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确定动态经济阈值的微计算机模型   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
经济阈值必须有动态的特征,甚至在同一块田里,也可能每年不一样,本文建立了确定经济阈值的系统模型。它们是由4个模型所组成:1,温度模型;2.种群动态模型;3.防治消费模型;4.产量模型。然后经济阈值这一点,通过计算机模拟,在边际步入等于边际消费时得到。用户可以按照不同的情形输入不同的参数,计算机输出将给出经济阈值及纯收益。 从系统观点看,确定经济阈值可以看作管理农业生态系统寻求最优管理措施。所以,本文提出的模型,也可看作最优管理模型,细节将在文内讨论。  相似文献   

蒲洼农业生态系统能流的稳定性及其动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐明  潘向丽 《生态学报》1995,15(1):72-78
在研究生态系统结构及功能的基础上,本文基于1975-1990年的数据,对蒲洼农业生态系统能流的稳定性及其动态进行了分析。通过建立能流模型,由李雅普诺夫稳定性原理,得出该生态系统能流的平衡态具有渐近稳定性。动态数学模拟表明,目前该系统的能量流动正从不稳定状态向稳定和平衡态过渡,这一过程大约需要7a时间。  相似文献   

关于农业生态系统能流特征的研究很多,但关于植物篱农作系统能流特征的研究很少。在四川盆地雨养丘陵农区,2/3的耕地土壤侵蚀严重,为了控制土壤侵蚀和提高耕地生产力,该区域大量栽种了植物篱。该研究通过了解作物与植物篱之间的能流交付作用,通过系统能量投入水平提高与结构优化,建立环境友好的农作系统,最终实现坡地农业的可持续。通过两年田间小区试验,详细记录所有劳力投入、化肥投入、农药投入、农事管理活动以及落叶的数量并折算为标准能量单位。作物收获后所有生物产量的能量根据其各部分的转换值折算为标准能量。系统能流特征及效率通过统计分析完成。通过研究主要获得了以下3个结论:1)“作物-植物篱”系统产出能和输入能的数量和结构变化主要受植物篱子系统类型的影响。与大面积旱坡地传统农作物生产系统比较,植物篱农作系统能有效提高系统光能利用率、人工输入能效率,耕地单位面积总产出能也会增加,坡度越大,相对增幅亦越大;由于能极显著减少无机能施入量,这有利于降低化肥农药使用量,减少对环境的污染和破坏。2)“作物-果树类植物篱”系统输入能总量和有机能输入量大幅度增加,因此有利于优化输入能结构,促进坡地生态系统良性循环和集约高效农业发展。3)“作物-草本植物篱”系统人工辅助能的输入量大幅度下降,由于它所需投入能少,有机能耗和无机能耗均低,人工输入能效率很高而生物产量也较高,并且它们提高了与其间作的其它作物的能量产投比,因此提升了整个系统能量产投比率;由于保水固土的生态功能显著,使它能在四川广大山地、丘陵区退耕还林还草工程中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

粘虫危害小麦的动态经济阈值的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
苏祥瑶  林昌善 《生态学报》1987,7(4):322-330
本文报道了冬小麦生态系统中小麦、粘虫和粘虫的一种主要天敌——中华星步(虫甲)(Colosomachinense)三个亚系统的模型。同时把三个模型耦联起来进行逐日动态模拟确定了小麦不同生育期和中华星步(虫甲)不同密度下的经济阈值。模拟结果表明:粘虫发生越早,经济阈值越小;在小麦同一个生育期,经济阈值随中华星步(虫甲)密度的增加而提高,但显然不是简单的线性关系,而是随着温度和粘虫密度的变化而变化。根据模拟结果,得到河南驻马店地区亩产500斤以上的小麦在没有中华星步(虫甲)时,用粘粘虫散防治的经济阈值在小麦的不同生育期变动在22—34头/米~2之间,用灭幼脲防治时为每平方米14—23头。如果中华星步(虫甲)每100米~2增加2头,则经济阈值可相应地提高1—3头/米~2。  相似文献   

害虫经济阈值(Economicthreshold,ET)作为农业害虫管理关键决策依据,是主要基于挽回作物损失的价值和防治费用的农业害虫防治经济阈值。在实践应用中,由于对害虫防治措施的生态代价考虑不足,往往导致阈值指标偏低,防治次数和农药使用量偏多。本文利用农药生态效应评估的最新研究进展,提出了充分考虑防治费用和防治生态代价的农业害虫防治生态经济阈值(Ecological and economic threshold,EET)概念,给出了基于农药生态风险指数的简便易行的数学模型和估算方法。生态经济阈值的提出与推广应用,不仅为现代农业害虫防治决策提供了科学依据,而且有助于我国的农药减量目标的实现。  相似文献   

张俊平  陈常铭 《生态学报》1990,10(3):203-207
本研究是在水稻群体生长模型和纵卷叶螟种群生命系统模拟模型的基础上进行的。通过耦台水稻与纵卷叶螟相互关系模型,模拟了水稻-纵卷叶螟-天敌系统动态,估算了在不同条件下纵卷叶螟的产量损失率,结合经济核算确定不同条件组合下的经济阈值(多维动态经济阈值)。我们从稻田生态系统的整体出发,给出了稻纵卷叶螟管理系统流程图,图中将决策区分为趋势决策和实时决策,寓测报和防治于一体,以优化管理为目的。  相似文献   

黄惠敏  王廷正 《兽类学报》1999,19(3):221-226
棕色田鼠是河南西部农作区的主要危害鼠种。1993年8月~1995年3月在河南省灵宝市程村乡对棕色田鼠的密度及其对农作物的危害程度进行了调查研究 , 并对小麦、黄豆2种不同作物地防治棕色田鼠的经济阈值进行了初步估算。把棕色田鼠对这2种作物的危害分为4个等级, 小麦地防治棕色田鼠的经济阈值为133.9只/hm2; 黄豆地防治棕色田鼠的经济 阈值为181.1 只/hm2,达到此密度应进行防治,否则将造成不同程度的经济损失。  相似文献   

生态系统的结构决定生态系统的物质循环、能量流动和系统功能.本研究采用Ecopath模型,根据2017-2018年中国东海三门湾海洋生态实地调查数据,构建了三门湾生态系统的生态通道模型,描述了三门湾生态系统的能流结构,分析了其功能特征.结果显示:三门湾生态系统营养级范围在1~3.80,能流渠道主要表现为牧食食物链,系统能...  相似文献   

作物生产力模型及其应用研究   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
从农业生态环境的角度论述了作物生产力模型的产生背景,讨论了作物生产力模型发展的幼年期、少年期、青年期和成熟期4个阶段,从科学研究,农业作物管理和农业决策分析等方面论述了作物生产力模型在保护农业生态环境中的作用,讨论了作物生产力模型的不足之处主要为简单的模型的地区适应性不强,而复杂的模型则由于参数的难以获取,且不同研究区域基础数据格式的一致性问题,也导致模型的地区适应性比较弱,因而提出要建立通用,统一的数据格式,以使作物生产力模型在不同地区易于推广应用;最后针对作物生产力模型普遍适应性能比较弱的问题,对作物生产力模型与地理信息系统的结合进行了研究,并综述了目前在作物生产力模型的界面友好化方面的一些工作,提出建立通用的作物生产力模型界面是今后发展的重点所在。  相似文献   

古滨河 《生态科学》2007,26(1):84-87
莱曼德·林德曼1942年发表的论文“生态学的营养动力论”为水生态系统能流研究提出了一个全新的概念,被认为是生态学和湖沼学研究史上的奠基之作,也是生态系统生态学的重要著作。林德曼的研究是从定量上应用Arthur Tansley提出的生态系统概念最早的工作之一,并在几个方面具有开创性。该研究最重要的贡献是为研究营养级之间的相互关系和为比较不同的水生态系统提出了共同的衡量指标(有机物或能流),从而为生态学发展确立了理论取向。林德曼的生态学的营养动力论对当前的生态学研究仍然具有重大的指导意义。  相似文献   



Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) rely on electrochemically active bacteria to capture the chemical energy contained in organics and convert it to electrical energy. Bacteria develop biofilms on the MFC electrodes, allowing considerable conversion capacity and opportunities for extracellular electron transfer (EET). The present knowledge on EET is centred around two Gram-negative models, i.e. Shewanella and Geobacter species, as it is believed that Gram-positives cannot perform EET by themselves as the Gram-negatives can. To understand how bacteria form biofilms within MFCs and how their development, structure and viability affects electron transfer, we performed pure and co-culture experiments.  相似文献   

Extracellular electron transfer (EET) is a mechanism that enables microbes to respire solid‐phase electron acceptors. These EET reactions most often occur in the absence of oxygen, since oxygen can act as a competitive electron acceptor for many facultative microbes. However, for Shewanella oneidensis MR‐1, oxygen may increase biomass development, which could result in an overall increase in EET activity. Here, we studied the effect of oxygen on S. oneidensis MR‐1 EET rates using bioelectrochemical systems (BESs). We utilized optically accessible BESs to monitor real‐time biomass growth, and studied the per‐cell EET rate as a function of oxygen and riboflavin concentrations in BESs of different design and operational conditions. Our results show that oxygen exposure promotes biomass development on the electrode, but significantly impairs per‐cell EET rates even though current production does not always decrease with oxygen exposure. Additionally, our results indicated that oxygen can affect the role of riboflavin in EET. Under anaerobic conditions, both current density and per‐cell EET rate increase with the riboflavin concentration. However, as the dissolved oxygen (DO) value increased to 0.42 mg/L, riboflavin showed very limited enhancement on per‐cell EET rate and current generation. Since it is known that oxygen can promote flavins secretion in S. oneidensis, the role of riboflavin may change under anaerobic and aerobic conditions. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2017;114: 96–105. © 2016 The Authors. Biotechnology and Bioengineering Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Structurally controlled zinc porphyrin-anthracene dyads, syn-arranged 1 and anti-arranged 2, were newly synthesized employing a diarylurea linkage, and the excitation energy transfer (EET) from the anthracene to the zinc porphyrin chromophore was investigated by steady-state fluorescence emission spectroscopy as well as fluorescence lifetime measurement, especially focusing on the effect of the chromophoric orientation on the EET. In both of the dyads, intramolecular EET was facilitated upon excitation of the anthracene chromophore (lamda(ex)= 401 nm), and the zinc porphyrin S1-S0 emission (580-720 nm) was enhanced. The EET in the syn-arranged dyad 1 was more efficient than in the anti-arranged 2: the S1-S0 emission in 1 was 1.8 times larger than that in the zinc porphyrin reference compound 3, whereas that in 2 was enhanced by 1.6 times, compared to that in 3. In the fluorescence lifetime measurement, the quiet short-lived component assignable to the EET was observed for the dyads 1 and 2 beyond the analysis limit (<25 ps). The EET rate constants in the dyads 1 and 2 were estimated as not less than 4.0 x 10(10) s-1. However, in the case of 2, the residual long-lived component assigned to the anthracene emission was also observed at 425 nm. These results showed that the syn-arrangement of the zinc porphyrin and anthracene chromophores was more preferred for intramolecular EET to the anti-arrangement.  相似文献   

As growers switch to transgenic crops and selective insecticides that are less toxic to natural enemies, natural enemies can become more important in agricultural pest management. Current decision-making guides are generally based on pest abundance and do not address pest and natural enemy toxicity differences among insecticides or the impact of natural enemies on pest survival. A refined approach to making pest management decisions is to include the impact of natural enemies and insecticides, thereby better integrating biological and chemical control. The result of this integration is a dynamic threshold that varies for each product and the level of biological control expected. To demonstrate the significance of conserved biological control in commercial production, a decision-making guide was developed that evaluates control options for European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), in sweet corn, Zea mays L., where the primary natural enemies are generalist predators. Management options are lambda-cyhalothrin (broad-spectrum insecticide), spinosad (selective insecticide), Trichogramma ostriniae (Peng and Chen) (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) (parasitoid), and Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) sweet corn (transgenic variety). The key factors influencing thresholds for all treatments are the intended market, predator populations, and the presence of alternative foods for the predators. Treatment cost is the primary factor separating the threshold for each treatment within a common scenario, with the lowest cost treatment having the lowest pest threshold. However, when the impact of a treatment on natural enemies is projected over the 3-wk control period, the impact of the treatment on predators becomes the key factor in determining the threshold, so the lowest thresholds are for broad-spectrum treatments, whereas selective products can have thresholds > 6 times higher by the third week. This decision guide can serve as a framework to help focus future integrated pest management research and to aid in the selection of pest management tools.  相似文献   

Households are mini‐ecosystems that provide a variety of conditions in which a variety of insect species can develop. Whether these insects are considered pests, largely depends on the perception, attitudes, and knowledge of the human inhabitants of the house. If considered unacceptable, residents can attempt to manage the insects themselves, or hire a professional. A pest management professional can provide a quick‐fix solution, often relying on the sole use of insecticides, or a sustainable solution through integrated pest management (IPM). In this review, it is discussed how the public's perception, attitudes, and knowledge affect the implementation of IPM in the household through the following steps: inspection, identification, establishment of a threshold level, pest control, and evaluation of effectiveness. Furthermore, recent and novel developments within the fields of inspection, identification, and pest control that allow to address pest infestations more effectively are described and their implementation in the household environment is discussed. In general, pest management in the household environment is reactive instead of pro‐active. The general public lacks the knowledge of the pest insects’ biology to identify the species, perform a proper inspection and identify causes of pest presence, as well as the knowledge of the available tools for monitoring and pest control. The percentage of individuals that seek professional aid in identification and pest control is relatively low. Moreover, the perception of and attitudes towards household insects generally result in low threshold levels. Current developments of methods for monitoring, identification, and control of insect pests in the household environment are promising, such as DNA barcoding, matrix‐assisted laser desorption/ionization time‐of‐flight and RNA interference. Efforts should be strengthened to alter the perception and attitude, and increase the knowledge of the non‐professional stakeholders, so that correct pest management decisions can be taken.  相似文献   

Antenna complexes in photosystems of plants and green algae are able to switch between a light-harvesting unquenched conformation and a quenched conformation so to avoid photodamage. When the switch is activated, nonphotochemical quenching (NPQ) mechanisms take place for an efficient deactivation of excess excitation energy. The molecular details of these mechanisms have not been fully clarified but different hypotheses have been proposed. Among them, a popular one involves excitation energy transfer (EET) from the singlet excited Chls to the lowest singlet state (S1) of carotenoids. In this work, we combine such model with μs-long molecular dynamics simulations of the CP29 minor antenna complex to investigate how conformational fluctuations affect the electronic couplings and the final EET quenching. The computational framework is applied to both CP29 embedding violaxanthin and zeaxantin in its L2 site. Our results demonstrate that the EET model is rather insensitive to physically reasonable variations in single chlorophyll-carotenoid couplings, and that very large conformational changes would be needed to see the large variation of the complex lifetime expected in the switch from light-harvesting to quenched state. We show, however, that a major role in regulating the EET quenching is played by the S1 energy of the carotenoid, in line with very recent spectroscopy experiments.  相似文献   

cis-Epoxyeicosatrienoic acids (EETs) and their hydrolysis products (threo-DHETs) have been proposed to be endothelial-dependent hyperpolarizing factors (EDHFs) which upregulate blood flow when tissue perfusion is impaired. Various EET regioisomers and enantiomers are formed from arachidonate by inducible cytochrome P450 epoxygenase isoforms, and tissue EET profiles may vary with diet, time, and disease. Because EET actions and metabolism may be regio- and stereospecific, convenient methods to measure profiles of EET isomers in tissues are needed. In the current studies, we describe two simple capillary electrophoretic methods for resolving EETs. The first method involves capillary electrophoresis with a mixture of neutral and anionic beta-cyclodextrins, which in one step baseline-resolves underivatized EET regioisomers and their enantiomers. Low picogram amounts of EET enantiomers were identified based on migration times and UV spectra. The method was also used to assess the antipode purity of EET standards, and to determine murine hepatic levels of EET enantiomers. The second method involves capillary electrochromatography, which also baseline-resolves underivatized EET and DHET regioisomers in one step. We conclude that in EET assays the major advantages of capillary electrophoresis over reversed-phase HPLC are improved peak efficiency, sensitivity, and resolution, plus precise coelution of deuterated and nondeuterated EETs.  相似文献   

Aging is associated with decreases in aerobic capacity, cardiac function, and insulin sensitivity as well as alterations in myocardial substrate metabolism. Endurance exercise training (EET) improves cardiac function in a gender-specific manner, and EET has been shown to improve whole body glucose tolerance, but its effects on myocardial metabolism are unclear. Accordingly, we studied the effect of EET on myocardial substrate metabolism in older men and women. Twelve healthy older individuals (age: 60-75 yr; 6 men and 6 women) underwent PET with [(15)O]water, [(11)C]acetate, [(11)C]glucose, and [(11)C]palmitate for the assessment of myocardial blood flow (MBF), myocardial O(2) consumption (MVo(2)), myocardial glucose utilization (MGU), and myocardial fatty acid utilization (MFAU), respectively, at rest and during dobutamine infusion (10 microg.kg(-1).min(-1)). Measurements were repeated after 11 mo of EET. Maximal O(2) uptake (Vo(2max)) increased (P = 0.005) after EET. MBF was unaffected by training, as was resting MVo(2); however, posttraining dobutamine MVo(2) was significantly higher (P = 0.05), as was MGU (P < 0.04). Although overall dobutamine MFAU was unchanged, posttraining dobutamine MFAU increased in women (P = 0.01) but decreased in men (P = 0.03). Thus, EET in older individuals improves the catecholamine response of myocardial glucose metabolism. Moreover, gender differences exist in the myocardial fatty acid metabolic response to training. These findings suggest a role for altered myocardial substrate metabolism in modulating the cardiovascular benefits of EET in older individuals.  相似文献   

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