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张锐锐  张桂芬  贤振华  万方浩 《昆虫学报》2012,55(12):1386-1393
丽蚜小蜂Encarsia formosa Gahan作为温室粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum Westwood和烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)等粉虱类害虫的优势寄生蜂而备受关注。针对丽蚜小蜂体型微小, 难以与其他同域近缘种寄生蜂快速、 准确区别的问题, 本研究采用SCAR (sequence characterized amplified region, 特异性扩增区域)标记技术, 筛选出一对丽蚜小蜂特征片段扩增引物(EFZZF/EFZZR), 其扩增片段的大小为287 bp。种特异性检验结果表明, 该对引物只对丽蚜小蜂的基因组DNA具有扩增能力, 对其近缘种属寄生蜂如浅黄恩蚜小蜂Encarsia sophia (Girault & Dodd)、 海氏桨角蚜小蜂Eretmocerus hayati Zolnerowich & Rose、 本地未知种桨角蚜小蜂Eretmocerus sp.、 蒙氏桨角蚜小蜂Eretmocerus mundus Mercet、 刺粉虱黑蜂Amitus hesperidum Silvertri不具有扩增效果, 对丽蚜小蜂的寄主包括不同生物型 (B型、 Q型、 ZHJ 1型和ZHJ 2型)的烟粉虱、 温室粉虱以及我国最常见的黑刺粉虱Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintanca)等亦不具有扩增能力。同时, 该检测技术灵敏度高, 对成虫的最低检出阈值为7.812 ng/μL (相当于1/1 600头成虫)。研究结果对丽蚜小蜂的种类识别、 寄主谱的确定及其有效利用具有重要意义。  相似文献   

【背景】双钩巢粉虱是近年在我国南方新发现的一种入侵害虫,其寄主范围广,危害严重,进一步扩散蔓延趋势明显。【方法】针对粉虱类害虫体型微小、形态相似、难以准确快速识别的问题,以双钩巢粉虱为靶标,以我国常见的其他8种/隐种粉虱为参照,采用基于mtDNACOI基因的种特异性SS—COI方法,研究其快速分子检测技术。利用COI通用型引物LCO.1490/HCO.2198获得双钩巢粉虱及其他常见粉虱的COI序列,根据测序结果设计特异性SS—COI引物1对(PPZYFl/PPZYRl),其扩增片段大小为233bp。【结果】种特异性检验结果显示,该引物只对双钩巢粉虱的COI基因具有扩增能力,对其他种/隐种粉虱,包括烟粉虱的不同隐种(MEAMl隐种、MED隐种、AsiaⅡ3隐种和AsiaII1隐种)以及温室粉虱、柑橘粉虱、黑刺粉虱、螺旋粉虱等不具有扩增效果。该引物不仅对不同性别的成虫具有良好的扩增能力,对1—4龄若虫和单粒卵亦具有同样的扩增效能,其最低检测阈值为1/40960头雌性成虫。【结论与意义】本检测技术对口岸检疫以及观赏植物、果树及其种苗调运中的害虫检测、监测意义重大。  相似文献   

【目的】梣粉虱是新近入侵中国大陆的一种危险性果树和园林植物害虫,针对其体型微小,与近缘种粉虱形态相仿,很难快速准确区分的问题,以田间常见的11种/隐种粉虱为参考,采用基于mt DNA细胞色素C氧化酶亚基Ⅰ(mitochondrial DNA cytochrome c oxidase subunitⅠ,mt DNA COⅠ)基因的物种特异性(species-specific COⅠ,SS-COⅠ)PCR法,研究梣粉虱快速分子检测鉴定技术。【方法】利用mt DNA COⅠ基因通用型引物对LCO-1490/HCO-2198获得梣粉虱和其他常见粉虱的COⅠ基因序列,根据测序结果设计梣粉虱特异性SS-COⅠ引物1对(SPZWCF1/SPZWCR1),之后确定其对目的片段的扩增长度,并对该引物对的物种特异性和检测灵敏性进行检验。【结果】引物对SPZWCF1/SPZWCR1扩增片段的长度为426 bp。物种特异性检验结果显示,该对引物只对梣粉虱的mt DNA COⅠ基因具有扩增效果,对我国常见的其他种类的粉虱包括5种烟粉虱隐种(AsiaⅠ、AsiaⅡ1、AsiaⅡ3、MED、MEAM1隐种)以及桑粉虱、螺旋粉虱、黑刺粉虱、柑橘粉虱、双钩巢粉虱和温室粉虱等不具有交叉反应和扩增能力。灵敏性检验结果显示,该对引物不仅对不同性别、不同采集地的成虫具有良好的扩增效能,对2~4龄若虫以及单粒卵和初孵若虫亦具有同样的扩增效力,其最低检测阈值为75.1 pg·μL-1(相当于1/10240头雌性成虫)。【结论】该技术体系可用于梣粉虱的快速准确鉴定及其检测和监测,对有效阻截其进一步传播扩散具有重要作用。  相似文献   

温室白粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum是为害我国蔬菜作物的重大害虫之一。本研究采用随机扩增多态性DNA(Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA,RAPD)技术对温室白粉虱进行研究,筛选出一条620bp的特异性片段(GenBank登录号为JQ690764),据此片段的测序结果设计一对特异性的序列特异性扩增区(Sequence characterized Amplified Region,SCAR)标记(Tv-F和Tv-R),可成功从室内饲养的和从不同地区田间采集的温室白粉虱的基因组DNA中扩增出一条412bp的特异性条带,而不能从供试的其他粉虱类害虫中扩增出该相应条带。单头温室白粉虱成虫的基因组DNA稀释1000倍时,该SCAR标记仍可成功扩增出预期条带,显示出极高的灵敏度。该SCAR标记对温室白粉虱的基因组DNA扩增重复性和稳定性好,且操作简便,灵敏度高,可用于样品的大规模检测,为田间温室白粉虱的快速识别鉴定及其有效防治提供了技术基础。  相似文献   

余昊  万方浩 《昆虫学报》2009,52(4):363-371
B型烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) biotype B和温室白粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum均为全球普遍发生的重要害虫。本研究以其他昆虫热激蛋白90基因(hsp90)保守区域设计兼并引物扩增两种粉虱hsp90中间片段, 然后利用RACE技术获得全长cDNA。温室白粉虱hsp90全长cDNA的开放性阅读框2 166 bp, 编码722个氨基酸; 烟粉虱hsp90全长cDNA的开放性阅读框2 160 bp, 编码720个氨基酸。两种粉虱HSP90的完整氨基酸序列相似性高达92.94%, 并均具有定义HSP90家族签名序列的5个氨基酸保守区域和末尾基序“MEEVD”。通过real-time PCR技术, 探测到两个基因在mRNA水平上皆能高温诱导表达。采用昆虫纲所有完整HSP90氨基酸序列进行Kimura双参数遗传距离分析并构建NJ进化树, 结果显示hsp90在昆虫纲低级阶元水平和高级阶元水平系统进化上能得到一个较理想结果。本研究结果为B型烟粉虱和温室白粉虱抗逆适应性研究提供基础, 并进一步验证保守的功能基因hsp90可以作为研究生物系统发育的手段之一  相似文献   

【目的】针对粉虱类害虫种类多、体型微小、形态相似、难以准确快速识别的问题,以新入侵我国大陆的甘蓝粉虱 Aleyrodes proletella (L.)为靶标,以田间常见的其他10种/隐种粉虱为参照,采用基于线粒体DNA细胞色素C氧化酶亚基I (mitochondrial DNA cytochrome c oxidase subunit I, mtDNA COI) 基因的种特异性 (species-specific COI, SS-COI) PCR方法,研究其快速分子检测技术。【方法】利用mtDNA COI基因通用型引物LCO-1490/HCO-2198获得甘蓝粉虱及其他常见粉虱的COI序列,根据测序结果设计种特异性SS-COI引物1对(APZYJF/APZYJR),其扩增片段大小为384 bp,同时对该对引物的种特异性及灵敏性进行检测。【结果】种特异性检验结果显示,该对引物仅对甘蓝粉虱的mtDNA COI基因具有扩增效果,对我国常见的其他种类的粉虱包括温室粉虱 Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood)、柑橘粉虱 Dialeurodes citri (Ashmead)、螺旋粉虱 Aleurodicus disperses (Russell)、双钩巢粉虱 Paraleyrodes pseudonaranjae Martin、非洲伯粉虱 Bemisia afer (Priesner et Hosny)以及烟粉虱B. tabaci (Gennadius)5个隐种(MED, Asia I, Asia II 1, Asia II 3和China 1)等不具有交叉反应扩增能力。灵敏性检验结果显示,该对引物不仅对不同性别的成虫具有良好的扩增效能,对2-4龄若虫甚至单粒卵或单头初孵若虫亦具有同样的扩增能力,其最低检测阈值为14.00±0.37 pg/μL(相当于1/25 600头雌性成虫)。【结论】该技术体系完全可用于甘蓝粉虱的快速准确识别及检测监测,对有效阻截其进一步扩张蔓延意义重大。  相似文献   

李媛媛  隋玉龙  牛淑力  吴波  宋慧 《菌物研究》2013,11(3):182-185,189
应用序列特异性扩增区域(SCAR)标记技术分析50株黑木耳栽培菌株的遗传多样性。在SRAP标记分析过程中发现1条1 200 bp的特异性条带,经回收克隆测序转为SCAR标记。根据序列设计出1对特异性引物,经PCR可以扩增出1 000 bp大小的片段,说明成功构建出了"黑931"的指纹图谱。  相似文献   

利用通用引物,对大豆蚜Aphis glycines Matsumura的细胞色素氧化酶Ⅱ(COⅡ)基因序列进行克隆和测序。测得的序列长度为810 bp,并与已在GenBank上登录的其他蚜虫COⅡ基因序列进行比较分析,验证其同源性,同时将该序列在GenBank进行了登记 (登录号为DQ265743)。根据此片段的碱基序列设计了1对大豆蚜特异引物,其扩增片段约为270 bp;种特异性检验结果表明,该引物只对大豆蚜具有扩增能力,对其他相关蚜虫种类不具有扩增效果;并用此引物对大豆蚜捕食性天敌进行定性检测,结果表明,在取食过大豆蚜的异色瓢虫Harmonia axyridis、龟纹瓢虫Propylaea japonica、大草蛉Chrysopa septempunctata幼虫以及小花蝽Orius similes 成虫和幼虫等捕食性昆虫的中肠中均能检测到大豆蚜的DNA片段; 而在未取食蚜虫的上述天敌中却未能扩增出来。  相似文献   

为了探索快速鉴定马铃薯瓢虫Henosepilachna vigintioctomaculata(Motschulsky)和茄二十八星瓢虫Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata(Fabricius)的分子生物学方法,本研究在随机扩增多态性DNA(random amplified polymorphic DNA,RAPD)的基础上,分别设计了可以鉴别两个物种的序列特征扩增区域(sequence characterized amplified regions,SCAR)标记。从随机合成的60条引物中筛选出来2条特异性引物(分别为OPI-6和OPJ-15),引物OPI-6在马铃薯瓢虫中扩增出约750 bp的特异性条带,引物OPJ-15在茄二十八星中扩增出约750 bp的特异性条带,根据测序结果设计了两对SCAR引物对筛选结果进行验证,发现根据OPI-6的测序结果所设计的SCAR引物(OPI-6 test)仅能在马铃薯瓢虫中扩增出645 bp的条带,而根据OPJ-15的测序结果所设计的SCAR引物(OPJ-15 test)仅能在茄二十八星瓢虫中扩增出436 bp的条带。这两对SCAR引物能够准确、稳定且快速地区分马铃薯瓢虫与茄二十八星瓢虫,对这两种害虫的精准防控具有重要意义。  相似文献   

草鱼种质相关SRAP及SCAR的分子标记   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用相关序列扩增多态性(Sequence-realted Amplified Polymorphism, SRAP)技术分析野生草鱼和家养草鱼,筛选与草鱼种质退化相关的分子遗传标记.共进行88对引物组合的检测, 产生标记数目共计905个.依据标记在群体中出现的频率和变化规律,共筛选出2 1个可能与种质相关的特异性标记,对这些特异性标记进行测序并将测序结果进行BLAST分析 .发现测得片段中有8个片段在GenBank中找到同源性较高的序列,而其他片段与数据库中序列的相似性较低.根据序列信息分别设计了3对引物.用这3对引物分别对草鱼三个群体进行 PCR扩增,分别产生了SCAR1(308 bp)、SCAR2(66 bp)、SCAR3(114 bp)3个扩增带.采用大样本对这3个标记进行验证,发现其中SCAR1在家养群体中呈现阳性,在野生群体中为阴性,可区分出这两种群体.以SCAR3为引物在174条家养群体中得到目的片段,在26个家养群体没有扩增出条带,分布频率为87%;在100个野生群体中有6个个体检测到该条带,分布频率为6%.以SCAR2为引物在野生群体中完全扩增出目的条带,淡水中心群体中有7条扩增到条带,前洲群体中没有扩增出条带,标记在家养种群中的分布频率为96.50%.因此SCAR1可作为草鱼家养群体的一个重要的分子遗传特征指标,为进一步进行分子标记辅助育种奠定了基础 [动物学报 54(3):475-481,2008].  相似文献   

A method is described for the development of DNA markers for detection of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) in predator gut analysis, based on sequence characterized amplified regions (SCARs) derived from a randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) band. A 1200-bp DNA fragment of H. armigera, absent in the predator band pattern and in other closely related prey species, was identified by RAPD analysis. This fragment was cloned and its extremes sequenced to design extended strand-specific 20-mer oligonucleotide primers. Three pairs of SCAR primers, which amplified three different DNA fragments, were used to study the effect of fragment length on detection of prey in the predator gut. Using the pair of primers that amplified the longest fragment of H. armigera DNA, a single band of 1100 bp was obtained, but its detection was not possible in the predator gut. Detection of the ingested prey was possible with the other two pairs of SCAR primers, obtaining bands of 600 and 254 bp, respectively. Detection of H. armigera DNA in the gut of the predator Dicyphus tamaninii was evaluated immediately after ingestion (t = 0) and after 4 h. Detection of H. armigera DNA after 4 h was only possible using the pair of primers that amplified the shortest fragment (254 bp). The test for specificity, using these last pair of primers, showed that H. armigera was the only species detected. The detection threshold was defined at a 1:8192 dilution of a H. armigera whole egg in all samples.  相似文献   

利用RAPD(Random amplified polymorphic DNA)分子标记技术,寻找谭清苏铁(Cycas tanqingii)中与性别相关的分子标记,筛选了160个10bp的随机引物,产生了2500多个RAPD条带。只有引物S0465 (CCCCGGTAAC)产生了一条大约500bp的雌性特异RAPD标记,该分子标记出现在所有的供试雌性植株中,而所有的供试雄性植株都不具有该标记。对该特异片段进行了克隆和序列测定,并根据序列分析结果将RAPD标记转化为重复性和特异性更好的特异特征序列扩增区域(SCAR)分子标记,并命名为STQC-S465-483。分子标记的建立可用于谭清苏铁幼苗性别的早期鉴定,为谭清苏铁就地保护和迁地保护提供技术支持。  相似文献   

In this work, reliable tools were developed to detect and identify the biocontrol strain CPA‐8 using DNA amplification techniques. As a first approach, the RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) technique was applied to a collection of 77 related Bacillus species. Among the primers tested, the primer pair OPG1/OPG6 amplified a 668 bp specific product to the strain CPA‐8 that was sequenced and used to design SCAR (sequence‐characterised amplified regions) primer pairs. The SCAR‐4 marker amplified a semi‐specific fragment of 665 bp not only for the strain CPA‐8 but also for other 12 strains whose morphology was completely different from CPA‐8. Another approach was developed to obtain a strain‐specific genomic marker related to ecological adaptations of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens species. The primer pair F2/R2 obtained from RBAM 007760, a gene involved in surface adhesion, amplified a 265 bp fragment unique for strain CPA‐8. Our results revealed that these two molecular markers, SCAR‐4 and RBAM 007760 F2/R2 provide suitable monitoring tools to specifically identify the biocontrol CPA‐8 when applied against brown rot caused by Monilinia spp. in stone fruit. Moreover, our findings demonstrate that the strain CPA‐8 is affiliated with B. amyloliquefaciens species that was formerly designated as Bacillus subtilis.  相似文献   

DNA markers were identified for the molecular detection of the Asian long-horned beetle (ALB), Anoplophora glabripennis (Mot.), based on sequence characterized amplified regions (SCARs) derived from random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) fragments. A 2,740-bp DNA fragment that was present only in ALB and not in other Cerambycids was identified after screening 230 random primers in a PCR-based assay system. Three pairs of nested 22-mer oligonucleotide primers were designed on the basis of the sequence of this fragment and were used to perform diagnostic PCR. The first pair of primers (SCAR1) amplified a single 745-bp fragment of ALB DNA, but this did not differentiate ALB from other species. The other two pairs of SCAR primers (SCAR2 and SCAR3) amplified bands of 1,237- and 2,720-bp, respectively, that were capable of differentiating ALB from other closely related non-native and native Cerambycids, such as A. chinensis (Forster), A. malasiaca (Thomson), A. nobilis (Ganglbauer), Monochamus scutellatus (Say), Plectrodera scalator (Fab), Saperda tridentata (Olivier), and Graphisurus fasciatus (Degeer). The latter two SCAR markers could be amplified using DNA extracted from body parts of ALB such as the wing, the leg, and the antennae as well as tissues from all the developmental stages including the egg, larva, pupa, and adult. These markers were also capable of identifying ALB using the DNA extracted from frass. Our results demonstrate that the SCAR markers we have identified can be used for unambiguously identifying ALB from other closely related Cerambycids using a simple PCR procedure.  相似文献   


A method is described for developing a sheep‐ vs. goat‐specific DNA marker using sequence characterized amplified regions (SCARs) derived from a random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker from sheep DNA samples. A sheep 645 bp DNA fragment that was absent in goat DNA was identified by analyzing pools of sheep and goat DNA with RAPD primers. This fragment was cloned and partially sequenced to design extended, strand‐specific 24‐mer oligonucleotide primers. Each primer contained the original 10 bases of the RAPD primer and the following 14 internal bases. The pair of primers resulted in the amplification of a single band of 645 bp when used to amplify sheep DNA, and in no amplification when used to amplify goat DNA. These SCAR primers successfully amplified the equivalent of DNA from one nucleated sheep cell in a sample of 5000 nucleated goat cells. This level of sensitivity is especially desirable for research involving the detection of interspecific chimerism.  相似文献   

Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) is a rapidly evolving species complex, and is small in size and difficult to identify quickly and accurately. For the accurate identification and effective prevention of this species, the specific PCR method based on the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase subunit I (mt DNA COI) gene was used in the present study to evaluate rapid molecular detection technological applications for Mediterranean (MED) species. The MED was targeted and whitefly species from different regions were used as references. Fragments of the mt DNA COI gene of the MED and other closely related species were amplified with universal primers. Species-specific mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase subunit I (SS-COI) primers BQLF/BQLR and BQJF/BQJR were designed from variable sites of MED and other whitefly species partial COI gene sequences. Subsequently, the lengths of target fragments were amplified by two pairs of SS-COI primers. Meanwhile, the accuracy, specificity and sensitivity of SS-COI primers were determined using various life stages of the MED and other related species collected from different locations. The primer pairs BQLF/BQLR and BQJF/BQJR generated 334 bp and 483 bp amplified fragment length respectively. Accuracy test results showed that primers can detect the MED single-head adults and also accurately detect single-egg and first instar, second instar and third instar nymphs, MED pupae, etc. Specific detection results demonstrated that the primers were able to amplify the MED but not the following species/populations: Middle East-Asia Minor 1 (MEAM1), Asia I, Asia II 1, Asia II 6 and Asia II 7, Aleurocanthus spiniferus (Quaintanca), A. camelliae, Siphoninus phillyreae, Aleuroclava rhododendri, A. thysanospermi, Aleurolobus taonabae, Dialeurodes citri and Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) in different areas. Sensitivity detection results showed that primers can detect the minimum threshold of 2,160 pg/μl and 1.38 pg/μl, respectively (equivalent to 1/1280 and 1/2000000 adult). This technique solves the problem that MED cannot be identified based on morphology. This method simultaneously adopted SS-COI PCR technological applications that improved detection accuracy and saved detection time.  相似文献   

Genetics of control mechanisms that underlies sex differentiation in date palm is not known. Sex of the plants becomes known only at the time of first flowering, which takes around 5 years. In comparison, molecular diagnosis (if available/feasible) promises quick and reliable identification of sex types very early when plantlets are growing in seedbeds. To develop such an assay, genomic DNA from 45 individual plants (25 female and 20 male) belonging to different varieties of date palm was subjected to PCR amplification using 100 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and 104 intersimple sequence repeat (ISSR) primers. Initially, two bulk genomic DNA samples (each made by pooling DNA from ten male and female plants, separately) were used. A primer showing sex-specific band in bulked samples was further used for amplification of the genomic DNA of the individual samples of that bulk. Only one RAPD primer, OPA-02, amplified a fragment of ~1.0 kb in all the individual samples of male genotypes, whereas this fragment was absent in all the female genotypes. This male-specific fragment was cloned and sequenced (GenBank accession no. JN123357), and a sequence-characterized amplified region (SCAR) primer pair was designed that amplified a 406-bp fragment in both female and male genotypes and a unique fragment of 354 bp in only male genotypes. The SCAR marker was further validated using 25 female and ten male date palm plants belonging to different varieties collected from different locations.  相似文献   

The Asian ladybird beetle, Harmonia axyridis shows polymorphism in elytra color patterns. However, it is uncertain whether these color patterns are regulated by genetic factors. This investigation used amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis to determine any genetic causes of the variability of color patterns. Using four individuals of each group, AFLP analysis produced 37 polymorphic bands. Among several polymorphic bands, six AFLP markers were associated with elytra color patterns after further analysis using six additional individuals of each group. These polymorphic sites were sequenced but did not match DNA sequence data deposited in GenBank. Based on the color-associated AFLP markers, SCAR primers were designed for PCR amplification of genomic DNA. These primers (SCAR 12 and SCAR 44) were used to analyze color-associated loci and/or alleles of H. axyridis DNA. SCAR 12 primers designed from a Spectabilis type-specific fragment (AFLP 12) amplified a specific band of 530 bp in four Spectabilis individuals, but not in the insects with other color patterns.  相似文献   

菠菜为雌雄异株植物,用CTAB法提取其雌、雄株成株幼嫩叶片DNA,分别构建雌、雄株DNA池,以之为模板,用已优化的ISSR体系扩增,在74条ISSR引物中,I62扩增出一条约1 200 bp雌性连锁标记,回收纯化该特异扩增片段,将其连接于pUCm-T载体,转化进大肠杆菌JM109菌株,并检测及测序。回收克隆和测序后发现该片段全长1 176 bp,富含AT,AT占57.0%。根据测序结果设计1对25 bp的特异引物将这个雌性连锁的ISSR标记转化为稳定性和特异性更好的SCAR标记。该特异引物对随机选取的雌雄菠菜单株进行PCR扩增,在雌株中均有1 176 bp的特异条带,而雄株中均无。此特异条带的获得为菠菜性别相关基因的克隆奠定基础。  相似文献   

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