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白车轴草(Trifolium repens)植株抗病性和生长与植物病史的关系   总被引:40,自引:4,他引:36  
从白车轴草(Trifolium repens)自然种群中采集无白车轴草单孢锈菌病史的无性系(clones)17个,有白车轴草单孢锈菌病史的无性系14个,分别作为抗病型和感受型植物实验材料;采集白车轴草单孢锈菌(Uromyces trifolii-repentis)菌系(strains)10个,作为病菌实验材料.分别设置并进行了两个温室实验、一个田间盆栽实验和一个原生长地移栽实验,实验处理上分对照、单菌系接种和10个菌系接种等3种.实验结果表明,无论是用单菌系接种还是10个菌系接种,植株发病的概率和程度均与其抗病性有关,抗病型植株(无病史)发病的概率和程度显著低于感受型(有病史)植株.在相同处理的实验中(无论是田间实验还是温室实验),无病史植株和有病史植株的生长无显著差异;不同处理田间实验植株的生长有显著差异,病情愈重,生长愈差.无病史植株的抗病性明显强于有病史植株.但是,原生长地的移栽实验结果表明,在无病原菌存在的情况下,有病史植株的(叶)生长显著好于无病史植株.可以认为,研究生物个体对环境因子反应性差异的实验应当在自然条件下和自然梯度范围内进行.  相似文献   

从白车轴草(Trifolium repens)自然种各中采集无白车轴草单孢锈菌病史的无性系(clones)17个,有白车轴草单孢锈菌病史的无性系14个,分别作为抗病型和感受型植物实验材料;采集白车轴草单孢锈菌(Uromyces trifolii-repentis)菌系(strains)10个,作为病菌实验材料,分别设置并进行了两个温室实验、一个田间盆栽实验和一个原生长地移栽实验,实验处理上分对照、单菌系接种和10个菌系接种等3种。实验结果表明,无论是用单菌系接种还是10个菌系接种,植株发病的概率和程度均与其抗病性有关,抗病型植株(无病史)发病的概率和程度显著低于感受型(有病史)植株,在相同处理的实验中(无论是田间实验还是温室实验),无病史植株和有病史植株的生长无显著差异;不同处理田间实验植株的生长有显著差异,病情愈重,生长愈差,无病史植株的抗病性明显强于有病史植株,但是,原生长地的移栽实验结果表明,在无病原菌存在的情况下,有病史植株的(叶)生长显著好于无病史植株,可以认为,研究生物个体对环境因子反应性差异的实验应当在自然条件下和自然梯度范围内进行。  相似文献   

从 2 0 0 5年开始《植物生态学报》参考文献著录格式调整为如下标准规范 :一、参考文献在文中引用的标准规范1.文献著录格式为著者年代制。2 .文后参考文献在文中引用时应在相应位置与文后文献一一对应引用 ,文献的对应引用请作者仔细核实 ,准确性请作者自负。3.中英文文献中独  相似文献   

为了保证本学报稿件的质量 ,现将向《武汉植物学研究》投稿中的参考文献著录方法 ,图片、插图绘制以及磁盘文件的制备提出具体要求。1  参考文献著录方法《武汉植物学研究》的参考文献著录按“顺序编码制”,即按论文正文部分所引文献出现的先后顺序连续编码 ,同时在文中引用处上角用方括号注明参考文献序号 ,参考文献表中的序号编码不加括号。未经正式发表的文稿、资料请勿列入文献表中 ,但可于稿内同页下脚注明 ,其序号外加半括号 ,例 :1 )。编著者不多于 3人全部著录 ,4人以上只著录前 3人 ,其后加“等”或“etal.”(斜体 )。著者间加逗…  相似文献   

白车轴草(Trifolium repens)在与其病原菌白车轴草单孢锈菌(Uromyces trifolii-repentis)的长期相互作用中分化形成了抗病型(Resistance)无性系和易感型(Susceptibility)无性系。该研究工作旨在了解:1)在种间竞争不断增强的环境梯度中,抗型无性系和易感型无性系的生长表现有何区别?2)在同样的实验条件下,分别对抗病型无性系和易感型无性系进行接种感染后,两者的生长表现又有何区别?在一严重感病的白车轴草自然种群中,分别标定了17个抗病型无性系和14个易感型无性系,从各元性系的匍匐茎上分别剪取长5cm,具两个叶两个腋芽的小段作实验材料。接种孢子采自同一植物种群植株的病叶。实验在一个处在次生演替阶段的草本植物群落上进行,在该群落的种间竞争梯度上选定3个分别具有弱、中等和强种间竞争的生境(Habitat)建立实验站,每站设置等量的实验和对照组。结果显示:1)随着环境中种间竞争强度的增加,无论接种与否,抗病型和易感型白车轴草的叶生长量均凝减;2)在弱或强种间竞争环境条件下,无论接种与否,易感型无性系的生长均好于抗抗病型无性系;但在中等间竞争强度的环境条件下,对照实验中易感型无性系的生长显著好于抗病型无性系,而接种实验中的结果相反。这一研究结果表明,种间竞争强度可能是影响给定生境中寄主植物抗病型和易感型遗传型比率的重要因子之一,这一影响还将随着病原菌存在而否而发生改变。  相似文献   

1.参考文献只列出与本文有关的近年主要文献。本刊采用“顺序编码”制标注引文及著录参考文献列表。根据GB7714-87(《文后参考文献著录规则》)的规定,参考文献表中引文必须是已公开发表的文献。未公开发表的文献不能引用,只能用文内页下注的形式注明出处。已被录用但尚未出版的论文亦不能引用。  相似文献   

<正>本刊参考文献著录按GB/T 7714—2005《文后参考文献著录规则》。所引用的参考文献应仅限于作者亲自阅读过的、主要的、发表于正式出版物上的原始文献,应以近5年国内外发表的文献为主。未正式公开发表的文章、著作和数据等不能作为文献引用。采用顺序编码制著录,依照其在文中出现的先后顺序用阿拉伯数字加方括号以角码标出,角码标注在开始引用文句处的右上角。同一文献作者不超过3人全部著录;超过3人只著录前3名,后依文种加表示",等"的文字。作者姓名一律采用  相似文献   

1.本刊参考文献采用“顺序编码制”,即按照引用文献在正文中出现的先后顺序连续编码,文献序号用方括号在正文中出现处的右上角注明。请勿著录未实际引用和非公开出版的文献(学位论文除外)。2.参考文献作者在3人以内(包括3人),全部列出;超过3人,则只列前3位作者,后加“等”或“et al”。作者之间用“,”分开,国内外作者一律采用姓在前名在后的著录形式。英文作者的姓写全,名字部分缩写且只大写首字母即可。3.参考文献著录格式如下,请勿缺项。专著:[序号]作者姓名.书名(版次)[M].出版地:出版者,出版年.起讫页码.论文集:[序号]作者姓名.书名[C…  相似文献   

白车轴草(Trifolium repens)在与其病原菌白车轴草单孢锈菌(Uromyces trif olii-repentis) 的长期相互作用中分化形成了抗病型(Resistance)无性系和易感型(Sus ceptibility)无性系。该研究工作旨在了解: 1)在种间竞争不断增强的环境梯度中,抗病型无性系和易感型无性系的生长表现有何区别?2)在同样的实验条件下,分别对抗病型无性系和易感型无性系进行接种感染后,两者的生长表现又有何区别?在一严重感病的白车轴草自然种群中,分别标定17个抗病型无性系和14个易感型无性系,从各无性系的匍匐茎上分别剪取长5 cm,具两个叶两个腋芽的小段作实验材料。接种孢子采自同一植物种群植株的病叶。实验在一个处在次生演替阶段的草本植物群落上进行,在该群落的种间竞争梯度上选定 3个分别具有弱、中等和强种间竞争的生境(Habitat)建立实验站,每站设置等量的实验组和对照组。结果显示:1)随着环境中种间竞争强度的增加,无论接种与否,抗病型和易感型白车轴草的叶生长量均递减;2)在弱或强种间竞争环境条件下,无论接种与否,易感型无性系的生长均好于抗病型无性系;但在中等种间竞争强度的环境条件下,对照实验中易感型无性系的生长显著好于抗病型无性系,而接种实验中的结果相反。这一研究结果表明,种间竞争强度可能是影响给定生境中寄主植物抗病型和易感型遗传型比率的重要因子之一,这一影响还将随着病原菌存在与否而发生改变。  相似文献   

Writing and publishing a scientific paper in academic journals is a highly competitive, time-consuming stepwise process. The road to scientific writing and publication is rarely straightforward. Scientific writing has uniform format, which is perplexing for the novice science writers due to its inflexible anatomy (structure) and physiology (functions). Many obstacles are allied with the scientific writing path which can be minimized by applying some simple guidelines and practices. The scientific papers have an almost similar format but, original articles are divided into distinct sections and each segment contains a specific type of information. The basic anatomy of scientific papers is mainly comprised of the structure of the various components of a scientific paper, including title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments and references. However, the physiology of a scientific paper is difficult to understand. Early career researchers and trainees may be less familiar with the various components of scientific papers. In this study, we applied an observational approach to describe the essential steps to facilitate the readers and writers to understand the basic characteristics, anatomy and physiology of writing the various sections of a scientific paper for an academic science journal.  相似文献   

Continuing problems with gray literature*   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Frequent gatherings, such as those on coastal management, have resulted in increased production of gray literature like conference proceedings and institutional reports, which are published without adequate peer review. In developing countries like those in southeast Asia, manuals and other publications used in workshops and training programs seldom use peer-reviewed references. Among papers sampled, those in conference proceedings have lower percentages of citations to peer-reviewed journals, whether or not the proceedings are issued as books or journal supplements. From three proceedings and one institutional report with a total of 37 papers and an average of 22 cited references per paper, citations to gray literature averaged 92 percent of total citations. This poor quality of the reference lists decrease the credibility of a paper. Scientific conferences should be designed to reverse the production and use of gray literature by limiting the scope of the proceedings to invited reviews, with other presentations appearing only as abstracts to encourage their ultimate publication in peer-reviewed journals. A conference book of reviews by respected scientists will then support incorporation of scientific information into policy and management decisions for more effective coastal management.  相似文献   

Articles published before 1985 describing double blind trials of two or more non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in rheumatoid arthritis were examined to see whether there was any bias in the references they cited. Althogether 244 articles meeting the criteria were found through a Medline search and through examining the reference lists of the articles retrieved. The drugs compared in the studies were classified as new or as control drugs and the outcome of the trial as positive or not positive. The reference lists of all papers with references to other trials on the new drug were then examined for reference bias. Positive bias was judged to have occurred if the reference list contained a higher proportion of references with a positive outcome for that drug than among all the articles assumed to have been available to the authors (those published more than two years earlier than the index article). Altogether 133 of the 244 articles were excluded for various reasons--for example, 44 because of multiple publication and 19 because they had no references. Among the 111 articles analysed bias was not possible in the references of 35 (because all the references gave the same outcome); 10 had a neutral selection of references, 22 a negative selection, and 44 a positive selection--a significant positive bias. This bias was not caused by better scientific standing of the cited articles over the uncited ones. Thus retrieving literature by scanning reference lists may produce a biased sample of articles, and reference bias may also render the conclusions of an article less reliable.  相似文献   

Li C  Oberlies NH 《Life sciences》2005,78(5):532-538
Many review papers have been published on mushrooms of the genus Amanita, as these are well known to both scientific and lay audiences, probably due to the toxic and/or hallucinogenic properties of some species. This article aims to supplement the content of previous reviews by categorizing all of the natural products isolated from any species in the genus Amanita. These compounds are subdivided into six major structural types, and references are provided for all species that have been examined chemically.  相似文献   

The use of animals in biomedical and other research presents an ethical dilemma: we do not want to lose scientific benefits, nor do we want to cause laboratory animals to suffer. Scientists often refer to the potential human benefits of animal models to justify their use. However, even if this is accepted, it still needs to be argued that the same benefits could not have been achieved with a mitigated impact on animal welfare. Reducing the adverse effects of scientific protocols ('refinement') is therefore crucial in animal-based research. It is especially important that researchers share knowledge on how to avoid causing unnecessary suffering. We have previously demonstrated that even in studies in which animal use leads to spontaneous death, scientists often fail to report measures to minimize animal distress (Olsson et al. 2007). In this paper, we present the full results of a case study examining reports, published in peer-reviewed journals between 2003 and 2004, of experiments employing animal models to study the neurodegenerative disorder Huntington's disease. In 51 references, experiments in which animals were expected to develop motor deficits so severe that they would have difficulty eating and drinking normally were conducted, yet only three references were made to housing adaptation to facilitate food and water intake. Experiments including end-stages of the disease were reported in 14 papers, yet of these only six referred to the euthanasia of moribund animals. If the reference in scientific publications reflects the actual application of refinement, researchers do not follow the 3Rs (replacement, reduction, refinement) principle. While in some cases, it is clear that less-than-optimal techniques were used, we recognize that scientists may apply refinement without referring to it; however, if they do not include such information in publications, it suggests they find it less relevant. Journal publishing policy could play an important role: first, in ensuring that referees seriously consider whether submitted studies were indeed carried out with the smallest achievable negative impact on the animals and, secondly, in encouraging scientists to share refinements through the inclusion of a 3Rs section in papers publishing the results of animal-based research.  相似文献   

Scholarly collaborations across disparate scientific disciplines are challenging. Collaborators are likely to have their offices in another building, attend different conferences, and publish in other venues; they might speak a different scientific language and value an alien scientific culture. This paper presents a detailed analysis of success and failure of interdisciplinary papers—as manifested in the citations they receive. For 9.2 million interdisciplinary research papers published between 2000 and 2012 we show that the majority (69.9%) of co-cited interdisciplinary pairs are “win-win” relationships, i.e., papers that cite them have higher citation impact and there are as few as 3.3% “lose-lose” relationships. Papers citing references from subdisciplines positioned far apart (in the conceptual space of the UCSD map of science) attract the highest relative citation counts. The findings support the assumption that interdisciplinary research is more successful and leads to results greater than the sum of its disciplinary parts.  相似文献   

蒋巧媛  陈泉   《广西植物》2006,26(3):338-340
结合自己的工作实践,阐述了综述论文写作的特点类型和要求,从编者的角度对综述报道内容的侧重点、作者群、对参考文献的要求、写作格式、遴选、审编要求等方面进行了论述,提出了一看选题,二看作者,三看参考文献的选稿技巧,以及在平衡比较中遴选,在达到总体评审要求的稿件中遴选的方法。  相似文献   

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