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西沙群岛植物的订正与增补   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>西沙群岛(15°46'-17°08'N,111°11'-112°54'E)位于南海的西北部、海南岛东南部。由永乐群岛和宣德群岛组成,共有22个大小不一的岛屿、7个沙洲和10多个暗礁暗滩,总陆地面积约7.6047 km2,是南海诸岛中陆地面积最大、植物资源最丰富的群岛。除石岛及高尖石外,西沙群岛的岛屿均由珊瑚礁在近6,000年来逐渐发育形成(卢演俦等,1979),  相似文献   

根据前人在原位孢子方面已积累的大量资料,并参考现代孢子花粉形态研究成果,大致推测了本区石炭-二叠纪分散孢子花粉的大多数属的植物亲缘关系。通过已建立的含煤地层孢粉组合带推测相应时期的古植被类型,并与前人有关地质时期及地层的大植物化石带进行了对比,不仅验证了各地质时期植被的兴起、发展、繁盛以及衰退绝灭的历史过程,更大意义上将微体形态的孢子花粉与宏观上的植被进行了对比归类,从而使得对研究区晚古生代含煤地层的古植被的形态面貌有了更直观的了解。最后,利用孢粉分析恢复相应地质时期的古气候。  相似文献   

..X射线计算机摄影术(CT),是依据物体内部密度的差异,导致X射线强弱不同的原理,从而产生二维(2D)的图像,以及由此重建成三维(3D)密度图。目前医学上所使用的X射线扫描仪,是利用非致命性的X-射线能量,由此产生的低分辨率的图像,而在其它学科和工业方面,则可使用高分辨率(高能量)的扫描仪。例如这项技术主要用于地球科学领域,同时也已用于对化石内部结构无损伤的研究,以及土壤中植物根系发育的研究等。然而,值得注意的是,最近X-射线CT已被英国邱园的科学家用于植物解剖学的研究领域。这种技术最显著的特点在于,对观察材料无损伤和三维图…  相似文献   

根据松辽盆地梨树断陷早白垩世地层中孢粉百分含量的纵向变化特征,建立了自下而上各层组的孢粉组合。通过分析孢粉、藻类以及介形类的古环境指示特征,恢复了梨树断陷地层的气温带、古植被、干湿度以及湖水古盐度。沙河子组沉积时期为温暖潮湿的中亚热带气候,古植被为针叶林和灌草丛,湖水为淡水、微咸水;营城组沉积时期为南亚热带气候,古植被为针叶林和灌草丛,湖水同样为淡水、微咸水;到了登娄库组沉积时期,气候变得炎热干旱,为热带气候,古植被为针叶林,湖水则变为半咸水。本文的研究结果可以有效指示地层的划分与对比以及沉积环境的分析。同时,结合盆地发育讨论了古气候变化的控油意义,古气候的变化控制着烃源岩和储层的发育与分布。  相似文献   

一.古植物学和它的内容古植物学是研究古代植物和它们的生活的科学。它是植物学中的一个学科,也是古生物学中的一个学科。在理论上,它是专门探讨过去地质时代的植物形态、结构、分类、分布、生理、生态、生化和各地质时代的植被、古植物区系以及古植物群的起源、形成、发展和演替的科学。它一方面与研究现代植物的形态、解剖、分类、地理和植被的学科密切结合,共同研究植物的自然分类、系统发育、区系发展和植被变化的规律等等植物学上的重大问题,另一方面又与古动物学、地质学、地理学密切结合,共同研究地层划分与对比、古地理与古气候上的问题。在工作的进行中,古植物学往  相似文献   

本次工作对来自南海北部大陆架地区琼东南盆地LS33-1-1井和LS2-1-1井渐新统—上新统的孢粉、藻类进行了系统研究。通过孢粉分析,确定孢粉植物群,恢复古植被,推测古气候,建立了与气候变化趋势相关的孢粉组合序列。结果显示,研究区内渐新统崖城组、陵水组时期的植被类型是热带、亚热带常绿阔叶林及针叶、常绿、落叶阔叶混交林,气候条件较温凉湿润;中新统三亚组时期植被发展为热带、亚热带常绿阔叶林及常绿、落叶阔叶混交林,气候条件暖而湿润;中新统梅山组时期是气候逐渐变化的过渡期;中新统黄流组的植被类型为亚热带针叶阔叶、常绿和落叶阔叶混交林,气候条件温凉略干燥;上新统莺歌海组山地植被中针叶林或针阔叶混交林多有分布,常绿阔叶落叶阔叶林混交林继续扩大,草本植物空前发展,气候趋于凉干。孢粉组合所反映的渐新世—上新世气候变化特征与全球气候变化趋势具有较好的可比性。通过孢粉、藻类资料对沉积环境进行了初步研究,研究区渐新世以近岸浅海的沉积环境为主,为陆架边缘到内陆架区,中新统梅山组及其以上地层应形成于距岸较远海水较深的浅海环境。  相似文献   

炭屑与植硅体分析广泛应用于古环境重建研究,现代植物燃烧微炭屑与植硅体比值研究有利于认识土壤及沉积物微炭屑与植硅体的丰度与火灾和燃烧活动之间的关系。本研究利用现代草本及木本植物叶片进行开放燃烧模拟实验,分析了不同植物燃烧微炭屑的形态特征及微炭屑与植硅体数量比(Ch/ph)的差异。结果表明,植物燃烧后会残留下植硅体和微炭屑,草本与木本植物微炭屑形态特征具有明显差异,微炭屑与植硅体(Ch/ph)比值较大,Ch/ph值木本植物(26.07-31.61)大于草本植物(1.62-15.20)。微炭屑的形态及长宽比(L/W)、Ch/ph值含有丰富的火灾发生及燃烧的植被类型信息,尤其Ch/ph可能是古火灾及古植被重建研究的潜在替代指标。  相似文献   

深入研究芦苇(Phragmites australis)不同生长期植硅体的形态变化规律, 对提高古植被重建精度、探讨植硅体形成机理具有重要意义。该文对东北地区12个样点的芦苇叶片进行研究, 选取长势相近、叶片大小一致的芦苇叶片, 用湿式灰化法提取植硅体并对其进行分类和命名。研究发现, 芦苇植硅体主要有5种类型, 在不同生长期内和不同温湿度组合下, 其植硅体类型组合基本无变化, 说明同种植物的植硅体类型组合具有稳定性, 据此可以有效地恢复古植被; 同时芦苇鞍型植硅体百分含量的峰值出现在7月份, 随后稍有减少, 而芦苇扇型植硅体百分含量和浓度的峰值出现在8或9月份, 谷值在7月份。由此推测芦苇鞍型植硅体的形成可能更多地受控于植物的光合作用和蒸腾作用, 芦苇扇型植硅体的形成可能与机动细胞的支撑作用关系密切。实验结果还表明芦苇植硅体浓度并不是随着时间逐渐积累的, 其在8月份达到峰值, 9月份达到谷值, 因此推测植物植硅体浓度的变化规律可能与植物在不同生长期其自身对硅的需求规律相一致。鞍型植硅体浓度的峰值也出现在8月份, 谷值也在9月份, 其浓度变化与芦苇植硅体总浓度的变化趋势相似。  相似文献   

西沙群岛植物漫笔   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国蔚蓝浩瀚的南海之中,散落着明珠般准灿的西沙群岛。西沙群岛由30个珊瑚形的岛、洲、礁、滩组成。海拔大多不超过10米。这里地处热带中部,夏季湿润多雨,冬季干旱,还时常受到台风的影响。由于这些独特的自然条件,形成了西沙群岛上美丽的热带岛屿植物景观。就让我带你到岛上去漫步,领略一下这里植物的风采。沙滩绿色尖兵——q源刚一上岛,你就能看到白色灼眼的沙滩上,匍匐着绿色的藤本植物厚藤。它们伸张着藤蔓,搂抱着沙滩,向海浪勇敢地挑战,不让大海吞噬掉这一片沙土。它们总是位于海滩的最前沿,象海岛的尖兵,冒着沙滩达摄…  相似文献   

西沙群岛草海桐的抗逆生物学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐贝贝  刘楠  任海  王馨慧  刘念  简曙光 《广西植物》2018,38(10):1277-1285
热带珊瑚岛由于光照强、季节性干旱明显、土壤贫瘠、保水能力差而少有植物生长。草海桐(Scaevola sericea)是一种典型的热带滨海植物,是西沙群岛珊瑚岛植被中的主要建群种,在海岛和海岸带防风固沙及植被生态恢复等方面发挥着重要作用。该研究对西沙群岛自然环境下草海桐的形态解剖学特征、抗氧化能力、抗逆性物质含量及营养元素含量等进行了研究。结果表明:草海桐具有阳生性植物特征,叶片及上表皮厚、气孔密度小、导管直径及水力导管直径大,有利于其适应珊瑚岛干旱环境; 其体内的超氧化物歧化酶和过氧化氢酶活性与其他受胁迫植物相比较要高,脱落酸含量也较高,表明草海桐对珊瑚岛环境具有较强的适应性及抗逆性; 其根际土壤养分含量偏低,但植物体内营养元素含量却较高,表明草海桐对土壤养分的利用效率高。这说明草海桐能够很好地适应干旱、贫瘠的珊瑚砂环境,具有较强的抗逆及适应能力。  相似文献   

Three basic paleosol morphologies, named Type A, Type B and Type C, are described from the middle–upper Permian strata of the Moradi Formation, Tim Mersoi Basin, northern Niger. The Moradi Formation is a typical alluvial redbed succession dominated by red mudrocks with fine to coarse-grained pebbly channel sandstones and matrix-breccias. Type A paleosols are hosted by well-sorted fine to medium grained trough cross bedded and massive sandstones and preserve abundant vertical to horizontal micritic and microspar calcite tubules, interpreted as rhizoliths. Lateral variability of rhizoliths in Type A paleosols, and their close association with fluvial channel-fill sediments suggests they are the roots of grove stands of phreatophytic vegetation that grew within unstable anabranching stream systems. Type B paleosols are hosted by mudrocks and preserve well-developed ped structure, abundant micritic calcite nodules and vertically-stacked micritic calcite nodular bodies, as well as rare calcite with satin-spar texture interpreted as a pseudomorphic replacement of pedogenic gypsum. The morphology of Type B paleosols suggests they were formed in well-drained floodplain deposits on stable landforms. Type C paleosols are similar to Type B but preserve pedogenic structures indicative of soil volume expansion and contraction, as well as more abundant Stage II pedogenic carbonate nodules. The morphology of Type C paleosols suggests that they developed periodically rather than seasonally in poorly-drained deposits that nevertheless occupied a relatively stable part of the landscape such as the plains flanking ephemeral lakes or sabkhas.X-ray diffraction analysis of the < 2 μm fraction from the Moradi Formation strata indicates that paleosol phyllosilicates are composed of illite, smectite, and occasionally kaolinite and talc. Illite is likely a detrital mineral, whereas smectite and kaolinite are likely pedogenic weathering products. The presence of talc in the Moradi Formation paleosols is unusual. It is limited to paleosol horizons that also preserve evidence for pedogenic gypsum accumulation and is therefore most likely related to a pedogenic weathering process. It is possible that this talc is a relatively low-temperature (~ 50–100 °C) diagenetic alteration product of pedogenic Mg–phyllosilicates such as sepiolite.The range of morphologies, petrographic textures and mineralogy of the paleosol profiles indicates semi-arid to hyper-arid climatic setting. This paleoclimatic reconstruction is in agreement with Middle and Late Permian conceptual paleoclimate models and quantitative general circulation models. Nevertheless, and in spite of an arid climate, Moradi paleosols and their host strata also indicate a relatively shallow groundwater table. Importantly, this shallow groundwater resource undoubtedly helped to support the moderately diverse fossil vertebrate assemblage and large-stature macrophytes preserved in the Moradi Formation.  相似文献   

藤则雄 《古生物学报》2003,42(1):138-147
根据日本中部琵琶湖深井钻探资料研究了过去3Ma的古植被、地层及古气候。由湖底取得的200m和1400m样品的孢粉组合可分别划分出19个和37个带,反映了湖区及其周围自晚上新世以来的古植被和古气候演变史。在冰期阶时琵琶湖附近山区的典型植被为亚北极带,低地为冷温带。而在间冰期阶里山区一般为温带或冷温带植被,低地则主要由落叶和常绿树组成的温带和暖温带的植被。在进行过去3Ma古植被、古气候演变对比中,当地古气候史和以下资料显示出明显的一致,例如加勒比海、西太平洋及赤道海洋的氧同位素资料,地中海西部(Mallorca)的沉积旋回,欧洲中部的风成沉积序列,日本关东和新几内亚的海平面变化记录,以及在南美波哥大高地和以色列死海裂谷根据孢粉得出的古气候变化记录。  相似文献   

黄河三角洲潮沟形态特征对湿地植物群落演替的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过野外调查明确黄河三角洲潮上带、潮间带、潮下带内潮沟的形态特征及植物群落演替特征, 并在此基础上探讨潮沟对植物群落的影响。结果表明: 1)潮沟共包括4级, 沿海到内陆方向, 呈现出潮沟分叉增加、级别增多、曲率变大的发育趋势。潮上带和潮下带均出现较大的宽深比, 潮间带的潮沟密度和分汊率较大; 2)共统计到植物10科15属15种, 大部分为草本植物。植物演替的方向为碱蓬-柽柳-芦苇和香蒲, 物种生态位宽度最大值随着演替的进行, 由碱蓬变为柽柳再到芦苇和香蒲; 3)潮沟曲率、潮沟密度和潮沟宽度与群落演替方向呈正相关, 而潮沟分汊率和潮沟深度与群落演替方向呈负相关。植物群落演替对潮沟分汊率的变化的反应最敏感, 潮沟密度次之。  相似文献   

孙龙  卢涛  孙涛  孙然好 《生态学报》2023,43(2):826-837
消落带植被分布、生活型、多样性的调查研究显著促进了消落带植被恢复技术的进步,然而相邻两梯级库区消落带植被分布的差异以及植被群落特征的年际变化并不明确。此外,金沙江下游部分区域表现出一定的干热特征,其影响下的消落带植被群落特征有待深入了解。基于2019年和2021年向家坝和溪洛渡库区消落带植被调查结果,分析表明:(1)金沙江下游消落带按照下垫面特性主要分为硬岩型、软岩型、松软堆积型3种类型,坡度平缓的松软堆积型消落带是植被恢复的主要类型;(2)整体上,消落带优势植被类型是一年生和多年生草本,单优势种、少优势种群落较为普遍,两个库区消落带优势种重要值差异显著,植被生活型较少;(3)向家坝、溪洛渡库区消落带在分别经历6次和8次周期性水淹后,消落带植被分布与群落物种多样性特征变化不显著,表明消落带植被群落结构相对稳定。综上说明向家坝、溪洛渡两个相邻的梯级库区消落带植被恢复需要以灌草为主,且具有不同的潜在恢复模式,因此需要对应采取不同的恢复策略。研究对于科学指导金沙江下游梯级水电站库区消落带植被恢复具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Although often preserved in the fossil record, mandibular dental roots are rarely used for evolutionary studies. This study qualitatively and quantitatively characterizes the three-dimensional morphology of hominoid dental roots. The sample comprises extant apes as well as two fossil species, Khoratpithecus piriyai and Ouranopithecus macedoniensis. The morphological differences between extant genera are observed, quantified and tested for their potential in systematics. Dental roots are imaged using X-ray computerized tomography, conventional microtomography and synchrotron microtomography. Resulting data attest to the high association between taxonomy and tooth root morphology, both qualitatively and quantitatively. A cladistic analysis based on the dental root characters resulted in a tree topology congruent with the consensus phylogeny of hominoids, suggesting that tooth roots might provide useful information in reconstructing hominoid phylogeny. Finally, the evolution of the dental root morphology in apes is discussed.  相似文献   

南海岛屿种子植物区系地理的研究   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
本文通过实地考察,广泛收集前人的研究资料,概述了南海岛屿地区的自然条件和植被,对南海岛屿种子植物的区系组成、特点、分布区类型、特有现象和替代现象等进行了较详细的分析,并与邻近植物区系进行了比较研究。同时,根据区内植物分布的特点和自然条件特征划分为5个植物区系小区,最后对南海岛屿地区植物区系的起源与演化进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Aims Pigment composition is an important functional trait that can be affected by environmental factors. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of soil salinity on pigment composition in Suaeda salsa by comparing chlorophyll and betacyanin content in the Liaohe estuary wetland, a typical coastal wetland in northeast China.Methods We investigated the plant biomass, percentage of red leaves and pigment content (chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and betacyanins) in S. salsa in intertidal and supratidal zones of the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Liaohe estuary wetlands. The Na + content of both the soil and plant was also measured. Full analysis of variance and multivariate analysis were used to compare differences in pigment content and Na + content between the supratidal and intertidal zones.Important findings Pigment composition was significantly affected by soil salinity. With increasing soil salinity, the percentage of red leaves was higher in the intertidal zone than in the supratidal zone. In all three reaches, plants had lower chlorophyll a content and higher betacyanin content in the intertidal zone than in the supratidal zone. Compared to chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b was less sensitive to soil salinity. There were no differences in chlorophyll b content between the intertidal and supratidal zones in the upper and lower reaches. Furthermore, pigment composition was associated with both the plant tissue and soil Na + content. Compared to the supratidal zone, the intertidal zone had a higher Na + content in plants. There was a negative relationship between plant chlorophyll content and soil Na + content, but a positive relationship between betacyanin content and soil Na + content. Overall, the results indicated that there might be a trade-off between leaf chlorophyll and betacyanin content in S. salsa to maintain its growth and survival in high salinity environments.  相似文献   

Organic matter (OM) in loess-paleosol sequences is used for paleoenvironmental reconstructions, based e.g. on stable carbon isotope composition. Loess OM (LOM) is assumed to derive from synsedimentary vegetation, i.e. predominantly grass. However, low organic C contents make LOM prone to postsedimentary contamination. It was the aim of this study to reveal (1) whether OM of the loess sequence at Nussloch (SW Germany) was altered by postsedimentary input, (2) to which depth, and (3) from which source vegetation this younger OM derives. Therefore, the alkane composition of LOM was compared to that of potential source OM for postsedimentary contamination: recent soil, vegetation growing on the loess sequence, calcified roots (rhizoliths) which derive from postsedimentary deep-rooting plants but not from recent vegetation, and loess in direct vicinity of these former roots. Alkane molecular proxies including carbon preference index and average chain length revealed that grass biomass was the source of soil and LOM. The latter was, except for the uppermost 0.6 m of loess, not affected by pedogenic processes. Further, recent vegetation did not contribute to OM within and loess adjacent to rhizoliths, which were formed under native tree and/or shrub vegetation prior to agricultural use. Strongest degradation of LOM and large amounts of microbial derived OM were found in rhizoloess, indicating former rhizosphere processes. Molecular proxies indicate that overprinting of LOM even in loess distant to former roots cannot be excluded. Therefore, paleoenvironmental reconstructions based on loess δ13Corg should be regarded with caution.  相似文献   

More or less well preserved paleosols were studied in the submontane and montane zone of the Western and Central Cordillera, Departamento del Valle, Colombia. Their Pleniglacial age was ascertained by radiocarbon analysis of charcoal which was, in several sections, found associated with the basis of volcanic ash deposits. The two ash periods which provided the bulk of the volcanic parent material seem to have occurred about 30 000 and 10 000 yr. B.P. The paleosols developed before and immediately after the older period (Middle Pleniglacial). The characteristic morphological traits — a uniform grey horizon of low humus content and with a basal iron pan — indicates a cold humid environment of low evapotranspiration and low organic turnover. Such soils do not form today but were characteristic for the Middle Pleniglacial soil cover from altitudes of 1500 to 3500 m. Increasing stable humus content in paleosols after 30 000 yr. B.P. apparently indicate a turn towards drier conditions, i.e. a growing influence of Gramineae after a predominance of wooded vegetation, quite in agreement with the pollen-based paleoclimatic concept of Van der Hammen. This paper demonstrates the distribution of truncated and transported paleosols relicts as a result of the great degradational phase which reshaped the soil mantle probably between 20 000 and 10 000 yr. B.P. The type of paleopedological soil formation process is discussed in some detail.  相似文献   

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