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不同光环境下紫椴幼树树冠结构的可塑性响应   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:19  
从冠形、侧枝和叶片在树冠中的空间分布角度对天然更新紫椴幼树的树冠结构进行了论述,认为紫椴幼树树冠对光照条件的变化有显著的可塑性响应,强光通过抑制主干的生长促进子侧枝的分化,庇荫则通过抑制级侧枝的生长促进了侧枝的再分枝,随着光照水平的降低,紫椴幼树的数量叶片密度显著降低,且叶片逐渐集中于冠上层。林冠下的紫椴幼树通过这种侧枝和叶片的分布格局,在形态上提高其对光的截获能力,在适度庇荫环境中,紫椴幼树垂直生长采取演替先锋种的“避荫”对策,侧枝生长采取中等耐荫种的“掠光”对策;在弱光环境中,紫椴幼树则采取典型的忍耐适应行为,这 树冠结构的变化是提高紫椴幼树对光的截获能力的一种有益适应。  相似文献   

通过对不同光照条件下桂花幼苗的冠形、分枝率、叶片在树冠中的空间分布等特征进行研究,结果表明桂花幼苗构型发生了明显的可塑性适应:其树冠对光照条件的变化有显著的可塑性响应。在林隙中的幼苗受光的间歇性影响,总体分枝率明显小于全光、林冠下的幼苗分枝率。全光的幼苗叶片集中于二级枝,叶片长度和叶片面积相对较小,对光照利用充分;而林隙中的幼苗叶片集中于一级枝,避免处于植冠内侧受到遮蔽,表现出较大的叶片长度和叶面积;林冠下的叶片较均匀分布在一、二级枝上,叶片总数量较少,枝条高生长较全光下明显。幼苗在总体分枝格局中表现出独自的特点,即强光环境下产生短枝和高分枝率,在适度庇荫条件下产生长枝及低分枝率,在强度庇荫条件下以较长枝和较高分枝率来同时满足高生长和横向生长的需求。  相似文献   

不同生境栓皮栎天然更新幼苗植冠构型分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
栓皮栎存在于秦岭南坡的多种林分中,生活在不同生境中的个体往往形成不同的树冠形态和构型特征。为了说明不同生境条件下栓皮栎幼苗的植冠构型变化,采用典型抽样法,对秦岭南坡3种生境中(林冠下、林隙、林缘)的栓皮栎天然更新幼苗的侧枝、叶片特征及其空间分布进行了调查分析,结果表明:3种不同生境中栓皮栎幼苗植冠形态发生了明显的可塑性变化,(1)林冠下的幼苗明显为开阔型树冠,林隙和林缘处的幼苗树冠相对紧密;(2)幼苗的1级侧枝密度与分枝角度在3种生境下均差异显著(P0.05);从Ⅰ到Ⅳ层,林冠下幼苗的分枝角度在冠层内变化幅度不到5°,而林缘处幼苗的分枝角度变化高达40°;发生5个以上1级侧枝的概率以林冠下最大,为0.6;(3)从林缘、林隙到林冠下,幼苗的叶长、叶宽、单叶面积、叶面积指数逐渐降低,数量叶密度和比叶面积则逐渐增大,与其它两种生境相比,林冠下幼苗的叶片逐渐向树冠上层集中,且以更高序的侧枝为主要着生枝条;(4)林隙中栓皮栎幼苗的树高、地径明显优于林缘和林冠下,缩短了苗木进入主林层的时间,林隙对栓皮栎种群更新有利。在今后栓皮栎林的经营中,可以通过适当间伐来增加林隙数量,为森林更新和结构的优化的提供有利条件。  相似文献   

为了探求不同光环境对胡桃楸幼苗生长的影响,对全光照(100%光照)、中光照(60%光照)、低光照(30%光照)3种光环境下胡桃楸幼苗的生长、形态特征、生物量分配和水分特征开展研究。结果表明:胡桃楸幼苗的形态在不同光环境下存在明显的可塑性变化,生物量分配和水分特征均表现出不同程度的差异。低光照条件下,胡桃楸幼苗生长快,株高、地径分别为全光照的1.14、1.18倍;冠幅大,是全光照的1.40倍;叶片宽大,叶长和叶宽分别是全光照的1.25和1.36倍;分枝数明显少于全光照。3种光环境下胡桃楸幼苗地上部分生物量存在显著差异,地下部分差异不显著。叶片相对含水量随着光照的降低呈现逐渐增加的趋势;全光照条件下叶片饱和持水量与叶片干鲜比明显大于遮阴条件;3种光照条件下叶绿素含量差异显著。胡桃楸幼苗为适应不同光环境,在形态和生理方面都做出适应性调整,适当的遮阴处理有利于胡桃楸幼苗生长。  相似文献   

光照和溶氧是水环境和陆地环境间差异显著的两个环境因子,对水淹植物的生长和存活具有重要的意义。以三峡库区常见外来入侵植物喜旱莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)为研究对象,考察了水体中的光照(L)和溶氧(DO)对完全水淹环境中喜旱莲子草的形态特征和生物量分配等表型可塑性的影响。实验设置水淹和非水淹对照两组处理,对水淹组的光照和溶氧两个环境因子再分别设置有(+)、无(-)以及高(+)、低(-)两种水平,共计4个处理。实验结果表明:(1)水淹可促进喜旱莲子草主茎和叶片发生可塑性反应,引发伸长生长。水淹后,其细长的主茎以及长而薄的直立叶更有利于植株早日出露水面。(2)完全水淹条件下,喜旱莲子草主茎和叶片的表型可塑性受光照和溶氧的复合影响,其中主茎的伸长生长主要受溶氧的影响,而叶片的形态变化则主要受光照影响。高溶氧处理下喜旱莲子草的主茎伸长生长显著(P0.05)。在相同光照条件下,高溶氧处理下喜旱莲子草的主茎长、节间数、节间长以及主茎长/主茎直径均明显高于低溶氧处理。不论有光还是无光,高溶氧处理下喜旱莲子草主茎长以及节间数的平均增长率均处于最高水平,分别为61.8%、34.2%。喜旱莲子草叶片的形态变化在有光处理下表现得尤为显著,其平均叶片长宽比、比叶面积以及叶倾角分别较水淹前增加了39.65%、28.3%、45.9°。(3)光照和溶氧对于喜旱莲子草不定根和分枝的发生及发展存在影响差异。有光条件下可促进植株抽枝,而高溶氧处理时更有利于植株生根。这些形态变化有助于喜旱莲子草扩大株型占据有利生境,进一步提高植株的水下存活能力。  相似文献   

木荷稳定碳同位素分辨率的种源差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用设置在福建建瓯、浙江淳安和浙江庆元3个区试点的5年生木荷种源试验林,选取18个代表性种源测定叶片的稳定碳同位素分辨率(Δ值),研究其在种源间的差异和地理变异模式,以及造林立地环境和种源生长对其的影响.结果表明:木荷种源叶片稳定碳同位素分辨率存在很大差异,福建建瓯、浙江淳安和庆元3个区试点的叶片Δ值最高和最低种源分别相差6.9%、3.0%和3.7%.种源叶片Δ值与其产地纬度呈显著负相关,而与产地经度的相关性较小,表现为典型的纬向渐变模式,来自木荷分布区南部的种源叶片Δ值较大,说明其长期水分利用效率较低.随着造林立地环境的改善和年降雨量的增多,木荷叶片Δ值显著增加.种源叶片Δ值与其树高、胸径、一级侧枝总数和最大侧枝长等皆呈显著正相关,树冠浓密的速生种源具有较高的Δ值.此外, 在木荷中心产区(福建建瓯)和边缘产区(浙江淳安)分别初选出2个和4个水分利用效率高的速生优良种源,供推广应用.  相似文献   

光是影响种子萌发和幼苗生长的关键因素.为理解不同树种种子萌发及幼苗生长对光梯度变化的响应机制,本文研究了不同光照强度(分别为自然光强的100%、60%、40%、15%和5%)对杉木和木荷种子萌发及幼苗生长的影响,探讨了两树种种子萌发和幼苗生长对光照响应的差异性.结果表明: 光照强度对两树种的种子萌发和幼苗生长均具有显著影响. 随着光照强度的减弱, 杉木种子萌发率增大,萌发指数增大,木荷种子萌发率和萌发指数则先增大后减小,在40%光照强度下达到最大值.两树种幼苗存活率在全光照(100%光照)下均为0,在5%~60%光照处理下则随着光照强度的减弱而显著降低.两树种幼苗根长、地径和株高对光梯度变化的响应趋势一致,随着光照强度的减弱,根长显著减小,地径和株高则先增大后减小,在5%光照强度下达到最小.随着光照强度的减弱,杉木幼苗根、茎、叶及总生物量降低,木荷幼苗生物量积累在15%~60%光照强度下较高, 5%光照强度下最小,且相同光照强度下,木荷幼苗各部分生物量均大于杉木.两树种幼苗应对低光环境时,表现出较大的茎和叶的生物量分配比,而根生物量比和根冠比降低.表明杉木苗期生长不耐阴,需要相对较强的光照,而木荷苗期具有较强的耐阴性,对弱光环境的适应性更强,能够在郁闭的林冠下定植和正常生长.  相似文献   

东灵山地区辽东栎幼苗的建立和空间分布   总被引:28,自引:5,他引:23       下载免费PDF全文
 研究树木实生苗的建立对森林生态系统的保育和恢复具有重要意义,在北京东灵山地区调查了辽东栎(Quercus liaotungensis)实生和萌生幼苗在几种典型的植被类型中的空间分布以及辽东栎一年生实生幼苗在1个林窗梯度上的建立。选择几种典型的植被类型,研究辽东栎实生幼苗和萌生幼苗在森林中的空间分布。结果显示,在不同植被类型中辽东栎实生和萌生幼苗的密度存在空间差异,实生苗密度随幼苗年龄增大逐渐降低,种群的更新主要依靠萌生苗完成。在1个落叶阔叶林中选择1个林窗,在不同梯度(即林窗中间、林窗和树冠连接处,以及树冠下)上,播种辽东栎坚果,第二年秋季调查实生幼苗的2个生长指标和出苗率。结果显示,林窗对一年生实生幼苗的生长高度有影响。幼苗高度在林窗中比在树冠下大;林窗对辽东栎幼苗最长叶片长度和幼苗的出苗率没有影响。说明辽东栎实生幼苗的良好生长需要阳光比较充足的生境条件。本项研究结果建议,对辽东栎种群的更新,应该适当择伐一些较大个体,使森林形成一些林窗或林中空地,以利于辽东栎实生幼苗的建立,这样才能使辽东栎种群通过实生苗进行更好的自然更新。  相似文献   

遮阴对杜鹃红山茶幼苗叶片生长特性及初生代谢的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以2.5年生杜鹃红山茶扦插苗为试验材料,研究了遮光率分别为0(CK)、30%、50%、80%条件下其叶片生长状况、光合色素含量、初生代谢产物以及叶片相对电导率的变化,以揭示杜鹃红山茶叶片生长发育与光照强度的关系。结果表明:(1)遮阴显著促进杜鹃红山茶幼苗叶片的生长,其叶片数量、总叶面积、平均叶面积、比叶面积、叶片含水量等指标均在50%~80%遮光条件下处于最高水平。(2)遮阴条件下的幼苗叶片总叶绿素、叶绿素a、叶绿素b、类胡萝卜素含量和SPAD值均比CK上升,且均在80%遮光条件下处于最高水平。(3)随遮阴强度的增加,叶片可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白含量均表现出先降低后上升的趋势,且均在50%遮光条件下处于最低水平;叶片淀粉含量表现出先上升后降低的趋势,并在50%遮光条件下处于最高水平。(4)遮阴显著降低叶片相对电导率,且随遮阴强度的增加表现出先下降后上升的趋势,并在50%遮光条件下处于最低水平。研究认为,杜鹃红山茶幼苗对低光照环境有较强的适应性,适度的遮阴(遮光率50%)有助于杜鹃红山茶幼苗叶片的生长发育。  相似文献   

光照对苦瓜形态可塑性及生物量配置的影响   总被引:29,自引:6,他引:23  
在人为遮阴条件下,对苦瓜的生长动态、形态特征以及生物量分配进行了研究。结果表明,不同遮阴处理下苦瓜植株的生长有较大的差异,弱光照不利于苦瓜构件数量的增加和生物量的积累;植株在弱光下形成较少的分枝,较薄的叶片以及较细长的主茎和叶柄,表现出较强光生长环境下更强的形态可塑性;植株在生长早期较生长晚期有较大的形态可塑性;生物量对叶片和主茎的分配随光照的减弱而增大,分枝的生物量分配随光照的减弱而降低,光照对分枝茎的生物量分配影响不大;在光资源充足的情况下,外界支持物的缺乏不会对苦瓜的生长造成太大的影响。  相似文献   

辽东栎林内不同小生境下幼树植冠构型分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以黄土高原黄龙山林区辽东栎林内3个小生境(林下、林隙、林缘)下辽东栎天然更新幼树为研究对象,采用典型抽样法对辽东栎幼树侧枝、叶片和树冠的空间分布状况以及生物量分配状况进行调查分析,探讨微生境与幼树植冠构型特征的关系,明确辽东栎幼树对不同小生境的适应策略,为栎林经营和林分结构优化提供理论依据。结果显示:(1)3种生境下辽东栎幼树构型发生了可塑性变化,林下幼树树冠层次比较单一,林隙与林缘的幼树树冠层次更加丰富。(2)由林下至林缘,幼树的树高、枝下高呈逐渐减小的趋势,而地径变化趋势与之相反;幼树的冠幅、树冠面积、树冠率呈先增加后减小的趋势,并且林下与林隙、林缘的差异显著;幼树的总体分枝率、逐步分枝率、枝径比呈先增加后减小的趋势。(3)3种生境下,幼树的一级枝的枝长、直径与倾角随着树高的增加而呈减小的趋势,但3种生境的差异不显著;林下一级枝主要分布在冠层中上部,而林隙与林缘一级枝主要分布在冠层中下、中上部。(4)由林下至林缘幼树叶长、叶宽、单叶面积和比叶面积逐渐降低,而单株叶数、叶总面积、叶面积指数呈先增大后减小趋势;与其他2种生境相比林下叶片分布趋于冠层上部。(5)幼树地上部分生物量中林下主干生物量占83%,枝和叶生物量只占17%;而林隙与林缘虽然各部位生物量有所差异但比例基本一致,其中主干占66%左右,枝和叶生物量占34%左右。研究表明,林隙生境下幼树的构型优于林缘和林下生境,在今后栎林的经营中,可以通过适当间伐来增加林隙数量,为森林更新和结构的优化提供有利条件。  相似文献   

To investigate crown development patterns, branch architecture, branch-level light interception, and leaf and branch dynamics were studied in saplings of a plagiotropically branching tree species, Polyalthia jenkinsii Hk. f. & Thoms. (Annonaceae) in a Malaysian rain forest. Lengths of branches and parts of the branches lacking leaves ('bare' branches) were smaller in upper branches than in lower branches within crowns, whereas lengths of 'leafy' parts and the number of leaves per branch were larger in intermediate than in upper and lower branches. Maximum diffuse light absorption (DLA) of individual leaves was not related to sapling height or branch position within crowns, whereas minimum DLA was lower in tall saplings. Accordingly, branch-level light interception was higher in intermediate than in upper and lower branches. The leaf production rate was higher and leaf loss rate was smaller in upper than in intermediate and lower branches. Moreover, the branch production rate of new first-order branches was larger in the upper crowns. Thus, leaf and branch dynamics do not correspond to branch-level light interception in the different canopy zones. As a result of architectural constraints, branches at different vertical positions experience predictable light microenvironments in plagiotropic species. Accordingly, this pattern of carbon allocation among branches might be particularly important for growth and crown development in plagiotropic species.  相似文献   

Leaf spacing and aboveground growth were monitored in saplings of ten species in a range of light environments in a Panamanian lowland humid forest. One- to 2-m-tall individuals of the chosen species had intermediate to large leaves on stems with few or no branches. Saplings in high light environments grew faster in height and produced more biomass per unit leaf area than shaded saplings for all species. These growth responses involved morphological plasticity with greater extension per unit biomass increment increasing the height growth rate of gap-grown saplings and greater biomass allocation to leaves decreasing the whole plant light compensation point in shade. The relative performance of the species also varied across the light gradient and was related to differences in leaf lifespan and specific leaf mass. Light-demanding species grew as rapidly in shade as shade-tolerant species, but the shorter leaf lifespan of the former necessitates higher production rates to maintain a given leaf area, largely excluding light-demanders from shaded understory locations. Height growth rate was positively correlated with leaf spacing for each species, and differences between species in the height growth rate-internode length relationship were related to interspecific differences in specific leaf mass. Thus, sapling growth histories may be inferred from their morphologies.  相似文献   

Osada N  Takeda H  Kitajima K  Pearcy RW 《Oecologia》2003,137(2):181-187
For a shade-tolerant SE Asian tropical tree, Elateriospermum tapos (Euphorbiaceae), we studied field-established saplings in gaps and the shaded understory to test the hypothesis that differences in leaf demography and leaf life span under contrasting light regimes should be functionally correlated with architecture, self-shading and nitrogen distribution within the sapling crown. Rates of leaf production and net leaf gain were greater for saplings in gaps than those in the understory. Median leaf life span was approximately 26 months in the gap saplings, while it was estimated to be greater than 38 months in the understory saplings. Consequently, gap saplings had a greater standing leaf number and experienced greater degrees of self-shading than understory saplings. Light availability at individual leaves, estimated by a combination of canopy photos and a three-dimensional architecture model, were negatively correlated with leaf age in gap saplings but not so in understory saplings. Leaf nitrogen content per unit area (Narea) was influenced more by light availability than by leaf age in the gap saplings. In contrast, in understory saplings, Narea was neither correlated with light availability nor with leaf age, and did not decrease significantly before 38 months in leaf age. We conclude that saplings of this shade-tolerant species apparently prolong their leaf life span in the shaded understory through slower rates of leaf production, lower standing number of leaves and lower degrees of self shading than in gap, and that the rate of decline of Narea with leaf age depends on architecture and self-shading regimes that respond to changes in light regimes.  相似文献   

Whole-plant development trajectories and sapling leaf displays were compared for two sympatric congeneric species, Pterospermum diversifolium and P. javanicum, in a tropical floodplain forest in East Kalimantan, Indonesia. We assessed their growth strategies and developed hypotheses for their coexistence within the community. Pterospermum diversifolium retains a monoaxial growth habit that promotes quick stem elongation; thus, it is taller when branches are initiated than is P. javanicum. The species differed significantly in height growth and total crown expansion per unit increment of biomass: monoaxial P. diversifolium saplings devote more effort to stem elongation, whereas branched P. javanicum saplings devote more effort to branch expansion. Monoaxial P. diversifolium sustained more severe self-shading than P. javanicum. The sapling growth strategy of P. diversifolium appears to be dynamic, emphasizing the opportunistic use of light following a disturbance, whereas that of P. javanicum appears to be static, optimizing leaf display for current light conditions. The advantages of these strategies depend on context, and the two species may coexist within a community by adopting different regeneration niches based on differing understory light conditions: P. diversifolium is favored over P. javanicum at high light levels, but the opposite is true at low light levels.  相似文献   

毛乌素沙地旱柳生长和生理特征对遮荫的反应   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
在一个控制试验中,旱柳经历了全不遮荫、部分遮荫和全部遮荫处理.比较了全不遮荫枝、全部遮荫枝、部分遮荫阳生枝(阳生枝)和部分遮荫阴生枝(阴生枝)的生长和生理特征,结果表明:阳生枝和全部遮荫枝的叶出生率和死亡率分别大于全不遮荫枝和阴生枝;遮荫处理明显影响净光合速率和夜间呼吸速率;阳生枝的分枝生物量、总校长度、枝叶生物量和枝叶重比显著大于全不遮荫枝,而阴生枝的分枝数、分枝生物量、叶面积、叶生物量、基茎、总校长度、枝叶生物量和枝叶重比都显著小于全部遮荫枝.  相似文献   

D. Sugiura  M. Tateno 《Oecologia》2013,172(4):949-960
We investigated the nitrogen and carbohydrate allocation patterns of trees under heterogeneous light environments using saplings of the devil maple tree (Acer diabolicum) with Y-shaped branches. Different branch groups were created: all branches of a sapling exposed to full light (L-branches), all branches exposed to full shade (S-branches), and half of the branches of a sapling exposed to light (HL-branches) and the other half exposed to shade (HS-branches). Throughout the growth period, nitrogen was preferentially allocated to HL-branches, whereas nitrogen allocation to HS-branches was suppressed compared to L- and S-branches. HL-branches with the highest leaf nitrogen content (Narea) also had the highest rates of growth, and HS-branches with the lowest Narea had the lowest observed growth rates. In addition, net nitrogen assimilation, estimated using a photosynthesis model, was strongly correlated with branch growth and whole-plant growth. In contrast, patterns of photosynthate allocation to branches and roots were not affected by the light conditions of the other branch. These observations suggest that tree canopies develop as a result of resource allocation patterns, where the growth of sun-lit branches is favoured over shaded branches, which leads to enhanced whole-plant growth in heterogeneous light environments. Our results indicate that whole-plant growth is enhanced by the resource allocation patterns created for saplings in heterogeneous light environments.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Growth in trunk height in canopy openings is important for saplings. How saplings increase height growth in canopy openings may relate to crown architectural constraints. Responses of crown development to canopy openings in relation to trunk height growth were studied for saplings (0.2-2.5 m tall) of eight tropical submontane forest tree species in Indonesia. The results of this study were also compared with those of temperate trees in northern Japan. METHODS: The crown architecture differed among the eight tropical species, i.e. they had sparsely to highly developed branching structures. Crown allometry was compared among the eight species in each canopy condition (closed canopy or canopy openings), and between closed canopy and canopy openings within a species. A general linear regression model was used to analyse how each species increases height growth rate in canopy openings. Crown allometry and its plasticity were compared between tropical and temperate trees by a nested analysis of covariance. KEY RESULTS: Tropical submontane trees had responses similar to cool-temperate trees, showing an increase in height in canopy openings, i.e. taller saplings of sparsely branched species increase height growth rates by increasing the sapling leaf area. Cool-temperate trees have a wider crown projection area and a smaller leaf area per crown projection area to avoid self-shading within a crown compared with tropical submontane trees. Plasticity of the crown projection area is greater in cool-temperate trees than in tropical submontane trees, probably because of the difference in leaf longevity. CONCLUSIONS: This study concluded that interspecific variation in the responses of crown development to canopy openings in regard to increasing height related to the species' branching structure, and that different life-forms, such as evergreen and deciduous trees, had different crown allometry and plasticity.  相似文献   

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