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戎广亚  孙杰 《病毒学报》1998,14(2):178-182
用ORF2、ORF3合成肽抗原(1-10号)及基因工程重组的ORF2抗原(1和2号)分别建立了酶联免疫方法(EIA),检测60份戊型肝炎病人血清中HEVIgG及IgM10个合成肽抗原及2人重组抗原,均和HEV阳性血清发生特异反应,但阳性率和反应强度差别很大。以Rel(ORF2,402-660)检测的抗体阳性率最高,为96.7%;Sp6(ORF3,88-123)次之,为93.3%(56/60);以上  相似文献   

新型戊型肝炎诊断试剂盒的研制及其应用   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
用HEVORF3合成肽及ORF2重组抗原研制成新型HEVEIA诊断试剂盒。与GenlabsHEVEIA检测比较,灵敏度和特异性均达100%(60/60)。三批试剂精密性测定均<10%。该试剂盒置4℃8个月或37℃4d保持稳定。检测不同肝炎患者HEV抗体,发现急性非甲非乙非丙肝炎中有63.2%,甲肝有13.4%,乙肝有8.3%,丙肝有6.6%,正常人群为2.9%。所研制的戊型肝炎诊断试剂盒,灵敏度高,特异性强,精密性好,稳定性合格。适用于戊型肝炎诊断及戊肝病毒感染的流行病学调查  相似文献   

根据GenBank中猪圆环病毒2型(PCV-2)ORF2基因序列,设计一 对引物,应用PCR从疑患断奶仔猪多系统消耗综合症(PMWS)的死亡仔猪组织病料中扩增出ORF 2全基因(702bp)。将此片段克隆入pGEM-T easy载体,筛选获得重组质粒pTORF2,并对此质 粒中的插入序列进行了测序分析,结果表明本试验克隆的ORF2与美国PCV-2分离株AF264039 的核苷酸及氨基酸序列同源性均达到100%,与其他PCV-2毒株同源性分别为92.3%~98. 6%和 92.3%~96.6%。重组质粒pTORF2经 Bam H I、Eco R V双酶切,回收ORF2基因,转 移入真 核表达载体pSecTag2/HygroB的相应酶切位点之间,构建成重组质粒pSecTagORF2。此重组表 达载体的构建成功为进一步研究ORF2编码蛋白的生物学活性及建立PCV诊断试剂盒打下基础。  相似文献   

应用基因重组技术,把编码EB病毒早期蛋白的BCRF1基因重组于真核表达载体pSG5中,并使该基因在乳地鼠肾(BHK)传代细胞中获得良好表达,表达率为0.5%。血清学实验证实,鼻咽癌、类风湿性关节炎病人和正常人血清中均不同程度地含有IgG/BCRF1抗体,抗体阳性率分别为92%、86%和77%,几何平均滴度(GMT)分别是1:16.35、1:14.72和1:10.15。两组病人和正常人血清中IgA/BCRF1抗体阳性率和滴度之间有较大差别,它们的阳性率分别是74%、71%和12%,GMT分别是1:12.32,1:10.56和1:2.35。还证实,鼻咽癌和类风湿性关节炎病人血清中IgA/BCRF1和IgA/EA(早期抗原)抗体阳性率和滴度间有很好的相关性,此为首次报导。重组表达质粒pSG5-BCRF1的构建和表达为进一步研究BCRF1基因在病毒感染和肿瘤免疫中的作用创造了条件。本文就质粒的构建和3组血清中IgA/BCRF1、IgA/BCRF1、IgA/EA和IgG/BCRF1抗体间的关系和有关问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   

TORCH系列病原体感染在产科的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文应用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测TORCH系列抗体,初步调查了产科孕产妇、异常妊娠史妇女及部分其它病人此类抗体水平。CMV-IgM阳性率,孕产妇11.7%(60/542),不良妊娠史妇女21.43%(15/70),其它病8.82%(15/107);RUV-IgM阳性率孕产妇15.7%(85/542),不良妊娠史妇女为31.4%(22/70);TOX-IgM阳性率分别为16.9%(92/5  相似文献   

用丙型肝炎病毒重组蛋白C33_c抗原免疫BALB/c小鼠,运用杂交瘤技术成功地建立了7株能稳定分泌抗C33_c单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞1H6D2、2G1A6、3A4A8、3E3E7、4G12C10、4A10C2、5F4B6.试验结果表明,7株McAbs具有良好的HCV特异性,间接ELISA法测得小鼠腹水McAb效价为1:10 ̄4-1:4×10 ̄4;竞争抑制实验和相加指数测定证实7株McAbs识别相关的抗原表位;7株McAbs中1株为IgM(5F4B6),其它6株为IgG(2a)。  相似文献   

用BamHI和HindII将丙肝病毒C+E1DNA片段从其克隆载体pGEM3zf-HCV/C+E1上切下,经Taq酶补齐3’末端后插入到载体pSVL-T中,构建成丙肝病毒C+E1真核表达载体pSVL-HCV/C+E1。本实验中重组效率达64.7%(11/17),正向插入为50%(2/4)。  相似文献   

用人工合成的丁型肝炎病毒抗原(HDV-Ag)肽建立了检测抗HDV-IgM抗体的ELISA方法,本法操作简便、快速,重复性好,特异性强,与抗HAV-IgM、抗Hk-IgM、抗HBs-IgM、抗HCV-IgI、抗CMV-IgM、抗RV-IgM、类风湿因子(RF)及抗核抗体(ANA)阳性血清均不起反应,且可被2-巯基乙醇阻断而不起反应。经初步临床应用,31例正常人血清抗HDV-IgM全部阴性,28例慢活肝患者检出率为32.1%(9/28),17例慢迁肝患者血清阳性率为11.8%(2/17)18例肝癌和肝硬化病人血清阳性率为22.2%(4/18)这三组病人与正常对照者相比较均有显著性差异(P<0.001)。此外,抗HDV-IgM阳性血清的ALT值均明显高于正常参考范围,提示在HDV感染过程中,患者肝细胞进一步受损。实验结果证明,抗HDV-IgM是诊断HDV感染的重要指标,对HDV感染早期诊断具有重要价值。  相似文献   

用重组人促红细胞生成素(rhEPO)免疫Balb/c小鼠,取其脾细胞在PEC4000作用下与SP2/0小鼠骨髓瘤细胞融合,获得一株能分泌抗rhEPO单抗隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞株2F12,染色体数目大于100条,间接ELISA法测定腹水和细胞培养上清效价,分别为1.6×10^-7和4×10^-4。测定抗体亚类时,则同时显示IgA和IgG1,其轻链为κ链;相对亲和力为5×10%^-12mol/L。单抗2F  相似文献   

曾革非  张智清 《病毒学报》2000,16(2):127-130
朋原代培养的人脐静脉血管内皮细胞(HUVEC)提取细胞总RNA,采用逆转录PCR(RT-PCR)方法得到VEGF受体Flt-1胞外区前3个IgG样区域cDNA片段(Flt-1n3)。将获得的受体基因克隆到真核表达载体pcD-NA3.1中,得到重组质粒pcDNA3.1/Flt-1n3,通过南体转染方法将其转入中国仓鼠卵巢细胞(CHO),用G418筛选得到稳定表达目的蛋白的细胞砍隆。经固相结合实验筛选  相似文献   

不同戊肝抗原检测抗-HEV IgM反应性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的比较不同戊肝抗原检测抗-HEVIgM反应性。方法用HEVE30、E42、E33合成肽和HEVORF-2重组抗原建立酶免疫试验(EIA)检测肝病患者和健康人群中抗-HEVIgM。结果60份抗-HEV阳性血清中,用E30、E42、E33及重组抗原包被检测抗-HEVIgM,阳性率分别为76.6%,26.6%,18.3%,66.7%。用E30抗原进一步检测戊肝急性期及恢复期血清,抗HEVIgM阳性率为90%及3.3%。结论以HEVE30为抗原的EIA特异性强、灵敏度高,是戊型肝炎早期诊断实用可靠的方法。  相似文献   

目的 比较不同戊肝抗原检测抗 -HEVIgM反应性。方法用HEVE30、E42、E33合成肽和HEVORF 2重组抗原建立酶免疫试验 (EIA)检测肝病患者和健康人群中抗 HEVIgM。结果 6 0份抗 HEV阳性血清中 ,用E30、E42、E33及重组抗原包被检测抗 HEVIgM ,阳性率分别为 76 .6 % ,2 6 .6 % ,18.3 % ,6 6 .7%。用E30抗原进一步检测戊肝急性期及恢复期血清 ,抗HEVIgM阳性率为 90 %及 3 .3 %。结论以HEVE30为抗原的EIA特异性强、灵敏度高 ,是戊型肝炎早期诊断实用可靠的方法。  相似文献   

合成肽抗原在戊型肝炎病毒感染诊断中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An ELISA for the detection of anti HEV using synthetic peptide antigens was developed. The synthetic antigens were encoded by OFR2 and OFR3 genes of HEV. The purpose of this study was to determine the applicability of the synthetic antigens in the serodiagnosis of hepatitis E. The anti HEV detection using synthetic antigens was carried out in 47 healthy subjects and 89 patients with acute or chronic viral hepatitis. The results showed that the positive rate of anti HEV IgG in healthy subjects was 4.2%(2/47), and no IgM antibody to HEV was found. The positive rates of IgG and IgM antibodies to HEV in the hepatitis patients were 8.9% and 10% respectively. In addition, we compared the detecting efficacy of the synthetic antigens with that of the market reagent in 57 serum samples, the total coincident rate was 87.7% (50/57). All of the results accorded with the literatures reported. This study suggests that the ELISA based on the synthetic peptide antigens was specific, sensitive and convenient in diagnosis of HEV infection, it can be widely used in both clinical and epidemiological reseaches.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to evaluate the utility of ELISA-based testing of total IgG (IgGt) antibodies and its subclasses (IgG1, IgG2, IgG3 and IgG4) against soluble (STAg) and recombinant (rSAG1 and rMIC3) antigens of Toxoplasma gondii for diagnosing congenital toxoplasmosis. Sera from 217 newborns initially testing positive for specific IgM in filter paper dried blood spots were tested for specific IgM and IgG by ELFA-VIDAS. Congenital toxoplasmosis was confirmed in 175 and ruled out in 42 infants. The validity of the ELISA tests was determined using the persistence of IgG antibodies (ELFA-VIDAS kit) at the end of 12 months, which is considered the reference test for the diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis. The frequency of positivity with IgGt against STAg, rSAG1 and rMIC3 was found in 97.2%, 96.3% and 80.2%, respectively, of the newborns with confirmed congenital toxoplasmosis. IgG1 reacted with all three antigens, while IgG3 and IgG4 reacted preferentially with rMIC3. Higher mean values of reactivity (sample optical density/cut-off) were found for all subclasses when using rMIC3. All of the antigens showed high sensitivity and low specificity in detecting anti-T. gondii IgGt and IgG1 and low sensitivity and high specificity in detecting IgG3 and IgG4. In conclusion, the combined detection of IgG antibody subclasses against recombinant toxoplasmic antigens may be useful for the early diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis.  相似文献   

Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME, also called Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), a common disease with chronic fatigability, cognitive dysfunction and myalgia of unknown etiology, often starts with an infection. The chaperonin human heat shock protein 60 (HSP60) occurs in mitochondria and in bacteria, is highly conserved, antigenic and a major autoantigen. The anti-HSP60 humoral (IgG and IgM) immune response was studied in 69 ME patients and 76 blood donors (BD) (the Training set) with recombinant human and E coli HSP60, and 136 30-mer overlapping and targeted peptides from HSP60 of humans, Chlamydia, Mycoplasma and 26 other species in a multiplex suspension array. Peptides from HSP60 helix I had a chaperonin-like activity, but these and other HSP60 peptides also bound IgG and IgM with an ME preference, theoretically indicating a competition between HSP60 function and antibody binding. A HSP60-based panel of 25 antigens was selected. When evaluated with 61 other ME and 399 non-ME samples (331 BD, 20 Multiple Sclerosis and 48 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus patients), a peptide from Chlamydia pneumoniae HSP60 detected IgM in 15 of 61 (24%) of ME, and in 1 of 399 non-ME at a high cutoff (p<0.0001). IgM to specific cross-reactive epitopes of human and microbial HSP60 occurs in a subset of ME, compatible with infection-induced autoimmunity.  相似文献   

Hepatitis E is a worldwide health problem, especially in developing countries. The virus genome contains three different open reading frames (ORFs): ORF-1, which is believed to encode nonstructural proteins, and ORF-2 and ORF-3, which are believed to encode structural proteins. Presently, serologic tests for the detection of human antibodies to hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection are primarily based on the ORF-2 structural protein expressed inEscherichia coli, insect cells or synthetic peptides. We report here the comparative studies on the diagnosis of HEV infection with full-length ORF-2 and ORF-3 proteins expressed in insect cells. We found that 31 of 74 (42%) sera were positive for IgM antibody to HEV (anti-HEV) using the ORF-2 protein as an antigen, as compared to 6 of 74 sera (8%) using the ORF-3 protein as an antigen (p<0.001). Similarly, 49 of 74 sera (66%) were positive for IgG anti-HEV utilizing the ORF-2 protein versus 12 of 74 sera (16%) when the ORF-3 protein was used (p<0.001). These results suggest that the recombinant ORF-2 protein is more sensitive as a diagnostic antigen for detecting antibodies to HEV in both acute-phase and convalescent-phase sera than ORF-3 protein.  相似文献   

Serologic tests are widely accepted for diagnosing Toxoplasma gondii but purification and standardization of antigen needs to be improved. Recently, surface tachyzoite and bradyzoite antigens have become more attractive for this purpose. In this study, diagnostic usefulness of 3 recombinant antigens (SAG1, SAG2, and SAG3) were evaluated, and their efficacy was compared with the available commercial ELISA. The recombinant plasmids were transformed to JM109 strain of Escherichia coli, and the recombinants were expressed and purified. Recombinant SAG1, SAG2, and SAG3 antigens were evaluated using different groups of sera in an ELISA system, and the results were compared to those of a commercial IgG and IgM ELISA kit. The sensitivity and specificity of recombinant surface antigens for detection of anti-Toxoplasma IgG in comparison with commercially available ELISA were as follows: SAG1 (93.6% and 92.9%), SAG2 (100.0% and 89.4%), and SAG3 (95.4% and 91.2%), respectively. A high degree of agreement (96.9%) was observed between recombinant SAG2 and commercial ELISA in terms of detecting IgG anti-Toxoplasma antibodies. P22 had the best performance in detecting anti-Toxoplasma IgM in comparison with the other 2 recombinant antigens. Recombinant SAG1, SAG2, and SAG3 could all be used for diagnosis of IgG-specific antibodies against T. gondii.  相似文献   

The use of synthetic peptide antigens in human prophylaxis still suffers from the very important problem of finding suitable carriers devoid of side effects. A desirable carrier for use in humans would be poorly immunogenic by itself, yet it would enhance the immune response to the peptide antigen. In the study reported herein, we examined the role of polytuftsin (TKPR40), a synthetic polymer of the natural immunomodulator tuftsin, as a carrier for synthetic peptides of HIV derived from the gp41 and gp120 proteins. Chimeric immunogens were constructed by chemical linkage between synthetic peptides of HIV and polytuftsin. These were employed for immunization of mice of different MHC haplotypes, and the humoral and cellular immune responses developed against the peptides were assessed by measuring total IgG, IgG, subclasses, T-cell proliferation, and in vitro cytokine release. A significantly stronger immune response was observed in mice immunized with the peptide-polytuftsin conjugates than in mice receiving the peptide dimers (peptide-peptide). Peptide-polytuftsin conjugates induced IgG2a and IgG2b isotype switching after both primary and secondary immunization. In addition, there was a positive correlation between the amounts of cytokines and the shift in the IgG isotypes. These data suggest that the use of polytuftsin as a carrier may increase the immune response against poorly immunogenic synthetic peptides.  相似文献   

用戊肝病毒(HEV)基因组编码氨基酸序列1-901-914/2-515-530、3-91-123、2-613-654相应的三段合成多肽为抗原、研制出一种检测抗-HEVIgG的ELISA试剂。以该试剂检测中国、缅甸、印度和前苏联肠道传播非乙型肝炎(ET-NANBH)病人血清105份,仅3份中国病人血清阴性,阳性率为97.1%;检查实验感染HEVL赤猩猩血清,感染前阴性,感染后阳性;检查正常人血清99  相似文献   



In recent years various studies showed, that hepatitis E virus (HEV) is a growing public health problem in many developed countries. Therefore, HEV infections might bear a transmission risk by blood transfusions. The clinical relevance still requires further investigations. The aim of this study was to provide an overview of acute HEV infections in Upper Austrian blood donors as well as a risk estimation of this transfusion-related infection.

Methods and Findings

A total of 58,915 blood donors were tested for HEV RNA using a commercial HEV RT-PCR Kit. 7 of these donors (0.01%) were PCR-positive with normal laboratory parameters in absence of clinical signs of hepatitis. Viral load determined by quantitative real-time PCR showed a HEV nucleic acid concentration of 2,217 293,635 IU/ml. At follow-up testing (2–11 weeks after donation) all blood donors had negative HEV RNA results. Additionally, genotyping was performed by amplification and sequencing of the ORF1 or ORF2 region of the HEV genome. All HEV RNA positive donor samples revealed a genotype 3 isolate. For the antibody screening, anti-HEV IgM and IgG were detected by ELISA. Follow up serological testing revealed that no donor was seropositive for HEV IgM or IgG antibodies at time of donation. Moreover, we verified the prevalence of anti-HEV IgG in 1,203 of the HEV RNA negative tested blood donors. Overall 13.55% showed positive results for anti-HEV IgG.


In the presented study, we investigated HEV infections in blood donations of Upper Austria over 1 year. We concluded that 1 out of 8,416 blood donations is HEV RNA positive. Seroprevalence of anti HEV IgG results in an age-related increase of 13.55%. Therefore, based on this data, we recommend HEV-PCR screening to prevent transmission of hepatitis E virus by transfusion.  相似文献   

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