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发现CBZ-Lys·pNP能有效地被菓菠萝蛋白酶(Fruit Bromelain E.C.作用,测得Km为4.167×10~(-4)mol/L,k_(cat)为742min~(-1)。以荧光和紫外差示光谱为监测手段,对酶分子构象变化进行研究。酶的荧光强度随胍浓度增大而逐渐下降,4mol/L胍变性时,发射峰自332nm红移到353nm,并在310nm处出现新的发射峰。酶的荧光强度都因SDS存在而下降,SDS浓度大于3.47mmol/L有所回升,并出现红移,同时在315nm处出现新的发射肩;紫外差示光谱显示在236nm有一个较显著的员峰,此峰与β-螺旋结构变化有关,278、286和295nm出现三个负峰,260nm有较小正峰,说明酶分子中Tyr、Trp和Phe的微环境发生了明显的变化。测定酶在不同浓度胍和SDS中的变性和失活速度常数,对酶构象变化及催化活力的关系作了比较研究,酶的失活速度均大于变性速度。  相似文献   

蛋白质修饰剂对盐藻光合作用的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经蛋白质化学修饰剂N-溴代琥珀酰亚胺(NBS)、丁二酮(BTO)和对-氯汞苯甲酸(ρCMB)处理的盐藻细胞光合速率下降,0.17mmol/L的ρCMB和0.07mmol/L的NBS可完全抑制光合放氧。在藻细胞的可见光(400—700nm)区吸收光谱中,三种修饰剂都降低了整个波段的吸收。在两个主要吸收峰中,678nm吸收值的下降略大于436nm的下降。在紫外光谱区(200—300nm),ρCMB和BTD使原吸收峰(203nm)值明显降低,NBS处理使吸收峰红移13nm。细胞胀破后紫外光谱出现更显著变化,峰位移至223nm(BTD)、250nm(NBS),或至214—237nm而呈一个宽的平台(ρCMB)。紫外差示吸收光谱显示210nm的负峰;随修饰剂浓度增大,负差示峰可移到225nm(NBS)、245.5nm(ρCMB)和212nm(BTD)。  相似文献   

菠萝叶片PEP羧激酶与底物OAA和ATP及配基Mn^2 等结合时引起紫外差示吸收光谱峰位和方向上的变化。OAA与酶结合诱导产生的差示吸收光谱在268—280mm处有一个宽负峰。ATP与酶结合出现两个差示负峰(242.5和273.5nm)。双底物OAA和ATP同时与酶结合,光谱上呈现252nm和268nm两个峰。Mn^2 不论与ATP或与ATP OAA一起与酶反应时,皆使原来的峰位漂移,且正负方向逆转。酶蛋白在323nm有最大的荧光发射。OAA引起荧光发射强度增大,ATP及ATP Mn^2 则减弱荧光发射。Mn^2 与OAA及ATP的复合效应导致荧光强度进一步减弱。  相似文献   

人肌肌酸激酶在SDS溶液中失活与构象变化的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用紫外差吸收光谱、荧光发射光谱、CD先谱等监测手段,研究了SDS溶液滴定人肌肌酸激酶时的构象与活力变化的关系。结果表明酶的活力丧失先于以紫外差吸收先谱、荧先发射谱和巯基暴露数目所监测到的构象变化。SDS滴定时引起的酶的荧光发射光谱的变化在低滴定度阶段随着SDS滴定量的增加,荧光强度下降,发射峰位红移,当SDS浓度达到2.1mmol/L时,荧光强度增大,继续增加SDS滴定量,荧光强度又降低,发射峰位红移直至终态。紫外差吸收光谱随着SDS溶液的加入,281nm.287nm和292nm的负差吸收峰增大。CD光谱结果表明在本实验所用的SDS浓度范围内,SDS对人肌肌酸激酶的二级结构几乎没有影响。上述结果支持了酶的活性部位构象柔性的观点。  相似文献   

菠萝叶片PEP羧激酶与底物OAA和ATP及配基Mn~(2+)等结合时引起紫外差示吸收光谱峰位和方向上的变化。OAA与酶结合诱导产生的差示吸收光谱在268—280nm处有一个宽负峰。ATP与酶结合出现两个差示负峰(242.5和273.5nm)。双底物OAA和ATP同时与酶结合,光谱上呈现252nm和268nm两个峰。Mn~(2+)不论与ATP或与ATP+OAA一起与酶反应时,皆使原来的峰位漂移,且正负方向逆转。酶蛋白在323nm有最大的荧光发射。OAA引起荧光发射强度增大,ATP及ATP+Mn~(2+)则减弱荧光发射。Mn~(2+)与OAA及ATP的复合效应导致荧光强度进一步减弱。  相似文献   

无花果蛋白酶在胍溶液中的分子折叠与活力变化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究无花果蛋白酶(EC.在不同浓度盐酸胍溶液中分子构象与活力变化关系。酶的内源荧光光谱,圆二色光谱与酶活力的变化表明:荧光光谱呈现二个明显的变化区域,低浓度胍(低于2mol/L)中,荧光发射峰基本不变,但荧光强度随胍浓度上升,随胍浓度断续增大(高于2mol/L),酶的最大发射波长明显红移。当胍浓度低于1mol/L时,不仅不会使酶失活,反而使酶激活,当胍浓度高于1mol/L以上  相似文献   

本文研究无花果蛋白酶(EC.在不同浓度盐酸胍溶液中分子构象与活力变化关系。酶的内源荧光光谱,圆二色光谱与酶活力的变化表明:荧光光谱呈现二个明显的变化区域,低浓度胍(低于2mol/L)中,荧光发射峰基本不变,但荧光强度随胍浓度上升,随胍浓度断续增大(高于2mol/L),酶的最大发射波长明显红移。当胍浓度低于1mol/L时,不仅不会使酶失活,反而使酶激活,当胍浓度高于1mol/L以上时,酶逐渐失活,使酶完全失活的胍浓度为6mol/L酶的圆二色光谱也随着胍浓度的改变而发生复杂的变化。将荧光变化,CD谱变化及活力改变结合起来,表明活力的激活与构象的明显变化似是同步发生的,从另一角度进一步说明酶活性部位柔性是充分表现酶活力所必需。  相似文献   

目的:研究猪胰脂肪酶(porcine pancreas lipase,PPL)在丙二醇单相共溶体系中催化橄榄油水解反应的活性变化及其作用机理.方法:测定PPL在不同体积浓度的丙二醇溶液中催化橄榄油水解的活性、动力学参数变化及紫外光谱、紫外差示光谱、荧光光谱的变化情况.结果:体积分数为17%的丙二醇使PPL活性提高了55%;丙二醇处理后,PPL的νmax基本不变,而km值则明显下降;光谱分析发现,经丙二醇处理后,PPL的紫外吸收光谱发生蓝移,而紫外差示光谱则出现了两个明显的负峰,荧光发射峰强度显著降低.结论:体积分数为17%的丙二醇对PPL有一定的激活作用,该激活作用可能是由于在丙二醇溶液中PPL发生构型和构象的变化,提高了酶分子对底物的亲和力,从而引起酶活性的升高.  相似文献   

光敏反应对过氧化氢酶的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
光氧化反应中,纯过氧化氢酶活性受光敏化剂血卟啉Ⅳ和核黄素的抑制。随光敏化剂浓度增高及照光时间延长,抑制程度加大。酶与光敏化剂反应后吸收光谱位移,峰形改变。紫外差示吸收光谱出现229nm负峰(血卟啉)和236—240nm峰(核黄素)。结果表明酶活的抑制与其蛋白构象的变化相关。  相似文献   

盐酸胍对人类胎盘碱性磷酸酶构象与活力的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
研究人类胎盘碱性磷酸酶(PLAP,E.C.在胍变性过程中构象与活力的变化;测定胍存在时酶的表观米氏常数(Km)。结果表明,低浓度的盐酸胍(<0.5mol/L)使变性平衡态酶的发射荧光强度略有下降,酶活力增强;随盐酸胍浓度的增加,其荧光强度不仅不再下降,反而升高,酶逐渐失活;当盐酸胍浓度为1.5mol/L时,其荧光光谱的最大峰位红移,酶活力迅速下降;当盐酸胍浓度为3mol/L时,峰位由333.5nm红移至357.1nm,此时酶活力丧失;当盐酸胍浓度为4mol/L时,峰位不再红移,但其荧光强度继续增加。测得变性初态酶的表观Km值随盐酸胍浓度的增加而增大。结果说明,荧光强度的增加和最大发射峰位的红移是该酶变性失活的一个灵敏指标;酶活力的变化明显快于酶分子整体构象的变化;低浓度的盐酸胍微扰了酶活性部位的构象,而对其整体构象无显著影响。提示酶活性部位具有柔性。  相似文献   

Prawn (Penaeus penicillatus) acid phosphatase (EC catalyzes the nonspecific hydrolysis of phosphate monoesters. The effects of some pollutants in sea water on the enzyme activity results in the loss of the biological function of the enzyme, which leads to disruption of phosphate metabolism in cells. This paper analyzes the effects of methanol on the activity and conformation of prawn acid phosphatase. The results show that low concentrations of methanol can lead to reversible inactivation. Inhibition of the enzyme by methanol is classified as non-competitive inhibition, and the inhibition constant (Ki) is 8.5%. Conformational changes of the enzyme molecule in methanol solutions of different concentrations were measured using fluorescence emission, differential UV-absorption, and circular dichroism spectra. Increased methanol concentrations caused the fluorescence emission intensity of the enzyme to increase. The ultraviolet difference spectra of the enzyme denatured with methanol had two negative peaks, at 222 and 270 nm, and a positive peak at 236 nm. The changes in the fluorescence and ultraviolet difference spectra reflected the changes of the microenvironments of tryptophan and tyrosine residues of the enzyme. The CD spectrum changes of the enzyme show that the secondary structure of the enzyme also changed some. These results suggest that methanol is a non-competitive inhibitor and the conformational integrity of the enzyme is essential for its activity.  相似文献   

The effect of ethanol on the activity of Penaeus penicillatus acid phosphatase has been studied. The results show that ethanol significantly inhibits enzyme activity as a non-competitive inhibitor, with Ki 8.75%. The conformational changes of the enzyme molecule induced by ethanol were followed using fluorescence emission, ultraviolet difference and circular dichroism (CD) spectra. Increasing the ethanol concentration caused the fluorescence emission intensity of the enzyme to increase. The ultraviolet difference spectra of the enzyme denatured with ethanol had two negative peaks at 220 and 278 nm, and a positive peak at 240 nm. Increasing the ethanol concentration produced a small shoulder peak at 287 nm in addition to the increases in the negative magnitudes of the 220 and 278 nm peaks. The changes of the fluorescence and ultraviolet difference spectra reflected the changes of the microenvironments of the tryptophan and tyrosine residues of the enzyme. The CD spectrum changes of the enzyme show that the secondary structure of the enzyme also changed. The results suggest that ethanol is a non-competitive inhibitor and the conformational integrity of the enzyme is essential for its activity.  相似文献   

Low concentrations of urea (1.2 M) stimulated the activity of endo-xylanase from Chainia by 30%. Subtle structural changes in the monomeric protein were reflected in the secondary and tertiary structure of the enzyme as monitored by fluorescence and circular dichroism. Changes in lambda(max) of emission, the fluorescence intensity and the Stern-Volmer quenching constants for acrylamide, measured in the presence of urea, indicated changes in the microenvironment of the Trp residues, suggesting alterations in tertiary structure. The ellipticity changes at 220 nm and Selcon analysis reflected changes in the content of beta-sheet while both the near- and far-UV CD spectra indicated alterations in the secondary and tertiary structure of the protein in presence of urea. The dissociation constant values (K(d)) show very little change in the affinity of the enzyme for the substrate while the k(cat) values suggest enhanced turnover of the substrate in presence of urea. We suggest that low urea concentrations perturb the conformational state of xylanase leading to an open and a more flexible structure, resulting in enhanced catalytic rates.  相似文献   

Conformational changes produced by in vitro bovine growth hormone addition to plasma membranes of hypophysectomized rat liver proteins and lipids have been studied by circular dichroism as well as intrinsic and extrinsic fluorescence. 7,12-Dimethylbenzanthracene has been used as a fluorescent probe of changes in membrane structure. The exposure of membranes to bovine growth hormone produced a change in membrane negative ellipticity. Dimethylbenzanthracene at concentrations similar to those employed in fluorescence studies had no effect on the membrane circular dichroism spectrum. Its presence did, however, prevent a response to growth hormone. There was a decrease in peak fluorescence intensity and a peak shift when bovine growth hormone (0.5 · 10?12 M) was added to liver membranes. The addition of dimethylbenzanthracene (1.6 · 10?6 M) to membranes resulted in a decrease in the intensity of the protein fluorescence peak at 335 nm and the appearance of two peaks at 430 and 407 nm, assignable to the probe. The addition of bovine growth hormone (0.5 · 10?12 M) produced a decrease in fluorescence at 335 nm and also in the peaks at 407 and 430 nm. These data are consistent with the conclusion that bovine growth hormone produces a conformational change in rat liver plasma membrane proteins and lipids.  相似文献   

Structural transitions occurring during the alkalin titration of human somatotropin, human choriomammotropin, and ovine prolactin have been investigated by means of circular dichroism and fluorescence emission spectra. Human somatotropin exhibited an isodichroic point at 287 nm, with all spectral changes being reversed upon back titration from pH 12.50 to pH 8.0. Fluorescence quenching as a function of pH produced a simple sigmoidal curve. Human choriomammotropin exhibited an isodichroic point at 288 nm. The fluorescence and circular dichroism spectra of this protein were found to be reversible between pH 8.0 and 11.0. However, on titration above pH 11, the isodichroic point and the reversibility of the circular dichroism spectra were lost. This conformational transition was accompanied by a sharp increase in fluorescence quantum yield. The circular dichroism spectra of ovine prolactin showed essentially no change on titration to pH 11.0. However, between pH 11.0 and 12.0, a sharp conformational transition was observed similar to that seen in human choriomammotropin, but not exhibiting the same increase in fluorescence quantum yield. The fluorescence titration of prolactin was found to be essentially reversible upon back titration from pH 12.5, although the circular dichroism spectra were not reversible from this pH.  相似文献   

Q Z Yao  M Tian  C L Tsou 《Biochemistry》1984,23(12):2740-2744
The denaturation of creatine kinase in urea solutions of different concentrations has been studied by following the changes in the ultraviolet absorbance and intrinsic fluorescence as well as by the exposure of hidden SH groups. In concentrated urea solutions, the denaturation of the enzyme results in negative peaks at 285 nm with shoulders at 280 and 290 nm and positive peaks at 244 and 302 nm in the denatured minus native enzyme difference spectrum. The fluorescence emission maximum of the enzyme red shifts with increasing intensity in urea solutions of increasing concentrations. At least part of these changes can be attributed to direct effects of urea on the exposed Tyr and Trp residues as shown by experiments with model compounds. The inactivation of this enzyme has been followed and compared with the conformational changes observed during urea denaturation. A marked decrease in enzyme activity is already evident at low urea concentrations before significant conformational changes can be detected by the exposure of hidden SH groups or by ultraviolet absorbance and fluorescence changes. At higher urea concentrations, the enzyme is inactivated at rates 3 orders of magnitude faster than the rates of conformational changes. The above results are in accord with those reported previously for guanidine denaturation of this enzyme [Yao, Q., Hou, L., Zhou, H., & Tsou, C.-L. (1982) Sci. Sin. (Engl. Ed.) 25, 1186-1193] and can best be explained by assuming that the active site of this enzyme is situated near the surface of the enzyme molecule and is sensitive to very slight conformational changes.  相似文献   

The aspartic acid (Asp)-induced unfolding and the salt-induced folding of arginine kinase (AK) were studied in terms of enzyme activity, intrinsic fluorescence emission spectra, 1-anilino-8-naphthalenesulfonate (ANS) fluorescence spectra and far-UV circular dichroism (CD) spectra. The results showed that Asp caused inactivation and unfolding of AK with no aggregation during AK denaturation. The unfolding of the whole molecule and the inactivation of AK in different Asp concentrations were compared. Much lower Asp concentration was required to induce inactivation than to produce significant conformational changes of the enzyme molecule. However, with further addition of Asp, the molar ellipticity at 222 and 208 nm, the wavelength shift and the emission intensity of ANS hardly changed. Asp denatured AK was reactivated by dilution. In addition, potassium chloride (KCl) induced the molten globule state with a compact structure after AK was denatured with 7.5 mM Asp. These results collectively elucidate the osmotic effect of Asp anions for the molten globule formed during unfolding process. They also suggest that the effect of Asp differed from that of other denaturants such as guanidine hydrochloride or urea during AK folding. The molten globule state indicates that intermediates exist during AK folding.  相似文献   

 利用紫外差光谱,荧光光谱和圆二色谱法对比地研究了淀粉液化茅孢杆菌α-淀粉酶在盐酸胍和碳酸胍变性过程的构象变化与活性关系以及在变性早期钙离子对酶构象的稳定作用。  相似文献   

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