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南海多毛类两新种   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我们在整理南海(西沙群岛迤西及西南水域)多毛类环虫时,发现了两个新种,一个是矶沙蚕科Eunicidae特矶沙蚕属Euniphysa的新种,另一个是龙介虫科Serpulidae龙介虫属Serpula仿龙介虫亚属Paraserpula的新种。自特矶沙蚕和仿龙介虫亚属建立后,迄今前者仅有一个种,后者有两个种,特矶沙蚕和仿龙介虫在多毛类中被视为罕见种。现将此二新种描述如下。  相似文献   

多毛类环节动物在现代海洋分布广泛,其中能分泌钙质栖管、虫体营隐居生活的龙介虫科(Serpulidae)的许多属种,经常保存成为化石。笔者在酸蚀处理广西晚二叠世硅化标本时,获得许多Serpulidae科的不同属种,其中以Serpula数量最多,它的栖管常附着于腕足类Spinomarginifera,Leptodus,Orthotetina等属的背壳上。特别有趣的是,在合山组标准地点——来宾县合山马滩,从合山组中部的灰岩中,发现五枚  相似文献   

西沙群岛位于中国南海海南岛的东南。这一地区的动物区系,解放以前并未进行过系统的调查研究,特别是多毛类环节动物迄今还没有见到任何报告。1956—1958年中国科学院海洋研究所的考察队在西沙群岛采到大批动物标本,在多毛类环节动物中,有一个很大而且非常完整的标本,经详细研究确定为海女虫科(Amphinomidae)背肛虫属(Notopygos  相似文献   

严涛  韩帅帅  王建军  林和山  曹文浩 《生态学报》2017,37(20):6647-6655
海鞘生长快,繁殖迅速,能产生大量在短时间内附着的幼虫,是海洋污损生物群落中的重要成员,对海上人工设施会产生严重危害。污损性海鞘主要由悉尼海鞘(Ascidia sydneiensis)、史氏菊海鞘(Botryllus schlosseri)、米氏小叶鞘(Diplosoma listerianum)、柄瘤海鞘(Styela clava)、红贺海鞘(Herdmania momus)等9科29属103种组成,其中在太平洋海域64种、印度洋23种、大西洋44种,而北冰洋海域仅3种;另外,其附着污损具有明显的地域性和季节特点,并与深度有关。今后应加强污损性海鞘的生态调查和分类研究,阐明深海及两极海域附着污损特点,揭示幼虫附着变态过程的分子调控机理,完善幼虫采集培养技术,以期更好地掌握海鞘生物学特性与生态特点,丰富和发展海洋生态学内容,并为海洋污损生物的防除奠定基础,促进海洋经济产业的发展。  相似文献   

海鞘是海洋污损生物群落的重要组成部分, 其附着会给水产养殖业带来严重危害。在中国沿海, 引发生物污损的海鞘共8 科20 属40 种, 其中渤海海域7 种, 黄海17 种, 东海23 种和南海27 种。北方海域以柄瘤海鞘(Styela clava)、乳突皮海鞘(Molgula manhattensis)和米氏小叶鞘(Diplosoma listerianum)为优势种, 南方则以冠瘤海鞘(Styela canopus)、皱瘤海鞘(S.plicata)和大洋纵列海鞘(Symplegma oceania)为优势种。海鞘污损特点与设施所处地理位置、浸海时间、环境状况等因子密切有关。今后除了继续对沿岸代表性海域开展深入研究外, 还需结合海洋经济发展和科学研究的需要, 加强离岸设施(尤其深海环境)污损生物群落的研究, 以期更好地掌握污损性海鞘的组成分布、种群特点及发展趋势。  相似文献   

胶州湾多毛类环节动物优势种的生态特点   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
根据1998-2004年春、夏、秋、冬四季对胶州湾进行大面站综合调查监测的底栖生物多毛类资料,分析了多毛类优势种的季节变化和年际变化。结果表明:不同季节多毛类优势种组成和优势地位出现一定的变化,但不倒翁虫(Sternaspisscutata)、寡鳃齿吻沙蚕(Nephtysoligobranchia)和中蚓虫(Mediomastuscaliforniensis)在各季度月优势地位相对稳定;考察1998-2004年不同年份的多毛类优势种,发现不倒翁虫、寡鳃齿吻沙蚕在各个年份均居优势地位,变化较小,而其它的种类在不同的年份出现一定的变化,2003年和2004年索沙蚕(Lumbrinerislatreilli)优势度居首位,而在其它年度则没有成为优势种,这可能反映了近年来胶州湾生态环境出现了一定变化;通过考察主要优势种的分布和密度变化,可以发现这几个主要种都是广分布的小型种,在底质颗粒较细,有机质含量丰富的海域,不倒翁虫、中蚓虫、寡鳃齿吻沙蚕等数量较大;而在水流湍急、底质为砾石的7号和9号站,则很少分布,这也反映了底质对多毛类的分布有决定性影响  相似文献   

我们在整理我国首次(1984—1985)南极洲和南大洋考察中采集的多毛类标本时,发现了节节虫科Maldanidae的索节虫属Lumbriclymene和毛鳃虫科Trichobranchidae的毛鳃虫属Trichobranchus 两个新种.值得提出的是这两个属均为稀见属,前者截至目前只发现5种;后者现在仅有6种.现将两个新种描述如下。正模标本保存在青岛国家海洋局第一海洋研究所,副模标本保存在杭州国家海洋局第二海洋研究所。  相似文献   

黄海多毛类帚毛虫及其幼虫发育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多毛类(Polychaeta)帚毛虫科(Sabellariidae)目前全世界大约有60种。印度、斯里兰卡、巴基斯坦、孟加拉国、缅甸和马来西亚报告了10种(Achari,1974),日本有5种(今岛实等,1964)。中国海的帚毛虫迄今还无人进行过研究,根据我们的调查大约有10种,其中大都分布在南海,东海仅采到1种,黄海发现两种,即本文报告的锥毛似帚虫Lygdamisgiardi和亚洲帚毛虫Sabellaria ishikawai,这两种在我国均系新记录。 锥毛似帚虫和亚洲帚毛虫都是在青岛胶州湾采到的,1962—1966年我们进行多毛类幼虫研究时,用浮游生物网拖到了帚毛虫的幼虫,在实验室培养,变态后经鉴定就是锥毛似帚虫和亚洲帚毛虫。现将黄海发现的这两种帚毛虫及其幼虫发育描述如下。幼虫培养是在实验室内进行,饵料是菱形藻Nitzschia sp.和中肋骨条藻Skeletonema costatum。所有幼虫图系用显微绘图器描绘。  相似文献   

多毛类(Polychaeta)稚齿虫科(Spionidae)腹钩虫属(Scolelepis)的全叶亚属(Nerinides)迄今在国外已报告者共有7种,其中分布在太平洋西岸的仅有两种,产地为日本北海道和朝鲜济州岛,在我国沿岸尚未发现过。1961年12月南京大学生物学系陈义教授寄给我们一批多毛类标本,是该系1961年从舟山群岛采到的,鉴定结果共为14种,内有一新种隶于腹钩虫属全叶亚属,新种定名为球角腹钩虫Scolelepis(Nerinides)glo-bosa,其描述如下:  相似文献   

黄渤海沿岸污损生物中的苔藓虫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李传燕 《生态学报》1988,8(2):170-175
从1974年8月至1985年6月在黄渤海沿岸9个港湾进行了污损生物挂板实验,同时调查了船只、码头、浮标等水下设施的污损生物,共获得992号苔藓虫标本。经鉴定有35种,分别属于3目17科,它们大部分是我国沿岸水域的广分布种,有些是印度—西太平洋暖水种。在长江口外吕泗洋水文平台发现4种,连云港17种,烟台港18种,蓬莱港12种,渤海海峡的砣矶岛8种,塘沽新港14种,族顺港15种,丹东港是鸭绿江下游河港,未发现苔藓虫。 黄渤海苔藓虫主要附着季节6—10月,高峰期7、8、9三个月。 文章最后论述了苔藓虫作为污损生物主要成员之一在污损生物中的意义。  相似文献   

The serpulid tubeworm Hydroides sanctaecrucis is recorded from tropical northern Australia for the first time. This species is native to the Caribbean, where it is common in coastal lagoons, and has not previously been reliably recorded from the western Pacific. The species was identified after heavy and unusual serpulid fouling was noted on vessel hulls in Cairns, north Queensland, and hull fouling is considered the most probable vector for its translocation to the western Pacific. In northern Australia, H. sanctaecrucis displays similar traits to other fouling and now widely dispersed fouling serpulids such as Hydroides elegans, H. ezoensis and Ficopomatus enigmaticus.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized six polymorphic microsatellite loci for the polychaete tubeworm, Hydroides elegans. Two additional loci were not reliably scorable and estimates of heterozygosity were obtained for the other six. In addition, cross‐species amplification was successful for two loci using the congener H. hexagonus. Given that few microsatellite loci are available for polychaetes, these markers will be useful in assessing dispersal and gene flow in H. elegans and probably also other polychaetes.  相似文献   

From the study of more than 450 specimens of Hydroides and Serpula, 12 species from the Grand Caribbean Region were identified and characterized. Eight species were collected along the shores of the Yucatan Peninsula and five were found in other localities in the Gulf of Mexico, seven others are from Cuba and comments on type specimens of five species are also included. One morphometric analysis made on Hydroides mucronatus Rioja and Hydroides cf. mucronatus, indicated several differences among them. Comments on all species are also included.  相似文献   

Year-round comprehensive study of fouling of the cooling system of the Vladivostok Heat Power Plant (VTETs-2) was carried out. The seasonal dynamics of pelagic larvae, their settling, and succession of fouling communities on test plates were analyzed in the intake scoop (Ussuriiskii Bay) and in Zolotoi Rog Bay (Amurskii Bay), which are subjected to thermal pollution by dump waters of VTETs-2. It was shown that the barnacles Balanus crenatus, B. improvisus, and B. amphitrite; bivalves Mytilus trossulus and Crassostrea gigas; polychaetes Polydora limicola and Hydroides ezoensis; and ascidians Molgula manhattensis and Diplosoma mitsukurii were background species in the plate fouling. A high correlation between the seasonal dynamics of larval plankton and the settling of spat was recorded only in some species. The total larval density in Zolotoi Rog Bay, despite the critical level of its pollution, more than 4 times exceeded that of the relatively clean Ussuriiskii Bay. The number of recorded species on the test plates was 2 times higher in Ussuriiskii Bay than in Zolotoi Rog Bay; however, the biomass and population density of settled spat of the dominant forms was several times lower in Ussuriiskii Bay. Thanks to thermal pollution, Zolotoi Rog Bay is an intermediate step for the introduction and acclimation of tropical species, such as B. amphitrite and M. manhattensis, brought by long-distance vessels. Measures aimed at the prevention of intensive settling of mytilids in the cooling system of VTETs-2 are suggested.  相似文献   

Anomalous individuals in five species of marine polychaetes are described. The anomalies fall into three structural types, viz, duplication, bifurcation and common variation. Included in the first are double ventral cirrus in Perinereis nuntia vallata and duplicate operculum in Hydroides homoceros. Bifid antenna in Lysidice collaris and forked anal papilla in Armandia leptocirris constitute the second type. The third includes supernumerary eyes in Arabella iricolor iricolor and variations in opercular crown in, again, Hydroides homoceros.  相似文献   


The adhesion of six fouling organisms: the barnacle Balanus eburneus, the gastropod mollusc Crepidula fornicata, the bivalve molluscs Crassostrea virginica and Ostrea/Dendrostrea spp., and the serpulid tubeworms Hydroides dianthus and H. elegans, to 12 silicone fouling-release surfaces was examined. Removal stress (adhesion strength) varied among the fouling species and among the surfaces. Principal component analysis of the removal stress data revealed that the fouling species fell into two distinct groups, one comprising the bivalve molluscs and tubeworms, and the other the barnacle and the gastropod mollusc. None of the silicone materials generated a minimum in removal stress for all the organisms tested, although several surfaces produced low adhesion strengths for both groups of species. These results suggest that fouling-release materials do not rank (in terms of adhesion strength) identically for all fouling organisms, and thus development of a globally-effective hull coating will continue to require testing against a diversity of encrusting species.  相似文献   

V. V. Khalaman 《Hydrobiologia》2013,706(1):205-219
Patterns of long-term changes in fouling communities developing on artificial substrates in the White Sea are reviewed. The most significant shifts occurring in these communities are caused by biological successions that can last for several decades. Terminal stages of succession are the communities of a mussel Mytilus edulis or a solitary ascidian Styela rustica which can periodically replace one another within a narrow range of depths: from 1–1.5 to 5 m. Sporadic local invasion of a sponge Halichondria panicea can transiently modify the composition and performance of fouling communities. Sudden invasion of species that are not a typical component of fouling communities (infaunal polychaetes and molluscs, crabs) is not rare phenomenon but these organisms do not play a significant role there. Representatives of the associated polychaete fauna in fouling communities show long-term cyclic fluctuations in their abundances. Duration of these cycles is 7–8, 11–14, or 20 years.  相似文献   

This study provides an updated catalogue of non-indigenous species (NIS) of polychaetes reported from the continental coasts of the Iberian Peninsula based on the available literature. A list of 23 introduced species were regarded as established and other 11 were reported as casual, with 11 established and nine casual NIS in the Atlantic coast of the studied area and 14 established species and seven casual ones in the Mediterranean side. The most frequent way of transport was shipping (ballast water or hull fouling), which according to literature likely accounted for the introductions of 14 established species and for the presence of another casual one. To a much lesser extent aquaculture (three established and two casual species) and bait importation (one established species) were also recorded, but for a large number of species the translocation pathway was unknown. About 25% of the reported NIS originated in the Warm Western Atlantic region, followed by the Tropical Indo West-Pacific region (18%) and the Warm Eastern Atlantic (12%). In the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula, nearly all the reported NIS originated from warm or tropical regions, but less than half of the species recorded from the Atlantic side were native of these areas. The effects of these introductions in native marine fauna are largely unknown, except for one species (Ficopomatus enigmaticus) which was reported to cause serious environmental impacts. In other cases, the displacement of native species or economic damages are suspected.  相似文献   

Quantitative sampling of macrobenthos and fouling organisms in the estuarine reaches of the Calliope River and Auckland Creek, Gladstone, Australia has been conducted since November 1974, and includes the recovery period (1974–1981) following severe flooding (and flood-induced scouring) in December 1973/January 1974. Changes in numbers of the 18 most abundant species of benthic polychaetes and one encrusting serpulid (Ficopomatus uschakovi) are examined. Numbers of F. uschakovi settling on fouling panels showed a regular seasonal pattern, with a late summer maximum and a winter minimum throughout this period. The total numbers of individuals for all taxa in benthic samples followed a clear colonization pattern, with super-imposed seasonality; plateau densities were reached five years after flooding. Total numbers of the 18 most abundant polychaetes showed a similar recolonizational pattern including the seasonal variation.Generally, those species of polychaetes with similar trophic strategies displayed similar patterns of abundance throughout the period:(i) The suspended detritus feeders (F. uschakovi, Branchiomma sp., Lysilla pacifica, Amaena trilobata and Terebellides stroemi) formed a constant proportion of the population; (ii) Mobile surface detrital feeders (Glycera americana, Nephtys mesobranchia, Lumbrineris sp., Sthenolepis sp. and Poecilochaetus serpens) initially formed a high proportion of the population which diminished with time; (iii) The stationary surface detrital feeders (Magelona dakini, Paraprionospio sp., Isolda pulchella and Pseudopolydora kempi) initially formed a low proportion which increased to a maximum four to five years after flooding and subsequently declined; (iv) The sole surface deposit feeder examined (Leitoscoloplos normalis) had two peaks — in early 1975 and 1978; (v) The subsurface deposit feeders (Cossura sp., Sternaspis scutata, Euclymene sp. and Mediomastus sp.) initially formed a small proportion increasing continuously to become the most abundant group at the end of the period. It is suggested that these changes reflect changes with time in the substrate since theflood-induced scouring of these estuaries, particularly the gradual accumulation of detrital material, and the changing availability of food for the different trophic groups.  相似文献   

Members of the marine bacterial genus Pseudoalteromonas have been found in association with living surfaces and are suggested to produce bioactive compounds against settlement of algal spores, invertebrate larvae, bacteria and fungi. To determine the extent by which these antifouling activities and the production of bioactive compounds are distributed amongst the members of the genus Pseudoalteromonas, 10 different Pseudoalteromonas species mostly derived from different host organisms were tested in a broad range of biofouling bioassays. These assays included the settlement of larvae of two ubiquitous invertebrates Hydroides elegans and Balanus amphitrite as well as the settlement of spores of the common fouling algae Ulva lactuca and Polysiphonia sp. The growth of bacteria and fungi, which are the initial fouling organisms on marine surfaces, was also assayed in the presence of each of the 10 Pseudoalteromonas species. It was found that most members of this genus produced a variety of bioactive compounds. The broadest range of inhibitory activities was expressed by Pseudoalteromonas tunicata which inhibited all target fouling organisms. Only two species, Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis and Pseudoalteromonas nigrifaciens, displayed negligible activity in the bioassays. These were also the only two non-pigmented species tested in this study which indicates a correlation between production of bioactive compounds and expression of pigment. Three members, P. tunicata, Pseudoalteromonas citrea and Pseudoalteromonas rubra, were demonstrated to express autoinhibitory activity. It is suggested that most Pseudoalteromonas species are efficient producers of antifouling agents and that the production of inhibitory compounds by surface associated Pseudoalteromonas species may aid the host against colonisation of its surface.  相似文献   

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