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在甘肃中南部设置12个样区,对该地区原尾虫的物种多样性进行了研究。发现原尾虫11种,隶属于2目6科7属。其中包括1个甘肃新记录属、4个甘肃新记录种和1个未定名种。古蚖科Eosentomidae、檗蚖科Berberentulidae为优势类群。华山蚖Huashanentulus huashanensis为广布种;檗蚖科Berberentulidae有2属3种;古蚖科Eosentomidae有3属7种,占甘肃原尾虫总数的44%;始蚖科Protentomidae有1属1种;夕蚖科Hesperentomidae有1属2种;日本蚖科Nipponentomidae有1种,中华雅娃蚖Yavanna sinensis是甘肃的新记录种;蚖科Hesperentomidae有1属2种,包括1个华山蚖属未定名种Huashanentulus sp.,只分布在临夏太子山自然保护区。对甘肃原尾虫区系进行了分析,结果显示:古北界种类占总数的20%,东洋界物种占53.3%,广布种类占总数的26.7%。  相似文献   

通过对广西那坡县475份苔藓植物标本的整理和鉴定,获得该地区苔藓植物40科81属163种及亚种、变种,其中有34个广西新纪录种.在科属组成分析中,优势科有灰藓科、丛藓科、蔓藓科等,优势属为真藓属、灰藓属、青藓属等.区系成分以东亚成分为主,占总数的30.06%,温带和热带成分所占比例也较高,反映那坡县具南北过渡的特点;中...  相似文献   

对赤水桫椤国家级自然保护区18个桫椤植物样方苔藓植物进行采集,共获165份标本。经鉴定分析,有苔藓植物26科37属61种,其中苔类植物8科10属16种,藓类植物18科27属45种;优势科有5个,分别是齿萼苔科、白发藓科、凤尾藓科、毛锦藓科、灰藓科;优势属有5个,分别是白发藓属Leucobryum、梳藓属Ctenidium、曲柄藓属Campylopus、凤尾藓属Fissidens、异萼苔属Heteroscyphus;苔藓植物种类较丰富的样方多位于沟边、沟谷潮湿的地带,在草本、蕨类、小灌木等小型植物少、桫椤植物幼苗少及腐殖质层厚的环境中,苔藓植物分布也较多;生境分析结果显示,石生基质种类最多,占总种数的85.25%。  相似文献   

湖北省湿地维管植物区系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
湖北省湿地维管植物有96科337属1009种,其中蕨类植物22科30属41种,种子植物74科307属968种,主要是由草本植物组成,科、属的优势现象明显.分布区类型多样,在科级水平上有8个类型和2个变型,在属级水平上有13个类型和12个变型,在种级水平上有13个类型和5个变型,表明该区系地理成分复杂,与其他区系联系广泛;温带成分占微弱优势,反映出该区系从热带到温带过渡的区系特点;世界分布成分多为建群种和优势种;特有属、种贫乏,说明湿地植被的隐域性.  相似文献   

中国特有种子植物属在云南的两大生物多样性中心及其特征   总被引:49,自引:10,他引:39  
中国特有种子植物属在云南有两大生物多样性中心:一个位于滇西北,另一个位于滇东南。据初步统计,前者约有47个属,分隶属于27科,其中单型属19个,少型属22个,多型属6个,它们主要是温带性质;后者约有48个属,分隶属于36科,其中单型属22个,少型属13个,多型属2个,它们主要是热带亚热带性质。两个中心共有11个属,只出现于前者有36个属,而只出现后者有37个属。两个中心的属在成因上差异很大:前者占  相似文献   

阿勒泰山蝴蝶种类调查及其垂直分布的研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
对阿勒泰山南坡中国境内的蝴蝶进行了采集调查,共鉴定整理出7科、61属、100余种。其中凤蝶科1属1种,绢蝶科1属6种,粉蝶科8属22种,眼蝶科16属23种,蛱蝶科16属32种,灰蝶科12属15种,弄蝶科7属10种。分析了这些种类的垂直分布特点,将其划分为4个垂直分布带,即低山半荒漠带、山地灌木草地带、山地森林草原带和亚高山草原-草甸草原-高山垫状植被带。  相似文献   

据调查,英德石灰岩地区有维管植物99科199属245种,数量优势科为大戟科、蝶形花科、兰科和凤尾蕨科等;科、属的地理分布均以热带亚热带成分为主;有伞花木属Eurycorymbus、青檀属Pteroceltis等7个中国特有属;有圆叶乌桕Sapium rotundifolium、任豆Zenia insignis等15个石灰岩特有种;有伞花木Eurycorymbus cavaleriei等珍稀濒危植物5科13属15种;植被优势种为龙眼Dimocarpus longan、假苹婆Sterculia lanceolata、海红豆Adenanthera pavonina var. microsperma、阴香Cinnamomum burmanni等。基于石灰岩生境的特殊性,建议加强对其植物多样性保护。  相似文献   

分别以白云山、帽峰山、莲塘风水林作为广州市区、城郊和郊区常绿阔叶林群落代表,分析其植物区系组成和多样性特征。结果显示,广州帽峰山常绿阔叶林群落种类最丰富,维管束植物有87科155属212种,优势科为茜草科、大戟科、樟科、禾亚科、芸香科、紫金牛科、壳斗科;白云山维管束植物有72科121属168种,优势科为茜草科、樟科、桑科、禾亚科、大戟科、冬青科;而莲塘风水林森林群落有55科88属102种,优势科为茜草科、樟科、大戟科。从属的地理分布区类型来看,三个群落皆以泛热带分布属的比例最高,其次为旧世界热带分布属和热带亚洲分布属,群落缺乏典型的热带成分,但具有南亚热带植物区系的基本特征。其中白云山的东亚分布类型有3属;帽峰山的东亚分布类型有4属,中国特有分布类型有1属;而莲塘风水林则没有东亚分布和中国特有分布类型。  相似文献   

西藏佩枯错种子植物区系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郭文文  屈兴乐  任毅华  罗大庆 《广西植物》2018,38(11):1428-1439
为了丰富西藏高原植物区系地理研究资料,深入开展该区域植被生态学研究、生物资源开发利用与保护,该研究通过野外调查、标本采集以及查阅相关的文献资料,对西藏佩枯错种子植物区系进行了统计分析。结果表明:(1)植物种类较贫乏。佩枯错共有种子植物31科77属115种,仅占西藏种子植物的18.90%、6.73%、2.17%。其中裸子植物2科2属2种,被子植物29科75属113种;被子植物中双子叶植物有23科58属91种,单子叶植物6科17属22种。(2)优势科明显,单种科占绝对优势。所有科中有5个科至少含有7种种子植物,占该研究区总种数的39.13%,是该区系的主要组分;同时科数中有11科仅含1种植物,该类科占一定优势。(3)种子植物的区系成分较复杂,划分为3个科分布区类型和10个属分布区类型,其中温带成分占绝对优势:温带分布科、属分别占总数的29.03%和77.92%,表明本区系具有明显温带性质。(4)科属特有现象不明显,没有中国特有科分布,仅有1个中国特有属分布,说明佩枯错植物区系的特有化程度极低,表现出寒旱化与高山、高原特化综合而成的高寒植物区系的年轻性。  相似文献   

大型真菌在维持生态系统稳定和为人类提供经济价值方面都具有重要作用, 本文对雾灵山国家级自然保护区中的大型真菌资源进行了详细调查, 为该保护区大型真菌资源开发和利用提供基础资料。作者于2019‒2020年采用样线法和随机踏查法对该保护区大型真菌物种资源多样性进行了初步调查和评估, 共采集大型真菌标本1,132份。结合形态学和ITS序列证据进行了鉴定, 并通过查阅相关文献资料对该保护区大型真菌物种资源价值进行了评价。结果表明: 雾灵山国家级自然保护区共有236种大型真菌, 隶属于2门6纲18目56科107属, 其中15种属于子囊菌门, 221种属于担子菌门。为方便统计, 将大于等于10个种的科定为优势科, 大于等于5个种的属定为优势属。其中优势科有红菇科、蘑菇科、多孔菌科和丝膜菌科, 每个科所包含的种数分别占总种数的8.90%、7.20%、5.93%和4.24%, 共计62种。优势属有红菇属(Russula)、蘑菇属(Agaricus)、鹅膏菌属(Amanita)、丝膜菌属(Cortinarius)、马勃属(Lycoperdon)、小皮伞属(Marasmius)等11个属, 共包含79个种, 占总种数的33.48%。对大型真菌的资源价值评价的结果显示, 保护区内共有食用菌66种、药用菌35种、有毒菌36种和食药兼用菌26种。研究结果表明, 雾灵山国家级自然保护区大型真菌资源丰富, 优势科和优势属中最为丰富的分别是红菇科和红菇属(Russula), 具有经济价值的菌达127种, 为食用菌的引种驯化、药用菌开发利用亦或有毒菌鉴别提供了丰富资源。  相似文献   

The community assembly change of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) during the reclamation of wetlands to paddy fields is mostly unknown. In this study, we applied the high-throughput sequencing technique to investigate the composition of the AMF community in natural wetland (common wild rice and Leersia hexandra Swartz) and paddy field (Asian cultivated rice), as well as the soil elements effective on the community of AMF. Soil properties including soil organic carbon, available nitrogen (AN), available phosphorus (AP), available potassium, and pH were also measured. Operational taxonomic units (OTUs) of nine genera in four orders (Glomerales, Diversisporales, Archaeosporales, and Paraglomerales) of AMF were detected. All detected AMF genera were found in the wild rice wetland, while about half of the detected AMF genera were absent in paddy field; however, the absolute amount of total AMF in the paddy field and wetland was not different. Among all measured soil properties, AMF community was affected significantly by soil AN and AP. Results indicate that agricultural managements affect AMF community significantly, but do not have negative effects on the absolute amount of all the AMF genera. Soil AP may be the main factor resulting in the decreased AMF genus in paddy field. In addition, AMF may have contributed to the survival and evolution of plants.  相似文献   

冯慧喆  严克俭  黄云峰 《广西植物》2016,36(8):1014-1018
在第四次中药资源普查中采集了大量标本,经过对这些标本进行仔细鉴定并查阅相关资料,确定其中两号标本为香茜属(Carlemannia Benth.)和粘腺果属(Commicarpus Standl.)植物。这两属植物在广西尚无报道,为首次记录。香茜属植物叶对生,子房下位,无托叶,雄蕊仅有2枚,这和茜草科相似但又不同,系统位置较混乱,以前曾放于茜草科( Rubiaceae)和忍冬科( Caprifoliaceae)中,最近该属和蜘蛛花属独立成香茜科( Car-lemanniaceae)。该属植物共有3种,沿喜马拉雅山脉向东一直分布到缅甸、越南北部。我国西藏东南、云南南部、广西西北部分布一种即香茜( Carlenannia chinenesis Hook. f.)。粘腺果属是紫茉莉科( Nyctaginaceae)主产热带地区的1个属,全世界约25种分布于热带非洲和阿拉伯半岛南部,在南亚、东南亚和墨西哥至热带美洲也有少量分布。中国产2种,其中广西产1种即中华粘腺果[ Commiaicarpus chinensis ( L.) Heim.]。该种植物分布广泛,从南亚次大陆向东至中南半岛、马来半岛,向北到我国西沙群岛、海南岛以及广州附近,在广西首次记录,产凤山县和凌云县。  相似文献   

土壤宏转录组RNA的提取方法评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】比较手工法和试剂盒法提取土壤RNA对原核微生物多样性的影响,评价两种方法研究土壤宏转录组的技术偏好性。【方法】针对黑龙江海伦砂质黑壤土、江苏滨海黏心夹砂土、江西鹰潭第四纪红黏土不同母质发育形成的三种水稻土,采用手工和试剂盒法分别获得微生物总RNA,利用高通量测序原核微生物16S r RNA多样性,通过紫外分光和琼脂糖凝胶电泳分析RNA质量,比较手工和试剂盒法提取RNA对水稻土原核微生物群落的影响规律。【结果】三种水稻土中试剂盒提取RNA的纯度皆高于手工法,但RNA提取总量不一致。试剂盒提取黑龙江和江苏水稻土的RNA总量高于手工法,而手工法提取的江西水稻土RNA总量高于试剂盒法。高通量测序发现土壤类型而不是RNA提取方法决定了原核微生物多样性指数和群落结构。3个水稻土共检测到27门和409属,两种RNA提取方法偏好性提取了19门和181属,这些门和属占水稻土微生物总丰度平均值分别为40.4%和44.4%。与手工提取RNA相比,试剂盒法发现11个微生物门的丰度显著偏高(P0.05),但仅有Armatimonadetes门在三种水稻土同时存在专一偏好性;手工法提取也发现11个微生物门的丰度显著高于试剂盒法,并且仅有Firmicutes门在三种水稻土中同时存在专一偏好性。在微生物属水平,三种水稻土中均发现试剂盒法偏好性提取了2属,而手工法偏好性提取了5属。进一步针对72个优势微生物属(丰度0.1%且同时存在于三种水稻土),发现其占所有微生物丰度80%强,且48属的变化规律与RNA提取方法无关。例如,手工法提取水稻土好氧甲烷氧化菌的规律为:黑龙江(1.68%)江西(0.90%)江苏(0.59%),而试剂盒法也得到一致结果,黑龙江(0.52%)江西(0.18%)江苏(0.13%)。【结论】两种RNA提取方法本身的特异偏好性较小。三种水稻土27门409属中,仅有2门7属可能存在方法本身的专一偏好性,即在三种水稻土中,这些微生物均被试剂盒法或手工法特异性偏好提取,占所有原核微生物门和属比例仅为7%和1%左右。此外,针对同一水稻土,手工和试剂盒法提取RNA的总量、纯度、微生物相对丰度明显不同,在原核微生物门和属的分类水平,约70%的门和22%的属的丰度具有统计显著性差异,但两种RNA提http://journals.im.ac.cn/actamicro取方法均能反映优势微生物类群在三种水稻土中的变异规律,土壤类型对原核微生物多样性的影响远大于RNA提取方法本身的偏好性。未来原核微生物宏转录组研究中,应优先考虑科学问题及其实验处理可能导致的微生物组及其转录差异,结合微生物RNA提取特点,最大限度地发挥宏转录组技术优势。  相似文献   

东北稻田水体噬藻体psbA基因多样性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
【目的】揭示东北稻田噬藻体psbA基因多样性,分析其系统进化地位,为噬藻体生态学研究提供数据支持。【方法】采用滤膜分离并浓缩噬体、PCR-克隆测序技术对我国东北稻田水体中噬藻体psbA基因进行调查。【结果】在东北稻田水体中共得到17条来自于噬藻体的psbA基因,经系统进化分析表明,我国东北稻田具有新的噬藻体的类群,与日本稻田生态系统中psbA基因类群相比,两地间噬藻体类群存在显著的差异,稻田水体中噬藻体psbA基因类群有别于海洋、湖泊类群。【结论】采用PCR-克隆测序技术以psbA基因为分子标记首次对我国东北稻田水体噬藻体类群进行调查,发现有新的噬藻体类群。  相似文献   

Tan Enguang 《生态学报》2008,(1):6272-6281
Hirudinea in China were reviewed. The ecological distribution of Hirudinea, the population dynamics of H. hainana, the adaptation of H. hainana to temperature, soil humidity and pH, the response of H. hainana to temperature, relative humidity and light, and the effects of human activities on H. hainana populations were discussed. The land-leeches' behavior ecology, including (1) the locomotion of H. hainana such as shortening, oscillating, rotating, sucking cleaning, rubbing and foraging behaviors; (2) the factors influencing these behaviors; (3) the ecological significance, was also discussed. The ecology of freshwater leeches including (1) behavior in paddy fields of Ninghsien, Zhejiang Province, China; (2) relationship between population dynamics of Whitmania laevis and chemical factors in paddy fields of Guangzhou, China; (3) chemical environment of blood-sucking Hirudinaria manillensis in paddy fields of Guangzhou was described. The study also discussed the foraging, growth dynamics, life recycle and biology of reproduction of blood-sucking land-leech H. hainana and freshwater leech Hirudinaria manillensis, the taxonomy and the zoogeography. In addition, the morphology including histology and anatomy of the organic system of H. hainana was described. The Hirudinea can be classified into 2 subclasses (Branchiobdellidea and Euhirudinea), 3 orders (Branchiobdellida, Rhynchobdellida and Arhynchobdellida), 9 families, 33 genera and 111 species. The response of leeches to pesticides, including toxicity (LD50, LD95) of different pesticides to H. hainana, was presented. Medical usage of the leech Hirudin from salivary glands as anticoagulant material was discussed. Hirudin (from Hirudo medicinalis), Haemadin (from land-leech), and hementi (from Hementeria ghilianii) were identified and isolated.  相似文献   

对中国安徽芜湖稻田中的小蜂总科进行了分类研究,共发现9科12属,编制了分科检索表,提供了各科主要的分类特征图。  相似文献   

Tan Enguang 《农业工程》2008,28(12):6272-6281
Hirudinea in China were reviewed. The ecological distribution of Hirudinea, the population dynamics of H. hainana, the adaptation of H. hainana to temperature, soil humidity and pH, the response of H. hainana to temperature, relative humidity and light, and the effects of human activities on H. hainana populations were discussed. The land-leeches' behavior ecology, including (1) the locomotion of H. hainana such as shortening, oscillating, rotating, sucking cleaning, rubbing and foraging behaviors; (2) the factors influencing these behaviors; (3) the ecological significance, was also discussed. The ecology of freshwater leeches including (1) behavior in paddy fields of Ninghsien, Zhejiang Province, China; (2) relationship between population dynamics of Whitmania laevis and chemical factors in paddy fields of Guangzhou, China; (3) chemical environment of blood-sucking Hirudinaria manillensis in paddy fields of Guangzhou was described. The study also discussed the foraging, growth dynamics, life recycle and biology of reproduction of blood-sucking land-leech H. hainana and freshwater leech Hirudinaria manillensis, the taxonomy and the zoogeography. In addition, the morphology including histology and anatomy of the organic system of H. hainana was described. The Hirudinea can be classified into 2 subclasses (Branchiobdellidea and Euhirudinea), 3 orders (Branchiobdellida, Rhynchobdellida and Arhynchobdellida), 9 families, 33 genera and 111 species. The response of leeches to pesticides, including toxicity (LD50, LD95) of different pesticides to H. hainana, was presented. Medical usage of the leech Hirudin from salivary glands as anticoagulant material was discussed. Hirudin (from Hirudo medicinalis), Haemadin (from land-leech), and hementi (from Hementeria ghilianii) were identified and isolated.  相似文献   

Cheng C L  Liu S  Liao R S  Wu F P  Li J Q 《农业工程》2008,28(1):69-75
With colorimetric methods, the concentrations of total phenolics, flavonoids and condensed tannins were analyzed in 9 categories of organs in Populus euphratica, including lanceolate leaves, ovate leaves, green branches, branches (D < 5 mm in diameter), branches (5–10 mm in diameter), barks, roots (D < 2 mm in diameter), roots (2–5 mm in diameter) and roots (5–10 mm in diameter). The results showed that phenolic compounds were present throughout the collected organs with the higher total phenolics concentrations in barks (27.93 mg/g), and the mean total phenolics concentrations in two categories of leaves, three classes of roots and three classes of branches were 17.64, 16.72 and 12.19 mg/g, respectively. The higher flavonoids were present in barks (51.30 mg/g), and the mean flavonoid contents in two categories of leaves, three classes of roots and three classes of branches were 28.45, 39.99 and 23.67 mg/g, respectively. The higher condensed tannin contents were found in roots (mean = 22.10 mg/g for three categories of roots), and the average condensed tannin contents in barks, leaves in two categories and branches in three classes were 8.41, 4.03 and 4.47 mg/g, respectively. There was no significant difference between the phenolic compounds of lanceolate leaves and ovate leaves (P > 0.05). Phenolic compounds in branches decreased with the branches maturing, resulting in the following orders: green branches > branches (D < 5 mm) > branches (5–10 mm). Condensed tannins in roots increased with the root diameter decreasing, and the highest condensed tannin contents were found in small roots (D < 2 mm) (25.95 mg/g). By analyzing correlation between phenolic compounds in all collected organs and soil water contents, it was indicated that the phenolic compounds in ovate leaves had negative relation with soil water contents (P < 0.05), and the r values for total phenolics, flavonoids and condensed tannins were –0.949, –0.923 and –0.944, respectively. Data reported here revealed the variation of phenolic compounds in different organs of P. euphratica, and their relationships with the environmental factors in extremely arid areas were discussed.  相似文献   

基于我国南方38个稻田试验点222个样本的表土有机碳数据,设5种施肥措施类型[无机氮肥(N)、无机氮磷肥配施(NP)、无机氮磷钾肥配施(NPK)、单施有机肥(O)和有机无机肥配施(OF)],研究了不同施肥措施下我国南方稻田表土有机碳含量的相对年变化量和固碳持续时间.结果表明:5种施肥措施下,稻田表土有机碳含量相对年变化量集中在0~0.4 g·kg-1·a-1,两熟制和三熟制的表土有机碳含量相对年均增量分别为0.20和0.26 g·kg-1·a-1;有机肥处理(O和OF)比无机肥处理(N、NP和NPK)的表土有机碳含量相对年增量更高,其中,OF处理最高,为0.32 g·kg-1·a-1;随着时间的延长,土壤有机碳的累积速率逐渐降低,N、NP、NPK、O和OF处理下表土固碳持续时间分别为22、28、38、57和54年.从土壤固碳角度考虑,有机无机肥配施为我国南方稻田最佳施肥措施.  相似文献   

With highly varied ecological conditions resulted from wide latitudinal and altitudinal ranges and from adequate precipitation, China has developed a very rich flora of great diversity. As far as Taxads and Conifers is concerned, there are 158 species and 43 varieties of them in China, belonging to 6 families and 30 genera, of which 9 genera are endemic. In the present paper the ecological distribution of these endemic genera and its phytogeographical significance are discussed. 1. There are 9 endemic genera of Taxads and Conifers in China and neighbouring area. They are distributed in the mountain areas of southern, southeastern and southwestern China (fig. 1-2) at an altitude of 100-1800 meters, with a few endemic genera reaching as high as 2800 meters. 2. The mean annual temperature varies between 10℃-20℃, with an extreme minimum between -6.3℃ to-11.3℃. The soil pH is between 4.5-5.5, indicating an acidic reaction. 3. As is shown in figure 3, 24 endemic genera of Taxads and Conifers are known to occur in differant parts of the world. Among them, China and neighbouring area ranks the first in having 9 genera. Australia is the second with 5 genera, southern Chile is third (3), followed by Japan (2), western North America (2), New Caledonia (2), and southeastern Siberia, USSR (1). Of the Chinese endemic genera, the first appearence in the fossil records is in the deposits of late Cretaceous or Tertiary (table 1.). It is probable that the southern, southeastern and south-western parts of China is not only the main centre of recent distribution, but also one of the chief survival cen-ters of endemic genera of Taxads and Conifers in the world.  相似文献   

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