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研究玉米种质的遗传关系及其杂种优势模式对玉米育种者有着极为重要的指导意义.本研究对从国际玉米小麦改良中心(CIMMYT)引入的及国内自育成的10个优质蛋白玉米(QPM)黄粒优良系进行了配合力分析及杂优模式的初步研究.这10个QPM优良系中有5个来自CIMMYT的热带、亚热带系;5个为国内自育成的骨干系.通过部分双列杂交获得45个杂交组合,将这些组合种植在云南省及广西自治区的三种不同生态条件下进行观察鉴定.产量的方差分析结果表明,品种之间、环境之间的差异达到极显著水平,而重复之间不显著;产量的一般配合力差异达极显著水平,而特殊配合力的差异不显著.杂交组合CML166×齐205具有最高产量(10880kg/hm2),杂交组合长631/02×中系096/02具有最低产量(5496kg/hm2).自交系CML161产量的一般配合力效应值最高(1010.53),自交系CML166产量的一般配合力效应值其次(947.11);而自交系中系096/02产量的一般配合力效应值最低(-1119.98).自交系CML194与忻9101/02具有最高的产量特殊配合力效应值(1813.50),自交系CML166与齐205产量的特殊配合力效应值也较高(1272.00);而自交系忻9101/02与齐205产量的特殊配合力效应值最低(-1670.96).根据杂交组合产量性状的配合力分析,可初步将这10个优质蛋白玉米自交系划分为4个杂种优势群和4种杂种优势模式。 Abstract:Information on the combining ability and heterotic patterns of maize germplasm is of great value to maize breeders.The objective of this study is to determine the heterosis and combining ability of 10 yellow Quality Protein Maize(QPM)inbreeds.Among these 10 QPM inbreeds,5 are tropical and subtropical QPM inbreeds introduced from CIMMYT,another 5 are from domestic provinces.These 10 QPM inbvreeds inbreeds were used to make up a 10-parent diallel and these 45 crosses were tested in three different environments in Yunnan province and Guangxi Autonomous region.Highly significant difference was observed among 45 entries and 3 environments for grain yield,while non-significant difference among 3 replications.General combining ability(GCA)was highly significant difference for grain yield,while specific combining ability(SCA) were non-significant.The highest-yielding cross was CML166×Qi205(10880Kg/hm2)and the lowest-yielding cross was Chang631/02×Zhongxi096/02(5496Kg/hm2).The highest value of GCA for grain yield is CML161 (1010.53),CML166(947.11),while the lowest value is Zhongxi096/02(-1119.98)The highest value of SCA for grain yield is CML 194×Xin9101/02(1813.50)and CML166×Qi205(1272.00),while the lowest value is Xin9101/02×Qi205(-1670.96).According to the performance of grain yield,these 10 QPM inbreeds could be divided into 4 heterotic groups.  相似文献   

对生玉米产量性状的杂种优势和配合力分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文利用对生基因转育获得的对生与互生自交系及其杂交组合,研究了对生性状对产量性状杂种优势和配合力的遗传效应的影响。结果表明:对生玉米同互生玉米一样具有普遍的杂种优势,在产量性状上F1对生株优势互×互组合大于对×对组合和对×互(互×对)组合;对生性状的转育对产量性状的一般配合力有降低效应,而含有对生基因的互生玉米具有较高的一般配合力效应,因此,在对生玉米育种中可以利用含有不同对生基因的互生自交系作亲本来组配杂交组合(互×互),从而获得较高的制种产量和高产的对生杂交种。  相似文献   

杂交水稻育种的实质是配合力育种, 筛选高特殊配合力的杂交水稻组合才能选育出在生产上有实用价值的强优势组合。文章利用SSR标记检测了9个三系杂交稻亲本(5个不育系和4个恢复系)之间的遗传距离, 结合20个杂交稻组合(5×4 NCII)的产量表现, 分析了杂交水稻特殊配合力(Special combining ability, SCA)效应与产量杂种优势、亲本间遗传距离的相关性。结果表明, 特殊配合力效应与对照优势(相关系数r1=0.5609)、平均优势(相关系数r2=0.541)之间均呈显著正相关, 而与亲本遗传距离之间相关不显著, 相关系数(r=0.2143)较小。说明本研究所配组合的特殊配合力效应能充分反映杂种优势, 选用的杂交亲本能组配出强优势组合; 而杂交亲本遗传距离的大小并不能反映特殊配合力效应, 分子标记遗传距离与特殊配合力的相关性还有待于进一步的探讨。  相似文献   

利用返回式卫星“实践八号”搭载3份玉米自交系08-641、RP125和18-599, 从SP4代中选出多个诱变系按不完全双列杂交设计配制杂交组合, 在四川和云南两个环境条件下进行种植鉴定。配合力分析结果表明, 3份玉米自交系经空间诱变后各性状的配合力发生不同程度的变化, 同组诱变系材料在四川和云南两种环境条件下的配合力表现存在较大差异, 且表现配合力差异的性状不同。诱变系C03的穗长、穗行数、行粒数和单株产量4个性状一般配合力(General combining ability, GCA)在该组试验中的正向效应值均表现为最大, 且显著高于基础材料08-641, 可能具有较大育种潜势; 诱变系C01和C04部分产量构成性状的GCA显著高于对照, 但单株产量GCA表现不明显, 需在育种中加以改良利用; 诱变系C06、R18和S22所配杂交组合在产量及产量构成性状上的特殊配合力(Specific combining ability, SCA)表现较优, 这些结果为玉米杂交种的选育提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

利用AMMI模型分析杂交水稻配合力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
配合力分析在亲本育种潜力评价和品种选育中扮演着重要的作用。本试验对5×4不完全双列杂交组合产量性状进行了配合力效应分析,并利用AMMI模型对杂交组合中双亲间互作效应(即特殊配合力)进行了深入剖析。结果表明,利用代表双亲产量特殊配合力效应分值的主成分轴(IPCA)向量可以很好地评价亲本的特殊配合力效应。根据亲本特殊配合力效应分值向量的长度及方向,可将杂交组合中双亲的互作效应分为4种情况:(1)杂交组合中至少有一个亲本的特殊配合力效应分值向量的坐标点比较靠近坐标原点,则测配杂交组合中双亲间的互作效应贡献很小,其杂种优势主要来源于双亲的一般配合力。(2)杂交组合中双亲特殊配合力效应分值向量的方向大致呈垂直状态,则测配杂交组合中双亲间的互作效应很小,其杂种优势也主要来源于双亲的一般配合力。(3)杂交组合中双亲特殊配合力效应分值向量的长度较长但方向大致相反,则杂交组合存在很大的负向特殊配合力效应。(4)杂交组合中双亲特殊配合力效应分值向量的长度均比较大且方向大致相同,则相应杂交组合的正向特殊配合力效应很高。因此,若要获得较大的双亲正向互作效应,则合理选配亲本至关重要;只有当两亲本特殊配合力效应分值向量的长度均比较大且向量方向较一致时才可以达到较大的正向互作效应。  相似文献   

为了解谷子(Setaria italica)两系杂交后代的产量和品质相关性状的杂种优势,以3个高度雄性不育系为母本(A1、A2和A3),6个抗除草剂恢复系为父本(R1、R2、R3、R4、R5和R6),采用不完全双列杂交(NCⅡ)设计配制了18个组合,分析组合的株高、粒重和蛋白含量等11个性状的配合力和杂种优势特性。结果表明,不同亲本间及杂交组合间的性状均存在显著差异。其中,两系杂交组合的小区产量与千粒重、单穗粒重、株高、穗长显著相关,而与小米的品质(粗蛋白、粗脂肪、总淀粉)无显著相关。同一性状不同亲本的一般配合力(GCA)效应值不同,A1 (不育系)和R1 (恢复系)的产量和品质性状的GCA正效应值较大,是改良谷子高产优质的潜在优良亲本。而杂交组合的特定特殊配合力(SCA)效应值与亲本GCA效应值表现并不一致,其中A1×R5、A1×R6、A2×R1、A2×R4的SCA效应值较高,属于优异组合。此外,各性状的广义遗传力和狭义遗传力均大于65%,主要受加性效应和非加性效应共同控制。谷子杂交组合的株高、穗重、小区产量具有显著的中亲优势,部分杂交组合具有较强的超亲优势。株高、穗长、穗码、千粒重、脂肪的狭义遗传力较高,加性遗传作用较大,而穗重、茎节数、蛋白非加性遗传作用更为突出。虽然产量性状和品质性状的杂种优势特性不同,但均由加性效应与显性效应共同作用决定。  相似文献   

利用SNP标记及配合力划分超甜玉米自交系的杂种优势群   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
划分超甜玉米自交系的杂种优势群,筛选配合力高的甜玉米自交系,构建新的杂种优势更强的甜玉米群体,为优良甜玉米的选育提供依据。本研究选用23个自育超甜玉米自交系,采用NCⅡ设计得到60(3×20)个组合,研究它们的产量配合力效应并结合56K SNP标记将供试材料进行杂种优势群的划分。结果表明23个自交系的平均杂合率为2.59%,纯合度较高;除GX06和GX10,GX14和GX15,GX16和GX17的遗传相似度较高外,其余自交系之间的遗传相似度均小于90%,可作为不同的材料在育种上应用;测验系GX21和被测系GX01、GX03、GX12、GX13、GX18的产量GCA正向效应值较高,在产量性状上是非常优良的自交系;进化树、主成分分析和产量SCA聚类图将23个超甜玉米自交系分为GX21群、GX22群和GX23群,其中GX22(HJZ33)群称为父本群,包含的自交系为GX02、GX11、GX19、GX20及测验系GX22自身共5个,GX21(GTL273)和GX23(YC26)群称为母本群,包含的自交系为GX01、GX03~GX10、GX12~GX18及测验系GX21和GX23共18个。SNP标记和产量SCA分群结果基本一致,使用SNP标记化划分杂种优势群可以明显缩短玉米育种周期。  相似文献   

本文利用对生基因转育获得的对生与互生自交系及其杂交组合,研究了对生性状对玉米主要品质性状的杂种优势和配合力的遗传效应的影响。结果表明:对生自交系籽粒品质性状的配合力效应一般高于互生玉米,在蛋白质含量上,对生F1杂种优势与普通互生F1无明显差异,而在油份和淀粉含量上对生F1较互生表现出明显的优势。不同组配方式对F1对生群体籽粒品质性状的杂种优势存在差异,在对生组合利用中通过互×互组配较对×对组配能使F1获得更高的蛋白质含量;选育含油量较高的对生系,利用对×对组合有助于选育高油杂交种;选育淀粉含量较高的含有不同对生基因的互生自交系作亲本,利用互×互组配有助于选育高淀粉对生杂交组合。  相似文献   

优异玉米自交系是玉米商业化育种的基础,配合力是评价自交系遗传力及其育种价值的重要指标。本研究以国内外14份玉米自交系按完全双列杂交设计配制的182个杂交组合及其亲本自交系为材料,对其籽粒脱水相关性状进行配合力分析,结果表明:(1)籽粒脱水速率、籽粒含水率、苞叶层数、苞叶面积在不同自交系之间差异显著,且均受环境影响;(2)配合力分析发现,Zheng12、Zheng645、PHR55、LH202作为亲本材料易配制出籽粒脱水快或成熟期籽粒含水率低的组合,尤其组合Zheng12×LH202;(3)182个杂交组合籽粒脱水相关性状的各表型值与其父母本一般配合力效应之和均呈极显著正相关。这为宜机收玉米品种遗传改良提供优异种质资源及理论依据。  相似文献   

在玉米单交种育种中 ,鉴定高产杂交种和具有优良特性的自交系是一个重要的问题。研究以 1 7个优良玉米自交系为亲本 ,按照双列杂交配组合 ,利用 RAPD技术分析了 1 7个自交系的多态性以及 RAPD标记与 9个重要农艺性状 (包括产量 )的关系。基于 RAPD标记计算的相似系数聚类将 1 7个自交系分为 5个类群 ,经分析与系谱亲缘关系基本一致。杂交种性状及其特殊配合力与亲本间的遗传距离是高度相关的 ,与聚类前比较 ,聚类后平均遗传距离与平均产量、平均特殊配合力的相关系数显著提高 ,类间平均产量高于类内平均产量。RAPD技术可揭示优良玉米自交系的系谱亲缘关系 ,将自交系划分成不同的类群 ,从而为选择类间自交系杂交 ,进行亲本选配和分子标记辅助育种提供一种方法。  相似文献   

Prediction methods to identify single-cross hybrids with superior yield performance have the potential to greatly improve the efficiency of commercial maize (Zea mays L.) hybrid breeding programs. Our objectives were to (1) identify marker loci associated with quantitative trait loci for hybrid performance or specific combining ability (SCA) in maize, (2) compare hybrid performance prediction by genotypic value estimates with that based on general combining ability (GCA) estimates, and (3) investigate a newly proposed combination of the GCA model with SCA predictions from genotypic value estimates. A total of 270 hybrids was evaluated for grain yield and grain dry matter content in four Dent × Flint factorial mating experiments, their parental inbred lines were genotyped with 20 AFLP primer-enzyme combinations. Markers associated significantly with hybrid performance and SCA were identified, genotypic values and SCA effects were estimated, and four hybrid performance prediction approaches were evaluated. For grain yield, between 38 and 98 significant markers were identified for hybrid performance and between zero and five for SCA. Estimates of prediction efficiency (R 2) ranged from 0.46 to 0.86 for grain yield and from 0.59 to 0.96 for grain dry matter content. Models enhancing the GCA approach with SCA estimates resulted in the highest prediction efficiency if the SCA to GCA ratio was high. We conclude that it is advantageous for prediction of single-cross hybrids to enhance a GCA-based model with SCA effects estimated from molecular marker data, if SCA variances are of similar or larger importance as GCA variances.  相似文献   

The classification of maize inbred lines into heterotic groups is an important undertaking in hybrid breeding. The objectives of our research were to: (1) separate selected tropical mid-altitude maize inbred lines into heterotic groups based on grain yield data; (2) assess the genetic relationships among these inbred lines using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers; (3) examine the consistency between yield-based and marker-based groupings of the inbred lines. Thirty-eight tropical mid-altitude maize inbred lines were crossed to two inbred line testers representing the flint and dent heterotic pattern, respectively. The resulting testcrosses were evaluated in a trial at three locations for 2 years. Significant general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) effects for grain yield were detected among the inbred lines. The tester inbred lines classified 23 of the 38 tested inbred lines into two heterotic groups based on SCA effects and testcross mean grain yields. This grouping was not related to endosperm type of the inbred lines. The outstanding performance of testcrosses of the remaining 15 inbred lines indicates the presence of significant genetic diversity that may allow the assignment of the lines into more than two heterotic groups. Diversity analysis of the 40 maize inbred lines using AFLP and SSR markers found high levels of genetic diversity among these lines and subdivided them into two main groups with subdivision into sub-groups consistent with breeding history, origin and parentage of the lines. However, heterotic groups formed using yield-based combining ability were different from the groups established on the basis of molecular markers. Considering the diversity of the genetic backgrounds of the mid-altitude inbred lines, the marker-based grouping may serve as the basis to design and carry out combining ability studies in the field to establish clearly defined heterotic groups with a greater genetic similarity within groups.Communicated by H.H. Geiger  相似文献   

Combining ability is a measure for selecting elite parents and predicting hybrid performance in plant breeding. However, the genetic basis of combining ability remains unclear and a global view of combining ability from diverse mating designs is lacking. We developed a North Carolina II (NCII) population of 96 Oryza sativa and four male sterile lines to identify parents of greatest value for hybrid rice production. Statistical analyses indicated that general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) contributed variously to different agronomic traits. In a genome‐wide association study (GWAS) of agronomic traits, GCA and SCA, we identified 34 significant associations (< 2.39 × 10?7). The superior alleles of GCA loci (Ghd8, GS3 and qSSR4) accumulated in parental lines with high GCA and explained 30.03% of GCA variance in grain yield, indicating that molecular breeding of high GCA parental lines is feasible. The distinct distributions of these QTLs contributed to the differentiation of parental GCA in subpopulations. GWAS of SCA identified 12 more loci that showed dominance on corresponding agronomic traits. We conclude that the accumulation of superior GCA and SCA alleles is an important contributor to heterosis and QTLs that greatly contributed to combining ability in our study would accelerate the identification of elite inbred lines and breeding of super hybrids.  相似文献   

Popcorn adapted to Spanish conditions could be an interesting and profitable alternative to field corn. However, little is known about breeding popcorn germplasm for adaptation to Spain. Sesamia nonagrioides Lefèvbre is the main insect pest affecting popcorn quality and yield under Spanish growing conditions. The objectives of the study were the search for sources of resistance to S. nonagrioides among popcorn germplasm and to study the genetics of the resistance to S. nonagrioides attack. Eight breeding populations along with a five-inbred line diallel and two popcorn commercial checks were evaluated under S. nonagrioides infestation in 2 yr. Significant differences were found among general combining ability (GCA) effects for days to silking, S. nonagrioides tunnel length, general appearance of the ear, kernel moisture, and yield. Specific combining ability (SCA) effects were found to be significant for yield and ear damage. Therefore, heterotic patterns among popcorn materials should be taken into account to generate new popcorn hybrids that are not only more productive but also have higher kernel quality. Breeding popcorn populations BSP4APC0 and PSPW1C1 could be base germplasms in a breeding program for obtaining parental inbreds of healthy kernel popcorn hybrids. New inbred lines could be generated from the cross BP1 x BP2 that would have improved GCA and SCA effects for S. nonagrioides resistance when crossed to South American inbreds.  相似文献   

几个优良籼稻亲本品质性状的配合力和杂种优势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以3个不育系和10个恢复系为材料,采用NCII交配设计研究10个米质性状的配合力和杂种优势。结果表明:①大多数品质性状的量值介于双亲之间,除粒重表现一定的超亲优势、垩白度和粒宽表现一定的正向平均优势外,其他品质性状优势不明显。②杂种稻米的品质性状主要受不育系或恢复系的影响,其中粒长、粒宽和直链淀粉含量3个性状,不育系的影响要高于恢复系;而对于整精米率、粒重、垩白率、垩白度和糊化温度,则恢复系的影响要高于不育系。③就优质育种的利用价值而言,不育系以广占63-4S为好,恢复系以扬稻6号为好,R527、镇恢084次之,用上述亲本选配的杂交组合米质较好;恢复系特青、盐恢559表现为一般配合力效应低,特殊配合力方差小,优质育种利用价值不大。  相似文献   

Selection of parents based on their combining ability is an effective approach in hybrid breeding. In this study, eight maintainer lines and nine restorer lines were used to obtain 72 crosses for analyzing the general combining ability (GCA) and special combining ability (SCA) for seven agronomic and yield characters including plant height (PH), spike length excluding awns (SL), inter-node length (IL), spikes per plant (SP), thousand kernel weight (TKW), kernel weight per plant (KWP) and dry matter weight per plant (DWP). The results showed that GCA was significantly different among parents and SCA was also significantly different among crosses. The performance of hybrid was significantly correlated with the sum of female and male GCA (TGCA), SCA and heterosis. Hu1154 A, Mian684 A, 86F098 A, 8036 R and 8041 R were excellent parents with greater general combining ability. Five crosses, Hu1154 A×8032 R, Humai10 A×8040 R, Mian684 A×8037 R, Mian684 A×8041 R and 86F098 A×8037 R, showed superior heterosis for most characters.  相似文献   


Key message

General and specific combining abilities of maize hybrids between 288 inbred lines and three tester lines were highly related to population structure and genetic distance inferred from SNP data.


Many studies have attempted to provide reliable and quick methods to identify promising parental lines and combinations in hybrid breeding programs. Since the 1950s, maize germplasm has been organized into heterotic groups to facilitate the exploitation of heterosis. Molecular markers have proven efficient tools to address the organization of genetic diversity and the relationship between lines or populations. The aim of the present work was to investigate to what extent marker-based evaluations of population structure and genetic distance may account for general (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining ability components in a population composed of 800 inter and intra-heterotic group hybrids obtained by crossing 288 inbred lines and three testers. Our results illustrate a strong effect of groups identified by population structure analysis on both GCA and SCA components. Including genetic distance between parental lines of hybrids in the model leads to a significant decrease of SCA variance component and an increase in GCA variance component for all the traits. The latter suggests that this approach can be efficient to better estimate the potential combining ability of inbred lines when crossed with unrelated lines, and limits the consequences of tester choice. Significant residual GCA and SCA variance components of models taking into account structure and/or genetic distance highlight the variation available for breeding programs within structure groups.

Water stress is a critical abiotic stress for plant reduction in arid and semiarid zones and, has been discovered to be detrimental to the development of seedlings as well as the growth and physiological characteristics of many crops such as cotton. The objectives of our study were to determine the combining ability and genetic components for five quantitative traits [(leaf area (LA), leaf dry weight (LDW), plant height (PH), fiber length (2.5 percent SL), and lint cotton yield/plant (LCY/P)] under water shortage stress, a half diallel cross between six cotton genotypes representing a wide range of cotton characteristics was evaluated in RCBD with four replications. The genotype mean squares were significant for all traits studied, demonstrating significant variation among genotypes for all characters under water shortage stress. LCY/P had the highest phenotypic and genotypic correlation co-efficient with PH, LDW, and LA shortage. The highest direct effect on lint cotton yield was exhibited by leaf area (3.905), and the highest indirect effects of all traits were through LA, with the exception of 2.5 percent SL, which was through LDW. The highest dissimilarity (Euclidean Distance) between parental genotypes was between G.87 and G.94, followed by G.87 and Menoufi. G.94 was also a well-adapted genotype, and the combinations G.87 x G.94 and G.87 x Menoufi may outperform their parents. The combining ability analysis revealed highly significant differences between parental GCA effects and F1 crosses SCA effects. The variation of GCA and SCA demonstrated the assurance of additive and non- additive gene action in the inheritance of all traits studied. In terms of general combining ability (GCA) effects, parental genotype G.94 demonstrated the highest significant and positive GCA effects for all traits studied, with the exception of 2.5 percent SL, where G.87 revealed the highest significant and positive GCA effects. The effects of specific combining ability (SCA) revealed that the cross (G.87 x2G.94) revealed stable, positive, and significant SCA for all of the studied traits.  相似文献   

Summary Twenty-one progenies of smooth bromegrass (Bromus inermis Leyss.) from a 7 X 7 half diallel cross, with their parents, were evaluated for three years at four locations in Alberta for the genetic variation of stability in expression of their annual yield. The linear response and deviation from linear response for each genotype were the two stability parameters considered, together with mean performance in the evaluation of each genotype. Four high yielding genotypes, namely 12, 13, 16, and 26, had general adaptability, while genotype 23 was especially suited to a poor environment. Combining ability analysis showed that general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) were both important in the expression of yield. Inheritance of linear regression was controlled predominantly by GCA whereas both GCA and SCA were equally important in the expression of deviation. The presence of a substantial proportion of variability due to the additive genetic component in the linear response suggests that it should be possible to exploit this fraction of variability in developing high yielding stable cultivars.  相似文献   

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