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鳙基于10个微卫星标记的亲子鉴定分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为开展鳙(Hypophthalmichthys nobilis)家系选育工作,本研究进行了基于微卫星标记的亲子鉴定研究。试验中筛选了10个扩增效率较高的微卫星标记,通过引物荧光修饰,引物结合毛细管电泳分型技术,对鳙48尾亲本及384尾子代进行了基因分型,并计算了等位基因频率和模拟分析和亲子鉴定等分析。结果发现,各位点的等位基因数介于4~13之间,其中9个位点均具有较高的多态性和杂合度(PIC>0.5,He>0.5),研究发现位点的多态性信息含量(PIC)与亲本对排除率(E-PP)存在显著正相关(p<0.01)。模拟分析结果显示,该10个标记预计可用于已知性别的50组亲本(100尾)或未知性别的50尾亲本的鉴定分析(鉴别成功率>95%)。亲子鉴定发现,对试验中2个交配组(每组12对亲本)的鉴别成功率分别为98.96%和100%;且父母本对子代的贡献率存在极显著差异(p<0.01)。通过累积位点的鉴定分析发现,当标记数为7个和9个时分别能满足试验中12组和24组亲本对应子代的鉴定分析(鉴别率>95%),模拟分析和亲子鉴定分析成功率趋势基本符合。本研究所开发的亲子鉴定技术可为鳙家系选育提供技术支持。  相似文献   

针对目前兰州鲇(Silurus lanzhouensis)种质资源救护保存和良种选育等研究工作中面临的亲子鉴定及系谱管理等问题, 研究应用微卫星荧光标记多重PCR与自动测序分型技术, 建立了2组四重PCR和2组三重PCR体系, 并成功应用于3个家系亲子鉴定中。利用Cervus v.3.0软件对110尾兰州鲇进行遗传多样性分析, 结果显示: 研究筛选的14个微卫星标记的平均观测杂合度(Ho)为0.750, 平均期望杂合度(He)为0.667, 平均多态信息含量(PIC)为0.624, 具有丰富的遗传多样性。对已知系谱信息的3个兰州鲇家系的90尾子代和20尾候选亲本进行亲子鉴定分析, 结果表明, 双亲基因型未知累积排除概率(CE-1P)、单亲基因型已知累积排除概率(CE-2P)和双亲基因型已知累积排除概率(CE-PP)分别为0.99753092、0.99983971和0.99999964。4组多重PCR累积模拟鉴定率为100%, 累积实际鉴定率为83%。采用50尾个体进行双盲验证, 利用MEGA7.0对3个家系50尾个体进行聚类分析, 结果表明同一家系94%的个体聚类分析结果与系谱关系一致。研究构建的兰州鲇4组微卫星多重PCR亲子鉴定技术为兰州鲇不同种质混养保存、种质选配扩繁、选育系谱管理和分子标记辅助选育等提供了重要技术支持。  相似文献   

寇洁  李严  王鹏  刘红  刘佳文  王涓  王也  张亮  沈富军 《遗传》2022,(3):253-275
微卫星作为重要的分子标记之一,已被证明在大熊猫种群规模评估、亲子鉴定和遗传多样性分析方面是有效的。目前微卫星标记在大熊猫(Ailuropoda melanoleuca)染色体上物理定位方面的报道较少,而且缺乏微卫星基因分型系统的效能评估以及PCR扩增条件的优化。本研究基于大熊猫基因组参考序列(ASM200744v2),分析了34个大熊猫微卫星位点的染色体定位特征并评价了位点的应用价值。通过优化34个STR-PCR反应体系和扩增程序,结合微卫星的染色体定位数据确定了Ame-μ10标记的较低应用价值以及gpz-6重新筛选引物的必要性。本研究有助于提高基因分型结果的重复性和可靠性,对促进《大熊猫种群遗传档案建立技术规程》规范化应用和制定大熊猫保护策略具有重要意义。  相似文献   

生物量是饲用高粱的重要性状,株高与生物量呈正相关性。本研究以237份高粱自交系关联群体为材料,筛选到株高关联基因SbPH11的两个功能性SNP位点,两个SNP位点组合的单倍型共3种:SbPH11-Hap1、SbPH11-Hap2和SbPH11-Hap3,SbPH11-Hap2所对应的高粱材料的株高极显著高于SbPH11-Hap1和SbPH11-Hap3所对应的高粱材料的株高,SbPH11-Hap1的高粱材料株高极显著高于SbPH11-Hap3的高粱材料株高。针对SbPH11的两个功能性SNP位点开发了KASP分子标记,利用该标记对30份高粱种质资源进行了基因分型和表型验证,结果证实开发的KASP分子标记可以准确地鉴定出SbPH11两个功能性SNP位点的基因型。该KASP分子标记可高效准确地预测不同高粱种质资源的株高类型,可应用于高粱株高的早期筛选和分子标记辅助选择育种。  相似文献   

基于微卫星标记的圆口铜鱼亲子鉴定技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为快速有效地鉴别不同的圆口铜鱼家系及来源, 研究从已发表的40个微卫星标记中筛选出20个多态性较高且稳定扩增的微卫星位点, 通过对8个圆口铜鱼家系339尾个体进行微卫星基因分型检测, 建立了圆口铜鱼荧光微卫星标记与多重毛细管电泳相结合的亲子鉴定技术。遗传多样性分析结果显示, 圆口铜鱼8个家系群体的平均等位基因数(Na)为9个, 平均多态信息含量(PIC)为0.616, 平均期望杂合度(He)为0.659, 平均观测杂合度(Ho)为0.691, 其中子一代群体的遗传多样性水平明显低于亲本群体。亲子鉴定分析结果显示, 当双亲基因型未知时其单亲累积排除概率(CE-1P)为0.99954473, 当单亲基因型已知时其累积排除概率(CE-2P)为0.99999825, 当双亲基因型未知时其双亲累积排除概率(CE-PP)为1.00000000, 当使用20个微卫星位点进行亲子鉴定时, 297尾子一代均能正确找到其父母本, 亲子鉴定准确率为100%。由此可见, 研究建立的圆口铜鱼亲子鉴定技术是可靠的, 能为圆口铜鱼的家系管理、种群遗传管理和增殖放流效果评估提供科学依据  相似文献   

哲罗鱼微卫星亲子鉴定的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
该文通过7对微卫星标记,对哲罗鱼的微卫星亲子鉴定准确率、亲子鉴定能力与候选亲本群体大小的关系及应用作了研究.通过计算机软件分析,亲子鉴定能力随候选亲本群体的增大而减小.在81个可能的父母对条件下,单独养殖家系鉴定准确率为80%,混合养殖家系有78.9%的后裔可以鉴定其父母;而在9个可能的父母对条件下,单独养殖家系鉴定准确率为93.3%,混合养殖家系鉴定率为92.2%.该研究表明微卫星分子标记可以用于哲罗鱼的家系鉴定.  相似文献   

植物中广泛分布着单核苷酸多态性(SNP)位点。在此基础上发展而来的SNP标记因其具有高分辨率和共显性等优点,已成为当前作物遗传研究重要的分子工具。本研究拟建立基于高分辨率熔解曲线(HRM)技术的SNP分子标记,从而实现对栽培稻和野生稻的高效基因分型,为今后水稻的基因挖掘、品种鉴定以及分子育种等提供可靠、快捷的技术工具。利用水稻全基因组9 K SNP芯片对栽培稻品种黄华占和野生稻Y605进行扫描,寻找两者之间的SNP位点,并将其开发成基于HRM技术的特异分子标记。然后,利用这些分子标记对亲本黄华占、野生稻Y605以及两者的BC3回交群体进行分子检测,以验证其有效性。水稻9 K基因芯片在黄华占与野生稻Y605之间总共找到了4198个SNP位点,它们在12条染色体上较均匀分布。在水稻第1号染色体上随机挑选出5个SNP位点开发成基于HRM技术的特异分子标记。利用这些标记对黄华占与野生稻Y605的BC3F1和BC3F2群体进行检测分析,发现它们都能准确区分亲本的纯合与杂合基因型。并且,在回交后代的第1号染色体ZY1-1~ZY1-4标记区间检测到野生稻片段插入。水稻全基因组9 K SNP芯片可以很好地应用于水稻SNP标记的开发。开发的SNP特异标记能准确、高效地对栽培稻和野生稻进行基因分型。进一步完成基于HRM技术的水稻全基因组SNP标记的开发,可为今后野生稻的分子遗传研究、有利基因挖掘和育种应用提供高效的分子检测手段。  相似文献   

为了筛选高密度且均匀分布于大麦各染色体的分子标记,该研究利用前期开发的2 267个IT(intron targeting)标记,在‘中国春’、栽培大麦(Golden promise)和普通小麦(中国春)-栽培大麦(Betzes)的6个二体异附加系中进行扩增。结果发现:有534个标记可作为大麦染色体特异的IT分子标记,分别分布在大麦的1H(96个)、2H(84个)、3H(60个)、4H(105个)、5H(59个)、6H(80个)和7H(50个)染色体。进一步利用小麦族多基因组学网站和大麦参考基因组序列进行比对,结果发现,除了标记CINAU800、CINAU1734、CINAU1796、CINAU1736和CINAU1691之外,其余的标记对应的原始基因序列都能比对到大麦对应的同源群的参考基因组中。研究表明,该研究筛选到了534个大麦染色体特异的IT分子标记,多态率为23.56%,略高于其他大麦分子标记;且这些大麦各染色体特异的IT分子标记可用于追踪大麦的特定染色体。  相似文献   

SSR分子标记由于具有成本低廉、容易操作等特性,使其在分子标记辅助育种中广泛应用。目前高粱SSR标记多基于测序已经完成美国高粱品种BTX623基因组开发,在应用中筛选多态性标记的效率低。对不育系和恢复系组成的26个高粱材料进行了重测序,然后进行生物信息学分析,最终开发了在26份材料中至少含有2种多态型的SSR标记24 441个。这些SSR标记在26份材料中表现出的基因型多态类型在2-7种之间,2种的有16 694个,7种的仅有77个。另外本研究还进行了筛选单拷贝基因处的多态性SSR分析,共筛选到6 733个。随机挑选均匀覆盖10条染色体的单拷贝基因处SSR标记50对,利用辽宁高粱杂交种辽糯3号进行测试,其中49对能扩增出产物,成功率高达98%。其后利用2个品种和74份微核心种质资源测试表明,50对SSR标记在2个品种中有18对表现出多态性,挑选了一对引物在74份微核心种质中可见8种多态型。本研究表明利用不育系和恢复系材料进行重测序能有效开发多态性高的SSR标记。  相似文献   

为筛选出适用于重庆加工型辣椒疫病抗性鉴定的分子标记,以63份重庆加工型辣椒种质资源为材料,研究了12个辣椒疫病抗性相关分子标记的筛选效率。结果表明,7个分子标记在种质间无差异条带,2个分子标记的扩增结果不稳定,只有ZL6203、ZL6726和E73等3个分子标记在种质间能扩增出差异条带。ZL6203筛选高抗、抗性和中抗材料的效率分别为87.50%、77.78%和63.64%;ZL6726筛选抗性和感病材料的效率分别为100.00%和66.67%;E73筛选抗性和高抗材料的效率分别为77.78%和62.50%。因此,同一辣椒抗疫病分子标记对不同抗性材料筛选效率存在较大差异,ZL6203、ZL6726和E73适用于重庆地区加工型辣椒抗疫病材料的鉴定。  相似文献   

The usefulness of microsatellite markers in pedigree analysis of the sika deer (Cervus nippon) was tested in a herd in which the maternal lineages were recorded. Eighteen sets of microsatellite primers originally designed for bovine, ovine, and cervine loci successfully amplified polymorphic DNA in the deer. The numbers of alleles per locus ranged from two to seven, and the observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.350 to 0.900. The resolution power of the markers in paternity testing was then determined by calculating exclusion probabilities and paternity indices. Parentages of the study population were efficiently discriminated by genotyping 17 microsatellite loci. The microsatellite data were also used to calculate the genetic relatedness between individuals, which significantly correlated with coancestry coefficients for the pairs. Our results demonstrate that the microsatellite markers are efficient tools in studying the social structure and behavior of the sika deer, as well as in monitoring the inbreeding status.  相似文献   

Accurate pedigree information is critical to animal breeding systems to ensure the highest rate of genetic gain and management of inbreeding. The abundance of available genomic data, together with development of high throughput genotyping platforms, means that single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are now the DNA marker of choice for genomic selection studies. Furthermore the superior qualities of SNPs compared to microsatellite markers allows for standardization between laboratories; a property that is crucial for developing an international set of markers for traceability studies. The objective of this study was to develop a high throughput SNP assay for use in the New Zealand sheep industry that gives accurate pedigree assignment and will allow a reduction in breeder input over lambing. This required two phases of development- firstly, a method of extracting quality DNA from ear-punch tissue performed in a high throughput cost efficient manner and secondly a SNP assay that has the ability to assign paternity to progeny resulting from mob mating. A likelihood based approach to infer paternity was used where sires with the highest LOD score (log of the ratio of the likelihood given parentage to likelihood given non-parentage) are assigned. An 84 “parentage SNP panel” was developed that assigned, on average, 99% of progeny to a sire in a problem where there were 3,000 progeny from 120 mob mated sires that included numerous half sib sires. In only 6% of those cases was there another sire with at least a 0.02 probability of paternity. Furthermore dam information (either recorded, or by genotyping possible dams) was absent, highlighting the SNP test’s suitability for paternity testing. Utilization of this parentage SNP assay will allow implementation of progeny testing into large commercial farms where the improved accuracy of sire assignment and genetic evaluations will increase genetic gain in the sheep industry.  相似文献   

Microsatellites (SSRs) are widely used in cereal research, and their use in marker assisted breeding has increased the speed and efficiency of germplasm improvement. Central to the application of SSRs for many purposes are methodologies enabling the low-cost acquisition of large quantities of genetic information for gene and genotype identification. In this study, multiplex-ready PCR was evaluated in barley and bread wheat as an approach for rapid and more automated SSR genotyping on a fluorescence-based DNA fragment analyzer. Multiplex-ready PCR is a method that allows SSR genotyping to be performed using a standardized protocol. The method enables flexible fluorescence labeling of SSRs, generates a relatively constant amount of PCR product for each marker, and has a high amenability to multiplex PCR (the simultaneous amplification of several SSRs in the same reaction). A high (92%) compatibility of published SSRs with multiplex-ready PCR is demonstrated, and the usefulness of the method for large scale genotyping is shown by its application for whole genome marker assisted breeding in barley. A database of more than 2,800 barley and wheat SSRs, and a suite of bio-informatic tools were developed to support the deployment of multiplex-ready PCR for various genetic applications, and are accessible at . Multiplex-ready PCR is broadly applicable to cereal genomics research and marker assisted breeding, and should be transferable to similar analyses of any animal or plant species.  相似文献   

In the fourth generation or next generation networks, services of non-real-time variable bit rate (NRT-VBR) and best effort (BE) will dominate over 85% of the total traffic in the networks. In this paper, we study the power saving mechanism of NRT-VBR and BE services for mobile handsets (MHs) to prolong their battery lifetime (i.e., the sustained operation duration) in the fourth generation networks. Because the priority of NRT-VBR and BE is lower than that of real-time VBR (RT-VBR) or guaranteed bit rate (GBR) services, we investigate an extended sleep mode for lower priority services (e.g., NRT-VBR and BE) in an MH to conserve the energy. The extended sleep mode is used when the MH wakes up from the sleep mode but it cannot obtain the bandwidth from base station (BS). The proposed mechanism, named extra power saving scheme (EPSS), uses the Markovian queuing model to estimate the extended sleep duration to let MHs conserve their battery energy when the networks traffic is congested. To study the performance of EPSS, an accurate analysis model of energy is presented and validated by taking a series of simulations. Numerical experiments show that EPSS can achieve 43% extra energy conservation at most when downlink resource is saturated. We conclude that the energy of MHs can be conserved further by applying EPSS when the traffic load is saturated. The effect of energy saving becomes more obvious when the portion of NRT-VBR and BE services is greater than that of RT-VBR and GBR services.  相似文献   

Seven polymorphic nuclear microsatellite markers for Taxus baccata L. (English yew) were developed using an enriched-library method. An additional polymorphic SSR was obtained by testing eight primer pairs from the congeneric species Taxus sumatrana. Mendelian inheritance for the seven Taxus baccata SSRs was proved by genotyping 17 individuals and 124 megagametophytes (conifer seed haploid tissue). A total of 96 individuals from 5 different populations (10–26 samples per population) were used to estimate genetic diversity parameters. High levels of genetic diversity, with values ranging from 0.533 to 0.929 (6–28 alleles per SSR) were found. No linkage disequilibrium between pairs of loci was detected. All loci but one showed significant departures from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium. Excess of homozygosity was probably due to high inbreeding in English yew populations, an outcome of low effective population size and/or fragmented distribution. Highly polymorphic SSRs will be used to conduct population genetic studies at different geographical scales and to monitor gene flow.  相似文献   

Crossbreeding is an essential way of improving herd performance. However, frequent parentage record errors appear, which results in the lower accuracy of genetic parameter estimation and genetic evaluation. This study aims to build a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) panel with sufficient power for parentage testing in the crossbred population of Simmental and Holstein cattle. The direct sequencing technique in PCR products of pooling DNA along with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight MS method for genotyping the individuals was applied. A panel comprising 50 highly informative SNPs for parentage analysis was developed in the crossbred population. The average minor allele frequency for SNPs was 0.43, and the cumulative probability of exclusion for single-parent and both-parent inference met 0.99797 and 0.999999, respectively. The maker-set for parentage verification was then used in a group of 81 trios with aid of the likelihood-based parentage-assignment program of Cervus software. Reconfirmation with on-farm records showed that this 50-SNP system could provide sufficient and reliable information for parentage testing with the parental errors for mother–offspring and sire–offspring being 8.6 and 18.5%, respectively. In conclusion, a set of low-cost and efficient SNPs for the paternity testing in the Simmental and Holstein crossbred population are provided.  相似文献   

Summary There has recently been a burgeoning interest in the analysis of paternity patterns for natural populations because of its relevance to population genetic phenomena such as the distance between successful mates, relative male reproductive success and gene flow. In this paper we develop a method of analyzing populational patterns of paternity, the fractional paternity method, and compare its performance to two other commonly used methods of paternity analysis (simple exclusion and the most-likely methods). We show that the fractional method is the most accurate method for determining populational patterns of paternity because it assigns paternity to all progeny examined, and because it avoids biases inherent in the other paternity analysis methods when model assumptions are met. In particular, it avoids a systematic bias of the most-likely paternity assignment method, which has a tendency to over-assign paternity of progeny to certain male parents with a greater than average number of homozygous marker loci. We also demonstrate the effect of linkage of some of the marker loci on paternity assignment, showing how the knowledge of the linkage phase of male and female parents in the population can significantly improve the accuracy of the estimates of populational patterns of paternity. Knowledge of the linkage phase of individuals in a population is usually unknown and difficult to assess without progeny testing, which involves considerable labor. However, we show how the linkage phase of hermaphroditic individuals in a population can be obtained in conjunction with the paternity analysis if progeny can be obtained from each hermaphroditic individual in the population, thereby avoiding the problem of traditional progeny testing. Applications of the fractional paternity approach developed herein should contribute significantly to our understanding of the mating patterns in, and hence the evolution of, natural populations.  相似文献   

An integrated DArT-SSR linkage map of durum wheat   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Genetic mapping in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) is constrained by its large genome and allopolyploid nature. We developed a Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT) platform for durum wheat to enable efficient and cost-effective mapping and molecular breeding applications. Genomic representations from 56 durum accessions were used to assemble a DArT genotyping microarray. Microsatellite (SSR) and DArT markers were mapped on a durum wheat recombinant inbred population (176 lines). The integrated DArT-SSR map included 554 loci (162 SSRs and 392 DArT markers) and spanned 2022 cM (5 cM/marker on average). The DArT markers from durum wheat were positioned in respect to anchor SSRs and hexaploid wheat DArT markers. DArT markers compared favourably to SSRs to evaluate genetic relationships among the durum panel, with 1315 DArT polymorphisms found across the accessions. Combining DArT and SSR platforms provides an efficient and rapid method of generating linkage maps in durum wheat.  相似文献   

It is important for bovine DNA testing laboratories to provide the cattle industry with accurate estimates of the efficacy and reliability of DNA tests offered so that end users of this technology can adequately assess the cost-benefits of testing. To address these issues for bovine paternity testing, paternity exclusion probability estimates were obtained from breed panel data and were predictive of the efficacy of the DNA tests used in 39 multiple-sire mating groups, involving 5960 calves and 505 bulls. Paternity testing of these mating groups has demonstrated that the majority involve a variable proportion of unknown sires and this impacts on the reliability of sire allocation. Mathematical models based on binomial or beta-binomial probability distributions were used to estimate the reliability of single-sire allocations from multiple-sire matings involving unknown sires. Reliability of 98-99% is achieved when the exclusion probability is 0.99 or greater, after allowing for up to 20% unknown sires. When the exclusion probability drops below 0.90 and there are 20% unknown sires, the reliability is poor, bringing into question the benefits of testing. This highlights the need for DNA testing laboratories to offer paternity tests with an exclusion power of at least 99%.  相似文献   

Microsatellites or simple sequence repeats (SSRs) are among the genetic markers most widely utilized in research. This includes applications in numerous fields such as genetic conservation, paternity testing, and molecular breeding. Though ordered draft genome assemblies of camels have been announced, including for the Arabian camel, systemic analysis of camel SSRs is still limited. The identification and development of informative and robust molecular SSR markers are essential for marker assisted breeding programs and paternity testing. Here we searched and compared perfect SSRs with 1–6 bp nucleotide motifs to characterize microsatellites for draft genome sequences of the Camelidae. We analyzed and compared the occurrence, relative abundance, relative density, and guanine-cytosine (GC) content in four taxonomically different camelid species: Camelus dromedarius, C. bactrianus, C. ferus, and Vicugna pacos. A total of 546762, 544494, 547974, and 437815 SSRs were mined, respectively. Mononucleotide SSRs were the most frequent in the four genomes, followed in descending order by di-, tetra-, tri-, penta-, and hexanucleotide SSRs. GC content was highest in dinucleotide SSRs and lowest in mononucleotide SSRs. Our results provide further evidence that SSRs are more abundant in noncoding regions than in coding regions. Similar distributions of microsatellites were found in all four species, which indicates that the pattern of microsatellites is conserved in family Camelidae.  相似文献   

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