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对来源于微生物的天然黄色素的研究进行了详细概述, 尤其对红曲黄色素的生产、安全性以及黄色素的合成代谢机理研究进行了详细论述, 最后对红曲黄色素的应用前景及其未来研究重点进行了展望, 并对研究中存在的问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

本文对高中生物教学进行了思考,笔者对多年的教学实践进行了分析总结,从教育理念、教育方法、教育模式等方面进行了研究。  相似文献   

几种主要食用菌的遗传转化研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方明  姚方杰  陈影  王晓娥 《菌物研究》2012,10(3):195-200
对平菇、香菇、草菇、银耳、双孢蘑菇的遗传转化体系的构建及其应用的研究进展进行了综述,对存在的问题进行了分析,并对未来的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

叶绿体色素的提取分离实验是高中生物学的一个重要实验,学生进行实验时成功率不是很高。简介了该实验的原理,对常见问题进行分析并提出解决办法,特别是在色素提取过程中进行了较大改进,增加了乙酸乙酯溶解胡萝卜素和色素萃取步骤,既提高了实验的成功率.又体现了不同学科知识之间的横向联系。  相似文献   

本文就花青素的结构和种类进行了简单介绍,并且对花青素提取、分离及纯化的方法进行了详细综述,对其未来的发展趋势进行了合理展望,希望对花青素提取分离工作有一定的参考意义。  相似文献   

昆虫乙酰胆碱酯酶基因研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对昆虫乙酰胆碱酯酶(acetylcholinesterase, AChE,EC的基因结构和表达等方面的研究进展进行了综述。分析了昆虫乙酰胆碱酯酶基因的结构,包括10个外显子的特征。对已经报道的昆虫AChE基因进行了系统归纳,并基于已知全序列的昆虫AChE基因,进行了昆虫AChE基因的分子进化分析。对昆虫AChE基因的结构特点及其功能,以及昆虫AChE基因的活性位点、AChE的变构与昆虫抗药性的关系进行了探讨。最后对昆虫AChE基因研究中存在的问题和前景进行了分析和展望。  相似文献   

棕榈ISSR反应条件的筛选与优化   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
李文表  周先叶  李勇  张寿洲   《广西植物》2006,26(2):204-208
应用ISSR技术对棕榈(Trachycarpusfortunei)进行分析研究,对影响ISSR反应的各因子进行探讨,确定了该研究的最佳反应条件,建立了棕榈ISSR反应的最佳反应体系,为进行棕榈居群遗传多样性的研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

本文就不同参数的磁场的细胞生物学效应研究进行了综述 ,总结了不同类型不同物理参数的磁场对细胞生物学效应的研究成果 ,结合实验结果对磁场生物学效应的可能物理机制进行了初步探讨 ,并对磁场的细胞生物学效应的研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

李世晋  张奠湘  陈忠毅   《广西植物》2006,26(1):8-12,109
对中国云实属植物进行了系统学修订,确认中国产云实属植物有20种,列出分种检索表,对《中国植物志》39卷中未记载的3种植物进行了详细的描述,对鸡嘴簕的名称进行了探讨。  相似文献   

影响棉纤维分化和发育的因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
概述了棉纤维细胞分化和发育的过程,对影响棉纤雏分化和发育的因素进行了探讨,并对今后棉纤维的研究发展趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

以江西武夷山国家级自然保护区河岸带阔叶林群落为研究对象,对其物种组成进行调查,并采用物种丰富度指数、多样性指数和均匀度指数分析物种多样性。结果表明,保护区河岸带物种极丰富,三条水系10个样方中共调查到维管束植物93科174属304种,群落建群种和灌木层优势种均以常绿阔叶树种为主,物种组成具有典型的亚热带植被特色,以壳斗科、樟科、山茶科物种最多。保护区不同海拔河岸带物种丰富度指数、多样性指数的变化规律基本一致。  相似文献   

北京湿地维管植物区系研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
记录了分布于北京地区的典型湿地维管植物266种7变种1变型,共274个分类群,隶属于58科144属。从种一级的水平对这274个分类群进行分析,可分为14个分布区类型,其中温带性质的种187种,为整个区系成分的主体,另有世界广布种45种,热带性质的种30种,中国特有种12种。就北京湿地维管植物区系特征而言,其种类组成与华北其他地区湿地存在着相似性,温带成分占优势地位,并存在一些古老孑遗种类及特有种。此外,还对区系成分中的受危种和外来种进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Co-occurrence of species of various geographical ranges is important to correct endemism evaluation. This co-occurrence is shown as non-hazardous. Influence of area size on species richness is assumed to be different with respect to endemic and non-endemic species. The territory of Israel and Sinai is subdivided into twenty biotic provinces. We segregated three hundred and twenty-five tenebrionid species inhabiting this territory into endemic, regional and ubiquitous species. Regression of the number of endemic species on the number of regional species is non-linear. Two distinct regression lines correspond to hot and cool areas. The number of ubiquitous species depends positively on numbers of both endemic and regional species, and negatively on their product. Ubiquitous species are predominantly synanthropic, and inability to tolerate competition with other tenebrionids is assumed as the basis of numerical relationships with other species. Correlation between numbers of endemic and non-endemic species of bird and mammal and size of area is analysed at the broad geographical scale. Relationships between area size evaluation and the numbers of endemic and non-endemic species are always different. The square root of the area km2 is always more important in species richness determination than area itself. This variable is a linear characteristic of the area and its significance is discussed. Possible ecological interactions between species of various geographical ranges are also considered. A new method of evaluation of the level of faunal endemism is proposed.  相似文献   

中国台湾和大陆蹄盖蕨属植物的生物地理学比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王中仁 《植物研究》2001,21(2):231-238
蹄盖蕨属Athryium ROth是个典型的东亚属,全世界估计约有160种,主要分布在亚洲东部的亚热带高山,少数在温带其他地区,中国有117种,是其分布中心,台湾和大陆的蹄盖蕨属植物关系尤为密切,是研究海峡两岸植物地理关系的一个很好的材料。台湾已知共计有蹄盖蕨类植物32种,包括狭义蹄盖蕨27种,介蕨2种,蛾眉蕨1种,假蹄盖蕨1种,假冷蕨1种,即使将待查实的4种蹄盖蕨除去,至少还有28种,其中除去种大陆不产外,21种均和大陆共有,占75%,况且,这7种与大陆种形态相近,是否同种异名,亚种或姊妹种关系还有待进一步研究;在台湾和大陆共有的16种狭义蹄盖蕨中有7种是台湾一西南间断分布。这不仅说明了台湾的蹄盖蕨属类植物和大陆的关系密切,有着共同的起源,而且说明台湾高地的植物区系和西南高地关系最为密切,运用生物系统学和分子系统学的方法研究和测定海峡两岸共有种种内,姊妹种或近缘种之间的遗传学关系(如:遗传一致度),进一步了解并量化台湾和大陆植物区系之间的历史和地理关系是必要的。  相似文献   

牡丹江城市鸟类调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
2004年5月至2009年4月对牡丹江城市鸟类进行调查,共记录鸟类91种,隶属14目31科,占全国鸟类总种数的7.69%.说明牡丹江地区鸟类资源比较丰富,其丰富度指数1.967,均匀度指数0.653 8,Shannon-Wiener指数2.949.记录的91种鸟中留鸟26种,夏候鸟53种,冬候鸟3种,旅鸟9种,分别占总数28.6%、58.2%、3.3%、和9.9%.在居留型上,主要以夏候鸟为主.在区系组成上,东洋种5种,占5.5%,古北种54种,占59.3%,广布种32种,占35.2%,以古北种为主.记录到的91种鸟类中包括松雀鹰(Accipiter virgatus)、苍鹰(A.gentilis)等8种国家Ⅱ级保护野生动物.在所调查的鸟类中雀形目鸟类最多,15科52种.  相似文献   

Summary Four concepts are considered for the trophic level of a species in a community food web. The long-way-up-level (or LU-level) of species A is the length of the longest simple food chain from a basal species (one with no prey in the web) to A. (A simple chain is a chain that does not pass through any given species more than once.) The short-way-up-level (SU-level) of species A is the length of the shortest chain from a basal species to A. The long-way-down-level (LD-level) of species A is the length of the longest simple chain from species A to a top species (one with no consumers in the web). The short-way-down-level (SD-level) of species A is the length of the shortest chain from species A to a top species. The stratigraphy of a web is the analogue for species of the pyramid of numbers for individuals: it is the frequency distribution of species according to level. The LU-, SU-, LD-, and SD-stratigraphies of the seven webs in the Briand-Cohen collection with 30 or more trophic species reveal no species with LU-level or LD-level more than 6, no species with SU-level more than 3, and no species with SD-level more than 2. In all seven webs, SD-levels are stochastically less than SU-levels: species tend to be closer to a top predator than to a basal species. Two stochastic models of food web structure (the cascade model and the homogeneous superlinear model) correctly predict that 95% or more of species should have LU-level and LD-level in the range 0–6. The models also correctly predict some details of the distribution of species in the SU- and SD-stratigraphies, particularly the fraction of species in level 1. The models do not, in general, correctly predict the distribution of species within the range 0–6 of LU-levels and LD-levels.  相似文献   

基于七姊妹山自然保护区内6 hm~2监测样地多度数据,通过累计经验分布曲线(ECDF)表征该样地内不同生活型功能群的物种-多度分布格局,并采用6种模型对各功能群不同取样尺度物种等级-多度曲线进行拟合并检验其拟合效果,分析多度格局与模型拟合在不同尺度间的差异,探讨其背后的生态学过程与机制。结果表明:(1)各尺度下落叶种比常绿种的物种数多,物种多样性指数更大,但个体数相对较少;不同功能群稀有种比例排序为:落叶种所有种常绿种。(2)6种模型中的断棍模型的拟合效果较差;中大尺度(50 m×50 m、100 m×100 m)上不同生活型树种多度分布能接受的模型较少,除大尺度的常绿树种外,拟合最优模型均为对数正态分布模型,大尺度的常绿树种拟合最优模型为中性模型;小尺度上(20 m×20 m)常绿树种的最优模型为对数正态分布模型,落叶树种最优模型为生态位优先模型,所有树种在小尺度最优模型为Zipf-Mandelbrot模型。研究认为,随着尺度逐渐扩大,中性过程较生态位过程对物种-多度格局的解释力度更大,落叶树种物种多度格局的形成机制较常绿树种更接近于样地所有树种物种-多度格局的形成机制。  相似文献   

西双版纳地区不同植被亚型蚁科昆虫群落研究   总被引:30,自引:5,他引:25  
研究了西双版纳地区16各被亚型蚂蚁的特有种、优势种、物种多样性指数、均匀度指数、优势度指数和相似性系数。所采蚂蚁分隶于8亚科66属220种。雨季的季节性十麻蚂蚁物种多样性指数最大,为2.908;旱季的茶园中多样性指数最小,为0.114。以山地雨林和季风常绿阔叶林蚂蚁物各组成相似性系数最大,为0.356;以温暖性叶阔叶林和茶园相似性系数最小,为0.017。16种植被亚型均有特有种,其中半常绿季雨林特  相似文献   

Restoring disturbed lands is essential for conserving biodiversity. In floristically diverse regions, restoring all plant species following anthropogenic disturbance is financially costly and it is unknown if this can be achieved. However, re‐creating faunal habitat may not require reinstating all plant species if there is a high degree of redundancy. Here, we assess whether there is redundancy among a subset of native plant species chosen to restore fauna habitat following a severe disturbance. Additionally, we determine if reestablished plants support similar faunal assemblages as the same plant species in less disturbed forest. We sampled plant‐dwelling Hemiptera from 1,800 plants across 16 species. We found 190 species of Hemiptera, with most plant species in the forest having distinct hemipteran assemblages. Returning these plant species to areas undergoing restoration reinstated 145 hemipteran species, including the dominant species. Recalcitrant plant species (difficult to propagate and reestablish in restored areas) had different hemipteran assemblages from all other species. There was only one plant species that did not have a distinct assemblage and thus was considered redundant. We conclude that there is little redundancy in this study. For plant‐dwelling Hemiptera (with good powers of dispersal) to recolonize restored areas, restoration efforts will need to reinstate at least 13 of the 16 species of host plant of appropriate age and structure. Consequently, to meet the goal of restoring fauna habitat when there is no knowledge of which plant species are redundant, restoration projects should aim to reinstate all plant species present in less disturbed reference areas.  相似文献   

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