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物种丰富度和生态系统功能间的关系是近年来生物多样性研究的中心问题,其中群落抗杂草入侵是其功能的重要表现形式。本文利用青藏高原东缘地区3种野生优良牧草:垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)、中华羊茅(Festuca sinensis)和羊茅(F. ovina),构建人工草地群落,探讨了物种丰富度与杂草入侵能力间的相互关系及其潜在的作用机理。结果表明:随着群落中物种丰富度的增加,入侵杂草的物种数、秧苗数和生物量均表现为显著下降趋势(P<0.05);杂草的物种数、秧苗数和生物量间存在极显著的正相关(P<0.01);群落的物种丰富度与入侵杂草间的负相关关系可能是选择效应和补偿效应共同作用的结果;2004—2007年,群落中入侵杂草的物种数和生物量有增加趋势,而秧苗数的变化趋势不明显。  相似文献   

综述草地群落入侵实验中物种多样性和群落可入侵性关系的研究进展。目前物种多样性与群落可入侵性主要出现了对立的关系模式,被普遍接受的解释机制为尺度依赖。但其它研究中出现了更为复杂的关系,提出物种特性、植物更新、种间关系变化和群落构建机制等其它因素可能是导致物种多样性与群落可入侵性出现复杂关系的原因。建议未来研究中应注意的几个问题,即物种多样性与群落可入侵性关系在不同营养级适用性,与群落构建机制变化间的联系和时间尺度对物种多样性与群落可入侵性关系的影响。  相似文献   

该研究以吉林蛟河阔叶红松林为分析对象,比较了物种多样性和群落结构对生产力的影响,试图为解释多样性-生产力关系、指导森林经营管理提供科学依据。研究利用11.76 hm~2大样地中10 973株木本植物数据,通过线性回归模型分析了7个物种多样性和群落结构指标与生产力的相关性,进而利用结构方程模型比较了物种多样性和群落结构对生产力的影响。结果显示:(1)在线性回归模型中,物种多样性和群落结构均对生产力有显著作用,其中物种多样性均匀度指数与生产力显著负相关,群落结构的香农指数与生产力显著正相关,基尼系数与生产力显著负相关。(2)在结构方程模型中,群落结构对生产力的影响比物种多样性更强。研究认为群落结构对生产力的作用比物种多样性更大,在森林经营管理中,提高群落结构复杂性对促进生产力具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

松嫩平原草地群落物种多样性与生产力关系的研究   总被引:45,自引:2,他引:43       下载免费PDF全文
 物种多样性对生态系统功能的作用是生物多样性研究的核心领域之一,而生态系统生产力水平是其功能的重要表现形式。自然群落的物种多样性常与生产力密切相关,其相关性格局主要表现为3种形式,即单调上升、单调下降和单峰关系。本研究结果支持单峰格局,即中等生产力水平物种多样性最高。并认为水的作用导致草地群落养分资源的空间异质性降低,物种竞争增大,从而物种多样性下降,但生产力明显增加。物种的共存依赖于进化上稳固的物种之间利用资源能力的交换,而物种在竞争能力和生产能力上的交换使具有更高生产力的物种是竞争的弱者。物种多样性与生  相似文献   

生产力、可靠度与物种多样性:微宇宙实验研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
近年来,生物多样性与生态系统功能的关系成为生态领域内一个重大科学问题。有一些实验研究表明,物种多样性的降低会使生态系统的生产力、稳定性等功能受损,然而对这些实验结果的解释却产生了激烈的争论,因为有两种机制-“生态位互补”和“抽样效应”都可能会产生这种结果。本项研究通过微宇宙实验探讨了物种多样性与生态系统生产力及其可靠度的关系。在10种单细胞藻类中随机抽取物种,构建具有不同物种丰富度的水生群落,并使同一物种丰富度水平的群落之间没有物种交叉,然后检测物种丰富度对群落生产力及其可靠度的作用,群落生产力以藻类干重表示,自实验开始后第4周起,每周测定1次,共测5次。结果显示:物种丰富度对群落生产力有正效应,并且这种正效应随时间推移而增强;许多混合群落的生产力超过了该群落内所有物种的单产,即发生了超产现象,在实验初期某些特定物种对一些混合群落生产力有主要贡献,而在实验后期却没有任何多物种群落的生产力受个别物种存在与否的影响,群落生产力的可靠度与物种丰富度之间不存在显著相关。从以上结果可以得知:物种多样性对群落生产力有着逐渐增强的正效应;物种多样性对生产力的正效应是生态位互补和抽样效应共同作用的结果,但随时间推移,抽取效应逐渐减弱,本顶研究支持了关于生态位互补与抽样效应在多样性正效应中共同起作用的认识,并说明了这两种机制的相对重要性随时间推移而发生改变。  相似文献   

功能多样性-生产力关系研究结果支持质量比假说和多样性假说, 但对于这两种假说的适用条件尚有争议。通过对吉林省西部草甸和沼泽植物群落的地上生物量、2个物种多样性指标(物种丰富度和Shannon-Weaver指数)、7种植物性状的两类功能多样性指标(群落权重均值和Rao二次熵), 以及土壤环境因子进行调查测量, 研究了群落功能多样性与生产力的关系。结果表明: 1)功能多样性与生产力的关系比物种多样性与生产力的关系更为密切; 2)功能群落权重均值解释生产力变异的能力好于Rao二次熵, 即优势物种对群落生产力的影响作用更大; 3)水淹条件影响着功能多样性与生产力的关系, 以群落权重均值为基础的质量比假说适于解释草甸群落功能多样性与生产力的关系, 而以Rao二次熵为基础的多样性假说适于解释有强烈环境筛(水淹)的沼泽群落功能多样性与生产力的关系。  相似文献   

功能多样性-生产力关系研究结果支持质量比假说和多样性假说, 但对于这两种假说的适用条件尚有争议。通过对吉林省西部草甸和沼泽植物群落的地上生物量、2个物种多样性指标(物种丰富度和Shannon-Weaver指数)、7种植物性状的两类功能多样性指标(群落权重均值和Rao二次熵), 以及土壤环境因子进行调查测量, 研究了群落功能多样性与生产力的关系。结果表明: 1)功能多样性与生产力的关系比物种多样性与生产力的关系更为密切; 2)功能群落权重均值解释生产力变异的能力好于Rao二次熵, 即优势物种对群落生产力的影响作用更大; 3)水淹条件影响着功能多样性与生产力的关系, 以群落权重均值为基础的质量比假说适于解释草甸群落功能多样性与生产力的关系, 而以Rao二次熵为基础的多样性假说适于解释有强烈环境筛(水淹)的沼泽群落功能多样性与生产力的关系。  相似文献   

江小雷  张卫国 《生态学报》2006,26(6):1896-1902
利用人工建植的1年生植物群落对物种多样性.生产力关系及其潜在作用机理——取样效应和互补效应进行了研究。结果表明,不同多样性水平内群落生产力变化幅度较大,不同的物种组合对生产力水平也有较大的影响。植物种多样性与群落生产力之间呈二次函数关系。计算表明,所有混播群落均程度不同地存在多样性净效应,但不同多样性水平间及同一多样性水平内,净效应变化较大。物种多样性与生产力净效应间亦呈二次函数关系。多样性净效应与群落生产力水平呈显著正相关关系。多样性净效应的两个组成部分——取样效应和互补效应对多样性的变化有不同的反应:互补效应与物种多样性间呈单峰格局关系;而取样效应与多样性间呈显著的正相关关系。取样效应和互补效应均随着群落生产力的提高而显著增强。结果还表明,除物种多样性外,物种的组成(或物种的特性)对群落生产力、多样性净效应及其分解成分——取样效应和互补效应均有显著影响。据此,可以认为在短期多样性实验中,取样效应和互补效应均对多样性.生产力正相互关系产生作用,但取样效应的强度要大于互补效应。  相似文献   

高寒草甸不同草地群落物种多样性与生产力关系研究   总被引:33,自引:3,他引:30  
生态系统的结构和功能、生物多样性与生产力的关系问题是近年来群落生态学中研究的中心问题,其中,生态系统生产力水平是其功能的重要表现形式,用4种不同草地类型探讨自然群落的物种多样性与生产力关系.结果表明,矮嵩草草甸、小嵩草草甸和金露梅灌丛群落中物种多样性与生产力的关系呈线性增加关系,藏嵩草沼泽化草甸群落中线性增加关系不显著,这表明群落生产力除受物种多样性的影响外,也受物种本身特征和环境资源的影响.不同的环境资源和环境异质性是形成群落结构特征、物种多样性分布格局差异的主要原因之一.  相似文献   

植物群落中不同“功能身份”物种的多样性与特定生态系统功能之间具有何种关系及其作用机制尚不明确。通过在高寒矮嵩草(Kobresia humilis)草甸为期5年的刈割(不刈割、留茬3 cm、留茬1 cm)、施肥(施肥、不施肥)和浇水(浇水、不浇水)控制实验, 研究了刈割与土壤资源获得性梯度上不同“功能身份”物种(群落中所有物种、响应物种、作用物种和共有物种)的多样性变化与群落地上净初级生产力和稳定性的关系以及稳定性机制。研究结果显示: 群落中响应物种、作用物种和共有物种数分别占全部物种数的36.6%、18.3%和64.8%, 物种多样性对生态系统功能具有不同的效应, 净初级生产力主要受响应物种和作用物种的多样性变化影响, 而稳定性则主要由共有物种的多样性变化决定; 群落稳定性的维持主要依赖于共有物种的多样性增加, 其作用机制是投资组合效应, 而超产效应和异步性效应对稳定性并无作用; 刈割和施肥对物种多样性、稳定性和净初级生产力具有相反的影响, 前者能增加物种多样性和稳定性, 并降低净初级生产力, 而后者的作用正相反。这与群落中全部物种的多样性变化受刈割影响较大, 而作用物种的多样性变化受资源获得性影响较大有关。上述结果表明高寒草甸生态系统地上净初级生产力主要由少数影响生产力的作用物种的多样性决定, 而稳定性则由大量共有物种的多样性所掌控。投资组合效应是物种多样性导致稳定性的机制。由于群落中不同物种的多样性效应具有分异性, 对于特定的生态系统功能而言, 物种的“功能身份”可能比物种多样性本身更重要, 不加区别地笼统定义物种多样性与生态系统功能的关系可能欠妥。  相似文献   

Decreasing species diversity is thought to both reduce community productivity and increase invasibility to other species. However, it remains unclear whether identical mechanisms drive both diversity-productivity and diversity-invasibility relationships. We found a positive diversity-productivity relationship and negative diversity-invasibility and productivity-invasibility relationships using microcosm communities constructed from spatial niche specialist genotypes of the bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens. The primary mechanism driving these relationships was a dominance (or selection) effect: more diverse communities were more likely to contain the most productive and least invasible type. Statistical elimination of the dominance effect greatly weakened the diversity-invasibility relationship and eliminated the diversity-productivity relationship, but also revealed the operation of additional mechanisms (niche complementarity, positive and negative interactions) for particular combinations of niche specialists. However, these mechanisms differed for invasibility and productivity responses, resulting in the invasibility-productivity relationship changing from strongly negative to weakly positive. In the absence of the dominance effect, which may be an experimental artefact, decreasing diversity can have unexpected or no effects on ecosystem properties.  相似文献   

Models predict that community invasibility generally declines with species diversity, a prediction confirmed by small‐scale experiments. Large‐scale observations and experiments, however, find that diverse communities tend to be more heavily invaded than simple communities. One hypothesis states that large‐scale environmental heterogeneity, which similarly influences native and invasive species, can cause a positive correlation between diversity and invasibility, overriding the local negative effects of diversity on invasibility. We tested this hypothesis using aquatic microbial communities consisting of protists and rotifers consuming bacteria and nanoflagellates. We constructed a productivity gradient to simulate large‐scale environmental heterogeneity, started communities with the same number of species along this gradient, and subjected equilibrial communities to invasion by non‐resident consumer species. Both invaders and most resident species increased their abundances with resource enrichment, resulting in a positive correlation between diversity and invasibility. Intraspecific interference competition within resident species and the positive effect of enrichment on the number of available resources probably accounted for the higher invasibility with enrichment. Our results provide direct experimental evidence that environmental heterogeneity in productivity can cause a positive diversity–invasibility relationship.  相似文献   

植物群落的生物多样性及其可入侵性关系的实验研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16       下载免费PDF全文
 生物入侵已经成为一个普遍性的环境问题,并为许多学者所关注。尽管一些理论研究和观察表明生物多样性丰富的群落不容易受到外来种的入侵,但后来有些实验研究并没能证实两者的负相关性,多样性 可入侵性假说仍然是入侵生态学领域争论比较多的一个焦点。人为构建不同物种多样性和物种功能群多样性(C3 禾本科植物、C4植物、非禾本科草本植物和豆科植物)梯度的小尺度群落,把其它影响可入侵性的外在因子和多样性效应隔离开来,研究入侵种喜旱莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)在不同群落里的入侵过程来验证多样性 可入侵性及其相关假说。研究结果显示,物种功能群丰富的群落可入侵程度较低,功能群数目相同而物种多样性不同的群落可入侵性没有显著性差异,功能群特征不同的群落也表现出可入侵性的差异,生活史周期短的单一物种群落和有着生物固氮功能的豆科植物群落可入侵程度较高,与喜旱莲子草属于同一功能群且有着相似生态位的土著种莲子草(A. sessilis)对入侵的抵抗力最强。实验结果表明,物种多样性和群落可入侵性并没有很显著的负相关,而是与物种特性基础上的物种功能群多样性呈负相关,群落中留给入侵种生态位的机会很可能是决定群落可入侵性的一个关键因子。  相似文献   

Exotic plant invasions represent a threat to natural and managed ecosystems. Understanding of the mechanisms that determine why a given species may invade a given ecosystem, or why some biomes and regions seem more prone to invasions, is limited. One potential reason for this lack of progress may lie in how few studies have addressed invasion mechanisms from the point of view of the invaded community. On the other hand, the renewed debate about the relationship between ecological diversity and ecosystem stability offers the opportunity to revisit existing theory and empirical evidence, and to attempt to investigate which characteristics of plant communities, including their diversity, contribute to their invasibility. Empirical studies have shown both positive and negative relationships between species diversity of resident plant communities and their invasibility by external species. Rather than attempting to build a larger collection of case studies, research now needs to address the mechanisms underlying these relationships. Previous knowledge about the mechanisms favouring invasion needs to be coupled with community theory to form the basis of these new investigations. Modern community theory offers hypotheses and techniques to analyse the invasibility of communities depending on their diversity and other factors, such as species’ life histories and environmental variability. The body of knowledge accumulated in invasion ecology suggests that the role of disturbances, in interaction with fertility, and the importance of interactions with other trophic levels, are specific factors for consideration. In addition, it is essential for future studies to explicitly tease apart the effects of species richness per se from the effects of other components of ecological diversity, such as functional diversity (the number of functional groups) and trophic diversity (the number of interactions among trophic levels).  相似文献   

Biological invasions are a major threat to natural biodiversity; hence, understanding the mechanisms underlying invasibility (i.e., the susceptibility of a community to invasions by new species) is crucial. Invasibility of a resident community may be affected by a complex but hitherto hardly understood interplay of (1) productivity of the habitat, (2) diversity, (3) herbivory, and (4) the characteristics of both invasive and resident species. Using experimental phytoplankton microcosms, we investigated the effect of nutrient supply and species diversity on the invasibility of resident communities for two functionally different invaders in the presence or absence of an herbivore. With increasing nutrient supply, increased herbivore abundance indicated enhanced phytoplankton biomass production, and the invasion success of both invaders showed a unimodal pattern. At low nutrient supply (i.e., low influence of herbivory), the invasibility depended mainly on the competitive abilities of the invaders, whereas at high nutrient supply, the susceptibility to herbivory dominated. This resulted in different optimum nutrient levels for invasion success of the two species due to their individual functional traits. To test the effect of diversity on invasibility, a species richness gradient was generated by random selection from a resident species pool at an intermediate nutrient level. Invasibility was not affected by species richness; instead, it was driven by the functional traits of the resident and/or invasive species mediated by herbivore density. Overall, herbivory was the driving factor for invasibility of phytoplankton communities, which implies that other factors affecting the intensity of herbivory (e.g., productivity or edibility of primary producers) indirectly influence invasions.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors that encourage or inhibit plant invasions is vital to focusing limited invasive control efforts within areas where they are most practical and cost-effective. To extend the range of contexts in which invasibility is studied and aid the development of practical strategies to limit damaging plant invasions, we set out to test the relative importance of native species richness, native seedling density, and invasive propagule pressure, on the invasibility of artificial assemblages of naturally occurring tropical woody seedling communities. Our greenhouse mesocosms included a species pool of twelve trees and woody shrubs native to South Florida's tropical hardwood hammocks, and an increasingly prevalent noxious woody invader of this system, Ardisia elliptica. We found that invader propagule pressure was the single most important factor determining community invasibility. We also revealed a positive relationship between invasibility and native species richness in our polyculture mesocosms. Because A. elliptica biomass production significantly differed among different native monocultures and was not related to overyielding in native polycultures, we suggest that the effect of species richness on invasibility in this experiment was the result of sampling effects rather than a true effect of diversity.Three broad findings hold potential for application in preventing and controlling plant invasions, especially in the seedling layers of tropical dry forests: (1) effective invasive control efforts will likely benefit from measures to minimize propagule pressure; (2) managers might do well to prioritize invasive monitoring and removal efforts on the most diverse habitats within a management region; and (3) while more data are necessary to further understand our finding of a lack of association between productivity and invasibility, management regimes aimed at maximizing primary productivity might not increase invasibility, and in fact, strategies for controlling invasive plants via the management of ecosystem productivity may be ineffective.  相似文献   

The success of species invasions depends on both the characteristics of the invaded habitat and the traits of the invasive species. At local scales biodiversity may act as a barrier to invasion; however, the mechanism by which biodiversity confers invasion resistance to a community has been the subject of considerable debate. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that productivity and diversity affected the ability of a regionally available species to colonize communities from which it is absent. We hypothesized that the invasibility of rock pool invertebrate communities would increase with increasing nutrients and decrease with increasing diversity. We tested this possibility using naturally invaded outdoor aquatic microcosms. We demonstrated that the invasibility of an experimental multi-trophic aquatic community by a competitive native midge species (Ceratopogonidae: Dasyhelea sp.) was determined by an interaction between resource availability, diversity, and the densities of two competitive ostracods species. Nutrient enrichment increased invasion success; however, within nutrient-enriched microcosms, invasion success was highest in the low-diversity treatments. Our results suggest that resource availability may in fact be the principal mechanism determining invasibility at local scales in multi-trophic rock pool communities; however resource availability can be determined by both nutrient input as well as by the diversity of the biotic community.  相似文献   

Invasion of native habitats by alien or generalist species is recognized worldwide as one of the major causes behind species decline and extinction. One mechanism determining community invasibility, i.e. the susceptibility of a community to invasion, which has been supported by recent experimental studies, is species richness and functional diversity acting as barriers to invasion. We used Scandinavian semi-natural grasslands, exceptionally species-rich at small spatial scales, to examine this mechanism, using three grassland generalists and one alien species as experimental invaders. Removal of two putative functional groups, legumes and dominant non-legume forbs, had no effect on invasibility except a marginally insignificant effect of non-legume forb removal. The amount of removed biomass and original plot species richness had no effect on invasibility. Actually, invasibility was high already in the unmanipulated community, leading us to further examine the relationship between invasion and propagule pressure, i.e. the inflow of seeds into the community. Results from an additional experiment suggested that these species-rich grasslands are effectively open to invasion and that diversity may be immigration driven. Thus, species richness is no barrier to invasion. The high species diversity is probably in itself a result of the community being highly invasible, and species have accumulated at small scales during centuries of grassland management.  相似文献   

Understanding the resistance of plant communities to invasion is urgent in times of changes in the physical environment due to climate change and changes in the resident communities due to biodiversity loss. Here, we test the interaction between repeated drought or heavy rainfall events and functional diversity of grassland and heath communities on invasibility, measured as the number of plant individuals invading from the matrix vegetation. Invasibility of experimental plant communities was influenced by extreme weather events, although no change in above‐ground productivity of the resident communities was observed. Drought decreased invasibility while heavy rainfall increased invasibility, a pattern that is consistent with the fluctuating resource hypothesis. Higher community diversity generally decreased invasibility, which can be explained by a combination of the fluctuating resource hypothesis and niche theory. The effects of the physical environment (extreme weather events) and diversity resistance (community composition) were additive, as they were independent from each other. Differences in the composition of invading species sets were found, and Indicator Species Analysis revealed several invading species with significant affinity to one particular extreme weather event or community composition. This finding supports niche theory and contradicts neutral species assembly. Our data supports theories which predict decreased resistance of plant communities due to both increased climate variability and biodiversity loss. The effects of these two factors, however, appear to be independent from each other.  相似文献   

资源互补效应对多样性-生产力关系的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
许多有关物种多样性-生态系统功能关系的观察、理论和实验研究都表明, 在局域尺度范围内, 植物种多样性对生态系统生产力存在正效应。 然而, 对于促成这种关系的潜在生态学机制却缺乏足够的了解。 该实验利用9种一年生栽培牧草, 采用各物种单播及混播的方法, 构建不同多样性梯度的实验群落, 对物种多样性与生态系统生产力的关系及资源互补效应对系统生产力的影响进行了研究。 结果表明, 在一年生植物群落内,植物种多样性在一定程度内对系统生产力存在正效应, 物种多样性与生产力呈二次函数关系, 关系式为y = -98.449x2 + 1 039.2 x - 42.407, (R2 = 0.423 1)。 各物种在资源利用、生长速度和竞争能力等功能特征方面存在较大差异, 最高产物种和最低产物种间产量相差5.8倍。 在同一多样性梯度内, 不同物种组合的群落间生产力和互补效应也存在较大差异, 说明物种的成分对生态系统生产力也有重要影响。 同时,在混播群落中程度不同地存在着资源的互补性利用, 说明物种多样性对系统生产力有增强作用, 但相关分析表明, 互补效应和物种多样性间不存在显著相关关系。互补效应的4种计算方法所反映的资源互补程度有所不同, 每种方法各有利弊, 在对系统的多样性效应作用机制进行评价时, 应根据具体情况, 同时采用几种方法, 以利于对资源互补效应做出恰当的估测。  相似文献   

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