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马肠道非常发达,其中定居着丰富又复杂的微生物菌群,这些微生物在宿主的生理、代谢、营养和免疫功能等方面有着重要作用.基于高通量测序的宏基因组学技术和分析手段的改进,对复杂环境中微生物的研究更加方便、透彻.本文就基于高通量测序的宏基因组技术在马肠道核心菌群、不同肠道段菌群结构、不同因素对肠道菌群结构的影响,以及马肠道微生物...  相似文献   

口腔微生物是定植于人体口腔的微生物集合。众多研究证实,口腔微生物与多种口腔感染性疾病及系统性疾病紧密相关。随着“人类微生物组计划”及其他微生物宏基因组学相关项目的开展,人们对口腔微生物群落的认识不断深入。本文基于最新研究进展,就口腔微生物的组成、演替特点、与口腔和全身系统性疾病的关系及与肠道微生物的交互作用进行综述。  相似文献   

长期以来,孕妇胎盘被公认为是无菌环境,但最新一项研究结果却颠覆了这一传统认知。科学家们证实胎盘中可能存在一个小型但多元化的微生物群落。经分析发现胎盘的微生物群落组成与口腔的微生物群落最为相似。通过比较正常分娩的胎儿及早产胎儿的胎盘菌群组成,发现胎盘菌群可能与胎儿早产有一定的关系。本研究就现今国内外对胎盘中微生物菌群的新发现及其与早产的相关研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

口腔亚健康是指口腔处于健康与疾病状态之间的一种状态,其灵敏辨别与准确检测对于维护儿童和成人群体的身心健康均具重大意义。最新研究表明,口腔共生菌群的特异性结构或功能变化可先于口腔临床症状出现,因此具备预测疾病发生的潜力。首先,综述了口腔菌群与口腔内生态位、宿主年龄、疾病状态等的关联,讨论了基于口腔菌群定义与检测牙齿、牙周组织的亚健康状态的现有证据及潜力;其次,以微生物组大数据和单细胞分析为例,探讨了新一代微生物组分析技术的最新进展和应用前景。基于微生物组的口腔亚健康状态检测与机制研究,将为口腔乃至全身的精准医疗与精准护理提供新思路和新工具。  相似文献   

口腔微生物群作为人体微生物群的重要组成部分,其与人体健康之间的关系已成为各领域研究的焦点。口腔微生物群种类繁多、组成复杂,涵盖了细菌、真菌、古细菌和病毒等。近年来的研究显示,口腔微生物群的组成和比例与人体健康密切相关,会影响口腔疾病如龋齿、牙周病的发生。同时口腔微生物也是全身系统性疾病如肺炎、肿瘤和糖尿病等发生的危险因素之一。大量研究认为,口腔微生物群组成的改变、口腔微生物群之间的相互作用对疾病的发生有协同促进作用。本文聚焦于口腔微生物群的组成相关研究、口腔微生物组的最新进展,并对其与人体健康之间的关系进行综述。  相似文献   

口腔是人体最重要的微生物储藏库之一,这些微生物通常以生物被膜的形式稳定地黏附于口腔内粘膜及牙齿表面,在病理条件下则可以深入髓腔及牙槽骨内,成为龋病、根尖周炎、牙周病等常见口腔疾病的主要病因,甚至与许多全身性疾病密切相关。在人类口腔微生态系统中,微生物种类繁多,生物被膜的构成及相互作用关系复杂,目前对其认识还十分有限;此外,在宿主免疫、口腔内外多种理化因素的调控下,生物被膜还可以出现不同的表型及生物特性,因此对其致病机制的研究也具有挑战性。微流控技术作为一种能够灵活操控微尺度流体的技术,不仅能够精准模拟理化微环境,还能够进行高通量可视化的分析,在生命分析化学及生物被膜的研究方面已经展现出显著优势,在口腔微生态系统研究中具有广阔的应用前景。本文将回顾近期微流控技术在生物被膜方面的研究进展,并结合口腔微生态系统中生物被膜研究的关键问题对微流控技术的应用做系统阐述和展望。  相似文献   

益生菌(Probiotic)是添加入食物的能够增加营养摄入并改善人体肠道菌群平衡的活菌。大量研究认为益生菌有促进人体健康的作用,目前研究主要集中在益生菌促进人体肠道菌群平衡的作用。口腔是消化道的起始端,最先接触到益生菌并且也有其特有的微生态系统,近年来越来越多的研究关注益生菌对口腔微生物的作用。本文主要从益生菌在口腔的定植,益生菌对口腔微生物群落的影响,益生菌对口腔细菌作用机制三个方面对近年来益生菌对口腔微生物的影响进行综述。  相似文献   

口腔是全身寄居微生物密度最高,种类最多的部位之一。口腔微生物不仅在龋病、牙周病、口腔癌等口腔疾病的病程中发挥重要作用,还与全身系统性疾病关系密切。口腔微生物组与全身系统性疾病之间存在紧密的相关性,可以促进全身系统性疾病的发生和发展。本文对口腔微生物组与全身系统性疾病的研究进展、口腔微生物组在全身系统疾病进程中的重要作用进行综述,为全身系统性疾病的早期检测,早期预防及临床治疗提供新思路。  相似文献   

近年来基于高通量基因测序的微生物组学研究极大加深了人们对微生物与健康和疾病关系的认识。然而基因测序方法不能直接测定微生物的功能活性,难以鉴定微生物中的关键功能分子,单独使用无法回答肠道微生物何种成员通过何种方式影响宿主等关键科学问题。单一组学研究弊端尽显,多组学联用势在必行。肠道微生物代谢组学以微生物群落所有小分子代谢物为研究对象,可发现肠道微生物随宿主病理生理变化的关键代谢物,为微生物组-宿主互作机制研究提供线索,成为微生物组学研究的重要补充。肠道微生物功能基因组学与代谢组学关联分析在宿主生理、疾病病理、药物药理等方面取得众多进展,展现良好应用前景。然而目前肠道微生物功能基因组学与代谢组学关联分析存在方法滥用、相关性结论与生物学知识相悖等突出问题。为帮助正确应用肠道微生物功能宏基因组学与代谢组学关联分析,本文综述了各种多组学数据整合分析方法的原理、优缺点与适用范围,并给出了应用建议。  相似文献   

口腔微生物群落的动态平衡是维持口腔健康的关键因素。益生元是一类具有选择性、能够促进体内有益菌代谢增殖从而改善宿主健康的有机物质,主要通过调节口腔微生物生长代谢、抑制口腔菌斑生物膜形成、调节宿主免疫反应、参与硝酸盐-亚硝酸盐-一氧化氮代谢循环通路、调节氧化应激反应等途径调控口腔微生态,从而对口腔常见疾病,如龋齿、牙周病、口腔黏膜病的防治起到积极作用。本文主要就近年来益生元在口腔健康中的作用及相关机制的研究情况进行综述。  相似文献   

李玉姣  钱飞  王丹  田宇 《微生物学通报》2021,48(11):4250-4260
宏基因组是指环境中所有微生物的遗传物质总和。宏基因组学技术可以最大限度地利用环境中的微生物资源,受到了国内外微生物研究者的重点关注。口腔中寄居着大量的微生物群落,以往对口腔疾病微生物的研究大多局限于单纯的细菌培养技术,然而,由于培养技术的局限性,部分微生物很难或根本不能培养,宏基因组学技术打破了这一局限性,帮助人类发掘更丰富的口腔微生物资源。最近,以宏基因组学测序为基础的研究描绘出了口腔生态系统的图谱,越来越多的实验证明口腔微生物组在各种口腔疾病甚至全身系统性疾病中的重要作用。同时,这也为基于人类微生物组的诊断和治疗开辟了新的途径。本综述旨在说明宏基因组学是研究人类口腔疾病及全身疾病相关微生物的得力工具,而且具有广阔的发展前景,同时也讨论了宏基因组学在应用中有待克服的局限性。  相似文献   

Aims: To determine the inhibitory effect of oral Lactobacillus against putative oral pathogens. Methods and Results: Total 357 strains comprising 10 species of oral Lactobacillus, Lactobacillus fermentum (195), Lactobacillus salivarius (53), Lactobacillus casei (20), Lactobacillus gasseri (18), Lactobacillus rhamnosus (14), Lactobacillus paracasei (12), Lactobacillus mucosae (12), Lactobacillus oris (12), Lactobacillus plantarum (11) and Lactobacillus vaginalis (10) were used as producer strains. Inhibitory effect against a panel of indicators, periodontitis‐ and caries‐related pathogens, was assessed. Most oral Lactobacillus was able to inhibit the growth of both periodontitis‐ and caries‐related pathogens. The strongest inhibitory activity was associated with Lact. paracasei, Lact. plantarum, Lact. rhamnosus, Lact. casei and Lact. salivarius. Lactobacillus SD1–SD6, representing the six species with the strong inhibitory effect, inhibited growth of Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175 in the biofilm model. Also, it was demonstrated that growth of Strep. mutans was inhibited in a mixture with Lact. paracasei SD1. The inhibition was enhanced in acidic condition and 5% glucose. Conclusions: The results have shown that oral Lactobacillus SD1–SD6 showed a strong inhibitory effect against Strep. mutans and Streptococcus sobrinus, as well as, Gram‐negative periodontal pathogens Porphyromonas gingivalis and Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans. Significance and Impact of the Study: The results indicated that Lactobacillus may be of benefit as probiotics for the prevention of oral diseases.  相似文献   

Ya-Qin Tan  Jing Zhang 《Autophagy》2017,13(2):225-236
Macroautophagy/autophagy is a conserved lysosomal degradation process essential for cell physiology and human health. By regulating apoptosis, inflammation, pathogen clearance, immune response and other cellular processes, autophagy acts as a modulator of pathogenesis and is a potential therapeutic target in diverse diseases. With regard to oral disease, autophagy can be problematic either when it is activated or impaired, because this process is involved in diverse functions, depending on the specific disease and its level of progression. In particular, activated autophagy functions as a cytoprotective mechanism under environmental stress conditions, which regulates tumor growth and mediates resistance to anticancer treatment in established tumors. During infections and inflammation, activated autophagy selectively delivers microbial antigens to the immune systems, and is therefore connected to the elimination of intracellular pathogens. Impaired autophagy contributes to oxidative stress, genomic instability, chronic tissue damage, inflammation and tumorigenesis, and is involved in aberrant bacterial clearance and immune priming. Hence, substantial progress in the study of autophagy provides new insights into the pathogenesis of oral diseases. This review outlines the mechanisms of autophagy, and highlights the emerging roles of this process in oral cancer, periapical lesions, periodontal diseases, and oral candidiasis.  相似文献   

益生菌与口腔微生态调控的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
口腔疾病的发生和发展与口腔微生物群落的失衡密切相关。益生菌是一类对人体健康有益的活的微生物,主要通过分泌抗菌物质、与致病菌竞争性定殖、调节毒力相关基因表达、调节宿主免疫反应、调节氧化应激反应、参与硝酸盐—亚硝酸盐—一氧化氮代谢循环通路、调整生物膜pH值等过程发挥其益生效能。研究发现,益生菌疗法能够降低龋齿的风险、改善牙周状况、提高口腔黏膜病的治疗效果,有望成为防治口腔疾病的潜在途径。本文就近年来益生菌与口腔微生态调控相关的研究情况做一综述。  相似文献   

The shared diseases between animals and humans are known as zoonotic diseases and spread infectious diseases among humans. Zoonotic diseases are not only a major burden to livestock industry but also threaten humans accounting for >60% cases of human illness. About 75% of emerging infectious diseases in humans have been reported to originate from zoonotic pathogens. Because antibiotics are frequently used to protect livestock from bacterial diseases, the development of antibiotic‐resistant strains of epidemic and zoonotic pathogens is now a major concern. Live attenuated and killed vaccines are the only option to control these infectious diseases and this approach has been used since 1890. However, major problems with this approach include high cost and injectable vaccines is impractical for >20 billion poultry animals or fish in aquaculture. Plants offer an attractive and affordable platform for vaccines against animal diseases because of their low cost, and they are free of attenuated pathogens and cold chain requirement. Therefore, several plant‐based vaccines against human and animals diseases have been developed recently that undergo clinical and regulatory approval. Plant‐based vaccines serve as ideal booster vaccines that could eliminate multiple boosters of attenuated bacteria or viruses, but requirement of injectable priming with adjuvant is a current limitation. So, new approaches like oral vaccines are needed to overcome this challenge. In this review, we discuss the progress made in plant‐based vaccines against zoonotic or other animal diseases and future challenges in advancing this field.  相似文献   

壳聚糖是一种天然高分子多糖,在食品、纺织、美容、医疗等行业被广泛应用。在口腔医学领域,壳聚糖及其衍生物因多种优良的生物学性能,如抗菌性能、载药功能、再矿化性能和成骨作用等,被广泛应用于多种口腔常见疾病的预防和治疗。文中介绍了壳聚糖的生物学性能、壳聚糖常见衍生物,与壳聚糖及其衍生物在口腔疾病防治方面的最新应用研究进展。  相似文献   

doi: 10.1111/j.1741‐2358.2011.00497.x
Oral health of the elderly living in residential homes in Slovenia Objectives:  To evaluate oral health status of the elderly, living in eight randomly selected residential homes for senior citizens across the country. Background: The percentage of the elderly is growing worldwide. With ageing, risks of various oral diseases, including dental caries and periodontal disease, are growing. Methods: Altogether 296 elderly people (88 men, 208 women) of average age 79.89 ± 7.4 years were questioned about their medical condition and oral health practice and examined orally. Evaluation of clinical examination was carried out by DMFT, plaque index ( 10 ) and Community Periodontal Index of Treatment Need (CPITN). Results: Of 296 participants, 106 (35.8%) were edentulous, 95 (32.1%) had one to nine teeth and 95 persons (32.1%) had 10 or more teeth. The average number of teeth in an individual was small: 6.76 ± 7.47. The average number of teeth with caries lesions was 3.59 ± 4.70, filled teeth 1.94 ± 3.63 and teeth without caries or fillings 1.19 ± 2.41. The average DMFT value was 30.75. In 69.5% of participants, dental plaque was visible with the naked eye. Of 171 subjects, in whom CPITN index was appraised, 81.9% would need oral hygiene education, 56.7% would need scaling and root planning and 21.6% would need periodontal surgical treatment. Conclusions: The results of this study indicate poor oral health of the elderly living in residential homes situated in different towns in Slovenia. It is of utmost importance to highlight the necessity of improving oral health care of this population.  相似文献   

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