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阿特拉津降解菌株的分离、鉴定和工业废水生物处理试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用液体无机盐培养基富集培养法和无机盐平板直接分离法, 从生产阿特拉津的农药厂的废水和污泥混合物中分离到13个能以阿特拉津为唯一氮源生长的细菌菌株。通过16S rRNA基因序列分析, 11个菌株被鉴定为Arthrobacter spp., 2个菌株被鉴定为Pseudomonas spp.。对阿特拉津降解活力最高的Arthrobacter sp. AD30和Pseudomonas sp. AD39的降解基因组成和降解特性进行了详细研究。降解基因的PCR扩增表明, AD30和AD39都含有trzN-atzBC基因, 能将有毒的阿特拉津降解成无毒的氰尿酸。降解实验表明, 向阿特拉津浓度为200 mg/L的无机盐培养基中分别接种等量的AD30、AD39和这两个菌株的混合菌液, 30°C振荡培养48 h以后, 阿特拉津去除率分别为92.5%、97.9%和99.6%, 表明混合菌的降解效果好于单菌。用AD30和AD39的混合菌液接种阿特拉津浓度为176 mg/L的工业废水, 30°C振荡培养72 h以后, 99.1%的阿特拉津被去除, 表明混合菌株在阿特拉津工业废水的生物处理中有很好的应用潜力。  相似文献   

阿特拉津氯水解酶定向改造的关键是开发一种廉价的、表型改变明显的高通量筛选方法。利用高错误倾向PCR和DNA洗牌相结合的突变方法,对来源于假单胞菌ADP和节杆菌AD1的阿特拉津氯水解酶基因进行随机突变,以雨生红球藻为受体、以阿特拉津为选择压力对突变文库进行高通量筛选。筛选到的12个突变子序列分析显示,突变均为点替换,位点分散在全基因上,是在高错误倾向PCR及DNA洗牌过程中逐渐累积形成的。酶活力分析显示,突变子的酶活力均高于野生株,在添加1.0 mg/L阿特拉津培养液中的活力是野生株的1.9~3.6倍,在添  相似文献   

苯酚降解菌phen8的分离筛选及其16SrDNA序列分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为筛选高效苯酚降解菌株 ,从炼油厂排污废水中分离筛选到 1株苯酚降解菌 phen8。利用PCR方法和琼脂糖凝胶电泳技术检测到 phen8菌中苯酚羟化酶基因片段的特异性条带 ,从基因水平上证实了 phen8菌的苯酚降解功能的遗传基础。应用PCR技术克隆到 16SrDNA片段 ,其核苷酸序列分析结果表明 ,该菌株的 16SrDNA全序列与斯氏假单胞菌DSM 5 0 2 2 7和DSM 5 0 2 38的同源性为 98% (在GenBank中的登记号为AF 2 8476 4)。初步确立了该菌在微生物系统发育学上的地位 ,暂定为假单胞菌 (Pseudomonassp .) phen8。  相似文献   

一株阿特拉津降解菌的分离鉴定及降解特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从农药厂废水处理池的活性污泥中分离到一株阿特拉津降解菌X-4, 根据其生理生化特性和16S rRNA基因序列相似性分析, 将其初步鉴定为节杆菌属(Arthrobacter sp.)。该菌能以阿特拉津为唯一碳氮源生长, 42 h内对100 mg/L的阿特拉津降解效果为95.7%, 降解阿特拉津的最适温度为30 °C, pH为7.0。该菌对多种重金属离子都存在抗性, 显示了其在去除阿特拉津和重金属复合污染方面的应用潜力。对其降解基因的初步研究显示, 该菌含有trzN、atzB和atzC 3个阿特拉津降解相关基因。  相似文献   

【背景】玉豆轮作过程中,玉米田中长残留除草剂阿特拉津易对下茬大豆作物产生不良影响。【目的】从黑龙江省安达市的农田土筛选一株能适应该土壤环境生长的阿特拉津降解菌并研究其降解特性。【方法】利用富集培养法,分离、筛选一株阿特拉津高效降解菌并结合外观形态、生理生化及16SrRNA基因序列测定对其进行鉴定,通过单一变量法设置不同的碳源、pH、温度和阿特拉津浓度,研究降解菌株最佳发酵及降解条件。【结果】得到一株在BSM-G中能够以阿特拉津为唯一氮源生长的高效阿特拉津降解菌AD111,鉴定为马德普拉塔无色小杆菌(Achromobacter marplatensis)。菌株AD111降解阿特拉津的最适温度为35℃,最适pH为8.0,最佳碳源为蔗糖,24 h内对浓度为50 mg/L的阿特拉津降解率达到99.7%,对300 mg/L的阿特拉津降解率达到81.9%。【结论】降解菌AD111具有较好的环境适应及阿特拉津降解能力,为解决黑龙江偏碱土壤中阿特拉津残留提供了良好的候选菌株。  相似文献   

阿特拉津降解菌ATR3的分离鉴定与土壤修复   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阿特拉津因效率高、价格低廉,是我国玉米田施用最广泛的除草剂之一,但其结构稳定,残留时间长,因此对生态环境和人类健康造成了一定的危害。从长期受阿特拉津污染的玉米田土壤中筛选并鉴定阿特拉津降解菌,明确其在不同类型土壤中的去除能力。对分离出的阿特拉津降解菌ATR3进行生理生化分析和16S rRNA序列鉴定,确定菌株ATR3为节杆菌属(Arthrobacter sp.)。该菌株以阿特拉津为唯一氮源,培养48 h后对1 000 mg/L阿特拉津的去除率达到97%以上。敏感作物盆栽试验结果表明,阿特拉津在棕壤上去除最快,褐土次之,黑土最慢,说明阿特拉津在土壤中的去除过程与土壤本身的理化性质呈相关关系。同时,该菌株处理14 d后,能明显恢复玉米的各项生物学指标,说明该菌株对阿特拉津污染土壤具有良好的修复能力。为阿特拉津降解菌剂的推广利用提供参考。  相似文献   

阿特拉津降解菌SA1的分离鉴定及其降解特性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为进行阿特拉津(AT)污染的生物修复,从AT降解混合菌群中,经长期的交替液体摇瓶培养和平板划线分离,筛选到一株能完全降解AT的菌株SA1。经生理生化特征及16S rDNA序列分析,将该菌鉴定为假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas sp.)。与已报道的AT降解菌Pseudomonas sp.ADP不同,SA1能以AT为唯一碳源、氮源和能源生长,培养基中添加铵盐不抑制SA1的降解功能,而添加葡萄糖时,累积的氰尿酸会被快速降解。SA1生长的最适温度为37℃,最适pH值为7.0。SA1的静息细胞在10℃~40℃或pH值4~11时均能高效降解AT,比ADP降解具有更广的pH和温度范围,表明SA1降解菌株具有广阔的应用前景。SA1中AT降解基因为保守的atzABCD,并含有IS1071的tnpA基因片段,传代过程中降解基因会以一定频率丢失。  相似文献   

【目的】通过遗传学和生理学实验,揭示分离自工业废水的阿特拉津降解细菌具有遗传和生理多样性,为阐明阿特拉津生物降解的分子机理和阿特拉津降解细菌在污染环境生物修复中的应用提供新见解。【方法】用普通PCR方法检测菌株的阿特拉津降解基因,分析其降解基因组成;用基因组重复序列PCR技术(rep-PCR)分析降解菌株的基因组类型;用Western blot方法检测菌株阿特拉津降解途径的第一个酶三嗪水解酶(TrzN);用不同氮源(阿特拉津、莠灭净、扑草净、西玛津、氰草净、阿特拉通和氰尿酸)和碳源(蔗糖、葡萄糖、麦芽糖、乳糖、柠檬酸钠、乙酸钠和琥珀酸钠)培养降解菌株,通过检测培养液的OD600值,证明菌株能够利用的氮源和碳源种类。【结果】对分离自工业废水的27个阿特拉津降解菌株所进行的阿特拉津降解基因PCR检测表明,其降解基因组成分别为trzN-atzBC、trzN-atzABC和atzADEF;通过rep-PCR实验将27个阿特拉津降解菌株分为7个群;Western blot结果表明,27个菌株中有24个含有三嗪水解酶TrzN;氮源利用实验表明,2个菌株能够利用所有7种氮源生长,其余25个菌株只能利用其中的2-6种;碳源利用实验表明,10个菌株能够利用所有7种碳源生长,其余17个菌株只能利用其中的3-6种。【结论】分离自某工业废水的27株阿特拉津降解功能菌存在相当广泛的遗传和生理学上的多样性,trzN-atzABC降解基因组成为首次发现。  相似文献   

从化工厂污泥中分离到 4个对蒽醌染料中间体溴氨酸有显著降解和脱色作用的菌株。经鉴定 ,4株菌均为假单胞菌属 (Pseudomonassp )。脱色效果最好的N1菌株能以溴氨酸为唯一碳源生长 ,其脱色效果受温度和 pH影响较大 ,最佳生长条件是 30℃ ,pH7 2。  相似文献   

蓖麻碱降解菌的选育及脱毒效果的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
以蓖麻碱为底物,从牛瘤胃液中选育出脱毒能力强、生长旺盛的菌株4-2w,经初步鉴定为假单胞菌(pseydomonas sp.),其最适生长温度为36℃,最适pH为7.0。经脱毒实验,4-2w菌降解蓖麻碱的脱除率达到90%以上,且该菌株未降解其中的蛋白质。  相似文献   

Arthrobacter nicotinovorans HIM was isolated directly from an agricultural sandy dune soil 6 months after a single application of atrazine. It grew in minimal medium with atrazine as sole nitrogen source but was unable to mineralize 14C-ring-labelled atrazine. Atrazine was degraded to cyanuric acid. In addition to atrazine the bacterium degraded simazine, terbuthylazine, propazine, cyanazine and prometryn but was unable to grow on terbumeton. When added to soil, A. nicotinovorans HIM did enhance mineralization of 14C-ring-labelled atrazine and simazine, in combination with naturally occurring cyanuric acid degrading microbes resident in the soil. Using PCR, the atrazine-degradation genes atzABC were identified in A. nicotinovorans HIM. Cloning of the atzABC genes revealed significant homology (>99%) with the atrazine degradation genes of Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP. The atrazine degradation genes were held on a 96 kbp plasmid.  相似文献   

The s-triazine herbicide atrazine was rapidly mineralized (i.e., about 60% of 14C-ring-labelled atrazine released as 14CO2 within 21 days) by an agricultural soil from the Nile Delta (Egypt) that had been cropped with corn and periodically treated with this herbicide. Seven strains able to degrade atrazine were isolated by enrichment cultures of this soil. DNA fingerprint and phylogenetic studies based on 16S rRNA analysis showed that the seven strains were identical and belonged to the phylogeny of the genus Arthrobacter (99% similarity with Arthrobacter sp. AD38, EU710554). One strain, designated Arthrobacter sp. strain TES6, degraded atrazine and mineralized the 14C-chain-labelled atrazine. However, it was unable to mineralize the 14C-ring-labelled atrazine. Atrazine biodegradation ended in a metabolite that co-eluted with cyanuric acid in HPLC. This was consistent with its atrazine-degrading genetic potential, shown to be dependent on the trzN, atzB, and atzC gene combination. Southern blot analysis revealed that the three genes were located on a large plasmid of about 175 kb and clustered on a 22-kb SmaI fragment. These results reveal for the first time the adaptation of a North African agricultural soil to atrazine mineralization and raise interesting questions about the pandemic dispersion of the trzN, atzBC genes among atrazine-degrading bacteria worldwide.  相似文献   

AIMS: To isolate and characterize atrazine-degrading bacteria in order to identify suitable candidates for potential use in bioremediation of atrazine contamination. METHODS AND RESULTS: A high efficiency atrazine-degrading bacterium, strain AD1, which was capable of utilizing atrazine as a sole nitrogen source for growth, was isolated from industrial wastewater. 16S rDNA sequencing identified AD1 as an Arthrobacter sp. The atrazine chlorohydrolase gene (atzA) isolated from strain AD1 differed from that found in the Pseudomonas sp. ADP by only one nucleotide. However, it was found located on the bacterial chromosome rather than on plasmids as previously reported for other bacteria. CONCLUSIONS: Atrazine chlorohydrolase gene, atzA, either encoded by chromosome or plasmid, is highly conserved. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Comparison analysis of atrazine degradation gene structure and arrangement in this and other bacteria provides insight into our understanding of the ecology and evolution of atrazine-degrading bacteria.  相似文献   

In presented study the capability of microorganisms isolated from the rhizosphere of sweet flag (Acorus calamus) to the atrazine degradation was assessed. Following isolation of the microorganisms counts of psychrophilic bacteria, mesophilic bacteria and fungi were determined. Isolated microorganisms were screened in terms of their ability to decompose a triazine herbicide, atrazine. Our results demonstrate that within the rhizosphere of sweet flag there were 3.8 × 107 cfu of psychrophilic bacteria, 1.8 × 107 cfu of mesophilic bacteria, and 6 × 105 cfu of fungi per 1 g of dry root mass. These microorganisms were represented by more than 20 different strains, and at the first step these strains were grown for 5 days in the presence of atrazine at a concentration of 5 mg/l. In terms of the effect of this trial culture, the bacteria reduced the level of atrazine by an average of about 2–20%, but the average level of reduction by fungi was in the range 18–60%. The most active strains involved in atrazine reduction were then selected and identified. These strains were classified as Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Bacillus licheniformis, Bacillus megaterium, Rahnella aquatilis (three strains), Umbelopsis isabellina, Volutella ciliata and Botrytis cinerea. Culturing of the microorganisms for a longer time resulted in high atrazine degradation level. The highest degradation level was observed at atrazine concentrations of 5 mg/l for S. maltophilia (83.5% after 15 days of culture) and for Botrytis sp. (82% after 21 days of culture). Our results indicate that microorganisms of the sweet flag rhizosphere can play an important role in the bioremediation of atrazine-contaminated sites.  相似文献   

Bacterial atrazine catabolism is initiated by the enzyme atrazine chlorohydrolase (AtzA) in Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP. Other triazine herbicides are metabolized by bacteria, but the enzymological basis of this is unclear. Here we begin to address this by investigating the catalytic activity of AtzA by using substrate analogs. Purified AtzA from Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP catalyzed the hydrolysis of an atrazine analog that was substituted at the chlorine substituent by fluorine. AtzA did not catalyze the hydrolysis of atrazine analogs containing the pseudohalide azido, methoxy, and cyano groups or thiomethyl and amino groups. Atrazine analogs with a chlorine substituent at carbon 2 and N-alkyl groups, ranging in size from methyl to t-butyl, all underwent dechlorination by AtzA. AtzA catalyzed hydrolytic dechlorination when one nitrogen substituent was alkylated and the other was a free amino group. However, when both amino groups were unalkylated, no reaction occurred. Cell extracts were prepared from five strains capable of atrazine dechlorination and known to contain atzA or closely homologous gene sequences: Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP, Rhizobium strain PATR, Alcaligenes strain SG1, Agrobacterium radiobacter J14a, and Ralstonia picketti D. All showed identical substrate specificity to purified AtzA from Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP. Cell extracts from Clavibacter michiganensis ATZ1, which also contains a gene homologous to atzA, were able to transform atrazine analogs containing pseudohalide and thiomethyl groups, in addition to the substrates used by AtzA from Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP. This suggests that either (i) another enzyme(s) is present which confers the broader substrate range or (ii) the AtzA itself has a broader substrate range.  相似文献   

Atrazine, a herbicide widely used in corn production, is a frequently detected groundwater contaminant. Nine gram-positive bacterial strains able to use this herbicide as a sole source of nitrogen were isolated from four farms in central Canada. The strains were divided into two groups based on repetitive extragenic palindromic (rep)-PCR genomic fingerprinting with ERIC and BOXA1R primers. Based on 16S ribosomal DNA sequence analysis, both groups were identified as Nocardioides sp. strains. None of the isolates mineralized [ring-U-(14)C]atrazine. There was no hybridization to genomic DNA from these strains using atzABC cloned from Pseudomonas sp. strain ADP or trzA cloned from Rhodococcus corallinus. S-Triazine degradation was studied in detail in Nocardioides sp. strain C190. Oxygen was not required for atrazine degradation by whole cells or cell extracts. Based on high-pressure liquid chromatography and mass spectrometric analyses of products formed from atrazine in incubations of whole cells with H(2)(18)O, sequential hydrolytic reactions converted atrazine to hydroxyatrazine and then to the end product N-ethylammelide. Isopropylamine, the putative product of the second hydrolytic reaction, supported growth as the sole carbon and nitrogen source. The triazine hydrolase from strain C190 was isolated and purified and found to have a K(m) for atrazine of 25 microM and a V(max) of 31 micromol/min/mg of protein. The subunit molecular mass of the protein was 52 kDa. Atrazine hydrolysis was not inhibited by 500 microM EDTA but was inhibited by 100 microM Mg, Cu, Co, or Zn. Whole cells and purified triazine hydrolase converted a range of chlorine or methylthio-substituted herbicides to the corresponding hydroxy derivatives. In summary, an atrazine-metabolizing Nocardioides sp. widely distributed in agricultural soils degrades a range of s-triazine herbicides by means of a novel s-triazine hydrolase.  相似文献   

The level of expression of highly conserved, plasmid-borne, and widely dispersed atrazine catabolic genes (atz) was studied by RT-qPCR in two telluric atrazine-degrading microbes. RT-qPCR assays, based on the use of real-time PCR, were developed in order to quantify atzABCDEF mRNAs in Pseudomonas sp. ADP and atzABC mRNAs in Chelatobacter heintzii. atz gene expression was expressed as mRNA copy number per 10(6) 16S rRNA. In Pseudomonas sp. ADP, atz genes were basally expressed. It confirmed atrazine-degrading kinetics indicating that catabolic activity starts immediately after adding the herbicide. atz gene expression increased transitorily in response to atrazine treatment. This increase was only observed while low amount of atrazine remained in the medium. In C. heintzii, only atzA was basally expressed. atzA and atzB expression levels were similarly and significantly increased in response to atrazine treatment. atzC was not expressed even in the presence of high amounts of atrazine. This study showed that atz genes are basally expressed and up-regulated in response to atrazine treatment. atz gene expression patterns are different in Pseudomonas ADP and C. heintzii suggesting that the host may influence the expression of plasmid-borne atrazine-catabolic potential.  相似文献   

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