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本文报道叶猴、金丝猴、长臂猿自由取食时的利手现象。本研究共用金丝猴12只(雄性8只,雌性4只),叶猴25只(雄性16只、雌性9只),长臂猿5只(雄性3只,雌性2只)。对每个动物而言,总观察次数不少于30次,其结果显示:在雄性金丝猴中,62.5%的动物显示右利,25%显示主利,12.5%无利手现象。在雄性叶猴中,62.5%的动物显示右利,18.7%显示左利,18.7%无利手现象。在3只雄性长臂猿中,2只显示右利,一只无利手现象。 统计结果表明:雄性金丝猴有明显的右利手现象(P<0.05),雄性叶猴右利手现象接近显著(P=0.06),长臂猿因观察数量太少,未进行统计。 在上述三种动物中,雌性个体无利手现象。 木工作结果提示:(1)雄性金丝猴,叶猴在自由取食时具有右利手现象,长臂猿也可能有右利手现象,(2)大脑两半球的不对称性与性别有关。  相似文献   

秦潮 《生物学通报》1989,(3):16-17,19
人类及高等动物的大脑两半球,在进行生理、心理及意识活动时呈现偏于一侧的现象,称为功能不对称性。19世纪中叶,法国神经病学家布罗卡(Broca)首先将言语表达中枢定位于左侧半球额下回后部,并提出优势半球学说。本世纪以来,在经典的临床局限性脑损伤病例观察分析方法的基础上,又涌现出一批  相似文献   

为了探讨川金丝猴脑动脉供应的形态学特征,为脑生物学研究提供结构基础,用血管铸型和组织透明方法追踪观察了川金丝猴幼体脑动脉的来源和分支分布。结果表明川金丝猴与人脑的动脉供应基本相同,也由颈内动脉和椎动脉供应。上述动脉的分支于垂体周围形成大脑动脉环。颈内动脉通过大脑前动脉和大脑中动脉主要供应大脑半球前部的血液,椎动脉参与形成基底动脉、小脑动脉系和大脑后动脉,供应脑干、小脑和大脑后部的血液。另外,川金丝猴幼体左、右大脑前动脉间缺少前交通动脉。  相似文献   

大脑两半球功能上的不对称是人脑结构和认知的主要特征,生理学上简称大脑优势,扼要简述了大脑优势的研究历史,方法和脑功能不对称的理论,指出了在此领域研究工作中中尚未解决的问题。  相似文献   

利用红外相机收集四川卧龙国家级自然保护区内川金丝猴Rhinopithecus roxellana的行为、动作模式及活动环境等特征的视频数据,以"姿势-动作-环境"为轴心,行为的生态功能为依据,完成川金丝猴行为谱的建立,并对其行为进行分类和系统编码。经视频数据辨识分析,共统计到野生川金丝猴的17种姿势、84种动作和116种行为。将这些行为与滇金丝猴R.bieti、黔金丝猴R.brelichi进行对比,发现3种金丝猴的大部分行为具有一致性;但栖息环境的差异、长时间的地理隔离以及后天的学习使得这些行为又表现出了差异性:一是行为的差异性,不同物种具有各自特殊的行为,如川金丝猴特有的跳跃采食行为和雌性匍匐邀配行为;二是行为效应的差异性,如快理等动作在不同物种中表达了不同的行为效应。完善和建立川金丝猴的行为谱有利于更全面、更准确地了解其行为生态学基本特征,同时为其深入研究提供基础数据。  相似文献   

李欣蕊  赵序茅  李明 《兽类学报》2021,41(3):310-320
气候变化和人为干扰正成为物种多样性丧失的重要驱动力。本文基于MaxEnt模型,探讨气候变化和人为干扰对中国3种金丝猴(川金丝猴Rhinopithecus roxellana、滇金丝猴R.bieti和黔金丝猴R.brelichi)地理分布变迁的影响:(1)气候变化和人为干扰导致3种金丝猴在2000年和未来(2050年)的适宜栖息地面积减少,分布海拔升高,其中黔金丝猴适宜栖息地面积减少最大,川金丝猴在四川东北部、陕西西南部和湖北西北部的适宜栖息地,滇金丝猴在云南西部的适宜栖息地面积收缩;(2)人为干扰指数是导致金丝猴适宜栖息地面积减少的重要因素,最暖季度平均温度、降水量变异系数、最冷季度平均温度是分别影响川金丝猴、滇金丝猴、黔金丝猴适宜栖息地的最重要气候因子;(3)川金丝猴栖息地的西南部,滇金丝猴栖息地的中部具备高连通性,适合亚群之间的交流。基于上述结果,我们建议减少低海拔地区的人类活动,并加强在受气候变化和人类干扰影响严重的栖息地进行预见性保护,比如提前规划、扩大保护地范围,在栖息地连通性低的地区修建生态廊道。我们的结果为濒危动物的保护和生态廊道的修建提供了理论依据和技术支持。  相似文献   

本书为我国三种金丝猴的比较解剖学专著,也是国内外对此三种动物的系统解剖的首次记载。在对我国特有的滇金丝猴、川金丝猴和黔金丝猴作系统解剖、功能形态和部分器官组织的显微形态研究的基础上,对三种金丝猴之间和金丝猴属与其它灵长类之间的形态学差异作了比较。本书重点侧重于比较形态学,从形态学角度探讨三种金丝猴的分类地位和系统演化关系。附有插图和图版  相似文献   

大脑,是生命科学中最难解之谜。打开头颅便是左右联结在一起的大脑两半球。它俩像人体大多数器官一样,左右对称,形态上几乎毫无差别。大脑为何要一分为二?两个大脑半球是完全平等的人体机能的统治者吗?它对人的精神(心理)活动都起同样作用吗?  相似文献   

保护动物(灵长类和食肉类)列入国家保护的灵长类动物有:一级:蜂猴、熊猴、台湾猴、尾猴、菲氏叶猴、灰叶猴、黑叶猴、金丝猴、滇金丝猴、白眉长臂猿、黑长臂猿等十一种。二级:红面猴、猕猴、四川短尾猴等三种。列入国家保护的食肉类动物有:一级:马来熊、大熊猫、紫...  相似文献   

金丝猴属的DNA序列变异及进化与保护遗传学研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
张亚平 Ryde.  OA 《遗传学报》1997,24(2):116-121
金丝猴的分类及系统发育存在许多争议。本文测定了2只川金丝猴、8只滇金丝猴、1只越南金丝猴和1只灰叶猴的253bp的线粒体细胞色素b基因的序列。其中47个位点(19%)检出变异。我们采用简约法、最大似然法和距离法构建了一系列的分子系统树,得到相同的拓扑结构,从而可能在分子水平澄清了金丝猴属的系统发育。结果表明,云南金丝猴与越南金丝猴间的关系较与川金丝猴的为近。金丝猴属的分化大约发生在2~6百万年以前。这3种金丝猴均是独立的种,且都应归入金丝猴属。对8只来自野外的滇金丝猴(其中包括了昆明动物研究所圈养群体的所有6只创立者)的非损伤性遗传分析提示,编号为YK2的母猴是维持该圈养群体遗传多样性的关键猴。我们建立的这种非损伤性遗传分析方法广泛适用于珍稀濒危动物的遗传多样性及遗传管理研究。  相似文献   

Lengths of cortical sulci were measured on ten endocranial casts (endocasts) from skulls of rhesus monkeys, using advanced computer technology that permits analysis and imaging of surface morphology in three dimensions. Sulcal lengths were compared in left and right hemispheres and, contrary to earlier reports, the length of the left Sylvian fissure was found to be significantly longer than its right counterpart, as is the case for chimpanzees and humans. This asymmetry in humans is thought to be associated with asymmetrical representation of language functions in the left hemisphere and, although this report is the first to demonstrate a significantly longer left Sylvian fissure in rhesus monkeys, our results are in keeping with psychophysical evidence that suggests that Macaca is left hemisphere dominant for perception of meaningful vocalizations. We attribute the difference between our findings and previous reports to the sensitivity of the new computer technology used to collect data from endocasts.  相似文献   

This study examines dental fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in two samples of fetal rhesus monkeys, one composed of 19 fetuses from diabetic mothers (FDM) and the other of 20 fetuses from nondiabetic mothers. Seventeen measurements were taken on the deciduous dentition of right and left mandibles. The degree of FA was assessed by comparing FDM to fetuses of normal mothers by correlation between right and left sides, and analysis of variation differences between right and left sides. Significant FA was found for three traits based on the correlation between right and left sides and for seven traits by the between-treatment ratio of variance between sides. Distal teeth, both within and outside of a morphologic field, exhibit significantly greater FA than mesial teeth. Our results support the hypothesis that developmental instability is detectable by dental FA.  相似文献   

Measurements evaluating possible cerebral hemispheric asymmetries were taken by hand on frontal, parietal, and temporal cortex on 60 formalin-fixed Macaca mulatta and Macaca fascicularis brain specimens. No statistically significant (P less than 0.05) right/left side differences in the mean length of four sulci in visual-processing areas of the cortex were found. The sulcus adjacent to the region cytoarchitecturally homologous to the motor speech area in the human brain did not show pronounced asymmetry. In both species, however, a small parietal lobe sulcus showed greater development on the left hemisphere than in the right. In measurements made using digital planimetry, right/left side differences in the area of the dorsal cingulate gyrus were not found. Behavioral evidence suggests that monkeys do not exhibit a consistent pattern of cerebral dominance for functions associated with most of these regions of the brain.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Previously, we demonstrated decreased expression of somatostatin mRNA in aged macaque brain, particularly in the prefrontal cortex. To investigate whether or not this age-dependent decrease in mRNA is related to morphological changes, we analyzed somatostatin cells in the cerebra of aged Japanese macaques and compared them with those in rats and tree shrews, the latter of which are closely related to primates. Methods: Brains of aged macaques, tree shrews, and rats were investigated by immunohistochemistry with special emphasis on somatostatin. Results: We observed degenerating somatostatin-immunoreactive cells in the cortices of aged macaques and tree shrews. Somatostatin-immunoreactive senile plaque-like structures were found in areas 6 and 8 and in the nucleus accumbens of macaques, as well as in the nucleus accumbens and the cortex of aged tree shrews, where amyloid accumulations were observed. CONCLUSIONS: Somatostatin degenerations may be related to amyloid accumulations and may play roles in impairments of cognitive functions during aging.  相似文献   

滇金丝猴血液学和血液生物化学的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
捕自云南维西,德钦县的6只滇金丝猴(Rhinopithecus bieti),其中雌性4只,雄性2只,在昆明饲养了6-12个月,饲料以新鲜树叶和水果为主。结核菌素试验阴性,细菌培养无致病菌生长。于早晨喂食前自上肢取血,用TechniconRA-100型全自动血液生化分析仪测定了14个血液生化值和血象。结果发现,尿素氮、肌酐、谷草转氨酶、乳酸脱氢酶、谷氨酰转肽酶比人和猕猴正常参数高,尿酸、甘油三脂  相似文献   

This study describes the expression of linear enamel hypoplasia (LEH), a sensitive dental indicator of physiological stress, in Thailand gibbons (Hylobates lar carpenteri). Previous studies of enamel hypoplasia in hominoids have focused on great apes, with little attention given to the expression of this stress indicator in gibbons. In that gibbons differ from both monkeys and great apes in numerous life history features, LEH expression in gibbons might be expected to show significant differences from both. In this study, 92 gibbon specimens from two sites in Thailand were compared with several samples of monkeys and great apes in their expression of LEH. The intertooth distribution of LEH in gibbons was compared to that of chimpanzees and rhesus monkeys. Gibbon populations from both sites exhibit LEH frequencies intermediate between those of the monkey samples, in which LEH prevalence is usually low, and those of the great ape samples, in which LEH prevalence is high. Gibbons differ significantly from monkeys, but not great apes, in the number of individuals whose teeth record multiple stress events. Multiple episodes of stress are rarely recorded in the teeth of monkeys, while multiple stress events occur with higher frequency in gibbons and great apes. Taxonomic variation in the duration of crown formation, the prominence and spacing of perikymata on dental crowns, life history features, and/or experience of physiological stress may explain these patterns. The intertooth distribution of LEH in gibbons is, for different reasons, unlike that of either chimpanzees or rhesus monkeys. The mandibular canines of gibbons have significantly more LEH than any of their other teeth. Aspects of crown morphology, perikymata prominence/spacing, enamel thickness, and crown formation spans are potential causes of taxonomic variation in the intertooth distribution of LEH.  相似文献   

Fu QL  Li KS 《生理学报》2001,53(2):152-154
为探讨左右侧大脑皮层白细胞介素1β(interdeukine-1β,IL-1β)和白细胞介素6(interleukine-6,IL-6)的含量状况及与左右侧大脑皮层免疫调控异质性的关系,。分别取正常及细胞菌脂多糖(lipopolysaccharuide,LPS)刺激2h后的Balb/c小鼠的左右侧大脑皮层,制备匀浆液,用ELISA法检测匀浆液中IL-1β,IL-6的含量,结果显示,正常小鼠大脑皮层IL-1β,IL-6含量均为右侧显著高于左侧;LPS刺激后,左侧大脑皮层IL-6含量明显升高,右侧大脑皮层IL-6含量显著高于左侧大脑皮层,而左右侧大脑皮层IL-1β含量无明显差异,该实验结果表明,Balb/c小鼠在正常生理状态下两大脑皮层IL-1β,IL-6含量存在不对称性,左右侧大脑皮层免疫调控异质性可能与细胞因子的不对称性有关。  相似文献   

To elucidate compositional changes of the coronary artery with aging, the authors investigated age-related changes of elements in the coronary arteries of rhesus and Japanese monkeys by direct chemical analysis in comparison with the coronary arteries of Japanese and Thai. Used monkeys consisted of 38 rhesus monkeys and 23 Japanese monkeys, ranging in age from newborn to 33 years. After perfusion with a fixative, the hearts were resected from the monkeys, and the anterior interventricular branches of the left coronary artery and the right coronary arteries were resected from the hearts. After ashing of the arteries, element contents were determined by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry. It was found that the Ca and P contents did not increase in both the left and right coronary arteries of rhesus and Japanese monkeys at old age. The average contents of Ca and P decreased by 13% and 25% in the left coronary arteries more than 20 years of age in comparison with those below 20 years of age, whereas they decreased by 4% and 15% in the right coronary arteries more than 20 years of age in comparison with those below 20 years of age. This finding indicated that atherosclerosis scarcely occurred in both the left and right coronary arteries of rhesus and Japanese monkeys at old age. In contrast with monkeys, atherosclerosis occurred frequently in the coronary arteries of Japanese and Thai at old age.  相似文献   

H D Frahm  H Stephan  G Baron 《Acta anatomica》1984,119(3):129-135
The volume size of the accessory olfactory bulb (AOB) of 40 common tree shrews (Tupaia glis) was compared with regard to differences between left and right sides, males and females, and animals born in the wild and those born and raised in captivity. There were no statistically significant differences between the two sides and the two sexes, but a significant reduction of the AOB from wild to captive animals was apparent. This reduction was more pronounced in females than in males and somewhat more pronounced in the inner granular layer (layer 6) than in the other measured components (layers 1 + 2, layers 3-5). No well-founded explanation for this reduction could be given.  相似文献   

Adrenal glands of small smooth-tailed tree shrews (Dendrogale murina), four males and two females, caught and fixed in Thailand were observed macroscopically and histologically. They were located at the cranio-medial sides of the kidney. They were elongated in shape and consisted of a cortex and medulla. The cortex could be subdivided into three zones by the cell arrangement and the morphology of nuclei, cytoplasm and cell strands, like in other mammalian species. The tree shrew seemed to share more morphological characteristics with some laboratory rodents than some of non-human primates.  相似文献   

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