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昆虫抗菌肽具有良好的抑菌效果,有望开发成新一代抗生素.本文以金黄色葡萄球菌和大肠杆菌混合液作为诱导源,采用针刺法使黄粉虫Tenebrio molitor L.幼虫感染微生物产生抗菌肽,并对抗菌肽进行了提取、色谱分离纯化及抑菌活性检测.结果显示,诱导组和对照组的三氟乙酸粗提物无抑菌活性;经SephadexG50、Superdex Peptide凝胶色谱分离后,从诱导组和对照组均可获得对革兰氏阳性菌金黄色葡萄球菌、枯草芽孢杆菌有抑菌作用的组分,而且诱导组活性明显高于对照组;通过Resource 15RPC反相色谱分离纯化,从诱导组获得一具有明显抑制革兰氏阳性菌的组分,质谱检测该组分为混合肽,主要由分子量为1 876.21u、1 904.21u的小肽组成,可能是一种比Thanatin分子量更低的昆虫抗菌肽.  相似文献   

目前已自青蛙皮肤分泌物中提取出多种属于“第三套抗氧化系统”的多肽,它们具有较强的抗氧化作用.本文从虎纹蛙皮肤分泌物中提取具有抗氧化活性的多肽物质,并检测其活性.利用电刺激虎纹蛙背部腺和耳后腺获得其皮肤分泌物,利用凝胶过滤色谱Sephadex G-50和反相高效液相色谱(reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography, RP-HPLC)进行分离纯化.以2,2-二苯基-1-苦肼基(2,2-diphenyl-1- picrylhydrazyl, DPPH·)清除率为指标,测定多肽的抗氧化活性,经ESI- MS(electrospray ionization mass spectrometry)质谱测定该多肽的相对分子质量.结果显示,自虎纹蛙皮肤分泌物中获得一种具有抗氧化活性的二肽,其分子质量为0.277 kD,可能的氨基酸序列为Gln/Lys-Met.虎纹蛙皮肤分泌物中的该二肽是发挥抗氧化作用的重要组成部分.  相似文献   

家蝇幼虫分泌物抗菌肽的生化特性初步研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
研究了不同温度、蛋白酶及反复冻溶对家蝇 Musca domestica 幼虫活体浸泡法获得的分泌物抗菌肽抗菌活性的影响;并检测其凝血效应;试管稀释法测定其最低抑菌浓度(MIC)、最低杀菌浓度(MBC);SDS-PAGE分析其分子量范围。结果表明,该抗菌肽具有较强的热稳定性、酶稳定性及较强抗菌活性的特性,无凝血作用。对大肠埃希菌的最低抑菌浓度为37 μg/mL、最低杀菌浓度为75 μg/mL;分子量约10 kD。  相似文献   

孙龙  冯颖  何钊  陈智勇  赵敏 《昆虫知识》2012,49(3):686-692
昆虫抗菌肽具有良好的抑菌效果,有望开发成新一代抗生素。本文以金黄色葡萄球菌和大肠杆菌混合液作为诱导源,采用针刺法使黄粉虫TenebriomolitorL.幼虫感染微生物产生抗菌肽,并对抗菌肽进行了提取、色谱分离纯化及抑菌活性检测。结果显示,诱导组和对照组的三氟乙酸粗提物无抑菌活性;经SephadexG50、SuperdexPeptide凝胶色谱分离后,从诱导组和对照组均可获得对革兰氏阳性菌金黄色葡萄球菌、枯草芽孢杆菌有抑菌作用的组分,而且诱导组活性明显高于对照组;通过Resource15RPC反相色谱分离纯化,从诱导组获得一具有明显抑制革兰氏阳性菌的组分,质谱检测该组分为混合肽,主要由分子量为1876.21u、1904.21u的小肽组成,可能是一种比Thanatin分子量更低的昆虫抗菌肽。  相似文献   

【目的】根据螺旋轮模型设计以亮氨酸(L)为疏水面,赖氨酸(K)为亲水面的新型α-螺旋抗菌肽LK,并对该抗菌肽的生物学活性进行检测。【方法】利用圆二色光谱分析LK的二级结构,同时,评价LK的抑菌活性、稳定性和细胞选择性。【结果】在模拟细胞膜的环境中LK呈α-螺旋型结构。LK对多种革兰氏阳性菌和革兰氏阴性菌有很强的抑菌活性,最小抑菌浓度(MIC)在2-4μmol/L之间。LK具有很强的酸碱盐稳定性。肽浓度为2-4μmol/L时,LK表现出较低的溶血活性和细胞毒性。【结论】根据螺旋轮模型结构,以疏水性的L和正电荷性的K设计的新型抗菌肽LK具有较高的细胞选择性及稳定性,具有替代抗生素的发展潜力。  相似文献   

【目的】分离纯化吸水链霉菌(Streptomyces hygroscopicus)BS-112产生的抗真菌活性物质,究明各活性组分的结构,测定其对黄曲霉的抑制作用,为该菌株及其产生的抗真菌活性物质的应用提供依据。【方法】通过大孔吸附树脂柱层析、硅胶柱层析及制备HPLC等方法,对该菌株产生的抗真菌活性物质进行分离纯化;利用质谱(MS)和核磁共振谱(NMR)解析各活性组分的结构;采用微量液体稀释法测定各活性组分对黄曲霉的最小抑菌浓度(MIC)和最小杀菌浓度(MFC)。【结果】从BS-112菌株发酵液中分离获得4个抗真菌活性组分,利用波谱技术确定其结构分别为Tetrins A和B、Tetramycins A和B。96孔板法测得这4个化合物对黄曲霉的MIC分别为3.13μg/mL、12.56μg/mL、1.56μg/mL、6.25μg/mL,MFC分别为6.25μg/mL、25.0μg/mL、3.13μg/mL、12.56μg/mL。【结论】BS-112菌株产生的抗真菌活性物质由Tetrins A和B、Ttramycins A和B 4个化合物组成,它们对黄曲霉均具有良好的抑制作用。  相似文献   

作者利用化学与生物活性相集成的筛选方法,从采自黄河三角洲地区——东营黄河口的梭鱼Chelon haematocheilus的内脏中分离鉴定了1株耐盐真菌土曲霉Aspergillus terreus OUCMDZ-1925,其发酵产物具有抗枯草芽孢杆菌活性。进一步采用色谱分离、波谱鉴定,从其固体发酵(大米培养基)中分离鉴定了5个化合物,即右旋丁内酯I(1)、丁内酯IV(2)、丁内酯II(3)、丁内酯III(4)和3,5,6-三甲基-2,4-二羟基苯甲酸甲酯(5)。并发现化合物1–3和5对金黄色葡萄球菌(ATCC51650)有强的抑菌活性(最小抑菌浓度均为0.31μg/mL,阳性对照环丙沙星的最小抑菌浓度为0.16μg/mL),化合物1和2对产气杆菌(ATCC13408)以及化合物1和3对枯草芽孢杆菌(ATCC93151)有中等的抑菌活性(最小抑菌浓度分别为6.25μg/mL和12.50μg/mL,阳性对照环丙沙星的最小抑菌浓度分别为1.25μg/mL和5.0μg/mL),化合物1–5对大肠杆菌(ATCC25922)以及化合物4对金黄色葡萄球菌(ATCC51650)有弱的抑制活性,且化合物1的产量高,达2.5g/kg,为其后续研究提供了新的药源。  相似文献   

防腐剂是化妆品中防止微生物污染的重要成分。为获得高效防腐且无毒副作用的洗发液防腐剂,实验选取4种抗菌肽进行MIC测定,筛选出针对个革兰氏阴性菌和阳性菌杀菌效果较好的两个抗菌肽N2和NZ2114。通过体外抗菌试验和细胞水平及小鼠皮肤刺激性实验对两种抗菌肽的防腐效果和安全性能进行测定和评估。实验结果表明,N2和NZ2114在低浓度(分别为40和20μg/mL)下即具有快速高效的杀菌效果,并且高浓度(128μg/mL)下,细胞存活率大于85%,具有低细胞毒性。ROS水平和小鼠皮肤刺激性实验证明,N2和NZ2114不会对皮肤细胞造成损伤,并且具有一定程度的抗氧化作用。本实验结果为抗菌肽作为高效安全的洗发液防腐剂提供参考依据。  相似文献   

中国林蛙和中华蟾蜍皮肤抗菌肽的分离纯化及其抗菌活性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分别以中国林蛙长白山亚种Rana chensinensis changbaishansis和中华蟾蜍Bufo gargarizans的鲜皮为原料,通过酸化乙醇法提取抗菌肽粗提液,再经葡聚糖凝胶层析进一步分离纯化获得抗菌肽纯品,采用滤纸片法进行抑菌活性研究.结果 表明,经Sephadex G-50和Sephadex G-100分离纯化后获得3种多肽,中国林蛙与中华蟾蜍皮肤中的活性多肽对革兰氏阴性和革兰氏阳性细菌都具有一定的抗菌作用,其中多肽Ⅲ具有最佳的抑菌效果.抗菌肽相对含量比较的结果表明,蟾蜍皮肤中抗菌活性肽的含量较高,是理想的抗菌肽提出和纯化的源材料.  相似文献   

天然抗菌肽具有较强的杀菌能力,但高生物相容性抗菌肽的构建一直阻碍着该领域的发展。为了提高抗菌肽的选择特异性,通过分子动力学分析探讨了抗菌肽的结构特性,并检测其生物学活性。首先以(RXKY)2(YRY)2 (X代表Ile,Y代表Leu)为模板设计新型抗菌肽分子RIKL。通过圆二色谱(circular dichroism,CD)检测RIKL的二级结构,并通过分子动力学分析模拟了RIKL在水溶液和POPC/POPG膜环境下的结构,同时通过检测抑菌活性、溶血活性、细胞毒性及盐离子稳定性等指标进一步研究其生物学活性。CD结果表明,RIKL在细菌膜模拟环境下呈现α-螺旋结构,分子动力学模拟预测了RIKL可以在水溶液和POPG环境下保留部分二级结构,而在POPC环境下分子的二级结构含量有所降低。抑菌试验表明RIKL具有较高的抑菌活性,其最小抑菌浓度(minimum inhibitory concentration, MIC)的几何平均值为3.1μmol/L;溶血和细胞毒性试验表明,RIKL在检测范围内无溶血活性、细胞毒性较低;稳定性试验发现,RIKL在不同pH值、不同浓度血清和盐离子存在的环境下仍保...  相似文献   

Three peptides with growth-inhibitory activity towards the gram-negative bacterium Eschericia coli were isolated from electrically stimulated secretions from the skin of the southern leopard frog, Rana sphenocephala. Structural characterization demonstrated that the peptides [brevinin-1Sa, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) = 55 microM; brevinin-1Sb, MIC = 17 microM; brevinin-1Sc, MIC = 14 microM] represent new members of the brevinin-1 family of antimicrobial peptides, previously isolated from several other species of frogs of the genus Rana. Their high concentration in skin secretions and extreme variability in amino acid sequence suggest that the brevinin family of peptides may be of value as molecular markers for the identification and taxonomic classification of Ranid frogs.  相似文献   

Zhou J  McClean S  Thompson A  Zhang Y  Shaw C  Rao P  Bjourson AJ 《Peptides》2006,27(12):3077-3084
Linear, amphipathic and cationic antimicrobial peptides have been previously reported from a wide range of amphibian species especially frogs of the genus Rana. Such antimicrobial peptides are attracting increasing attention in pharmacological applications because they mainly act by permeabilizing and disrupting the target cell or virion membranes with a low degree of resistance. The Guenther's frog, Hylarana guentheri, is a Chinese frog of the genus Rana that is widely distributed in Southern China. It is commonly the dominant amphibian species even where the amphibian population is declining. In this study, we describe the isolation, purification, structural and biological characterization of five novel peptides from H. guentheri frog skin secretions that possess antimicrobial activity, including brevinin-2GHa, brevinin-2GHb, brevinin-2GHc, temporin-GH and a novel antimicrobial peptide named guentherin. The cDNAs encoding two novel members of the brevinin-2 family, brevinin-2GHb and brevinin-2GHc were also subsequently cloned and sequenced.  相似文献   

Graham C  Richter SC  McClean S  O'Kane E  Flatt PR  Shaw C 《Peptides》2006,27(6):1313-1319
Seven novel peptides were isolated from the skin secretions of the North American dusky gopher frog, Rana sevosa, on the basis of antimicrobial activity and histamine release from rat peritoneal mast cells. The peptides were purified to homogeneity using HPLC and characterized by electrospray ion-trap mass spectrometry, MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and Edman sequencing. Bioinformatic analysis of primary structures revealed that the novel peptides could be assigned to four established families of ranid frog antimicrobial peptides, namely esculentin-1, esculentin-2, brevinin-1 and ranatuerin-2. The peptides were named in accordance with accepted terminology as ranatuerin 2SEa, etc., reflecting the peptide family name, the species of origin (SE for sevosa) and the isotype (a). Of major interest was the fact that brevinin 1SE displayed significant structural similarity to ponericin W5, an antibacterial venom peptide from the ant, Pachyconyla goeldii. This is a further example of amphibian skin defensive peptides showing striking structural similarities to peptides from insects. These data may shed some light on the functional biological relevance of defensive peptides that possess both antimicrobial and histamine-releasing activities.  相似文献   

Ali MF  Knoop FC  Vaudry H  Conlon JM 《Peptides》2003,24(7):955-961
Rana esculenta is a hybridogenetic hybrid between Rana ridibunda and Rana lessonae and so is best considered as a complex of interbreeding species rather than a discrete single species. In this study, antimicrobial peptides were isolated from a pooled extract of the skins of specimens of the R. esculenta complex collected in the wild. In addition to several peptides belonging to the brevinin and esculentin families that have been previously isolated from skin secretions of a single specimen of R. esculenta, three newly described members of the brevinin-2 family (brevinin-2Ei, brevinin-2Ej, and brevinin-2Ek) and one member of the temporin family (temporin-1Ec) were purified and characterized. In addition, three structurally related peptides with no sequence similarity with antimicrobial peptides isolated from other species of ranid frogs, that potently and selectively inhibit the growth of the Gram-positive bacterium Escherichia coli (minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC<5 microM)), were identified. These peptides show limited amino acid sequence similarity to the homologous exon gene products that encode the N-terminal flanking peptides of preprocaerulein, preproxenopsin, and preprolevitide and so have been termed caerulein precursor-related fragments (CPRF-Ea, CPRF-Eb, and CPRF-Ec). The data suggest that there may be considerable polymorphism among specimens from different populations of the R. esculenta complex. It is proposed that the distribution and amino acid sequences of skin antimicrobial peptides may be useful markers for taxonomic classification of particular sub-populations and for an understanding of phylogenetic interrelationships.  相似文献   

Around 40 species of Hylarana amphibians are distributed in tropical and subtropical Asia, and Chinese broad-folded frog, Hylarana latouchii (Boulenger, 1899) is one of them. In this study, six different cDNAs encoding four novel antimicrobial peptide precursors were cloned by screening the cDNA library of the Chinese broad-folded frog skin. The protein sequence analysis demonstrated that two deduced peptides belong to the brevinin-1 family, and the other two belong to temporin family of amphibian antimicrobial peptides. Thus, they were named as brevinin-1LT1 (FMGSALRIAAKVLPAALCQIFKKC), brevinin-1LT2 (FFGSVLKVAAKVLPAALCQIFKKC), temporin-LT1 (FLPGLIAGIAKML–NH2) and temporin-LT2 (FLPIALKALGSIFPKIL–NH2), respectively. Furthermore, brevinin-1LT1 and temporin-LT1 were purified by HPLC from the skin secretion of H. latouchii. In this work, all the peptides kill microbes by membrane-disturbing mechanisms, and this procedure was visualized via scanning electron microscopy (SEM).  相似文献   

Quan Z  Zhou M  Chen W  Chen T  Walker B  Shaw C 《Peptides》2008,29(8):1456-1460
Antimicrobial peptides represent the most characterized and diverse class of peptides within the defensive skin secretions of anuran amphibians. With an ever expanding database of primary structures, the current accepted rules for nomenclature have become increasingly difficult to apply to peptides whose primary structural attributes are either unique or that fall between those that define existing groups. An additional factor that adds to the confusion is the regular re-classification or revision of existing taxa. In the present study, we have identified five new antimicrobial peptide homologs in the defensive skin secretion of the Chinese piebald odorous frog, Huia schmackeri (formerly Rana (Odorrana) schmackeri), by cloning of their respective biosynthetic precursors. As these peptides are obvious homologs of the brevinin-1 and brevinin-2 families we have named these in accordance: (1) brevinin-1HS1, (2) brevinin-2HS1, (3) brevinin-2HS2, (4) brevinin-2HS3 and (5) brevinin-1HS2. The reasons for adopting these names are discussed. It is clear that with an ever-increasing number of amphibian skin antimicrobial peptides appearing in the literature that a consistent nomenclature scheme needs to be established.  相似文献   

Brevinin 1E, which has the sequence FLPLLAGLAANFLPKIFCKITRKC, is an antimicrobial peptide isolated from the skin secretions of the European frog Rana esculenta. Both the linear and the disulfide-bridged forms have relatively broad-spectrum antibacterial as well as hemolytic activities. The antibacterial and hemolytic activities and biophysical properties of synthetic peptides corresponding to brevinin 1E and its analog in which the segment CKITRKC has been transposed to a central location resulting in the sequence FLPLLAGLCKITRKCAANFLPKIF have been investigated. Our studies indicate that the analog peptide has antibacterial activity comparable with brevinin 1E, but with considerably reduced hemolytic activity. The linear variant of the analog has no hemolytic activity, unlike the linear form of brevinin 1E. The biological activities can be explained on the basis of relative affinities for anionic and zwitterionic lipids. A cluster of cationic amino acids flanked on one side by a hydrophobic stretch of amino acids and another side composed of apolar amino acids appears to favor preferential antibacterial activity.  相似文献   

Many amphibian species are threatened with extinction by the emerging infectious disease, chytridiomycosis, caused by the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis. This unprecedented global crisis threatens to reduce the biodiversity of the entire amphibian class. The fungus invades the skin and impairs the uptake and retention of essential ions leading to cardiac arrest. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) secreted into the mucus of some amphibians are thought to be an important defense against chytridiomycosis. However, little is known about the quantities of AMPs secreted under natural conditions, whether they are sufficient to protect against this pathogen, and how they interact with commensal microbes. To understand how defensive peptides and skin microbes may interact, it is essential to know the precise quantities of AMPs present under natural conditions. Using matrix‐assisted laser desorption time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry and growth inhibition assays, we show that northern leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) at rest constitutively release low amounts of AMPs that inhibit B. dendrobatidis in vitro, and AMP defenses are elevated following a simulated predator attack. Using a synthetic peptide analogue of brevinin‐1Pb as an external control, we quantified the amounts of four previously described AMPs (brevinin 1Pa, brevinin‐1Pb, brevinin‐1Pd, and ranatuerin‐2P) at several time points after secretion. Once secreted onto the skin, the peptides are most active for 15 min, and small quantities persist for at least 2 h. Taken together, our data suggest that small amounts of AMPs are rapidly available and quite stable on the skin of R. pipiens. They are effective inhibitors of B. dendrobatidis at these low constitutive concentrations but degrade within 2 h, protecting the integrity of the skin and commensal bacteria.  相似文献   

Nine peptides displaying varying degrees of antimicrobial activity were extracted from the skin of the Hokkaido frog, Rana pirica. Five structurally related peptides were identified as members of the brevinin-2 family. These peptides were active against reference strains of Gram-negative (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterobacter cloacae, Klebsiella pneumoniae) and Gram-positive (Staphlococcus aureus) bacteria but displayed relatively low hemolytic activity. The most abundant peptide, brevinin-2PRa (680 nmol/g weight of dry skin) showed high potency [minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) values between 6 and 12 microM] against a range of clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa. In addition, activity was unaffected by NaCl concentrations up to 200 mM. Cladistic analysis based on the primary structures of brevinin-2 peptides supports a close phylogenetic relationship between R. pirica and Japanese mountain brown frog Rana ornativentris. One peptide of the ranatuerin-2 family and one strongly hemolytic peptide of the brevinin-1 family were also isolated from the extract along with two members of the temporin family, temporin-1PRa (ILPILGNLLNGLL.NH(2)) and temporin-1PRb (ILPILGNLLNSLL.NH(2)) that atypically lacked basic amino acid residues and showed only very weak antimicrobial and hemolytic activity.  相似文献   

North America is home to anuran species belonging to the families Bufonidae, Eleutherodactylidae, Hylidae, Leiopelmatidae, Ranidae, and Scaphiopodidae but antimicrobial peptides have been identified only in skin secretions and/or skin extracts of frogs belonging to the Leiopelmatidae (“tailed frogs”) and Ranidae (“true frogs”). Eight structurally-related cationic α-helical peptides with broad-spectrum antibacterial activity, termed ascaphins, have been isolated from specimens of Ascaphus truei (Leiopelmatidae) occupying a coastal range. Characterization of orthologous antimicrobial peptides from Ascaphus specimens occupying an inland range supports the proposal that this population should be regarded as a separate species A. montanus. Ascaphin-8 shows potential for development into a therapeutically valuable anti-infective agent. Peptides belonging to the brevinin-1, esculentin-1, esculentin-2, palustrin-1, palustrin-2, ranacyclin, ranatuerin-1, ranatuerin-2, and temporin families have been isolated from North American ranids. It is proposed that “ranalexins” represent brevinin-1 peptides that have undergone a four amino acid residue internal deletion. Current taxonomic recommendations divide North American frogs from the family Ranidae into two genera: Lithobates and Rana. Cladistic analysis based upon the amino acid sequences of the brevinin-1 peptides provides strong support for this assignment.  相似文献   

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