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应用稳定碳同位素技术,对马占相思人工林冠层受光和遮荫叶片的碳同化率(Anet)和叶面积指数(L)进行加权,将叶片水平的13C甄别率(Δi)扩展至冠层光合甄别率(Δcanopy),测定光合固定和呼吸释放的碳同位素通量及其净交换通量.结果表明:Δcanopy的日变化明显,日出前和中午出现较低值(18.47‰和19.87‰),而日落前达到最大(21.21‰);秋季末期(11月)至翌年夏季,Δcanopy逐步升高,年平均为(20.37±0.29)‰.不同季节自养呼吸(日间叶片呼吸除外)和异养呼吸释放CO2的碳同位素比率(δ13C)平均值分别为(-28.70±0.75)‰和(-26.75±1.3)‰,春季林冠夜间呼吸CO2的δ13C最低(-30.14‰),秋季末期最高(-28.01‰).马占相思林与大气的CO2碳同位素通量在春季和夏季中午时峰值分别为178.5和217 μmol·m-2 ·s-1·‰,日均值分别为638.4 和873.2  μmol·m-2·s-1·‰.冠层叶片吸收CO2的碳同位素通量较呼吸释出CO2的碳同位素通量高1.6~2.5倍,表明马占相思林日间吸收大量CO2,降低空气CO2浓度,具有改善环境的良好生态服务功能.  相似文献   

化石燃料的大量使用和森林的过度砍伐,引起大气中CO2浓度的大幅度增加,同时由于Suess效应,大气CO2中的δ13C在不断地下降。植物中δ13C的变化是大气CO2浓度和同位素比值变化的敏感指示器。文中利用树木年轮δ13C序列和植物碳同位素分馏模型,尝试恢复了新疆阿勒泰地区近440年来大气δ13C的变化。结果表明,1850年之前,从树木年轮δ13C序列恢复的大气δ13C相对恒定在-6.60‰(R2=0.052),而1850年之后,该大气δ13C明显降低(R2=0.65),平均约为-7.04‰,平均年降低0.0084‰。这一结果高于从冰芯气泡所恢复的大气δ13C,1850年~1981年冰芯大气δ13C平均年降低约0.00657‰这可能与从树木年轮δ13C序列恢复的大气δ13C有更高的分辨率及树木生长点大气δ13C不同于全球大气δ13C值有关。  相似文献   

左嫚  陈奇伯  黎建强  杨关吕  胡景  孙轲 《生态学报》2021,41(11):4552-4561
为研究枯落物输入变化对云南松(Pinus yunnanensis)林地CO2释放的影响。本研究于2018年3月至2020年2月,应用枯落物添加和去除实验(DIRT),设置对照(CK)、双倍枯落物(DL)、去除枯落物(NL)、去除有机层和A层(O/A-Less)、去除根系(NR)和无输入(NI)6个处理水平,采用Li-6400便携式光合作用测量仪及TRIME-PICO 64/32土壤温度水分测定仪对不同处理样地每月的CO2通量(Rs)、土壤温度和土壤水分(15cm)进行了测定。结果表明:(1)不同处理样地CO2通量均呈现出明显的月变化,7至8月最高,1至4月最低,平均值表现为Rs (DL)=8.10 μmol m-2 s-1 > Rs (CK)=6.27 μmol m-2 s-1 > Rs (NL)=5.44 μmol m-2 s-1 > Rs (NR)=4.46 μmol m-2 s-1 > Rs (O/A-Less)=3.86 μmol m-2 s-1 > Rs (NI)=2.94 μmol m-2 s-1。(2)与CK相比,DL样地CO2通量升高了29.12%,而去除地上枯落物和地下根系样地CO2通量显著降低,CO2通量平均变幅分别为α(NR)=-28.85%,α(NI)=-53.14%,α(O/A-Less)=-38.46%,α(NL)=-13.29%。(3)不同处理土壤水分和土壤温度均存在显著的月变化(P<0.01),NL和O/A-Less的土壤水分显著低于CK,而其余处理与CK间无显著差异(P>0.05);不同处理间土壤温度表现为NR和NI均显著高于CK,其余处理与CK间无显著差异(P>0.05)。(4)不同处理样地CO2通量与土壤温度呈显著指数相关(P<0.01),与土壤水分在NI和O/A-Less处理中无显著相关(P>0.05);与CK相比,NI、O/A-Less和NL处理的Q10增加,而NR和DL处理的Q10则降低;不同处理林地CO2通量与土壤水热因子双因素模型能更好的解释林地CO2通量的变化。本研究表明枯落物不同处理通过改变土壤碳输入和土壤环境因子从而影响生态系统碳排放,研究结果可为未来气候变化和人为干扰下云南松林的碳循环提供基础数据。  相似文献   

 草甸草原是青藏高原的重要植被类型, 与其他植被类型相比, 其碳交换过程和驱动机理的研究仍较薄弱。利用青海湖东北岸草甸草原的涡度相关系统观测的连续数据(2010年7月1日–2011年6月30日), 分析了草甸草原CO2通量特征及其驱动因子。结果表明: 草甸草原净生态系统CO2交换量(NEE)在植物生长季的5–9月, 其日变化主要受控于光合光量子通量密度(PPFD); 而非生长季(10月21日–4月19日)和生长季初(4月下旬)、末期(10月中上旬) NEE的日变化主要受气温(Ta)的影响。CO2
日最大吸收值和释放值分别出现在7月1日(11.37 g CO2·m–2·d–1)和10月21日(4.04 g CO2·m–2·d–1)。逐日NEE主要受控于Ta, 两者关系可用指数线性(explinear)方程表示(R2 = 0.54, p < 0.01)。叶面积指数(LAI)和增强型植被指数(EVI)对逐日NEE的影响表现为渐近饱和型, LAI和Ta交互作用明显(p < 0.05), EVI的主效应强烈(p < 0.001)。生态系统的呼吸熵(Q10)为2.42, 总呼吸(Reco)约占总初级生产力(GPP)的74%。生长季适度的昼夜温差(<14.8 ℃)有利于系统的碳蓄积。研究时段该草甸草原作为碳汇从大气吸收271.31 g CO2· m–2。  相似文献   

梁东哲  赵雨森  曹杰  辛颖 《生态学报》2019,39(21):7950-7959
为研究大兴安岭重度火烧迹地在不同恢复方式下林地土壤CO2、CH4和N2O排放特征及其影响因素,采用静态箱/气相色谱法,在2017年生长季(6月-9月)对3种恢复方式(人工更新、天然更新和人工促进天然更新)林地土壤温室气体CO2、CH4、N2O通量进行了原位观测。研究结果表明:(1)3种恢复方式林地土壤在生长季均为大气CO2、N2O的源,CH4的汇;生长季林地土壤CO2排放通量大小关系为人工促进天然更新((634.40±246.52)mg m-2 h-1) > 人工更新((603.63±213.22)mg m-2 h-1) > 天然更新((575.81±244.12)mg m-2 h-1),3种恢复方式间无显著差异;人工更新林地土壤CH4吸收通量显著高于人工促进天然更新;天然更新林地土壤N2O排放通量显著高于其他两种恢复方式。(2)土壤温度是影响3种恢复方式林地土壤温室气体通量的关键因素;土壤水分仅对人工更新林地土壤N2O通量有极显著影响(P < 0.01);3种恢复方式林地土壤CO2通量与大气湿度具有极显著的响应(P < 0.01);土壤pH仅与天然更新林地土壤CO2通量显著相关(P < 0.05);土壤全氮含量仅与人工促进天然更新林地土壤CH4通量显著相关(P < 0.05)。(3)基于100年尺度,由3种温室气体计算全球增温潜势得出,人工促进天然更新(1.83×104 kg CO2/hm2) > 人工更新(1.74×104 kg CO2/hm2) > 天然更新(1.67×104 kg CO2/hm2)。(4)阿木尔地区林地土壤年生长季CO2和N2O排放量为8.85×106 t和1.88×102 t,CH4吸收量为1.05×103 t。  相似文献   

为研究不同CO2浓度升高和氮肥水平对水稻叶绿素荧光特性的影响,利用由开顶式气室(OTC)组成的CO2浓度自动调控平台开展田间试验。以粳稻9108为试验材料,CO2浓度设置CK(对照,环境大气CO2浓度)、C1(CO2浓度比CK增加160 μmol/mol)和C2(CO2浓度比CK增加200 μmol/mol)3个水平;氮肥设置低氮(N1:10 g/m2)、中氮(N2:20 g/m2)和高氮(N3:30 g/m2)3个水平。结果表明,在低氮条件下,与CK相比,C1处理使拔节期的Fo上升4.8%(P=0.031);C2处理使拔节期的Fo上升6.3%(P=0.015),Fv/Fm下降4.8%(P=0.003),使孕穗期的Fo上升12.7%(P=0.039),Fv/Fo下降18.2%(P=0.039)。在高氮条件下,与CK相比,C2处理使灌浆期的FmFvFv/Fm分别下降3.6%(P=0.039)、4.9%(P=0.013)和1.3%(P=0.039)。在中氮条件下,与CK相比,C1和C2处理的影响不明显。在整个生育期内,CO2浓度升高与施氮处理交互作用对水稻叶绿素荧光特性的影响未到达显著水平。研究表明,大气CO2浓度升高使水稻叶片光系统Ⅱ受损,抑制其电子传递能力、电子受体QA氧化还原情况、最大光化学效率和潜在活性,通过适量施氮可以有效地缓解其负面效应。  相似文献   

 土壤蒸发δ18O (δE)是影响大气水汽δ18O (δv)变异的重要因素, 也是农田生态系统蒸散组分土壤蒸发和植物蒸腾拆分的核心科学问题之一。δE主要基于Craig-Gordon模型计算, 主要受地表大气水汽δv、相对湿度(h)、平衡和动力学分馏系数以及土壤蒸发前缘液态水δ18O (δs)的影响。该研究以华北平原冬小麦(Triticum aestivum)-夏玉米(Zea mays)生态系统大气水汽δv的原位连续观测数据为基础, 同时结合不同深度的土壤日变化采样, 综合探讨了δE的日变化特征及其影响因素。结果表明: 冬小麦和夏玉米生长季δE的日变化表现为双峰曲线, 分别在6:00和15:00左右达到峰值。h强烈影响农田生态系统δE, 特别是在h > 95%的高相对湿度环境条件下Craig-Gordon模型并不适用。大气水汽δv的原位连续观测技术克服了传统的降水平衡预测大气水汽δv方法的不确定性, 可以显著提高δE的准确性。不同的平衡分馏系数对δE的结果无显著影响。不同的动力分馏系数尤其是考虑湍流扩散对动力分馏系数的影响会显著影响δE的模拟结果。土壤蒸发前缘的确定直接影响δs和标准化到土壤蒸发前缘温度下的h, 显著影响δE的准确性。结合动态箱或静态箱与稳定同位素红外光谱连续观测技术直接测定δE, 从而避免模型参数化过程引入的不确定性是未来研究的重要方向。  相似文献   

赵文  王雅倩  魏杰  王丽 《生态学报》2011,31(7):2040-2045
采用室内实验生态方法研究了不同软体部干重((1.022 ±0.821)、(0.557±0.266)、(0.303±0.277) g)和盐度(13、18、23、28、33)对中国蛤蜊(Mactra chinensis Philippi)耗氧率和排氨率的影响。结果表明:盐度、个体大小对中国蛤蜊耗氧率的影响极显著(P<0.01),二者的交互作用对中国蛤蜊耗氧率影响显著(P<0.05);中国蛤蜊单位体重耗氧率(R0)与软体部干重(W)负相关,符合幂函数方程R0=aW-b, 其中a值的取值范围是0.695-1.762,平均值为1.449,b值的取值范围是0.446-0.587,平均值为0.542。盐度、个体大小对中国蛤蜊排氨率影响也极显著(P<0.01);随着中国蛤蜊个体的增大,其单位体重排氨率逐渐降低;排氨率与其软体部干重呈负相关,它们之间可以用幂函数RN=a0W-b0表示。单位体重耗氧率和排氨率与盐度(S)、软体部干重(W)的二元线性回归方程分别为: RO=2.111-1.817W+0.49S (R2=0.546, F=34.294, P<0.001);RN=168.186-120.589W+1.734S (R2=0.561, F=36.418, P<0.001)。  相似文献   

五种模型分别运用于紫茉莉的光合—光响应及CO2响应曲线的拟合,研究其光合效率参数的变化,探讨紫茉莉光合—光响应及CO2响应的最适模型。结果表明:(1)紫茉莉的光合—光响应及CO2响应改进指数模型拟合R2均为0.999,拟合效果优于非直角双曲线、直角双曲线和直角双曲线修正模型。其饱和光强和最大净光合速率分别为797.299和7.879 μmolCO2·m-2·s-1,饱和CO2浓度和最大光合能力分别为1 264.447和16.783 μmol CO2·m-2·s-1,均与实测值最接近;(2)五个模型拟合和预测的均方误差(MSE)、平均绝对误差(MAE),都是改进指数模型小于其他模型。改进指数模型为紫茉莉光合—光响应及CO2响应曲线的最佳模型,实验结果可为紫茉莉的生理生态应用研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Yang J Y  Wang C K 《农业工程》2006,26(6):1640-1646
Quantifying soil respiration components and their relations to environmental controls are essential to estimate both local and regional carbon (C) budgets of forest ecosystems. In this study, we used the trenching-plot and infrared gas exchange analyzer approaches to determine heterotrophic (RH) and autotrophic respiration (RA) in the soil surface CO2 flux for six major temperate forest ecosystems in northeastern China. The ecosystems were: Mongolian oak forest (dominated by Quercus mongolica), aspen-birch forest (dominated by Populous davidiana and Betula platyphylla), mixed wood forest (composed of P. davidiana, B. platyphylla, Fraxinus mandshurica, Tilia amurensis, Acer amono, etc.), hardwood forest (dominated by F. mandshurica, Juglans mandshurica, and Phellodendron amurense), Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis), and Dahurian larch (Larix gmelinii) plantations, representing the typical secondary forest ecosystems in this region. Our specific objectives were to: (1) quantify RH and its relationship with the environmental factors of the forest ecosystems, (2) characterize seasonal dynamics in the contribution of root respiration to total soil surface CO2 flux (RC), and (3) compare annual CO2 fluxes from RH and RA among the six forest ecosystems. Soil temperature, water content, and their interactions significantly affected RH in the ecosystems and accounted for 46.5%–78.8% variations in RH. However, the environmental controlling factors of RH varied with ecosystem types: soil temperature in hardwood and Dahurian larch forest ecosystems, soil temperature, and water content in the others. The RC for hardwood, poplar-birch, mixed wood, Mongolian oak, Korean pine, and Dahurian larch forest ecosystems varied between 32.40%–51.44%, 39.72%–46.65%, 17.94%–47.74%, 34.31%–37.36%, 33.78%–37.02%, and 14.39%–35.75%, respectively. The annual CO2 fluxes from RH were significantly greater than those from RA for all the ecosystems, ranging from 337–540 g Cm-2a-1 and 88‐331 gCm-2a-1 for RH and RA, respectively. The annual CO2 fluxes from RH and RA differed significantly among the six forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

The study deals with a comparative analysis of the relative abundances of the carbon isotopes 12C and 13C in the metabolites and biomass of the Burkholderia sp. BS3702 and Pseudomonas putida BS202-p strains capable of utilizing aliphatic (n-hexadecane) and aromatic (naphthalene) hydrocarbons as sources of carbon and energy. The isotope composition of the carbon dioxide, biomass, and exometabolites produced during the growth of Burkholderia sp. BS3702 on n-hexadecane (delta 13C = -44.6 +/- 0.2@1000) were characterized by the isotope effects delta 13CCO2 = -50.2 +/- 0.4@1000, delta 13Cbiom = -46.6 +/- 0.4@1000 and delta 13Cexo = -41.5 +/- 0.4@1000, respectively. The isotope composition of the carbon dioxide, biomass, and exometabolites produced during the growth of the same bacterial strain on naphthalene (delta 13C = -21 +/- 0.4@1000) were characterized by the isotope effects delta 13CCO2 = -24.1 +/- 0.4@1000, delta 13Cbiom = -19.2 +/- 0.4@1000 and delta 13Cexo = -19.1 +/- 0.4@1000, respectively. The possibility of using the isotope composition of metabolic carbon dioxide for the rapid monitoring of the microbial degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in the enviroment is discussed.  相似文献   

天目山柳杉树轮δ13C年序列差异   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
对天目山3株柳杉树轮δ13C年序列分别进行了测定,分析了柳杉树轮δ13C年序列变化的异同及其原因.结果表明,在1837~1982年的共同时段,3个树轮δ13C年序列彼此间相关系数为:r12=0.47,r13=0.65,r23=0.52 (n=146),都通过了显著性水平α=0.001的信度检验.用多项式拟合法去除原δ13C年序列中的高频变化后,所得3个低频序列间高度正相关;原δ13C年序列与拟合序列的差值序列即高频序列间也显著正相关,相关系数均达到0.79~0.99,说明气候因素引起树轮δ13C年序列的高频变化及大气CO2浓度引起的低频变化对不同的柳杉个体是共同的.3株树轮δ13C年序列间的差异主要是树木立地处局部环境条件的不同所造成的,但是局部环境条件所引起的树轮δ13C年序列间的个性差异对其共性变化影响较小.所以,3个树轮δ13C年序列间的个性差异,并不影响树轮δ13C年作为气候变化研究代用资料的适宜性及重建历史气候结果的可靠性与一致性.  相似文献   

The biogeochemical processes of methane production and oxidation were studied in the upper horizons of tundra and taiga soils and of raised bogs and lake bottom sediments nearby the Tarkosalinsk gas field in western Siberia. Both in dry and water-logged soils, the total methane concentration (in soil particles and gaseous phase) was an order of magnitude higher than in the soil gaseous phase alone (22 and 1.1 nl/cm3, respectively). In bogs and lake bottom sediments, methane concentration was as high as 11 microliters/cm3. Acetate was the major precursor of the newly formed methane. The rate of aceticlastic methanogenesis reached 55 ng C/(cm3 day), whereas that of autotrophic methanogenesis was an order of magnitude lower. The most active methane production and oxidation were observed in bogs and lake sediments where the delta 13C values of CO2 were inversely related to the intensity of bacterial methane oxidation. Methane diffusing from bogs and lake bottom sediments showed delta 13C values ranging from -78 to -47@1000, whereas the delta 13C value of carbon dioxide ranged from -18 to -6@1000. In these ecosystems, methane emission comprised from 3 to 206 mg CH4/(m2 day). Conversely, the dry and water-logged soils of tundra and taiga took up atmospheric methane at a rate varying from 0.3 to 5.3 mg CH4/(m2 day). Methane consumption in soils was of biological rather than of adsorptive nature. This was confirmed by the radioisotopic method and chamber experiments, in which weighting of methane carbon was observed (the delta 13C value changed from -51 to -41@1000).  相似文献   

暖温带地区几种木本植物碳稳定同位素的特点   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
通过对暖温带落叶阔叶林生态系统主要乔、灌木植物叶片、树干、花、果实碳稳定性同位素比率(δ^13C值)测定和比较,发现这些植物叶片的δ^13C值受多种因子的影响,具有较大的种间差异及时空异质性,主要表现在不同植物δ^13C值不同;种内δ^13值变化也很大,以荆条的差异最大,为6.549‰(-22.226‰--28.775‰);其次是大叶白蜡5.706‰(-23.687‰--29.393‰);核桃秋5  相似文献   

We measured seasonal and interannual variations in delta(13)C values within the carbon reservoirs (leaves and soil) and CO(2) fluxes (soil and ecosystem respired CO(2)) of an old growth coniferous forest in the Pacific Northwest USA with relation to local meteorological conditions. There were significant intra-annual and interannual differences in the carbon isotope ratios of CO(2) respired at both the ecosystem (delta(13)C(R)) and the soil levels (delta(13)C(R-soil)), but only limited variations in the carbon isotope ratios of carbon stocks. The delta(13)C(R) values varied by as much as 4.4 per thousand over a growing season, while delta(13)C(R-soil )values changed as much as 6.2 per thousand. The delta(13)C of soil organic carbon (delta(13)C(SOC)) and needle organic carbon (delta(13)C(P)) exhibited little or no significant changes over the course of this study. Carbon isotope discrimination within leaves (Delta(p)) showed systematic decreases with increased canopy height, but remained fairly constant throughout the year (Delta(p)=17.9 per thousand -19.2 per thousand at the top of the canopy, Delta(p)=19.6 per thousand -20.9 per thousand at mid-canopy, Delta(p)=23.3 per thousand -25.1 per thousand at the canopy base). The temporal variation in the delta(13)C of soil and ecosystem respired CO(2) was correlated ( r=0.93, P<0.001) with soil moisture levels, with dry summer months having the most (13)C-enriched values. The dynamic seasonal changes in delta(13)C of respired CO(2) are hypothesized to be the result of fast cycling of recently fixed carbon back to the atmosphere. One scaling consequence of the seasonal and interannual variations in delta(13)C(R) is that inversion-based carbon-cycle models dependent on observed atmospheric CO(2) concentration and isotope values may be improved by incorporating dynamic delta(13)C(R) values to interpret regional carbon sink strength.  相似文献   

The (13)C isotopic signature (C stable isotope ratio; delta(13)C) of CO(2) respired from forest ecosystems and their particular compartments are known to be influenced by temporal changes in environmental conditions affecting C isotope fractionation during photosynthesis. Whereas most studies have assessed temporal variation in delta(13)C of ecosystem-respired CO(2) on a day-to-day scale, not much information is available on its diel dynamics. We investigated environmental and physiological controls over potential temporal changes in delta(13)C of respired CO(2) by following the short-term dynamics of the (13)C signature from newly assimilated organic matter pools in the needles, via phloem-transported organic matter in twigs and trunks, to trunk-, soil- and ecosystem-respired CO(2). We found a strong 24-h periodicity in delta(13)C of organic matter in leaf and twig phloem sap, which was strongly dampened as carbohydrates were transported down the trunk. Periodicity reappeared in the delta(13)C of trunk-respired CO(2), which seemed to originate from apparent respiratory fractionation rather than from changes in delta(13)C of the organic substrate. The diel patterns of delta(13)C in soil-respired CO(2) are partly explained by soil temperature and moisture and are probably due to changes in the relative contribution of heterotrophic and autotrophic CO(2) fluxes to total soil efflux in response to environmental conditions. Our study shows that direct relations between delta(13)C of recent assimilates and respired CO(2) may not be present on a diel time scale, and other factors lead to short-term variations in delta(13)C of ecosystem-emitted CO(2). On the one hand, these variations complicate ecosystem CO(2) flux partitioning, but on the other hand they provide new insights into metabolic processes underlying respiratory CO(2) emission.  相似文献   

Large-scale patterns of isotope ratios are detectable in the tissues of organisms, but the variability in these patterns often obscures detection of environmental trends. We show that plants and animals at lower trophic levels are relatively poor indicators of the temporal trend in atmospheric carbon isotope ratios (delta13C) when compared with animals at higher trophic levels. First, we tested how differences in atmospheric delta13C values were transferred across three trophic levels. Second, we compared contemporary delta13C trends (1961-2004) in atmospheric CO2 to delta13C patterns in a tree species (jack pine, Pinus banksiana), large herbivore (moose, Alces alces) and large carnivore (grey wolf, Canis lupus) from North America. Third, we compared palaeontological (approx. 30000 to 12000 14C years before present) atmospheric CO2 trends to delta13C patterns in a tree species (Pinus flexilis, Juniperus sp.), a megaherbivore (bison, Bison antiquus) and a large carnivore (dire wolf, Canis dirus) from the La Brea tar pits (southern California, USA) and Great Basin (western USA). Contrary to previous expectations, we found that the environmental isotope pattern is better represented with increasing trophic level. Our results indicate that museum specimens of large carnivores would best reflect large-scale spatial and temporal patterns of carbon isotopes in the palaeontological record because top predators can act as ecological integrators of environmental change.  相似文献   

CO2浓度升高和施氮条件下小麦根际呼吸对土壤呼吸的贡献   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Kou TJ  Xu XF  Zhu JG  Xie ZB  Guo DY  Miao YF 《应用生态学报》2011,22(10):2533-2538
依托FACE技术平台,采用稳定13C同位素技术,通过将小麦(C3作物)种植于长期单作玉米(C4作物)的土壤上,研究了大气CO2浓度升高和不同氮肥水平对土壤排放CO2的δ13C值及根际呼吸的影响.结果表明:种植小麦后土壤排放CO2的δ13C值随作物生长逐渐降低,CO2浓度升高200 μmol·mol-1显著降低了孕穗、抽穗期(施氮量为250 kg·hm-2,HN)与拔节、孕穗期(施氮量为150 kg·hm-2,LN)土壤排放CO2的δ13C值,显著提高了孕穗、抽穗期的根际呼吸比例.拔节至成熟期,根际呼吸占土壤呼吸的比例在高CO2浓度下为24%~48% (HN)和21% ~48% (LN),在正常CO2浓度下为20% ~36% (HN)和19%~32%(LN).不同CO2浓度下土壤排放CO2的δ13C值和根际呼吸对氮肥增加的响应不同,CO2浓度与氮肥用量在拔节期对根际呼吸的交互效应显著.  相似文献   

The chemoautotrophic symbiosis Riftia pachyptila has extremely 13C-enriched delta13C values. Neither isotopic discrimination by the RubisCO enzyme of their bacterial endosymbionts, nor the delta13C value of CO2 at their hydrothermal vent habitat, suffice to explain biomass delta13C values in this organism, which range from - 9 to - 16 per thousand. However, these 13C-enriched delta13C values are consistent with the presence of 13C-enriched CO2 within the symbiont cytoplasm. Such a 13C-enriched pool of CO2 is expected when the rate of CO2 fixation by RubisCO, which fixes 12CO2 more rapidly than 13CO2, approaches the rate of exchange between intracellular and extracellular CO2 pools. Rapid CO2 fixation rates will also generate concentration gradients between these two pools. In order to estimate the size of these concentration gradients, an equation was derived, which describes the delta13C of tubeworm biomass in terms of the size of the CO2 gradient between the hydrothermal vent environment and the symbiont cytoplasm. Using mass balance equations for CO2 exchange and fixation by the symbionts and the tubeworm host, this model predicts that a CO2 concentration gradient of up to 17-fold between the symbiont cytoplasm and the environment is sufficient to explain even the most 13C-enriched R. pachyptila biomass. This model illustrates how both physical and enzymatic factors can act to influence the delta13C of intracellular CO2, which, in turn, highlights the danger of assigning a carbon fixation pathway to an autotroph based solely on its biomass delta13C value.  相似文献   

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