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【背景】壳聚糖是广泛存在于甲壳动物的一种多糖,具有广谱的抗真菌活性,但壳聚糖是否影响炭黑曲霉(Aspergillus carbonarius)和硫色镰刀菌(Fusarium sulphureum)生长和发育尚未见报道。【目的】明确不同浓度壳聚糖对A. carbonariusF. sulphureum生长和发育的影响。【方法】通过在PDA培养基中添加不同浓度壳聚糖,测定两种真菌的菌落直径、生物量和菌丝干重,观察产孢量、孢子萌发和芽管长度,比较抑菌的差异。【结果】壳聚糖处理可显著改变两种真菌的菌落形态,处理浓度越高菌落皱缩和变形越明显;壳聚糖还可以有效抑制两种真菌的菌落生长、菌丝干重和菌丝生物量,抑制效果呈明显的浓度依赖,对F. sulphureum的抑制效果更好。壳聚糖可抑制两种真菌的产孢量、孢子萌发和芽管伸长,处理浓度越高抑制效果越好,对F. sulphureum的抑制效果更为明显。壳聚糖对A. carbonariusF. sulphureumEC50值分别为0.12 mg/mL和0.075 mg/mL。【结论】壳聚糖可有效抑制A. carbonariusF. sulphureum的生长发育,抑制效果呈浓度依赖,F. sulphureum对壳聚糖更为敏感。  相似文献   

【背景】暹罗炭疽菌(Colletotrichum siamense)是一种重要的病原真菌,可以引起炭疽病,给全球橡胶产业带来巨大的经济损失。Zn2Cys6型转录因子是真菌特有的锌指类转录因子,通常参与调控真菌的生长发育过程。【目的】在暹罗炭疽菌中鉴定了一个与稻瘟病菌Gcc1同源的Zn2Cys6型转录因子CsGcc1,并研究其功能。【方法】根据同源重组原理构建CsGCC1的基因敲除突变体,并通过营养生长、H2O2敏感性、分生孢子产生及萌发、玻璃纸试验和致病性分析,明确CsGcc1的功能。【结果】CsGcc1编码一个含有646个氨基酸的蛋白,而且含有一个GAL4结构域。CsGCC1基因在培养36 h的菌丝及分生孢子中具有较高的表达量。CsGCC1基因敲除突变株营养生长速率降低且对H2O2更加敏感。相较于野生型菌株,突变株的分生孢子产量、萌发率及附着胞形成率均降低。此外,CsGCC1的敲除可以明显降低分生孢子的穿透能力,突变株对橡胶叶片的致病力减弱。【结论】Zn2Cys6型转录因子CsGcc1参与调控暹罗炭疽菌的营养生长、氧化应激、分生孢子发育及致病性等过程。  相似文献   

红芽芋驯化苗对盐胁迫的光合及生理响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
洪森荣  尹明华 《西北植物学报》2013,33(12):2499-2506
为探讨江西铅山红芽芋的耐盐机制,以其组培移栽驯化苗为材料,研究了盐胁迫对其生物量积累、光合特性、荧光特性等抗逆生理特性的影响。结果表明:(1)红芽芋幼苗生物量和根冠比在低盐胁迫下(50 mmol·L-1)得到显著促进,而在高盐胁迫下(100~250 mmol·L-1)受到显著抑制。(2)低盐胁迫幼苗的净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、气孔限制值(Ls)、水分利用效率(WUE)和瞬时羧化效率(CUE)比对照(0 mmol·L-1)显著增加,细胞间CO2浓度(Ci)比对照显著下降,蒸腾速率(Tr)与对照无显著差异;高盐胁迫幼苗的PnLsWUECUEGs较对照显著下降,Ci比对照显著增加。(3)低盐胁迫幼苗的最大荧光(Fm)、PSⅡ潜在光化学效率(Fv/F0)和光化学猝灭系数(qP)比对照显著增加,初始荧光(F0)较对照显著下降,PSⅡ最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、PSⅡ实际光化学效率(ΦPSⅡ)、开放的PSⅡ反应中心捕获激发能效率(Fv′/Fm′)和非光化学猝灭系数(NPQ)与对照无显著差异;而高盐胁迫幼苗的F0FmFv/FmFv/F0、ΦPSⅡFv′/Fm′和qP均较对照显著下降,NPQ比对照显著增加。(4)各盐胁迫幼苗叶片的可溶性蛋白含量以及过氧化物酶、超氧化物歧化酶和过氧化氢酶活性与对照相比先升后降,并以低盐下最高;可溶性总糖和脯氨酸含量均比对照显著增加;丙二醛含量和质膜透性相对值在低盐胁迫下无显著变化,而在高盐下显著增加;叶绿素含量和根系活力在低盐胁迫下无显著变化,而在高盐胁迫后开始显著下降。研究发现,江西铅山红芽芋移栽驯化苗的耐盐阈值为 50 mmol·L-1,其能够诱导提高叶片可溶性蛋白含量和主要保护酶活性,稳定质膜透性、叶绿素含量和根系活力,增加PSⅡ潜在光化学效率,提高PSⅡ的电子传递活性,维持PSⅡ实际光化学效率,有效启动非辐射热能量耗散机制来保护了光合机构,最终提高净光合速率,增加生物量。  相似文献   

为研究不同CO2浓度升高和氮肥水平对水稻叶绿素荧光特性的影响,利用由开顶式气室(OTC)组成的CO2浓度自动调控平台开展田间试验。以粳稻9108为试验材料,CO2浓度设置CK(对照,环境大气CO2浓度)、C1(CO2浓度比CK增加160 μmol/mol)和C2(CO2浓度比CK增加200 μmol/mol)3个水平;氮肥设置低氮(N1:10 g/m2)、中氮(N2:20 g/m2)和高氮(N3:30 g/m2)3个水平。结果表明,在低氮条件下,与CK相比,C1处理使拔节期的Fo上升4.8%(P=0.031);C2处理使拔节期的Fo上升6.3%(P=0.015),Fv/Fm下降4.8%(P=0.003),使孕穗期的Fo上升12.7%(P=0.039),Fv/Fo下降18.2%(P=0.039)。在高氮条件下,与CK相比,C2处理使灌浆期的FmFvFv/Fm分别下降3.6%(P=0.039)、4.9%(P=0.013)和1.3%(P=0.039)。在中氮条件下,与CK相比,C1和C2处理的影响不明显。在整个生育期内,CO2浓度升高与施氮处理交互作用对水稻叶绿素荧光特性的影响未到达显著水平。研究表明,大气CO2浓度升高使水稻叶片光系统Ⅱ受损,抑制其电子传递能力、电子受体QA氧化还原情况、最大光化学效率和潜在活性,通过适量施氮可以有效地缓解其负面效应。  相似文献   

孙悦燕  郭跃东 《西北植物学报》2022,42(10):1739-1748
选取大田环境下3年生黄檗幼苗,采用人工控制双因素随机区组试验,在不同光照[全光照(S0)、轻度遮光21.4%(S1)和重度遮光8.7%(S2)]和不同氮添加[无添加对照(F0)、轻度添加(F1)和重度添加(F2)]条件下,测定黄檗幼苗叶片的相对叶绿素含量(SPAD值)、气体交换参数及碳氮化学计量特征,探讨黄檗幼苗对遮阴和施氮的响应机制。结果表明:(1)随着遮光程度增强,黄檗幼苗叶片的SPAD值、蒸腾速率(Tr)、气孔导度(Gs)、碳氮比(C∶N)和瞬时光合氮利用率(PNUE)均呈现先增后降的趋势,两种遮光条件下SPAD均显著高于全光照环境;黄檗幼苗叶片的净光合速率(Pn)、水分利用率(WUE)和气孔限制值(Ls)逐渐降低;而叶片氮(N)和碳(C)含量均呈先降后升的趋势。(2)随氮添加量增加,黄檗幼苗叶片的PnWUELs、N和C含量均呈先增后降趋势,TrGs和PNUE则逐渐下降,而C∶N逐渐增加。(3)黄檗幼苗叶片的Pn在各光氮组合处理间均无显著差异;SPAD含量以S1F0、S2F0和S1F2处理组合显著较高,而以全光照(S0)处理组合显著最低;TrGs以轻度遮光(S1)处理组合明显较高,而以S2F1、S0F2、S2F2明显较低;WUELs均以S0F2显著最高,S2F2处理组合显著最低。黄檗幼苗叶片N和C含量在重度遮光/轻度氮添加(S2F1)时具有较大值,而其C∶N和PNUE在轻度遮光/无氮添加(S1F0)时具有较大值。(4)隶属函数综合评价认为,黄檗幼苗对光氮复合作用总体属中等耐受型,轻度遮光时不添加氮肥(S1F0)和轻度氮添加(S1F1)及全光照时轻度氮添加(S0F1)为适于幼苗生长的光氮组合。研究发现,光环境是影响黄檗幼苗光合作用和更新的主导因子,但黄檗苗期能耐受一定的遮阴胁迫;光照不受限制时,适当增加氮肥有利于黄檗幼苗生长;光照受限(重度遮光)时,施氮则抑制叶片叶绿素合成,降低了幼苗光能利用率,不利于其生长。  相似文献   

【目的】旨在分析当前规模化养殖场副猪格拉菌(Glaesserella parasuis)优势血清型、耐药特性、耐药基因与分子特征。【方法】对源自规模化养猪场21株副猪格拉菌临床分离株,采用PCR鉴定血清型;利用K-B纸片扩散法鉴定其对25种抗生素的耐药表型;采用PCR检测bla-TEMbla-NDMbla-CTX等7种耐药基因,并采用Chi-square test和Fisher exact test分析耐药表型和耐药基因型的相关性;耐药基因目的条带测序,并应用CLC Sequence Viewer软件分析β-内酰胺类耐药基因(bla-TEM)编码蛋白氨基酸关键位点差异与耐药性的关系。【结果】21株副猪格拉菌临床分离株的优势血清型为4和12型;对β-内酰胺类药物苯唑西林的耐药性较强,耐药菌占比达61.9%(13/21);多重耐药菌株占比高达90.5%(19/21);β-内酰胺类耐药基因bla-TEM携带率较高(52.4%,11/21),且bla-TEMβ-内酰胺类药物青霉素G、苯唑西林和头孢拉定的耐药性显著相关,部分bla-TEM编码氨基酸存在可能与副猪格拉菌耐药能力有关的差异位点。【结论】本研究表明,规模化养猪场的副猪格拉菌多重耐药情况仍很严重,并明确了被调查区域β-内酰胺类药物耐药率高的主要原因是携带耐药基因bla-TEM,为加强对规模化养猪场副猪格拉菌耐药性监测提供理论依据。  相似文献   

为探讨林窗凋落物化感作用对幼苗更新的影响,通过模拟林窗与非林窗光照强度,以林窗和非林窗凋落物水浸提液(浓度1 : 10、1 : 30、1 : 50和1 : 100)为化感物质的主要来源,阐述林窗、凋落物化感作用及二者协同效应对格氏栲幼苗高度、叶绿素荧光参数和渗透调节物质的影响。结果表明:(1)非林窗幼苗的叶绿素相对含量、PSⅡ潜在活力(Fv/Fo)、PSⅡ最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)和可溶性糖含量高于其它林窗,后期幼苗高度和叶片初始荧光(Fo)低于其它林窗。(2)与对照处理相比,不同浓度凋落物浸提液均抑制了幼苗Fv/Fo,而浓度1 : 50和1 : 100提高了幼苗后期高度、可溶性蛋白含量和叶绿素相对含量。(3)不同浓度凋落物浸提液中,林窗存在总体上提高了幼苗高度,且小林窗和非林窗幼苗叶绿素相对含量、Fv/FoFv/Fm值高于其它林窗。(4)熵值法结果表明,非林窗格氏栲幼苗生长的综合评价值高于其它林窗,凋落物浸提液浓度对幼苗生长的影响呈"低促高抑"效应,浓度1 : 50下幼苗生长的综合评价值高于其它浓度。高浓度(1 : 10和1 : 30)浸提液下,中林窗幼苗生长的综合评价值高于其它林窗。综上,林窗与凋落物化感作用共同影响格氏栲幼苗,且中林窗(50-100 m2)减弱了高浓度凋落物化感作用对格氏栲幼苗生长的毒害作用。未来,通过人为干扰方式调节林窗面积,适当清理森林凋落物以促进格氏栲幼苗天然更新。  相似文献   

通过花粉管通道技术,以该实验室自育陆地棉品系TH1和TH2为材料,将诸葛菜(Orychophragmus vidaceus)抗逆转录因子OvDREB2B基因构建到植物表达载体后,导入棉花基因组,经卡那霉素筛选和分子鉴定表明目的基因已整合到棉花基因组中并表达。将T1代转基因植株和受体对照在温室中栽培,待植株生长至四叶一心时,用不同渗透势的PEG-6000水溶液进行渗透胁迫处理,分析探讨转基因植株的抗旱效果及其抗旱机理。结果显示:当渗透势为0和0.5 MPa处理时,转基因植株和对照无明显差异;当渗透势为0.8 MPa和1.1 MPa处理时转基因植株较对照抗旱性明显提高。当渗透势为1.1 MPa处理96 h时,对照植株Fv/Fm降至0.2左右,而转基因植株仍正常生长,Fv/Fm值约为0.51,而且初始荧光(F0)值、净光合速率(Pn)、胞间CO2浓度(Ci)、蒸腾速率(Tr)等一系列参数转基因植株都明显优于对照,表明DREB2B基因能够提高棉花对水分胁迫的耐受性。  相似文献   

谷从璟  周健  马丹炜  黄素  孟巧巧 《广西植物》2019,39(10):1317-1326
以蚕豆(Vicia faba)为受体,采用盆栽试验评价了入侵植物土荆芥(Chenopodium ambrosioides)挥发油及其两个主要成分α-萜品烯和对伞花素对受体光合特性的影响。结果表明:土荆芥挥发油及其两个主要成分不同程度地影响了蚕豆叶片的特性。挥发油处理显著降低了净光合速率(Pn)、气孔导度(Gs)、蒸腾速率(Tr)、最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、实际光化学效率(ΦPSⅡ)和叶绿素含量,但增加了胞间CO2浓度(Ci),这种效应表现为剂量和时间双重效应,高剂量挥发油处理的这种效应是不可逆的; 与对照相比,α-萜品烯处理组的Pn、Fv/FmΦPSⅡ降低,CiGsTr上升,停止处理后,各参数均趋于对照水平; 整体来看,对伞花素对蚕豆幼苗的光合特性影响不大。上述研究结果说明,土荆芥化感胁迫对受体光合特性的影响是诸多化感物质协同作用的结果,并非由单一组分决定。  相似文献   

理解干旱与树木个体发育阶段或大小之间的相互作用关系是一个重要的优先研究方向,因为依赖于个体大小的特定死亡率分布格局对生态系统的结构和功能将产生重要的影响。以广泛分布于古尔班通古特沙漠南缘的主要建群种梭梭(Haloxylon ammodendron)为研究对象,通过测定越夏生长期间不同个体大小梭梭黎明前同化枝水势(Ψpd)、压力-容积(P-V)曲线、最大气孔导度(Gs)、叶绿素荧光(Fv/Fm),调查不同个体大小梭梭根系分布特征和根深,将越夏生长期间土壤水分状况、植物生理性状与根深相结合,分析不同大小梭梭对干旱胁迫的响应差异。结果表明:(1)夏季干旱胁迫显著降低了梭梭幼苗生理性状的特征值:同成年植株相比,梭梭幼苗黎明前同化枝水势(Ψpd)、PSⅡ反应中心最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)、饱和膨压渗透势(π100)、膨压消失点渗透势(ΨTLP)显著降低;(2)梭梭生理性状与根深之间存在线性关系,根深决定不同大小梭梭的水分状况(Ψpd)进而主导了越夏生长期间的其他生理性状表达(Fv/Fmπ100ΨTLP);(3)不同大小的梭梭对干旱胁迫的响应差异是植物根系分布特征和生境相互作用的结果,根深在梭梭应对夏季干旱胁迫中起重要作用。总之,梭梭幼苗根系发育不完全(浅根系),只能利用降水带来的有限的浅层土壤水,对干旱胁迫响应敏感;而成年梭梭植株能最大限度的利用深层土壤水分,减少表层土壤干旱对其产生的不利影响。  相似文献   

Fifteen or 30 days of anaerobic growth conditions significantly reduced shoot and root nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, iron and manganese concentrations in seedlings of pond pine ( Pinus serotina Michx.), sand pine [ P. clausa (Engelm.) Sarg.] and drought-hardy and wet-site loblolly pine ( P. taeda L.) grown in a culture system using non-circulating, continuously flowing solution. Calcium and shoot magnesium levels were least affected by anaerobic growth conditions – largely reflecting the passive nature of their uptake. Shoot and root nutrient content (mg nutrient pot-1) followed similar trends, with wet-site loblolly and pond pine seedlings least affected by anaerobic solution culture. Shoot biomass of wet-site loblolly and pond pine seedlings was not affected by anaerobiosis, suggesting an increase in shoot nutrient utilization efficiency. Root biomass was significantly reduced by 15 or 30 days of anaerobiosis, with sand pine exhibiting the largest reduction in root dry weight (57%).
These results suggest that anaerobiosis interferes with net nutrient acquisition, even under the high nutrient conditions provided by solution culture. Sand pine suffered the largest reductions in shoot and root biomass and nutrient concentrations, showing earlier symptoms of waterlogging injury and nutrient stress than drought-hardy loblolly pine seedlings. Whether net nutrient acquisition decreased because of the reduction in root surface area available for absorption and/or reduced uptake efficiency cannot be ascertained from these data.  相似文献   

Forest restoration guided by historical reference conditions of fire regime, forest structure, and composition has been increasingly and successfully applied in fire‐adapted forests of western North America. But because climate change is expected to alter vegetation distributions and foster severe disturbances, does it make sense to restore the ecological role of wildland fire through management burning and related activities such as tree thinning? I suggest that some site‐ and date‐specific historical conditions may be less relevant, but reference conditions in the broad sense are still useful. Reference conditions encompass not only the recent past but also evolutionary history, reflecting the role of fire as a selective force over millennia. Taking a long‐term functional view of historical reference conditions as the result of evolutionary processes can provide insights into past forest adaptations and migrations under various climates. As future climates change, historical reference data from lower, southerly, and drier sites may be useful in places that are higher, northerly, and currently wetter. Almost all models suggest that the future will have substantial increases in wildfire occurrence, but prior to recent human‐caused fire exclusion, fire‐adapted pine forests of western North America were among the most frequently burned in the world. Restoration of patterns of burning and fuels/forest structure that reasonably emulate historical conditions prior to fire exclusion is consistent with reducing the susceptibility of these ecosystems to catastrophic loss. Priorities may include fire and thinning treatments of upper elevation ecotones to facilitate forest migration, whereas vulnerable low‐elevation forests may merit less management investment.  相似文献   

  • 1 Bark beetles are significant mortality agents of conifers. Four beetle species, the pine engraver Ips pini, the six‐spined pine engraver Ips calligraphus sub. ponderosae, the southern pine beetle Dendroctonus frontalis, and the western pine beetle Dendroctonus brevicomis, cohabitate pines in Arizona.
  • 2 A pheromone trapping study in ponderosa forests of Arizona determined the attraction of beetles to conspecific and heterospecific pheromone components in the presence and absence of host volatiles, and tested whether predators differ in their attraction to combinations of pheromone components and tree monoterpenes.
  • 3 All four bark beetle species differed in their responses to heterospecific lures and monoterpenes. Ips calligraphus was the only species that increased in trap catches when heterospecific lures were added. Heterospecific lures did not inhibit the attraction of either Dendroctonus or Ips species. The replacement of myrcene with α‐pinene increased the attraction of Dendroctonus, whereas the addition of α‐pinene had mixed results for Ips. The prominent predators Temnochila chlorodia and Enoclerus lecontei were more attracted to the I. pini lure than the D. brevicomis lure, and the combination of the two lures with α‐pinene was most attractive to both predator species.
  • 4 Cross attraction and limited inhibition of bark beetles to heterospecific pheromones suggest that some of these species might use heterospecific compounds to increase successful location and colonization of trees. Predator responses to treatments suggest that tree volatiles are used to locate potential prey and predators are more responsive to Ips than to Dendroctonus pheromone components in Arizona.

The current epidemic of the mountain pine beetle (MPB), an indigenous pest of western North American pine, has resulted in significant losses of lodgepole pine. The leading edge has reached Alberta where forest composition shifts from lodgepole to jack pine through a hybrid zone. The susceptibility of jack pine to MPB is a major concern, but there has been no evidence of host-range expansion, in part due to the difficulty in distinguishing the parentals and their hybrids. We tested the utility of a panel of microsatellite loci optimized for both species to classify lodgepole pine, jack pine and their hybrids using simulated data. We were able to accurately classify simulated individuals, and hence applied these markers to identify the ancestry of attacked trees. Here we show for the first time successful MPB attack in natural jack pine stands at the leading edge of the epidemic. This once unsuitable habitat is now a novel environment for MPB to exploit, a potential risk which could be exacerbated by further climate change. The consequences of host-range expansion for the vast boreal ecosystem could be significant.  相似文献   

Southern yellow pine specimens collected from historical structures, stumps, and coarse woody debris in forests have been difficult to identify at the species level due to similar wood anatomy. This can be problematic for dendrochronologists when identifying the correct species used in the construction of historical structures, or reconstructing forest history on the landscape and using those specimens in the context of that history. We applied a quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA) to update a century-old method plotting pith diameters against second annual ring diameters to discern one species of southern yellow pine from others. Our analysis estimates error rates for false positive and false negative determinations when comparing longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) to shortleaf (Pinus echinata Mill.) and loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.). The cross-validated false positive error rates for the smallest dataset (n = 46), was nearly twice (9.52%) that determined as a simple proportion by counting errant observations (4.76%). QDA of the largest dataset (n = 206) gave a flatter zero contour and false positive rate (3.13%) like the proportionally determined value (1.56%), despite one additional observation being falsely assigned to longleaf pine by QDA. An unknown, unearthed southern pine specimen from southeastern Virginia was radiocarbon dated up to 500 years prior and assigned as longleaf by our method (probability ≥ 0.9998). Thus, through a QDA, it is possible to greatly improve confidence in identifications of key unknown specimens that can provide evidence of discerning one species, longleaf pine, from other southern yellow pines.  相似文献   

萧氏松茎象危害与松树松脂量关系研究初报   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
萧氏松茎象HylobitelusxiaoiZhang是近年来暴发性松树害虫 ,主要危害 3种松树 :湿地松 (PinuselliottiiEngelm)、火炬松 (P .taeda)、马尾松 (P .massoniaanaLamb) ,其中以湿地松受害最为严重。为明确萧氏松茎象的危害与松脂流量的关系 ,作者对萧氏松茎象危害前后 3种松树 (湿地松、马尾松、火炬松 )松脂流量变化进行了研究。结果显示 ,在松树受害植株和未受害植株间松脂总流量间存在一定差异 ,其中以马尾松松脂流量变化最大 ,对受害株和未受害株松脂流量t-测验 ,差异达到显著水平 ;而湿地松和火炬松松脂总流量在受害植株和未受害植株间没有显著差异。对上述 3种松树松脂流量随时序动态变化的分析显示 ,松脂流量在 1年中以 5月到 6月之间为松脂流量高峰期 ,此后逐渐下降 ,到 3月中旬以后松脂流量又开始上升。就松脂流量时序动态而言 ,萧氏松茎象为害对马尾松松脂流量影响最大 ,对其它2个松树影响不明显。另外 ,不同松树树种在松脂流量及其时序动态上也存在一定差异 ,其中以马尾松脂流量较高。  相似文献   

来燕学 《昆虫知识》2005,42(2):193-196,F002
为了探明松墨天牛MonochamusalternatusHope直接致死松树的作用 ,作者采用在健康松树皮下接入松墨天牛卵或初孵幼虫方法做了试验和观察。结果表明 ,接入卵或初孵幼虫的松树平均枯死率为41 . 7%。松树枯死取决于松墨天牛幼虫取食时对松树韧皮部的破坏程度。每株接入 5个单位 (1单位指1粒卵或条初孵幼虫 ) ,松树枯死率达 85. 7% ;接入 1个单位 ,枯死率为 1 0 %。初步结论是 ,松墨天牛是引起松树枯死的主要原因之一 ;大力防治松墨天牛是保护我国松林的关键。  相似文献   

Seedlings of pond pine ( Pinus serotina Michx.), sand pine [ P. clausa (Engelm.) Sarg.] and two edaphic seed sources of loblolly pine ( P. taeda L., dry- and wet-site seed sources) were grown in non-circulating, continuously flowing solution culture under aerobic (250 μ M O2) and anaerobic (≤ 23 μ M O2) conditions. Survival was 100% for all seedlings at 11 weeks. Although shoot height, biomass and leaf emergence of loblolly and pond pine seedlings were not significantly affected by 15 or 30 days of anaerobic growth conditions, root biomass was significantly reduced. Sand pine suffered the largest reduction in biomass, showing extensive root dieback and shoot chlorosis with retarded leaf development. These anaerobically induced symptoms of flooding injury were less severe in dry-site loblolly pine, and absent in wet-site loblolly and pond pine seedlings. Adventitious or new, secondary roots, and stem or taproot lenticels were particularly abundant under the 30-day anaerobic treatment in wet-site loblolly and pond pine seedlings, present to a lesser degree in dry-site loblolly pine, and nearly absent in sand pine seedlings. These results indicate that much of the immediate damage from flooding is due to the anoxic condition of the root rather than to the build-up of phytotoxins or soil nutrient imbalances. On the basis of overall seedling vigor, root plasticity and growth, we suggest the following flooding-tolerance/intolerance species (seed source) gradient: pond pine ≥ wet-site loblolly pine > dry-site loblolly pine > sand pine.  相似文献   

During 2002–2004, three laboratories in Canada and France collaborated to improve initiation of somatic embryogenesis (SE) in jack pine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.), eastern white pine (P. strobus L.), maritime pine (P. pinaster Ait.), and Scots pine (P.␣sylvestris L.), giving particular attention to the effects of (1) N-(2-chloro-4-pyridyl)-N′-phenylurea (CPPU) versus various concentrations of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and benzyladenine (BA), (2) differences in basal nutrient media, i.e., macro- and microelements, and (3) gelling agent concentration. The work was carried out separately at␣each laboratory, but the details of media compositions were shared and tested on their respective species. Results indicate that the developmental stage of the zygotic embryo (ZE) and genotype effects had a large influence on SE initiation, and that genetic effects were consistent over time. Different species responded differently to PGR types and concentration, basal nutrient media, trace elements, and their combinations. Currently, our best initiation rates based on a selected group of genotypes, optimal development stage of ZE, and medium are 3.9% for jack pine, 54.6% for eastern white pine, 76.2% for maritime pine, and 19.7% for Scots pine.  相似文献   

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