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齿蛉科昆虫隶属于昆虫纲广翅目,是重要的环境指示生物.本研究调查了湘西地区的齿蛉科幼虫的分布情况,并分析了齿蛉科幼虫在不同生境类型中的多样性特征.共采集到东方齿蛉Neoneuromus orientalis、炎黄星齿蛉Protohermes xanthodes、花边星齿蛉Protohermes costalis和中华斑鱼Neochauliodes sinensis4种齿蛉科幼虫.东方齿蛉仅在自然保护区和自然河流分布,炎黄星齿蛉和花边星齿蛉广泛分布于各种流水生境类型,中华斑鱼蛉除在各种流水生境类型中分布外,在静水的小型水库也有分布.自然河流的齿蛉科幼虫多样性指数H'最高,其余由高到低依次为自然保护区、旅游景区、自然溪沟和农业区;丰富度指数R趋势与H'指数相似,但农业区R指数高于旅游景区.本研究表明,不同种类齿蛉科幼虫在湘西地区的分布情况存在差异,自然条件优越的生境类型中齿蛉幼虫多样性指数较高.  相似文献   

研究了普通齿蛉Neoneuromus ignobilis Navás幼虫的呼吸系统及其呼吸行为。结果表明:普通齿蛉幼虫为全气门式(10对气门)呼吸系统,前中胸、中后胸之间、腹部8节各有1对气门,腹部8节各有气管鳃1对,前6对细短,管状,有较短绒毛,后2对气管鳃较粗长,呈羽毛状。腹部1~7节各有1对毛簇,第8腹节无毛簇。侧纵干气管较粗,4束,自前胸前缘部分成左右2组,每组两根侧纵干气管,向胸腹部延伸,二级气管分别伸达各个气门和毛簇,腹部每节由毛簇处的二级气管分支而来的三级气管相连或延伸至消化道等处。气管鳃中无气管。有毛簇呼吸、气门呼吸和体壁呼吸3种呼吸方式,在水中以毛簇呼吸为主,在陆上进行气门呼吸和体壁呼吸。  相似文献   

本文记述了贵州茂兰自然保护区的广翅目昆虫2个属3个种,其中包括1新种。模式标本存北京农业大学昆虫标本室。1.花边星齿蛉Protohermes costalos(Walker) 观察标本:1,贵州茂兰板寨(560-570 m),1990-V-14。 分布:贵州、云南、四川、甘肃、北京、安微、浙江、江西、湖南、福建、广东、广西、台湾;印度、锡金、不丹、越南。  相似文献   

本文以普通齿蛉Neoneuromus ignobilis Navás,1932和单斑巨齿蛉Acanthacorydalis unimaculata Yang et Yang,1986为例,描述和比较了广翅目齿蛉科齿蛉属和巨齿蛉属的卵块及1龄幼虫形态特征.结果显示普通齿蛉与单斑巨齿蛉的卵块和1龄幼虫在形态上有着较大差异:普通齿蛉卵块约为单斑巨齿蛉卵块的3/4;普通齿蛉卵粒约为单斑巨齿蛉卵粒的2/3,卵粒都呈圆柱形,差异不大;普通齿蛉外层白色覆盖物厚度是单斑巨齿蛉的2~3倍.普通齿蛉卵块为单个附着在芦苇叶上,形状有4种类型,分别为椭圆形、螺形、卵圆形、圆形,在所有样本中其占比分别依次为47.1%、9.8%、17.6%和25.5%;单斑巨齿蛉卵块多为数个相连附着在桥底,卵壳薄且最外层卵粒向外翘起,使其表面如突起均匀地分布在卵壳表面.普通齿蛉1龄幼虫腹部背面白色的线状裸露区较稳定,且8对气管鳃靠近末端都有褐色和黄色的斑纹,而单斑巨齿蛉1龄幼虫腹部背面呈深褐色,腹部背面裸露区和颜色分布不稳定,气管鳃无花斑;两种1龄幼虫腹部两侧均都无毛簇.这些数据资料不仅丰富了广翅目昆虫的相关知识,而且为其产业化应用提供了参考.  相似文献   

基于近3年意大利佛罗伦萨大学与越南国家自然博物馆联合考察采集的标本,记述越南北部齿蛉科4属18种,包括6个越南新记录种:普通齿蛉Neoneuromus ignobilis Navás,1932、东方齿蛉N.orientalis Liu&Yang,2004、锡金齿蛉N.sikkimensis(van der Weele,1907)、广西星齿蛉Protohermesguangxiensis Yang&Yang,1986、台湾斑鱼蛉Neochauliodes formosanus(Okamoto,1910)和污翅斑鱼蛉N.fraternus(McLachlan,1869)。  相似文献   

利用扫描电镜和超清显微系统观察了球孢白僵菌Beauveria bassiana分生孢子对普通齿蛉Neoneuromus ignobilis幼虫体表和伤口的侵染过程以及伤口恢复过程。结果表明,当普通齿蛉幼虫体表被球孢白僵菌侵染后,孢子多散布于节间膜、背部褶皱、体表管状凸起和体表凹陷处及其刚毛窝附近,并在节间膜和背部褶皱、刚毛窝及体表管状凸起部位入侵。分生孢子可能直接经由芽管进入表皮,也可能形成附着胞后再入侵。正常试虫接菌后48 h反应迟钝,72~120 h后开始死亡,96~120 h后死亡率达到83.33%;带有伤口的试虫接菌后症状与正常试虫基本相同,但死亡数量的高峰提前约12 h。研究结果对降低普通齿蛉人工养殖过程中因球孢白僵菌侵染而造成的死亡提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

普通齿蛉幼虫的游泳行为(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探究广翅目昆虫幼虫在水中的游泳能力, 以丰富其水生习性的行为学资料, 选取中国特有种普通齿蛉Neoneuromus ignobilis幼虫为研究对象, 通过室内试验对其游泳的姿势、 刺激因素、 不同龄期游泳能力及在外界刺激下的游泳行为进行了观察和测定。结果表明: 普通齿蛉幼虫有垂直、 平行、 仰面和侧面等4种游泳姿势, 出现的频率分别为89.08%, 5.49%, 4.40%和0.61%。游泳时身体呈不同程度的“S”形, 利用头部和尾部方向的改变实现虫体的上升、 下沉和游泳姿势的改变。普通齿蛉幼虫利用身体的摆动游泳, 游泳时3对足以固定的姿势靠紧身体。不同龄期的幼虫游泳能力差异很大, 6龄幼虫的游泳能力远强于2龄和末龄幼虫。在游泳时, 普通齿蛉幼虫还具有比较复杂和独特的防御行为, 如其腹部末端会喷射出化学物质。据此认为, 普通齿蛉拥有较强的游泳能力, 有助于其逃生和防御。  相似文献   

普通齿蛉幼虫的消化系统结构和取食分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了普通齿蛉Neoneuromus ignobilis Navás幼虫消化系统的解剖和电镜扫描结构,并结合肠道内食物残渣的成分分析了其取食特性.结果表明,普通齿蛉幼虫消化系统较为简单,无特殊的变异,消化道细长,由前肠、中肠和后肠构成,前后肠较长,分别占体长的42%和47%,中肠最短,仅占总长度的11%.前肠由食道、嗉...  相似文献   

【目的】为明确新疆棉田棉蚜 Aphis gossypii 捕食性天敌之间的集团内捕食效应及其对蚜虫数量的控制作用。【方法】本研究以优势天敌昆虫大草蛉 Chrysopa pallens 和七星瓢虫 Coccinella septempunctata 为对象,以棉蚜为猎物,在温室中利用盆栽棉花,首先观察了2种天敌昆虫之间各虫态及虫龄配对的19个处理在无蚜植株上共存24 h后的存活数,然后观察了2种天敌昆虫配对处理下棉苗上棉蚜数量随时间的变化趋势。【结果】在无蚜棉株上2种捕食性天敌昆虫共存24 h后的存活结果表明:(1)在发育阶段相同的配对组合中,若是成虫则均存活,若是1龄幼虫则大草蛉存活较多,若是末龄幼虫则七星瓢虫存活较多;(2)在有卵的组配中,除七星瓢虫卵不被大草蛉成虫所捕食外,其他5个组配处理中卵均被捕食;(3)在有蛹的配对组合中,除七星瓢虫蛹被大草蛉末龄幼虫捕食外,其他处理下蛹均不被捕食;(4)在成虫与幼虫的配对组合中,七星瓢虫成虫捕食较多的大草蛉1龄幼虫,但不捕食大草蛉末龄幼虫,而大草蛉成虫与七星瓢虫1龄或末龄幼虫之间不发生捕食;(5)在不同龄期幼虫的配对组合中,大草蛉末龄幼虫捕食七星瓢虫1龄幼虫,而七星瓢虫末龄幼虫捕食大草蛉1龄幼虫。在有蚜植株上2种捕食性天敌共存对棉蚜数量具有不同的控制作用:(1)2种捕食昆虫的幼虫各自单独存在(对照)下,蚜虫密度随时间而降低;(2)大草蛉幼虫与七星瓢虫幼虫或成虫配对处理下,棉蚜密度随时间而增大;(3)大草蛉成虫与七星瓢虫幼虫或成虫配对处理下,棉蚜密度随时间而减小。【结论】研究结果说明,大草蛉与七星瓢虫之间存在集团内捕食,但2种天敌共存对棉蚜的控制作用取决于大草蛉虫态, 若大草蛉为幼虫,可使蚜虫密度增大,若为成虫,则使蚜虫密度减小。  相似文献   

基于16S rRNA基因序列探讨中国粉蛉科的系统发育关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究测定了粉蛉科Coniopterygidae9属15种昆虫16SrRNA基因部分序列,对序列的碱基组成、转换/颠换比率、遗传距离、变异位点等进行分析。基于16SrRNA基因序列数据,分别采用邻接法(NJ)、最大简约法(MP)和最大相似法(ML)建立粉蛉科分子系统发育关系。研究结果表明:粉蛉亚科的粉蛉属Coniopteryx与重粉蛉属Semilalis是姊妹群,(虫齿)粉蛉属Conwentzia较前二者原始;囊粉蛉亚科的卷粉蛉属Helicoconis和隐粉蛉属Cryptoscenea的亲缘关系较近。曲粉蛉属Coniocompsa和异粉蛉属Heteroconis聚类在一起,但自展值较低。瑕粉蛉属Spiloconis和囊粉蛉属Aleuropteryx的位置在囊粉蛉亚科中不够稳定。  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. Larvae of Parachauliodes japonicus (Megaloptera: Corydalidae) were tracked in streams using miniature radio-transmitters.
2. Larvae usually stayed under stones in shallow water for several days, but occasionally moved about on the stream bed at night.
3. Larvae possess a pair of respiratory tubes on abdominal segment VIII, which can be used as a snorkel to obtain oxygen from the atmosphere. Because respiratory rates decreased as dissolved oxygen decreased, larvae turned to air-breathing under lowered oxygen conditions. When in shallow water, they can alter respiratory mode from aquatic respiration to air breathing instantly by raising their caudal respiratory tubes to the surface of the water.
4. Microhabitat selection and respiratory behaviour are compared with those obtained previously for Protohermes grandis larvae, which belong to the same family and often inhabit the same stream as P. japonicus , but which have gill tufts on abdominal segments I-VII instead of respiratory tubes. The respiratory constraint on microhabitat preference by aquatic insects is discussed.  相似文献   

为对哲罗鲑(Hucho)的引种放流和土著物种的保护提供科学依据, 研究采集了数尾来源于天然水域的哲罗鲑(Hucho BHB和Hucho BEJ), 与引进的哲罗鲑(Hucho HLJ)一起进行了形态特点观察描述, 同时对COⅠ基因扩增测序并从GenBank下载哲罗鲑属COⅠ基因构建系统发育树、计算遗传距离进行分子生物学比较研究。结果显示, Hucho BEJ和Hucho HLJ形态特点相一致, Hucho BHB与其他两种来源的哲罗鲑在体色、斑点大小等均有差异。基于COⅠ基因的系统发育树显示几种不同来源的哲罗鲑均与太门哲罗鲑(H. taimen)聚为一个大的分枝, 但在这个分枝下, Hucho BEJ和Hucho HLJ与俄罗斯阿穆尔河(中国称黑龙江)的哲罗鲑聚为一枝, 而Hucho BHB单独形成一支。基于COⅠ基因的遗传矩阵显示, Hucho BEJ和Hucho HLJ与俄罗斯阿穆尔河的哲罗鲑遗传距离较近(0—0.0044), 而Hucho BHB与Hucho BEJ、Hucho HLJ及俄罗斯阿穆尔河的哲罗鲑遗传距离较远(0.0057—0.0082)。这说明Hucho BHB在形态和基因序列上与Hucho HLJ及俄罗斯阿穆尔河的哲罗鲑具有较大差异, 可能是不同的生态地理类型, Hucho BEJ和Hucho HLJ在形态和基因序列上基本一致, 我们推测Hucho BEJ是放流或养殖场逃逸的哲罗鲑。  相似文献   

Summary A miniature crystal-controlled radio transmitter, 7x17x2 mm3 and 185 mg in water, was attached to the back of prothorax of individual dobsonfly larvae, Protohermes grandis. Positions of these larvae in the stream bed were determined using a loop antenna, and they were tracked for 19 days. Actograms were also taken by recording the frequency variation of transmitting signals which were changed according to the larval posture. Larvae changed their positions in the stream bed in some nights, but never in the daytime. However, in most nights (92.7%), they continued to stay at the same position. Actograms revealed that larvae were quite motionless in most time (90.8% of daytime and 89.7% of night). Thus, larvae use the ambush mode of foraging in the central part of riffles where prey are continuously redistributed and sufficient oxygen is supplied with a water current.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. The life history was compared between mainland and island congeners of Protohermes (Megaloptera: Corydalidae) and also between those of Euphaea (Odonata: Euphaeidae). Larvae of these genera coexisted in stream riffles, and prey availability for them was assessed to examine the effects on their body size at maturation.
2. Body size of P. costalis on the 'mainland'. Taiwan, was larger than that of an insular congener, P . sp., on Iriomotc and Ishigaki Islands about 200 km east from Taiwan. Insular dwarfism also occurred between E. formosa on the mainland and E. yayeyamana on the islands. All species had an annual life cycle.
3. Prey availability was much lower in the island streams than in mainland streams throughout the year. Convergence of insular dwarfism in these phylogenetically distant but ecologically similar taxa (both predatory insects) suggested that prey availability is an important factor affecting their body size determination.
4. Seasonal changes in body size occurred within a population of Euphaea which lacked synchronous emergence. Adults emerging from larvae spending their late instars in the warm season were smaller than those in the cold season. However, the size differences between species always exceeded the range of such intraspecific variation.
5. Dwarfism in E. yayeyamana was probably achieved by decreasing the size of first-instar larvae without changing the number of instars and with the size ratio at each moult constant. The mechanisms producing the dwarf form of Protohermes are also discussed.  相似文献   

1. The use of morphological gill abnormalities of hydropsychid larvae was assessed in Hydropsyche siltalai larvae exposed to cadmium in the laboratory and Cheumatopsyche lepida and H. pellucidula larvae collected from a polluted river. Two biomarkers were evaluated: (1) Hydropsychid abnormality incidence (HAI), referring to the proportion of individuals with at least some abnormalities, and (2) Hydropsychid gill abnormality indice (HYI), referring to the average number of abnormal gill tufts for all individuals. 2. Abnormality–contaminant relations for both biomarkers were established by studying gill responses along gradients of increasing cadmium and organochlorine concentrations. A cadmium gradient was verified in laboratory exposures, whereas the concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo‐p‐dioxin (PCDD), dibenzofuran (PCDF) and diphenyl ether (PCDE) of the aquatic moss Fontinalis antipyretica were used as measures of an organochlorine gradient in the field. 3. Morphological abnormalities were easily distinguished as heavy darkening, malformation and/or reduction of single gill tufts. Darkening of the gills appeared to start either at the basal or distal ends. 4. A marked increase of HYI values with increasing Cd concentration reflected a clear abnormality‐contaminant relation, whereas the mere dicotomic classification of larvae as normal or abnormal (HAI) was less informative. High values of both HAI and HYI were associated with high contamination. A significant positive correlation was found between organochlorine concentration in mosses and biomarker values for H. pellucidula, but not for C. lepida. 5. We conclude that HAI indicates deleterious effects, but fails to quantify the severity of degradation. Use of individual gill tufts, as response units in deriving HYI, revealed a simple solution to the quantification problem. Further research into the ecological meaning, physiological background and patterns of gill abnormality is recommended for assessing the applicability and relevance of hydropsychid gill biomarkers.  相似文献   

A new species group, the Protohermes changningensis group, of the dobsonfly genus Protohermes is established. Three species belonging to the new species group from China are described and illustrated, including one new species. Phylogenetic relationships among the species in this group and biogeography are discussed on the basis of a cladistic analysis using Hennig 86.  相似文献   

本实验通过研究爬沙虫提取液对果蝇繁殖力及寿命的影响,证实爬沙虫提取液具有增强果蝇的繁殖力和提高雌性果蝇寿命的作用。采用乙醚麻醉法,收集8 h内羽化的成虫,选择个体大小相近的雌雄果蝇,在不同爬沙虫浓度的培养基中培养,统计各组第一子代(first filial generation,F1)果蝇成体的数目及果蝇体重。收集各培养基中果蝇,区分雌雄,在原浓度爬沙虫培养基中培养,每日观察果蝇死亡数,直至全部死亡。结果表明:与对照组比较,各爬沙虫处理组子代果蝇雄体数目均显著增加(P<0.05),2.500%组的子代果蝇雌体数目差异显著(P<0.05)。各爬沙虫处理组刚羽化的果蝇体重极显著高于对照组(P<0.01)。2.500%剂量组果蝇雌体平均寿命极显著增加(P<0.01)。本研究为更好地利用爬沙虫的药用价值提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

对采自中国广东省珠江流域(114°E,23°N)的一种淡水水螅进行连续两年的培养与观察,并扩增了其线粒体细胞色素氧化酶亚基Ⅰ(COⅠ)的基因序列.通过形态学分析及CO Ⅰ基因序列的鉴定确定其为普通水螅Hydra vulgaris Pallas,1766,为中国一新纪录种.  相似文献   

A new species‐group of the dobsonfly genus Protohermes is proposed, the Protohermes xanthodes species‐group. Three species from eastern Asia belonging to the new species‐group are redescribed and illustrated. Phylogenetic relationships among the species in this group, as well as the biogeography of these species, are discussed on the basis of a cladistic analysis.  相似文献   

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