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中国天牛总科综合分类研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王文凯 《昆虫知识》1999,36(1):53-57
我国天牛总科昆虫分类从起步、发展到综合分类理论体系的建立,取得了很大的进展。解放40多年来,除发现和建立了大量新的分类单元外,还在天牛科分类方法和起源理论、天牛科生物地理学、天牛科综合分类理论及方法等多方面进行了广泛深入的研究,取得了很多重要成果,现将其进展总结如下。1分类研究的主要发展阶段1.1初始期(1949年以前)我国天牛科昆虫的分类初始主要由少数西方学者如Breunig、Pic、Fairmaire、Gressitt等进行,1936年胡经甫先生在《中国昆虫名录》中记录了697种天牛,其中6…  相似文献   

本文从生物地理学、形态学、生态学、行为学、生理学、天牛—寄主植物的相互关系、地质学、气候变迁等诸方面,探讨了天牛科高级分类阶元实体的进化证据,提出了各阶元实体进化关系的新假说。研究结果表明,沟胫天牛亚科、锯天牛亚科和天牛亚科可能于侏罗纪在冈瓦纳古陆上分化出来;花天牛亚科和幽天牛亚科于白垩纪在劳亚古陆上分化出来。各亚科的进化顺序有两种可能:(1)沟胫天牛亚科、锯天牛亚科、天牛亚科、花天牛亚科、幽天牛亚科;(2)沟胫天牛亚科、天牛亚科、锯天牛亚科;花天牛亚科、幽天牛亚科。文章最后还讨论了各亚科的系统发育关系。  相似文献   

天牛科昆虫高级分类阶元实体的进化研究(英文)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从生物地理学、形态学、生态学、行为学、生理学、天牛—寄主植物的相互关系、地质学、气候变迁等诸方面,探讨了天牛科高级分类阶元实体的进化证据,提出了各阶元实体进化关系的新假说。研究结果表明,沟胫天牛亚科、锯天牛亚科和天牛亚科可能于侏罗纪在冈瓦纳古陆上分化出来;花天牛亚科和幽天牛亚科于白垩纪在劳亚古陆上分化出来。各亚科的进化顺序有两种可能:(1)沟胫天牛亚科、锯天牛亚科、天牛亚科、花天牛亚科、幽天牛亚科;(2)沟胫天牛亚科、天牛亚科、锯天牛亚科;花天牛亚科、幽天牛亚科。文章最后还讨论了各亚科的系统发育关系。  相似文献   

天牛类幼虫特征是探讨天牛总科演化和分类系统的重要依据。长期以来由于未找到狭胸天牛幼虫,其地位难以确定,影响到天牛总科分类系统的重建。近年来,在中国广西和西藏发现的猜胸天牛Philus antennatus (Gyllenhal)和细点音天牛Het-erophilus punctulatus Ching et Chen幼虫,为研究猜胸天牛分类地位提供了新的证据。综合比较认为,猜胸天牛与暗天牛科最相近,倾向于将狭胸天牛亚科归和暗天牛科。  相似文献   

星天牛属的数值分类研究初探:鞘翅目:天牛科   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈斌 《动物分类学报》1989,14(1):96-103

【目的】利用核糖体DNA联合序列探讨天牛总科高阶元分子系统发育。【方法】本研究采用分子标记技术,分析测定了63种天牛核糖体28S rDNA D2和D3区以及18S rDNA V4和V7区的DNA序列,并采用邻接法、最大似然法和贝叶斯推论法分别构建了天牛总科2科6亚科63种的分子进化系统。【结果】序列联合比对分析,最终得到1 404 bp的联合数据组,其中可变位点446个(32.0%),保守位点958(68.0%),转换/颠换的平均值(R值)为1.73。28S rDNA和18S rDNA以及联合序列的饱和度分析显示碱基突变未达到饱和,说明这些序列适合于分子进化树的构建。利用不同系统发育重建方法得到进化树具有相似拓扑结构,结果支持沟胫天牛亚科、花天牛亚科和天牛亚科为单系群,这与形态学分类结果相似;狭胸天牛独立成为亚科得到了支持。【结论】利用28S rDNA D2和D3区以及18S rDNA V4和V7区联合序列成功构建出了天牛总科高阶元的系统发育树。研究表明联合序列分析是探讨天牛高阶元分类的有效的方法。  相似文献   

刘友樵  葛岚屏 《昆虫知识》1997,34(2):121-124
鳞翅目昆虫(蝶与蛾)种类繁多,是昆虫纲四大目之一,其种类仅次于鞘翅目。根据Dr.J.B.Heppner1991年统计,全世界已定名蝶与蛾有146277种。目前估计全世界蝶与蛾可能有255000种(其中蝴蝶约占10%)。1994年日本蛾类专家杉繁郎(ShigeroSllgi)写了一本日本产蛾类大图鉴名录补篇。内容详细介绍了鳞翅目的蛾类科以上阶元分类的新进展,由于它对我国生产、教学、科研方面都有着密切相关,现特转介如下。1982年出版的日本产蛾类大图鉴所采用的科以上阶元分类是以Common(197O)为基础的。但是、近十多年来关于鳞翅目的科以上分类又陆…  相似文献   

雀形目高级阶元分类与起源研究概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对雀肜目鸟类高级阶元的分类和系统发育的研究进行了简要概述.经典分类与应用分子生物学方法建立的分类系统在高级阶元(总科)有较大差异,但科级的分类基本一致.在雀形目鸟类起源研究方面,古生物学研究结果认为其起源于劳亚古陆;而分子生物学的证据则认为其起源于冈瓦纳古陆.由于化石的证据与"分子钟"的推测年代相差较大,因此对雀形目鸟类的起源还存在争议,但是目前的研究更倾向于"冈瓦纳起源"假说.  相似文献   

系统整理了中国脊筒天牛属失一部种类,共31种,给出了所有种类的分类检索表,记述了新种暗背脊筒天牛Nupserha fuscodorsalis Wang et Chiang,sp nov。及2中国新纪录种三斑脊筒天牛Nupserha multimaculata Pic和黑肩脊筒天牛Nupserha nigrohumeralis Pic,新种正模保存于西南农业大学昆虫标本馆,副模共5号存于南开大学生物系标本室。  相似文献   

The origin of a new higher taxon is characterized by a long‐term phylogenetic trend, involving evolutionary changes in a large number of characters. At this phylogenetic level, the conflict between internal integration of the phenotype and its evolvability can be resolved by the correlated progression model, in which many disparate traits evolve by a sequence of small increments in loose correlation with one another, rather than by the modularity model. The trend leading to the new higher taxon implies the existence of a long ridge in an adaptive landscape. An evolutionary lineage tracking it requires adaptive changes in broad biological characteristics, involving many traits. Species selection is a possible additional driver of the trend. These conclusions are tested against the synapsid fossil record of the origin of mammals. The reconstructed sequence of acquisition of mammalian traits supports the correlated progression model. The adaptive ridge involved is postulated to have been a sequence of overlapping niches requiring increasing ability to remain active in daily and seasonally fluctuating environments by means of increasing internal regulation. An inferred speciation bias in favour of relatively small, relatively more progressive carnivores indicates that species selection was also involved in driving the trend. Palaeoenvironmental evidence indicates that ecological opportunity probably played a role at certain points along the lineage.  相似文献   

A geometric morphometric analysis of families belonging to the Scarabaeoidea, using landmarks from three two-dimensional views (frontal, dorsal and lateral) of an internally situated rigid structure, the metendosternite, was carried out. Procrustes distances matrices were obtained to produce phenograms from the three analyses. Relative warp analyses were also performed and the first two relative warps for the three data sets plotted against each other. The metendosternite is an internally situated anatomical structure that has largely been neglected in past studies. However, it proved to be useful in geometric morphometric studies, because it is rigid and landmarks can be easily identified. Geometric morphometries is shown to be a powerful tool to identify phenetic relationships between higher level taxa, and the metendosternite is a new structure available for beetle systematisists.  相似文献   

本文对2021年发表的膜翅目昆虫新分类单元进行了梳理和总结。结合数据库检索, 基于标本记录, 全球膜翅目学者于2021年发表该目新分类单元的期刊论文355篇, 新增分类单元条目共1,152条, 隶属于21总科66科416属, 包括5新科4新亚科83新属3新亚属1,054新种和3新亚种。现生类群相关期刊论文309篇, 新增分类单元条目980条, 隶属于18总科52科332属, 包括2新科26新属3新亚属946新种和3新亚种。绝灭类群相关期刊论文46篇, 新增分类单元条目172条, 隶属于14总科27科86属, 包括3新科4新亚科57新属和108新种。2021年中国膜翅目新增分类单元的相关期刊论文83篇, 新增分类单元条目235条, 隶属于17总科34科91属, 包括3新属(绝灭类群1新属)和232新种(绝灭类群2新种); 现生类群中新增的2属分别记录自台湾和浙江, 新种数量排前五位的省级行政单位有云南(54个)、浙江(42个)、福建(18个)、西藏(18个)和新疆(16个)。在全球现生、绝灭和中国现生膜翅目总科新物种数量的对比中, 姬蜂总科新种数量最多, 分别约占全球现生、绝灭和中国现生膜翅目新种总数的32.5% (307个/946个)、19.4% (21个/108个)和37.0% (85个/230个)。有关现生膜翅目新种发表情况, 在洲级地理单元中, 亚洲发表新种数量最多, 约占56.9% (538个); 在洲级地理亚单元中, 东亚发表新种数量最多, 约占28.6% (271个); 在国家和地区行政单元中, 中国发表新种数量最多, 约占24.3% (230个)。在76种期刊的355篇论文中, 有348篇英文论文、4篇中文论文和3篇法语论文。这些结果表明, 中国膜翅目分类在全球膜翅目分类中发挥着十分重要的作用。  相似文献   

杜诚  刘军  叶文  廖帅  葛斌杰  刘冰  马金双 《生物多样性》2021,29(8):1011-22171
2020年中国共发表高等植物新分类群359个, 其中新属21个、新种312个、新亚种6个、新变种14个、新变型6个; 发表新组合(等级) 217个, 新名称11个; 发表国家级新记录48个; 将85个名称处理为65个名称的异名; 对14个名称进行了应用订正; 新指定后选(新)模式物种147个; 还新发现多年未曾发现的物种2个, 排除物种分布3个。新发表的物种中, 苔类植物门有3个、藓类植物门3个、蕨类植物门6个、裸子植物门1个新杂交种、被子植物门299个。这些新物种中, 有86个发表的同时提供了详细的分子证据, 78个在发表时就依据IUCN标准被评估处于受威胁的状态。云南、西藏、广西和四川等西南4省区发表新物种最多, 占全国新物种发表总数的2/3; 新物种发现密度最高的省级行政单位是云南、海南、台湾、广西和浙江等省区; 墨脱县是新物种发现数量最多的县级行政单位。2020年中国高等植物净新增294个分类群, 占全国总数的0.79%, 313个高等植物名称发生变动, 占全国总数的0.84%。  相似文献   

对大明山国家级自然保护区的天牛科昆虫进行系统调查,并采用各种多样性指数对其多样性及丰富度进行测度。采用Preston(1948)的对数正态分布来拟合群落的物种-多度关系,得到模拟结果 S(R)=31.5exp[-0.282(R-2)2],采用May(1975)估计总体物种数公式进行估算,得S*≈199。α多样性分析结果表明,不同生境类型天牛科昆虫多样性指数从高至低的顺序是:天然阔叶林人工林人工林灌草丛山顶灌草丛;不同月份天牛科昆虫多样性指数从高至低顺序是:6月5月7月4月8月9月;不同海拔高度天牛科昆虫多样性指数从高至低顺序是:1000-1500 m区间500-1000 m区间500 m以下区间1500 m以上区间,在1500 m以上暂未发现天牛。β多样性分析表明,4种生境之间相似度均较低,大明山天牛科昆虫群落组成与植被类型紧密相关。  相似文献   

杜诚  刘军  叶文  廖帅 《生物多样性》2022,30(8):22207-229
2021年中国共发表高等植物新分类群342个, 其中新科1个, 新属11个, 新种289个, 新亚种3个, 新变种18个, 新变型20个。新发表的物种分别属于苔类植物门(5个新种)、藓类植物门(4个新种)、石松门(3个新种)、蕨类植物门(22个新种)、裸子植物门(2个新种)、被子植物门(253个新种)。其中111个新种同时提供了详细的分子证据, 76个在发表时就依据IUCN标准被评估处于受威胁的状态。云南、西藏、四川和广西等西南4省区发表的新种最多, 共占全国新种发表总数的63.3%; 新种发现密度最高的省级行政单位是台湾、海南、云南、浙江和广东等省区。2021年中国共发表植物新组合(等级) 134个, 新名称9个; 发表国家级新记录62个; 将92个名称处理为62个名称的异名; 对7个名称进行了应用订正; 重新承认了2个属和10个物种; 新指定后选(新)模式物种49个; 还新发现多年未曾发现的物种9个, 排除物种分布7个。2021年中国高等植物净新增364个分类群, 占全国植物总数的0.98%, 230个高等植物名称发生变动, 占全国植物总数的0.62%。  相似文献   

Understanding the evolutionary processes responsible for the long treks through morphospace associated with the origin of new higher taxa is hampered by the lack of a realistic and usable model that accounts for long-term phenotypic evolvability. The systems-related concept of correlated progression, in which all the traits are functionally linked and so constrained to evolve by small increments at a time in parallel with each other, provides the basis for such a model. Implications for the process of evolution at high taxonomic level are that: the evolving traits must be considered together as a system, and the exact sequence of incremental changes in characters is indeterminable; there are no identifiable key innovations; selection acts on the phenotype as a whole rather than on individual traits; and the selection force is therefore multidimensional. Application of the model to the pattern of evolution of traits and trait states as revealed by the fossil record of the stem groups of such taxa as mammals, turtles and tetrapods generates realistic testable hypotheses about how such groups evolved.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The pine sawyer Monochamus galloprovincialis is the vector of the introduced pine wood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus in Portugal and has a fixed univoltine life cycle, overwintering as larvae inside the wood. We investigated the possibility of the existence of a phase of winter dormancy affecting the larvae, its induction and termination under controlled conditions and its incidence and termination in the field. In the laboratory, the majority of the newly hatched larvae which were maintained at a constant temperature of 23°C and different photoperiods became dormant in <70 days. Part of the population completed dormancy and reassumed development until adult emergence at the constant temperature, without the need for a chilling period. Although no critical photoperiod for dormancy maintenance or termination could be determined, dormancy termination was more frequent for larvae experiencing changes on daylength duration. In the field, dormancy incidence grew progressively from a minimum of 26% in October to a maximum of 100% in April, and dormancy appeared to be completed only during late winter. The results suggest that M. galloprovincialis larvae underwent an obligatory dormancy associated with the last larval instar, which conforms to the general definition of diapause, although presenting some affinities with oligopause. The role of this dormancy on the regulation of the pine sawyer's seasonal development and the number of generations is discussed.  相似文献   

A revised classification of the higher taxa of the Ostracoda (Crustacea)   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Alexander Liebau 《Hydrobiologia》2005,538(1-3):115-137
Focusing on palaeontological data from the literature of the last four decades, a new classification of the Ostracoda is outlined. The superorder Podocopomorpha is accepted as a mantle term for the ‘P-orders’ Palaeocopida, Punciocopida, Platycopida and Podocopida; its counterpart are the Myodocopomorpha (Cypridinida, Halocypridida and ? Leperditicopida). The Podocopida comprise the suborders Bairdiocopina, Cytherocopina, Sigilliocopina, Cypridocopina, Darwinulocopina and Healdiocopina (n.;=Metacopina s.s.). The non-calcifying ostracodomorph arthropods (Archaeocopida and Phosphatocopida) of the Early Palaeozoic, now excluded from the Ostracoda by many authors, are also considered briefly.  相似文献   

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