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自然定居青冈幼苗的亲本分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用遗传排除法和似然分析法进行青冈幼苗亲本分析。共采用了5个等位酶多态位点,累积排除概率为71.57%。采用遗传排除法仅能为1株幼苗确定唯一的亲本,其余幼苗均有多个亲本。似然分析揭示出各轩有1或2对亲本,分析表明由成体自交形成的幼苗占41.18%,与种群个体间酱的概率也较大,为17.65%。成体之间的繁殖成功率变化较大,有9个个体的繁殖成功率为0。个体24的繁殖成功率最大,占总的39.4%,种群外  相似文献   

本文通过调查统计和实验,对青冈种群动态进行了初步研究,包括种子库动态、种子萌发、无性繁殖以及密度调节等。研究表明,青冈种子量较大,但只有少数能发育成幼苗;有性繁殖和无性的克隆生长相互配合达到种群较高的繁殖效率;种群内个体的自疏定律说明,较成熟(40年左右)的青冈种群的增长速度已减慢。  相似文献   

七筋菇种群的克隆多样性及其与生境因子的相关性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用ISSR(Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat)分子标记检测了七筋菇种群的克隆多样性,同时对克隆多样性指数与生境因子进行了相关性分析.结果表明,种群和种水平上每个基因型含有的个体数(克隆分株)分别为1.12和1.149,16个种群均为多克隆种群.检测到的基因型100%为局部分布,群体间的克隆分化较大.七筋菇种群的克隆多样性很高,Simpson指数平均为0.975.基株分布为游击型的克隆构型.由基株数据计算的种群遗传多样性与由分株计算的结果一致,进一步确认了不同七筋菇种群间存在着遗传分化.种群中不时的幼苗更新及自交不亲和,可能是维持七筋菇种群内基因型多样性的重要原因.相关性分析表明,Simpson指数与样地土壤中的酸碱度pH值呈显著的正相关(P〈0.05),与其他环境因子的相关性不显著.  相似文献   

南方红豆杉无性系种群结构和动态研究   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:15  
研究了元宝山南方红豆杉克隆种群的结构和动态.结果表明,种群S1~S6级个体均存在,S1、S2级个体占总个体数的64%.从元宝山南方红豆杉种群的大小级结构图看,结构呈较规则的金字塔形;南方红豆杉无性系幼树幼苗的贮备较为丰富,种群的年龄结构呈较规则的金字塔形,存活曲线近于倒J形;种群大小级动态指数Vpi=38.26%,考虑外部干扰时,Vpi′:6.38%>0,表现为稳定型种群.南方红豆杉种群更新的主要途径是无性繁殖,种群的数量动态主要受克隆内部调节机制以及外部环境的影响.生存分析结果表明,种群幼树幼苗的生存状态不稳定,死亡的可能性很大,而成年个体的生存状态则较为稳定.  相似文献   

河北省野生大豆种群若干数量性状结构特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
 分析了我国河北省野生大豆天然种群几个重要数量性状的群体结构特征及其地理生态分布。结果显示:平均种群内变异系数大小顺序依次为:百粒重(46%)>脂肪含量(17%)>开花期(10.3%)>蛋白质含量(4.7%)。种群平均开花期与纬度有相关性,而百粒重、脂肪和蛋白质含量分布与纬度没有相关,与种群的生态和遗传背景有关。种群内每个数量性状分布都存在一个优势区段。种群内数量性状存在因基因频率积累程度的不同而导致表型差异较大的遗传型个体。虽然同一个居群长期受到相同光周期诱导,但是种群不是有单一相近的开花期,存在着开花光周期反应不同的基因型。地理种群结构相似性分析表明:河北省天然野生大豆种群结构相似性与地理生态有密切相关性,存在地理生态群。  相似文献   

浙江天目山苦槠种群结构和动态研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
选取了6个代表性样地对浙江天目山的苦槠种群结构和动态进行了研究,研究结果表明:苦槠种群的结构为衰败型:种群结构存在着幼龄种苗数量较少,部分样地有缺失现象。种群结构总体分布格局为随机型,不同阶段幼苗—幼树—中树—大树动态格局趋势表现为聚集—聚集—随机过渡—随机型。造成这种现象的原因一方面是由于大量的结实种子易被啮齿类捕食所致;另一方面也与苦槠的生物学特性和生境密切相关。苦槠种群维持和更新繁殖方式的适应性特点表现为无性萌生繁殖贡献率远远大于有性繁殖,种群主要通过萌生的方式来维持种群的更新和存活,并在一定程度上影响了演替的方向。衰败型苦槠种群的生态恢复可通过控制鼠害和移栽幼苗的策略。  相似文献   

寄生蜂种群繁殖分布时间特征的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
运用10种寄生蜂的23张生殖力表资料,分析比较了这些种群繁殖分布的特征.结果表明,寄生蜂种群繁殖具有相似的分布特征,种群繁殖集中分布在生殖头d天内,在生殖头d/2天内繁殖分布更为集中.在生殖头d天内种群繁殖对种群增长的贡献几乎均达到100%,其中大部分贡献是在生殖头d/2天内实现的.这种繁殖分布特征对于寄生蜂种群内禀增长率的测定和掌握种群数量动态的时间特性十分重要.本文结合Iwao零频率法和Gerrard阈限密度法,提出一种改进的种群密度估计方法──“综合阈限密度估计法”,并由此探讨了苹果树上山楂叶螨成螨的密度估计及其抽样技术.采用零样频率来估计成螨的平均密度,并得到用概率保证的理论抽样数模型.比较结果表明,零频率法所需的理论抽样数少于直接计数法.综合阈限密度估计法的拟合效果更为显著.  相似文献   

萼花臂尾轮虫有性生殖、种群增长和休眠卵产量间的关系   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
席贻龙  曹明  黄祥飞 《应用生态学报》2002,13(12):1649-1654
利用种群指数增长和Logistic增长模型,通过计算机模拟研究了萼花臂尾轮虫有性生殖发生的频率,后代中的混交雌体发率对种群增长和休眠卵产量的影响。在所模拟的参数范围内,随有性生殖发生频率由100%减小到20%,获得了大休眠卵产量所需的混交雌体百分率由9%增大到69%,随密度制约作用的增大(环境容纳量K值由1000减小到100),该混交雌体百分率由18%增大到69%,休眠卵产量由1072.10降低至133.67,种群的内禀增长率与获得最大休眠卵产量所需的混交雌体百分率间呈曲线相关。当有性生殖发生得越频繁,种群增长所受的密度制约作用较小时,后代中10%-30%的个体为混交雌体时的种群中休眠卵产量较大。  相似文献   

佛坪自然保护区羚牛的种群数量与结构特征   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
曾治高  巩会生 《兽类学报》1998,18(4):241-246
1996年对佛坪自然保护区内的羚牛种群进行了数量调查,结果表明,保护区内羚牛的数量为435~527只,种群密度达到1.29~1.56只/km2。羚牛种群的成体雌雄个体之比约为1∶0.5,明显地偏向雌性。在羚牛种群中幼仔占12.24%,亚成体占35.03%,成年雄性个体占17.33%,成年雌性个体占35.40%。该羚牛种群在1991年至1996年间的年均增长率为18.48%,明显高于1984至1991年间羚牛种群的年均增长率。保护区周边地区的生境不断丧失,迫使羚牛向保护区境内迁移,是保护区内羚牛种群数量在短期内迅速升高的原因。  相似文献   

模拟黄腹角雉野外生存环境和自然种群结构,采用较大空间散放与多个体群养相结合的方法进行饲养试验,其笼养繁殖性能比对照组传统对养方式显著提高.通过两年来的试验研究,结果表明:试验组平均产卵量为8.5枚,卵受精率为82.6%,受精卵孵化率为88.7%;对照组平均产卵量5.7枚,卵受精率50.3%,受精卵孵化率72.4%,试验组明显高于对照组.同时对两组间的卵重、卵形、产卵期进行了测定,无显著差异。  相似文献   

Resonance Raman (RR) spectroscopy and low-temperature absorption spectroscopy have been used to investigate the structural changes in the reaction centers (RCs) of Rhodobacter sphaeroides induced by site-specific mutations on the tyrosine (Y) M210 residue. RCs in which Y M210 has been genetically replaced with phenylalanine (F) or leucine (L) exhibit a 5-fold decrease in their primary electron-transfer kinetics (Finkele et al., 1990). The general similarity of RR spectra of the wild-type RCs as compared to those of the two mutant RCs indicates that no significant global structural changes occur upon mutation at the level of any of the six bacteriochlorin pigments. In the RR spectra of the two mutant RCs there is a conspicuous absence of contributions from the BPheM prosthetic group, which is interpreted in terms of a change in the resonance enhancement conditions of this chromophore. Low-temperature adsorption spectroscopy reveals marked shifts in the Qx absorption band of BPheM. This shift is interpreted as arising from a destabilization of the protein in the vicinity of BPheM and accounts for the change in resonance condition for this chromophore in its RR contributions. As well, there is a 3-nm red shift of the Qy absorption band of the BChls from 803 to 806 nm for the mutant RCs. Difference RR spectra yielding structural information concerning, selectively, the primary donor (P) indicate that the structure of the P binding pocket is conserved for these mutant RCs. The tyrosine M210 is not observed to be engaged in a hydrogen bond with either of the acetyl or keto carbonyls of P.  相似文献   

In the bulbus arteriosus of goldfish Carassius auratus a subendothelial 'reticular space' was comprised of reticular-like cells, neutrophils, medium-sized granular leucocytes, phagocytes, endothelial cells and reticulo-endothelial cells; herein, rodlet cells (RCs) accumulated and probably matured. Four classes of RCs were identified: (1) Those occurring in the reticular space and contacting reticular-like cells; (2) those present in the reticular space contacting reticular-like and endothelial cells; here the RCs were discharging; (3) those occurring in the bulbar lumen anchored to lining endothelial cells or other RCs; (4) those free in the bulbar lumen. There was no significant difference in the number of RCs among control and saline- and dexamethasone-treated fish, but significant differences were found in RCs' class partition and in their discharge modality. In dexamethasone-treated goldfish class (3) RCs were almost absent (2% v. 10% of the other experimental groups), moreover 35% of the RCs developed a 'bleb' discharge modality rather than the most typical 'koronenartigen konfiguration' which developed in the vast majority (90%) of the other experimental groups.  相似文献   

Objective Dental granulomas (DGs) and radicular cysts (RCs) are chronic periapical lesions frequently involving the jaws. Langerhans cells (LCs) are dendritic cells responsible for the presentation of antigens to T lymphocytes. This study examined the expression of LCs in DG and RCs by immunohistochemical staining. Study Design Eighteen cases of DGs and 26 cases of RCs were analyzed using anti-CD1a marker. Results CD1a-labeled LCs were observed in 11.1% of DGs and in 69.2% of RCs, showing a significant correlation (P < 0.0001; Fisher’s test). In DGs, LCs were only observed in granulation tissue, showing discrete immunostaining density. In RCs, LCs exhibited both a round and a dendritic shape in all epithelial layers. Although a correlation was observed between immunostaining density and epithelial thickness, as well as between immunostaining and inflammatory intensity, the differences were not significant in radicular cysts. Conclusion Langerhans cells provide important insight into the immunopathogenesis of chronic periapical lesions.  相似文献   

We have investigated the primary photochemistry of two symmetry-related mutants of Rhodobacter sphaeroides in which the histidine residues associated with the central Mg2+ ions of the two bacteriochlorophylls of the dimeric primary electron donor (His-L173 and His-M202) have been changed to leucine, affording bacteriochlorophyll (BChl)/bacteriopheophytin (BPh) heterodimers. Reaction centers (RCs) from the two mutants, (L)H173L and (M)H202L, have remarkably similar spectral and kinetic properties, although they are quite different from those of wild-type RCs. In both mutants, as in wild-type RCs, electron transfer to BPhL and not to BPhM is observed. These results suggest that asymmetry in the charge distribution of the excited BChl dimer (P*) in wild-type RCs (due to differing contributions of the two opposing intradimer charge-transfer states) contributes only modestly to the directionality of electron transfer. The results also suggest that differential orbital overlap of the two BChls of P with the chromophores on the L and M polypeptides does not contribute substantially to preferential electron transfer to BPhL.  相似文献   

Gonads of the mediterranean crinoid Antedon mediterranea were analyzed in order to reconstruct their histological organization. The tissue arrangement resembled that previously described in other crinoids. Five reproductive stages were identified in both males and females: recovery, growing, premature, mature, spent. Sexually dimorphic characters were observed at the gonopore level. Hermaphroditic individuals were never detected. There were novel findings concerning somatic accessory cells of the gonads. The reproductive cycle periodicity was indicated by analysis of reproductive stage frequencies in the period 2003–2005: spring and winter were the seasons with highest and lowest maturity levels, respectively. A role in the regulation of reproduction was hypothesized for testosterone and 17β-estradiol, which were found to be present in A. mediterranea tissues and to vary during the reproductive cycle, thus suggesting a correlation between steroid levels and morphologically recognizable reproductive stages.  相似文献   

In Bahia Chasco, Atacama, the integrifolia morph of Macrocystis forms one of the most important kelp forests in northern Chile. In order to determine effects of local harvesting policies, we evaluated the population dynamics of this resource in intact, frequently disturbed, and permanently and completely harvested areas. Recruitment, frond length, reproductive phenology and standing crop were assessed monthly. In intact areas, frond length and ratio of reproductive individuals were higher, but recruitment was poorly stimulated. On the other hand, complete harvest had an important effect on Macrocystis population dynamics. Whereas recruitment and growth were much higher after harvest events, reproductive phenology was lower. The harvest techniques with different frequencies practiced by Bahia Chasco fishermen were less harmful than complete harvest, and we conclude that current exploitation techniques applied in this location are not deleterious for the giant kelp beds. They even have favorable effects by renewing the population through stimulation of sexual reproduction, recruitment and growth of young individuals.  相似文献   

The relative contents (RCs) of elements in the human menisci from 23 subjects in the age range between 65 and 93 yr were analyzed by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. The RCs of sulfur, calcium, and phosphorus in menisci increased progressively until the 80s, being the highest in the 80s, and thereafter decreased. The RCs of magnesium in menisci increased progressively until the 90s. Regarding the medial and lateral menisci, higher RCs of magnesium and iron, and a lower RC of phosphorus were found in lateral menisci in comparison with those in medial menisci. There were sexual differences in the RCs of calcium and phosphorus of medial and lateral menisci. The RCs of calcium and phosphorus were about 50% higher in women’s menisci than in men’s. Histological examinations showed that structureless mucoid masses were observed in the menisci, with very high RCs of calcium and phosphorus being detected.  相似文献   

The European rewardless, bee-pollinated orchidDactylorhiza sambucina commonly produces yellow-flowered and purple-flowered individuals in frequencies that range from balanced (per population) to very unbalanced, with parts of the species’ range entirely monochromatic. We studied male and female reproductive success of the two morphs in 22 populations in the Czech Republic, relating it to morph frequency, population size and density, and presence and abundance of yellow and purple co-flowering nectar-providing species visited by the same bee species. Cumulative abundances of yellow nectar-producing co-flowering species (of which, on average,Primula veris made up 56%) had a negative effect on male reproductive success of the yellow morph, and spectral analyses showed that to bumblebees the colours ofP. veris and yellowD. sambucina are different, permitting ready visual discrimination. The cumulative abundance of purple co-flowering species had no significant effect on morph reproductive success. Morph frequencies were unrelated to reproductive success and population size, and there was no evidence of frequency-dependent selection except in one highly unbalanced population. Density of flowering conspecifics was negatively correlated with male reproductive success of the purple morph. Seed mass, viability, and germination success depended on whether seeds resulted from outcrossed or selfed matings and on morph colour. Selfed seeds and seeds produced by the yellow morph from yellow × yellow and yellow × purple crosses had zero germination (after three months), providing the first hint that differential vegetative fitness, rather than differential reproductive fitness via pollinator selection, may explain morph frequencies inD. sambucina.  相似文献   

Two free-ranging packs of dholes (Asiatic wild dog, Cuon alpinus) were monitored for a period of 6 yr (Sep. 1990-Sep. 1996) in the Mudumalai sanctuary, southern India. Demographic data on age structure, litter-size, sex ratio and age and sex specific dispersal were collected. Behavioural data on social interactions and reproductive behaviour among pack members were obtained to determine the frequencies of dominant and subordinate behaviours shown by male and female pack members and a measure of each male's reproductive access to females. Behaviours displayed by pack members at dens were recorded to determine whether any age- or sex-specific role specialization existed during pup care. Tenures for dominant males and females within the pack were calculated to ascertain the rate of breeding vacancies occurring within packs. Approximate levels of genetic relatedness within packs were determined by studying pedigrees. In most years one study pack had a male-biased adult sex ratio. This was caused by almost two-fold higher dispersal of adult females over adult males. A considerable variance existed in the percentage of sub-adults dispersing from the two packs. Differences existed in the frequencies of dominant and subordinate behaviours shown by males. For males, dominance ranks and ranks based on submissive behaviours were not correlated with frequencies of reproductive behaviours. Subordinate males also displayed reproductive behaviours. In packs, dominant males had lower tenures than dominant females indicating that among males breeding vacancies arose more quickly. The litter size was found to be negatively correlated with the age of the breeding female. There were no significant differences across individuals of varying age or sex classes in the display of pup care behaviours. Significant differences did exist among individual adults. Genetic relatedness among packs tended to vary temporally as a consequence of possible mating by subordinate animals and immigration of new males into the pack. In conclusion, it appears that males delay dispersal and cooperate within their natal packs because of the variety of reproductive strategies they could pursue within. A combination of ecological constraints and the difficulties of achieving breeding status within non-natal packs may make early dispersal and independent breeding less beneficial.  相似文献   


The effects of ultraviolet (UV) irradiation (up to 0.6 J/cm2) and heating (65 °C, 20 min) on the absorption spectra and electron transfer in dehydrated film samples of photosynthetic reaction centers (RCs) from purple bacterium Rhodobacter (Rb.) sphaeroides, as well as in hybrid structures consisting of RCs and quantum dots (QDs), have been studied. The samples were placed in organic matrices containing the stabilizers of protein structure—polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and trehalose. UV irradiation led to partially irreversible oxidation of some RCs, as well as to transformation of some fraction of the bacteriochlorophyll (BChl) molecules into bacteriopheophytin (BPheo) molecules. In addition, UV irradiation causes degradation of some BChl molecules that is accompanied by formation of 3-acetyl-chlorophyll a molecules. Finally, UV irradiation destroys the RCs carotenoid molecules. The incorporation of RCs into organic matrices reduced pheophytinization. Trehalose was especially efficient in reducing the damage to the carotenoid and BChl molecules caused by UV irradiation. Hybrid films containing RC?+?QD were more stable to pheophytinization upon UV irradiation. However, the presence of QDs in films did not affect the processes of carotenoid destruction. The efficiency of the electronic excitation energy transfer from QD to P865 also did not change under UV irradiation. Heating led to dramatic destruction of the RCs structure and bacteriochlorins acquired the properties of unbound molecules. Trehalose provided strong protection against destruction of the RCs and hybrid (RC?+?QD) complexes.


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