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野鲮亚科口前室鱼类口唇及其相关结构形态学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张鹗 《动物学研究》1998,19(3):230-236
口唇及其相关结构是野鲮亚科鱼类属级单元的主要分类依据。对我国野鲮亚科中具口前室鱼类类群的口唇及其相关结构形态学进行比较研究,结果显示;吻皮和下唇的形态差异以及吻皮与下唇,上颌与下唇,吻皮与上颌一下唇与下颌之间相互联结的差异构成了口前于类各类群的主要分类特征;口前室鱼类的口型可区分出4种基本式样。  相似文献   

广西异华鲮属鱼类一新种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱瑜  蓝春  张鹗 《水生生物学报》2006,12(5):503-507
本文描述采自广西壮族自治区桂林和富川的贺江水系鲤科野鲮亚科异华鲮属鱼类一新种,命名为长须异华鲮Parasinilabeo longibarbus。它与同属其他种类相区分的性状是:口角须非常发达,胸腹部中线及其附近鳞片不埋于皮下,唇后沟斜向前中方延伸,将下唇分为两侧叶和一个中叶。  相似文献   

本研究利用28SrDNAC1-D2区序列分析采自鲤科鱼类中6亚科宿主和寄生在花鲈、梅花鲈上的共17种指环虫的系统发育关系。同时,通过比较宿主鲤科鱼类与指环虫的系统发育树,检验指环虫与其宿主是否存在协同进化关系。结果表明:17种指环虫形成5个进化支(Clade),其中寄生在团头鲂(亚科)和鲢、鳙(鲢亚科)上的6种指环虫聚为一支(Clade1),而它们的宿主鱼类在系统发育分析中也表现为近缘关系;寄生在鲮鱼(野鲮亚科)上的D.quanfami(Clade5)位于系统树最基部,鲫鱼和鲤鱼(鲤亚科)的寄生指环虫处在系统树的次基部位置,而鲤亚科与野鲮亚科组成的姐妹群在宿主系统树上同样处在基部位置,寄生虫和宿主在进化上较为原始的地位得到了很好地相互印证。因而,本研究首次利用分子系统学手段分析指环虫属远缘物种间的系统关系,揭示了指环虫属与宿主鱼类之间存在协同进化关系。另外,本研究首次发现,野鲮亚科鱼类也可能是指环虫类的早期宿主,这与先前认为鲤亚科鱼类为指环虫类的祖先宿主的推测有所不同。  相似文献   

使用分子生物学的方法对Dan亚科鱼类的单系性进行了探讨。通过PCR方法,获得了13种鲤科鱼类S7核糖体蛋白基因第1内含子序列,其中包括6种Dan亚科鱼类。使用MEGA软件中的Neighbor-Joining法和Most-Parsimony法分别构建分支系统图。研究结果显示目前所确认的Dan亚科鱼类实际上没有形成单系类群。其中Dan属、波鱼属和低线Lie属位于系统树基部,显示出原始性,而由细鲫属、马口鱼属和Lie属构成的类群相对于Dan亚科中的原始种类起源较晚,可能和较晚起源的东亚鲤科类群之间有更为密切的关系。  相似文献   

鲤科是鱼类最大的科, 在中国淡水鱼类组成中鲤科鱼类的成分占一半以上. 鲤科鱼类的演化过程代表了东亚淡水鱼类的整体演化过程. 为探讨东亚鲤科鱼类系统发育关系, 共分析了包括18种新测序列在内的54种鲤科鱼类细胞色素b基因的全序列. 分析的物种涵盖了鲤科鱼类的12个亚科并对问题较多的亚科(Danioninae)和雅罗鱼亚科(Leuciscinae)进行了广泛的采样. 系统发育树的建立使用了多种方法, 包括邻接法、最大简约法和最大似然法. 亚口鱼科(Catostomidae)的胭脂鱼(Myxocyprinus asiaticus)被指定为外类群, 3种方法所得结果非常相似, 并支持一些亚科的单系性, 如鲌亚科(Cultrinae)、鯝亚科(Xenocyprinae)、鮈亚科(Gobioninae)(包括鳅鮀亚科Gobiobotinae). 从分子水平上证明亚科不是一个单系类群, 雅罗鱼亚科被分为两个互不相关的类群; 东亚雅罗鱼群与鲌亚科和鯝亚科形成一单系类群; 而欧洲、西伯利亚、北美的雅罗鱼形成另一个单系群. Howes所定义的鲤亚科在NJ树和ML树中得到有力的支持并位于系统树的基部. 高体鳑鲏(Rhodeus sericeus)代表的鳑鲏亚科的系统位置没有得到解决. 显示鲤科鱼类可分为3个大的类群并与其3个进化阶段相对应: 老第三纪类群包含亚科的东南亚种类和Howes的鲤亚科; 北方冷水性类群包含北方雅罗鱼、鮈亚科和鳑鲏; 东亚类群包含鲌亚科、鯝亚科、雅罗鱼东亚种类和亚科东亚种类. 老第三纪类群代表鲤科鱼类的原始阶段, 北方冷水性类群对应于鲤科鱼类对全球变冷的反应, 而东亚类群则显示青藏高原急剧隆升后, 在东亚季风气候条件下鲤科鱼类的大量分化.  相似文献   

为探讨中国鲤形目鱼类中轴骨骼数及其与系统发育和生态习性的相关性,采用X光透视照相法对157种鲤科(Cyprinidae)、鳅科(Cobitidae)、平鳍鳅科(Balitoridae)鱼类的脊椎骨数、肋骨数、尾椎数进行了比较分析。结果显示,中国鲤形目鱼类的脊椎骨数在30-52枚之间,均值39.45?4.44;肋骨数在8-28对之间,均值15.27?3.08;尾椎数在14-34枚之间,均值21.08?2.89。依据脊椎骨数、肋骨数、尾椎数对鲤科各亚科进行聚类,显示鲤科12个亚科分为2大类:雅罗鱼类,包括雅罗鱼亚科、鲌亚科、鲴亚科、裂腹鱼亚科等4亚科;鲃类,包括鲢亚科、鮈亚科、鱼丹亚科、鲃亚科、野鲮亚科、鳅鮀亚科、鲤亚科、鱊亚科等8亚科。单因素方差分析显示,鲤科肉食性鱼类的肋骨数与脊椎骨数的比值显著少于植食性鱼类(P<0.05),而脊椎骨数、尾椎数则显著多于植食性鱼类(P<0.05)。中上层鱼类的脊椎骨数、尾椎数显著多于下层鱼类(P<0.05)。极小型鱼类的脊椎骨数、肋骨数,以及肋骨数与脊椎骨数之比显著少于大型鱼类(P<0.05)。表明鲤科鱼类的中轴骨骼数与其系统发育和生态习性及体型具有明显的相关性。  相似文献   

中国鲤形目鱼类的脊椎骨数及其生态适应性   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
为探讨中国鲤形目鱼类脊椎骨数及其与系统发育和生态习性的相关性,采用X光透视照相法对鲤科(Cyprinidae)、鳅科(Cobitidae)、爬鳅科(Balitoridae)鱼类共157种的脊椎骨数、肋骨数和尾椎数进行了比较分析。结果显示,中国鲤形目鱼类的脊椎骨数30~52枚,均值39.5±4.4;肋骨数8~28对,均值15.3±3.1;尾椎数14~34枚,均值21.1±2.9。依据脊椎骨数、肋骨数、尾椎数对鲤科各亚科进行聚类,显示鲤科12个亚科可归为2大类:Ⅰ类包括雅罗鱼亚科、鲌亚科、鲴亚科、裂腹鱼亚科4亚科;Ⅱ类包括鲢亚科、亚科、亚科、鲃亚科、野鲮亚科、鳅亚科、鲤亚科、亚科8亚科。对鲤科89种所作的单因素方差分析显示,肉食性鱼类的肋骨数与脊椎骨数的比值显著小于植食性鱼类(P0.05),而脊椎骨数、尾椎数则显著多于植食性鱼类(P0.05)。中上层鱼类的脊椎骨数、尾椎数显著多于下层鱼类(P0.05)。极小型鱼类的脊椎骨数、肋骨数以及肋骨数与脊椎骨数之比显著少于或小于大型鱼类(P0.05)。表明鲤科鱼类的脊椎骨数与其生态习性及体型具有明显的相关性。  相似文献   

鮊属和红鮊属模式种的订正   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
鮊属和红鮊属模式种的订正罗云林(中国科学院水生生物研究所,武汉430072)关键词亚科,属,红属,模式种鲤科亚科中的鱼类是东亚特有的一个类群,在我国分布甚广,种类较多,为常见的经济鱼类。有关鱼类的分类已有不少学者作过研究,本文主要讨论Culteral...  相似文献   

野生巴马拟缨鱼肌肉营养成分研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
巴马油鱼,曾用名巴马穗唇鲃(Crossocheilus bamaensis,Fang),学名为巴马拟缨鱼(Pseudocrossocheilus bamaensis(Fang)),鲤形目(Cyprinformes),鲤科(Cyprinidae),野鲮亚科(Labeoninae),拟缨鱼属(Pseudocrossocheilus).  相似文献   

本文应用分支系统学原理对鳅(鱼它)鱼类的鳔囊、鳔及相关结构进行了特征分圻,并以(鱼句)亚科作为外类群。解剖结果表明,鳅(鱼它)鱼类的鳔分四种类型;分析结果进一步证实鳅(鱼它)鱼类是一个单源群,作为一亚科可分为异鳔鳅(鱼它)属和鳅(鱼它)属,后者又分为原鳅(鱼它)和鳅(鱼它)二个亚属。  相似文献   

The oxyuroid nematode Ichthyouris bursata Moravec & Prouza, 1995 (Pharyngodonidae) was recorded from the intestine of discus (Symphysodon spp. and hybrids) cultured in discus farms in Bangkok and Nonthaburi, central Thailand, during 2006 and 2007. This material made it possible to study in detail the morphology of this little known parasite species, using both light and scanning electron microscopy (the latter not previously used for the male). The SEM examination showed taxonomically important morphological features not previously reported or erroneously described, including the presence of three bilobed lips, a pair of sclerotised plate-like structures and a median cone-shaped outgrowth on the posterior cloacal lip, short 'hairs' on the cloacal lips, digital phasmids in the male and, sometimes, up to two filaments on the egg poles. This species is of South American origin, which was confirmed by its recent record from a free-living blue discus S. aequifasciatus Pellegrin in Brazil. The reproduction and transmission of I. bursata in the conditions of aquarium tanks is probably permitted by the direct (homoxenous) life-cycle of this parasite.  相似文献   

The Labeonini (sensu Rainboth, 1991) is a tribe of the subfamily Cyprininae, the largest subfamily of Cypriniformes. With around 400 species in 34 genera, this tribe is widely distributed in the freshwaters of tropical Africa and Asia. Most species are adapted to fast-flowing streams and rivers, and exhibit unique morphological modifications associated with their lips and other structures around the mouth. The monophyly of this tribe has been tested and generally accepted in previous morphological and molecular studies. The major objectives of this study were to reconstruct the phylogenetic relationships within the tribe Labeonini, test its monophyly and explore the taxonomic subdivisions, intrarelationships and biogeography of the group. The value of the morphological characters associated with the lips and other associated structures in the taxonomic classification of labeonins was also discussed. Nucleotide sequences (3867 bp) of four unlinked nuclear loci were obtained from 51 species in 18 Labeonini genera from throughout the range of the tribe. Maximum parsimony, partitioned maximum likelihood and partitioned Bayesian analyses were used for phylogenetic inference from combined and separate gene data sets. Based on our results, the monophyly of Labeonini was well supported. Two major clades could be recovered within the tribe. Three subclades could further be recognized from the first clade. These clades/subclades are not consistent with groupings of any of previous workers using either morphological or molecular characters for phylogenetic inference. Only five currently recognized genera in this analysis are monophyletic. The similarity between some lips and associated structures (e.g. suctorial discs) of labeonins may due to convergence or parallelism instead of common ancestry. Labeonins of Southeast Asia, India and China are closely related to each other; the multiple clades of African taxa do not form a single monophyletic group, indicating multiple, independent dispersal events of labeonins into Africa from Asia.  相似文献   

Structural organization of the epithelium of the lips and associated structures of the Indian major carp,Catla catla, is described. The upper lip is thin and is associated on its dorsal side with a membranous fold of skin and the rostral cap. In contrast, the lower lip is thick and very conspicuous. It is associated on its ventral side with a fold of skin between it and the ventral head skin. The lower lip is divided into a non-projectile portion, a projectile portion and an intermediate groove region. The projectile portion remains folded covering a part of the ventral head skin when the mouth is closed. Their role in relation to the formation of the characteristic feeding tube is discussed. The epithelium of the lips and associated structures is stratified in nature and is composed of the epithelial cells, mucous cells, club cells, lymphocytes and the taste buds. The mucous cells are small, few or even absent and do not appear to secrete profusely at the surfaces of the upper and the lower lips. This suggests that the lips inCatla catla, which feeds on micro-organisms, do not need extra lubrication for protection against abrasion during feeding. In the epithelium at the folds of skin, the voluminous mucous cells secrete profusely and provide extra lubrication to their surface. This reduces the resistance to surface drag during stretching and enables the jaws to protrude with increasing efficiency and swiftness. The club cells are developed additionally to complement the mucous cells in the rostral cap and the upper lip epithelium. Their primary function appears protective in some way, which needs further confirmation. The taste buds, though few in the lower lip, are located in a good number in the upper lip on the characteristic epithelial papillae-like projections, and are projected at the surface. These have been associated with the acute gustatory sense of the fish. The taste buds are absent on the folds of skin where they may not be of much significance.  相似文献   

Two new chydorids, Nicsmirnovius camerounensis (gen. nov., sp. nov.) and Bryospilus africanus n.sp. are described, based on material from Korup, Mundemba, Bakingili and Debunscha, all in the rainforests of southwest Cameroon. Morphological structures show that both taxa are only remotely related, and that, while Nicsmirnovius is clearly an alonine, Bryospilus might well be a chydorine chydorid. Small, taxonomically non-significant differences occurred among specimens of Bryospilus recorded in three different forest areas.  相似文献   

AIMS: To identify and compare the relative diversity and distribution of genotypes of culturable fluorescent pseudomonads from soils. METHODS AND RESULTS: Analysis of 160 isolates from seven soil samples using randomly amplified polymorphism DNA methods revealed 53 genotypes, which were subsequently identified by their 16S ribosomal DNA sequences. Phylogenetic analyses of the 53 genotypes along with 43 fluorescent pseudomonad type strains separated the genotypes into 10 distinct clusters that included two phylogenetic groups that were not represented by previously described type strains. CONCLUSIONS: The diversity of genotypes that was obtained from the soil samples was highly variable among the different soils and appeared to be associated with different soil management practices that also influence plant yields. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The identification and phylogenetic analysis of these genotypes offers opportunities for study of phenotypic traits that may be associated within taxonomically related groups of fluorescent pseudomonad species and how these groups vary in relation to soil management practices.  相似文献   

A full analysis has been conducted of the sequences and secondary structures of viral type-I or related IRESs identified in all of the elements that correspond to the previously described minimal fragment of the enterovirus C IRES, which mimics the glycine tRNA anticodon hairpin in the IRES structure and is necessary for the specific binding of glycyl—tRNA synthetase. Experiments on human glycyl—tRNA synthetase binding with the mRNA fragments of several taxonomically distant viruses showed that the binding constants of these complexes are similar. These results indicate that the regulation of translation initiation via glycyl—tRNA synthetase must be a universal mechanism for these viruses and the corresponding parts of their mRNAs must have similar spatial structures. Furthermore, at least one additional mRNA hairpin with the glycyl anticodon loop has been found in all analyzed viral type-I IRESs. It seems plausible that this extra hairpin is associated with the second RNA-binding site of the glycyl—tRNA synthetase dimer and stabilizes its complex with the viral mRNA.  相似文献   

Eighty wood samples representing 51 taxa in 33 genera of Leguminosae were collected in the Sinnamary River Basin in Northern French Guiana and evaluated for their fauna of longhorned beetles (Cerambycidae) and their phytochemical constituents. The cerambycid fauna was assessed using cut branches and trunks that were continuously observed for emerging beetles. Phytochemical patterns were determined in partially purified methanolic extracts that were obtained from wood and bark of the same branches and trunks using thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and high-pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC). It was found that small groups of taxonomically related and often phytochemically similar plant species serve as host plants for small and well-defined longicorn guilds. Members of longicorn guilds are usually not taxonomically related. Host-plant chemistry appears to play a role in resource allocation among longicorn guilds in this lowland neotropical rainforest. These findings are discussed in reference to theories on coevolution and adaptive radiation in plant-insect associations.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Chromatograms of unhydrolyzed extracts of the type strains of the Cowan groups of the micrococci and of other representatives of these groups have shown that the resulting pattern of ninhydrin-positive spots is useful taxonomically.
The grouping based on the chromatograms agreed well with the Gibson grouping, but indicated that Cowans group III contained some dissimilar organisms.  相似文献   

The surface architecture of the structures associated with the lips of a hill stream fish Garra lamta was examined by scanning electron microscopy. In this teleost, the lips are inconspicuous and associated with prominent horny jaw sheaths. Furthermore, the upper and lower lips are associated with a greatly enlarged rostral cap and an adhesive pad, respectively. The rostral cap has a proximal mucogenic region and a distal keratinized region. The adhesive pad is differentiated into central mucogenic and peripheral keratinized regions. At the mucogenic regions of the rostral cap and the adhesive pad, the surface of the epithelial cells is characterised by well developed microridges, which reflect their high secretory activity. The mucus may lubricate the surface and protect the epithelia from abrasions at these regions, which are likely to be subjected to wear and tear during frequent friction and adhesion of the fish to the substrate. Taste buds may help the fish to locate food and trigger a 'pick-up' reflex. The epithelial cells at the surface of the keratinized regions of the rostral cap and the adhesive pad are modified as clusters of spine like unculi, which may assist the fish in its firm anchorage to the substrate. The epithelial cells at the surface of the horny jaw sheaths are modified as polygonal unculi, each appears much like a tooth that has a characteristic sharp edge at the margin. These may be regarded as an adaptation to browsing or scraping food materials from the substrate.  相似文献   

Synopsis On a rocky shore of Lake Tanganyika aufwuchs-eating is practiced by 18 fish species: 17 cichlids and 1 cyprinid. The majority takes mostly either filamentous or unicellular algae.Tropheus moorei and its taxonomically related species most closely resemble one another in diet among the species taking mostly filamentous algae, and thePetrochromis species do so among the species taking mostly unicellular algae.Petrochromis polyodon andT. moorei severely interfere with the feeding activities of related species. These two dominant species share both intensive grazing sites and temporal grazing patterns, and there seems to be a symbiotic relationship between them. Symbiotic relationships are also seen in seven cases of associated feeding by carnivorous fishes. Differences in diet or feeding behavior are found between these symbionts. Small but clear differences are found betweenP. polyodon andT. moorei and between the associating and the carnivorous host fishes in the four cases of associated feeding. These small differences seem attributable to morphological differences and may have been effective for the evolution of symbiotic relationships.Contribution from the Laboratory of Animal Ecology, Kyoto University, No. 461.  相似文献   

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