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萨仁 《植物分类学报》2007,45(3):343-345
报道了豆科Leguminosae昆仑岩黄耆Hedysarum krassnovii B.Fedtsch.在中国的分布。昆仑岩黄耆与近缘种红花岩黄耆H.multijugum Maxim.形态易混淆,但以其小叶3-9×3-7mm;旗瓣倒卵形,顶端凹陷约2mm深;翼瓣狭披针形;龙骨瓣近半圆形或矩圆形;花萼二唇彤;荚果具1-2节荚等性状易于区分。另外,此二种的物候期、生境及地理分布亦有区别。  相似文献   

描述了产于中国新疆的黄耆属(Astragalus)丁字毛类群2新种,即额尔齐斯黄耆(Astragalus eerqisiensis Z.Y.Chang,L. R. Xu & D.Podlech)和沙地黄耆(A.shadiensis L. R. Xu,Z.Y.Chang & D.Podlech).其中,额尔齐斯黄耆仅见于新疆布尔津县的额尔齐斯河流域,与哈巴河黄耆(A.habaheensis)近缘,区别在于前者小叶菱形、倒卵形或椭圆形,长15~25(30)mm,宽(3)7~12(15)mm,旗瓣长20~22(25)mm,翼瓣顶端2裂;沙地黄耆产于新疆托克逊县东北部,散生于沙地荒漠,形态上与变异黄耆(A. variabilis Bunge ex Maxim.)接近,区别在于小叶5~7(9)枚而非11~19枚,旗瓣在中部收缩,植株全体被灰色毛而呈灰色.2新种均系中国特有种,其中额尔齐斯黄耆隶属于乌拉尔组(A. Sect.Helmia Bunge),沙地黄耆隶属于旱生组[A. Sect.Craccina(Stev.)Bunge].  相似文献   

多年生草本,高9—15cm。根直伸,暗褐色,直径8—10mm。茎短缩,不明显。叶奇数羽状,托叶合生,淡褐色;小叶2—3对,卵圆形,长15—24mm,宽10—15mm,顶生小叶较大,长可达30mm,宽20mm,先端钝圆,两面密被绢状毛,上面绿色,下面银白色。总状花序,具短于叶的总梗,有花6—20朵;花序轴密被贴生的绒毛;苞片长圆形;小花梗长约1mm,稍短于苞片;花萼钟状,萼齿较筒部长2—4倍,披针状钴形,密被贴生的毛;花冠淡紫色;旗瓣宽倒卵形,长9—10mm,先端微凹,基部急剧缢缩成很短的瓣柄;翼辦短,约4 mm长,瓣片长圆形,基部有短耳,具长约1 mm的瓣柄;龙骨辦长于旗瓣,约14—16mm长,瓣片近斜三角形,基部有耳,瓣柄很短;子  相似文献   

多年生草本,高2—5厘米,密被开展的中着叉状毛。根木质化,直伸,灰褐色。茎极短缩,不明显。奇数羽状复叶,长3—4厘米,具短叶柄,有小叶10—13对;小叶椭圆形,灰绿色,长4—5毫米,两面被开展的毛,下面毛较密;托叶下半部合生,上部披针形,被开展的毛。总状花序具与叶近等长的总梗,密被开展的长毛。有花3—4朵;苞片披针形,有毛;萼筒状,不膨大,长约1厘米,被开展的白色长毛和混生少量的黑毛,萼齿钻状。长为萼筒的1/2;花冠黄色,旗瓣片近提琴形,长约2厘米,近顶部稍狭,顶端微凹,中部缢缩,下部渐狭成瓣柄,翼瓣与旗瓣近等长,瓣片长圆形,下部有耳,较瓣柄短;龙骨瓣短于翼瓣,瓣柄显著长于瓣片;二体雄蕊,子房线形,近于无柄,有毛;荚果未见。花期5——6月。本种与七叶黄耆A.heptapotamtuus  相似文献   

报道了产于中国西北地区豆科山羊豆族2属5种植物的核型.结果表明,这5种豆科植物均为二倍体,其核型公式分别为:单叶黄耆(Astragalus efoliolatus),2n=16=12m 4sm,2A"核型;鸡峰山黄耆(A.kifonsanicus),2n=16=12m 4sm,2A"核型;太原黄耆(A.taiyuanensis),2n=16=8m 6sm 2t(2SAT),2B"核型;变异黄耆(A.variabilis),2n=16=14sm 2t(2SAT),3A"核型;贺兰山岩黄耆(Hedysarum petrovii),2n=16=12m 4sm(2SAT),2A"核型.除变异黄芪外,其余各种的染色体数目及核型均为首次报道.  相似文献   

岩黄耆属系统分类研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
回顾了自Fedtschenko以来在岩黄耆属分类、区系地理和系统发育方面所取得的成就,根据目前的研究现状,提出了岩黄耆属今后研究的重点和方向。  相似文献   

对莲山黄耆(A.leansanicusUlbr.)和长管萼黄耆(A.li mprichtiiUlbr.)的形态及微观形态特征进行了对比研究,认为两者的萼筒皆为较明显的管状,荚果皆为线形,支持将二者归为同一组,即将长管萼黄耆从原先的旱生组(Sect.Crasinna(Stev.)Bunge)移至鸟爪组(Sect.Crasinna(Stev.)Bunge)。但是莲山黄耆叶的上表皮无毛,荚果明显较短,两者在丁字毛臂长比和气孔分布方面也有明显差异,再结合其地理分布的差别,认为两者应为独立的种。  相似文献   

唐宏亮  贺学礼 《植物学报》2007,24(5):614-619
利用扫描电镜观察了国产岩黄耆属(Hedysarum L.)18个种(含3个居群)的种皮纹饰。结果表明: 岩黄耆属种皮纹饰性状在种的划分上具有重要的分类学意义。依据种皮纹饰特性, 大致分为光滑型和粗糙型2大类型以及断棱状、嚼烂状、龟纹状、网纹状与细网状5个亚型。依据其划分的类型及亚型, 种皮纹饰呈现出从断棱状、细网状到光滑状的演化趋势, 从而阐明了种皮纹饰在岩黄耆属系统演化上的重要意义。  相似文献   

中国岩黄耆属(豆科)种皮纹饰及其系统学意义   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用扫描电镜观察了国产岩黄耆属(Hedysarum L.)18个种(含3个居群)的种皮纹饰。结果表明:岩黄耆属种皮纹饰性状在种的划分上具有重要的分类学意义。依据种皮纹饰特性,大致分为光滑型和粗糙型2大类型以及断棱状、嚼烂状、龟纹状、网纹状与细网状5个亚型。依据其划分的类型及亚型,种皮纹饰呈现出从断棱状、细网状到光滑状的演化趋势,从而阐明了种皮纹饰在岩黄耆属系统演化上的重要意义。  相似文献   

刘小林  常朝阳 《西北植物学报》2017,37(12):2403-2409
为了明确黄耆属裂萼亚属内部类群的关系,该研究采用光学显微镜和扫描电镜,观察了黄耆属裂萼亚属6个组6种植物的叶表皮特征。结果表明:(1)在光学显微镜下,裂萼亚属6种植物的表皮毛密度、长度、臂长比以及气孔频率都存在较大差异:除莲山黄耆和地八角上表皮无毛外,其他种上下表皮都有毛分布并且下表皮毛密度较大;表皮毛臂长比在1.22~2.15之间;表皮毛的长度为104.7~902.0μm,同一个种的同一叶片上表皮毛长度差异在200~400μm之间,但上下表皮毛长度没有明显差别,其中短序组地八角的表皮毛长度最短(195.5μm),剑叶组鸡峰山黄耆的表皮毛长度最长(781.6μm)。(2)在光学显微镜下,裂萼亚属6种植物的表皮细胞形状和垂周壁式样也各不相同,其中灰叶黄耆和地八角垂周壁平直,莲山黄耆和鸡峰山黄耆为明显的波状,而斜茎黄耆和糙叶黄耆的垂周壁介于两者之间,相对应的表皮细胞形状分别为:多边形、不规则形和近多边形,这些特征可以作为物种鉴别的依据。(3)扫描电镜下,裂萼亚属6种植物的微形态特征基本一致,表皮毛均呈圆柱状,表面具有棱状条纹或乳头状突起,其中地八角的棱状条纹最为明显,其他各种之间的毛表面特征差异不明显;表皮细胞的蜡质层纹饰均为薄片状,气孔器外拱盖边缘平滑或微波状,其中地八角的气孔器周围角质层有明显的"T"型加厚。(4)比较不同环境下6种植物的气孔频率和密度发现,采自水边的地八角气孔频率最大,且上下表皮气孔频率一致,而采自黄土高原干旱地区鸡峰山黄耆的气孔频率却最小,与前人研究结果不一致。  相似文献   

该研究以中国产芸香科广义吴茱萸属18种3变种为材料,于体视显微镜下观察叶结构特征。结果发现:(1)吴茱萸属叶脉为羽状脉。(2)二级脉有花环状弓形脉和简单弓形脉两种类型,极少数存在内二级脉,间二级脉存在或缺失。(3)三级脉不规则网状或极少数弱贯穿,边缘三级脉环状。(4)四级脉不规则网状或自由分支。(5)五级脉不规则网状或自由分支,脉间区发育差或中等,游离端小脉末端简单或管状异形,边缘末级脉大多数不完整,极少数环状。(6)基于重要的外部形态学特征和叶结构特征观察结果,编制了广义吴茱萸属植物的分组检索表。研究表明,吴茱萸属这些类群的二级脉与更高级脉序形成的结构极为稳定,同时又存在种间差异,故广义吴茱萸属植物叶结构特征可以为更准确地鉴定一些疑难种和混淆种提供佐证,具有重要的系统分类学价值。  相似文献   

王永  何顺志 《广西植物》2015,35(4):476-486
采用制作叶脉标本和透明叶标本的方法,对贵州产28种2变种小檗属植物叶脉特征进行比较研究。结果表明:贵州小檗属植物的脉序类型有5种:半达缘羽状脉、花环状半达缘羽状脉、简单弓形羽状脉、花环状弓形羽状脉和混合型。叶脉分支一般有五级:1一级脉构架均为羽状脉,粗度有很粗、粗、中等粗细和纤细四种类型,分支方式包括单轴分支和合轴分支;2粗二级脉构架中有分支达缘或分支均不达缘,与中脉夹角变化各异,内二级脉存在或缺失,细二级脉半达缘、真曲行或简单弓形,间二级脉类型复杂多变但频度种间有差异;3三级脉贯串型、结网型或分支型;4四、五级脉网状或自由分支且常混合在一起。脉间区从发育差到良好,小脉从不分支到不均等分支等各种类型均有,叶缘末级脉缺失、不完整、钉状和环状。大部分种类叶缘具齿,每1cm齿数目和齿内腺点的特性等特征在不同种类间有区别,具有鉴定价值,但齿其它特征复杂多变或种间区别较小,同时齿内脉性状也不稳定。此外,齿的有无会对脉序类型产生影响。小檗属植物叶脉类型存在种间差异,具有重要的分类学价值,叶脉类型的变化和复杂程度显示了该属植物的进化特点;叶齿的有无和齿特征具有分类学和系统学意义。基于叶脉特征的研究结果并结合重要的外部形态学特征编制了贵州小檗属植物的分种检索表。研究结果可为小檗属植物分类寻找新的依据并探讨其系统学意义。  相似文献   

中国花楸属单叶类群(24种)包含落萼组与冠萼组,亦有学者将其分为两个属(白花楸属和水榆属)或合并成为一个属(白花楸属).由于其花序和果实的高度相似性,长期以来分类地位具有争议,而叶脉序特征在花楸属单叶类群中的分类作用尚不明确.因此,该研究以国产花楸属落萼组的13个物种和冠萼组的7个物种作为研究对象,以清净法制作标本对叶...  相似文献   

It has long been noted that high temperature produces great variation in wing forms of the vestigial mutant of Drosophila. Most of the wings have defects in the wing blade and partially formed wing margin, which are the result of autonomous cell death in the presumptive wing blade or costal region of the wing disc. The vestigial gene (vg) and the interaction of Vg protein with other gene products are well understood. With this biochemical knowledge, reinvestigations of the high-temperature-induced vestigial wings and the elucidation of the molecular mechanism underlying the large-scale variation of the wing forms may provide insight into further understanding of development of the wing of Drosophila. As a first step of such explorations, I examined high-temperature-induced (29°C) vestigial wings. In the first part of this paper, I provide evidences to show that the proximal and distal costae in these wings exhibit regular and continuous variation, which suggests different developmental processes for the proximal and distal costal sections. Judging by the costae presenting in the anterior wing margin, I propose that the proximal and distal costal sections are independent growth units. The genes that regulate formation of the distal costal section also strongly affect proliferation of cells nearby; however, the same phenomenon has not been found in the proximal costal section. The distal costal section seems to be an extension of the radius vein. vestigial, one of the most intensely researched temperature-sensitive mutations, is a good candidate for the study of marginal vein formation. In the second part of the paper, I regroup the wing forms of these wings, chiefly by comparison of venation among these wings, and try to elucidate the variation of the wing forms according to the results of previous work and the conclusions reached in the first part of this paper, and provide clues for further researches.  相似文献   

Neoplastic plant-tissue formation, termed crown gall disease, is induced on infection with Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The tumorous tissues develop an extensive vascular system, with a venation pattern distinct from that of native host plants. We report here that the plant-tumorigenic 6b gene of the A. tumefaciens strain AKE10 is capable of inducing extensive vein formation in transgenic tobacco seedlings with distinct pattern formation. Unlike the wild-type cotyledons, transgenic cotyledons had wavy and striate veins depending on the extent of severity of leaf morphology. Graph analysis of the transgenic cotyledonous vein patterns revealed an increase in the number of branch points of veins, end-points of veins, and areas surrounded by the veins. Histological analysis showed abnormal tissue growth on the abaxial side of the cotyledon blades and continual formation of adventitious veins. These adventitiously formed veins included inverted dorso-ventrality and formation of a radial axis.  相似文献   

连蕊芥属(Synstemon Botsch.)为蒙古高原特有属,根据大量的腊叶标本和野外居群调查,将陆氏连蕊芥(Synstemon lulianlianus Al-Shenhbaz et al.)作为连蕊芥(Synstemon petrovii Botsch.)的异名处理,确认连蕊芥属为单种属。  相似文献   

报道了中国唇形科(Lamiaceae)刺蕊草属一新记录种--香薷状刺蕊草(Pogostemon elsholtzioides Benth.),该种在中国产于西藏墨脱县,凭证标本保存在PE。该种在喜马拉雅地区分布广泛,与特产于云南西北部地区的狭叶刺蕊草(P. dielsianus Dunn)的主要区别为:花萼钟形,长3~3.5 mm,花萼齿长为花萼筒的1/3~1/2,花冠长约4.5 mm。  相似文献   

Insect wings are great resources for studying morphological diversities in nature as well as in fossil records. Among them, variation in wing venation is one of the most characteristic features of insect species. Venation is therefore, undeniably a key factor of species-specific functional traits of the wings; however, the mechanism underlying wing vein formation among insects largely remains unexplored. Our knowledge of the genetic basis of wing development is solely restricted to Drosophila melanogaster. A critical step in wing vein development in Drosophila is the activation of the decapentaplegic (Dpp)/bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signalling pathway during pupal stages. A key mechanism is the directional transport of Dpp from the longitudinal veins into the posterior crossvein by BMP-binding proteins, resulting in redistribution of Dpp that reflects wing vein patterns. Recent works on the sawfly Athalia rosae, of the order Hymenoptera, also suggested that the Dpp transport system is required to specify fore- and hindwing vein patterns. Given that Dpp redistribution via transport is likely to be a key mechanism for establishing wing vein patterns, this raises the interesting possibility that distinct wing vein patterns are generated, based on where Dpp is transported. Experimental evidence in Drosophila suggests that the direction of Dpp transport is regulated by prepatterned positional information. These observations lead to the postulation that Dpp generates diversified insect wing vein patterns through species-specific positional information of its directional transport. Extension of these observations in some winged insects will provide further insights into the mechanisms underlying diversified wing venation among insects.  相似文献   

报道了贵州省忍冬属1个新变种——心叶皱叶忍冬(Lonicera reticulata Champ.var.cordifolia W.B.Xu),该变种与原变种皱叶忍冬(Lonicera reticulata Champ.var.reticulata)的主要区别在于苞片长1~1.5cm,远长于萼筒,叶片卵形至心形,宽可达10cm,基部明显心形。作者指定了模式标本,并对新变种生境中的伴生物种进行了描述。  相似文献   

The genus Mortoniodendron is distributed from southeastern Mexico to Colombia and contains about 18 species of trees and shrubs. The main goal of this study is to describe and compare the leaf architecture and the anatomy of 11 species of Mortoniodendron using cleared leaves and paradermal and transverse leaf sections. All of the species of Mortoniodendron share a simple lamina with an entire margin. The differences among the species include the venation pattern, the relative thickness and course of the secondary veins, the presence or absence of the intersecondary veins, the tertiary vein pattern, the number of branches in veinlets, and the marginal ultimate venation. The leaf anatomy is similar to other species of the Malvaceae s.l.: for example, mucilage cells are common in Mortoniodendron. There are unique attributes of the leaf architecture and anatomy, such as the eucamptodromous venation pattern of M. guatemalense, which facilitates the identification of the species. The species M. palaciosii, M. pentagonum, M. ruizii, M. uxpanapense, and M. sp. nov. share features that suggest that they are closely related.  相似文献   

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