌雄蛙体长选择和雌雄蛙体重配对都呈良好的线性关系。雌蛙选择雄蛙体长为自身体长的(81.8±5.7)%、体重为自身体重的(53.1±10.7)%的个体为最适配偶。雌蛙选择体长较长而体重较轻的雄蛙作为配偶,这样有利于形成较好的空间(雄性胸腹部皮肤腺长度,雌雄抱对时泄殖孔位置等)配对关系。多疣狭口蛙属于雌性选择模式,即雄蛙鸣叫,雌蛙受吸引,主动接近雄蛙,如果雄蛙条件适合则形成配对。  相似文献   

通过比较抱对和非抱对普通东方小蛙(Crinia signifera) 的吻尾干骨长(体长) 和检测个体较大或状态较好的雄体是否为成功繁殖个体, 检测雌蛙体长与交配成功的雄蛙的体长和相对状态(体重/体长) 之间是否存在线形关系, 评估交配与个体大小之间的关系。在实验室内, 令未交配雌体选择随机选出的雄体, 观测雌体是否与最大的雄体交配; 将抱对的蛙暴露于其它雄蛙, 观测其它较大或较小的雄蛙是否取代已抱对的雄蛙。结果表明: 抱对雄蛙和雌蛙的个体大小无显著的关系, 成功交配的雄蛙并不比未交配的雄蛙大, 其它雄蛙不能取代已抱对的雄蛙。在这一C. signifera种群中, 繁殖盛期雄性个体的大小似乎不影响交配成功率, 在此期间即便存在配偶选择, 亦决定于与雄性个体大小无关的其它因素。在更长的繁殖期内, 雄性个体大小则与交配成功率有关, 这是该种的典型特征。  相似文献   

为了探究雌性凹耳蛙(Odorrana tormota)生育力与体型参数之间是否存在相关性,测量了黄山浮溪地区23只排卵后雌蛙的体重、体长、头长、头宽、前臂宽、前肢及指长、前肢长、后肢全长、胫长等9个体型参数,并计数每只雌蛙的窝卵数。相关性分析显示,雌蛙的窝卵数和9个体型参数值均呈正相关性(P 0.05),体长和其他8个体型参数值均呈现正相关性(P 0.05),以体长为控制变量,偏相关分析显示,窝卵数和体重呈正相关性(P 0.05),故具有较长的体长、较重的体重特征的雌蛙,可以携带更多的卵,具有更强的生育能力。不同雌蛙个体间的窝卵数差异较大,平均窝卵数为(646.5±37.6)枚(590~706枚)。大个体雌蛙具有更强的生育力、更大的繁殖输出,可能是导致凹耳蛙两性间异形程度较大(雌大雄小)的重要驱动力。为了探究抱对雌、雄凹耳蛙之间的配对模式,测量了21对抱对雌、雄蛙的上述9个体型参数,分析显示,抱对雌、雄间9个体型参数值均不存在相关性(P 0.05),未发现凹耳蛙在性选择的过程中采用选型配对模式,雌性凹耳蛙可能倾向雄蛙非体型的品质特征,比如鸣叫声等。  相似文献   

【目的】探究草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda主要择偶策略及其与生殖力的关系,并基于性选择理论探讨其择偶策略的进化意义和机制。【方法】将经过标记的不同日龄、不同体重及不同交配经历的草地贪夜蛾雌雄成虫进行配对,然后对配偶选择进行观察并对交配成功的雌雄成虫形态特征(体长、触角长度、翅长、胸部及腹部长度和宽度)及生殖力(单雌产卵量、卵孵化率和孵化出的幼虫数)进行比较分析。【结果】草地贪夜蛾雌雄成虫均偏好与年轻、体重较重及未交配过的成虫进行交配。雌成虫选择年轻(3日龄)雄成虫进行交配的概率(65.45%)显著高于选择年老(7日龄)雄成虫进行交配的概率(34.55%),雄成虫选择3日龄雌成虫进行交配的概率(82.35%)显著高于选择7日龄雌成虫进行交配的概率(17.65%)。雌成虫选择体重较大雄成虫进行交配的概率(74.58%)显著高于选择体重较轻雄成虫进行交配的概率(25.42%),雄成虫选择体重较重雌成虫进行交配的概率(66.67%)显著高于选择体重较轻雌成虫进行交配的概率(33.33%)。雌成虫选择无交配经历雄成虫进行交配的概率(64.91%)显著高于选择有交配经历雄成虫...  相似文献   

蛙类在繁殖季节里,雄蛙爬伏在雌蛙背上,前肢紧抱着雌蛙的胁部(腋后)。这种行为叫做拥抱配对,简称抱对。有人把青蛙的这种行为称为“交配”,这是不确切的。因为“交配”是雌雄两性生殖器官交接配合的行为动作。  相似文献   

扬州地区北方狭口蛙繁殖习性的初步观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
北方狭口蛙(Kaloulaborealis)是扬州地区分布不多的两栖类动物,每年在5—8月活动,在阵雨或暴雨后的暂时积水坑中,能见到活动或听到叫声。1985年曾对北方狭口蛙的繁殖、发育等活动进行初步观察,现报道如下:形态北方狭口蛙雌、雄个体基本相似,背面为灰土黄褐色,腹面淡肉红白色,稍带土黄褐色。雄蛙咽下有银白色外声囊,头部短小,略呈三角形,躯干部宽与长相近,头与四肢都很短小,跟躯干部比例不相称。咽侧淡黄色,密布黑色斑点。雌蛙头部钝圆,躯干部宽是长的3/5,比雄蛙相称,四肢亦比雄蛙稍粗,咽侧深黄色,黑色斑点比雄蛙显著。配对扬州地区的北方狭…  相似文献   

通过比较鳗鲡的眼径、眼间距、吻形等外部特征能比较可靠地鉴别雌雄两性。这些形态上的测量数据经“判别函数”的计算,确定了两性之间的差别。运用形态上的差异鉴别400—600毫米体长组的雌雄鳗,准确率可达到90%。座标图表明体长的分布自然地区分为雌雄鳗,体长在600毫米以上者全为雌鳗,体长400毫米以下者全为雄鳗。雌雄两性体长和体重关系为W=0.0000001285L3.015。体长400—600毫米的鳗鲡的体长和体重的直线回归系数(b)依性别而有所不同。雄鳗为0.887(W=0.887L-280.20);雌鳗为1.150(W=1.150L-376.73)。雄性肥满度为1.15±0.052,雌性为1.42±0.053,以上两对数值在两性间都存在显著差异。    相似文献   

沼水蛙繁殖习性与食性的初步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
报道了广东省韶关地区沼水蛙(Hylarana)的生态习性,该蛙在韶关地区的繁殖期为3—5月,繁殖期雌雄性比为1:2.02;雄蛙个体一般小于雌蛙个体,具备繁殖能力的雄蛙最小体长为61.18mm,平均体长为71.73mm,雌性最小体长为63.57mm,平均体长为73.38mm;雌蛙卵巢内有两种不同大小的卵球。沼水蛙的主要食物为鞘翅目、直翅目、鳞翅目的昆虫。  相似文献   

【目的】为了解斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura Fabricius体重、日龄、交配经历及形态特征对其性选择行为的影响。【方法】本实验通过标记成虫后,采用观察记录的方法对其进行探究。【结果】斜纹夜蛾雌虫的体重对雄虫的性选择影响比较明显,体重较大雄虫优先选择体重较小的雌虫(71.43%),而体重较小雄虫喜欢选择体重较大的雌虫(72.00%)。体重较大和体重较小的雄虫都能获得体重较大雌虫的交配选择,但是体重较大者被选择的机会更大(70.00%),体重较小的雄虫不能获得体重较小雌虫的选择。雄虫仅选择1日龄的雌虫,而雌虫偏向选择3日龄和5日龄雄虫。交配经历影响斜纹夜蛾的性选择,未交配的雄虫优先选择未交配的雌虫(86.67%),但未交配的雌虫则优先选择已交配的雄虫(66.67%)。雄虫的形态特征(体长、翅展、腹长、复眼间距和触角长)对雌虫性选择有较明显的影响,但雌虫的形态特征除翅展的大小外,其体长、腹长、复眼间距和触角长等形态特征在雄虫选择进行交配中的作用不大。【结论】体重、日龄、交配经历及形态特征都能不同程度影响斜纹夜蛾的性选择行为。  相似文献   

【目的】为了解斜纹夜蛾Spodoptera litura Fabricius体重、日龄、交配经历及形态特征对其性选择行为的影响。【方法】本实验通过标记成虫后,采用观察记录的方法对其进行探究。【结果】斜纹夜蛾雌虫的体重对雄虫的性选择影响比较明显,体重较大雄虫优先选择体重较小的雌虫(71.43%),而体重较小雄虫喜欢选择体重较大的雌虫(72.00%)。体重较大和体重较小的雄虫都能获得体重较大雌虫的交配选择,但是体重较大者被选择的机会更大(70.00%),体重较小的雄虫不能获得体重较小雌虫的选择。雄虫仅选择1日龄的雌虫,而雌虫偏向选择3日龄和5日龄雄虫。交配经历影响斜纹夜蛾的性选择,未交配的雄虫优先选择未交配的雌虫(86.67%),但未交配的雌虫则优先选择已交配的雄虫(66.67%)。雄虫的形态特征(体长、翅展、腹长、复眼间距和触角长)对雌虫性选择有较明显的影响,但雌虫的形态特征除翅展的大小外,其体长、腹长、复眼间距和触角长等形态特征在雄虫选择进行交配中的作用不大。【结论】体重、日龄、交配经历及形态特征都能不同程度影响斜纹夜蛾的性选择行为。  相似文献   

本研究以黑眶蟾蜍(Duttaphrynus melanostictus)为研究对象,通过对比黑眶蟾蜍抱对个体的体长、头长、头宽、眼间距、鼓膜径、耳后腺长、眼径、前臂及手长、前肢长以及后肢长等形态特征,分析雌性黑眶蟾蜍繁殖输出与其体型的关系,探究黑眶蟾蜍两性异形模式及其与雌性生育力的关系;同时通过对配对个体形态学特征的相关性分析探究了黑眶蟾蜍的配对模式。结果表明,黑眶蟾蜍雌性体长和体重显著大于雄体;两性的所有局部形态特征均与体长成正相关;去除体长因素影响后,雄性头长以及后肢长均明显大于雌性,其余局部形态特征两性间则皆无显著差异。雌体的窝卵重、窝卵数均与其体长和体重成正相关关系。雌性成体的前肢长与抱对雄性成体的前肢长之间呈显著正相关,其余形态特征两性间均无相关性。研究表明,生育力选择是导致黑眶蟾蜍两性异形的重要驱动力;黑眶蟾蜍的选型配对模式未表现在个体大小上,而是体现在局部特征(前肢长),这不仅为揭示两栖类配对模式的普遍性提供了参考,还表明对两栖类选型配对的研究应以多个性状为对象。  相似文献   

Female preferences for male call traits may affect male mating success and the evolution of exaggerated secondary sexual traits. We used phonotaxis experiments to examine female preferences in the frog Physalaemus enesefae in relation to variation in male call duration, dominant frequency, intercall interval and amplitude (dB SPL). Females preferred long calls, low and average dominant frequency calls, short intercall intervals and more intense calls. We compared the patterns of female preferences with those of acoustic variation among males to test the prediction that properties with low within‐male variation are associated with stabilizing or weakly directional female preferences, whereas properties with high within‐male variation are associated with directional preferences. Females had weakly directional preferences for the dominant frequency of the call and strongly directional preferences for call duration and call rate. We also determined whether the temporal relationship between calls influenced preferences based on the dominant frequency of the call. Preferences for low‐frequency over high‐frequency calls disappeared when calls partially overlapped. Females preferred the leading call regardless of its dominant frequency. We also investigated mating patterns in the field. There was size‐assortative mating, as male and female body sizes snout‐vent length (SVL) were positively correlated. In addition, differences in the frequency distributions of body length (SVL) between mated and unmated males approached significance; lower SVL classes were underrepresented among mated males. These patterns may reflect female preferences for lower dominant frequency calls, as there is a negative correlation between male mass and the dominant frequency of the call.  相似文献   

宁波滑蜥两性异形和雌性繁殖   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
蜥蜴的雌性繁殖特征对理解两性异形的进化原因起着重要作用。于2011年4月在安徽滁州采集宁波滑蜥(Scincella modesta),定量研究该种形态特征的两性异形和雌性繁殖特征,检验成体形态特征两性异形与雌性繁殖的相关性。研究共采集43条(17♀♀,26♂♂)宁波滑蜥,雄性和雌性个体的最大体长分别为47.4 mm和46.6 mm。雌雄两性在体长和头宽上没有差异,而在腹长和头长上差异显著,雄性有较大的头长,雌性有较大的腹长。宁波滑蜥年产单窝卵。窝卵数和窝卵重与雌体体长及腹长呈正相关,卵重与雌体体长无相关性。窝卵数及卵重的变异系数分别为0.20和0.12。卵长径与窝卵数呈负相关,而卵短径与窝卵数无关。雌体主要通过增加窝卵数来增加繁殖输出。这些结果表明,宁波滑蜥是雌雄个体大小同形的两性异形模式,性选择使得雄性有着较大的头长,以具有较高的交配成功率,生育力选择使得雌性有着较大的腹长,以具有较大的生育力和繁殖输出。  相似文献   

Darwin first identified female choice and male—male competitionas forms of sexual selection resulting in the evolution of conspicuoussexual dimorphism, but it has proven challenging to separatetheir effects. Their effects on sexual selection become evenmore complicated when sperm competition occurs because spermprecedence may be either a form of cryptic female choice ora form of male—male competition. We examined the effectsof tail height on male—male competition and female choiceusing the sexually dimorphic red-spotted newt (Notophthalmusviridescens viridescens). Experiment 1 examined whether maletail height influenced male mating success. Males with deeptails were more successful at mating with females than thosewith shallow tails. Successful, deep-tailed males also were bigger(snout-vent length; SVL) than unsuccessful, shallow-tailed males,but they did not vary in tail length or body condition. Of these,only tail height and tail length are sexually dimorphic traits.Experiment 2 tested the hypothesis that the differential successof males with deeper tails was due to female choice by examiningboth simultaneous female preference for association and sequentialfemale choice. We found no evidence of female choice. When maleswere not competing to mate with females, tail height did notinfluence male mating success. Successful males did not havedifferent SVL and tail lengths than unsuccessful males. Thus,tail height in male red-spotted newts appears to be an intrasexuallyselected secondary sexual characteristic. Experiment 3 usedpaternity exclusion analyses based on molecular genetic markersto examine the effect of sperm precedence on sperm competitionin doubly-mated females. Sperm precedence likely does not havea pervasive and consistent effect on fertilization success becausewe found evidence of first, last, and mixed sperm usage.  相似文献   

Studies of phenotypic selection in natural populations often concentrate only on short time periods and do not quantify selection intensities. We quantified temporal and microspatial variation in the intensities of natural and sexual selection for body size in the yellow dung fly over 2 years. Female fecundity selection intensity remained approximately constant over the season with an overall mean ± SE of 0.187 ± 0.014. Selection intensity for male reproductive success, defined as eggs obtained by mating males, did not differ from zero, indicating there was no assortative mating by size. Sexual selection intensity for male mating success favouring large males was variable but overall strong in the two years (0.499 ± 0.053 and 0.510 ± 0.051). As theoretically expected for male–male competition, sexual selection intensity increased with competitor density and reached an asymptote at about 250 males per pat; it also decreased with time in spring and increased again in autumn as a function of density. Small males had the best chance of obtaining a female at very low male densities. Greater selection intensity for large size in males than females is consistent with, and might be responsible for, the observed sexual size dimorphism in this species, as males are larger. The seasonal pattern of mean male body size (smallest at the beginning and end of the season) most likely reflects mere environmental (primarily temperature) influences on phenotypic size.  相似文献   

Abstract:  We studied the mating selection in the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner), in relation to body size and larval diet in the laboratory. When provided with an artificial diet at larval stage, weight, body and forewing length did not affect the probability of a male/female moth being selected for mating, but the abdominal width of selected female moths was significantly wider than that of non-selected female moths. 30 female moths were dissected and number of eggs was counted after mating, and there was a correlation between the abdominal width and egg number. There was also significant difference of weight loss between selected and non-selected male/female moths after the mating. The effect of operational sex ratio on mating latency and copulation duration were tested, and the result indicated that mating latency of male selection was significantly longer than that of female selection, but the difference of copulation duration was not significant. Cotton, corn and peanut plants were provided to larvae to test the effect of larval host plant experience on mate choice. When cotton- and peanut-fed moth severed as potential partners, both female and male of cotton-fed moths significantly preferred cotton- to peanut-fed moths for mating. The possible reasons for mate preference based on larval host plant experience may account for host plants attributes on sex pheromone variation and sexual maturity. These findings may impact Bacillus thuringiensis resistance management.  相似文献   

The set of mating behaviours expressed by an individual may depend upon the state of that individual and local environmental conditions. Understanding how these factors affect mating behaviours may elucidate how a mating system operates, and its consequences for the form and strength of sexual selection. We conducted two experiments on the water striderGerris buenoi to (1) determine the effect of hunger on the mating behaviour of both sexes and (2) examine female choice for large males. In our first experiment, we manipulated hunger (20 h starvation) in both sexes and recorded mating, male harassment, copulation duration and guarding duration. We predicted that hunger would increase female reluctance to mate because mating conflicts with foraging. Female hunger (20 h starvation) decreased mating rate by two-thirds but had no significant effect on male mating behaviour. In a second experiment, we examined the effect of female hunger, and resulting reluctance, on sexual selection for large male size. Hungry females (5 h starvation) were placed with two fed males (one large, one small) and we recorded male premating and mating behaviours. We observed significant large-male mating advantage when females were hungry, but not when satiated. Mating efforts (harassment, premating struggles) were similar for both male phenotypes in both female hunger treatments, suggesting that the mating advantage of large males resulted from increased reluctance of hungry females to mate. Neither male body size nor female hunger explained a significant amount of variation in copulation duration or guarding duration. We discuss our results in light of two competing hypotheses for female choice (active and passive) on male body size and suggest that passive choice for large males acts in this system. Copyright 2002 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour  相似文献   

As a classical example of a sexually selected trait, the horns of male bovids offer a prime opportunity to identify predictors of the intensity of sexual selection. Here I use the comparative method to quantify sexual and natural selection pressures behind interspecific variation in horn length. I show that male horn length depends on factors proposed to affect the mean mate number per mating male, correlating positively with group size and negatively with male territoriality. This suggests that whereas group size increases the opportunity for sexual selection, territoriality reduces it because territorial males are unable to follow and monopolize female groups as effectively as males in nonterritorial species. Sexual body size dimorphism also correlates positively with group size and negatively with territoriality, corroborating these factors as predictors of the intensity of sexual selection on males. Female horn length was unaffected by the factors related to mating system, suggesting that this trait is mainly under natural selection. Using female horn length as a proxy for forces of natural selection revealed a negative effect on male horn length. Thus where natural selection favors female horns, possibly as effective weapons against predators, a similar selection pressure on males might prevent them from evolving too elaborate horns through sexual selection. There was no correlation found between horn length and latitude, thus providing no support for the hypothesis that horns have a thermoregulatory function.  相似文献   

Adaptive mate choice in species lacking male resource control and/or paternal care might be maintained by selection because preferred males sire genetically superior offspring. For such a process to occur, some male phenotypic trait(s) must both reliably indicate male genetic quality and influence the pattern of mate choice by females. In American toads, Bufo americanus, male body length has been documented to influence female mating patterns: females usually mate with males that are larger than average. However, the relationship between male size and male genetic quality is unknown. We conducted a controlled breeding experiment using 48 sires and 19 dams to determine if larger males sire offspring with superior larval performance characteristics (greater survival to metamorphosis, larger mass at metamorphosis, and earlier metamorphosis). We also aged each sire to test the hypothesis that older males are, on average, genetically superior to younger males. We crossed each female with three sires representing three body size categories (mean and 1 SD ± mean snout-ischium length). Hatchlings (500 from each cross) were reared to metamorphosis in seminatural ponds in the field. Metamorph weight (log transformed) and age at metamorphosis showed significant heritability and were genetically correlated with each other. Hence, sires differed in genetic quality. However, none of the three measures of offspring performance was correlated with sire body size or age. Thus, we obtained no support for the prediction that sire body size or age is related to genetic quality.  相似文献   

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